xt7w0v89m41v_14 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89m41v/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89m41v/data/2023ua021.dao.xml unknown 6.93 Cubic Feet 36 items, 1 legal-sized document box 6.48 Cubic Feet36 items archival material 2023ua021 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Athletics. Memorial Coliseum Artifacts Kenton to Knox Counties text Kenton to Knox Counties 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89m41v/data/2023ua021/Folder_os_15/Item_wwii_14/Multipage27.pdf section false xt7w0v89m41v_14 xt7w0v89m41v 7“ Cross, Clyde Der hard (iribble, Clifford Lowell lllcClorey, John J. 17 ose11a1‘l1 er ,Euyene Charles ”(011l’1‘hors1, Carl (11‘111ur Kober’rs, 51d Hel’ron, Harold Es1el

Cu1nm_ins,Jol111 ”(01111a111 » Gripsho‘oer, Richard J. lllcClure 171 aymond Jasper 17111111,C111101d Joseph 11orl1,$i‘anl1 (1. 5hor1, Janice 5. He111pl1111,”i”ip1o11

Currie,’(01111a111 P. Haley, James 111 1111‘ Slow, Husion 11ue13usc11,,L‘3 Mlmer (‘1. :: .511or1, 111a111ew Hensley,Hober1 J.
Dahms, Carl ”1“”. Han1p1o11, (01111a1111711111e1‘1 llchauyhlin,(111111o11y‘13. 11 1ya11, John Joseph ‘ '7’ ‘ '7’ 5inyle1on, Carlos Hensley, John 17 .
Dailey,Ear1 James Ha11s1 71, 171a1pl1”0. 1111‘11eill, (01111a1n(:io1‘111ley 5abie,l71o11e1‘1L. (1111bu1‘yey, (11‘11old C. 5iz emore, JamesLouis Hensley,5am
Davis, Jesse Hardebec11, Ja111es”1”l1omas 111ara,171oy T 5a11de1s ‘ ‘ ,7111sse11 (1ub1‘ey (111113111‘yey , John 11. 5lone, John Commodore ,Jr Herndo11,(01111am Offord
Da‘ois, Richard ”Thomas Ha‘oiny,Law1‘en1‘e H. lllarl1well,Eddie l711‘u1‘e 5a11dle, 5aul 131acl1, l71ay111o11d D. 51011e,111a1‘yla11d J.,Jr. Hicl1s,Cllyn11 ”(0.
Delaney,Da‘1>id ”(0. Hayes,Edward J. 111a1‘s11,Ha1‘1an H. 511111d,l2‘1‘ed (11be1‘1131a11,lf1esse11 5lone,01“11111e(1.Hobbs,Dempsey
De11111a11,(111 Heflii1,T~1‘ed11.lllarshall, John (Inihony 51‘11111dle1,17111‘11a1d111. Bailey, Dorman 5lone,(01111a111 Hiram Hollifield,De1werD.
1117111111,11111117,1~1111171111 Hei11e11,17111‘11a1‘d Howard 111aso11,”(01111a111Lloyd 51 011,01 111m 131. 131e‘11e1‘1y,Howard C. 51111111, Charles Hudson, Jol111171a11dall
.311‘11l1aus,(110ys1us23 23. Hem1nyway,,.,es11e E. 111a11‘ac1a,(1uyus1 (1. 511 royyins, Elbe1‘1 L. 1711a11‘,E1111ue 51111111, (‘11‘a11by5 Hu1‘d,Jacl1
Di1‘l1es, John 131e1‘ 11a1‘d Henderson, James ”(0ard 111a11ox,F1‘a1111 ”(Qoodrow 511e11on,Le171oy 11.171ole11,51er1111y 5pa1‘l1n1a11,111a1‘1on, Jr. 1Tacl1son,”(0a11e1
Disl1in,Jan1esJ.,Jr. He111l1o1‘11,Howa1‘d E. 111ays,171er11ard 511e11e 7,111a11 171alph, Jr. Ca11ee ,r”(0a11e 51a1‘y, (1111‘ed J. Jones,JosephD.,Jr.

Donaldson,”(01111a111 Carrol Herrick, Hardin C. 111eye1‘, Harold 171. 511o1‘1e1‘, Paul C1arl1 Ca111pbell,Ja1nes 5u1io11,1710110131. Lawson,T‘T‘a1111 131.

‘ 7’ ‘3o1111e11y,”0e1‘no11 111 Holliday,Le1‘oy ”(011ey,Jr. lllilner,”(01111am“13. 5ie111e1‘, Harold (1. Caudill,Hoba1‘1 1errell,James Lea1h,(1r1l1ur
l301111117111‘11a1‘d (1 Hol1,”(0al1e1‘ Lee lllohr,Josepl1”(01111a111 5ims,”T“l1o111as111. Colli11s,Il1e ”i3u11le,Hilla1‘d Liford,L es1e1‘ Curi11s

Downey,Jacl1 Hon, Charles '(0. lllolony, James l1eal 5111e1‘l1,””ho1nasEd‘1oard Combs, (11“oe1 Lee ”0a11o‘aer,”01ryil Lo1‘11e, James (1.

"' Duffie, 171alpl1lllar1111 Hood,Lloyd T‘1‘a11111111 llloon,li'1er11a1‘d Paul 51nea1,171ober1 (J.,Jr. Combs, bu1111s (Qaddell, 1‘ M‘anl12” E. Loya11,Jol111 D.

Duncan, ”(0111a1‘d Henry Ho1‘s1111an,Pau1 171. llloon, Cal‘oin Julian 51111111,(01111am (0a11e1‘ Combs, Dewey ”(0ard,Leslie lllar see, 11 e1111e11113.

7‘ Dunn, Raymond Harold Huyenbery,J111111’Fi‘ede1‘1cl1 lllo1‘1‘is,JohnE 5111o1‘11,Joseph Kenneih Combs, C1erney (0a11s, Claude 1111C1ea1y,1‘1‘edericl1 23ar11‘

‘5 Du1‘bin,Ches1er (11‘111111‘, Jr. Imwall,’(01111a111 ”1“”1‘a11l1 lllucl1er,17111‘11a1‘d,J1‘. 5owder,Ja1nes(0endell Com bs,Hube1‘1 (0a11s,171obe1‘1 lchCr eary,Jol1n Raymond _\

" Du‘oa11,Edward J Innes, Paul 1‘. 111u1‘pl1y,James 111. 5pau1d111y, 5a111brd 17 Combs, Venus ”(0ebb, (11‘ 11old llchonald,JamesEdward \

’ Ea arly, ”(0111iam John Irwin, Ralph C. 111u1‘1‘y,Josepl15 511e111,Pe1e1 (1111l1o11y C0111bs,Le171710y ”(0es1brool1, Leroy 1111‘11in11ey,C1are111‘e ‘
Ey lia11,Euy1 een Irwin, 171oy Edwin 17apie1‘,”0ernon 51a1a111per,1117nn171115pe111‘e1‘Cool1, Jerry (011i1al1e1‘,Cla1‘11 lllar1in, Ches1e1 ‘
E11111e1,JosephEllswo1‘1h,Jr. Isle1‘,”(0a11er”i”hoi11as 171ede1‘scl1mid1,(‘ieorye (1. 51ee1ey,Lawre11ce C0011, l7esme1‘ (01111a111s,Es1 1111 111a1‘1in, l71uess 171131.
Eldred,51a11le11l7e1111o1d Issenmann, C1are111‘e171 ober1 171en1eye1‘,”(01111a111 E. 51e1‘1'en,John P. Dobsonfli‘oy 111e11o11, Charlie

4;, E‘,lme1 Richard J. James, (1eo1‘yel7 . Dordlohne, 711111e1‘1(1117xander 51elzma11,Conrad J.,Jr. E‘aeridye,11.131. 111e11on, Ja1111 7sEdwa1‘d

Elsbernd (11‘oi11 J.Ja11u1sl1,LeslieE. lTull,Do11ald 51e‘oe11s,Earl Henry ”Fields,”(0a11ace_ J. (1da111s,Lewis 0s1‘a lllesser,Loyd
Ess1 7,11 James (1.1Tol111son,Edward L. Olliyes, John TC , Jr. 51e‘oie,51ephe11 O. Euya1e,(1mos (1dams,5ha11dyL llliller, Jess

’ E1le1‘, Harold Lawrence Jolmso11,E111ery Hill, Jr. 0wens,”(01111am 111. 51ewar1, (111drew (‘1. Euya1e,Hoover 1311a1‘l1,01111’e1‘ Junior lllills, Charlie




Collins, Paul
Conley ,11e1111e1h Haden
C011 nelly , Jack J.

Con 11 ley, Edwin Howard

(ie11ys , Raymond
Clibson, Cianola Erancis

(ii bson , Dorman Lawrence,J1‘.

(‘11 l l han1,Edyar James
(’llass, T‘i‘ank 111.
(ioins, Cecil Deward

Laymon , Charles Joseph
, Lewis, Jackson 131.

Lewis,”i”11omas (1.
Lillard, l71a11da11E Euyene
Lindebau111,Herber1 101111am
Lipscomb,Lyall llleyers

l7ide1‘,111elford ”(0a111ins
17111ey, James (11‘111ur
171111e1‘, (111l1u1 H.

1710a, Donald 0.
l7obi11so11, Howard
171013111so11,James H

”(0e51, 5a111uel Elmer
(0es1brool1, Harold ”O.
”(011111111‘11 , James ”(0.
”(01111ma11, (11‘11old
”(01ecl11na11, John Henry

Pa‘11‘icl1, 17 os1oe 7
Perkins“ , 1’1'e1111
Perry, Percy
l71ey11olds,Ja1nes”(0. Commodore

Reynolds, ”(0ay11eL.


Ciray, Lee


Hale, 111111117511.
Hall, James” E.

Ham mons, Olen Euyene

Co11o11er,1Tol1n James Cn‘a11a111,”(01111a111Hew111 ' L1111ey,”(01111a111 17obi11so11,l?11‘holas (01111s,Ear1 J. 171i1c111e, (1111011d Ha111mons,(01111a1n E.
Cooper,”(01111a111 C1. (iree11,131raudisLee Li’rzler, Charles J.,Sr. 1711b1nso11 TQiryil J (0111111101711El111e1‘H. 171i1cl1ie,13rod1e Ha111p1on, 1710y
Cor11e11,’(01111an1 Pa11on Cireen, Edward T . Loyan, James (11a11 171odye1‘s ,James 5o1‘ y,J1‘. ”(011so11, C‘ieorye17. 171i1c11ie,He111‘ y Ha1‘1, Daniel (1.
C1‘aiy,Leroy 111. (11ee11wood 17 alph J. Lo11y,Elme1‘ Dean 171oyers,l71a111nond 17 . 1000dwor1h,Howard 12". 1711chie, Julius Haw11,(0al1e1‘
Creayer, (11ber1 511e1‘1‘ill C‘ireyory,Les1e1‘111ars11all Lo11y,Lawrence T. 17 1011111a11n, Cla1‘7 enceE (01‘iy111, (111a111711cl11e,‘(01111a111 Hayes, 0.15.111.
C1o111e11 171u1‘1o1111ei1h are‘oer,ElmerEdward lllclSurney,171e111a111i11‘i”1111111as 171011, Joseph Carl (0ul1‘e1‘11,”(011bu1‘ (1. 1obe r1s, 1731‘ uce Hel1o11,(113



.5 Evans ,Lu111e1‘ O. Jo11es,Euye11e 111. Paye, Harold 1” 51o11e, Clarence C. C‘iarre11, (11bro J. L711‘ouyh1o11 , Jim lllills , Cl1es1e1‘ (1.
% Ewell,‘(0a11er 1To11es,1Toh11, Jr Paine, 17 111be1‘ 1 Irwin 5ulli‘oa11,Harold J. C1ayl1ea1‘1,13u1‘11a111,J1‘. 1311‘ow11,E1‘11es1 111111s,Cli111o11
T‘ieldina,Edward (0. Jon es,l71ober 1 J. Parl1, Joseph John ‘i‘abeli11y,”(01111a1n J. (1ay11ea1‘1, Heber 1311‘ow111ny,1)a‘oidLioi11ysio11e,Jr. lllills, Oscar

Hyl11mas1er,’(01111a111Hezl1ia11 11aelin,Ja1‘l1 Joseph Percival, Henry 1~iller Taylo1‘,(01111a111 13. 60111513111101“ 171u1‘1on, 1597111111 lllills,”0111o1‘
Fi1111e,Euyene (1., Jr. 11am psen, John Henry,J1‘. Pe1e1‘,l.1ru1‘e 1‘. ’111111e11,51a11ley Euyene Hayans, Carrue Chadwell , Henry E. 111oore,Henry E11o11
130111111611 olas (1. l1eller,Joh11 1:1, Pe11y: l7 oyl Edward ”‘1”ue1111er,He11ry 1 oseph Hall,Cu1‘11s Cole,‘i”l1eo ”(0. lllo1‘1‘is,C1are111‘e
Eord,(01111a111”(0a111e1‘ helly,1llicl1ael 171er11a1‘d Ptir111a11,Edward J. 11111, Harold J. Ha11,(01111a111 Crow,(11be1‘1 (i. lllullins,Ja1‘l11e J.,Jr.
”11111111351, Isaac, Jr. 111dwe11,l~‘1‘an 11 17111, lllilo 5. 111‘ 1cl1, Charles Leroy Holliday, 131u1‘111ce Disney, Cli1‘1o11 E. Deal, James Edward
T~i‘a1111s,Lawre11ce ”T”. 11111 dle, (‘ieorye Henry Plum mer, Cieorye (lllen ”011a1oe,511a1111on Howard, (11‘11old Dis11ey,Ed1so11 J. 0we11s,Lu1her 13111111171
1‘1‘az1e1‘,C‘luy l~ranl1lin 111111110111119111111111 J. Pribbl17,131111y Cl. ’0oyelpol11,Edward (‘ieorye Hu1‘1‘,(‘1ordon Disney, 1T01111E..5. Pa1‘ro11,C‘1eorye C.
Frazier , 11oy 17. 111ue111pe1‘,T‘1‘ed H. Price, 17111‘11a1‘d ”01111‘e111 (ann'er, Harry (11ber1 Jacobs, Orda Elam, 171ober1 Earl Pea‘oley,Elmer C‘i.
fi‘ee111a11,15111y 1.71. 11‘ aus,LeslieE ‘71a1e1‘n1a1111, Joseph (1. (Oais, Dan (11ber1 Johnson, Io1a Ellio11, l71ay 011s Perl1111s,(‘io1‘man
3'? 1111111117 1,Tesse 111‘ eimbora 1711113171‘1 H l71ecl11in, 1710be1‘1 15. (0all1er,”‘1”l1eodore ”111y1o1‘,Ji‘. llla1‘sl1all,llli1che11 Enyle,Lowell Pe1‘11 111s,11ober1 Paul
" 1311110“ 171 0113117101 iyley ulenbuiy, Cli1fo1d H, 31711111111113, Charles J. ”(0a111up, ”(01111a1‘d ”(0.1111ddle1on,Ja1nes (1. Enyle, {alph E. Per‘yi ,Cecil


”Fieler, Joseph H.

(iamm, Paul 1‘.
(1a1‘d11e1‘,1Tac11 C.
(iarre 11, Charles Irvin

' “1‘1'17’111111111‘11171‘1 1 . , Jr.
~ It “'1 1


Jump, James L .

Lam b, James 171.
La11y,”1”11o111as 171.
La1111l1e11,170rber1 T‘1‘a11l1
Lawson ,Earl Leroy


Peace, Joseph 7(0.

‘71einl1e, Carl John
‘1e111acly, Huberi Conrad
‘1ic‘11a1dso11 ,10a1‘r1711 John




”17111111, Howard H.

10al111e1‘, 1‘ dwar d (1111‘ed
10a1ers,‘Howa1 d ”(0esley
(0ea111er1o1d,”(01111a111 l7.
‘(0er1‘1‘, (1111011ie , Jr.



llliller, 1711‘uce
111u11111s,(‘1eo1‘ye 131.
lllullins, Harlan
Doble, 11101111e P.


131ur11e11, (0a11e1‘

Epperson, (11ber1
Epperson, (iran‘oille
Eaull1ner,Hern1a‘11 (1.
W azier ,Hoyl ”(0.


lllills, 171e17d

Pl11p11s,171upe1‘1 (1sl11ey
171a111se 7y,Loyd 111.
l1o1e11a,”111o111as (‘1.
5a111s,”(01111am Hube1‘1