xt7w0v89m41v_15 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89m41v/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89m41v/data/2023ua021.dao.xml unknown 6.93 Cubic Feet 36 items, 1 legal-sized document box 6.48 Cubic Feet36 items archival material 2023ua021 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Athletics. Memorial Coliseum Artifacts Knox to Letcher Counties text Knox to Letcher Counties 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89m41v/data/2023ua021/Folder_os_15/Item_wwii_15/Multipage29.pdf section false xt7w0v89m41v_15 xt7w0v89m41v  

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‘3'; 55" $115.7. u‘L'nB “‘11 Q" 3'31 .. - 1 . 1 , , -., 1 , - - . 1.x
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asse 1,11011105 111.
0011,Ez0 11 01"” E.
1111111, (11‘1101d
1111111, Glenn H.
1111111, Gr0n1 1300111
1111111, Paul Lenool
wr.5d0 ‘,Jal1eE 1‘.
5131‘11111105, 1051er
5130110011, James Edward
’00101111110,Ellis 11. '
1001‘1‘011, 1110111 G.
”(001‘1‘011, 11011311 J
10111101115,1’11ay Russell
10110111 11 01111 E.


(111011, Jam 05 Howard
Cla1‘1 ,John (111301‘ 1
13000111301‘1, James Harold
Dixon,510nley B.
Dye, (11‘11101‘ Leigh
Elkins, Joe 11.
E‘oans, 50111001 Edward
Gilkey ,Leonar d 111.
Harbin , James Pl1illi13
Hea111 , Daymon L.
Howell, James Richard
Johnson, Harr}; LOoodard
Lucas, GeorgeT L.
llchowell, 1’ 10y Edward
lllilby, Roy
11101‘1‘15011, D0 11011 Howell
1701111 ,Li‘oely E.
Por1e1‘, James (111011
Risen, Colman L.
5011, (111301‘ 1 C11es1er
511aggs, Boyce Gaddie
510y10n, Johnnie B.
”Talley, 10111111117 10.
’(001‘1‘011 , Harold

Gi1d05,E01‘11101gh 13010

- 051101‘, 1011110111 Jennings

Baker, Har‘};1 J 1’.
Baker, James Elisha
Ba1es , 1101301‘1
Brocl1,Edward Cos1ello
Brock ,‘(001101‘ Pershing
Chadwell, 130111105 B.

1 Clark, 11013011 13.



Cochi 011e, Geor 00 (111301‘ 1


. .. Coldnon’wal’rei I. '

C01‘11011,‘”T'ony 111.
Cornn , O1301 E

Cox, Jol1111110r1i11
13005 ,CJam 75‘ C.
E120, Junior 11.
E‘oans, Elmer
E‘oersole, Boyd
Farris, James
Earris, Presley E.
”Very 05011, Jerry E.
T311110 y , Pearl

Gilber1, Olen

Gill,Per};1 Beldon
Gilliam, Blane

Gregory ,James 1111 ‘y
Gregory, 1101301‘1 l3.
Hammonds,5hor1y B.
H0111 1110115 , 11011110111 Earl
H0111131011 , Edward
Hendrix, Paul

Hibbard, George
H11313111s', Jesse ”(001‘1‘011
Hodge, James

Holmes, (11‘11101‘ 10.
Hopkins, Randall 1011110111
Hubbard, Homer 1’ .
Hughe11, Charles 13011111011
Humflee1, Dennis H.
Humflee1, Lowell E .
H0111, ”Oii‘gil 0101111011
Hurley, (101111105 G.
Irvin , Leo H. _
Johnson, Guy C.

Jo 11 11 5011 , Jeff, Jr.
Johnson, 1011110111 O.
L011 0, DaniC 71
Langley, Clyde
Lo‘oe, George 1011110111
11lcl3ow011, Paul Edward
1‘101111ig111, John I
l’lason, Raymond G


E111 01‘};

110511 7r 5,1101‘11101 L.
1110550135011101‘ d
1‘111101‘,” iroy 1’1.

11111101‘,’(0111i0111 510111011, Jr.
1‘1001‘0, Beachel

lllorgan, DanielT",
1110510 7r, Henry 110501311
17eider man, Julius, Jr.
Owens, Ber1
Pace ,1101111 C.
Parsley , G11 1301‘1


‘5 , (1111101‘5011 lllayn 0rd
Price, James 111011
(1011111111 10111112 C.
10001.5,LC 101‘

01,1 Paul 111. }
R1 ClaienCel

l 1101; 1011111111110

1’ 0131115011 “1001 1‘ e11
1100.501,1 Ga1"1101d (1

50 5.50 1‘,JamesE
5izembre, James, Jr.

51111111, CarLl 1‘.

51111111, 50111

51ewa1‘1, 11 01301‘ 1 bailey
”11011105, Roscoe
Thorpe ,E‘oere11e 110111011
~Tyree, Jay J.

’(001‘1‘011 , Guy 11ew1011
'(0111301‘11, Harold L.
1011111715, Glenn E.
(0111101115, Clarence

1000dal 1 , 0110

Gdams , Elwood

Unders , Coleman 1.0.
1301101‘, Harold
1301‘1ley, 11011110111 H.
Blackburn , Pay1on , Jr.
Boggs, Carl

Boggs, Claude J.
Boggs, Harold E.
Boo1h , 110011 10015011
Bran 11 0111 , Jack
Bur1on, Glen E.

Bush, 1011110111 (1.
Car1er, Can C.
Caudill , James R.
Cl1ilders,50muel (11‘11101‘
C0011 , ”1100111011
Cordle, H01‘s10n
C1‘al311‘00, Lafie
Creech , Cal‘oin

13011101, ’(011151011 Elijah
131x011 ,‘(000dr0w
G0r1in, Earl
Grubb,lllar‘01n L.
Gussler, 111111011 lllorgan
Hardin, Daniel Boone
Hayes, Charles
Hunnicu11,Lo17ia Edison
Jordan, Charles E.
l1ey501‘, Charles Glen
Lawson, James ”(0.

lllay, George, Jr.
11111101‘, 1001101‘ Darrell
1110111115, John H.
Pen111ng10n, Jess
Po11er ,LeRoy 111111011


7.1131 ggce mg1011110111 51101‘ 111011


1’1050 lllllx AJAN


I Brandenburg ,‘(011110111 Homer



1101‘1, James L.
11a agg 11,5 011 01

110 0g 5,1311111113Eug0ne
11a aggs,’(0011000
parks, George D.

13 30r 10011, John J.
-101151301‘1‘y, HarryL
10110, Hark
5110110111301g01‘, T‘loyd E.
5101‘gill, 11015011 J
1001313, George 111111011
100115,Es1111 J.
10115011,C100dius 1’3.
'(0001011 ,Clyde ”(0.

young , David ‘1'.

young , Ira 51101‘111011



(11101‘5, Oscar
Blackwell ,Elmer Price
Brandenburg , James D.

Cole, Dorsey
C0011101‘,1101‘11011 Glenn
Cornelius,1011110m Bu1‘1on
Dodge, ”(000dr0w
Drake, Henry
Dunaway , (11f1‘ed
Dunaway, David
130 111 gan, Carmon
Hall, (1d0113h
H011, Carl
H011, George E.
Hay11es,Henry 1’.
Hollonfil‘i‘ed Omer
Horn, Charles ”(0.
Kendrick, Lyman
1111caid, 11011101‘ ford 13., Jr.
1111000011 , 170011
11101111, Cecil
lllayse, Dudley Gran1
11111101‘,‘(0011er Clay
111001‘0,’i‘110111as James
11101‘1‘15011, Charles Kelly
Palmer,5an1uel C.
Perdue, Bobby
Phillips, Charles G.
Plowman , Charles
Por1e1‘, James Harold
Reece, 1311110
Rogers ,Geor geL E
Rog01 ‘,s T Lonnie G.


1’050, 11‘013011 3‘
510110, rred”? Jl


.41. .1 fl

5111'allw00d, Roy
5111y1l1 ,El‘oin 10301111111»
51301‘115, James 1111111311
5101111301‘, Clay 10.
10d1:1, ‘001 11011

1111175, 1’ 105000


er ._ n: «m? '
. 1‘1 . .. .
‘3 .1 141.67 1. --

Odams , Davis

Gdams , Joe

Bailey , Rudolph
Barnes, T~1‘ed

13eg10y, Carl

l3eg10y, George (111011
Begley ,‘(0011000
Bowling, Jackson
Bowling, 1’ a1leigh

1301‘ 11101‘ 1,Lee
Corne11,L00nard Bruce
Corne11, Orie

Couch , Charlie

Couch , Eloyd , Jr.
Couch, 111011001

Cr awford,”(011110111
13001011 , Ben1on Paul, Jr.
England , Be1‘1

Engle, Charles
130111101: Hul3er1
Hendrix, 1001‘};
Howard , (11‘1101d

Huff, C0r1 C.

HUfl'T, LTOCZl 1.7).

Huff, 1 01111 C.

Huff, Leslie
11011115011, C11es1er J.
11011115011 11101‘11
Landr 0111, R‘obei’r
Lewis, Carl
Lewis, Corbin
Lewis, John
Lewis,L igC 0
Lower ,George” 1~.
111011011 , Pren 115
lllorgan, H010
17013101, ‘ 1‘ Edgar
l7a13ier , George
17013101‘, lllarcus
17or1h, Paul

Osborne, Jack
Re‘ois , John Henry
50130, Pe1er
5izemor e, 1’ 1011111101“ E.
101‘1101‘, (11‘11101‘ L00
Turner, John
woods, Hamlin John

E‘oer 011

1 ’51
' ‘1

. 1111111111 1111119110

Clda1115,E01;011 7.(1’
(11111301‘g0y,T L 101 01110 T. -
Under 5011 ,Lloyd Raymond
(1nd01‘5011, lllander Junior
(11‘11101‘, T‘1‘0d L. , Jr. "
Back,Edgar ‘
Baile};,Paul D.

1301101, ‘ 1‘ Ewing
1301101‘ ,Her 1301‘1
Baker, 1001‘}; Carl

13 011 0r , James,Jr.
13al1er, 11 my

Banks, 131511111011 E.
1301‘ ney ,Pe1e, Jr.
130105,Lee Cr af’r
Ba1es, Pony 10.
Benge, Jack

Ben1ley , Ballard J.
Bentley, Clifford

1301‘ r}; ,1‘ Edward H.
131011‘ , Charles Ogden
Blan1on , George
13oggs,Har01d P.
130510111 ,L01 1101‘ 13.
Brewer, James Oscar
Burns, Daniel B.
C0110n, 1110111 1 11
Caudill , Cecil

Caudill, Clide
Caud111,1011110n1, Jr.
Cen10rs, Chris
Chandler, Paul 13.
Childers, 1110011” 1.
Collins, Glenn
Combs, Billy E
Combs, Bradley
Corne11, C11 05101‘, 111‘.
Corne11, Eldred L.
Corne11, Haywood
Coyer,’(011fred D.
Craf1, Bill

Crase, H0 1301‘1
130131‘1051,’(011110111 1’.
131x011, James E.
130110011,1011110111 1111105
Eldridge ,13elza
Ellish,T Lewis

Eields , Dixon
”10101101: Jesse L.
E1 1111, C11es1er

C00 1,



”50015, 11101‘1‘ay

"11"“: H‘ZVI‘511.C7T§}:
WHO” 17011311 .5

5 “mag“; .
51ur g111,1011110m 110111011“ ‘* ‘ .


Hall, 1’ 10511

Ha111111011ds,‘(01111am 011711115 .
Hampton, Jerry 131.0111” ,.

Harris , ’(0111201‘

Har1, 3.1111911
Ha11011,Da1>1d 5011101‘
Hendrix, C1r1hur 1’10 0y
H01 131‘00 1, C11es1er” 1~ .
Holbrook, 1301131110
H01131‘0011 KCQesley
Holcomb. Go1l101
Holland , 1 01111 1’.

Howing10n,Oroille110111100 " ' .

Hudgi'ns, Hershel Harold
Hughes ,‘(001‘ley C.
Hya11,”(011110m 13.
15011, Bill
15011, Earl
15011, James
Ison, Roland

Jen k1115,I‘101‘old Swisher
King, 51er1i11g
Lee,1~1‘i1z Junior
Lewis, John 5.
Logan ,13011011
Logsdo11,13a1oid Eugene
Lucas,Eli }
Lucas, Luther J.
lllcC0r1y, Cecil

lllarshall , 1’ .B.

11101‘1111 , James ”0.
1110111115, Glen

1110111115, Henry

1110111115 , Les10r B.
111011015011 , Harold ”1”.
Pece, James “1”.

Pen ni11g1on , Hershel
Pernes11i ,11101‘17111

Polly ,Euge 110
Polly,’(011101‘d _

Profi’t’r, Eernoy

Reed, E11011 011 J.
5alye1‘,E‘00r 011 ‘001‘11011

Salyer, ”(011110111 13uef01‘d -'

Sanders ,JamesR 0013011
5011105, Orville E.
50311011 , Ora J. , Jr.
51111111 ,Edgar H.
51111111, George Davis
1011113001300er .

51 1dha111, 1’ ober






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