xt7w0v89m41v_16 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89m41v/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89m41v/data/2023ua021.dao.xml unknown 6.93 Cubic Feet 36 items, 1 legal-sized document box 6.48 Cubic Feet36 items archival material 2023ua021 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Athletics. Memorial Coliseum Artifacts Letcher to McCreary Counties text Letcher to McCreary Counties 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89m41v/data/2023ua021/Folder_os_8/Item_wwii_16/Multipage31.pdf section false xt7w0v89m41v_16 xt7w0v89m41v      





Thornton , Harold B.

”T'olson, Clyde
lubbs,170y _

‘Ganc e, Lindesay
‘Ginson, Charles ‘(Gilliams

7(Gassum , Joseph Cox

‘(Gatts , Law 1011

Webb, Bruce

‘(Ghitaken Gale

’(Ghitaker, James Richard
”(Ghitaker, 0111s

‘(Grig111, Comey

’(Gri g111, James H.

Grinstrong , Ermal E .
(lrmst 17011 g, James
17loo1i1f1e1d, Garlen J.
Bodkins , James L.
Brewer, Homer Curtis
Bunch,Leland O.
Conley, Clyde
Cotiingham , Clyde, J17.
Cox,l71aymond T .
Davenport, Kenneth Goddard
Durham, Robert T .
Esham, Gilbert Clark
Evans, 171ay1110ndE
T7elty, Conroy T17 eder 1ck
Ginn,(lndrew E.
Hamilton , Lawrence
Hardy ,lllaurice Curtis
Harr, Howard Russell
Harrison, lllarion D.
Haulsey , John E.
Havens, 11enne1h James
Hickle, Charles

Horsley ,Tloyd ”(0.
Hugl1es,Pe17cy D.
Ingram , Joseph (1.

Jon es , l7o17n1an l7 .
Jordanfiioy KG.
Viennard, James Dallas
l111gor,e Clyde 7E
Lewis, Georgelll.
Lowdei, Rowland 0.
lllcClurg, Ben
lllcEldowney, Chare les IssaC
llleadows ,EstillT Le
‘lolen, Earsel
Payton, 17 1usse11L

Der 17 y , Charles Edward
Dicklesimer, Gordon Baxter
‘7olley,Everett 11.
Rice, GeorgelG.
Roe, (1171111 Taxon
l7olpl1 , E11110 171.
, . _

EL |




Thompson , John E111111itte,_J1t .


5C7C s ,
5117oey, Hu17leyl7.
51111111, ’(Ginnie -
5parl1s, (llva   .
5p origgs, CharlesTG.
51a 1011, JamesE
5tone, T7ielden J

510 ne, linsley
51one, ’(Gilliam Otis
”Ooiei s,C11a17 les , J1.
TGillis, Leslie H.
young , ”170m Harrison


[73$ [.l N CU 8L3.

(ltwood, Johnnie ‘(Gillie
(ltwood, lllilligan
(Justin , Garland
BaldockaGilliam ‘1”.
Bastin , Russell
Bla11ton,Lewis Edward
Brock, llewell Earl
Brown, (117nold Richard
Carrier, Edgar
Cohen , James 111.
Co11atse17,Edgar lll‘url
Cornett , Coolie
Douglas,Ea171 ”Gencil
Dunagan ,‘T’homas E .
Dunn , Grover Cleveland
Dyehouse, Chester
Epperson , Clinton
Gilliland,Edgar H.
Godbey , Perle Clair
Gooch, Raymond G.
Hatley,Eln1e17T 1.
Haggard, ‘(Gilliam Cecil
Hannah, ”(Gilliam Ray
Harris, JohnR euben
Ison , Provia
Johnson, Paul 1171111111111
Lay, Ralph
Leathers ,Joseph (1.
Leigh, JamC 7sR ober 1
llladdox, Earl Clittord
lllobley , Trunk Herman
lllorgan ,lGilliam 17171111111111
lloland, (lbner’Gictor
l?utgrass,Elmer Everett
Pettus, (llfred
Phelps, Cecil Robert
Ping, Delbert Coolidge
Privet t1,5l1e17n1an
Reed, lllarion 511elby
7eynolds,“ Everett
71eynolds, Paul
Roberts, Earl ”“1.

(,1 .7


3,2105 f7”)

11 OC‘l1C75’tC71 7317 131111111111ng .

7 511


7111C "Josth .
11el1o11,1lloiiis ..
n11pson, ‘(G1111a111Le
1111111, ClaudC Philip '

l 51111111, Joe 5.

51einhaue1 T7or est
Caugl1i ,Elvin C. .
‘(Ghite, Perry Carpenter
’(Gil l iams, Howard 71111111117
’(GoOd , lllarvin (llbert
yocum , John Henry


.- w1u~¢rr1 «a 4‘


“711 7
aLVfiJ‘IT T‘J h: fi‘U‘J‘

(111gli11,l71udell Houston
Blaine, 710g T717a11cis
Brasher, James Homer
Cook,Billy Bennet’r
Davis, Calvin lllar’rial
Driver, 511e17111an Henry
Guill,0rbie Joy
Hall,lGillia111 G.
Hayde11,Harold Davis
Howard, Darwin 11.
JamesXThomas ”Gins1on
Jones,E7oeret1 O.
Rayse, James 5.
171en1pe17,Harold C
Lemon ,‘(Gillis ll.
lllcCandless ,Eugene E.
lllarshall ,‘(Gil l 1am l7 .
lllat’thews, Clifton Edward
lllorr 1s, Ralph
Paris,Chester L.
PeekfiGilliam Lander
5117es, Joe lll arvin

5mith, llorvel Collie
5111ith,‘C)eldon J.

51111111 [(Gilliam Jackson
5tubbs,0v1d l7 .
5winford, Grvil E.
Thompson, Jesse C.
ThompsonXCGillis Barney,Jr.
‘(Gilkey, James Henry

1' I 1“ 7 .‘ (a 1‘:
,I ,l‘

.;- h. "' ‘~‘1.
”:15 1‘ <10“ .1 5n 1. ‘17

(lllen , Charles

(lllen , Reuben Byrdie
Babb, Henry Burns
Belcher, (1drian Lee
billings, James (lubry
Bradshaw , Tred , Jr.
Brown, Julius ”G.
Browning, Roy D.
Buckner, Jerry



, Cole










Hoskins, (ldrian B.
Johnson ,
Johnson ,Eugene Bernice
Johnson, Oscar J.
l/{eith , Paul
London , Edwin E.
lllcCarley , Coleman D.
lllcPherson , Jam
lllason, 1717a11k E.
Pauley,‘(Gilliam 17.
Porter, Harry ’1”.
171 ainwaters
1ay,l71obe171 L.
17 i ley, John lllacLean
Robertson, Ja111esT7.
R ush, Green br yce
qus I711,LutherC

1117 _
i111pson,John Pleasant,Jr.
117 cy,(ltl1a11 L.

mall , Guster
1evenson, Julien Henry
1alley,Ue1711o11 L.

”Terry, Paul L.

Turner, Harold Gilliam
TurnerXCGalter B.
‘GanCa111p,‘(Gillian1 E.
‘(Ghite, Porter Eugene
‘(Gillcuth Boyd Bates
’(Gilliams,Jesse Jewell
‘(Gilliams,Joe (l.
”(Gilson,De11ton C.
l]a1es,5an1uelT Eve17 ett

(lllen, Clarence
Chandler, Phillip B.

Coleman, Robert Harmon

Tulke,Hugh L.




man,E 'E" wardE E.
11s ,‘(GilliamT E77oe1e11

D 7c11a17d,Delmer C. . _
Dockins, Hardin (lllen
Dunn, l7obe ‘
E111b17y,Ja111C 7sE
T7ar111e1, Leslie 7.H
T7e17guson, Jame 7.sH
T7ir st, Cecil
Torgy, Otis H.

r1 E.


1 , Clarence E.
l‘iS’ cul‘l H.

Earl 111.

shall, James Leland

James O.

s,Zeddie Roy
am, Charlie KG.

1— 7.1 (1 -

. . J11

n es, James Edward
Everet1 Earl

usl1a,TGils0n L.
per, ClarencCl 7 E.

. 1 liadd ,Eburne (1171111117

es Homer

lllcCollu111,‘(Gal1er Gip .
lllcCor 1111C11,17 1adleu lllor row
gates, James ‘(Gilliam
gates , Lilburn

1‘17 1‘ w . “My; 7'
1V1Cmg 11.; “3. [ilkk'fi ’ 71114.11 111

(lllcock,1.1. P.
(lllison, Hal Jal1e
Grant, (llvin R.

Gran’t , J.‘(G.

Grant, Joseph ”(G.
Bloomfield , John ‘(Gesley
Boswell, Charles B.
Bowerman, James (llbert
Boyd, Hairy llloorman
1.117ad1ey , Charles ‘(Geldon
B17oady,Ja111es C.
Bryan, Joe B.

Carneal ,TGilliam “1”.
Ca1hey,’(Gillian1 R.
Chappell,C1audius H.
Charlton ,Louis 111.

Clapp, Charles ”T”.

Clark , James Edward
Clark, Robert Lee .
Clen1e11t,Be1yan1in Harvey
Clements, 51111 B.
Cobb,Joseph (llex
C011e,(lrthur Beniamin
Crowell , James E.
Curtis, Jim ‘(Gebb

Dallas, Raymond Donald
Davis, Denzil ”(G.

Di llworth, George lllilton
Doran, ”(Gilliam Howard
Do1son ,Tl1oi11asT Ever e11
Duncan, l1eith Loyd
Duncan , Paul ‘(G.
Edwards , lllelvin ”Ti
Eidson , Dalion Elwood
Ezzell , James Robert
Earm (717, James E.
T7ew, George ‘(Gilla1 d
Tinley, lllarlonTGhalen
Tloyd, l7 1obertT Leon
Eugene Homer

Edward Jr.

17 Eaunl houser ,

Gholson, Edwar dT Lynn
Gholson,l71oy ‘(Goltord
Greene, James 111 .
G17ief,Elloe17t Duon
Griffin, Curtis Eug enC7



. 3171111711111, R udf
‘ » L0Ckl1a1t 171obe17tl71oy,5r.

7 ‘1 '31"

Hargrove, ..
H.7a1 17 is, 11111511111 .
Harr is,5tewart T777. _- '7 ‘
He11drix,Elton J. ‘
Her 11don, (Gilliam Herbert
H1ett,(llvin Perry
Hillsm an, James Lewis
Hodges, Burgoyne '
Hoover, (llber’t Louis
Hughes, Glynn Carleton
Jeffers Ralph 7C.
Johnson, (117cl11e Crannel
Johnson, Paul ‘(G.
Jones, (llben Bar aley
Jones, lllorris B. 7
Jordan , Henry E.
Joyner, Charles
Rarnes, ”(Gilliam Ernest
1,0011tz Leslie Eugei
La11ge,Hollace Lee
Leasor, TGilliC 7 Lloyd
Leidecl17 e17 ”(G,illiam Earl
Leow Man James Jr.
Lu11177 e11, Brook s Callahan
Lydonfi‘homas Edward,Jr.
Lyles, Hermon 131.,J17.
llcha 17y , Charles Edward
lllcReynolds, J D
lllagness, Robert
lllarshall,” 17ay11e ’(G.
lllarti 11 , ”(Gilliam James
lllay, Douglas G.
lllays, Drury L.
llleaki 11 , Harry 11 .
lllitchell , Charles (G.
llloore , lllarlin 111 .
lllo17e1‘ie1d,17elson ‘lG.
Parry, Robert H.
Payne, James ”Thomas
Pittman, lGilliani T717anl1 1111
Powell,EC1rl C.
PowellflGilliam Otis, J17.
Price,Lloyd George
Reeves, James Louis
Rhodes, James Elton
Richie, James Paul
1717013e1 ts, James Edward
Rodger s,Pershing ”((1.
Ryan ,John Patr icl1 , Jr
5Ch1oade , Gutra

i1111110ns,1lla17ion D.


a m u.





1111111e71,llla17i goth“
:17 7,111 17 iLn j


- Tu17ner,He11r-yTi1

511elton, GrvilleTGendell,Jr.

'UpchurchlGil ~ ”




1yer, T717eeland ll. . _ . .
‘Gauah 11 ,Leber’r ‘(Gashmq’ron
‘C’aughn, 171Tobe17t 1. "
TGalden, ‘(Gil 11am
'(Galker, Jan1es7‘1”;
’(Garrenf‘l‘honias Christopher ’
”(Gatts, Dale Brown . ‘
wheeler, Henry L.
‘(Gilson , ”(Gilliam E.
”(Gingo, 1110 1?.

1111117111 ,Linus (Gilliam
Zei 1,ss CharlesT L.

’ I 7 .4 1 .7-7 . Q 1 ~ _ , 7 <- -
s ' " 1'1 1. L 1‘
7 i ‘1 , 1 1 1 , ‘21 171’ ,1
L 's. 7 3x” ’ 1,, 1'1, 2 {h l. Ev 11 km N-

17 a1 e1r, John Brent

ball, Ralph l7o1n1an
1.1a1711ey, Car 1

Boyer, Era 11 k , J17.

Byrd, C oe Charles

Canady .1710ge17 L.

Chaney, Lloyd Leroy
Clar1 ,lGillia111 Gor man
C17abtrC7e,Edd Cl.
Creekmore, (llloert Glennis
Dawson ‘(G,alterEugene
Est e,s James (lrthur
Godsey, Clarence

Go och , John 11g Edward
Goodin ,Harvey Lee
Helton,Ed Junior
Hughes, Raymond

11’ idd, 1710 osc Elrnesi
llla1111ing,5amuel Greir

llloore , Luke
lllurphy,Edward G.

lleal, Burton

llew, Hubert

Per7yi ,Leo Cecil

l7oss, qlloble l”
l7 10g, (117 nold 11endrick
50uleyrette, 17 my Linsey
5117u11k,Howard lllax 7
71111111117, Harmon Harrison
Taylor, Richard 17..
”Thompso 11 , lllarsh all C.

,JC’SSCZ l7.


‘(Gest, (1171101