xt7w0v89m41v_19 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89m41v/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89m41v/data/2023ua021.dao.xml unknown 6.93 Cubic Feet 36 items, 1 legal-sized document box 6.48 Cubic Feet36 items archival material 2023ua021 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Athletics. Memorial Coliseum Artifacts Nicholas to Pike Counties text Nicholas to Pike Counties 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89m41v/data/2023ua021/Folder_os_5/Item_wwii_19/Multipage37.pdf section false xt7w0v89m41v_19 xt7w0v89m41v  






. was:; * Johnson, Gzim 3dward Gaines,Hershel Ha111ilton,James 3dward Combs, Harold Kl oss ’lllo1‘ga11,C11‘tl1u1‘
-‘ . g " Johnson,CharlesLuther G1bson,Orv1lle’1‘1‘a11cis Jones, Harley D. Combs,James Green 1 lllorgan,Chester _‘
Bangus,Donnell Jones, De1111ie,J1‘. Glass, Orman Baker K lee, Col111l7a ay Combs,‘(Oarren G. lllo1‘ga11,‘Oance , .1» . 1 1
1Bealert ‘(Oilliam‘(O. l1,eith L. B. Hawkins, B. 111 111c(1te'e ,Herbert ’(Oilliam Co111bs,”(Oillie lllorris, George ~ ' "(Oells DCnver ’ (I "I 1 ' 1 .11
Ber r yn1an,Leslie 111111 mel,Leonard (1. Hearn, James Robert 1 lllaso11,KennethTL. Cook,”Oi1‘gle lllott, John Umbrus C(Oells, John H. ’ 7' '
BussC 7ll, Ollie 7.C Logsdon,Leonard H. Howell,,1~1edd1eLCe,J1. lllason,17110be‘t‘(O. * Cook,(Oalte1‘ l?apier,Carl ' ' ’(Ohite, Gene
Cook,3ver ett S. 7 lllclllurtry , J.S., Jr. Keith , Henery T . - lllontgomery,Jol111‘(Oilliam ’1 Cornett, Charles Lenuel l?apier,31oyd (Oillard ’(Oh ite, Johnie
,, Denton, 31n1‘ i 7 "(0. llla1‘tin,Louis 3dga1‘ Lee,’(Oillis (1ugustus, Jr. 11loo1‘e, 171ay Cornett, Dan l7oble, (1rtl1ur (Oilliams, George
Du11can,Lloyd3 1‘. llloore,”(Oillis D. Lewis,‘(Oillia1n Clifford lllullins, lllarcellus Cornett, 3ugene (1. l7oble, Green ’(Oilliams, Irvin, Jr.
3eeback,l?ick ”O. lllorris, Gettie lllorris, James Bartram Phar is,l71ober tTQilliam Co1‘nett,Harry ‘Oernon l1oble,I1‘ven ‘ - ’(Oilliams, Joe .
Geo1‘ge,Lloyd J. l7anney,Sl1eldon S. - O’171a11ioi1,(Oood1‘ow S. Pugh,’(Oill1a1113a1‘11est Couch, Kimber l?oble,Lernon . _ (Oillia111s,‘((’illiam D.
George, Robert Oglesby, Buel Bennett Pe1‘1111s,C11arles 3. I SC‘hlueter, Harold Tan11e Coucl1,l7ay l?oplis,“1’ony C. ‘ young,Buster
Gray,3dsellHowe Pa1kC1 Robert Boyce Sanders,‘(0illia1n’Fi‘anklin Sl1ie1ds,James Houston Davidson,Jacl‘1,Jr. l7u11n,Henry young,3rank
Guthrie, Ollie,J1‘. Payto11,(OalterCollis Simpson,DelsonThomas Smith, CharlesDouglas Davidson,Jackie . Oliver, Darwin Kingsley ' P11 {1.1
Ham,3dgar T . Pharris,Sheridan Tate, 3rank Steele, Desmond 3a1‘l Davidson, Luther‘(0. Owens, Ha1‘ve,J1‘.- ‘ ' L
Henson, George Keenon Phelps, Rex Terry , Jr. ' ‘(Oainscott, James 0. Steele, (anne 7(11to11 , Dav1s, 11obe1‘ t Oren Par ‘1, 31‘ed . (lbshire, Charles K.

7 Hopkins,”(Oilliam Bouldin Pl1elps,(Oesley U 1 :11. Tomlin , John 171011111 Dixon,3arnest H. Par 7er, John ’3. (lbshire, ‘(Oillis
Jenkins,‘(Oilliam Leonard Piercy , Cecil l7 . ‘7 7 ‘J (Oeaver, John Herbert Dykes, Cleveland Patrick, Benjamin (1dkins, (111tho11y Lee .1
Jolly, Cecil K. Porter, ”Oirgil B. (1mis,Clarence 141:1; ‘- . _ 3arler, Otis Perkins,Haskell3lmo (1dkins,Ja111’es 3.

. Kendall,3red J. 171aley, lllaur1ce H. Baker, Tired ‘ “ 3eltner, Carter , Perki11s,Ja111es Gladstone (1nderso11,30nso
1‘ Letcl1e1‘,llla1‘ion lllartin l1alpl1,Carl C. Baker, Harlan - (11311er, Dan Langdon 3eltner,3liga Curt Pollard, Oscar Undersonfl‘i‘ed

. lllcCarty,Gordon Garnett 1711s sCs 711, Charles Stevens Baker, Hobert (11exa11der, (11‘11old (1. 3eltner, Hermon Popp, Raymond - Bales/Thomas S.
lllcCord,George lllason Shields,James B. Barrett, HaroldC 7 (lllen, Charlie D. . ”Fields, Charlie Pr att,Justine Barth ey, Kermit TO.

lllcUey,Leslie B. Shown,Lewis 3dward Becl1nell,3oCrett(111en, Henry Fields, Ira Ped Pulliam,3uge11 e”iZ11madge Baumgardner, Paul” 1.

llletcalt‘e,(111drew B. Stevens,171icl1ard Harrison Bowles, Charles (lllen, Ja1nes,J1‘. Fields, Kelly 4 l7 aleigh, (Gillie Bentley, Clyde
lllitchell, Clyde 3111e1‘son Stewart,Hen1‘y C. Bow1na11,Cl1a1‘1ie ‘ (lllen,lllorrison D. ”Fields, lllarcus 171ay, Joseph 3dwa1‘ d Bentley,Hayes
lllo1‘1‘is,(0illiam Louis Stewart, John ‘(O. Callahan ,Lester (lllen,Sl1elby ”Fiel ds, lllason Reeves, ‘(Oalter Orlando Bevens,3dgar Clinton

’- lllurray , Ben ‘(Oilmer Taylor, 111e1‘l,Jr. Cole, Bernie (lllen/fi‘oy fields,Sewell B. 171eeves,‘(Otllis (Oar d, Jr. Bevins,Herbert 3.

l7isen, Cecil Clay ”(Oard, Joseph D. 1 Combs, Orlie Collis Back, Bill,Jr. 3ugate, Paul 17 ice,James Cantrell Bevins,Lloyd

l7 itchie, Howard J. '(Ohitel1ead,Cecil C. Coucl1,Paul”(O. Baker, Carl Gayl1art,3ugene l7ice,(Oillia111 Hurst Blackburn,Cha1‘les3‘dwa1d
Saunders, 3dwi11 l7. ’(Oilso11,Joh11 (llexander 3dwards, Blane Baker, Clyde 7 Gibson,3lmer3. l7 iley, 3lden Blackburn,3ldon

Shea, Joseph J. ~ '(Oright, Opal B. 3dwa1‘ds,17obert Pearl Burger, Chester 7 ‘Golubic, John Joseph 17 iley, Jim Blackbu1‘n,T‘i‘ed

Smart, George Tihnan yeager, Carlos 3lkins,Thomas 3dward Barker, 3still T . Grigsby, Cecil l”. l7itcl1ie ,(11‘11old Blackburn,Harding Coolidge .
Snapp, 31‘11est Clay 11.! 1 -1 Gilbert, Beech Beverley,3llis G11gsby111arCus 111tch1e, Dock lll. Blackburn, Irving
‘(Oaugh,Luther Lloyd ' J“ Hensley,3red l7ow1ing, Carter Hacker, Plea s B. l7oach,3arl Black burn, mayo

y 1 Bennett, 3arl Dawson Holcomb, Darrell J. Bowling, Osca1 Hale,3arl Robinson, Homer Blackburn l?or111anDouglas

,3 " . Bowling, Carll7 ussell Lockard,Sta11ley Bowling,T aylor ' Hall,Hern1on l7ogers,l1e11neth Bruce Blacl‘bu1‘11,Qui11to11Roosevelt
(I (11bin, Blu111e1‘7‘17hon1as Br umbaCk,31n1er L. llchaniel, ‘(C’illiC 7 L. Brashea1‘,Limue 71 Hamo11s,l?orvel l7o1‘ex,(Oillia111 Howard BlaC‘kburnlOalterHugh

(lllen , Ira Sidney Cain, (lllie l7ay lllays, Harry 3dsel Brock, (1a1‘on Harvey,Harold Shepherd,Lawrence l7lacl‘bu1‘n, ”(Ooodrow TO.
(lllen, (Oillie lllarvin Clore, John Greenwood lllor 1‘ is,Luther Brown, Cecil Hensley, (11‘lie Sl1e1311e1‘d,(Oood1‘ow LO. Blevins, 17 my
_ (1shby , (Oelborn Lee Coucl1,‘(Oinslow 7 Pendergrass,10illiamThomas Brummett, JamesTQilliams Hurt, l7oy L. ’ Singleton, Johnnie Brown , Jacob S.
73}: (lustin,C1arence C. Gehring, Raymond 17. Pete1‘,s 3111s Burnett, Charles 3. Ivey, (111d1‘ew Sizemore,3verett Brown,Scott
Barrett, Ovid TO. Gibson,Louis Samuel Sco tt, Lucian 1~. Cai11,Lloyd Jackson, John (1. Size111ore,’(Ooodrow TO. Buckley, Jack C.
Bl‘acl‘1,Ha1‘old Hall,Ui1‘gil3uge11e Sebastian, 'Ongll Ca111pbell,3‘verett Jackson,llla1‘shall Slo11e,l?oal1 171u1‘ke,lllillard,Jr.
Bla11cl1ard,TOillard lll. Hall,‘(Oilliam 3dward Taylo1‘,3 3lwood Campbell, James S. Jay,Louie,J1‘. Spa1‘1s, 171au111ond3 . Burnett,3rvin,J1‘.
Bratcher, George (1. Harris, John J. Ter 1‘ y,l7a ay Ca1npbe11,’(Qar1Vn G. Jol1nson,3dwin ‘O. \ Spencer, T.G. Burnette, Gordon Lee
br oo as, Clarence Jonesl’enard B. ‘(Oag11er, Robert C. Canter, Clifford L. Jol1nson,3ugene . Spice1‘,Lester Byrge, Darryl ,
brown, Carl D. lllacGregor, ”(Oarren (1. Wilder, Joe Catron, J. C. Joh11son,3armer (1., Jr. Stacy , Herbert ' Calvert, Leslie
Ca111pt‘ield,‘(Oalter S. 111c11e11zie,(Oillia1n 3dward,Jr. .1 1 Caudill,(1rtl1ur Johnson, ”(Oilliam H. Stacy/(Gillie Carter, Orville
Cummins, (11be1‘t B. Powers ,Charles 7 ’ ‘ ' " ' ' Caudill, Bill l1elly,3ugenel7 1ussell Stallard,31‘cel Chaft‘insfl‘i‘ed
Q Davis, Kenneth Singleton, Jimmie ‘O.(11‘111stro11g,l7oy Gilbert Clay, James D.,Jr. 1ilbu1‘ 11, 31‘ ed Strong, Carl lll. Chapman/(Ooodmw IQ.
' Davison, Preston Green Snyder, Paul button (1sl1crat‘t, 17obert Leslie Clemons, James Kincaid , Glenn 3ldon Su11111e1‘,(Oalte1‘ James Cha1‘les,‘(Oilliam Stanley
Douglas, Henry H. Straughn,Howard‘OernonJr. Barton, Oscar H. Cle111ons,“17hur1nan Lay, Harold L. ”ifiylor, Charles H. Childerstaughn Denver
3dge, George ”(0. (Oillhoite,llliller P. Bingha111,3r11est Roy Cole, John D. Lewis,Tomn1y Taylor, 31111e1‘ Clevenger, George (1.
\ Gillespie. lllarcus 171. _ Bowling,He1‘man (1. Cole,‘((1illiam 17obe1‘t Lowe, Glbert l7oy Thomas, James ‘O. Clevinger, Clyde
Green,3verett l7. “ Budde, l7orbe1‘t Henry Collins, (1ugust ’ Lowry, Lee 0. Tucker, (1ste1‘ Coleman, Glen
Hamilton,Clemie C. 1 Bond, George l7obe1‘t Cl1ilds,l71ussell lllcl1ee Collins,Douglas '(Oendell llchntire Lester C. Tudor, 10111111111 Thomas Coleman, Sidney
Hammer, Harvey D. Cook, Dorvin Clayton, lllelvin Thomas Collins,3dward lllC‘Intosh, Lige Tu1 11e1‘ ,T etch Compton,30ste1
Hawkins,John Burks . Criswell, Buster 3lliott, James 171. , Colwell,Herbert llchntyre, Cleon Turner, Nathan T. Counts ,(Oa1‘1‘e11 G.
Hooker, Plautus TO. ' Dunavent 3uge11eLavern 1 3101‘ence,7(Oalter (1. Combs, Cecil H. lllaggard, (1rliss Utley , John D. Cox, Joe (1.
9 . Hoskins,l7iley H. 1 Dunavent, 171 aymondLee Gifford, James”(Oalker 1 Combs,Curtis lllagga1‘d,Kennetl1 ‘Oalentine, Clay 1 Crawford,Lige,Jr. ‘
-_ L--- -, __ 3.--- __-.,_ - _ 1,--- . -_