xt7w0v89m41v_21 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89m41v/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89m41v/data/2023ua021.dao.xml unknown 6.93 Cubic Feet 36 items, 1 legal-sized document box 6.48 Cubic Feet36 items archival material 2023ua021 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Athletics. Memorial Coliseum Artifacts Rowan to Warren Counties text Rowan to Warren Counties 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89m41v/data/2023ua021/Folder_os_6/Item_wwii_21/Multipage41.pdf section false xt7w0v89m41v_21 xt7w0v89m41v  




11:51.37 (Cid)

,Lloqd‘G ernon
Caudill llluroelf: 1‘
Clark, Clifton Lee .
Conn, Raymond Lee,S1.
Coope1“‘”,(1rthur 1.
JDean ,(Gil l iam Earl
Epp erhart, Ernest E1111 0
Evans, Claudie
111111, (11‘11old
Gregory,(lustin R.
Gregory ,Sam Edward
Hall, Cecil lllillard
Hamilton, Jess
Harg 1s, Luster llchee
Hargis ,(Galter Goble
Harmon, Charles Edward
Jan1es,l71a ay
Jon es , Luthe1
Jo11es,(Gillard H.
Kidd, Delbert
Cissick, Grant
Litton, l7 1oy,J1.
lllcClurg,Cl1e ester (1.
lllcClurg ,Gr‘oil le Kenn i th
lllcCul lough , George L.
lllCl111111ey , (1drian ”T”.
11111111111 ey , Robert
L lllarti11,(11‘11o1d
llloore , Cleo
Owens, Kenneth
Petitt , Paul James
Phillips, (11‘tl1ur
Poston, RollieRa ay
Puckett, Cha1‘les(G.
Pur‘ois,l71aymond hermit
Reynolds, 131ur1es
R icha1‘dson,Ea1‘l
R ichar dson, 01a
R 1oyse, Curtis 17.
Ste‘oens,Leonar d Dallas
Ste‘Oens, lllajor
~TGbor, 131 ascom H.
loler, I~ Ernest Clayton
1ur11er,George 7H.
(Gill iams , Joseph Ralph

1 . ~13 (.1; 1', £ 11

(lntle El111erl7.
131er11a1‘d , Orvis
l31er11a1‘d,(Gilliam I.
1310w111e1‘,(Gillia111 C.
Cot‘t'ey, Dewey ”T”.
Cook, 111a1‘cus (G.
Cooper, ‘ThomasE.
Duncan,Elmer (Goody



Edmonds , James C.
Flanagan , Carlie
Gaskin, (1delmer
Gaskin,Ehois 171.
Glover,l31e1yamin J.
Gutt‘ey ,111a1111on

Hill, (Gilliam 171.

Holt, 17 1‘obe1t F.
Vinnett, Fred

La raver s,Lonnie
111cl31eath , James 171.
lllan 11, John E.

111aso11, John E.
Owens, Philip
Rogers, James C.
Russell , lllel‘oin
Sheare , Jam es
Smith , James S.
Sullivan , James 17 .
‘Tiirter, Herlan 17.
(Gade,(Ginfred H.
(Gilson , Curtis

(lulick, 71obe1‘t 131.

131a1‘11ette,Eld1‘idge Ha111pton,Jr.

1311‘atton, Charles ’i’homas
l311‘ocl1111an,Eugene P.

1311‘ ooks ,711 obert 131ulto1‘ d
1311‘u111bacl1,Stanley 1311‘yant
Cains,Forrest Glenn
Cleland,131oyd R.
Coblentz,1llyron Peter
Conl1li11,(Gillia111 (Gesley
Gregory , Charles E.
Hall,(llbert Douglas
Hay11es,(Garner Edwin, Jr.
Humphrey , John 17 .
Johnson, Kenneth P.
Lucas,Henry (lllan
lllcCan 11 ,‘T‘homas Pieri
lllelbourne, John (Gil lard
llliller, Glbert

llliller, Rob ert 131

llloore ,17 1obert (llexander
lllo1‘ga11,lllorris Carl isle
llloss, George (Gashington
111oss,’TC11n 111 y Lee

lllul berry , J.(G.

lllunson, Gene Hinton
l?icl1oloson, l7 1obe rt 1u1‘ner
Gbenshain ,James Garrett
Payne, Gr‘oille ”Thom as
Porter, Fletcher Smith
Ridd le,Ernest S.
71obinson, Jack

Shumate (Gilliam (Galter
Smith, Charles St1‘authe1‘,Jr.
Spau1‘,l71ol.1e1 t Dent,Jr.


Stewa1‘d,Eddie 131.
Stuard, (Garren G.
1Cegai den R 1oy1wl1o1nas
looheyf” 1~rancis llorber t
”Ti‘ue, Jefferson C.
”Gallandingham, Carl
Gan Hook, 111a1“oin Stone
(Gare, 171 as Sears ,111
(Gigginton,(GilliamM E
(Gilliams , Luther, Jr.
(Gilliamstarden (lt‘ton

0" n <‘ 1 d" “ .1’
S ~ ,
1,. 1. ‘1 «'3 i C.) .1

barnett, Paul ”Ti‘ue
barrickman, Carlisle, Jr.
131eecham , Julius
Biagi , Gregory John
1311‘oo 1s,(Gilliam Payton
Carpenterfi‘ancis lllarion
Coleman , James lllatthew
Collings, (Gilliam Dean
Cowherd,Lewis l31ailey
Dawson , George ‘Thurston
Dempsey,Howard C.
Figg,l71oy J.
Floyd, Raymond Earl
Fredericl1,Lewis Samuel , Jr.
Gaddie, Homer
Greenwell,Joseph Casper
Hawkins, Charles Edward
Hundley , lloble
Jackson , James 131.
Kent,(Ga1te1‘ ‘T‘hompson
Kurtz, Fred Junior
Litton, l7 1utus Charles
lllcl31ride, James , Jr.
lllclllakin , Benjamin Lee
111a ddox, Jesse Greenup,Jr.
lllarti 11 , Lister
llla1‘tin,Louis Gayle
lllerchant, John Gayle
l?ewto11,R obert Gaines
Parido, Jesse ‘Thomas
Perry ,Elmo Dean
Rogers ,Lawrence Howard
Samples, James (lernon
SC ott, Robe rt Holt
Shaw, Herbert (G.
1emple, (Gilliam ”homas
1111da11, Roy Powell
(G11eatley,Jol1n (G.
year y, James (11‘ oil

Caudill , lllorrisE .

_ 1 C1111‘l1,T~’1‘a11l1l311‘own

Crowdei‘fiaylor Clay
Davidson, George Sam
1 Graces , Junior


_. _ __________ J ______ ___,__


M . WM .s .,



Halco1nb,Hugh Gugustu us
Har 1‘ is,JamC es (lmbr ose
Hatter, E111 mett Presley , Jr.
Helm,Earl (Gilson ‘
Horne, (Gillie D

Kirby, Robert Stanley
Lamb, (lllen hing

\ Long, (Gallace 7F1‘a1nl tord

Lowl1o1 11,C 7cil Curtis
lllayes, Paul Donald
lllilliken ,‘Thomas Henry
111innicks,(Gillian1 Daniel
Short, R ichar d 11.,Jr.
Slate, Irvin Glenn
Stahl, John (Gelsey
Stinson,(Gill, Jr.
Strain, Cecil Carter
”Thorpe, Junior L.
(ltley,Floyd Delson
young, Robert D.


.J 3“” ‘7‘ ,
1:3 Lam‘slk 37:11:11

Cox , Carl (Gilson
Curtsinger, I‘oan Lee
Downs, Clift‘ton S.
Downs,Eugene (Gilliam
Edgar,(Gilliam Harrison
Falls, Paul (G.
Ha1‘di11,(Gillia1n Cal‘oin

Lutz, lllelwood

llloore, (lbe J.

Smith ,(l i1‘gil

Snider, E‘o erett Eugene
Snider,Gilbert Stodg hill
Stout, Charles Harold
(Gare ,(GilliamE.
(Gells, (111d1‘7 ew J.

1% 15,11,11- V_‘ J.

Block, Donald lllitchel
1.11 aun 17 1‘obe1 t l?
1311‘ ockman, Roy C.
1311‘ yan , Charles LUC
Cat‘t‘ee, Guy 111 .
Caldwell, James
Caldwell ,James
Carter, Cal‘oin ”T".
Ca‘oe, Gmer Paul
Crabtree, (Gilliam Henry
De(Gitt, Robert 1alley
E1win,Eur a

Farm er, Gilbert L
Gribbin, Clement
Harrison, Cles ton Kemper
Johns, Omar G.

Jones ,James G.


, Kir 1land Harold Rawlings
. llloss,l71obert H.

Delson , James (G.
Pike, Raymond (ll‘oin


PikefGirgil (lbbott
Polley , James 131.
Potts,Paul Ray

Puckett ,_ Guy ,
Pury ear, Lloyd (Goodrow
Skaggs,(Gillie E.
”Thrasher, (Gilliam
(Gilliams, John 17 .

(Gil lock ,Sheldon Sinclair
young, Omar Dearen

Gustin , James Everett
131aggett,111ar‘oi11 Eugene
131ell, (Galter Harned
l31ibee, Leonard Earl
l311al1e, J eiess 7(llton
l311alocl1, Jame Carl

. 131yers, John D.

Cannon, Gtho Hickman
Dorris, (1111‘ed (G.

Gower, Charles Philip
Hall , James Dorris

Hall, Quentin l7.

Ham mack ,(Gilliam Dickinson
Lynch , Harold
Lyons,Sl1elly l7.
111cCor111ick, Rudolph l7 .
lllackey, Henry Ehno
lllcliinney, Horacel 'Thompson
lllallor y, Robert 17 1eunolds

lllorton , Charles D.

Porter ,Clydie 131.

Read, (Gilliam
Sadle1‘,John Colby
Stratton, lllar‘oin Franklin
(Geathers ‘,l31i11y 111.
(Gilhoite 7,7”ho111as lllack

511‘ “l :1
l‘L $7.1KR‘CN

(111a1‘t,E1don Reed
l31a1‘n es , Homer F.
13101‘en , Lloyd ltelson
Carr, Pruitt 131.
Ca1‘1‘,(Gillia1n Hulette
Colson,Elmo Hodge
Cosseyflfiy D.
Cunningham, Glbert Dale
Curry, Royce (G.
Dunning , Guy 131.

Ezell, Jessie Floyd ,
Goodwin,Edward F.
Hinson,111aynard ”T”.

‘ Lar 1ins . James 111.

Lawrence e,Geo1‘ge St1‘otl1C71,Jr.
lllitchell, James D.

Dance, Robert L.




l7 l1iggin , James lllalcolm
1711oge1‘s,111a1“oi11 J.
11111111115 , Lindsay
(Gharton , (11‘thur Junior
(Gilliams, John (G.

,E. . 1.1;
‘ . k
z 1 '1-

‘ 1“ 5‘ ‘ i" _ .1
. v. A. . .. g 12:. g: 11:11:17.3 4.

(lbbott , George Stanley
Glexander, Leland (Gayne
Gray, DonaldR and " ‘
Lawson ,(Gillard Ir‘oin
111c11111111711,1111111> 17.. ‘
llliller, Henry C.

Deal, l31arney Garland
Pendlet t,o11 Robe rt Gausley
Smith, lllalcom 111.
Smith , Glley

Stonestreet , Lawrence

UN 11)"

Bell , Joh 11‘
Berry , John (G.
l311a11t‘o1‘c1,Charles Eugene
1311‘ashe1‘, 171 my Harrison
Cai11,‘Girgil Gtho
Cambron, R ichar d H.
Carr,Elmer Long
Cartwright, l31illy 7T”.
Caudill , Kenneth 131ell
Clements, I1“0i11g Spalding
Corbett, Shelby Edward
Crook s, Fr ed ”homas
Davis,Edwin llelson
De‘Gore ,‘Thomas Judson
Echols,l71ichard (lllen
Ti‘e11c11,(Gillia111 Carl
French ,(Gilliam Paul
Gregory ,Carroll David
Hall, lloah 111.
Ha111111ack.Henry 3111 roli Jr.
Hancock ,JamesE.
Ha11ey,(lnd1‘ew (1.
Het‘t‘ington, George L.
Het‘t‘ i 11 gton ,(Galden Eugene
Henry , Frank L .
Henshaw, John (Gilliam
Hinton,Ha1‘ry T .
Hite, Douglas (G.
Jones , George Edward
Jones,(Gilliam F.
Lindsey, Charlie ”T“.
Lot‘ton, Earl C.
llchan, (Gillard Rudy
111aso11,Har1‘y (1.
lllason,Jesse 1.73
Glive1‘,JamC7s 11‘a11111 lin
Polley, 131i11y Joe
17 1ailey,Sam L
Schneide1 ‘,Jol111 Cle‘oeland
Smith , Charles (Gilliam


Ste‘oens, Guth11e Genn 3

Strouse ,Liston
”Thomas , Grbon , Jr.
(laughn, (Galte1 ‘
’Gaughn, (Gilliam Russell
(Gitthirgil 171.

(Goods, Isaac (G.
youngflrnold D.

Gdkison , John Henry
Gnderson , Darby
Gnderson,Edward S.
Gshlock,(Gillard D.
l31andy, Deal 1 ., Jr.
l31a1‘1‘iger,Shelby (Gilson
Basham , Edward J.
Bracken,Elmer H.

l311‘itt , Gcie (G.
l311‘own,(lirgil E.
Cl1at‘t‘i11,Hugh (Gilson
Chaney, (Gilliam l1e1111etl1
Chesnut, Paul llleador
Clar171 e, Richard J.

Cline, Garland (0.

Cobb, l7 1obbie eLynn
Cole, James (1.
Collett,(lirgil 17.

Conn ell, Herman Eric, Jr
Cor 11well, Harold l udolph
Cox, Carl 131.

Cox, James Leslie
Crabtree,11er1nit Clinton
Crat t,Joseph Path an iel
Craig , Gavin Grunly .Jr.
Dalton, Douglas 131.
Davis, George (G.
Dawsey,(Gillis T .
Donan, (Gillie D.
Downer, Jame ‘aG rnett
Durham, James Lee
Durrette, Luther Leon
Ellis, George(Gilliam
Felts,Josepl1 131.
Flood,Edwi11 (Garren
Flora, Kenneth H.
Ga111111el,lllurl E.
Gardne1‘,(Gillian1 171.
Ga1‘1‘ison,Lucian lleal
Gentry Roy H.

Gill, Ray Lewis
Goodner, Howard C.
Gordon, (GendellF E‘oans
Graham, James C1 ouse
G1‘C7en,(’ester 17.
Harlan, Carl Clit‘ton
Harmon,(Gillie C-
Helsley, (llbert l31rengle
Hewgley , James (G.
Higgs,(Gilla1‘d G’lleal



, Charles Potter