xt7w0v89m41v_3 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89m41v/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89m41v/data/2023ua021.dao.xml unknown 6.93 Cubic Feet 36 items, 1 legal-sized document box 6.48 Cubic Feet36 items archival material 2023ua021 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Athletics. Memorial Coliseum Artifacts Breathitt to Campbell Counties text Breathitt to Campbell Counties 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89m41v/data/2023ua021/Folder_os_9/Item_wwii_03/Multipage5.pdf section false xt7w0v89m41v_3 xt7w0v89m41v (ldkins, O111is,Oe1711us ' 3 (117m strong ,Earl (1r11ett, Cleorge , Jr. (1rrowood , Carl (11717owood,CieorgeTGashinyton Back,(Gillia1n Breckenridge Baker, Delbert l31a17nett,(]lt'red » Barnett, Edward Bowling1 Evel ett Reed Bowling,(Goodrow Bress, Phillip Burnette, Hubert Ray Carter, lllarshall H. Centers, James Cochran, llathan Collier, Donald T . Combs, Dave Cornette,C'1eorge Deaton Costello, Cieorge Couch, Delmar B. Du 1111 , Ere 11 ch Eldridgeanrd Erancis, Ollie Jay Erancis , Pott Eugate.Elias (iabbard, Delme1 C1abbard, Earl Ciay heart, Luther Ciillum, Oval ”C. Close, Orville Or 0 1ss,(Oar 1 e11 Ciross, (Gilliam Henry Hardin, Clyde Hayes,(Goodrow (G. Henson, Sam Holbrook, Carl J. Hollan , Dan Stanley Holland, Price Hounshel l , James H. Howard , Bert rum Howard, John E Howard, Ollie James Johnson, Raymond hing, Hoya Landr um , Roland S. Lawson, John ," J17. Lewis,Osca17 Little, Cieorge (G. Little, Clusta Little, Lester R. Little Roy Leland Lovely,(Gillie llloore, Daniel llloskowitz, lllurray llapier, Charlie lloble, (1rnold lloble, Harless Reynolds,(Gilhe I 171ichie7,Sl1elto11 ' Riley, Blaine Roark Berry 1:1obe11s, Hollis uess l, (Gillard Ru ssel7l, (111d1ew Ru uess 7“, (Gayne Sh ouse, Hubert Spencer, Daley O. Spicer , Dan Stanley,(Gillia111 E. Stidham, James 11 ”Todd, Jimmie ”Trent, Conley Earner, (llex Hargis ”Turner, Elmer CT. 1ur11e17, Jesse (21res, James J. (Gatki11s,l31e1yamin E. (Gatts, (117nold (Gatts, Joe, J17. (Gilson,San1mie . 1 . ., ,. 1 , 1‘ .. . _.y __ " I '. .. 1, . .. , , . \\ . . 1: '. 1. l 7 1,10 .‘ 1 .11.. (llexa 11der, lllack , Jr. Baldridge, Elbert Owen Ball, James Ledt‘ord Basl1a1n,lllillis Blair ,Ehomas1 Elley b1 own,l1enn 7Ttl1 L. Burnett , Onie (1ndrew, Jr. Ca11ary,(Gillie O. Carwi le, John L. Cashman, Junious(Gasl1ington Clark, Charle l obert Clark, 1Eorest E . Cle1no11s,Luthe17Hoyt Conner,(Gilbur Eranklin Cox,E C1oss,P 1obe17tT Lewis Darnell, Charlie (1. Decker, 1E17anl1 DeHaven, Jacob C. DeJa1nettJan1e‘s Dowell, Jesse Lee Dowell, (lictor Robinson Eranl1,1~ (GillieE 1 s chol Eulker son, James J 1Euqua,C1eo17gCe Ciilber t, R ober tLeonel Ciregory,(Gilliam Ernest Hal l , Hubert Preston Hawkins, John Edward skerL E Everett Jarboe, James Howard Jones, (Gilliam (1. Jordon ,(Gilliam Edward hannapel, John (Gilliam LanC l 1aymondT Leo 1 11.11“,“_--:i,.,_,,._.,_‘. lllcCarty, Orville Ehomas ' lllcCarty,(GillieE. lllarlow, lllarvin lllarr, Hollis H. lllason,T~’i7ancis L. lllattingly,Herbert’i'honias lllay, Raymond 61. ' llix, LCTT, CTI‘. llor ton , Bernard O’Connell,lllaurice 111111113 Oliver, (Gilliam D. Osborne. Charles Elliott Pate,Erancis (lllen Pike, John lllilt‘red Pile,Samuel Ova Preston, Strother J. Robinson, Jesse 7P Sanders ,Coleman (Gm. Smith, (ludra Snyder, James (llton Spaulding, Elza Steph ens, James lll. Sty les,‘i”h omas Jeffers on ‘C’oiles, John 1” . (Geatherholt, Carl 17 . (Gells, James Edward (Gilliams, lllelvin C (Gilson , Robert Hardaway (G17igl1t,Lemuel Birkhead gates, Charles Henry younnglartin Daymond 1. T “‘1’ “”11 1,1 ‘ 211311.141 .L-Lv' (1bell,RobertLee BC 7ele17, l1 obe 7t Jetterson Bishop, Johnny (Ghitson Boulware, Clarence(Garren Brown, John Evans, J17. Carrithers, Smith C1arr ow Carter, Paul ”Thomas Caulk,(Gilliam 11. Clark, Leo 111. C1 ouch P obe 7t 1E . Di u111 Bernie Easton,E Harned, Joe llevius Hayden, Paul O’Bryan Isgrigg ,(Gilliam llathan Jackson , James (Goodt‘ord Jenkins, lllalcohn (G. lllan 11 , Charles Leo llle17ker,(G il l iam Bufo rd lllontgomery , Charles Bolin llloore, Jarriet Thurman ElmoreP 1oscoe ‘ lllullins,”1‘l1o1nas (1. Proctor, lllillard Harley l71ay111o11d,(l17chie Theodore 1ob1son,Co1111111eLesl1 - SliCpl1erd,LCla11d Howard A StleandCi llickles, J17. ”Tho111pson, (Gilliam1 Elmo (Gaters , C1eor ye P . (Gright , (Gillard Tiunklin ' 11017 1, Clyde Bradley mum (111drew, (Gilliam Henry Belcher, Hugh (G. Bel iles,Lloyd Presley . l31eliles,OtisE..H ' 1.11 own Santord P ay Cardwell, Preston Chatmon, Joseph Ray Christie, Calvin C. ChristmasXEheron E. Combs, Ha den Elmore, Johnnie E111b17y,(Garren H Ciidcumb, Robe r1t E.,J17. Ciidcu111b,(Gillian1 R. Clivens, Shelby Cireene,(Gillian1 C., Jr. Hawkes , lllart i 11 E Holder, James Edward Humphr ey,(Gelli11gton S. InsCo,L estC 71 (G. Johnson, (117tl1ur l1 essinger, Clayton 11 inkade, JamesE dward hirby , Jam es E. Lee, Claude (Gillis lllcCoy, Curtis ”E. Tllcl’iinney,Edison E. lllcPhe17son,Leroy lllartin , Robert E. lllassey, Clarence 71ussell lll ayes ,‘T‘homas (G. llleffo17d,Leo ’1E. llloore,711ollie71Eoyest Odle, Edward Peay,1Ehu17ma11Roy Pendley ,Ue17 non lll. Phelps, ‘Ti7oy Porter, Rexel Proctor, lloat l e y ‘i‘homas Thompson , Cilen 11 Wilford, Edward ck,Clay (llliso11,Edward Calvert, Tllarshall C avanah , James Ciarnet Crider, Eorrest (Gayne Crider, Jacob Ewing Crowe, 70y Edward Davis, Cecil Caswell i Dunnmq (Galtet lo. . Clla ass, l1etl1el Hawkins, Richard Bryant Her 1011,1710111”(Q Jennings, Denzil E. Lewis, (llvin B. Lide, P 1obe17 t(Go17tl1 lllcChesney, Robert Boyce ' llchean, JamesE dward lllcllabb, James (Gil burn Oliver, 1E L7u1 ie Edward Peters Everett E. P1 C11C711S , L. D. Pidcock.Louard O. Piercy , Harold (Goodson P’Pool , Calvert Ciregory Ramage,Louard Incildean R my Pair ickE E. Sell, Ralph Por ter Shewcraf’r, Herman Carter Smiley, Rexie C. S1nith,‘Ti7yon ll. Spickard,1El1omas (G Stallins, (GilliamP 1onald Stepl1ens,(Gilliam Daniel (Teal, John Henson (Gatkins , James R. , Jr. (GilliamsonEarl (Ginfred (Good, Clarles lllills, Jr. 11111.75, Charles 111. ‘ (lrmstrong, (llbert Bradford Cal hoon, (llvis Campbell, Codie Cook , Parv in Craw t‘ordfi‘hom as Perry Darnell, Coy H. Dockery, Bailey (G. Dodds ,Lewis Chester Drake ,(GerterLewis, Jr. Dunn, Ruble eon Edwards,(Gilliam Lester Erwin,Hugl1 Ci. Erwin, Ordest H. 1Ee17 guso11,1l1 yle Brooks C1a1-7land,Hen17y C., Jr. Cn7ogan ,Earl (’innon Ciro gan , James lllax Harristom my (G. Hodges,Lloyd Ciordon Hopper, Cleo rye E . Hughes, (llbert (’irgle Hugl1es,Ch arles Cornelius Hutchens,Eugene Ducan CTones,l71icharEd Jones, R 1oyceL 1E l1uhn, Orville Joseph Lewis, 11 oy Ivel LovC 7,tt James 1almage WAA'Sxfl '7er ‘:lTTCCu'llar,7’ll‘ewbern , - . llcha11iel,C1uy - ‘ ' llchougal , James E , J17. lllaso'n , John H. llloffitt%111 llor man, Preston Harr is Olive,” 1on1 Osbr'on , James Orval Overbey, Burgess Parker, James l’1. Pate, JamesR alph 71C111C7 rts,Hern1anE E. ,Jr. 1o,ss heith Jones StJohn, DavidE Ewuing Stubbletield,l71utus C1. (Galston , Billie Ray (Gest,Edward Eranklin (Gilso11,Joseph B. (Grye,lllilbur11 P. (1de1, 7 E7 Lugene eP. (1l1rens,1 Edward H. (llexander,l1ennetl1 ll. (lllmoslecher, (1dolpl1 (lrthur (lmos,Stephen Benton (1nde1 son, Carl D. (111de1son Ralph (117bogast,E Eugene Ereder ick (1sl1tor d, CiC7o1 ye Ha1 old Backus,(Gilbur Carl Baker, (lubrey Beamer Baker, Hilbert T . l31anks,Er11estL E. Barker 17 Elza C1. Barn es 1Era11l1, l1enneth Baron, Robe rt Eugene Baynum,Le1oy (Ga1 1 e11 beard , (Gilbur Cleo. Beckman, (Gilliam Joseph Benedict, Robert I. Ben ning , 1E17a11l1 C1 . Bertelsman, John (Gilliam Bertsche , Donald T . Binkley, John (G. Boltz, CTack Crawford Brady ,Earnest Pershing Brodwolt‘, John E. Brosz, Buddy D. Burlew,Edwi11 Charles Cantrell, Royce (1. Caudill,Everett D. Chandler, 71ichard Carlysle Chandler, Thomas Kaiper Claybon, Stanley Lee Conlon, llorbert Joseph Cornett, James B. Cox, Cilen 11 lll. Coyle,(Gill iam E. =1 4". M4. rams: Dennedy Huqh Joseph ._ 1‘ De(Gald,Hern1an Joseph Disney , Clarence ‘E. Dixon, Joel Herman Doyen ,Louis Jackson Dreiss, Harry B. D1 ew Robert (G. Du ell , 1E17ancis (G. Durkin, Jeremiah E. Ebe7l1a1dt (l111old (G. E‘a a11,(Gillia1n 1T. Emark, (llbert Carl Enzweiler,(1lbert John Estes, C1ar nett H. Evans,Edward (G. Ewing, Howard (G. Eausz, Cieorge Henry Ee11ker,C1eorge E7ancis 1Eischer, lobe 7t Edward 1Eoote, John Storrs 1Eor d, P ex 1. 1Eossitt, (Genton Lloyd 1E17 ies Russell Clayton C1arman , Clarence Carlton Cleiis, John Baptist Cieisler, Joseph ll. Clilb, John (G. (ilassmeyer, lllilesL Cir ay,E1 nest lll. C‘lray,Lee e17 1obins Cirebner, Jack lErederick (i17ollig,Donalc1 (l. (iuidugli, Dave (1 C1un kel Raymond Be1171ard Hack1nann,Edwar dE 117 ed Hageman , Charles Han1bo,(Gilliam Perrin Hamilton, Calvin Hanlon , Benton Harker, (Gilliam Eloyd Hauenstein, Richard Oswald Haver 1a1np, Joseph ll. Hedger, James lll. Hett11e17,l7110be17tEllis Hehman , Thomas L. Heidebrink, Erank L. Henderson, Charles Paul Henson, P ichard Q. Henzer ling, l1alph J. Herron, Charles T . Hetscl1,Laurence D.,Jr. Hiance, Philip (G. I Hicks, Rodney (G. Hildebrand, Robert (1. Hineman , Paul Carlin Hornsby,1”heo " Houston, Claudefluyu ustu us c; Hub 7 T’E’de;Jl‘