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' .(Ghltakel JamesRu uess 7ll 3
(Giesman , lllartin , J11.
(Gilson, l7 1obelt Cecil
(Gimsatt, George (G.
(Good, Joseph C.
(Goosley, Jake

gates. Emmett (1nd11ew
geiser, George Douglas

(1nde11so11,(Gillia1n C.
Bla11ton,Hobert E.
Blunk,l7 auden C
Booker, Lloyd Thomas
Brooks .11111111115 11111111
Browning, JO 7
Bullock, Raymond (Giltord
Dawes , Elmer

Dennison, lloah P .
Dola11,(Gilliam C.
Doyle.(Gand B.

Dozier, Edward I.

‘ Drake, Olbon Jackson
Du10all, James (lubrey .
Eant,‘C ohn E.

‘ .Hanson ,Louis l7.
Hanson. (Garner Peter
Hayes, Joseph (1ndrew
Huffman, Dewey
Imorde,(Gilliam S.
Johnson . lllaxwell lllorrow
l1i111e, John Joseph
Loysdon. Leonard E.
lllitchell, (llbert (Galter
lleal, Geoffrey E.

Page, (lrless


Potter. Herschel ‘T’almadye

Sandel s ,(Gall1Cr Bolline
Sil 1mons, (Gilliam C.
Smith, 1ruman
”thomps on . Ernest
(Ghalin, Cecil Harold
(Ghalin , Roy (Gilson


(1dl ins. Cil ttold P.
(1dl1ins,Ea1 l

(ldkins, Paul Revere
Burton, Clyde

' Carter. (ltlee Bearl
Crisp, John Lang l y , Jr.
Dicl1erson,(Gayne Clay


' lllarsh all ,

lEeryuson , Richard J.
Elanery , Johnie Estill _
T~711aley,Edwin/CT. ’
Horton, Jam es
Ison, (Galyker
Johnson , Sterl
Justice, Clrnold
Keaton ,Edgar Elden
lllason,(Goodrow H.
Oney, Dellmas
Pennington , Burl G .
Porter, Bert
Porter, Raymond
Redwine, Randolph Gaston
Rice, Charliell.
Stapleton, ‘Gernon
Stevens, P 1utus
(Gaggoner, Clarence
(Gayoner, Bill



Berry man, Delaney
Blackwell, Harold (G.
Ble10ins, ‘Girgil

Botner. Harold Conroy -
Bragg, (Gallace Clyde
Brinegar, Elmer
Burns, lllel1oin

Calmes, (llben Glenn
Chaney, GeoryC 7P1eesC7

Chaney,Ja111es Geor ye

ColterfGir yil

Conn er, Eairce
Cox, Clarence
Cox, Henry llorman
Davis, Cecil J. , Jr.
Dixon,Howard lll.
Dixon,(Goodrow (G.
Estes, Raymond C.
Wynn, James Raymond
TJynn,EhomasE lurner
’lEore. Cleopas H.

Gordin , Sherman
Hacl1wortl1, Harold Granoille
Hamilton, Geor geR ay
Hardy, Gol donT Lee
Hatton , Harold
Horn, (Gilliam Joseph, J1.
Jones, H.C.
lllarcum. James L.
lllasters, James Glyndon
llliller, Hebert
lleal , Harlan
Osborne, Hobert




Perry, Earl
Pestooich , Jahn , Jr.
Potts, Jerome Clay
Powell,Henry ll.
Puckett, Elihu
Ramsey (Gesle eyE.
P 1awli11s, Earl
Richardson, Lathroup
P 1obe1 ts.lllorga11 C.
P 1lobe1ts, l7 1011ald
7owland,Edward l7.
Smyth .Leonarcl Cecil
Spar 1s,Estill ‘
Spio ey , Hubert Clayton
Eipton,1 Calvin
‘i‘i pton , Strawder Henry
'i’ipton, (Gorthley
’i’udor, Lloyd
(Gatson,James Otis
(Gells. Donald P.
(Gilliallls. Jack 0.
(Gilson , Harry 13., Jr.
(Ginkler. Raymond 1E.
(Gitt, Kenneth (111tl1ur
(Goolery , Howard

1." 11.1.1111 Efl

(llfrey , lllalcolm Pershing
(1111111011s,l71obert James
(lllderson, Charles 17 .
(111chdeacon , John Joseph
(lrnold, Charles Wazier
Bailey, (Gilliam Ru uses 711
Baker, Earl H.

Baker (Gllllam Hal old

l3 aniel, (111chie Cooington
Banta, (1nd1ew 1E.

Barr, Gobel D.

l7 easley ,(lirgil l1innal1d
Beaumont, James Beckl1a111,CTr.
Beckham, Jesse l.

loell, Robe rt 5.
l3enton,lllol1ti111er lllurray
Ber 1eley, Jack (Gilson
Best, John Thomas

Bi 1,shop Grover C.,Jr.
Bishop, JamesEr. , Jr
Blak ely,Har old lllonl oe
Blanton , (Gilliam Lee, Jr.
Bliss, Jack lll.

Blumer, Philip Edward
Blythe,(Ginsto11 L.
Bolin , Blair Burdet
Bolner, lllerritt E.
Boots, George Elmo



l3ouyhton,Harl y El edericl1,Jl1.

Rowlin, James E.
Brouyh, SamuelR itchie ,Jr.
Bl own,Geo1ge 1E. .
Brown, Lee Otis
Browning, Russell D
B luce.Elza Earl
l311u111field,Ray (Gelch
Bryant, lEr ed
Bullock, Hal1ryElme1,Jr.
l3 urgin, Ra ay
Bur ns,De11n11s
Cain, Charles Cleon
Calvert t,1(Galte1 Russell
Canclioto, Charles Eran cis
Carpenter, Charles Colonel
Carter, Raymond,Sr.
Caywood,(1cle Bronston
Cl‘llldC’l‘S ,CTCIC'L

Collier, Robert Dale
Collins, (lllen Grant
Colli11s.Paul Harold
Colli1oer, (Gilliam lll.
Congleton,Clayton C.,Jr.
Conner, Edwin E1al1k
Coons, Brooks lllorrison
Coons, GeoryeL.,Jl1.
Corman, Georg e7i'homas
COUCl‘l, Roscoe

Courtney, tEloyd Jennings
Courtney, Robert L.

Coy, Elmel (Galke
Craig, Billy
Daugherty, George(G.
Davies , l1aymond Howell
Davis, Carl 17.
Day , John B.
DeHaoen, Ben Perry
Dever, Harold Strange
Dever, Julian L.
De(’ore, lllark Twain , Jr.
Dickman ,(Gilliam Grant
Donaldson, Claude Daily
Dorroh , George Dorris , J11.
Doylefi'owler Caldwell
Dupre, John Huntley ,Jr.
Durrum. James (Gilliam
Dutton, Kenneth Cyrus
Edwards, Dallas ’lanette
Elde11,(Gillian1 l3eniamin,Jr.
Eldridge, Russell 17.

Elkin,Zackariah lEielcling ,Jr.

Elmore, C.L.
Evans, John Richard, Jr.


Ewton, Starling Joseph
Eyl, (Gilliam l7110be1 t (lnthony
lEar l is, lllaroin H

lEeather ston, P110be1tElgi11
lEeese, Rollin lllontgomel y,Jr.
lEibel,1 ‘1 Edmund 1E.

lEoley, BernardT Lawrence

E1anl1lin, Paul C.
1Ei1asure.John l3.

’lEuyett ,Elmo Daizell
Gamboe, ‘Gernon Castle
Gard, l7 1icl1ard Ernst
Gardner, James Robert
Garland,LaurenceC oseph,Jr,
Gill,(Galter H.

Gillespie, lllilton l7.

Gi lson , (Gilliam Earl ,Jr.
Gilvin, Odie Phillip
Ginter, Harold Grafton
Ginter, Louie Bradley
Glass, Lewis Robert
Glaze, Charles C. , J11.

Gra~ son, Henry ”Thomas
Griffith , lElem i 11g Park
Grose. Jam es E111 met
Gross,Leslie lll. _

Grow, Curtis Pierce

Gum 1n. James Stevenson
Hackney, Hal Thomas
Hackwo 11th . ‘Gernon
Hall,Louis (llbert
Harbison , Clinton “1., J1:
Harpriny ,T‘rank P.
Harris . James ‘i‘hom as, Jr.
Harrod. Billy Porter
Harvey , Shelton
Hawl1ins,(Gilliam R.
Henderson ,lErank Hurst, Jr.
Henderson, J.(G. , J11.
Hendricks Robert P.

Hicks , Jam es Graham , Jr.
Hillard. Paul
Hillenmeyer,He11ry Reil ing
Hisel,Ca11l llladison
Holder, Clyde

Hollar,Ottis (1.
Hopewell,(Gilliam (Galton
Horine, John Sherman , Jr.

Huddleston. Pryor l3.

Hudson , Kenneth
Huffman ,Edgar Eull ,Jr.-
Hunley, Robert Patter son
Hutchens, Raymond
Jacobs,l1ennethT Lewis
Jacobs lllar l1 ‘1 Elmer
Jarber, Pete Leonard


, (”'33Cl1s,l obCrt bosleu Earl . Evans l7 obert1 J y 1- Jen _
1Ea1111i11,Coulnellous P. Patton, (Gilliam Howard . Bosworth, Charle-Cllttord E10a11s,(Gillia111T L. . ' T Johnson

Johnson, James Hls V
Jones, Bryant Owsley ‘
Jol1es,Elmo '
Jon es, (Ebrlester

Jones, Gilbert

Jones, Isaac, Jr.

Jones ,Stroth er lllitchell
Joseph ,Hermon lllar1oin
bar 11, 1 Edmund Powell

l1earney , (Indrew Edwa11d,Jr.

l1elley, Billy Scott

l1ing, (lugustus Russell, Jr.
”iirk, Harry Broo 1s
Lackey , John Poi te1oent, Jr.
Lamason , Orville Benjaman
Laws son ,E Ernest Harold
Law son, ‘GirgilE T
L gye tt, Charles Garth
sle, Hampton Halley,CT11.
Lo fi 11k , Phil
Lowery, Dennis L.
Lowery, John Irvin

Lu 11sfo rd , John J.
Lyle. Carey Elbridge
lllcClintock , Robert (Gesley
lllcCord.Da1oid Carter
lllcCord.Hal1oeg Cl.

lllcCoun, (Gilliam Jesse
lllcCr ay,Edward H.
lllcEarland, James Reed
llchinnis, Joseph 1Era11l1lin
llchinnis, Joseph Justin
llchin ney , lllaljorie Jenkins
lllclllichael , Samuel ”E.
lllahany , Daniel Joseph ,Jr.
lllalear, Serbert P.
lllalone, John Edwin
lllasengale, JamesP 1obe rt
lllassie,He rbe rt 17 .
masters. James Edwin
lllaxedoll,(Gillia111 Henry Dixon, lll

llliddleton, Billy Joe

lll i ller, Charles Edward

lllinor, (lrthur Corrinyton
lllinton,(Gillia111 Harold
lllitchell . James D.

llloberl y , James Erankl in
llloffett, (llbert (Gilliam
lllonaghan , ’i‘homas Edward
llloore, Carleton Curtis. J11.
lllorefield.Ellis Earl

lllott, James J.

lllountioy, Jesse ”hon 1as
lllullens, Har 11 y C.

lllullins . lllonr oe

lllyers, lllatt Cohen


I 01111111111. 1

Osborne, Eli, J11. '
Otten,1 EloydT Lee ,
Payne, Joseph Houston, CTr
Perl1ins,Edyar Dillard
Perrine.Sam Haley
Phelps, Raymond H.
Pier sall, lEelix (G.
Pi 11nell ,(Galter Redmon , J11.
Powell,Euyene E. I '
Pu111C‘is.(Gilliam (1H.
Rahrle, Russell E.
l7 ansdell, Joseph CTac 1so11
R edding, (Gilliam H.
Reese, Julian Clyde
P 1el,1m (Galter Geoqu. J1.
Rice, Jessie
l7 1iddell, Cecil Juett, Jr.
Riddell, EugeneEdward
P 1igsby Owen Denton
Riley , Carl Edwin
Riley .‘i’hom as Roger
Rogers . ClarenceEdward
Rogers,T~i1ederick Charles
Rose, Earl Bonner, Jr.
Rose, Robert “homas
P 1,owe JamC 7sEl1omas
7ussel, ‘7 Earl J.
Sallee e,PhilipP 1ichard, Jr.
Sam 111o11s,E ward Ralph
Sanderson ,(Gillianl J.
Saunders .Geor ge B.
Sc qqs,Ol101lle Edward
chwartz, Jack (1.
c111i1olle1, Dwight (11 nold
ucryys, George Pur nell, Jr.
ha nks,Jol1n 17.
Sharp, James Richard
l1epal1d,(111oa C.
mith . Edgar
Smith , Edward Harold , Jr.
Smith ,Louis 1".
napp,‘Girgil O.
Snelling, (llbert
Snowden, Ray lErank lin
Spar 1s.Elton Oli‘Gel
tacy,L ester
teele, Henry Patterson
tephens.Hubert 1E .
teoens,Edwin Leslie
Stewart, Connie Buford
Street, Clifford
Strode, Carl l3.

MU» mmmmg



