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Drapei Carl Guy
Edwards, Or ‘oille
Ewing, Charles Earl
Eields, Carl lllarvin
111111111011, Charles 1301‘ 1e1‘
l11nslear, Grani

Lawrence, James 17 .
Lawrence, Russell

Lynn, Charles Bradford
11101‘1111 ,10011erEi‘anl1lin
l1eal,Carl Richard
Simpson , Eloyd C11f1on
Smallwood,13eward 13e11110111
S111i111 ,Eloyd, Jr.
Sydno1‘,G1ende11 G.
”Tanner, Charles Billy
“True, Rober1 Grnold

young, Hollie
younginanfwilliain Gus’rin

Gcl1 er 111011, 171ober1 Harvey

Gdams,James T .

Gus1in, Dean T.

Ballew, 17 1a11d1e

Bell, Clarence C.

Benne11, 111erri11

Blanford, Jos eph H.

171 oaz,Shadracl1 (01111 11s

Bradley ,EElber1 11. 0

Bradley, 17 1ul1el ‘(011101‘ d

‘- 1711‘own,171e1ya111in lEranl1lin,Jr.

Brown, Charles Edward

1711‘0cC7,Es1on Clyde 1:

Byrd,‘(Oillia111 13111-

Byrn, Collins 1311111011

Caldwell 1011110111 Harold

Carlion, Joe lleufibn

Ca1‘1er, James lllehoin

C0‘0ender,‘Oirgil ”(0.

Chapman, Oscar 13.

Cooper, Charlie R.


Cruse,Bobby J. n.

Cruse, James

Drowns, James Hollis

‘ Ellio11,John H.

yEnoch . James '13.

-.””’1Earis, Charles G.

--Eores1er, C1e10s10r0y
Gargis, 13011011 1710 0y
GC1rgus,He111‘y 13. .
Gilliam, Gar1e11 Barkley

, 01115.17uu1w111111111

1,- Glover,Ge0rqu1Ehomas



‘(0ebs1er,H‘owar Eugene 1


” ~Hawk ins, JamesE

Hayden, Rube C.
Hetlin, Gilber1

Henry ,‘Earl O’Dell
HerndonlOillie Clovis
H111,Eldred U.
Hodyes, 11101‘1011 J.
IrOi11,T~‘10‘oil 17 .

Jones, 171 ober1 C.
l1aler,”Canne 1.11001 s
l1e1npe1‘, Hur shel Howard
l1imbel, Joe H.

Lamb, James R.

111cElwra1h , Brooks
lllarshall , lllel‘oin

lllason, John H.
mullins, James ‘ S.

l1agel, 17 ober1Elme1‘
11ic11olas,E111me11 ’COoodrow
Odell, John J.,Jr.

Oli‘oer, Ornold 111;

Owen ,Carl Thomas

Owen ,‘T’homas 710.
1301‘1‘011, (LE.
Picl1ens,(011110m C.

Pigg‘, Joh11100111 e1
17111111011, Ralph

Pullen, Ray Ben
71eynolds, L111her Dale
171ichmond,‘(Oilliam E.
Sayre, Elmo Gran1

Sco11, Es1e1 (0.
Sl1e11on,Josepl1 0.
Simmons , Lone David

S1 mmons,O. D.

Skinner, 17 1ober1 G.
S n111l1,Edgar 17.
S n11111,Ir1 111.
Smi1h, James H
S11111l1, ‘(00yne Usher
Speed, IOoodrow
Su110n ,E11eodo1 e 10es1ey
Thomas, James I.
Thomas, L111 do
”Thurman, Charles ‘10.
70011 ,1011110111 ‘1”.

‘T'owery , Duel "i”reman
Tyson,Harry L.

I0011s, James G.

meddle C, Edgar 17 olph
1011i1eside, Rober 1 Hall
IOille11,Louis Cllberi

. 7(0111e11,’1‘l1omas 111.

1011110111s, Gordon
1011110111s, 11eal E.
10115011 , C110.

wooien 111111115 1011 lard

‘ ””1 7





. ”521,2. ‘11‘773‘kj. ‘7

Bailes,l71 10y E.

17101‘1011, Rollie

Blair, James C

Blair, lllcl1inley

Boone, Bur7 e11 L.
Bra1cher, Charles Cecil
1711‘a1c11er, Charley Gnihony
Brool1s,101111e L.
Burne11,Edwin Quen11n
Cannon,Rober1 C
Carroll, Jesse

Carwile, lllel‘oin

C101‘ 1, James T .

Cooper, Hilberi Clif1o11
Craig, Charles Bradford
Craig , C11es1er 11101‘1011
Cure’ton , lllalcohn Edgar
131‘al1e,Lonnie Eranklin
13ugg1ns,T‘loyd S.
Duncan, (1min

Embry ,l1ober1 S. B.
Esl1r1dgC 7 ,Les1er Earl
1Eu111er son , Ernes1 Ches1er

'Hayse, John S.

Higdon, Howard Jerome
Hodges, 11e11y ” 5
Houchins, Sallus
Jacl1son,Edw1n 13.
Jac11son,Eloyd Ray
JarboeflOilliam E
11ipe1‘, Joseph Thomas .
Lashley,Grnold I
Lewis,1llarion Eranl1lin

Lucas, David ”homas
Lush, C11a1‘1es171ober1
lllcCrady, l1in11eyT .1.

111111 iner, Clarence Ozber1
1111111011, Damon Lawrence
lllin1on, 11101‘1011

lllorrison , Richard 130111 c11
llludd, James Eloyd
111chols , Eugene

Oller, Les1er 11ay

1301‘1‘1 gan , Johnny Glfred
‘3ee1‘ce, John Cyril
”Denning1on,lllyssC 7s Gr 0111
30we11,Gdrain G.
‘31‘es10n,Sa1nuel O. , Jr.
Rains. Onis L

1eggins, Paul Hous1on
Richardson, Ornol C
1.1111011 11
S0110e1‘,Her 111011...-

.f Clyde Gar dley





Shain , Layman Earl
SimstOilliam G. 5
713e 7a11
Sl1aggs, James Edward
1111111, Edsel J.
1111son,Oubrey 11e11ne111
11011011, JC 7ess

111fo1‘d, OscarE.

wells, Charles 1011110111
LOells,T~i‘0nl1 '
Wells , Harvey G11111ony , Jr.
(0es1, ”Eilford
Wheeler, Berlin Cecil
1011i1e, Grani
’COilliams, Orel
IOillis, Owen
’COilson, James lllar‘oin
(Oilson, James Russell
1001‘1110111, JohnT Layman
lla1es, lllurrell ”T.

Sipes , 11‘ essie


1. “ 101 't'
1‘ f' 7:“ '3 ..
" .9‘ 1'1 \i‘x 1‘ d 1. ”fl - V

Barne11,ErOin J.
Bishop,‘00ral Elmer
Bridgewa1er, 1011110111 E.
C0be11, 17 1‘obe11 1E1aze
C0111re11, Lewis 1Era1111111n
Cecil ,James Sy 1‘oes1er, Jr.
130‘0enpo1‘1, Garne11 11.
Davenport 1011110111 ”1”. E.

E1111 is , Charles Edward , Jr.

Gen1ry , lllaurice 1101111011
Henderson , lllaurice ‘(00yne
Jeffriesfwillie 11e11ne111
Judd, Cecil E.

l11dd, 17 aymondE r.

Lobb, R obe1‘1 171.

Lowe ,‘11101‘1 1s Rod
lllcCubbins, David ‘0.
lllarcum, 1101‘111011 L. .
Pie1ce”CC,"e1 lonS

Powell, Odeen Delamo
171‘0111, James L.
Ragland , Junius J. B.
7eynolds,Edward Lee
17 ussell, Ger 011 ”(Oalden
717110111ps0nfOic10r Davis
”(Oarren , Lee E

’(Oise, IOesley ‘1'
‘COrigh1, John 0011101‘

Backer, Dewey Green,Jr.


Baldridge, Ei‘ed Danel
Barber, John Leslie
Barney, Clifford Harding
Bell,Eve1‘ C711
17 01120 17 aymond
Bradley, R ichard D
1.11 adley,10111101111.
Brown, 1011110111 Cecil
Callihan, 17ic11a1‘d
Car 1‘, James? obe1‘1
C11a111ns, John 10.
Cordlc,Cal‘oin C.
Cox, Lee, Jr.
Crum,Huber1 11e11e1l1
Duncan, Paul 11as11
Dyer, 1Eorres1 H.
Ealey, C111 1011 E
Ean 11111 , Charles R
E011111n , Clyde Clif ’or d
E011 nin, lllarquis 13., J1‘.
Eraley , Oscar
Erik/(011110111 Cu1‘11s
7e1‘110r1, John 111. 5
Gibson, George Garland
Gioii1s,James C.
H011, George
Hannah , Harry
Hil1on,‘(011110n1 11e1s011
Holloway,171‘obe1 1 S.
Jack son, 11er 111111011
Jar r,e11 Jesse L.
Johnson , Oscar ’0ernon
l1een, Joe 11101‘1011
Kendall, Charles Brooks
1111ig111, 1Eores1 Les1e1
1”1 ouns, 17 1.1011er1 E.
l1011ns,wl1o1nas J.
Lucas, HarleyT L
TllC‘Gllis1er, C.E.
1llcl1enzie, 1011110111 Edwin
C‘Laughlin, willie E‘oere11e,Jr.
ieadows,Louie S. .
”eenach , Clarence Lee
‘esser, Theodore
illei, ‘ Beverly
“liller, Charles Junior
lllillern‘ dqar lllcClui7 e
Osborne, C011
Pember1on Char lesR 11.11.1111
l3e11n111g1on,,.,Co110rd H. '
Phillips, Charles H.




I Rayburn,



1°01‘1C71‘, Russell Hudson 1

Po11e1‘ Hube11
dward, C. '
71cC7 , John lllaxwell

711cc, Joseph 17.
171ddle,Jol1n Calvin
17 i11e,Pau1 17

1001“ 11,1301101d Edward
Robinson , Harold
Sallee, 000, Jr.
Sinne11, Evere11 L
izemore, Haw11
1111111 , Rufus Raymond
noddy,110r1nan G. 7
Sowards, James 171., Jr.
Spence, Grlamando Jessie '
S1e‘oens, Clyde '
S1one, JohnT .1.
S11 ‘ic11land, John‘(00110ce
S1 ringer, Lloyd Elwood
Su110n , George ‘(Qoodrow
”IGylor, lllarrion Lawrence
11110111pso11,111yro11 lllorg 011
”folliver, Garre11 Bernard
‘1”11111e, Charles Henry
1001 her, Or‘oille Pursell
(00rd, Donald Leroy
1001‘d,James 11ober 1
10ebb, Edward Perry,Jr.
11171111, Edwin Jus1in
‘COebb, James G11be1‘1
‘(0ellman, Harold

”(0111 1e, Drew Berche1 ,Jr.
’(01111e, Gaylord George
‘(0111 1e, Herbert , Jr.
(Oilburn,1011110n1 1011115
‘COolfeflOilliam T.
‘(001‘111111g 1011 , El be1‘1 7T“.
youngfiharles H.
young, lllar‘oin Earl
Zinn , ”Thomas Eranl11 111


1,; 3: ' y ‘”
1 ' 1' ~‘». . .‘1 P1 '11 1' '
it: u k” 31' 3.- ‘C {:1 “.14: 3L. 3,- m

Odl1ins , Joseph Greene
Blake, Or‘oille L.

Hall, Glber1 111.

Lee ,E10ydE

lllyers ,James, Jr.
l1ew1110n, 17 ober 1 Clayion
Riley, 7Oi1gil

1701.1e1‘,1 John7(0.
Sadler, 71usse11 B.
S1ewar1,Gr1hur C

. Ueach , Earl mon

7(011is1le,H0zel w. ;


Grmes, Ho1ne1

‘3 .1 . 1 'E'?
It .1 '1’

' 1Bucknerjloenjam111,‘.J1
' loucl1ner, ‘Homer 1E. ,1

I Higdon, Ches1e1‘ L.



Beam ”31011111: , ' '
1.1C1 r11 Glle51J1 I, ,5; U1??? ”(
loCliu JCstewe l)
1.1111101C, 1‘1‘01111 ”

1” l0
b1 own Bernard 11”

Bur11l1ead, Harold 0111s ? , 1’,
17101“ 111ead, (011110111 ‘CO,
Byron, John C.

Cain, Grgus Emerson 1
Carwile, Jame s G. ,' 5.1:”
C1111C11~c1,LC>111C7 11.7111 ’
Clymer, 017010e 13ur1 e11 , .
Cobb, Roy J. 1
Conway, Howard 111 .
Coois,HC7rbC71’1 61. V 7”]
Cruse,Lay1on Hic11e1‘son
11.111117111011111 11711111, .11:
Dever, Charles 17.111111
131110, James 13. ,
l3rob11icl1,Joseph C.
Ellwood, Howard ”(0elli11g1on
E‘C’ans,‘(011110111 B. I
Eerren, Carl H.

Eisher, (011110111 10.
lEoreman,Earl 17 .

on, John‘CO.
lEr ench, DennisE 1‘.
Goodman, Lawrence171obe11

111101.11, Joseph (0..- '
Hagan, Louis 13011‘icl1 ' 1.
Haney, Harry 5
Hargan, 1011110111 SiCrhnq
H01c11e1‘,D0111d I. '

Holland, Grthur C1.

Horn bacl‘ {Carl

Hos11 111so11, 11101‘1111 1yle1
Howard,EETar1 ee ‘
Howell, Glb'erl Jef1e1 son
Humphrey, Clarence 1E.
Jagger - s,Earl
Clu11‘1p,Haynes C.
Laird.Elorus ‘CO.
Lander, Hugh ”James, , Jr.
Lawson,Lamber1 171.
Loose ,Herbe1‘1Carl
”lcClur e, 11ar 1S S

lc130niel, Ha11on
T”C‘Guffi11,7Oii‘gil “(Oilson
‘erediih , Louis R.
ilewsl1y,ClC 111s 17
1”iller, 71011110111 H.

””or risC,1n Raymond l7
‘1‘oser’, 1011110111 ”1111111115
11011111, L‘eCrC11e Gshlock
Olmsiead George 10.






P011‘1Cl1,11011c.s Leslie

1: L r

x.’,_;," ,7


1s ”7%.:
