xt7w0v89m41v_9 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89m41v/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89m41v/data/2023ua021.dao.xml unknown 6.93 Cubic Feet 36 items, 1 legal-sized document box 6.48 Cubic Feet36 items archival material 2023ua021 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Athletics. Memorial Coliseum Artifacts Hardin to Henderson Counties text Hardin to Henderson Counties 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89m41v/data/2023ua021/Folder_os_12/Item_wwii_09/Multipage17.pdf section false xt7w0v89m41v_9 xt7w0v89m41v  




“ Purcell , Ollie


. y 1"“ .



' Pay’ron . J. 15.

Pe0k,(Gayne E.
Poiier, Leonard
Powell, Bir11e E.
Powell, Dwight Stone
Pucke1’1,E Twin Lesier
71*. , Cll‘.
hay, Cohnnie C.

R i11enber1y ,Ha1vey l5.
S1.John,(Gilliam (1.
Sharp, James Cllvin
Smiih, E11110 Craddock
Spaldi11g,(Gilliam Sianley
Taylor, Glenn E. '
'i'ay lor, Jesse “1”.

Taylor, John Irwin
Thomas, Garland Joseph
”Townsend, Rober’r
‘i’ren’r, Cllvin Earl
(Gagner, Jack Dewey
(Gales , ‘Gic1or (G. 15. , Jr.
(Galsh , Harvey
(Gilliams, Carl E.
(Ginchester, lllurry (G.
(Gomack, Charles C.
(Goodring , Lewis

(Grig 111,50111uel (G.
lla1es, James Edwin
1101es, LeslieE T.
1.101es,17110be1 1 (Gillis

. 1 7‘
n 1 A: ‘1:

Gdams, Cecil Lawrence

Cll 1en , James ‘i’homas

Gngel,15er lie 1Eor res1
(lus1in, Ray i~011e
Barnes, Roy

Barne11, Hem y Caudille

Belew, Clyde ‘Gerlin

’ Bengey, Charles D.

l5isse11,Edward E.
1510ck,Es1i11 E.

1510111011 , (Gilliam

Brady, Les1e1 1

Br aissf eld, Harold Gdr 1011
15r0 0y, He 711111011 E.

15110 cke’11, Glberi Dorsey,Jr.
Brooks,111ysess 170 ay
Brown , 11110111115


Brow 11 in g , John

Browning , Oscar D.
Bryant ”Thomas Carlyle
Bullock, Thomas (G.



1.1011 1110111, C111dr7 ew
l5u1111har1, Harvey James
15111111311011 H 71111 yL T.
Byrd, T’loyd (l.

Caddell , John (G.
Car’rer, Hiram Cawood
Cawood, Donald 1710‘
Cawood,He11ry 15.
Christian, Charles E.
Clolfe11er, Dillard
Cogdi11,(llfred John
Cole, Hugh 1110011
Collins, James D.
Corneii, Joseph Raymond
Cornei’r, (Gilliam Donald
C031, Reefer
Cox,(Gilliam 1111117011d
Cranford , Theodore
Crawford, Henry 111., Jr
Creech , (GayneT L.
Creech, (Gilliam Clyde
Crider, Ered D.
Cunningham , Edgar
Davenpor1, Calvin Engle
Davis , Joseph Edward
Dean, Paul

Depew, Clifford R.L
Duff, Herber1

Duncan ,Edward (0.
Duncan . John 1110111111
Dy kes , 171101111
Ed111o11ds,Ea111 ll .
Earley,(Gilliam R.

lEar mer, 17 1011er 1
1E0rnw011, (Galier H.
lEerry ,‘Gick 111011gan
Fields, Ben

”Fields, l5er1

Eields , Harold H.
Erance , Gndrew Jackson
1311011111 i 11 , (Gal1er

Eul1z, Leroy

Euliz, Pink , Jr.
Gambrell , Jake
Golubic, Emil C.
Greer, John Caggar, Jr.
Gregory,Ha11old (G.
Griff i111, John J.

Griffi 111 , 170011

.. .‘Gu111er,Lu1her

Hall,Carlo 15.

Hall , Clyde H.
Hammock, Glford G.
Harris, Glber1 L.
Harris, James E.
Haifield , Kenneih 1".
Hayes,Silven_17. ‘


Hel1o11, Guy S1anley
Henry , Howard 111.
Hibbard, (Gilliam E0111
Holma11,(1nci1 C.
Hol1s , Ennies
Howard , Beacher Gneil
Howard , C1if1on H.
Howard , Elmer
Howard , Hillard Earl
Howard , J. D.
Huddles1on,(Gillian1 Hughes
Hudson, Charlie '

Irvin, 1’1'e1111e111
Isaac, DenvCr 1.111
Jackson, General
Jackson, Jinse C.
Jackson, (Goodrow
Jeffers, Cosia Clemon
Johnson, Billy

Jones, Boyd G’lleil
Jones, Claude D.
Jones, T~i1ed 1110111in,Jr.
Jones, Paul H.

Jones , S0111

l1e11y ,TaylorSmi 1h
hing, Busier

Ring , James Boyd
Yiirk, Paul 17 .

11111s, James E.
Klinchok , John J.
(11011, Glexander Paul
Landrum, Ole (0011011
Laws, Jack Elber1
Lawson , James 111 . , Jr.
Le1anosky,lllike S
Lewis, Chad 15.
Lewis , James 17 .
Liiile , O’11o lllarshall ,Jr.
Logan, James Howard
Long , Edgar 111011111011
Long ,Les’rer 15.

lllcCreary , Clifford ll.
lllcCulley ,Ea1e
lllcT1'arland,(11ber1 G.
“kl/1.111161], Joseph
lllaggard,Ever e11 ‘i‘.
lllalone, James Glendon
TTlarcum , Homer
70111111, Jack
”‘01 1i11, Raymond H.
llliddleion, 170be11L1
llliller, Howard E.
lllink,El1ne11 C.






llli1111,(Galier C.
1111111011, Carl
111i racle , Joyce
1110011e,(Gi11iam Howard
llelms , Benny Lee
170e, Henry
11011111 , John Henry
Oliver, James E
Owens, James E .
Pace , lllarcus Lee
Pay11e,Earl llli1cl1e11
Penningion, Jol11117 1ay111011d
Philpo1,Ell3e1 111 (1.
17111111011 , Charles (G.
Poore, S0111 P. , Jr.
1311011 , Ear11es1 Lee
Price , Lawrence
Price, (Gal1er’i’.
Proffi1, Leonard lllelvin
Ramsey, led” 1~.
Reedy, Harvey G.
Reeves, Oscar Lamar
Riddle, 1E11edl71,opp J11.
71idi11gs, Charles (G.
R obinson, 17 oilly(Gilson
l1 10ge1 s, Je11e1 son S111i111
17o s,s Carl
17 1oss, Herbe 111 1E.
17 1abago, Joseph (1
171uess7Ell. ugene 71(1111old
aylor, Gubi e11 D.
ay1101 , Clemon E.
01110121101111 D.
aulor, lllorris , Jr.
hackelferd,De1ber1 C.
hell, Burile
Shepherd, Hobar1
Shepherd (Gillie, Jr.
Shy, Jamesl7110be11
Skeens, Dennis Junior
S111i111 , Conrad
S111i111, Doyle lllarvin


mi’111,Ea111 17 .

1111111, George Finley

111i111 , 1110111

n11111,(Gey111an L.

okolowski , S10111ey 17 .
Souleyre1,Harold ‘i‘homas
Speegle, (1ril1ur, Jr.

’1011s13erry,Ra 0y

1eele, Guy 17 1e11f011 d

11e311e11s, C101 donl ay
1e1311e11s,Uigil Haden
1ewa111,Edward L' '



Z Swanson, Granville

10cl1e’1’1,1710ber’1 Harold


Taylor, James H. 7

”fay 1011, Perry
11110111115011 , Levi

”Tie’y' e11 , Erederick
11101113311111.1111 George
Earner, Carlus
Tur11er,(Gilla11d L
Ua1iove11, Ered
(Galden, Grover C.
(Galker, Charles E.
(Galke11,Lewis C.
(Gallace, James Dewie
(Galls, George Lewis
(Gal1e1 s, iane’11e 111.
(Gard, Banner

(Gard, Charles Elden
(Gard ,Elberi (Gilliam

(Gebb, Gsher 15.
(G11i’1e, Jess (Gillard
(Gillis,Cui11is C.

(Gi1s011,(11f11ed Pierson, Jr.

(Gi iienbarger, Joe , J11.
(GOOd‘ward, Roscoe
(Goodyard , James L.
Zacchi , John
Zacchi, Pe1e

\m 7’ \<\ '11


11,_\|\11\.L JUL."

(limess, EdgarE E.
Benson ,llevi11e7Cur1is
l5u’1c11er, Howard Ru
Campbell,(Gi11iam Clarence
Caswell , lllcClure lll.
C013b,C0111 lllusser

Dear 111g, Edwar d Russell
Edwards,l71ay111ond 17.
Ellio11,Ge01ge 7(Gillia111
T~”C10ks.Ernes1 Bishop

Harney, Emme11 Duddley
Harris ,Lawr enCe 11011311
Henson, 111011iii1T Lee
Hisle,Edgar l’iidd
Howard , Jobie ”Oernon
Hu1c11ison,Harold ll.
Jusiice, S1a111ey 17.


Luke 7110ber’1 Cleo
11‘ C15ee,Evere11 (G.

‘1‘C1Cauley, Clllen 171.
m(1111111611, John 111.
‘cllees,Sidney Clay

ee 1s, Rober1 Edwin
‘1‘011s011, John (G.
wullin, Hillard Canirill
Pe1ers,Ge0r ge (l.




; Pigg, John (G.


Price, C11ar1es171ober1
Price, John Henry Ross
1771ees, James Edward
171011s,11a111e Her 11101111
Sadler, Clarence
’1'011e,James 1710be111
‘Tolle, Josephus
(Galsh, Jerry

(Gl1i1el1 e11, Beniamin Rees
(Ghi1son, Carl (G01kC1
(Gilliams, 1711013e1’1 E0111

‘ .
. 1
i. u . 11 '

Gllen, Rober1 11e11d11ic11
Overy , Blaine
Bishop, Carl (G.
Blakey, (Gilliam Eosier
l5our 11e, l7 1013e1 1T L.
15uc1111e11,l1ay lll.
15u’11 e11, 11011111011 1”.
Caswell, 11 e11 11111
Caies,(Gi11iam Harvey
C11oa’1e,Lowe11 Gwen
Crain, George
Dal1o11,(1111e1 Dempse
Day, Jame s717 ober1
DC1111is, John Ezra , Jr.
Di11i011,(Gi11 Edd
Dishman ,Ordney G.
Dorsey,(l1exa11der Holmes,Jr.
Edwards,(Gilliam Clllen
Eerrisfi’heodore 171.
Eull1s, Glenial
Enqua, Idral lll.
Gibbons, Harold David
Goldsmi1h , C11es’1er ll.
Goodman, 17 ober 1E T.
Howell, David H.
Isbell , Samuel
Jaggers,(Gilliam C.
Jewell, Cllber1
Jewell, James Buford
Jol111s1011, 1111111: ”1”.
Kessler, lllaxie E
Logsdon , John (Gal ker
llleadows, Elvin Lee
lllerideih ,(Gill iam
llloody,Hasl1e11 Rudolph
lllyers,LC7s1ie G.
Gverfe11 , Earl (Gebsier
Per 1ins,(Gilliam 0.
Pierce, Joseph E.
Rals1011, C0100 C.
71ey1101ds , Buel "170111 e111 Jr.
71ey1101ds, Percy l7 1e11111 0
1ichardson , Charles 150111011
l7ic11ardson,Sidney Cl.

170 oss,Ly11don Orville



, 1 .
. . 4', .1“ “j“ Cg -1 a 1
7. 2,}. . . .
., <1 aw .1 1 _
11* 1 ‘ ‘1 . « ,
1 G 1


Sallee, Joe .
Sco’11, Dewis (Geldon
Shor1, Halon
”Tharpe,Harold D.
”hompson, (Gillie Cleo
‘Geluza1, Roy Lee
(Gadde11,(Gal1er H.
(Gaddle, James ”T”.
(Gallace, lllarvin L.

Clllen, Raymond Edward
Barbee, leis E .
Barre1’1, lllose E.
150s11ei1, (GalkerHenry
Belcher, Joe J.
151evins,How011d (1.
Book, S1erling H.

15 owling,E1C7ere11

1511 iscoe,Lukel7 1ichar ds, Jr
Br 0wn.Lucious Raymond
15a’1’1s, HarryT Lee
C11ase,(Gi11ian1 L.
Chrisiis0n,Elbridge 15., Jr.
Cooksey, llapoleon
C10w1ey171ay Glexander

Dixon ,(Giley Lee, 111
Dunbar, (Gilliam Ivo
Du11ca11,lllaurice Cl.
Eakins, Herman
E11io’11,Silas Ingram
E0111ey,(Gal1erLTe 7

1Er eels, OlvilleE EugC ene
Gibson, Dougla sE
Gibson, Paul D.

Gish, James (1.

Haire, Huber1 Lee
Hallmark, John (Gilliam
Hancock, James H.
Hardrick,Harold (l.
Hayes, 11111111

Hayes. (Gilliam Haywood
Hickey , Herman L. , J11.

Hi ggs , John Lucian
Highland . Gllie E.
Hoffman ,(Galier 11.
Holeman , James 'i‘homas, J11.
Holland ,(Gilliam Clayion
Jardo1,(Gilliam Henry
King, Charles E.

Roper, (Gal1e11 (Gilliam
lirauihoff, Samuel (lance
Lacer, 11011111011 R.
Lawson. Gi1be111 D.
Ligge11, Hardis Junior
Li11lepage,(Gi1key D.
1110111 i 11 , Jam es 111.
lllcCo11111ic11,(Gilliam L.