xt7w3r0psh9t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w3r0psh9t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19210216 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1921-02-mar16-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1921-02-mar16-ec. 1921 2011 true xt7w3r0psh9t section xt7w3r0psh9t lMinutes of tlhe Meetin, of the Zxecutive voi nittee of th.e oard of Trustees, University- of Yentuc-:, for the regular rmonthly meeting on 'ed- nesday, march 16, 1921. The Execwtive Conmiittee of the Board of Trustees, University of Ken- tuoky, met in regular monthly session on Uednesday,- M*rch 1, 1921, in the President's office, at the hour of 12:00 o'colcp, noon. The following members were present:. Judge Richard 3. Stoll, Robert G. Gordon, Rainey T. tells, and p. P. Johnston, Jr. President Prank,- L. MoVey and -ellington ?atricc, Secretary of- the Ooraz;:ittee wee e..lso 2esent. The minutes of the previous meeting -wrere aroved zs published. (1) Sale of State Warrants. It -r!.s brougTht to the attention of the Zxeoutive Co~mittce that t'he oofrd of Truzstees of the tnr.: vsit- ha cson- sidered the question of a ne: ' Tr *snarer for the Universit';, ,.nd thbat .;r. James :: Turner, a member of this 3o0.rc, oo.d arobably act as Treasurer, and that the suggestion had been rmavde to the Board that his acting would be of advantage to the University, and that the matter was referred to the BxeCutive Committee with directions to rewoot a,.t the June meeting of the Board of Trustees. -kter some 6isousrion *a motion was made, seconded and unanimously adopted requesting Mr. Stoll to take up the entire matter with Mr. Turner, find out uron what terms Mr. Turner could handle the account of the Univerzsity, how the account would be handled and what disposition iir. Turner could make of the State '.'arrants for the University. (2) Ixecution of Contracts f or Domito. ],r. Stoll reported to the Conmmittee that he had executed contracts with J. T. Jackson Luniber Company, Allen Zlectrio Comptny, annd Tr. Iletherton and Company, for the erection of the dormitory, as ittth-.rized by the Board of Trustees at its meeting on 7'ebruary 1, 1921. Oh motion, duly seoonded, the action of MIr. Stoll in executing the contracts was approved, (3) Report of the Business Agent. The report of the Business i5gont was read and commented upon by President !ocVey. On motion, duly soeonded, the report was ordered fileda (4) Seleetioh of Brick for Dormitory. il r. Whipple appeared before the Committee and stated.that he had forwarded to tiLe aroh;tects, Coolidge and Shattuck of Boston, Massachusetts, samples of all face bricks wioh were submitted to the Board on Pebruary 1. Ie stated further that the architects had subsequentl; called for ihe samples of common brick, and that such samples as had been submitted were forwarded to the architects. The following oormunioations with reference to thle matter were read and ordered incorporated in the minutes: a. Telegram dated Boston, Massachusetts February 21, 1921 President Frank A. MoVey Universit- of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky We think- 01ld Progress brick submitted by Whaley preferable for facing. They a-re too porous for backing. Use Bush and Company common or other hard brick for bao.king. Coolidge and Shattuck Boston, Massachusetts M,-Iarch 1, 1921 President Frank L. MoVey University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky Dear Sir: Referring further to the Old Progress brick which we wired you ,bout, vie would prefer to use for facing outside walls of dormitory, we wish to say that we were influenced in our choice by a desire to get as much variety as possible in the brick. These brick ttrhile of a dark shade are very spongy and will ab- sorb t lot of moisture, but by using the Bush brick for backing we do not think that this will cause trouble. The brick should be laid to get as much variety of color as possible, and the headers should be mixed up a^ s much as possible, using certainly fifty per cent of as dark headers as can be procured. Very truly yours Coolidge and Shat tuck (Old Progress brick referred to is made by Progress Press Brick Company, Louisville, IKentacky. The Bush brick referred to is made by rulcher Briolk Crmny, Ntashville, Tennessee. "Whaley" mentioned in the teli-gram refers to Mrs W. E. Whpaley of Louis-iille, Kentucky, wLho submitted the briok for the Pr9gress Press Brick Company.) 3. The entire Executive Committee was of the opinion that Lentuclcy cosmon brick should be used, if Possible, but upon an exan.-ination of the specifications . majority of the Committee was of the opinion that that was something writh which the 5Co-mmittee had nothing to do, but .vjas left en- tirely- with the contractor; that he was required only to furnish the kind of common brick as was provided for in the specifications. It appeared to the Comrmittee that the colmon brick selected by the contractor upon recommendation of the architects cost $19 per M., and that thie Kentucky brick of like quality vrould cost $23 or $24 per -,{., and that the University would get the benefit of the difference in price of the brick. After discussion, it was moved, seconded, and carried that the recom- mendations of the architects iath respect to the selection of brick be oua- ourred in, but that Supezintendent A. O. Whipple be requested to visit the factory of Progress Press Brick Cornp.ny, and determine whether or not the brick is made up to sample and if the concern is in a position to supply brick of the sample selected in sufficient quantities. In case of ,adverse report, aMr. ';Vihipple is to notify the chairman of the E:xecu-bive Committee who will call a special meeting of the Committee to consider the matter further. On vote, Mr. Stoll, Mr. Johnston, -and Mar. Gordon voted aye. Mr. Wells voted no, sta ting that he desired Xentuc;ky brick for all purposes if it could be obtained. (5) Bonds for the Contractors for DorItory. M1r. Stoll reported to the Committee that H. Nethezton und Company and Allen Llectric Company had executed bonds given by bonding companies for the execution of their con- tra cts. J. T. Jic'kson Lumber Compsnag presented a personal bond, which on motion by Mr. .Cordon, seconded by Mr. Johnston eras approved and ordered incorporated in the minutes. The bond is as follows: Lexington, Kentucky Tebruary 23, 1921 executive Commit tee University of Kentucky Lexingt on, Kentucky Gentlemen: You are hereby notified aby these presents that we, 3. T. Jackson Lumber Company uf Lexington, rentuclcy, and the uadler- si:gned as sureti-s to *rou. foi and in beh-lf of the said J. T. Jackson Lumber C. mpany are held and firmly bound unto the Trustees of the University of 1Cuntuckry. located -*G Lexington, Kentucky, in the sum of $67,195UO0, for which payment well and truly to be made, we do bind ourselves by these presents. 4. The oonditions of this obligation are as follows: The said J. T. Jackson Lumber Company has been chosen and employed by the Trustees of the University of Kentuwky for the purpose of con- strutting a dormitory on the oampus, which said contract is at- taohed, hereto and mnde a part hereof the sinme as if it had been copied in whole, and it is upon said contract for the eonstruotion of said building that this bond for the faithful perforTanoe is to be carried out. foow, if the said J. T. Jackson Lumber Company shell swell and faithfully perform ftnd discharge all of its duties as contractor, and shall account for all the coaditions, restrictions and. stipu- lations and requirements of said contract, regarding Nhigh it has agreed to oarry out find perform both in whole and in part in its octract, and if it shall construct said dormitory, as per said. agreement, and in the time required, then when the same shall have been carried out, this bond shall be held for naught. oHowover, if the said J, T. Jaokson Lumber Company fails to carry oit the agreements of this contract as to any or all of its re~irements, then this bond shall be used so for as is neoesmry by Bhe son Trustees of the University of Kentucky after the SIme has been collected for the purpose of completing the said contract, and in the oarrying out of the J. T. Jackson Lumber Company's agreement. This bond shall renain in full force and effect and t3e parties herein are bound by the Same until the Lxeoutive Committee of the University of Kentuoky shall have accepted the dormitory/ Vs per contract, and released the sae by returning it to the Jt To Jackson Lumber Compoany. , rT. Jaelcson ILumber C5mpthy By J. T. Jacolcsoi, Jr. Po. .Downing 1{ughes Ja ck son VT. T. Congleton As Go Payne (6) System of Ae-t-ing for the Dormitr Superintendent Ae 0. Whipple reported to the Committee that E. Netherton and Company had in- dioated that they would install t. Webster heating system or a D%,nhAm heati- ing system; if the latter were installed it would be at a saving of $z0o to the University, aecording to the bid submitted by the said ompany hMr. VWhipple indicated that the engineers that drew the plans for heating had indicated their %pproval of either system. After discussion, hair. *Whipple war instructed to takL-e the matter up with Mr. J. I. Lyle of Few York City and get his advice in the matter. (7) Lease of Van Meter Farmo The following communication was read from Dean Cooper with reference to the lease of the. Van Mete;' farm. (See previous instructions authorizing Dean Cooper to enter into such a contract) Maroh 5, 1921 President Frank L. MoVey University of Kentucky My dear President McVey: In acoordance with our conversation; I have entered into a conbract with Mr0 Jo Cv Van M4eter and Miiss Martha PO Van MDeter for the rent of the Van Meter farm for the period of one year- beginning February Is-. 1921, with an option for renewal for five years; at the rate of $1 -600 a year,- same to be p. id in twelve equal monthly installments of $133 1/3 a month. Yours very truly, Thomzas Cooper Dean and Director (0) Ap)lipation to In+ern epartme&ItaI Social Hygiene Board. President -MoVey indicated. *.;o the C6Mmittee that the Interdepartmental Social Hygiene Board of Washiugton.,' Do S. would continue for another year its subsidy to the Universily on the dollar for dollar basis,' the amount available this year being about $8,so00o The following form of applica- tion prescribed by the Intexdepartmental Social Hygiene Board was ordered incorporated in the minutes. At a meeting of the Execl'iti e Committee of the Board of Trustees, University of KCentuoky,, held at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentuckcy on March 116.: 1921, the following appears of record in the minutes of that date: Upon motion by Mr. johiAst3n, with the second of Mr. Gordon, the iollowing action was taken. It is hereby certified that the University of IKentucky has a Department of Eygiane properly equippo! to Carry our the pro- gram of instruction and tra irin in hyglene in conformity with the regulations of the Interdepartmental Social Hygiene Board governing the Educational Research and Development Fund; it is 5- 6. further certified that the said Department of Hygiene is autho- rized to cooperate with the Interdepartmental Social Hygiene Board in accordance with the regulations od said Board for the. purpose of discovering and developing more effective educational measures in the prevention of venereal diseases and for the purpose of sociological and psychological research related thereto; and it is further certified that the University of kentucky has set aside for the same purpose the sum of $ ,, equal to, and in excess (if in excess) of the sum to be received from the United States. Secretary Witness Notary Publio '(9 B Hoard and Room at Patterson Hall* President MoVey recommended to the Committee that the basis -of payment for board and room at Patter- son Hall be changed and put on some basis that will'proteot the University from frequent withdrawals, On motion by Mr. Wells, seconded by M1r0 Johnston, it was directed that the following basis for payment of board and room at Patterson H~all be adopted: That students reserving rooms be required to pay $62o50 at the opening of the school year; $62c50 on December 1; $62.50 on February 14 and $62.50 on April 1 of each year; that no variation from this schedule be permitted without special arrange- ments with the Business Agent; and that no refunds be made on account of leaving the Hall xcept in oases of illness or other unavoidable circum-. stancest (W)) Printing and PapTro Louisville Paper 2p yes Bill for $10 000 for r and Tags, President 'MoVey presented to the Committee a bill for $10000 -which the Louisville Paper Company had presented for paper furnished for the printing of tags for the Experiment Station, President MoVey indicated that the order had been placed with the State Printing Commission, who had turned the order to the State Journal Company of Frankfort. The State Journal Company in turn had ordered the paper from the Louisville Paper Company without consulting the Uni- versity. President MoVey stated that heretofore no charge had been made by the State against the University for paper, He stated further that had the University know3n that it had. to buy its paper it would have looked into the questiona He 4so stated that it appeared in his opinion and in the opinion of Dean Cooper and the Business Agent, Mr. Peak, to be an exhorbi- tant charge, In fact,' he indicated,' it was estimated that the University could have purchased the l,000,000 tags involved already printed -- paper and all - for half the amount of the bills? or approximately $5,000. The University, however, had been presented- with a bill for $10,000 for paper alone, and the bill for the prInting would be in addition to this. After discussion, on motion by Mr. Gordon- duly seconded the matter was referred to Mr. Wells for investigation and report as to the amount of the bill and the University's liabilityo (12) Engraving of Diplomas. Bill of Rarcourt an! Compan' of Louis- ville. President MoVey reported to the Gommittee bhat the University had received a bill from Harcourt, and Company of Louisville, Kentucky, for $40.00 for engraving twenty diplomas. He stated that the concern whioh had supplied Harcour" and Company had indicated to the University that they would furnish the twen`y diplomas to the University for $20.00, the same amount vwhioh Raroourt had paid for the diplomas complete. After dis- cussion the matter was referred to Mr. Wells for investigation and report, (1X) Farm Boys' Enoampmento A communication was read from the State Board of Agriculture asking that the University continue it's appropriation of $600 annually for the Farm Boys" Encampment. On motion, duly seconded, it was ordered that the appropriation be continued during the coming year. (1) Election of Alumni Member to Board of Trustees. President MoVey brought to the attention of the Committee the fact that the term of office of Mr. P. P. Johnston, Jr@., Alumni member of the Board of Trustees, will expire on January 1, 1922,. and to the regulations of the Board of Triistees governing the nomination and election of Alumni members. On motion, duly seconded, the Secretary of the Board was instructed to hate proper forms printed on which to conduct the nomination and eleotion. He was also directed to state in connection with the printed regulations that the eleo- tion is held for the purpose of filling the vacancy caused by the expiration of the term of office of Mr. Johnstone (14) Leave of Absence for Professor E. L. Rees. The application of Professor E. L. Rees of the Department of Mathematics for sabbatical leave of absence during the year 1921-1922 was presented. On motion, duly seconded, leave of absence oa half pay was granted to Professor Reese {15) University Union in iEurope President MoVey presented to the Committee communications from the president and secretary of the American University Union urging that the University of Xentucky continue its member- ship in the American Universitv Union in Europe. After discussion, it was moved, seconded, and carried that such membership be continued. no 81, (i6J Appointments. The follotving list of appointments was presented by President MoVey-wvhinh on motion7 duly seconded was approved as presented: Appointment of Benton Ee Barringer as assistant- professor of agricultural education to conduct work in Smith-Hugbes agrioulture in connection with Picadome Sohool) Fayette County, Kentuoky, at a salary of $200 a month, for a period of four months, effective March3l4 1921. He is a graduate of Teachers' College of Columbia University, having received his M. A. degree there in Febr.aryg 1920. He has had conisiderabl, experience in vocational agriculture. Appointment of E. 1.1, Johnson, a senior student in the College of Agriculture, to the Gypsum Indfurstries fellowrship. This felloilship is to be payable at the rate of $100 a month, effective March 1,. 1922,7 and is to cover all necessary traveling expenses in connection -vith the w7ork. Appointment of Miss Mary May Miller as field agent in foods at a salary of $2,,000 a year,' effective Jazuary 29, 1921, She is a graduate of North Dakota Agricultural College with the degree of B. S. and has a bachelor's degree from Columbia University. Appointment of M5iss Maryetta -ffilson as instructor in home economics, effective February 8; 1921, at a salary of $900 for the period February to June, inclu- sive. She has a bachelor's degree in home economics from Colorado Agri- oultural Collegee She has had post'graduate -,sork at Columbia University, and at Colorado Agricultural College. She was head of the home economics work at the Fort Collins School of Agriculture, and was assistant professor of home economics and head of domestic art in the New Mexico State Coliege. She is to assist in the clothing work in the Home Eoonomies Department. Appointment of Fred Van Hoose as field. agent in club work,7 Johnson County, Kentucky, at a salary of $125 a montz, for a period of two months; effective January 17,, 1921, Appointment of J. Robert Bird as oounty agent; MoCraoken County, Zentucky; at a salary of $200 a month; for a period of twelve months, effective January 1' l921. Appointment of Fo 0, Townes as county agent; Muhlenberg County,, entucky, at a salary of $166 2/3 a month, for a period of twelve months, effective January 16, 1921. Appointment of Thomas Payne as colored county agent" Simpson County, Xentucky at a salary of $83 1/3 a month, for a period of twelve months, effective MAarch 1; 1921 a 9- Appointipent of L^, C. Pace as county agent, Livingston County, Kentucky, at a salary of $175 a month; for a period of eleven months, effective Maroh 1; 1921. Appointment of B. T. Harrison as assistan4t oounty agent, Pulaski County, Kentucky,: at a salary of $125 a month,: for a period of twelve months, effeotive kiarch 1, 19219 Appointment of R. MI Greene as assistant oounty agent, Larue County, Kentuocky, at a salary of $153 1/3 a month, for a period of twelve months, effective February 22, 1921. Anpointment of B. F. MoKenney as assistant county agent, Nelson County, Kentucky,. at a salary O' $125 a month, for a period of twelve months effec- tive February 24D,: 1921. Appointment of W. B. Woodward as assistant county agent, Xnox and Whitley Counties , Kentucky, at a salar-y of $125 a month, for a period of twelve months, effective March l, )921:.0 Appointment of L. A. Clark as county agent. Clay Countym Kentucky at a salary of $125 a month, for a period of twelve months, effective March li 1921. Continuation of employment of Miss Z3.se Brunhoff as home demonstration agent, Jefferson County, Kentuolcy-' at. a salary of $L54.16 2/3 a month, for a period of twelve months, c2feotive Jaznarxy 1: 1.921. Continuation of employment of Miss relsna Turner as home demonstration agent ,: Muhlenberg County,' Zen`.ucky at a salary of $141 2/3 a month, for a period of twelve months, effective January Il- 1921. Continuation of employment of S. We? Anderson as assistant county agent,: Jefferson County, Xentucky, at a salary of $L66 2/3 a month;- for a period of ten months,. efCective March 3, 1921. Continuation of employment of F, Z. Merriman as county agent, Jefferson County' Kentucky, at a salariy of $291 2/3 a month, for a period of twelve months, effective January 1, l92k.o Continuation of employment of S. Jo Haynes as county agent,Wayne Couiity, Kentuokyv, at a salaryr of $150 a month, for a period of twelve months, effective February 7p 1921. Continuation of employment of Zarl Mayhew as county agent, Knox County, Kehtuoky, at a salary of $183 1/3 a month, for a period of twelve months, effective February, 1 1921. 10. Continuation of employment of 0 L. Cunningham as county agent, Fulton County; FTentucky, at a salar-y of $258 1/3 a month, for a period of twelve months, effective January 1, 1921. Appointment of Mirs. Jennie C0 Grubbs as home demonstration agent, Boyle County, Kentucky, at a salary of $115 a month, for a period of four months, effective March 1, 1921l ppointment of Elizabeth Scoville as home demonstration agent' !AcCreary County, Zentucky,. at a salary of $83 1/3 a month:, for a period of 9 3/5 months, effective January 12; 2.921. Lppointment of Mis. Roxie C. Perkins as home demonstration agent, Harlan County, Kentucky, at a salary of $3.10 a monthi for a period of six months, effective 3anucry 1, 1.921c (17) Resignations, The following resignations where presented by President McVey, aicd on motiocl, duly seconded, accepted by the Committee. Resignationiof Gordie Young,, instructor in agricultural education, effective February 10,- 1921l Resignation of Ross Taylorv, county agenta, 'Tashington County, Kentucky, effective January 27,' 19211 Resignation of Miss May Su',phin,- clerk in the department of animal husbandry,9 effective February 10, 19210 Resignation of Miss Luanna Duckwa7.1' clerk in the department of farm ecc- nomios, effeotive February 28, 1921. Resignation o: C. L. Taylo--r, couaty agent. Renderson County,. Kentucky, effective January 31D. 1921. Fe resigns in order to complete his course in the College;of Agriculture al; the University. Resignation of Miss Lillian Martitrp clerk in the departUeat of veterinary- scienoep effective March 31, 1921, *(18) Tlcreases in Salary The followiag increases in salary, recommended by President Mcley, wvnre; ow) mo-bion duly mW.de and seconded, approved by the Commi'4tee: Transfer bf Miss Therressa Lirns from Mr, Bryant~s office to Db0 Mahants office; and her salary iioreased frcm IC ,o $100 a month; effective April 1,. 1921 . Increase in salary of Miss Elizr,bevEh L-aL6sbcrg., stenographer in the Department of University Ex-ension,, froii $8r to $100 a month, effective March 1; l92l1 II. (19) Furniture for Doritor.ya Presidenlt MoVey stated to the Com- mittee that furniture for -the menas dormitory ought to be considered in the near futures On motions duly seconded0. President MoVey was authorized to appoint a oemmittee to oonsider the matter and make recommendations to the Presidento (20) Iastallation of Storm Sewer -the City d Lexington. President MoVey stated to the Committee that the authorities of the City of Lexington proposed to install a storm sewer en Rose Street,' adjoining University property, and empty the water into the ermall stream leading across the campus. .After discussion,' a motion was made, seconded,' and adopted. authorizing Judge Stoll to take the matter up with the city authorities. (21) Installation of Meorial Tablet- President MoVey reported to the Committee that the bronze memorial tablet to the men who lost their lives in the Great War, made by the. Gorham Company of New York City- had been delivered to the Univetsity. He asked advice of the Committee regarding its location. It was the sense of the Committee that the tablet be'install- ed in the corridor of the PLdiainistration Building on the first floors the installation to be temporaryl with the idea of locating it permanently in the Memorlal Buildiag when completed. (2Z) Provisions for an Art Museums President MoVey called the atten- tion of the Committee to the fact that the University has no provisions few an art museumo Be stated that the late Mr. Dufeueock of Cincinniati had left four piotures with the provision that they should go to some Kentucky institution that would provide a suitable museum. He recommended to the Committee that a room in theIDepartment of Art at White Hall be set aside for an art 0ollection and that an effort be made to secure the Duveneok paintings. Oa motions duly seconded,, the following resolution was passed: Be it resolved, that it is desirable for the Universityp as often as oocasion or money permits to secure paintings and art Objects for the University. To that end a room in White Hall shall be designated as the art gallery and it shall be used for the purpose of exhibiting pictures and art objects from time to time. The officers of the University are authorized to accept pictures *and other art objects for the University collection. (23) ering System for Professor's 'President McVey called atten- tion to the necessity of a retiring system for professors at the University who have reached the age of sixtzseveno, He stated that there are now at the University some nine or ten persons on the staff between sixty and seventy years of age and indicated that at least some of them; by the time they reach seventy; will probably be. unable to render effective service. He stated that the Univecsity authorities should formulate a satisfaotory 120 plan to take oare of this situation. There are three vtays of hanaling the matter: First, to fcllow the old system and oarry men on the staff until death; second; to consider a system of pensions -whereby a teacher may be retired at sixty-seven Witli the provision of annual election for three additional years, and third; to consider an-annuity plan such as is provided by the Carnegie Foundation' the University and the individual contributing equally to the annual premiums, which, upon the individual's reaching a given age whould retire him on an annuityo As a business pro- position" the President stated, it is at least time for the University to give consideration to the matter. Whereupon the Committee adjourned0 Respectfully submitted Wellington Patrick Secretary of the Board Missing report(s)