xt7w3r0pvx6q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w3r0pvx6q/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1965 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, July 1965 Vol.31 No.10 text The Kentucky Press, July 1965 Vol.31 No.10 1965 2019 true xt7w3r0pvx6q section xt7w3r0pvx6q 5 ‘ . l
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The Kentucky Press Association recognizes F
the fundamental importance of the implied i ?
trust imposed on newspapers and dissemination
)f public information. It stands for truth, fair- 3 I
xess, accuracy, and decency in the presentation
" news, as set forth in the Canons of Journal- i ‘
5 m. It advocates strict ethical standards in its ;
advertising column. It opposes the publication
of propaganda under the guise of news. It af-
firms the obligation of a newspaper to frank, .5 '
honest and fearless editorial expressions. It re- s
aspects equality of opinion and the right of every '
v‘individaal to participation in the Constitutional :3
guarantee of Freedom of the Press. It believes g
in the newspaper as a vital medium for civic, %
economic, social and cultural community de- ‘
velopment and progress. f l
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communltles PUblICGTIOh Office: l3“‘§"“§i’ 5-335 . my, -. 3:33 5
~0wned 6160- S h *3fl‘xfikfif‘, .5 ._ 55"“:93" 5v; 2
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 . 3. ‘ t 1 I 33
333 33
3‘ 3331333 3 333.. 3
3 3333. 3
3 333335333. 3333 3‘
3 33.3333 3.33 3:3 3
3 3 3 3 333 “3 Th ' ' ’3
33.3 333 _. 3 3 3 3 3 ministration’s recom ( ‘ .‘
33. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 e Kentucky Press + AS We See It + 3. 25:33:32.:
3:333» 3. I .. . 3 . t1me-' 3
333‘: 33 33 3 i 3 3 3 NNA Asks Clarification B111 ptOV‘des that the Penalty rate of dourlflli T
3‘3 ‘3 3 3 3 3 3 ' t. t [3
33333333 33 3 3 3 Volume 31, Number 10 0f F.L.S.A. W-H Section time Again lpply .to a work week longe:
33 3. 33 33 3 t 3 t 3 Our N t- l . . . an ours the fll‘St year after the effect
3 3 333 3 3 I3 3 3 33 Official Publication 3 3k 1 a iona Newspaper ASSOCiation has ive date of the amendment; 47 hours durin A
3 33 33 33 3 3 3 3 Kentucky Press Association, Inc. rtis ec Selliat: and. House Labor Committees the second year; 46 hours after the thirffi
33 333 3 3 3 3 Kentucky Press Service, Inc. 31: $11323; teh Fair Labor Standards Act so year, Tand 45 hours thereafter. .3
333 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 Victor R. Penman", Editor 3 ‘ 3’1 e3piesent exemption for news— ANPA sent a statement July 2 to Sen ’3
3 33 3 3333 3 3 3 3 3 M b p‘lipeis Wit a cnculation of less than 4,000, McNamara, the Subcommittee chairman {33 ed
3 3 3 em 3 3 '. . . . , _ ,
3 3 3 3313‘ 3 3 3 3 3 Newspaper Manage: Association A133\INA seeks is the elimination of two express oppOSition to 8.1986. ANPA sent3‘ put
3 33 3 333 3 3 Lexington Chamber of Commerce “2(1):” to permit the exemption to apply to similar statement on May 28 to 21 Hour 1
: 3333 3 33 ~ . ' ' . . . .
3 3 ‘3: 3 ~ 33 tartaritsrzzszz tires: Emittieltib‘e 333.333.33.33... meted General Subcommmee on Labor 33:33:33: :33
33 . 3 3 33 3 Sustaining Meniber 9 co t I; Y ‘1 P1}. ication or .a contiguous holding hearings on three House Bills 333 MP]
3 3 33 33 1 3 3 National Neyspaper sociation S UlillY- hi] :1 p051tion paper Slgned by Ted prov1de a penalty rate of double time for Pre
3 33 .3333 3 . 3 em er a 3 6 case 0 a 3 overtime.
3 3 33 33333 3 3 3 3 National NeCssrsizglgfermo: n A . . helm]. ”NA ple’lded th f “ f6“ - 3 ,1
3 3 33 3 3 33 3333 33 3 3 3 3 o ssocration 1uncied newspapers adversely affected by James T. Dorris, Business Manager De-3 fers
33 3. 3333 3 3 : 3 3 Publication Office tie fact that the present law, as now inter- tl'Oit (MiCh-) News testified on behalf of ing
3 . 333 3 ' ~ . u . ‘ ’
3 3 t 333333 3 3. 333 333 33333 3 _ S'Chool of Journalism pieted by the Wage-Hour DIVlSlOn of the ANPA befOI'e the House Labor Subcom ove
333 3 3333 33 3333 3333333 333 3 3 33 —W 35 Department of Labor, excludes some inittee on Wednesday, July 7 in Opposition whe
3 3. 3 333333 33 33.3333333 3.33 33 - __ tlfgvstglpeis printed in a central plant by to proposed legislation that would puti
33 33 3 33333 33 3333 3‘3 1,333 3 Kentucky Press Assocration, lnc. Siich: piftss'3 d‘mbte time penalty on overtime.
3 33 3 33 3 33 3333 3 33 3 3 Maurice K. Henry, President House LIES: (ees of both the Senate .and _ Three identical Bills are subject of hear-3 “rec
3: ‘33I 33 ‘» 3‘33 333 3 ‘ 33 3 3 Daily News Middlesboro ing FLSfX Jolnmlttees are 110W COUSIdeF— lugs by the Sllbcommittee: HR. 8259 b3 kee}
i 3 3 3 3 3‘. ‘ 3 ’ 1 . 3 . . . ,
3 3 33 33 33 3 33 3.33 3 3333 3 3 Larry Stone, Vice—Presi' dent is on the \ggietnc gents and such legislation Rep. Powell (N.Y.); HR. 8260 by Rep. in a
133 33 333 3: 333 33 3 3 3 ,3 3 Messen er C tr 1 C' 3 . ‘1 e 01156 must list for pas— Roosevelt (Calif). chairman of the Sulil a d‘
. 33 3. .3 33 33 3333 33 33 3 . g , en a ity sage this year. NNA seeks to incorporate its committee and HR 8961 b R 33the
‘ 3 3 33 ‘33 333K 33 3 32 33 33mm 1" Portm‘m“: SeC'etary-Manager two—word change into the pending bills (P1) ’ t t - y W Dem the
3‘ 3 :3 3 :3 3 3 33 333. 3 3.. 33.. by
'.3 =3‘i“'33l‘~3.3‘3 i 333 ‘ ' ‘ . ’ a 'e’ enni ‘ : . ° ° °
3 33 ‘3 3333 .3 3333 3 ‘3 University of Kentucky, Lexington J . Figs ‘Idliiclolph (D" W' Va), :1 for— H T the
3 3 3 33333 33 33 3 3 33333 ' . mei publisher himself and a Senate Labor 0W 0 Handle Free T-
. 3 i 3333 3 33333 3 3 33 District Executive Committee gommittee membel.’ and by Rep- JOhD PublICIfy Requests iHOt'
3‘ 3 3 ‘ 33. 3 3 3 3 3 3
33 3‘33 33 _ : ‘33}:3‘ Chairman, Edwards M. Tom lin Her ld- out (1)., Pa), a House Labor Committee For : ~~ . 3tW0
3 33 33 i. 3 ‘3: 3 33333 3 3333 33 Leader, Lexington (Sixth); Firsf) Vi’illiamaT member. qbout 031:3; LELEZDETblleE] 0? “3113:“ ti) (33033 N
:3 3 _ 3 3 ‘ 3 3 3 3 3 3 . . r . . _ ‘ 3 ‘ r ( . C . . _.
3 33 3' ‘t3i 1333 :31 3 333 3 D‘ms’ Lyon County Herald, Eddyville; Second, Section 13 (a) (8) 0f FLSA now exempts es etc ) which : tu 9, gum 65-7 0 g3 to s
.3 3 3.3 33333 3 33333 3 . 3 333 G20?e M. Wilson, Herald-News, Hardinsburg; from minimum wage and overtime require- reyenue prod ' W‘m tto (”111 110t10€5303pres
3 3 33 3 333 -. ‘33 33 33 3 3 3:3 3 T ir 3, Al I. Schansberg Voice of St Matthews- ment “any employee em 1 (l ' ' ucmg even S rummage sa 653
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 , . , p oye in connectioi ‘ . - 0t 1
33 3‘ 33 33.33333 33 333 33 3 33333 gogfh,F Hiward Ogles, Favorite, Franklin; with the publication of any weekly semi bake files, fnteltanfinents’ etc.) has beelfoffic
3 33333333: 333 3 3 i , C. -~ . . , ' 2 pro em or sn. : 3 ~.
3 3 33 331: 3 3333 3‘33 3 33 3 ford- Sedgzth WiilénTiimirliiheFeziffrmm’ 26¢ Wiekly 01f it dally newspaper with *1 Ci1‘- publisherg run thlerfi fiieefbfiggisfifsfttfor
'3 33 33?. 3 '3 1“333: ‘ 3 3 . ’ . ’ t . ' , CW'J, ar— cuation 0 egg t1; ~ . . . t ‘ ’ :3
3 3 i 33 l 333 33333 i335 3 3 11516; Eighth, Louis DeRosett, Adair Counti f h'- 41.111 4900.0 the manor part charge, We charge”, etc. John Gebbttiosw
3 :3 3 33 3 33333 33 , 3 _ . J o w ich cuculation is th h l k
t 3' 33 33 3 333‘3333: 33 333 3‘ News’ C°tttmbla; Ninth, James T. NorriS, Jr., Where )rim‘el 1 ”V3371 1n t e County Bellevue (Nebr.) Press. Wrote the NPA; ac
I 3 3 3 3: 3 33333333 3 3 3 3‘ lg, lindepegdent, -AShland; Tenth, 1" Springer contiguous th: 1:”: p11) IShed or counties “FOP years we tried everything in the booth If:
3 33 . 3333 3 3333333‘ 3 ~73 33‘ 05 ms’ nterprise, Harlan; State-at-Large I 0' —charging run ‘ r f: — k d \l ‘ 103
33 33 3 33 3 3 , ‘ 3 3 “ . a hing, iee nonewor e .3033, .
333 3’33 33‘. 3 333333 33333 33: g C. Van Curon, State Journal, Frankfort; WNA 35kg only that the WOIdS’ printed we make a :2-column s we available 5690th
3 33 333.. 33333333 333 .333 fate-at—Large, James Lee Crawford, Tribune— and ,l)e deleted and the remaining language for ,m . . , 113‘. s c c 33 free
I3 33 ‘33: 3 3.33 . 3 3333 ~ Times, Corbin; State-rit-nge, Warren Abrams left undisturbed. This would simply restore 3 ‘ y 01 g‘mlf‘attona $101113 to Wllte “ fairi
'3 . 33 33333 33333 1 Courier-Journal, Louisville; Immediate Past the original intent of Congresq wh th piece .abOUt the” function. This is free. A“
3 ‘3 3 333 3 3‘3333‘33‘ 3‘3.i ‘ President, George Joplin 111, Commonwealth exemption was grantedl lon tb f en he say fme _Some use it) some don’t sooner Tt
3333 3 3 3 3 33333 3 333 33 Somerset. offset printing process {110mg e ore t .e or later they ask ‘What about those items prin
333 3 3333333333 33 33 33 3 33 ———__- t l) ~ ‘ ‘ newspapeis With bOXGS around them?’ We tell them that C
3 3’ 33 3‘33 ‘ 3 ; 3 3 0 e 1“" Off away flom the headquarters ‘stuff ' b -d -’ ' ' 33111th
333 ‘3 33: ‘3 33 3 1. Kentucky Press Service Inc office. .d 1ls ho1 61 and anything bordered 15f“ dam
3 3333.333 3 . I - 3 . . . 21 wn’c etsm - - 1t 3‘ d etesaes
33 3 3 ‘ ‘3 333 33 311 George M. Wilson, President Bill Bray, Missouri Press Association like the lgnerdmo 11: 161811 Sfin CldlerfisingASSO‘
l3 5 3 3‘33 ,3 3 33‘; Breakinndge Herald-News, Hardinsburg Manager, has recently called to the atten- h " ‘ (I S (O W en a HE
33 3 3 3 3 ‘33 3: 33 3 3 3 Landon Wills, First Vice-President tion of Sens. Stuart Symin ton (D M t 6“ pioducts. You ought to see the change the 3
333 3 33 333.3 . 3 33333 3 3 McLean County News, Calhoun and Long (D Mo ) '1 t gi l ~3 f 0-) in attitude when they understand that box-prime
3 3 3 3 3‘ 1 3 3 33 333 William T. Davrs, Second Vice-President under-4 000 , I. c y? ca case 0 the ing’ an item iS extra Work and iS Chal‘ge‘tbte l
3 ~ ~ 3 3 3:33 Lyon County Herald Eddyville ’ exemptlt’“ bemg lost because 3 Th ' thi‘tuy
. 3 3 3 3 33 33 3 V‘ ‘t R P i of the “t 1. 1 ,, Space. ey buy and feel better. 311108 kl) :
i 3 . 3 _ 3 3 3 3 it or . ortmann, Secretary-Treasurer W0 ltt 6 words NNA seeks to de- h b ff - ftlie Oarc
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 333 Perry J. Ashley, Assistant Secretary lete. Both Senators have promised to he] as 6611 6 (get we find a greater ”590 t H“
! . 3 3 “ 3 3 3 Florida R. Garrison, Assistant Treasurer change the law ' p paper than before and a greater degreeo VVOlt
‘3 .- 3 3 . 3 3 j 3 ‘ res ect. . . 3
333‘ 3 3 3 3 3 i 3 3‘ Board Of Directors o o o p 3 (Broat
3» 3 ‘ 33 i 3 Chairman, Martin D Che s t' [.13 C a o a on a
. 3 ' 3 3.‘ 3 3 don; Maurice K. Heriir)’ bail; fizscfiidfl’fg- Chores; ASked T0 Defeat A moment of carelessness C811 mean r133meeti
I33 3 3 3 33 lzoro; Niles O. Dillingham, Progress, Dawson Double Overtime Proposal lifetime of regret. ‘3 Th:
3 ' 3 3 Springs; Thomas L. Preston Offset reorders from letter ress: On thfltlineSJ
3_ _ 3_ 3 3 a DGmOCmt, Cyn- A senate Labor Subcommitt b - p d’
3 3 3 3 3 drama; Robert Fay. Shelby News, Shelbyville; hearings July 6 S 19 ee egan tough COmpOSItiOn 0T difHCUlt maker€fl t 31W}:
3 3 3 3 Officers ex-officio. mam (lVIi h, 0111).“. 3 86 by Sen. McNa— job, pull a few 1‘6p1-OS. Next time custimer \th
3 33 3 3 . 3 s c c .), a 1 to carry out the Ad- wants it, run Offset.
3 .. . 7 . L. W . 3‘

 . - , . Wm~ _. VW‘ w~~
ndation to put a pelij ’ {TEE ;
ie on overtime, Thr ' '” . . It also places restrictions on statements E’E‘, E :
uenalty rate of doubliE The LOUISVI e Bar ASSOCIai-lon for p ublication made by prosecuting and If ii,
a work week longer . defense attorneys. ‘ E if ii-E V
year after the effectE . . . p Prosecutors Similarly Restricted E E E'. 3
rent; 47 hours duri Ad pt P -T I P pl rosecuting attorneys are to be bound E‘ j -
10111.5 after the thiIiEE o S ress r la rl nCI es by th: Isamehrules as those for policemen, E E; fE
,1- -, , exce tiatt e rosecutor ma re 1 to a “ ‘
11:32:: eJuly 2 to Sen The Louisville Bar Association has adopt- Howevei', ERalph ELogan of the Louisville charges of misctlfnduct on his )partptliat m2; E l. :E
aimittee chair man, tuE ed a statement .af. princrples concerning Bar AssocrationEsaid he hopes the courts be publicized by the defendant or anyone E _
l.1986. ANPA senti pubhcrty about criminal cases. . . Will go along With the principles for attor— speaking for him. E i E
May 28 to a Hour The statement, released recently, is Sim- neys and law—enforcement aEgenCIes. If the In addition, “no defense counsel or pi‘os- E . -,‘
on Labor Whichwai ilar in some respects to a statement of prin- courts would go along, this could mean ecutor should make any statements con- E E .
:hree House Bills tr ciples receiitly adopted by the Kentucky rulings of contempt of court for those who cerning a pending criminal case; nor grant E E .E E
a of double time for Press Assomatiop. . Violate the prinCiples, or it could mean that interviews concerning a pending criminal E r. ‘7
E, The attorneys statement, however, dif- a Judge would not accept certain evidence. case; nor engage in any public discussion E E ’
isiness Manager, De-l fers from the newsman’s statement by say- Contains 5 MajorE Sections . . . nor prepare any statement for release 3 “; \
estified on behalf of ing that the right of a free trial mEust prevail ETheELouisville attorneys statement 0011- by any other person which is intended to E E. .
)use Labor Subcom- over the right of the public to be informed— tEaiEns five major sections: on pretrial puEb- influence public opinion and prospective E ’7 {ti
July 7 in opposition when the rights. come into conflict: , lEiCity, . publrcrty during Ea trial, publlClty jurors.” E :' EE
1 that would puti “ . . . Fair Trial {lust Prevail followmg a trial, juvenile cases and the The statement says that information may E E f
n overtime. TheEbar association, the statement says, right of the press to investigate. . be released telling the scheduled dates for E x E;
are subject of hear-k recognizes the Eright of the news media to EMuch of the section dealing With pre- hearings “and other factual information as E E ‘_
ittee: HR. 8259 b)" keep the public infotmed on the happenings trial publiCity is patterned after a set of to the conduct of the trial. However, infor- E ‘ 'E
HR. 8260 by Rep. in a given community, but where there is rules issued in January by US. Atty. Gen. mation and opinions regarding the sub- E : EEE'EE -
[airman of the SUV a decrsion to be made in this respect, it is Nicholas Katzenbach governing the actions stantive case should not be diseussed.” E . ‘1 ..
8261 by Rep. Deitl the belief of the bar assocmtion that where of Justice Department law enforcement As for judges, the statement says they E E r-EE- v
the right of the public being informed and officers. should not comment to the news media or E i
t the right of a fair trial are in conflict that The Louisville bar says that all policemen others while an investigation is going on. E E :
° the right of a fair trial must prevail.” and other investigators should be limited to Judge’s Comments Limited E ; . 1f
'ee The newsman’s statement last month did providing the following information for “It is improper,” the statement says “for EE‘ ,4 if
Enot directly come to grips with which of the publication. before a trial: a judicial official to make any statements E E. 5E
ulein of what to EEEJEtwo rights should prevail Em a conflict. . The defeiidants iiame and identifying with respect to any case which is brought E .T
. (19‘ News coverage of criminal cases came in- background information, the charges against before him, or may later come before him, E ,» YE
lubs, churches, 10 g to sharp focus after the assassination of him, who made the arrest and the length and it is equally undesirable for him to E L '11:- 5'
: to run notices 0E President John F. Kennedy, and the slaying of the investigation, and the circumstances comment on cases that are before _ other E i E if
mtg (rummage sales, of Lee Harvey Oswald. The press, police of the arrest including the time and place, iudges.” ' I E E\ .. E .
ents’ etc') has been{officials and attorneys have all been critized resistance, pursuit, possession and use of 4 During a trial policemen and attomeys ‘5} 7'.
l. neWSpapers'“EES(::: for their actions in connection With the weapons and a description of items used. should not make ’statements for publication. E ‘ E
e:tsonil:1isnaycebli9y gilt/ah: bease and the subsequent trial of Th BelfitecIlngorISfltf:isli0:i:tOrtilrligsicellr 5a 5 “The evidence as produced publicly in spurt E H E
ss, wrote the NPA: E E1 Eh . . . . f K k e PO ice bf} b ,t' b ty 7 should be permitted to speak for itself. E E iv ..
erything in the book kai y Eis year, representatives 0 en- ma e any pu re 0 servxa ions a on a After the jury has announced its verdict, E E EEE "z
space available free free press inrdctllsi:uiinh%ts :fv dgfhfifloihcllset: hIffoibisitecél1 tldnllfgldefendant ‘ 7 counsel nor the Indlcmly need refrain from E , l i
I group to writefltair trial g ‘ ‘ P 1_ hall make no. statement con— comment. Such comments should at all 1
ion. This is free. All 'th ,. St P 'bl 91061116“; t't d‘b'l't r tesimon times be decorous, the statement says. . i , r
some don’t. Soontl‘ This has lied ftegientts‘w 03:: e t f clernmg t :1 en 11:]; 8:: 1E1} liey Oshall mak: The Louisvrlle bar adopted the newsmans E E 'E i
it about those itemsprinci les (1 0 16 d 0 S a elmen S 0 ° piospec 1:6 VI: t videnceyor ar ument statements on the handling oijuvenEile cases E i E E
E1?) We tell them thatmentspfro anth "Ely 63k 2’ 51mg“. :ate— {10 :Itatemen S a ou e g and the right of the press to investigate. .‘ E 52E E
Ithing bordered iS 311‘ elation anmd teh ehtuc yk tat]: a; :50" In}: hcase. h ll make no reference to The statement on juveniles says that E EE if
;ults and Create sales ASSOCiation e entuC y roa CaS ers . o icernen s a c. . . — whenever possible, the anonymity of juve- E ’j3 E
. investigative procedures such as finger . . _ E .EE
0 when advertisrng Herbert 81 dd f L . t 'd t f . t 1 h (lie detector) examin- niles under arrest should be protected. _E E E.
iht to see the changethe state b e .0 exmg on, presr en 0 mm 5’ P0 ygErap E1 b _ t . t t And the bar association recognizes “the E , .5 E
llldel'StflHd that‘bOX- .~ . ar group, said a statement of ations, ballistic tests or 21 01a ory esEs. right of the news media to investigate and E , EEE
. . . blepImCIples probably Will be discussed at a Policemen shall not voluntarily give for . _ . E E E. I"
)rk and is chargefl , lul . . , , _ . . _ expose corruption and wrongdorng in E E
. S' 08 this Y 16 Lexrngton meeting of the state bars publication any information on a defend , ,, E E .
eel better: 120mg board of governors. ant’s prior record. But if a specific request somety. ' ' 3 E '3
E a greatelE 1:1: ree 0E Hugh Potter, general manager of station is made, a record of convictions may be . E E 7:" E
a greatel g W0M1, Owensboro, said the Kentucky provided. E {CE ,
- iBroadcasters Association probably will vote Policemen shall not help anyone to photo- Bill Strod, Courier-Joumal photographer, E H
a . on a Statement of principles at its October graph or televise a defendant. has been named a recipient of a “Headliner E i‘ f’E :
essness can mean r1Emeeting. “Nelther the arresting agency nor any Award” for news photography. Strod won E E El
O thitlE' The statements of principles are guide- members thereof shall at any time furnish the award on a series of pictures on the E 'E E E7?
letterpress: n (l' Ines rather than firm rules. There is no pen- any statement or information for the purpose arrival of a baby. The award was for photo- E ' ‘E i
difficult makertfl l 31W provided for an attorney or a newsman of influencing the outcome of a trial,” the journalism which involves pictures stories E E E
Next time custimer who violates the principles. statements says. instead of a single pictures. E E E
E ‘ ~: '
l " .E’
.’ l ,EE;

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11 1‘ 1111 1 1 1 1 1 1 PfiodUCtion ColetntuCky PreSS ASSWaI‘d fOr Out in OEfJProductiOne gzitof winnerS in 1Erankfort Stqteplanue’ certific; W011 the ,1 T
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1 - 1 .11 . . y d . S ter f e, but S or 7 the a, t th . p]
1 1 1111 1 1 1:1 awarded n1?” 1“ the Week] ”111°“ while fl field MeSseC1aSg°W Times he Park C111 E
1 1 1 ‘1 1 1 111 Ge 1 e 30me1 Y dlvisiOn publ' 0meWhat lat as Th nger. > and the Y1

‘ 1 1 ‘1 11- 1 1 1“ JO 0159 Mm 111 p 13516111 00mmOnwe V1”? Tfishen _ 8-) aw E Central on May- ‘1 1‘
.11 e . 1‘" at, ar y - 1,

’ 1 1 '11 1 1 " 31‘ ques ta 0018 Presentedlslfr‘ Pa“ Preside Visio e B651F1‘0nt13a StOr ed the P1aque lemes'Argm 11 {11
1 1 1 11“ 1 1 1 1 Gates 0 the 111'“ place t- e four“30101‘ 1nt Lea 11’ plaquewfls age Contest Week] d' Ent: “1d Cel'tificates a or the Best NW1 1
1 ‘ 11 1 1" 1 11 111‘ 1 1 Runto all Winners in ejllfiners and Cerliiz- fersgrf'r-News’ with neg-16d the Gl‘eelilvflf- “31 1111:2156, the Rllssellcgorded t1161Le'13a:11ls11 th
1 11 “ ‘ 1 ‘ 1 - _ . - - . - ‘ 7 .- _

1 1 1 1 11 ‘11 eomn:::;.1 to 1.: Hmmnggs Times—11:.“ 1 ..
1 .“ 1'1 , 1 11 1 1 . u . S i . eat urn ' . 1c, 1 - ’ t ' ‘
1 11 . 111 1 ‘1 .111: ' 1'1 ‘ 1310’ Maurice if $6 Dally Ne“: tilde. (1‘3le 1:6“ Daily 1111.131 and the L21”: Omeb1se1 iHnallfin Enterprifhle Frye, pulflfshceorge‘ 1 L1

1 1 11 , 11:1 ‘ 1.1‘1‘ j aSgOW . - enry . ’ 1 es- 01.0 D . On—pla nee m. t e d . _ Was aw er, Th 1 N
1 .1 11 11‘ 1 1 . T ’ Publ . all que t 1 g 211] . . ard e 1

3 1 1" 11 j 111. 1111 1 1 Rl1n11e1~s_up lfies’ Carroll K If???“ and the Harlan Eht News, and certiE the Mlddles_ the M1ddle53h c11V1510n, With :d 1119 Plaque 1 a1
1 “ 11 1 11111 1 31 1 11 the Cynthiana tllse weekly diVlsi: y’ editor. editor the SKEPl-lSe, R Sprin Cafes t0 the Senger the G?10 NeWsj the Mertlficates t0 1 th

‘ ‘1 r ‘ 111-1 . 1 1 1 1 . , 1 .

1 11 1 111 11 1 11 1 111 1 . pubhsher’ the H emOCl'at, Tommn 1nCluded man, publish lHChester Sun Jger HOSkins, fOrt State Jourasgow T1mes, an gyfield Mag. 11 t1]
1 1 111 ‘ 11‘ 111 f ‘ publisher and ham“ Herald WY Preston, Senger' ers, and the ’M mes 3' Tat- Joyce Win-ML 111611315 11‘
1 1 1‘1 2111111111 1 1 ‘1‘1 Conn, Publish:1.e JefferSOn thoi-tP' NOIan, Plaque for ayfield Mes— RePOrte1-’s B elsfltms, Writer of th ‘11
1 1‘1 “ 111 ‘111 11 1 11 1 Me h. e1, Lewis geekly diVisi0n the Best Editofi 1 W011 the W€ek1y geétme Story SRJSEErson
1 ‘ ‘1' 111 1.1 1 1‘ i 1 ‘ 1 c a ' 1 6m . 1 ’ Was 7 a P Ware _ lVISio ’ 1 tist ” ' ti<
1 1 11 1111 11 11 11 1 1 1 1 Plaques for thmcal P70ducti0n Heraifilat, With Certi‘fion by the cychiaage, Onts” aiwalded E11Zabe1hplsaque- Certifimt: ’1' Sc
1 1 1.1 ‘1 1111‘ 1 . ‘1: ‘1 Papers We- e Best All-A- M , the Ru ‘Cates to th na A n the Bard palding’s “ . S 1 b
1 I 11 1 '11 11'- 1111 1 1 11 ' Calhoun 1:6 won by the M L lound NEWS Crs. BYl‘ne Ev sseuvflle News]; Hazard Tnder50n1s “Crip IStOWn Standard 11310111 1 l1
1 21111111 .111" 1 . 0 ' l, _ ans - ' e .. im _. pe”' ; bb it
1‘, . ‘1 111 11 1 .1 (Weekl‘ and0n “/1115 ean Co. N 0 News h > pubhsh . mOCIat €3A1gus. 1n the 0 ,V.

‘ 1 1. :11 1 111 les >pubhsh . 6W5, 01- ’1 9 Russ 11 61, the M ’ fiCel.» . , Andy N . Cthral C‘ pl
1 ‘ '111‘ . 11“11 1 ‘11 News under 2 000 er 1n Clas I at, and th e SpringS T‘ CLean 1n the R Olfleet’s “T 111' 1

1 "1 ‘1 ‘1111 1 1 " . ’ Lawren b 1 )§ the A S Trott . 6 LCban IIIhes—D and G US$511 S .' ruant Of_ 1 F1

11 111111111,1 1 11 .1 llsher in Cl 06 mg) R L “(1813011 61, publish on Enter . Ema- . Urney N . Pllngs Tim 1 1

‘11 11. ‘1 . 111. 1‘ ." 2135 II I ' Garris que w er, The D - prlse: GeOr 1n the H Olman’s “L eS'Joumal- .‘ 5K

‘ 11 "i 1L :5 11111 1 11} 1 3,000); th (Weeklles b On, PUb- as CathI‘ed ally diVi . g9 Fl ” aZard H Etcher Ind ,1, 1 t

1 11 “.1: 11111111 1 1 III ( ‘? Cymhiaml D etWeen 2000 IOul-nal, with by the F SIOn pla_ Ynn wOn th farald. A1 1)., “ustry 0

1‘ 1' 11 11. 1 ‘1 1 1 1 11111 b weeklles OVe emOCrat i 1 ‘ Dail Certifi ' rankfort S fOrt S 6 (12111 1 1X5 Ma N1

1 11 “ 1 “ ‘11 1 11‘ - . y Ne Cafes t tate tate y P figuef . WY 1

1 1 11 111111 1‘" 1“‘ 11“ ‘ ‘11" 010 Da1ly N r 3’0001)‘ th n Class publ' WS’ BOWli O the Park - Rob Journal C . 01th€Frak 1

11 1 :j ‘1 1.11 1111 1111 Jefferso eWs (dafl d' 3_ 6 Middle _ Isher th .ng Green Clty ert Shoe m k ,- ertlficate n- ,‘ .

‘ 1 1 ‘111111 "111 1111 n Repo. . y 1Vls1on . S and ’ e Mlddl 7 John G - Hal-1 :1 er s, “ . S Went t (h-

1‘ 1 11121111111 111 111 03;? divisiomlter In Class V )<, 3:11 the T1236 CClasgoW Tim::b01‘0 Daily 13:31:: in th: Elgtefiprise; Finljlt’lliivlhaid” in th: 18

1 11‘ 1 ‘1‘1‘111‘. 1; ‘ 11 1.‘ ace 1. ' e ies, ynth' - , «1 ‘ ar C' e s’“ 1. - .

1 ' 1 111111. 111 1311’ vision chltlficates in th plaque in thelam DemOCrat 110165161“ Cre 1:}, News; John Beavers . V11

1 1 1 1 1 11'1 "11'- 1'1111 MerCuryerSVawarded- c1: AIH'Al'Oqu Di 550113 Page WWiikly division fopped the Enterprise ande A150h001” in thertIfllely’s 1 th'

.1 1‘ -‘ 1111111 ‘11 , . ' Ss - t , 1t . or th tat ’ D‘ > “ ara 1:11]

1 . 11 1 1111111 1‘ 1 ‘ Stul-gi amen R F 11 ’ the Carlisl e Cl‘eenV-u CertIHCate e Ham 6 Journal 1X3 Trj 1 n . 1’1 ‘
1' 1 11 111113" 1: .1 1‘1 -5 NeWS: E. ls 61’ Publish 6 City T' 1 e LeElder-N S Preanted t TOmm ' p 611 m the 1 W‘

1‘ 1 1 111 1 11111111111 1'1 1521;111:3611?" 56131212 13nd E' A- €212,112? Pubhishlg:a 511111135: Larry :13 jibe Centres “Best Spirit??? Won the plaq f .1 111

1‘ 11 11‘1111‘11"'.1 11 "11 . . ’ Pu lih anner R - ‘ > Jr. - ’ e ike 1'] mos S Dem . Ouml » . He or H1151 1'
1 “‘1 ‘ 1‘11 “ 1 :111111 1 tam M S eh andt .’ eglnald 0 ’edltor, "116 New “me, Omat, w . 1’ In th . 2'

1:11 111 1 ‘ " ‘ Class 1165151311116“ W- PheNandman Mann; Daily divi'i'fnthe S°merset 1:53.121? Justice. $1111“ in 63.? d‘V‘Sion- 81211611231211.1111‘111

1111 1111.111 1 ‘11 ' P' Rogérs 28131116113611 JournZIaIR/I publisher. 3.13:1 City Newsplaql.l(i1 Was awagngéealth. W22? 111d Herald til'anlsdin Favorite 11111111: 1 w:

1111‘ 11. 111111131 1 .1 Seflger B, 11 151161} the ’ rs, Mul‘ra 1 18Show -’ Wlt Certifi e the at ’ and C 1 6 OmerSet C 7 1 1

1“ 1‘1 ‘1‘1‘ ‘1 “11 ‘ I ‘ lish ’ randenbur Meade c y Jour Dally N Cates to certifi efltr1911 cit . 0mmon- ' 1111
1 1 . 1- “11-"1 "‘1 ‘ g, Ja 0~ Me _ Hal, the C 6W5, F the Gates. S y Times-A

111 1 1 1 t 11 11 11‘ .el’ aDd the mes M. W'I - S 12111 E Iasgow - lankfOrt S Went ports C01 rgus W0“ D‘
_1 1 1 111 11 . 1 .11 Pl‘lse W‘ _ PI‘OVid 1115, b- nter . Tlmes tate _ to the M llmn Win . .1

1 1‘ 1 . 1 1 1 11‘ , llham E 6rice I pu Prlse. , and th tlfi ayfi 1 11mg p121 m.
11 1 1. . ‘ ‘ 1 1 :1 . H OurnaLE The B 6 Ha _ Cates t e d Me . que ¢
‘ . 1 1 .1 . " ‘ 1 1 C1 USta publ' nter- BSt W , r 0 the M' SSenger .

1 1 1 ‘1 "1. aSS II lsh - h 0m . 1d 11 1 , and C _ d1
11 1 1 ' 1 1 1‘3 1 SOmerset I’ the Cynthian e1, y the Jefferson Ens Page plaque $1“, T111135) Pal-k CCesbom News, the 6161 I" b1

111 1 1' '11 1 ‘ Springs T' con]monWe'lltha DBmoCrat the Wlfh plaCe certifi :porter’ Weekly gas Won lgune. lty News, and Corljs- 1 I:
‘ 1 ‘ ‘ . 1 1 1 1 ' lmes_]0u ( o the R, Ila a the K Ca 65 to th 1ViSiOI‘l 01‘ the B In 1
11 1 1 ‘ 1 ‘ . 1 1 ‘ pubhsher th l‘nah Andl‘ USsell S entuck S e SOmers ’ di . . Est Horn
11 : ‘. '1 ‘ 1 1 M ’ e Unio ‘ ew I Nofl 'Wathen .y tandard 6t]0u1._ V1510“, th Stown C01 1

.11 ; 1 ‘1 1. 1‘ 1 1 1 unfold p1 b1' 11 Co. Ad 1 Get, De >Pllbhshe. ’ Bardstow Tom 6 Plaque umn, Weekly 1 Of
11 »‘ . 1" 1‘ “ 1 fender 1;" 1 lSher, and VOCate’ T 1 InOCrat th 1’ the Ruggell - H, Al my Preston Was Pl‘ese td [1 1
1... ‘ = 1 ‘ : , rank R the LOu' . Yer and th ’ e SOmer Vllle Ne Certific t , CYDthia n e to .1 $10

111 " 1 ‘ " ‘ IV @211 ' Stanle ““116 D - e Fl‘ankl' set COm WS' - 3 es to th 11a DemOCrat 111 d

1 1 1 1 ‘1 1 S 116s) mm Y1 publish 6 Publish 1111 FaVOr' mODWealth ““6 L e Calho 71“ " a
11 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 ‘ 1 tate J V ners‘llp . er. C135 er_ The C lte, L L V , C eader_Ne 1111 News G ; 1
11 1 1 1 1 1 1 J h 01111131, the W€1e the Fr S (1116 fer th Iangw T ' alentine entral Cit . WS’ Hazard 7 reen' I131
11 1 1 1 1' 1 1 1 O 11 L. CPIWf Corbin Da’l ankart to th 8 daily (1 ' ' lmes WOn th ’ COIu - yTnneS-Ar Herald, and ‘1 H3
1111 " 1 1 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 3 Daily T' ‘ 011d: 1911in h 1y T1'ihune e Corbin 1111510“ With .6 p1?“ - mn 1“ the F- guS, 8' C- Van Cur ’ 1 S-
1 11 . ‘ 1 1 1 R lmes’ and th 5 er, the Cl , CranOrd ' Sunday T' certlficate CelVed th d _ lankfort St ons . o.
1 1 ‘ ‘ 1 1‘ ay Ed ( . e Ma aSgow r edItO 111165, s . e 311 ate Journal r . ‘: M
1‘ 1 1 1 " 1 Of St lands, publisher (“yfield Messenge nal, the Mavfi 1r, the Frankfort Janles 0. the Wlnchesterysplaque’ With Certificat e 1 1‘11
1 . - 1 1 ‘ 1 . ' atthe‘ ' 412155 V 1‘, Ian E . .1 e d Mes State 1 field 1111’ Pa‘ , 65 f0 0 1
l 1 1 3 ‘ hSher, New 0V5" A1 J. Sch 1,)the VOice ntelpnse Senger, and th JIEHL Messenger and Hlk Clty News May- ‘ '
1. 1 . .1 1 1 1 Metz 5' utIoOk O 1 ans erg '1 £3 ar- Ph arlan Ent .’ ,1 ‘
. - 1 1 1 :pub]; . > W1 1 > Pub- Edt .. 1 otgm , .. erpnse. n we
3‘ ' 1 I 1 1 1 David 501111116“ Jeffersontolfjvflle’ RuSsell B The P1aque 102.1101 Productiofl of F01 the Best N531, Dlvwmn Re
" 1 1 1 " GI'eenville Lnsberg publishe Jefferswian, thest EditOrial wf 1.16 Weekly divis' SeriourtrOOm Shots WStory P110105 21 series 1 the
_ 1 . "' 1 eadel“News, Andr' and the 16 P“lssellvflle N1 lung COIltest, walon 0f the pres erset Commonweo1r1 hthe plaque 1011116 1 C13
1 ‘. ‘. .1 " " y Andersen, (5:68 t0 the quqel‘gsgemOCrat \Visthwon by far 65:17:16? the Centrilt 'CCBItiHCateS were 11 pl?!
1 ‘ m . c ( C . _ c . .

. ‘ ‘ ocmt, Somerset cirald, the Cyntflli-ZIB- Leade1~(1\1:ntee; Fireman”lt>;h Thaw-Argus 1 :3“
' mmOnw ‘nfl ' “’5 Or “ . ’ 6‘ reenville ,1 a

1 ,_ .. e 1 Cock 1. F 1 ,, .1
""17 ath’ Leb‘ Of T (311111311, Rosco;l ling Wall, the H11 Ne
. erloy. A NEWS Shot' Powfls, for “Tale 11
’ ‘ IOhnSOn Waving.” ten


 1 11
1 1 R1
. 965 1 1
A e dail la ue for the Glasgow ' ' . 1 {53'1
ardstown Standard 1 1:10“ sthertifielatgs Cflor “Strip Mine” was TWO SpeCIal PrOdUCi‘IOI‘IS In Memorlam...
y News w0n the me 'ddl b . N “D b1 Ready For Fall Months 1 _ 1111
certificates to theft presented” the M1 tag 010 ews, 0111 16 A . 1 b 11 t' f P bl' h 1, A _ 1 11.1 1 1:
ll, the Park Cit 1 Exposure in the Frankfort State Journa, 111 spelcia du em rom 1u1 is eis ux- Julius M Rankm 11 N1 .1
nes and the May}: 11 a series of two Resctie shqt