2% Volume 75, Number 4 u. s. Postage 1,: , , Z —?='—— —?—r Q Kentucky Press Association PAID mew/y "3/ //’ * E — ,4 101 Consumer Lane Glasgow, KY 42141 ’ ' wa/ ; ’ “a mason, KY 40601 Permit No. 939 7 l ' “ ”fix“ ... . - A UNIVERSITY OF Ky ' . 33;. w ' ‘ - ' ”fiat: . ” LEXINGTON KY H 63:”, #2:)” ”556/2: $3? fl??? " ‘ 53:; ., 40506-0(: ,’ April 2004 - Published by Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Service _, , 3 V n E ’ - o, . .’ Newspapers could suffer if Senate s April ; .. : bud et ro osal is assed News &'N°tes g g p p p . WKPA elects officers I House Bill 395 is the state budget legislation process in the first 57 actually started in January as sepa- Kl Taylfir gayesépublisher 0f the bill. By the time the Senate got days of the 60-day session, the rate pieces of legislation. But unable Him?“ ymgvagaellgcted re ._ f through with it and sent it back for Senate returned a document that to make it through the committee dad: for "21004105 at‘thes rill: 81 concurrence, it was anything but. included proposals on allowing process or through one chamber, the meeting of the West Keniiuclgl When the 674-page document agencies to use the internet instead bills were considered dead for the Press Association at HopkinSVille § was returned to the House late of newspapers for public notice 2004 session. Community College March 4‘ March 29, the bill resembled little to advertising purposes; established Enter the Senate to resuscitate He succeeds Leigh Landini i how it had left the House of policy on open meetings and open these and several more new polices. Wright, features editor of the Representatives 20 days prior. Its records relating to homeland securi- (Since the budget bill is good only Paducah Sun. CD, Bradley, '. ‘ pages nearly doubled, HB 395 ty issues and concerns; and would through June 30, 2006, you can’t say . entertainment editor for the j: 1 Senate Committee Substitute includ- make secret identities of individuals the Senate suggested new laws, just Paducah Sun, was elected vice- 7 ed Gov. Ernie Fletcher’s tax modern- and corporations who made contri— policies on how state and local gov- preSIdent .1, _ , . _. :: -. I. J ization ideas and set policies for the butions to public university founda- ernments could operate until then.) ' 5" led Dillmghayv l’uthh‘i'rof j i H , next two years on a host of issues. tions. Under the proposal returned to the Dawson SEW? Progress, " i , ; Taking several pieces of legisla- Most of the subjects in the the House late on March 29, the state was reelectedseeretary/treasur- 3 tion that had not moved through the Senate’s version of the state budget budget bill: er. 1ij Annilsandlmfiassoaate ’ 'would allow public university 30;:Sogtztéosgljegg at as i . . . . donors (individuals and corpora- ele‘itedyexecutive secrett); Wsuc— . BlllS KPA lObbled on In the 2004 SBSSlOH tions) to kee their identities secret; . ry, . f p ceeding Dr. Bob McGaughey of orestated in its entirety, the Murray State. “ ( The 2004 Kentucky General approved. . . state’s Open Meetings and Open Each year the WKP A gives Assembly is Just about history. House Bill 100 —- this concerns Records Laws to include what was $500in Scholarships to Murray Though a smaller number of bills marriage, divorce, birth and death originally House Bill 188 on home- State University and Western v, were introduced this year, com- certificates. We did have it amend- . . . . . , _ . . . land security issues. Kentucky UniveISity iournalism pared to preVious 60-day seSSions, ed to allow news media organiza- . . . , . . . . 'would allow government agen- students. This year Melissa that didn t decrease the number of tions to get certified copies of these _ , , . , . . . . . . Cies in Jefferson and Fayette counties Kilcoyne, a junior from Mayfield, proposals KPA lobbied on. records for any indiv1dual. h h received the MSU scholarshi For information about any of Originally, only the person or fami- to C oose between newspapers, t e St h 'e C ftre eiv d thep these bills, feel free to contact Kim ly member involved could get a Internet and placmg a COPY at the sciglgslh' E; WC ter: ‘ Greene, Kenyon Meyer or Ashley certified copy and the public could local. PubhC library for anything The f alllpmeetines's tehtati 91 Pack, at (502) 540-2300; or David get an annual list of names reqwred bylaw to be PUthhEd- A cheduled f r'Fri‘dgal Oct 1;; y ' Greer or David T. Thompson at involved in those situations. It Similar idea was included in the fhe Inn b the Lake3fbrmerl the (800) 264-KPA1. passed the House without our 2003 session as the chambers set the Ramada gm in Gilbertsvilley House Bill 12 — the annual Stan amendment and we did get it budget for 2004 but was pulled by a ' » Lee bill to allow schools to publish amended in a Senate Committee. House and Senate conference com- , k their financial statements and It’s now been sent back to another mittee shortly before the committee WEStern Kenn“: Y to » report cards either in the newspa- Senate Committee so it’s dead for reached agreement. host Forum 2004 . ' per or 01} the Internet or by putting this session: KPA has remained opposed to Western Kentucky University’s a COPY 11" the local PUth library. House Bl“ 111 _ would have any and all legislation that would School oflournalism and _ . ' Seyifieey::guma;ie.lt iii) lazilglgffi giirflpii aEtfipszveEiztg: 1:2? allow public agencies to choose Broadcastingwillbehosfing: p . u 15 1C as ' n ‘ ~Forum'2004 -How News ‘a' rs 395, the state budget. That’s the between newspapers’ the Internet or 'g x ’ » ~ ~ 12 pt? 2‘ same strate as last ear that was See BILLS 011 Pa 9 10 ': ' , See NEWS on Pa 89 gy y g See BUDGETonPage 11 3 _ a . g f g