xt7w3r0pw06b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w3r0pw06b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-09-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 26, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 26, 1977 1977 1977-09-26 2020 true xt7w3r0pw06b section xt7w3r0pw06b  


\‘otuore f..\'lX. Number 27

University of Kentucky
Monday. beptcnrber 26. 1977

Lexington. Kentucky

KEN?“ 21

art independent student newspaper






Locker room all smiles after 28-1 3 win over WVU


l K quarter-back Derrick Ramsey flit] is seperated from the football
in \test Virginia defensive back llarold Woods if i and defensive end
f ran tilt-asorr IBM. The fumble was one of the few sore spots in
Itaiiistw 's performance Saturday. The senior from Camden. NJ. ran

—Jelnne Wchnes

for one touchdow II and threw a 50-) ard touchdown pass in the “‘ildcats‘
lit-lit victory over the Mountaineers. The win was the second of the
season against one loss for Kentucky. which faces Penn State next

\\ eekend.

’Mainstream’ help to handicapped;
eases students' learning problems

Kernel Reporter

”Mainstreaming" is making
waves at l'K‘s (‘ollege of Education.
The following examples tell the

"John“ is a young student who
has ri-iebr'al palsy. lie is able to
walk. but only with difficulty and
noticeable awkwardness. He can
barely write. his stiff fingers often
refusing to go just where he directs

“.‘dary" is another han-
dicapped. or “spt cial." student. She
has a senous vision problem. She
was first thought to be mentally
retarded but she is now able to
functiion in a classroom with the aid
of thick eyeglasses arid other
corrective devices.

As recerrtl y as f'iveyears ago. John
and Mary. and other children like
them. would probably have been
enrolled in a special institution,
isolated from “normal" children
their age. The education they
received there. although adequate.
would have been expensive.

'l‘oday. John and Mary are being


Mainstreaming is the practice of
educating special students in the
most regular public school
classroom Situation their condition
will allow. it came about as a result
of the “Education for All Han-
dicappcd Children Act" (Public Law
94-142) . which was signed into law by
President Ford in 1975.

The philosophy behind this law is
that every child has the right to a
free education that meets his in-
dividual needs and capabilities.

The law itself requires that state
andor local education” agencies
nrust guarantee the availability of a
free. appropriate public education to
all handicapped cfuldren, ages three
to 2|. by the year ltBt).

l‘K’s (‘ollcge of Education nrust
now prepare the teachers who will
work daily with the newly-
mainstreamed students as the
mandate is put into practice. This
involves some important changes in
the college's program

“Mainstreaming is having a
dramatic impact on our entire
teacher education program." said
Harry M. lkirnard. associate dean

for teacher education and cer-

The investment of time. nroney
and personnel from every depart-
nrent in the college has made UK's
effort to implement mainstreaming
one of the nrost “systematic“ and
"comprchcnsivc" in the country. he

A new coruse has been developed
within the Department of
Educational Psychology (EDP 203)
and fras been included in the core
curriculum for all students seeking
teacher certification. it is designed
to provide a broad introduction to
the problems of dealing with special
children in the regular classroom.

A pilot section of the course last
semester directly involved it)
professors from the College of
Education. Each professor taught at
least oneinstructional module in his
area of expertise.

The department of special
education has also adapted to
mainstreaming. Chairman Ed
ltlackhurst explained that his
department will be training students
to assume “new roles“ in the public

schools as support and resource
personnel to regular classroom
I eac hers.

In addition. new programs are
being developed to aid Fayette
(‘ounty in its implementation of

Dorothy‘Kelly. forttrer assistant
professor in charge of practicum
placement for students in the
department of special education.
developed an innovative system
called SAM (Self—Select Assistance

SAM matches teachers in Fayette
County. especially those with
nrainstreamcd pupils. with UK
students who are fulfilling pracr
ficurn assignments as part of their
course work. This system benefits
everyone involved. particularly the
special child. who receives valuable
individualized instruction.

t‘atlry Morsink. special education
associate professor. has been in-
strumental in establishing a new
course that will be offered to public
school teachers in the evenings. The
teachers will receive credit for the
course towards their master‘s




\\‘..\. “TONY" BOYLE‘S DOCTORS were expected to
make a decision this moming on whether to im-
ltltdlilit‘i) release the former United Mine Workers
union pi esident for the resumption of his murder trial.

Spokesmen for (‘rozcr-(liester Medical Center said
yesterday that Boyle was in stable-condition,

fir-{.lc. 75. who has a history of heart trouble. has
been hospitalired sin(e last Monday. when be com-
plained of chest pains during jury selection f or his
secondtrral on charges of arranging the was murders
of anion rival Joseph “Jock" Yablonski and Yablon-
skr's wife and daughter.

Delaware ('orintry Judge Francis Catania had

tentatiivelv rescheduled court proceedings for

its fight for the Panama Canal treaty to Congress today
as the comm ittee that in wt ntity it begins hearings on
relinquishing control of the waterway.


negotiators Ellsworth Bunker and Sol Linowitz were
scheduled to testify Monday before the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee. which has direct jurisdiction
over treaties.

Defense Secretary Harold Brown and Gen. George
ltmwn. chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. were to
discuss the treaty with the House International
Relations Committee.

The treaty has been signed formally by President
Carter and Panamanian leader Omar Torrijos but

cannot become legally binding until it receives Senate


approved a measure that could legalize mercy-killing
on request in that country. it was believed to be the
worlds first plebiscite on euthanasia.

The 20:t.l48— ”4.822 vote pledged the Zurich state
govcmmcnt to initiate federal legislation permitting a
doctors to perform etlhanasia if requested by patients

“suffering from an incurable. painful and definitely
fatal disease."

what it said was a four~point U.S. compromise proposal
to reconvene the Geneva Middle East peade con-
ferencewitha singleal|~Arab delegation at the opening

The government said that under the proposal the
formal opening would be followed by working-group
talks between lsraels and individual countries.
Palestine. excluding known members of the Palestine
Liberation Organization. would be included among the
Jordanian representatives.

The plan was approved at a meeting of Prime
Minister Menahem Begin and his cabinet.


'l‘lll'NDERSIIOWERS ENDING TODAY with a 50 per
cent chance of precipitation High in the mid-to upper-
.70‘s. Clearing and cool tonight with a low in the mid-
.‘io‘s. Sunny and mile at Tuesday with a high in th

t‘mnpllnl from Associated Press dispatches



-¢.--o .....--

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Kernel Reporter

Felix Wilsm won the smiling
contest in the Kentucky locker room
following the Cats“ 28-13 thumping of
lYthranked West Virginia Saturday.

The sophomore wide receiver had
made his first varsity reception 3
big one—good for 50 yards and a
touchdown on a play that did more
than any other to turn things Ken-
tucky‘s way.

Wilson's smiling competition
came from people like Joe Dipre. a
fifth-year fullback who has done
nrost of his running in the obscurity
of Kentucky‘s practice field. Star-
ting for the first time this season in
place of the inpred Rod Stewart.
Dipre ran through holes carved in
the Mountaineer line by UK’s
heleagured offensive linemen.

Also grinning was Mike Siganos,
that crazy fool who fields punts
regardlessof how many giant people
are storming down the field. intent
on grindiig his face into the turf. He
set up a touchdown with a 43-yard
return and played his usual solid
defensive game.

Coach Fran Curci did some in-
tensive nail-biting when Siganos
burst through a crowd of Moun-
taineers to pick up the bouncing ball
and try to gain a few yards. “I
thought Mike was goma get killed—
and he did But that’s Mike; that’s
the way he plays.

Kentucky's defenders deserved
the smilesthey sported after holding
WVU's multiple offense. led by
quarterback Dan Kendra. to 13
points. But Dallas Owens’ smile was

The junior defersive back pilfeied
the football from a WVU receiver on
a nifty irrtcreception that sparked
UK‘s first twchdown drive.

And then. much later, when WVU
was fighting to score a third TD to
stay in the game. Owens came
through the Mountaineer line
cleanly on a safety blitz. stunning
Kendra with a blow that he never
saw but won‘t forget.

As WVU ‘s pas: " staggered off the
field, so did its chances of getting
back into the game.

Curd can’t be omitted from the
list of smiling faces. He tries not to—
coachesare supposed to remain cool
and impassive—--but he couldn't help

“it was our most complete game


to this point. Our defense was the
stabilizer and our offensive people
came off the ball and started
knocking people around"

Those offensrve people~center
Dave Hopewell. guards Tom Dom<
brook and Tom Kearns. tackles
Larry Petkovsek and Dan Fowler
and tight end Scott Petersen—didn’t
leave Big Blue fans saying ‘Warren
who?‘ but they did open running
room for Dipre (65 yank), Randy
Brooks (79 yards) and Chris Hill «37

”they were great." said Dipre.
”There were holes every time i ran
the ball."

Quarterback Dem’ck Ramsey led
the UK rushers with 86 yards. He
doesn‘t really need the offensive line
to open up holes. When people get in
his way. Ramsey just carries them
along for, oh. five. six or seven

\WU safety Tom Pridemone was
riding the Ramsey express all day
long. ”God, he‘s a hard man to bring
down," Pridemore muttered.

What with Ramsey‘s fine running
and the gorgeous sp'ral he threw to
the giddy Wilsm. one would expect
the UK quarterback to place highly
in the post-game smiling can-

But Ramsey couldn’t even fashion
a sheepish grin.

Some fans and writers (including
Earl Cox of the influential Courier-
Journal) had suggested that
Ramsey should give way to
sophomore backup Mike Deaton,
who guided Kentucky to its only
score in a 21—6 loss at Baylor last

And the 6-5 New Jersey native
thought he heard boos on his way off
the field Saturday. A black. Ramsey
said he thinks that. at worst, he is a
victim of racial discrimination; at
best that his leadership through last
year‘ 58-4 Peach Bowl championship
seasor has been forgotten.

In Ramsey‘s eyes. the fans seem
to view UK victories as a team effort
and UK losses as a personal failure
on his part.

“I don‘t know why people get down
on Ram." said Dipre. “When we lose
it‘s as a team and when we win it‘s
as a team."

Said Curci. a college and

pmfe§ional quarterback himself,
“When you lose. the quarterback is
always the first quy to get it.”



t‘arrie Ritcher. freshman social work. checks her competition it the
sigma t'hi Derby I‘ieeating Contest. won by Gamma Phi Beta. Ritcher

gulped for Kappa Alpha Theta.


mm"; mi“


1; para, »





A editorials 8: comments

I Ililor in chief

\lnimglnx l' dilul‘
in. k <..ihrh~l

I.rlituriul Indlor
I ,.. hemp

\t- in Film."
\‘umime llui ham

this I Photograph"
llill Kitlhl

\ssuchlc I dkur
\l.i rlr Mitt hell

Ilrnil Illltbilts

'Ill \Illst
:Hl" IIII I’mr rt.-

htv Editor
lull\( link

t‘opy I-lditon
.lutllth Fit-firm

l ynne Funk
II- tsy Pearce

\lh crthing \Iun-ger




If the Feds want to nail you, they will

W.\SlllN(iTON— (in October 7.
(iov Marvin Mandel of Maryland
will be sentenced by a Federal judge
for marl fraud and racketeering.
Mandel could be sentenced to more
than a century in the penitentiary
and hit with a $42,000 fine. Actually,
if the judge were to suspend his
sentence it wouldn‘t matter. The
governor is ruined. By most ac-
counts be [S pancake flat broke and,
at 3.“ years of age, he‘s getting past
where you can start over.

The Mandel case, however, should
be a waming, not to crooked


von hoffman


politicians. but to anybody, that if
the Feds want to they‘ll nail you. It
doesn't matter how big a bigshot you
think you are, they‘ll get you. That is
the only lesson a sensible person can
draw from this most disturbing
prosecution. Unhappily, though, the
knee. jerk moralism of the media is
so mindlessly reflexive that, if a
word of protest has been written
about this case. these eyes haven‘t
read it.

Smelly conviction

The key to what stinks about the
Mandel conviction is the mail fraud

carnts alleged against him. The
mail fraud the governor is guilty of
is sending, \da the US Postal
Service. transcripts of his press
cmferences in which he is supposed
to have lied.

Are we really ready to punish
mendacious politicians by putting
them in jail? Heretofore, kicking
them out of office when their next
November rolled around was
deemed an adequate penalty for
prevaricating to the public. Every
politician in the coimtry--—excepting
Jiminy Peanuts who has promised
he will never do that to us—should
take alarm.

Naturally the pols can‘t say
anything. How would it look if they
protested putting someone in the big
house for telling untruths to won-
de rful us, the immaculate American
electorate who commit no crimes
and speak no lies in our btsiness and
professional lives. Moreover Mandel
compounded his felony by lying to
reporters, those vigilant virgins of
virtue, to mimic Spiro Agnew, that
one famous student of journalism
who, incidentally, was felled by the
same Federal prosecutor who
bagged Mandel.

And where did the governor send
these transcripts? He sent them a
few miles away to the state archives
of the University of Maryland

The Federal mail fraud statute


Young Demos

As president of the UK Young
Democrats, i would like to reply to
Roger Jewell's seriais misuse of the
facts concerning the UKYD's
meeting of Sept. 15.

Specifically. I would like to
comment on Mr. Jewell's
allegations that it) jobs were to be
had in return for work in the Amato
campaign. and (2) the head of the
l'K students for Amato made these

The UKYD Constitution
specifically forbids club en-
dorsement of a specific candidate
during airy primary election. Due to
the nonpartisan nature of the
Lexington mayoral race. it has been
the decision cf the UKYD executive
committee. since early 1977, that
this portion of the constitution
similarly forbids an endorsement of
any mayoral candidate, at any time
during an election.

Thisis a stance that we have taken
pains to adhere to. As opposed to

this. Mr. Jewell did in fact hear the
prospect of jobs mentioned at the
Sept. 15 meeting.

()ne of our major goals this year is
to get our members working for any
candidate that they wish. As
Democrats, most of our members
have expressed a desire to work for
Mr. Amato. It was to this issue that
Mike Luvisi, chairman of Students
for Amato spoke, and in this context
thatMr. Jewell heard the mention of

Mr. Luvisi offered our members a
chance to work as volunteers, in the
Amato campaign.

There is clearly nothing corrupt in
this position. as Mr. Jewell would
lead one to believe. UKYD has made
an effort to place people in every
campaign. including that of Joe
Graves. The offer of position in the
Amato campaign is only an in-
dicator of the great success we have
had in achieving this goal.

Thus. Mr. Jewell‘s allegations are
both unfounded and irresponsible.

In his personal desire to damage
the Amato campaign, Mr. Jewell
has succeeded only in unjustly

wasn‘t drawn to punish egotistical
politicians for putting their self.
serving and doubtless dishonest
bullblcctin the warehouse for future
Ph.D. candidates to yawn over. That
law was passed for the purpose its
name suggests. to prevent
somebody like a Florida land
swindler from using the mails to sell
swamp lots to Minneapolis factory
workers as retirement property.
lawyers may congratulate Barnet
Tom D. Skolnik, the Assistant
United States Attorney, who is
chiefly responsible for this
dangerous prosecution, for such a
clever perversion of the law‘s intent.
The nest of us should mark,
however, that what‘s been done is to
twist the law into something itisn‘t
in order to get somebody. The same
can be said of the other counts of
racketeering of which Mandel was
convicted. This law was enacted to
protect society against Mafia-type
organizations, not the State House
rascality that Mandel and five
associates were accused of.

The gist of the substance of the
charges against the governor is that
he used his influence to manipulate
horse racing dates so his pals could
secretly get ahold of a race track
and make pots of money off of it. in
exchange Mandel got loans,
vacations and got cut in on some of
the sirloin in a few business deals.

This is not the Mafia-type stutt.

letters to

slandering both Mr. Luvisi and
UKYD. It is this singular disregzu'd
for issues in favor of sensationalism
that Mr. Jewell must be condemed
for most.

This kind of blind irresponsibility
helps to discredit the very im-
portance of this election.

Jim Lobb
President. L'KYI)

Deplores edit

The Women's Law Caucus
deplores the position taken by the
Kernel editorial of Sept. IS in its
pseudo-legal analysis of affirmative
action. What the Kernel rejects as
reverse discrimination, we
recognize as a reversal of
discrimination. a vitally necessary
and long overdue attempt to deal
realistically with the problem of
racial inequality. The key word is

The Supreme Court held in ISM in
Brown v. Board of Education . I347
U.S. 4&3), that “separate but equal"









HE oar: occs'





“yr-why- .





which is not to say Mandel may not
have done thtse things, but whether
he did or he didn't, all the acts
alleged were committed in
Maryland. No interstate or Federal
angle exists. ergo no reason for the
Feds. Marylandlias courts, it has its
own prosecutors and judges and
laws; if the people of that state
decide they‘re being ripped off by
their officials. they can stir their

the editor

is not constitutional. that segregated
schools are not nor czui they be made
equal. A nd 2.; years later the Court is
still hearing desegregation cases,
trying to convince school boards
across the country that it meant
what it said.

The problem of racial inequality
will not go away by itself simply
because we have recognized our
errors of the past. Realistically,
some steps must be taken to help
bring the poles of educational op-
portunity for blacks and whites
closer together. And at this point it is
clear that this reasoning applies to
women as well.

We'agree that admissions to
schools such as the l'niversity of
California Medical School “should
be based on objective criteria,
paying no heed to the race or sex of
the applicant." But sclf-righteously
declaring this does not improve the
chancesofapplicants against whom
the white, male system has always
been slanted. The state must accept
responsibility for the fact that race
and sex have been considered in the
past and there have clearly not been

stumps and bring 'em to trial. After
all, Mandel was only governor, not
dictatorof Maryland; he could have
been indicted at the state level.
We are told there is no such thing
as a Federal police force, butin this
matter district attorney Skolnik not
only invaded turf from which he is
constitutionally barred but he
perverted the Federal statutes to do
it. Mr. Skolnik should be given a

testimonial scroll for his good work
on the Agnew case, which did in-
volve sure Federal violations, and
then be sent to private practice,
where he can‘t do as much good nor
as much harm. As for Gov. Mandel,
Mediocre Marv as some of his ad-
mirers used to call him, should have
his convictions reversed on appeal.
Copyright, King Features


advantages for blacks and women.
Realistically. they must be con-
sidered now if the underprivileged
are to gain parity.

There can be no question that it is
ltgitimate for the state to make an
effort to compensate for past
discrimination. In Green v. County
School Board t39l US. 430), in 1968
the Supreme Court recognized an
“affirmative duty to take whateve‘
stepsrnight be necessary" to
eliminate racial discrimination.

And three years later in Swann v.
(‘harlotte-Vlecklenburg Board of
Education (402 US. 1), the Court
stressed that obviously race must be
taken into account in order to
achieve that goal. Realistically, we
must admit that now is the wrong
time to disregard in the name of
equality what has been consistently
used to perpetrate the state of af-
fairs we now wish to overcome.

We are tired of the hollow
declarations of a racist, sexist
establishment, with its hope for a
“cdor blind" and “sex hlimt"
evaluation process which will, for
the present time, only further its

own interests. Affirmative action is
the realistic solution to a problem
which we have created and which we
must now take more than verbal
action to dissolve.

The Women‘s Law Caucus
l‘K College of Law

'Men's Lives’

The Women‘s Law Caucus is
sponsoring the showirg of the film,
Men‘s Lives this Tuesday and
Thursday at 2 p. m. in the courtroom
of the College of Law building. The
film explores how the education and
socialization processes experienced
by men from childhood through
adulthood mold their perception of
men‘s roles in society, as well as
their relationships with women. The
film lasts approximately 50 minutes.

All students. staff and faculty are
enthusiastically urged to see this
insightful film.

Genina Bowman
UK Women ‘5 Law Caucus

Christians are people:
Black, white, old,


I am so happy to know who I am
and where I belong in this world. I
don‘t have to conform to people
around me and even as a Christian l
don‘t have to copy other Christians.

Yesterday, Martin Mattingly and l
were having lunch together. Our
conversation became centered
around the idea of letting others
know we are Christians. I found that
he, justas myself, often hesitated to


let people know that he was a
Christian. By the end of our con
versation we came to the conclusion
that we aren‘t afraid to let people
know we love Jesus, but we didn't
like. being sterdyped into the mold
many people have given to

Too many people have decided
that real Christians are dull, un-
fruitful members of society. What




really ticks me is that the world
thinks born thinls “born again"
people all act alike and conform to a
few norms and therewith become

Untrtte! Some of the most
productive members of society have
been born again and become solely
involved with church work. They
have learned that if they are goirg to
do so much, they might as welldo it
in an area that will count for eter-
nity. As for Christians being dull, all
i can say is “meet my friends."

They arethe happiest, most active
people you will ever meet.

Now, as for Martin and] not liking
to be pegged Christians: We have
not fumd a group of people that do
the things we like to do, or dress the
way we like to dress and then
become a part of them. Becoming a
Christian isn‘t like joining a social
club. When we bec Chr'stians it
was because we had an encounter
with Jesus Christ. And because of
this encounter we want to be like

Christians are people. Black,


white, old, and young. Any Size,
shape or form that you can think of.
[f we were all alike, the body of
Christ wouldn't be able to function.
Christians do have a common desire
to follow Jesus. And because of this
they have His love, joy and peace.

By the way, this love isn’t
something Christians act out. if they
are sincere, then their love is for all

Because a person is a Christian
doesn‘t mean he islike a person who
calls himself one.

As Christians we still have our
persmalities. The love and joy God
gives us are exprest differently
with each person.

So becoming a Christian doesn’t
mean conformirg to some dull
norms and acting like so-called
“Christians". Instead, it‘s being
involved with Jesus and letting Him
make ymr life better than any clib,
clique or grow ever cmld


Billy Henderson Is a Bushes and
Economics junta- and an noodle
pastor ofCalvury Assembly Church.


N‘,- -‘e


'0 a. obnfl

"o. ‘r‘: . ~ ,
extremism... -~ .s .. . _





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v Caucus
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aucus is
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my Size.
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any clib,

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Pershing Rifles team labors in anonymity;
combines exhibits with fraternization

R) Rtll) Mitt'l'il I'IRS
Kernel Reporter

It‘s tough to be a consistent
winner arnl not receive any
recognition lint l’lt‘s
t‘ornpany t »t ot the National
society of l’er'shing Rifles t8
nationwide honorary
tr‘aternity) has been doing it
for quite some time.

(R students have been
earning ‘.'ill'Sl[)' letters and
competing on the w'rnnirigest
drill teams in the nation for to

.v\ ('ompany (‘rt publication
states that “since our
chartering in tttil, we have
attained a record uri-
snrpassed by any other
Pershing Rifle tl’Rt t'onr

parry. \Aetiave won more drill
tracts and rifle inatc hes than
any company in the nation.“

The members are proud of
their accomplishments lit.
Marty l’inkston said. “There
is a great esprit dc corps in
this gr'tiip.” But he adtled
that the soc relies hai e laced a
tlt't'llllt‘ in enrollment in
recent years. even though the
t'-l t'ompruiy has the best
record lit the nation

l’rnkston attributed the
decline to the popular but
mistaken notion that society
members are required to roin
the Rtt'l‘('.

l.t. liiiicc Johnson said he is
not involved in lttt'l‘t ‘ and has
“never been a member of any
military organization.“

In son’s accidental death

Student files suit against University

Ry i.\('l\' \\.\l.\’\tRl(lll'l‘
Kernel Reporter

The father (ii a youth who
died a year ago on the UK
campus is suing tor damages

(in ()ct. ii. “”5. Keith
(ireenwell. 1.3. of 4707
hieadwood Rd. in linilitt (‘0.,
was killed while swinging
born a field hockey goal near
the Seaton (enter

The goal to“ over on

tircenwell. He died of heart
tailure to minutes later. Both
the county coroner and the
deputy coroner refused
comment on the cause of
death because of the pending

(ircenw'ell had been
picknickrng with his family
on the Seaton t‘cntcr grounds.
along with ntunerous other


father. Joseph

.lohnson learned of the
society through a roommate
and said he enjoys competing
on a winning drill team.

“it takes physical en»
dtu'ance as well as a sense of
rhythm." he said

t‘onipany t' t cunpetes‘ in
ttirce mayor drill trents.
lntantr’} ltrill Regulation is a
standard drill with

t-fshihition drill. on the
other hand. is a more conir
plex drill aiitl may involve
exchanging liayorictted miles
across distances ot to feet.

The t‘onlederate Squad
attends t‘iy‘il War reenactr
n't-nts anti drill meets. .'\ll
nnrtornrs and weapons are
or iginal or authentic


(ii'cenwell. a [K student.
tiled siiit on Aug. 25) of this
year. in Fayette t'o t‘ircuit
t‘ourt. The attorney general‘s
otice has been named as a co
deiendant, along with the
l tll\'t‘r'.«‘.lt_\'.

tirecnwell is string on
grounds of negligence on the
part of the l nivers‘ity.
demanding 3300.000 in
damages and Mutton tor a
previous ruling against him.

Non-students to be taxed on food sales.
students must show identification cards

it; will begin to charge
sales tax. on all food sales to
non-students, beginning

“This action IS compulsory
in light ot recent tax rulings
by the Revenue Depart-
ment." said liusinrss Affairs
Vice President .lack Blanton.

The sales tax will he

collected from faculty. staff
and guests of the University
whoeat in any of the unions
dining tacilities on the
Lexington campus and the
community college cani-
pnses. This will include the
l ni\ersit_» t‘lub. ifK
Hospital. Student ('enter
(trill. t'aiitly shop. Equinox.

Lunch begins UK charity drive

t'K launched it campaign
for the [rated Way of the
Bluegrass Thursday with a
luncheon in the t'K Student
t‘enter Ballroom.

About 3th UK employes.
who are serving as United
“at solicitors and coor~
dinators. joined with
l'iiiveisity adniinsitrators
and representatives from a

Ya ., , . .. _, _


number of
agencies in preparation for
the 1973 campaign. The
conmiunity-wide campaign
has already begun.

1K President trtis
Singletary and local cam-
paign chairman Lewis (iwens
ioinedL'K 's chairman. James
Alcorn, in addressing the

l'nitcd Way I


Bass 100“ 'ea’ty get IVOU'W In fact we rirmt
wow ot a school they advert hustle-(t htkpll tOG
'ied or tnked ttirmiqh Which makes Flam "Mid
popular than your star quarterback

Tt‘ata because Bass tf‘t'ts are tun

\ comtrv'at‘ e

T‘ “'v “ luring ttlit‘vtrlr'} yir'l' trip‘ a “m .‘ vitvt t T18 ’r‘ the“

tr. m t .‘ter r vv ;. Ht“. . .‘tmptt‘ tr‘ pgfih .ir ”‘0 "t «Whit!



at" to 1m ,p ti, is “WV dull" WUW‘V’
. him”. wart. ,1, par. ,W t.) quirtrt v \‘tth
.kiirjf<.1r,t. ‘ .w
t; 0‘ ' ;.7i.i it, ‘04“ a, t .t" “its?" IV ‘ it
an '1‘; ‘typ Ntwllp L; writ; V q, A: H' ' '
t". .~ rt.“ .. ir,4‘t-

”swim-nation to Amour» 'm a hundred yearn

. . vii..." .

nt‘? in"



w. it .T'i'TKlT‘

54”.: its“ ‘ysay‘t'jdr. rt llmt‘t». a, I i.’ t t.'
”‘9 it“ 'Tfl'tt'vi


, 1;“ tinyr»r,“an‘\~a|tt

l\ lair ta'ill. t'oninzons null
and all cafeterias. as well as
all tunctioris catered by l t\.

in order tor students to
escape the .1 per cent sales tax
lety. they just present their
Identitrcation cards when
pin chasing food in the
t‘nit er sity facilities. "
ltlanton said.

it. Mr. mi.) innit-t. tit Journalism '
ltnilmng tnnt-rsiiy ot Kentuckym
l- \rngton hentiiclty. mam. is mailed}
tin limes Vll’kl) during the your etceptl
i hoittays and exam periods. and once
weekly iluriix the summer session. I
‘ "ii-it itass postage pard at lerington. '
Klfllulk‘t. infill. Subsiription rates are
malt-rt Slip. r year. or one cent per year ‘
non-mn'led ‘

\durtismg '5 intended only to help the
‘ reader buy and on» false or misleading
aihcnising shook! he reported and will
‘ bi investigated by the editors. Ad
‘ iciilsing hand to be false or [HTSTI‘ildiII‘ 1
. vill he reporter! to the Retter Business 1
3 lion llll.



The. 1% mutt» w "‘

cut wear ”to“ c .' (Mr
Qt‘ litt'it" 'tti Yri‘t W“ .i


; iy' ‘t‘e




'1‘1 ‘ h .V
A. All A.

reproductions. according to
l’irikston. 'I'he squad. which
had rirric inernbers last year.
tollows drill instructions from
an moo manual

Society memtwrs. however.
do more than just drill.
t'omptmy t‘rl sponsors a rifle
team that competes against
other coniparnts In addition
the company supplies the
color guard tor football
games and acts as UK
l’ii-sident tttis Singletary's
honor guard.

social events include a
spring picnic and formal
dinners which are held in
conjunction with the Ken
lucky ltabes 'l‘he Rabes are
the ternale counterparts of
the National Society of

tir'tenwell contends that
the field iiockey goal was the
property of the University.
was on t riiycrsity ground and
theretorc was maintained by
the t'ntversity.

(lay liilste. assistant to UK
legal a