xt7w3r0pw08h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w3r0pw08h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-02-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 13, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 13, 1980 1980 1980-02-13 2020 true xt7w3r0pw08h section xt7w3r0pw08h .- ' .1 . * a.
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ML" 4:, . . “‘5 - . / . f l "“07“" of K m l
. i ”t... l V: H '- 3)- ‘3 ~ s. ‘ VOL "XXI" No. I” i , Lexingion |(:nt::ky
V I.:“II - . I . Wedneehy. “W"! '3‘ m' an independent student newspaper ‘ y
~ air- ,.... w M,
43 I .fl 4"“ ' ‘ I? -‘- ‘ At Domino‘s Pizza. or Pizza Dispatch, or either one — or even both. they
.I -I I. ‘ 3* '- make their pizza: from scratch. Jim Mudd. manager-trainee. begins the
-mw -. , II three-step process by docking (breaking up the bubbles) the dough. He '
, ' ' MWA‘ . "I . er I later spins and flips the dough to *streteh" it before putting the finished
.. . .» or, m «m III-jgsh s “W 5 I product in the oven. Mudd works at the Pina Dispatch on East Reynolds
, "w f:- I .- I. ‘, ' « Road. which is the first Domino's in Lexington to use the new name.
. \ I IIIIIWIIr W11. M“ II Domino‘s Pizza is being sued by Domino’s Sugar for usingthe same name. ‘
I 'Ist.II III§III-I. ..I.,.s..II I §~t.g»,3.f III. _::E:li':::-§;):’ N. (is. oI.-,, "I , . ‘V .
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oPu arplzza team i at) A .. w
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I I d . la WSUit t" ”V M “ ' .; , i 2‘ M r
g ' . 'I. * ..,II-;I" int y I. . mm .3... ..I ..
over company name . to" " ’ '
, ,4" ., 5.1“t i 1*
By JA(’KI Rl'lll) Presently. the “company is working Larry Cochran. managerot the new ton. Hopkins and (lll‘lNllIk an .. i a ' .’ _ “cm/$7.“
(Uni Nit-tr toward a loss (of its title)." said Greg l’ina Dispatch. said the use ot both ~'\tlanta law firm there .iieappriist~ ”:3? ,. ,I'
II \eichter. area representative for the namesin Lexington has "created some match 250 products using the name We‘d? ‘i s\_ 3s _
“(mime-t l’lll'd may RN Ilitmttte lranchisc. Consequently. Domino‘s confusion. A lot of people haien't l)0nllll() besides Domino‘s Sugar .«cjg ,I I '
at least not under that name Piua is preparing the public for the associated the two names. When we “Domino's Sugar has not sued an) oi I‘I ”I . ,, “ .. l .
. lhe ()i'll\ national pi//.i deliier) ptlsslhllll) ofchangebyexpcrimenting explain (the lawsuit) to them. (their them as far as we know.“\alogar said. hfiki : ‘ ’II 5., . '. I
company. Domino‘s Pina. Inc. is with the new name in test areas. response) is one of incredulity. l'hc) Despite the suit.thcrc has not beena S§§§§§aw § f4 ’ri‘sfistée ,
lll\()l\L‘(l in a lawsuit with l)omtno's lhe Domino‘s Pizza stores hate can‘t believe Domino‘s Sugar has decreascin business. lhteeotthelcx— ‘2 C.’ " if. 7 ”‘x’fi .'
' Sugar. a subsidiary ot :‘smstar Corp. begun answeringtheir phones “Domi- sued." he said. '"gmn locations hi‘d record “Cd“ 1 i I. N .. is: \
l“ '975- "“15““ hr"“tlht sun no‘s Pry/a Dispatch." "If we have to That piIJa and sugar are totalh alterarticlesappearedinboththelei~ git“ ‘I; ‘5 I i I ‘mui‘f’
against Domino‘s l’i/la over use of the change. eserybody’s already gotten unrelated is Domino's Pina argument trig/on Herald and the /.t‘YII1IL'/(Ill :. I? ii I‘M
trade name "Domino's," On Not. 3. used to (the name).“ said Jacque against Amstar. Domino‘s Pi/Ia leader. Veichier said \t‘ {PK 's
1970. an \tlania iudgerulcd that l)l’l Fisher. manager at the lane Allen emphasiles that the public does not Salogar is optimistic about the AR . K‘-
tius imposing on the trademark of location. relate the two products. “I neser asst)» future “When this is all oier. we will ..._. ' ., "
' Domino Sugar and forbid its tran- Whether the company's business ciated it. I iustthought ofthetdominoi be better known than wc'se eter been Salogar estimated the cost to the com— another and their business has gotten '
chiscs the right to use the name will be affected by this name change is game. I neicr even thought ofsugar." before." he said. party of this transition at Sl.5 million. better. It goes them a new identity.“
"Domino's " .‘Cl to be seen. The mini public 595mg Despain said. "l don‘t think there will be an) That is inadditiontothe Sotlf).(l(lilto \likc t‘ochran said
llominol Pix/a appealed the dt‘e'b to be taking it in stride, “Domino Sugar may be trying to decrease at all (in lesitigtiitii." said Sb'llfltltlll accumulated in court lees so [lonii'io‘s l'il/a came up with the
sion to the (icitl‘glil Supreme (ourt I'K students. who make up 50 tobO clear the way for opening a fast food Scott Baker. Domino‘s l’i/la manager lar new name alter looking for one that l ‘
where a ruling is expected in March. percent of Domino‘s Pizza business at chain. That was probably one oi the at the South l intestone Street There are approximately 30 Pix/a could be "cleared" in all <1) states. ‘ .
l ntil a decision is reached. all new its South limestone Street location. major reasons (for the lawsuit)." said ltk‘ulittn. D'WdiChc‘ l“ “WWW” 1” lhl‘ “”19 i - I l
. stores must be opened under the name beliese the name change will notaffect Bob Salogar. Dl’l‘s director of mar- lloweter. this may not he the case and 270 DP] stores must be comerted [hc ””‘T‘FW “"1““rl') ”pl seur~I
l’il/a Dispatch. ll l)l’l isorithelosiiig the quality. keting communications. tor franchises in other states “ll the within a Iscar‘s time ll the .sUll is lost {cm 0”“ Ill-”1"“! ll? “‘mg‘ a pair (ll
, end ot thcappeal.thentlienamesolall "lo the. it will still be Domino's. l Salogaradmitted this could only be business is struggling. it might hurt \like (‘oehran. owner of the l.e\~ “"mmll" PW“ [)“puu‘h,” 1030 '5
present Domino's Pizza stores must be don ‘t think' n willaffectbusiness." said speculation. However. he said ll did llut then again. it it is not doing well.a ington lranchise. docstiot coiisidet'the made ”p ot three rows of mdmdual
changed. Keil) Despain. elementary education seem strange that Domino's Pizza had Change of name may help."llaker said, name change a loss. "We can‘t lose “will“ “all ”“6 ol the squares out of
Domino's Pit/a hasltiechaitistores sophomore been in existence since I965 u bile ri-~ Much is iii-.olied iii the natne if we hate tochangc wc'Ei prohab‘; «1.: seouence. fllllllr‘mng " pl,” reads to
, in lestngton. one oi which opened “lfthey really advertise. they‘ll have suit was brought againstthem ltlycars changing process. l'nilornis. pix/a alright," ht) (ll‘l‘l‘lm‘ld l
reccnil; as Pi/Ia Dispatch lexmgton no trouble Word Wlll get around later about the time the bUsiness dchscrs hotes.signsandsanousother (\s for Pina Dispatch. "l like the "lhe graphic describes whtit we do
. wasthetirsicit} totisi:boththcl)oini— qurck'." said Steve Harris. accounting started to really grow, items mtist carry the Hun Dispatch name a lot. A lot of companies haic best." Salogar said. "that is deliier
. no‘s Pizza and Pix/ii Dispatch names. sophomore. Accordingtoresearchdoncby New» logo. It the appeal is not granted. changed their name for one reason or pi/Ias tast " ' .
' SBA 'd' d'ff t t' 't' f UKl t d t
‘. ~ BY ('HRlS AS” “in the past. our adsocacy role has stability fortheorganilation. Included on the first Wednesday in October. time by teaching ushow towritebriels. Bookstore for used books and the '
‘ Wit “titer been confined to the law school." in the dues are payments for locker in addition. l2 students some as recommending supplementary stud} price Kennedy‘s Bookstorccharges for ,
Felde said. “Although some people rental. representatises on faculty committees. aids. passing on hints about professors new books, l-elde stated thatapproxi- , .
" . ks the unofficial representatiie (or hate expressed a desire for us to The SBA's Board of Governors is The SBA also emphasizes helping and encouraging us to maintain a mately .160 books wereinvols'ed inthis I,
l‘K‘s law Strident l)i\ision ot the become intolied in legislation or in comprised of President Jon Felde. first-year students become adiUsted social llle during 01” years In it)“ semester‘s exchange. saving partici-
. American Bar \ssoeiation. the Stu~ the rights of persons working as law Vice President Wendy Bryant. Secre- with law school, school." Ash said pating students about $2 a book. _
dent Bar Association proiides aca- clerks. we polled the students and tary Marsha Theiss. Treasurer Eian “lhe SBA conducted a tutoring “They also madethemselscsasaila» Anothereientstartedthisyearisthe
dcrItiicI. social and recreational toundthatmostseemlukewarmtothe Perkins. Third-Year Representatiie program in which second and third- ble around Thanksgising to hcip its tacult‘.»sttitlcni coffee hour which
' actiiitics to l'K law students, idea of the SBA becoming insols‘ed in Mary Dentinger. Second-Year Rep. year students with high grades helped with any problems which might arise git cs :ilude‘llls and professors achance
It also series as a link between the those kinds of issues.“ Bob Brown and First-Year Rep. Jeff us (first-year students) with academic Whllt‘ studying it” “WIN" 5““ “ddCd- “WON‘CF‘CMWNh “h“ l" aninfor-
studenn and the law school adiiiinis- All incoming law students pa} Mobley. problems." Kirk Ash. a first-year sttt- At the beginning of each semester. mat atmosphere. l-‘elde said he hopes
ltation. President .ltill l'elde callsSlM $22.50. which is based on a rate of All officers are second~ycar stu- dent. said. SBA conductd a book exchange the coffee hour will be held on a bi- ,
‘ “a service organi/atiori tor the S} ’5 in dues per semester. The dues dents.withthe exception ofDentingcr "Also. on d toluntari basis. inset; recommending a price for lc\thtioks wct‘kis basis in the future.
students,“ are put in holding to assure financial and Mobley. since elections are held older students spent a great deal ol between the price paid b_\ kit-niietlx‘s (‘ontinued on page 3
. IOC plans to go ahead 3 lhe lcgtslation is aimed .rt going small Kentucks potential radioactiic iltinips,
I . operators some relicl from federal requirements. but “ l his is a \Ulltl polict tnat can stand the test." the
WIth 0' m lc Games shoultl .ilso benitit larger coal operators. he said president said
y p state ’ Sending lt'.» prop/m 'v it"lilfl'S‘. thi president _
II .. I ,- -- » -- - ~ - ~ . . I. . saitltliegiwitiiitzci: no. ,1 sl‘lil‘i about ll siteswherc
. - A “'“i “CON“ ”'0“ a..." WW i“3.1373113...“Eil'f$1.23!:L?."Z.‘Qfli‘:‘i..’...'.i‘fl i i. a.
In Moscow thls su mmer ““9" by h“ conclu5ion that a pump cord “'35 a P““" _ ... p ' 5 Pl" ' p . i I it tests and medical research Uiltltl he llldtl: n at no risk
ble cause for the WW fire which killed loS persons at “‘“i‘ ‘“ I‘ll“ (' “um-l opponents. 'mludmfl ‘m U. m. M... ”m“. I
. the Beverly Hills Supper (‘ltib counts :tit‘ge-cxcctitite rallied yesterday to light the c ‘ “ n
lAKl Pl »\(‘ll). \'.l' (AP) lhe the l()(‘ Wlth (’aner‘s demands. Terry Hoyle. Of Chicago, bald '19 "0mm “’mc wimp world
International Olympic (ommiitee The IOC had been deliberating for beading wherethe “”3 meltsand l’mm“ hUbl‘l‘“ 1",?“ ngoccry "10.”.an Tum" :.ndkc.wé\.miw
afinmmwd‘. sestcrda} the Olympic three days. although there was “me which could haveIindteatedelectricalarcmgoratielecx girl‘s":\tsilcdhgitgilrll.l:;sil§:g.n::;‘n.113“{xiii ,\.\']l-IFRROR|ST I'Ol ""5 assaulted the
frames \Hl‘ go on in Moscow as doubt that the members would abide tricalshortCircun. . (. .‘ I’l -l~' . l ‘k‘ R r. n (lllWll‘dn Democratic Pam headquarters sesterda‘ '
planned. thtis rejecting Preside-vii ('ar- by their agreement with the Moscow The cord lid from a “comm “ml,"“m m a “m" (ilirnllrlhlfirinfitiil? can: rzsidehilifrt'tsr,per freeing l2 hostages during it g'lnllglll that left one
ter‘s call that they be mmed or can- Organizing Comittee. ”'ch Spa“ m ”'6 north wall ”(the "Cb” R‘mm “mi u,(gammy,..,..._..n.h.'pcrgcmmega”... ”I policeman th‘iltl and thtci' lt‘ltJHng militants
celled because oi the Soviet “The l()C is fully aware of. and sen- . . , and the oilierienth of a percent will he w-henthcti‘ind “minded. “new“ WWW
intersention in Afghanistan sitive to. the world conditions which SAYING HIS . ADMINISTRATION '5 firmly out about it " i “‘0‘" '0“ mm“ “I” I‘ll" hu'ldmg and hmlage‘
lhe committee also urged that have created the most serious chal- figmgéidEmovdgfimuajl:iglomdetmlipmu[.17 . m” “CC“ 33" . .
members of the Olympic organizing lenge to confront the Olympic heads .0 give speck] considem'mn‘ mm. £2332“: natlon ”mm“ ‘“”““°“"‘ll“””“"‘“l“"l'3l““""m””'
committee in Moscow inform the Games." Killanin said in a news - ~ ' ' V ., ' stratorsweresho' todeath .isi‘iet and others stagcda
.. I I . C0" and qualifications ofblacks.womenand handicapped I -- . ~ . h m l ended it...” Hernia" "cc“ a—
highest authorities of their goi‘ein~ lerencc last night. He concluded: persons. AN .01!!!“ v\l\ \lll.|’rAR\‘ mission returned troop mart . i \1 it i"
merit of the Circumstances which have “T he lOC cannot solvethe political And in an executive order issued last week and )L‘tteldét)‘ 'Wma “t‘t‘l'litngirll‘mmtl MF'C‘landlhc “on 0' lhe “imam” mum ‘
created these difficulties for so many problems ofthe world. but calls upon made public yesterday. Brown ordered agency heads Middlc cast “Ilh Utmmt'mcms “0'“ ”1'" CWW'C‘ . , . .
(National Olympic Committees the governments of all countries. and ‘0 "WW1 3" “informaland effectii'csystcmforhan- ‘0 “”m‘ ‘"”°a‘°d [‘ 5 am“ m m'mm fac'l't'es‘ *xREFiQOMIMLhL". 02”.!“ m; “\Tictsrlcinrlll‘l.
|.ord Killanin. president ofthe IOC. in particular those of the major pow— d'lu "“plol’“,°°mplal““ "'3‘an ‘0 equal "Wm."- [' 8' ”them“ my , :fi‘E'Shgfigi‘.‘”Qh'..,t..f.','..mlififfifii :Ifethclevabzg;
l sald that all 7'1 members (”tending the "5- to come together (0 reSOlVC their ment opportumiy." . , ., . The reported agreements reached “uh Kenya. militants was quoted as sitting \esterdas hya Persian
IOC general session before the Winter differences. and l. as president of the Brown “M M admmmramn "3 ”mm“ comm‘l' 50mm and “man “Is-0 “GUM grant me [med (‘ulfnews - ~ ll - \‘l (l l m's resident should 513‘
I . , , , . ~ . Slal‘sl’l htsto store militane urpmentand fuel In ’ *P‘p‘r‘ ‘ “ r‘ p -‘
OlympICs had sotcd to keep the IOC. and all members. Will do every- ted. legally and morally. to murmgfma“ Kcmu‘h ‘ Ig ' q . otit of the hostage issue
Summer (iames in Moscow Accord- thing in our Power to assist in this so ans equal employment opportunities and freedom return mr‘hmconperds‘mn thethmmummwnu'd The militants meanwhile came under attack from
in to the l'.S, S ' l) i I ‘ "m.“ discrimination because Of race. color. religion. receive inncreased l 5’ mull“), ald although the Ir r.‘sA bassadortothel'nited .‘s'attons.whosatdin
g ta.e epartment. that the Games ofthc XXll Olympiad national Ongln. handicap. sex or 38¢“ amounnts have not yet been specrficed. said the offi- In ”‘I . ._
more than 30 governments as can take place in me right cials. who asked not'iobenamed (reneva.Switzerlandthatthcs werebfginningto lose
' Opposed to Olympic committees atmosphere." PROPOSED LEGISLATION TO make it earner Since the ouster of the pro-Western monarch) in credibility “”h "‘CII Iranian people and had 3"“
ha“ called for movement. postpone- Killanin noted that all I42 recog- for small coal operators to comply with the federal Iran a vear ago. the United States has been seeking ”bel‘md lh‘” ““l‘
ment or cancellation of the (iames. nijcd national Olympic committees strip mine law was submitted yesterday toa legislatiie ways to expand its military capability in the Persian
IKillanirisaidthe l()(‘recogniled the are bound by Olympic rules and they ’“:°:‘"}m°°'k . d i h K “"IHWIl lnd'ano‘m" ”-“"‘"““C“l“'“”l“l‘“““l”‘t“ weather
di liculties the Unite S . . -. . - I e emp man. executive irecior o t e en- poittca turmoil
(.Ommnm med bufjurgiilcit?d)‘$:rlii 2122:” 82‘: :2;J:°'E:fi::g::":: CI: tuckIy Smlll Operators‘TechInical Assistance Protect. . . IF you LIKED YESTERDAY‘S weather. you‘ll
tinue its effons to make possible the Olympic Games outlined proposals for peIrmu proceedures. data col- PRESIDENT ( ARTER PROPOSED yesterday love today-Is Temperatures should remaip in the low
participation of ”S athletes in the Carter has said that ifthe Sovietsdo lemon and bonding requirements tIothe surface min- the nations first coordinated effort to store nuclear to mid 30stith partly sunny skies onight the
Games." not pull their ”00‘“ cm I). Feb‘zo mg ”Momma" of the "9“” Natural Resources garbage. planning to spend 700 million to examinate tIemperatureIs wiIlI (IliphintoIthc upper teens toIIItIlIte low
The l‘ S committee "ad "“0”ch . ~ 5’ . . and the Enwronmem Committee. salt domes and other sites in the South anti West as ails Tomorrow s . iii . \til. be in -he uprer s
. i (ontlnued on page 6 ___...-..-.-_.__ ,_. ..-,___. _. _ . _ , ~__ _‘________-____ - n-“ ,M_“_ _ _ __ ._-_

 KENTUCKY Debbie McDaniel
hit/or rn ( lm/ Mull (ireen Kim -\uhrey "tom-s (117* John (1” Guy Landon
Ker e .la) l'osseii Bob ( mhrune Inuvlurmrrr'n/ film” Spurn [ft/mu Director of Phuluglaphi'
(In “illis loo Iilr‘i' ir/rlr '\ l’iiul \luun
Variat- rig tiliim ( ind» \ldme Mill liflhln Brian Rkkcrd DIV“ Mlynll'd
.Imki Rudd ion/um Airman! Sports Edilor Phil/u Mariel”
\tne \llssey ll\l lliiussud t r/r. last it Instr/unimcrii liliirrr
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‘ ‘_ f. TraSh sf result would be Frankenstein Meets science iictrorr stories. but the iltrrr...-n society lire; haw lots oi can perceiye and test in the natural Mark Johnson .
. Star “an. popcoin-riiltnthing set is ltss it: man? sin... .llllillol\ that liens] .2 good liUllll'. woild. lhe reasoning behind this Psychology junior
.f . . Readersoi Winn“- iietionareaeeus. lhe blacl bole itselt is shown as a rig. uni easlt ‘rllhil's'tl by what o ~ o. r _. o a doe. orc\ don". assumption is simply that science has
', tomed to seeing a great many bad swirlingmrtesoigas \uchanappcah the worst sense. a Wirelex \lortse" Hz'nl it .s .oit.‘ :12: st ti. tit-sides. by tlisproyen many statements in the overzeaIOtS?
. '7' ‘ - ' science iiction mo\ ies and also a great ance would result ii it were hall oi ti lll(l\ it" adoring .5 pct \mr don i run the risk oi Bible itlie work credited with beingthe “‘5 high time that somebody came
‘ ' many stupid reitews denouncing e\cn double star system and could leech gas -.i'il it; sir-tier ne‘s pet true ”width,” of the supernatural). out in open support ofa fairness. open
. the smltlgllltii-gotitl si mnHL's. suth as iiom iisconipnnion. but ihernaleisoi Hank limit a“, , m; tot. ixopie at gm M} wig-5m,“ .5. has this really hap— minds.originalthinking.andaproper
‘ -.-‘ . 200l or Star Wars. or A ('lockwork the moiieapparently likedtheappear— English “:an i i- ;,.i, Mitt it. ktfllilllClldel ioi your pened orcouldthe conilictsziriseinthe sense of priorities.
W . ,' Orange as"trzish.“ln the Jan, 3|. lser- ance without understanding its cause 'rc;o;. tit-to \oiar i .ount at leastine diiierent methods oi interpretation It’s in this vein that I wish to
, 7 nel. Thomas (‘lark achic\es the unus- lhey would be on saier ground guess» Stranded cat or to” mending rite better pan oi a each person holds? What happens is applaud the Kerrie/editorial of Feb. 6,
, ._ ual. ii lessthan laudable distinction oi ing what would be inside the exerii tr on __7 .i.r-. resttnrrg that poor dclen— that scientists become theologians by and the efforts of Deans Williamson
, . . praising an si moi re which actually is hon/on oi the black hole. where cait~ \ll Shaeiicr thank W“ and lllL'l h M at. rtre “hi how much doyou giiing Us what they see the Bible as and Burch in this farcical lleCl
trash. namely. The Black ”019- W”) hrwh dim" and nnnt’mnnnn b l‘hnl'l‘f‘ l‘” W“ “““dt‘l'l’l 1“” kin-at \tor‘sers .L'ei paid tor your savingtind theologians become scient- controversy.
, I ' ' The Black Holeisstillanotheroi the as good a guide asany l'nioitunately. regardnig lhc stillndt‘d mil ll MM .L‘H‘w my.“ Jam." ”higher I'm in [hc Mg m telling us what is WM and [ can appreciate the dedication and
, l' horde oi si mom made by people thermaginationoi the Disney people is to \hii“ that lnll‘ ”1m“ l ””“l 31““ 'lft‘L ..r .2: worls \e\t time you ill\(llld m scientiiic thought. Further- sacrifice that Scarboro and company
. ' ’ “I‘ll ”0 undt‘l‘vlnndlntl 0’ lllk‘ WWW“ *0 innit thin lht‘.‘ Gin 0‘an “P with W“ “”“V‘mk' ”Mk" " ‘l‘ “ l"-‘~' “‘1“ "l w. oss .r stranded annnal.call the more (it this isn't enough). there exrst go through to get their precious seats
' “0an 51W)“ UnnlUL‘ FCLlUltt‘mL‘nIs nothing more inspired titan w hat ”1'3 WV “9 -1 “nil” 0" ““l “‘ll 'll“ lint-.7 \o-.rci_s lhes‘re“pios"wi“.en numerous viewpoints within each inSection3l,butafta'whathappened
‘ g' -' ‘. lacking Wild Chiti'dL‘ICi'\ “11h rational 1“”th lllss‘ HUI-lulu“ ll'i‘m l’alllasifl “""l‘l P‘"’l‘l"”“ l” l‘ml' “ll““l ‘ ' . ,. :-r ocalrrie with anin'rals. and camp which lead to greater contusion. on Sunday. Jan. 27. they proved that
_ I . , moln'dnnm- n H ”01 30in “with I“ [he human need to ask "what ll lhm‘ l" My“ Will C'l‘s'lli.‘ "“ “l“ l“ . . . .. ~, is. i‘. ore eiiitreni lhereiore. since each individual- iheyare unworthy ofthe privilegethat
' V U “scrence” 1‘ mostly made “P on the and ‘PCCUIWC “l‘lll” ”W unknown '\ “’ll.‘ll“"’ll““ll ”l ‘l “'l ”"1”": l" ‘ l in tr istirg. dont get me wrong I "conihct" is beyond the scope oi this they seem to regard as divine right.
. l~ . . .spot tiorexample. with the ship trying real. but this more is not likely to my Wit” l llit‘s' \k‘l “WW d 911’» ill-9‘5 r s _. Al nil; ilrz‘ it-t-(lhaek on no reply. a moi-L- encompassing answer is As anyone who was there could see,
. 7' " In (100k“11h”10”le\ClCllUSW-“PHW WM} any ““1 ”11"”)k‘inihwll‘llt‘d "W” l“ ‘lm'll "‘ d ““5 ""’ l““"' l 'L l more our the t’ilillilt‘ tnot needed. lhe basic question is, of thethrong oiticketseekersleftwhatis
_~ ‘ _ going city by tiring its rockets iiill it not only tails as si. but also con» *L‘L‘n Ills‘s’llhnk'tl and l-lillltil’wl l‘W'“ ‘ . cr-m o: my lirioti‘ was Incorrect lt course. is there a supernatural begin— usuallya very beautifulMemorialCol-
_ ,' . throttle in the wrong directioni Stock tinties to promote the idiotic themes it U” ”11” lld‘ 'Unll‘t'll ll'lln n 3 - 3,.“ i; it“. -‘ M7; "it“ ”1 (manually nine to the uni\ersc or did it Change. iseum looking likea hurricane had hit
‘ ' elements irom “In” “ minis“ “W iound In irorror ”WW" ”1 lhc “’4‘“ ‘ll“" “““lll‘ l‘“"l “” Ill” ?' 5’ l maul, l' r‘h‘ic's tiowrv to solid ground" by Pure chance. over time in an it. The trash was absolutely ever)"
‘ ””0““ 'nmlhcn‘t‘lncnllni‘ nill‘t‘lhiH find 50* lhin “10““ng b dangerous "“2“” l‘t‘ “tone but it has been ' « arr-i: l 'c‘lit‘l‘ttl Diet that attei~ unbroken sequence oi events to the where. As I came into Memorial for
_ 3 ' . ‘V the} “”1 “’nlk‘nll“ “Wk- W that \H‘ and only ”W CHI and or insane seek it. l'n‘l‘l‘l“”‘l'“-“ [ll‘ll ll “ "i” ll‘lwlll“ ""l :ioor in; mi was no longer iii the tree. complexity we now know it. Mathem- the Lady Katsgamethatday,lfeltdis-
~ ha\e ‘11” ”1“” “”9“ Will” “lhilh- that 'nll‘llltit‘nc'i '5 UWl’J‘t at NW and “ ”“c 'l ““l "l“‘ll'l' “m“ ”m" ‘1“ I liilrs:.' stillls' i‘wl‘ie. I can't spend the ancient Murrav Eden has found. using graced and ashamed that my fellow
’ . ‘. laser shootouis. and the latest appear— sell—destructive at worst. and that t. io— WC» make 11 hdk‘ls down t'” ”A U‘M‘ ll I“) m nine J. .a. ”U”, a tree. and ior~ high speed computers at M.l.T.. that students (who are supposedly intelli-
' l ' an“ 01 mi“ ”WM TClUi’W ”0m d lcm““1”“nndi‘minlnnerll‘Vl‘H” 1” 5”“ “nd -“”” l"‘“""l“”lll"‘ “hm“ “R en:- .rr. l.-' not t'llLL‘isll‘iil with the there is /ero probability of so much gentand mature enough to know bet-
. '; 1940s horror ihclx. the l‘lilhll'dn triad reason. Such hare-biarned notions W's’ilns‘s’lns'd “llll‘d‘lnll‘nin lilnl'mb «imwi. H- be gummy“ the library eomplextiy to exrst inthe universe.on ter) would show such blatant ‘
. .. scientist -\ more accuratetrtleioithe ha\e ne\ei liotitished in written “l“ di‘nl WU ill"?! W“ “W“ m“ or. iii-stalk illtlL'illlrL‘ the btisls'til chance. involving any disrespect for the cradle 0f their
, . li .tist» r:..;si b. said that the At‘l'nt’r/ amount oi time. it this is so. then we beloved winning basketball tradition.
' ' . g ' ' l l l photograpin rs are not :L‘poilc‘rs. the). must acceptsome sort oi uniiy'outside I can just imagine what our guests
7 I I KETserIes on DarWIn 0’" ts arepiroioiotrrnalrsis llie\ talephoio oi natural matter. It is my personal from Georgia and Ohio State (oppo-
, ‘V 1 . " l f i'; nihs .rrrl gather taets, the editors conclusion thatthe (‘hristian answer is nents of the Mat Cats and Lady Kats
. ‘ - . I I l I I then write the catch and cutlincs tor the only answer. Only it allows for an respectively that day) thought 0f ‘
. . ' 7 t contrlb t, f t the photos appearing in the kernel iniinite.persona|(iod w‘hocan be both “those rowdy Kentuckians."
' .‘ : 0" u on 0 ama eur my“: in ms gathered iatts Some» beneioleni and omnipotent. (‘hris- One 8150 has t0 wonder what moti-
~. ~. ' . - times names are iriisspciled. dates are tranitv teaches (as outlined in the “at“ these oyer7ealotsto PUtSO mtich
V \ By JOHN S(‘ARBOR()['(.’H cool. green swtirds oi his name lng‘ tor the incredible \aiicit ol \aitne “WW “”‘l "”“llll‘l‘m” " l‘“ ”l m" ”ml“ ”‘3‘ (lud ”63‘“th world and importance upon‘ a bunch of hand- .
‘l.’ land. and now literally tumbled intoa Details piled up later the system l'i‘ll‘llw“ ””3” l‘h”l"l~‘“‘l‘l"~‘l ‘0 “l" Pli'CCd men and women in it with lht‘ picked mercenaries putting a b?“ .
.g I, ' . 'l he cttrrently~running "\oyage oi mass oi particulars III the lush iungles might emerge in the tnetintin‘rc. llai l“'- l” ”1“ Vi“? "l m‘ ’l i‘ ll" llu‘" ”CWl‘ml ”l belieying "1 H'm or “3““ through a net. anyway? What dld
f . ‘ ' Charles I‘arwin"oii Kcniucly l duca— oi Bra/ii lhe amateur began to see \‘-lll could happily wallow tr. that odd l‘lm'” l ‘Uls’ill'w‘l l“ ”“5 Villl‘” \l'llntl int: Him. ll wasthrough rejecting Him those guys'ever d0‘ to deserve all .thls
._ .1}. . . ironal mum,“ at p m _ Sundays) 1‘ things a well-trained prmflqnnd] SUN, M. “mm“ that WU,“ m P'fil dt-sl :har night to delete (it --ort lt‘s ihatevilcameintotheworld,(iodthen blind.unthinking.ianaticaladulation.
'. ' ‘1 " . stunning in its accurate adaptation oi could not and would not. And vet ‘uLlL‘ the great scientilic minds oi all “m". i""" l“"“ ”‘W'Hl'llc but ””1"” demonstrated ”l5 90“" by dying a to begin with? What does 1‘ "any
' ‘ . .1 _‘ Darwin‘s Voyage ofthe Beagle \Viih- the young l)arwin was uninterested ill ctnttirtes. a sum. oi “outlet detected not to. a simple editorial llll\l£1lsL‘. li sticriiicitil death as a man. so that we PTO“? ll they “beat Tennessee, beat
”:1. ' . out overt diariiaii/ation. there is ten- lame. he rather had an unquenchablc in wi'itetsasi aried as .\iistotle.(i.ilen. W“ “”"l “W "'ll‘” “”ll‘w‘ ”l the “’“ld have ”“0er {CllOWShlP “'"h lennessee, beat Tennessee?” I mean,
_,1 i .‘ “ ' sion and drama aplenty Without a urge to obsene in detail. A dilletanie. Bacon. Darwin. and l-iristeiii Dar “mu” hm: lwc” “Mm“lf" ”Md” l” ”ml and mum begin ‘0 deal With the after all. we re'talking about only. a '
g -. f j t heavyhanded prologue about the we might sniii, \o more. Someone win‘s "boyish enthusiasm" laces curt Mll‘ ‘ll‘l‘l‘l 1'1 any “'1‘- lm 50”?“ problem m in” and oi death. All this game, aren't we? What. ”H‘s essential
g "- ‘1 “important things” being discovered who played withinsects.someonew ho the laborious prose oi Origin of the “i“ done without 3 \iolation 0f 01” reality. '5 college sports anyway ll“!
. ; , ’ I. by Funny and his crew. Darwin and tinkered with nattire.speculatedabotit Species. and as readers oi Voyage of ”“"d (”.‘l‘ original freedom Ul chorce. merely another form of ”unam-
.» - . . r his excursions into lira/titan iloraand coloration. but without purpose. the Beagle already know. will octa- Kernel photographer In conclusmn. there exrst reasons ment. And. from a competition and
" .l . " ‘. launa. and ““7le ””10! absolutely M" sionally produce some iiiightt tliieiige , why there needstobeaChristian alter- talent standpomt, college sport is
"‘_' r ,1 ‘ historical characters. we aretreated to oi poetry. odes to the attrition oi Dead Issue name and reasonswhy'thisissue is not merely lh‘? minor leagues.
. V, . the how and w in real science comes 1- . , \dllli’s‘. \ltci reading the past two dlllL'lL‘\ dead. but W” “‘0' controversial. l lnalllairnesstothe othersideofthis
_‘ g - ,_ . mm being s.“ mmm W Darwin. [[7 menfe ag/tafe Amateurs (hegmmig “in. mmmm in l): \Vtryire ll l);i\is. one might retilr/c I've leit many'qtiestions unans- complex question, ”I admit that I’m
' ’7' g I, iuq the himg “mum.\ of eastern ble pmies‘mnaig m inn”) “CM“ 0m. lllillis that exolutrori \erstis Bible con- wered, However. this doesn‘t mean as gutlty 35 the next. '0 people you'll
-.l l I. 1”,: Argentina. the casual poking about in need only mention. \1ichae. Ventris‘ ““‘U‘l “ J dead INN ”W ””PWS‘ thercaren‘t any answers. bl“ only'ihat meet oi the accusations l‘ve leveled
', f \arious rock Yttrl‘rh’iliiins. the wonder m‘ “cracking" the linguistic mm oi 1 m, non the reader is it it with includes this paper cannot holdthemalldothe here. bUllnth ChnOliCnnd depressing
:1 1‘ i 3 that must attend one‘s irrst \iew oigla~ It was (‘harles Brown who became ear ii scrrpt. in Hits. to the eollecirse ”\l‘V‘lnt’ ”Ml the Liim‘I'iit oi a super serrotrs student l would recommend state ofthe world In thisday and 83:.
,i I ' ‘. cial ice thundering intothe seaand the a plodding revolutionary. particularly howls oi the protessronal itngiirsts and natural l‘t'nk l'delnlil ll'nN'l' '0 man the w 0”“ (ll Christian authors like somebody has to be an 'deal'St'
‘ ,_i ,.j ’ constant questions oi the “why" oi with the publication oi Origin of the classtcrsis. who had rieter noticed hou i‘ 4‘ “”“lnls‘il «1‘ ‘l EVWCMW "“l‘lCl l‘lnnk‘l‘ Schaelierand (h S- 17'3““ "l5 ,
', . V ' ‘_ what one sees in all oi its variety, Species in “<59. based upon that prt“ linear B was closely aligned with the l‘” ll" “WWW" Mill All lh'dl modern in seeking that we are most likely to Christopher L- Montgomery
' ,. 'r , . But there is something qurte haunt- sumably aimlessobseryaiion oi partic- (itcek they all taught in a sit reotyped ”M” “”l lull“ l‘m‘“ " lh'” “hull ll“ llnd Telecommunications junior
: i ' , ' ”‘X about “Mimi‘s expeditionintothe ulars beiore he leit oni