xt7w3r0pw296 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w3r0pw296/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-10-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 22, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 22, 1999 1999 1999-10-22 2020 true xt7w3r0pw296 section xt7w3r0pw296  



Russia attacks
Chechnyai '



What would be different
if the Bible had been
written by a college ,u ,_h ,g

student? Here are a Oct“ 22, 7

few ideas that seem I—~—~—-»———

fitting enough: IRAQ“: LOSS

Memorial for Streck Monday

it goes to show you that We are not in coir

ti'ol. i know he is in a better place and he

was a great person."
During l'K's







The Last Supper would
have been eaten the
next morning-cold.


got a little better each week and he pla\'e(l
that way."

Sireck‘s (it‘l‘liii‘iiili\liiiii‘iil\ were
more than on the field He was

Friends, fans still in shock at loss of former UK Football star;
memorial service Monday at 7:30 pm. in Memorial Hall

















Command against LSi'. members of the foot- oiie of the few student athletes iii
A memorial service sponsored by the (‘oiumbus since he was struck at 3:10 am. bail team wore t-shirts with past years to iiiaior in the iiite
What you UK (‘oilege of (‘oniiiiunications and tiie on Oct. 1. He was pronounced dead at 12:05 Streck's former number. 77. on grated Strategic t‘oiiiiiiuiiicaiions
have I Fellowship of ('hristian Athletes will be (Hit-UN. 9. said Ken i’hillips. hospital ad them. said Tony Neely. director program. which has both a seiec
held for .iereiiiy Streck. a 1999 graduate ministration manager. for media relations with [K ath- the admissions process and
conquered Il and former football player. Monday at 730 At the time of the incident. police ietics. rather tough curriculum.
I put. in Memorial Hall. charged Paul K. Syiiadinos. 2i). ofGahan- Mumme said Streck was the it's hard to he an i8(‘ major and a
my . Streck. a starting senior offensive na. Ohio. with a Ill’i. There was no imme- team's most improved lineman i)i\ ision l athlete at the saint-
brother” l guard lastseason. died (let. it of injuries diate word whether further charges would last year, . time." said Rick Roth. Zl.\\(>('i;tl('
7 Charlt ' I suffered alter being hit by a car. He was be filed against Syiiadinos. "At the end of the year. he Streck professor in ciiiiimunications.
; _ ”Heflm' I 23. “it was a tragedy." said Kentucky was really the most consistent of- Roth added that Streck worked
‘ as Moses '” ”’9 Ten I Streck had been in critical condition football coach Hal Mumnie. "Any time fensiye lineman we had when you look at yery hard to get into the lS(' program. and
I" Commandments ' at the Ohio State Medical (‘enter in someone as young as him gets shut down. all ll games." he said. “He was a guy that worked very hard to be successful
3‘" The Ten Commandments I
i' would actually be I S
:- only five ~ doubie- I l . l LEAFS AND BOUNDS
spaced and written in I '
i I i Gerontology
.i. t i
i A new edition would be I
published every two
’ ‘ years in order to . e 5 pop" ar
’ limit reselling.
“1:33:32 3:“ Program growth: Population
fgausagngewaasfbgger trends reflected in increase
. n c e H o .
3- By Chris Markus if there is a special event held
gIfirTRfir——* in one of the buildings. ,3 3y Leslie N. Ammennan,
f. “We have a six-person i contacting “I’m" '
it team that cleans the library
i'i A5 night 1163mm l0 (‘I't‘f‘i’ sevenaiida half hours a night. BY 49'!" Wampier
.I overViIK s campus. students six (meg ,1 week." gait] NEWSiDin/R
: {UM lilflllti' l0“ lht‘ (‘fli‘t'lS ”l Jeanette McHone. night custo
fatigue from another day of dial supervisor. _ . . ,
school. The students are retir» McHone. a [jK pmpltiwo t ()niy will“ ”mm” l"“"‘l\‘l‘i Fm)”
ing from their day of (-lgisgog for over “I “,1le said her i graduate certificates in gerontology this ser
I as another group I5 just gt’l- team members work “I” well . inester. but these iiuiliibers will soon be ris
ting ready to go to school. “moth“. ' mu, adminisn (not >~ so. _
While students curl in Robert Stokes. who is the ”if: ”WWI” l" “limil'lghl “"1““:“1‘1
their beds. dreaming of up “.0“. leader of the custodians bounds. said Mattie i inscheid. education
coming exams and lectures. that work in thelihrary night a] Mil‘Vl‘t't‘s coordinator at the Sanders
the UK eiiszndéyim i‘iimi (it? p, iy. said they do e‘y‘ci‘ytl‘iing Brown ( enter on Aging“ . . .
work. The custodians have the from vacuuming. to inopping. .L‘ students aie cuiientix eniolied Alli
task of periodically maintain- to cleaning the graffiti off the the piogiaiiié iiiat nuiiiiiei . is ilt‘liil lyhali
I ing the ”3 buildings on cam- bathroom walls. the total of (it that the ill'til‘liliiii has gi adu
l pus. The buildings ntust be ”l’m always impressed at i ated in the pasteley’en M‘Idlxlsilii't‘ it began
I I cleaned at night because ofthe the amount of work they do." , in lgtjilfThe fiist (lass gttiduatei‘l in 1985)
- I heavy student flow duriitg the said Jared ”mm”. a iournair iait oi the int ieased inteiest in the
. I day. ism junior. "You always 500 program is thefact that the iob market is
Paul's letter to the ’ "\Nf‘ han.’ lhl'tft.‘ lt‘t'llnS (if them around. [ know j[ Inugf 9 ”finally IH(T(“H‘\]”;‘:' . .
Romans would third shift cleaners." said Joey take a lot." I . . The fastest-growing population 'in the
if become Paul's e-maii I Andrews. a crew leader on one Stokes agrees. "it gets . [W's .1” mm" "‘0’ 8" “m" “I “‘4“ [m
.3 to abuse©romans ofthe teams. “One crew cleans prettv stressful sometimes.“ 5 “he“ ‘7‘“ . .. . .
1-.” I the library every night. and he said. I linscheidsaysthat. becausetheeertifi-
*’ 9°“ . . . .. . :4 to of (iei‘ontoioey shows advanced work
I the othei two crews go from (.1 i' ti WI . “if“ i' "i 'i . . ..
Reason Cain killed Abel: . budding to building In they Amy (‘rawford ”I” I wit i it .igtt . it o (is Ilit i\ if ua s in a \.ir
the l need to be cleaned." tributed to this story, l 399 AGE on 2
y were i . .. , - . ‘ .
tes. I Andiews said the two i
roomma l _._——-—-—-~---~ creWs that work in the timid ‘~—~~w~ , 7 -» ~~--~~—~~- . _- ,
g, I ings other than the library
if» R9350" Moses and _ . Above, Darlene Jones, will spend about one or two "”‘“““‘“
g; fOHOWE‘TS walked ”1 who tackles the 4th floor weeks. depending on the size mm 1, Young um ’ ,IHEEXIRA MILE
5?», the desert for 40 of the library. Right, Mar- of the structure. thoroughly

cleaning each building. The
crews try to clean each build—
ing about On”? every Six 6 gallons of carpet shampoo per
months. Currently. the crews week.
are working in the White Hall
Classroom Building and Dick- 12 bottles of stain remover per
(’3’ Hall. week,

In addition to cleaning.
Andrews said the crews strip WWWWMWS!
the floors and shampoo the Cleaned 2 times a year
carpets of every building once floors stripped once a year.
a year. sometimes more often

years: they didn't l ilyn Grabes takes care of

Want ‘9 as“ i the 5th floor.
directions and look

like freshmen.

270 people-hours a week.

: Running for
a reason

Race hopes to raise concern,
money for childrens therapy



instead of God creating
the world in six days
and resting on the
seventh, He would
have put it off until
the night before it
was due and then
pulled an all-nighter.



Movement attempts to chan


I." been“? Yer!
Source: http://home- stirr WRITER


Run for
your life

run for their lives M

Physical thera»
py students at UK
Compiled by: are urging people to

Samantha Essidl

, , ~ .-v » . «Va-seize. -w5z;i":‘n“’*’awf
M..‘gpssgnermgwwm.«anemone—momma} s i- 1743: i. w ? _. ~












Ron Norton this Saturday in an Saturday, 0d. 23
A ' ° ' ' 8K race at (‘ommon
: Dead wrong. Changes in legal options, mistakes have wean}, Stadium. c m M
i‘ ' ' . Run For Your MOM"
:- bolstered movement to do away With capital punishment I W m Wmm 5mm
We the-w? “500m” ”"55 to separate society from those who commit l to raise awareness
5 "9 . “ " 1 ‘ ‘ .‘ ' - ‘ . . i about physical thei- "It:
i Wi’Ti’iifi‘” serious crimes.“ Bennett told the interim am. and money for 9"". - 2pm.
z“ FRANKFURT. Ky. Ai Bennett. once 10"" Health and Welfare (,ommittee. . physical therapy re.
5: a ranking member ofthe Kentucky House. Bennett. was part of .3 crowd kmkmg search in Kentucky. W
* remembers the vote be cast for the death ”ff 3 William" AP"““"” 2000 t” d" said David Simms. a Participantscan
penalty in 1976, away With KOWUCRY 5 death penalty. it fig- second year physi- register Friday from
6o 29 The US. Supreme Court had struck ures to be an 15599 when the (ienerai AS' cal therapy student. film-'NGP-"ll‘
. down Kentucky's old death~penaity law. A sembiy “0'“?“95 in January. h I d h ”October IS ”"5 WWII
H' L0 new one had to be enacted. Bennett. 3 Th? legislature banned to; eat Phystcai Therapy ShooorSaturday
~. it is going to be cold at Louisville Democrat who became chair- penal? for tlhe meme”? retargc IIllnlem' Awareness Month WI!
I' niqht. Wear layers. Windy man of the House Labor and Industry iécifi‘gnaicgdlgqgctrocution “I“ ea y 1” Winn!!! aIid webwanted pilot; “hmm
I F'd. . . . . “. , .' I. _. ... _ . peto eawat‘eo
i Linn-ham ”WEB: ( ”my:1:53;}:otrhtziihvrzfi'v much." Bennett . Rep. Tom Burch. chairman .Of the 'F“ Form" in". '0' mm“ 6." 6"...“ I who we are and dkxm
i Kentuc in; told a group ofcurrent legislators Wednes- terim “0.3"“ and 'Weifare_(,ommittee..said "cm“ “ the Kentucky interim "I“. 'M l what we do." Simms
minim day But "in those (11“ there was no ai- getting rid of capital punishment entirely Welfare Committee Wednesday, in Frankfort, I mm mm
‘ " ‘, ~ ‘ “ " ‘ would require a massive popular move- ly., howtho systotntailed hlniwhen hens The mm rm. ”II. 95
_— __.__ “’m‘mve' ment sentenced to death in the murder of his l , - ‘
VOL 88105 iSSUE ”44 Life in prison actually meant several . . l . hon "I l race originated two
. years in prison then possible parole. Not It 5 going to take talks from the pu p" M W‘ “m "' 1994 "It ted years ago as a 5K
*_ ‘ . ‘ ' . - ‘ w . . to get this thing done. Burch. D- Oct. 4.1996. Northwestern University ill V . - l
ESTABLISHED m 1392 any more. Bennett said. The (.enerai As- i . . h ,- run. Simms saii
lNDEPENDENi SINCE 1971 semblv last year revived the old punish {’U'SV‘IIO- told Bennett and 0t er witness "mm" “w“. WM. “'M““ the his class wanted to
ment of life without parole. 9“ Illinois Antler-'60:: that Tare.” M. the I increase awareness . ,
~_*-. .. . . - .. , . Me cause or ones 0 auger n l ' ‘
NQVUS “K“ . With that on the books. it f an ix used See CAPITAL on 2 gm Hi“- I See RACE on 3 ;
Call: 2574915 or write: .
kernel®pop.uky.edu -, . ._ «mm—~N— __ _~_____~__ . .-. i
i i i ,. i I i I




z | FRIDAY.0CTOBER22,III§99 | itstuuclttltfltttitnhm II: V . if *







Th L CHARLOTTE AMAerz, its. virgin Islands Continuedtmm page! Reclplcllts of the
- own .lose was downgraded to a tropical storm yes -
e ow terday after striking a chain of (‘aribbean is 9mm “flmcm
lands. ripping root‘s oll' homes. hurling sailboats riety ot't'ields an edge over oth- in gerontology:
. out of harbors arid disrupting tourism. liy early er applicants.
Indongsia cheers Megawatl as VP afternoon the storm was 21! miles north of St. Participants have under- Beatrice Burton, who hasapost-
Thomas in the US. Virgin Islands with winds ot~ graduate degrees ranging front baccalaureate in "WSW '1
, .. t . . HAPPY 65 mph heading west-northwest into open seas. social work. nursing. and psy-
tum'i‘t} [llfifi'iz‘ltlltl‘lllll’tllili: 1:0“t.,.t\ttiitii:tii:e:r£:fiitt; HOLIDAYS: The storm had winds of over 100 mph yesterday. t-Ihology. to interior design and Ann CumminS. who has a post' .
popular opposition le'tder' \lewrwiti Quk'irnopu “5" O'Donnell mm” “mm" Umscheid baccalaureate '" ”"5”“. '
- ‘ - ‘ , ‘ ”‘ l ‘ ‘ Students working on their SETViCE
tri was named Vice president. a move that bodes "i" "‘9'“ ' _ I I . . ., .. I . II I I I
well for the future ot‘lridoriesia's tledgiiig democ- Christmas Tiny beetles threaten Cam. oaks ‘I‘ ml“ “1" '” gtrontology dl' . .
., . . t , ~ , ~ . , - , t_ album gm ready have an undergraduate Annie Davres, who hasaMasters
racy. The vote ot the leoplt s ( orisultative As 5 year (it-oree because the program is in kiHESiOIOQY and health
sembly came one day after Megawati lost the first called, SAN FRANt‘lSt‘U BM.”M are killing on ”MTV ”it?“ t:, graduate students promotions
tree antl contested presidential race in the coun-I "at "'V unprecedented number ot‘ Northern (‘alit‘ornia's ,mtt [)(iStvb'lCC'll'lurC'ile gtu.
(FY'S 54‘YIt’élrI history. T9115 0f thousands ”l IeInough. majestic oaks from the inside otit. The trees are 21m“ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Suzanne Drungle, graduate i
WWW“! -" ‘l‘S‘llu‘W'w".“‘1’1"”““"~‘ WW9“ 1‘ “3”“ ., Undvr‘tlttavk from two one et'heetles' tht‘ “N "nit certificate is not an student in clinical psvcholoqv ;
rampage after she was defeated by new President Chrlstmas. tim oak bark beetle. which hut-“mg “MW ”1.. additional masters or doctor- !
Abdurrahinan “all” But if the bark until it falls oil. and the turk :rrnhresia hee ate dimree. lJrnsheid said. Cvnthia lnqle. graduate student '5
“will? ”9' th'h tunnels m” m" “"1 “"" (“WWW “ lllhtil‘tlt‘l‘ for individuals to in educational psycholOQY
un “ fungus that clogs the trees t'll‘t’llli’tlltili 'l‘he theo . , - . . - ~ ., , ‘ .
. . , , II I . . . . attainthetertititatethey must
Justlce department sues 0h|o city 0 Donnell by is that the tart oaks were somehow weakened complete twelve academic David Layman, graduate student .
makes you feel by drought and lul .\ trio and developed sortie kitid hours and three practicum or in counseling psychology t
. . Grinchy, don't of disease Beetles tlieti preyed on the weakened . i .‘ .. ' ‘ :
‘ ' ‘ ~ ~ ' . ‘ “ ' . r1. -2 r "ll hours. related to the
merilliclsldeirdlalyissuddlllie cityirdlfecdlliibriibfisnfgairrg- panic: She's tan oaks. and “W"U‘HLV 51mm I" m“ “V“ Wk" viii-iii and their perspective Gail Anne Peltzmeier, graduate
ing a pattern (if-civil rights violations by ’the po- 3:331:35 in America. The program Ial~ :tudteItit in kintesiOlOOV and
lice department. The allegations include exces» . . lows tor three years in which ea promo Ions
sive force. false arrests anti improper searches. guesIt voices DOW falls “3.98 on IBM warning these hours can be completed. .
The Justice Department said it found a pattern of like N Sync, (iraduate students who EricI Stephehsr graduate student
civil rights abuses in the 1.700-member Colum- tzfimniml: NEW YORK IBM led WM“ MW,- t,” Wall t'litiseIlt) studyItor a certificate in experimental psychology
bus police department. The laWsurt. filed in US. Ch d -'t Street yesterday following a warning from mp in gerontology must complete
District Court. demands improvements in the in :n o company that wm-rttis about the Year 2000 at,” this work in addition to their
training and supervrston ”f DUIICC’ officers, and ma. e er own puter bug are hurting hardware sales. .Just be lip-wk” “if?“ 1“”‘1‘ . . _ . ,. ,
the investigation ofcivilian complaints. m“ "u“ fore the close. the Dow Jones industrial (nemge ( t’r‘tllH‘Ittt’ recipient home that got her Interested m r L
Iohlherg more mellltlu-I wasdown 113.98 points I” 10278.38.()lilllt‘NYSl‘l. stiyanne lirungle. a graduate the field of aging. :
“'5 ”V “”9"" losers led gainers 2.tl3~l-Slti] The NASDAQ t'oin. student in clinical psychology. “Ilt‘s something that IIreal-
The Brad|ey offers youth poverty plan 5°" ' Elmo the posite Index was down 29,531: at 2.7.31rtio, chose to put the extra work ly enjoy. There's a professronal
- - "UPPfl- into getting a certificate due to and personal benefit," Dungle
condltmns '1 summer 'ob at a nursin said concernin terontolo rv ’
were NEW YORK Claiming the big ideas of this . _ ‘ * , J ‘ g ' gs, e .
gh b t presidential race. Bill Bradley yesterday likened Judge WI" answer Jlm BTOWII charge
rou ‘ u his goal ofeliininating child poverty to John F.
afterI Kennedy's vow to ut a man on the. moon. and of- [I )S ANGELES The ' id in who tresided . .
. . p ,. ( _lL g l . I ll ,
wore that fered a $9.8 billion “wholesale rescue effort for over Jim Brown‘s ttmmtgttt. violence trial post- death row in Kentucky k1 ed a
me D00? Th“ Democratic presidential hOPi’fUl is ioned a hearin ’ in his case 'esterda ' ' iid said non—white. 531d. Rebecca
rubber d--~ » . 4 - l it y »‘ d . ~ .
. . proposing automatic. annual rncreaseinn the she would respond soon It) the football grezit‘s Dilioreto. post-trial director I I
mBoogte minimum wage and expanded tax credits and motion claiming she was biased against him. Continued from pagel for the state [)eIparmIientIfor . ~.
Nights Chlld care SUhSldlt‘S- Brown. 63, roiling against a community service Public Advocacy. On Y .91?! it
~ i . ~ . * . . - ~ , - .- . could afford their own trial at- .
h' st ntt rice, filed a motion claiming. Munit ipal , I . I . .,- fl
evetlyt ,mg Court Judge Dale s. Fischer was chief t‘XPCLlIth‘ Man; in Ithe opponents torn? (iii; :1th meg shawn ,5
e 36 IS ' ° ' officer of an extremist grou i that is against men were. ”1 ac - " "_"t~’."~ , n ~S. * . 3
n senate backs I973 abort'on decrsron ‘ i i ' . w - . i 7 » ‘ ~ 7 . The (‘atholic archbishop Armbrust. was among North- ; -‘
eas in general and blat k malt s in particular, . , . 7 . . . .
y' - of [.ouisy ille. the Most Rev, western University Journalism 1 I:
,., . ,. ..-.- SAUCY. I .. . .
“ASHIM’TON A n‘“ row ”W01 ”.V "f ”1“ Lauryn Hill will , , _ 'l homas L. Kelly. said the his students whose work to clear !
-M SIenate voiced support yesterday for the 19M star in and PN' Jennifer Anrston has Signed on withoutparole Stimenmng op- wrongly convicted death-row 5
gm §upreme Court decision to legalize abortion. The duce Sauce, to Against the Glass, a comedy tion umakps thti continued use inmates in Illinois has gained r .
discussing the :31-48 vote was non-binding. butsuppotters said it about a woman about a woman who agrees to of executions in Kentucky national attention. ..
unpleasantries would be used in the 2000 elections against sena who inherits have her therapy sessrons morally intolerable.“ In four months, she and .

of Three Kings
desert location

tors who voted the other way. Sen. Tom Harkin.
I,)-lowa said the resolution will be a key weapon

joined 43 Democrats in support ofthe resolution.




her grandmoth-
er's BBQ sauce

shoot. in the gurittgtnqit gear'tflwmpaigttsi :‘Ot‘tttttlfifie 012th? company and boyfriend is watching her too. kills people to teach that tarded man. Anthony Porter.
- tenaesn e u icansvoet o 1 arms ‘-,- .. . ,

NovemberIIssue non-bindinv aiinendment Fight Re ublicans then “"5 in killing is wrong. Kelly said. was undtrdeath sentence. I

of Premiere. 5 ~ . P ‘ - ()theis argued that death Their success was scary.

love with a

Jose downgraded to tropical storm


observed by a psychology class,
and then discovers her ex-








AGE mm



"Citizens in our state are
disserved by a system that

sentences are more likely to be
meted out to the poor. especial-
ly those who kill Whites

None of the it” t-eorle on

other students solved a 1982
double murder for which a re-

Armbrust said. “What we did
wasn‘t hard. What we did
shouldn‘t have been done by
college kids."




Friday October 22
at 7pm



Come and cheer on your
UK Wildcats!!!

-UK Huggies, Nike
Giveaway package and
more prizes to be handed

‘ 0A Lucky fan

will win on
Airline Ticket


-Al| UK Students and
Faculty/Staff get in FREE
with a valid I.D.

UK Athletics would like to thank its official
corporate partners Kroger, McDonalds.
GTE. Ohio Casualty. Papa John‘s Pizza. UK

Healthcare and Nike











._._. Kl'lv- _4


























I“ m”






A mountainous victory

Federal judge upholds Clean Water Act, West
Viginia environmental agency will appeal

ASSOCIATED PRESS In a news reIease. the state

Division of Envirtmmentai i’ro-

CHARLESTON. W.Va. A tection declaredthat the ruling
federaljudge says environmen» “Vim 5.1‘lI-‘I,“"“‘}_113', curb 1‘”
tal regulators have "done a dis- "““Wg ”‘ “(‘5‘ \ ”“41“”
service“ to the public by inter- The lil'm'css may have al-
preting the Clean Water Act to ready begun. _ ‘
allow the use of streambeds for “l‘m 15511le :1 director's or-
disposal of strip mine waste. der on Thursday. No new fill

In an order releaged late permits will be issued. Noexists
Wednesday. US. District Judge mil ““5 IW‘ iit‘l‘milli‘d fills can
Charles Haden II said if enforp. be advanced." DHI’ Director
ing the law has the effect of pre- Mike Castle so id.
venting strip mining in steep But Bell Built?! ll
Appalachian terrain, "it is up Charleston lawyer representing
to Congress and the Legisla. the DEP. said the agency will
ture. but not this court_ to alter file “an immediate appeal."
the result." The practice known as

Haden‘s ruling was effec- "valley fill” is especially criti
tively a victory for environ~ cal to the strip mining techv
mentalists and coalf‘ield resi» nique known as mountaintop
dents who filed a lawsuit argu- removal mining. which has
ing that the state was issuing been used increasingly in the
mining permits that violate the Appalachian region in recent
law. years.



(in most strip mines. opera-
tors are required to reclaim the
land after mining to a standard
known as “approximate origi-
nal contour." similar to the ter-
rain that existed before mining.

But in mountaintop re-
moval mining. operators are ex-
empted from that requirement.
They strip away the rock and
dirt above the coal seatns and
dispose of it in nearby
streainbeds, leaving a finished
landscape that is flat or gently
rolling. in contrast to the origi-
nal terrain‘s steep hills and val-

()perators say that because
rock and dirt swells when it
moves. it is impossible to re-
turn all the excess material to
the mountain. The use of valley
fills to dispose of waste is essen-
tial. they say.

The dispute over mountain-
top removal came to a head last
year. when the West Virginia
Highlands Conservancy and a
group of coalf‘ield residents ar-

gued that the use of stream
beds to dispose of rock violates
the federal Clean Water Act.

In his ruling. Haden said
the DEP director has a “nondis-
cretionary“ duty to protect the
state‘s waterways when issuing
permits. Since valley t‘iiIs are
used for waste disposal. their
use degrades water quality. vio-
lating the (‘lean Water Act.
Haden said.

“Valley fills are waste dis»
posal projects so enormous
that. rather than the stream as-
similating the waste. the waste
assimilates the stream." Haden

“All the plaintiff's are re
lieved anti encouraged.“ said
Cindy Rank. spokeswoman for
the Highlands Conservancy. a
lead plaintiff in the lawsuit.

“We‘ve always believed
that the law was meant to pro
tect all our resources. including
streams and people. much more
than has been done in the past
it) years." she said.




Continued from page i

and make the event bigger.

“Our class decided on an 8K to
get more people involved and in»
crease awareness," said Simms.

Run For Your Life is the only
8K race in Lexington.

Simms said a majority of the
proceeds from the race will be
used to provide physical therapy
equipment to children who can
not afford it.

Along with raising money for
equipment and research. Simms
said the event was also geared to-
ward motivating people to exer-

"We want to stress the impon
tance of exercise to people. We
want them to get out and get a car-
diovascular workout." Simms

According to Simms. many is-
sues contribute to health care ne-
glect and the physical therapy stu-
dents want to help meet the com-
munity's need.

“So many people aren‘t get-
ting what they need and the physi-
cal therapy students want to help
the community have those needs
met." Simms said.

Simms said the race is excel-
lent for everyone and you don't
have to be a runner to participate.

“This is an excellent race for
people to participate. if you're not
a runner. come walk in the two
mile event," Simms said.

Local businesses will have
booths set up and will distribute
information to anyone interested
in getting healthier. and physical
therapy students will be available
for questions.

Natalie Tharp. a second year
physical therapy student. said par-
ticipants are encouraged to ask
questions about their running or
walking style.


Florida State’s Peter Warrick (9)


rick very happy." lawyer
John Kenny said today. “So
I‘ve got to try to work be-
tween the state attorneys of-


Disney bans


ANAHEIM. Calif. . The Walt
Disney Co. has banned tobacco
sales at its domestic theme parks.

Tobacco sales stopped Sept. 3 at

Disneyland in Anaheim.
spokesman Ray Gomez said Thurs-

Earlier this year. Walt Disney
World in Florida stopped cigarette
sales at the Magic Kingdom. Epcot,
Disney-MGM Studios and Animal
Kingdom parks in Orlando. Sales
are still allowed at Disney‘s hotels.
restaurants. and clubs near the



Peter Warrick‘s football fu-
ture remained on hold today.
but the Florida State star
probably won‘t play Saturday
against (‘iemson

For the second straight
day. he received a court post-
ponement on a plea agree
ment in connection with a de-
partment store scam. His
lawyer wants to make sure
Warrick can rejoin the top-
ranked Seminoles after his le-
gal probients are settled. And
that requires the approval of
the university president.

Warrick is to return to
court Nov. 4. but the judge
said the parties can return
sooner if they have reached
an agreement.

“Ifl enter a plea that is
acceptable to the court and is
acceptable to the state attor-
ney's office. but won‘t help
him get back on the field. it‘s
not going to make Peter War-

fice and the university. And
right now I don't have that
set in concrete.“

Warrick‘s return appar-
ently now depends on Florida
State president Sandy
D‘Alemberte. D'Alemberte
spoke by phone Wednesday
with athletic director Dave
Hart and general counsel
Alan Sundberg.

Kenny said he has spo-
ken with Sundberg and is
“trying to nail down exactly
what they find acceptable in
terms and conditions that
will allow him to play again.

“It's frustrating for
everybody," Kenny said. "I
need to go talk to Peter right
now. i need to meet to the
university and try to make
sure that i can salvage some-
thing out of this."

Warrick. a favorite for
the Heisman Trophy. has
practiced all week and can



gets some words of encouragement from teammate Marvin Minnis (13)
at a recent practice. it is not clear when Warrick will be able to return to action for the Seminoles.

Warrick still on sidelines

Future of Florida State's one-time Heisman
candidate remains in legal limbo

continue to do so. He has
missed the last two games.

He and former teammate
Laveranues (‘oles were
charged with buying more
than $400 of‘ clothes Sept. 29
for $21.40 from a store clerk.
who is also charged.

The clerk. Rachel Myrtil.
pleaded no contest today to
grand theft and sentenced to
a two year probation. 10 days
on a county work program.
ordered to pay $308 in court
costs and stay out of Dillard's
department stores.

Coles was kicked off the
team and has not resolved his
legal situation.

Kenny had reached an
agreement with prosecutors
this week that he thought
would allow Warrick to re.
turn to the team. The deal in-
cluded 30 days in jail after the
semester. But D'Aiemberte.
out of town on school busi-
ness. balked.

Kenny does not want
Warrick to enter a guilty plea
on a felony charge.

“I think its a petty theft.
which gives me great reser»
vation to have Peter accept a
plea to something he didn‘t
do." Kenny said.



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the Campus Calendar is produced weekly by the Office of Student Activities.
Postings in the calendar are free to all registered student organizations and
UK Departments. Information can be submitted in Rm. 203. Student Center
or by completing a request form on line at
Posting requests are due ONE WEEK PRIOR to the Monday information is to
appear in the calendar. For more information call 257—8867.




5,0", i fix

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Sports 3.in



Eiserman sisters carry on

John Dobson .
Asst. SportsDain Editor

UK's Katie Eiserman and her sister Betsy have been playing



Kant-thy florid:
(ll-8) (17 2)

Series Record: ‘ u» 11.4 was 1' ~

By John Dobson

ASST spoersoiiivirbiron

Add another tandem to your list of

sporting siblings.

The Eiserman sisters. Katie aitd Betsy.
are carrying on a volleyball tradition that
started with their mother. Christine. a
coach for more than 33 years.

Katie. a senior at UK. and Betsy. a
freshman at the t'niversity of Illinois.
have been around volleyball all their lives.

“My mom was the coach. so we grew
up in the gym.” Betsy said. "Wejust played
around when we were little. but when we
got to high school, we still loved being in
the gym.“

That fact is evident in the way the sis-
ters play the game.

"They play different positions. Betsy's
a setter. Katie's an outside hitter but
they both have the Eiserman flair." said
['K head coach .Iona Braden

“'l‘hey're fearless 111 the hack court.
and you can tell they've been haying balls
banged at them probably since they were
in diapers. They really time no fear of go
ing after the ball." Braden said.

Katie. being the older sister. has been

