xt7w6m332r2b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w6m332r2b/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1880058 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1880-05-jun8-uk. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1880-05-jun8-uk. 1880 2011 true xt7w6m332r2b section xt7w6m332r2b Irregularities MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES., June 3, 1880 - page 5-6 The Board of Trustees of the Agricultural and Mechanical College met and presented to business at the office of Hon. W.. B. Kinkead Judge of the Fayette County Court at 12 A. M. Present the following members of the Board: D. C. Buell, L. J. Bradford, W. B. Kinkead, J. F. Robinson, Jr. A. R. Boone, P. P. Johnston, R. S. Bullock and John G. Simrall. Gov. Blackburn being absent W. B. Kinkead Chairman of the Ex. Com. presided and organized the meeting, and on his motion John G. Simrall was chosen secretary pro tem in the absence of B. F. Buckner secretary, A. R. Boone was then sworn in as a member of the Board of Trustees. /The Building Committee who had been appointed in pursuance of the action of the Ex. Com. then made their report through P. P. Johnston Chairman.-- On motion of L. J. Bradford the contract of said committee with the architeot iVe P- McDonald to pay him cixty dollars for making plans and estimates of the College. Building and Dormitory was approved. On motion of P. PO Johnston the Chairman appointed a committee comprised of R. S. Bullock, A. R. Boone, and F.; P. Johnston to consider the various recommendations of different applicants for vacant Professor- ships to be filled in the college and to determine what chairs should be filled and recommend suitable persons therefor and also the salaries that should be paid the same. } On motion of L. J. Bradford the report of the buildding committee was referred to D. C. Buell, the architect Mr. H. P. McDonald and Prof. Crandall to revise the plans and estimates and recommend suitable changes to an adjoined meeting of the Board and thereupon the Board adjoined until 4 P. M., June 8th 1880 The Board met pursuant to adjoinment at 4 P. M. Present: L. J. Bradford, W. B. Kinkead, P. P. Johnston, J. F. Robinson, Jr. R. S. Bullock, A. R. Boone and John G. Simirall. The committee appointed to report on the chairs to be filled and the salaries to be paid therefor made their report through P. P. Johnston to Chairmsan., and the consideration thereof was postponed until tomorrow June 9th at 8-1/2 A. M. There- upon the President of the College James K. Patterson made his report which on motion of L. J. Bradford was seconded and ordered to be filed and printed. The Board then seconded reports from Prof. Shackleford filling the chair of English Literature, Prof. Crandall of Natural History, Prof. R. G. Howell, of Military Science, Prof. White of Mathematics, Prof. Peter of Chemistry and Prof. Helveti of Modern Languages; and on motion of P. P. Johnston it was ordered that said re- ports be seconded and filed. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 8, 1880 - page 6-7 On motion of Jas. F. Robinson, Jr. it was ordered that the report of Prof. Howell relating to the Military Department of the College be referred to a special committee consisting of D. C. Buell, P. P. Johnsbon and Jas. F. Robinson, Jr. to consider the matters referred to and report and make such recommendations touching the same as may seem to them proper either to this Boaud or to the Ex. Comr. On motion of L. J. Bradford the recommendation of the Faculty as contained in the Presidents report that the degree of Bachelor of Science be conferred upon James Crawford, Alfred Meredith Peter, Nicholas John Weller and George Croghan whereby is approved and confirmed, and the Faculty is authorized to confer such degrees on said persons. On motion of Jas. F. Robinson, Jr. the name of R. S. Bullock as Treasurer of the College was approved and thereupon the meeting adjourned until 8-1/2 O'clock June 9th, 1880. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 9th, 1880 Board met pursuant to adjournment at 8-1/2 A. M. Present - W. B. Kirkead, D. C. Buell, A. R. Boone, P. P. Johnston, L. J. Bradford, Jas. F. Robinson, Jr. R. S. Bullock and Jno. G. Simrall. The Minutes of the preceding day were read and approved. The report of the Committee on filling chairs and fixing salaries was then taken up and the following chairs or professor- ships were filled by unanimous action of the members of the Board present as follows to wit: President and Prof. Mental Philosophy and Civil History, James K. Patterson.salarv Prof. Chemistry and Experimen- tal Physics Robert Peter " Mathematics - Physics and Astronomy J. G. White "t English Literature John Shackleford " Natural History & Mech.Dept. A. R. Crandall " Ancient Languages J. H. Neville " Theory & Practice of Teaching Maurice Kirby ' Banking & Penmanship Normal School and traveling agt. when required, T. C. H. Vance Principal Preparatory Departmient,W.K. Patterson Prof. Modern Languages F. M. Helveti I - it $2000 1500 " 1500 it 1500 if 1500 it 1500 11 1500 it 1200 it 1000 ' S900 9 Aq /I)?1 uc~ 1i-I / Egg C4a-e c-AIuy X ;SK~='s,3 l/ ri 17 ',-b6 If, t- 9A (: 7Q : Pbv-,, c D -7 AC-. " , i Y 2