xt7w6m333h5r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w6m333h5r/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1983 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 59, No. 2, Autumn 1983 text Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 59, No. 2, Autumn 1983 1983 2014 true xt7w6m333h5r section xt7w6m333h5r y4uns,,,
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Us ISSN 0016-2116  
ln Praise of Little Children (Laus Infantium) I
by William Canton 1 ge
· Twenty Thousand Babies! 2 ··.
The First Christmas on Red Bird River (1928) 1
by Edith Matthams, RN 3 I
Beyond the Mountains 5 I
by Kate Ireland
Mary Breckinridge Day, 1983 8
FNS and the Hospice Movement 11
What is a Hospice? 12
Alumni News 17
Photo Page 18
Pat Campbell Receives KNA Nursing Award 19
South African Nurses Visist FNS 20
Memorial Gifts 22
In Memoriam 23
Of Snakes and Computers, Couriers and Mountains
— the Saga of a Modern-Day Volunteer _
by Peter Schult 25
Courier News 28
Field Notes 29 1
News of Former Staff 32 j
Note: The next in the series of articles on the FNS
district clinics has been deferred until the win ter issue
(`ovcr photo by(iz1hricllcBcz1slcy I
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Second-class postage paid at Wcndovcr, Ky, »11775;1m1 at additional mailing oI'I`ic¢·s _
Send I·`orm l1579to Frontier Nursing Service, Wcndovcr, Ky. 41775 V
Copyright 19811, Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.

  In Praise of Little Children
li In praise of little children I will say
i God first made man, then found a better way
For woman, but His third way was the best.
Of all created things the loveliest
And most divine are children. Nothing here
Can be to us more gracious or more dear.
And though when God saw all His works were good
There was no rosy flower of babyhood,
‘Twas said of children in a later day
That none could enter Heaven save such as they.
· The earth, which feels the flowering of a thorn,
V Was glad, O little child, when you were born;
  The earth, which thrills when skylarks scale the blue,
§ Soared up itself to God’s own Heaven in you;
  And Heaven, which loves to lean down and to glass
  Its beauty in each dewdrop on the grass —
  Heaven laughed to find your face so pure and fair,
’ And left, O little child, its reflex there!
‘ 4
g — William Canton

 2 Faowrmn Nunsmo Ssnvicm  4
John William Campbell is a special baby. Of course, all babies are ` 
"special" to their mothers, and any baby born at the Frontier Q
Nursing Service is "special" to FNS. But John William is ty
"especially special" to FNS — he was our 20,000th baby. And like A
so many of the previous 19,999, little John came into the world I
with the loving help of an FNS family nurse—midwife, in this case, i
_ Ellen Hartung.  
John’s mother is Mrs. Melissa Stidham Campbell, of Krypton,
Kentucky. She is 19, and John is her first baby. Mother and child ,l
have now moved to Fort Campbell, Kentucky, where the baby’s  
father is in service with the Army. Mrs. Campbell told FNS  
recently that John William is well and happy and has more than lg
doubled his birth weight, which records show to have been 5 l
pounds 12 ounces. `A
FNS reached this meaningful round number on May 19, five .
and a half decades after delivering its first baby. Curiously, FNS’  
first nurse-midwife was another Ellen — Ellen Halsall, whose F
dramatic arrival astride the first horse she had ever ridden is I
described by Mary Breckinridge in Wide Neighborhoods. Since  
then, FNS has traveled down the alphabet from Ellen Halsall to €
Ellen Hartung, but it has been a journey of far greater adventure  
and accomplishment than that may suggest. ln its course, FNS il
has brought many babies into the world, attended lovingly to the
medical needs of many families that could not have been served  
otherwise, and developed a system of rural health care that has _
been a model to the world. The arrival of the 20,000th baby is a  
good time to stop and take another look at this long and fruitful I
From the very beginnings, FNS has kept detailed records ofits if
patients, and these have been of great value in measuring the I
progress of rural health care. Early in FNS history, the Metro-  
politan Life Insurance Company began studies to evaluate FNS’ l A
first ten thousand maternity cases. Subsequent evaluations were
interrupted after World War II, but FNS has continued to keep the  ii
records. The subject has now been revived, and discussions have  
been held with the Harvard School of Public Health in the hope  l
that these important studies can be resumed. The records are at  ,
hand, and surely they have a worthwhile story to tell. 5 

  QUARTERLY Buusmrrsr 3
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  Every now and then, and especially at Christmas time, we feel urged to look
E back into our past. Christmas in 1983 is not quite the same in rural Kentucky as
l it was in 1928, and the cabin in the picture above is probably not the same one
  that Edith Matthams wrote about in the story that follows, which is reprinted
Q from the Autumn 1933 issue of the FNS Quarterly Bulletin. Still, we find it
  comforting to renew our awareness of our roots, and to reflect on what has
  grown from them. Clearly, children and Christmas and caring were very
¤ important to Edith Matthams, as they are to us. To look back 55 years and
i rediscover what we always knew — that the values most important to us now
I were firmly in place all those years ago — warms us again as we go into
‘ another Christmas season.
  A hollow offa fork of Big Double Creek. A log cabin oftwo rooms,
  the logs hewn with a broadaxe. Outside the cabin — a dark night,
i zero weather, frozen creeks. I had been two hours riding the five
  and a half miles. Inside the cabin — an open log fire lit up the
 ` walls, covered with newspapers for warmth and cleanliness.
There was no light but the fire, except for the lantern I brought
· with me.

 4 Faowrima NURSING Smnvics
The baby came safely, soon after I arrived, a lusty December
baby. The mother had been made comfortable, and now the four »
older children clustered around me to watch baby’s bath. We got
as close to the fire as we could. So much wind whistled through the i
chinking that my nail brush actually froze solid in the little pan in l
which I had scrubbed up. On each side ofthe fireplace stood glass (
jars of canned fruit, close enough to keep from freezing. The  
j family had killed a pig a few days before and it was in process of  
salting. From "tother house," namely the other room, came the f`
odor of fried ham, which the father was cooking for our breakfast. ·
The mother lay quietly resting on her bed. She had been a good
provider. There was the canned fruit, there were the strings and
strings of dried beans, the pig, the cow. The wind of the rude
winter might steal through the chinks of the cabin, but hunger
wouldn’t overtake her little flock. Nor would cold. The four
children were all dressed in linsey woolsey, woven by her patient
hands from the wool off their own sheep. As I "dressed" the new
baby I drew the children into conversation. Soon Christmas _
would be here. What did Christmas mean to them? Only a name. S
Had anyone ever received a toy at Christmas? No one ever had.
None had ever had a store toy of any kind at any time. Not one of
them had ever been to a store. The nearest cross-roads store was
miles away from them — over two steep mountains. The mail
order catalogues were a sort of dream, never realized, just
pictures. ’
The children clustered closer about me while I explained to
them that people gave gifts at Christmas, and why they gave
them. Then I described at length the Christmas tree in all its _
glory, and said that we would have one at the Clara Ford nursing i
center down on Red Bird, and that they were invited. Their bright l V
eyes showed ever brighter as they listened to what I know now i
must have sounded like a fairy tale to them. Q,
After all, they didn’t see the tree. With the mother in bed and  
the father doing the cooking and child-caring, and with no mule, i
they could not be brought to the party. But I carried their gifts to
them myselfon Christmas Eve, and what wonderful gifts! When I
had asked them what I should bring, they chorused, all of them,
"A bag of peanuts." Imagination could reach no further. They
knew about peanuts and they wanted them!

On Christmas Eve my horse and I got over the two snowy
» mountains, and the saddlebags we carried were full. Of course,
they had the peanuts, and candy and sweet cookies. Then both
i boys got pocket knives of their very own, and each ofthe two girls
l got a doll. Never shall I forget their looks of wonder. It was the
{ first time either ofthem had ever seen a doll, and these dolls went
  to sleep. It was nothing short of miraculous. And these dolls
  belonged to them. Truly, the Christmas spirit blossomed like a
?` Christmas rose in that snowy hollow.
` That was five years ago. The December baby, now grown to a
run-about child, has always known Christmas. He knows why we
keep the day, and he knows why gifts come to him. During all the
five years his little sisters have played with their dolls, so
carefully and so lovingly that they are still unbroken treasures.
To more than one Christmas party, with its tree at the nursing
center, has their father brought them since that first December.
Every year the beauty ofthe season and its meaning and its gifts
awaken afresh the eager response of these young hearts. And for
Y such as was the Day created.
— Edith Matthams, RN
by Kate Ireland
Cleveland — Ruth Beeman gave a special message to our loyal
friends in Cleveland when she spoke at The Garden Center on
Wednesday, September 21. It is most exciting to know that she is
in conversation with Dr. Joyce Fitzpatrick, Dean of the Frances
—· Payne Bolton School of Nursing, and Dr. Claire Andrews,
. ~ Director ofthe Nurse-Midwifery Program there. Mrs. Bolton gave
I to the Frontier Nursing Service its second nursing center, Possum
i Bend, in 1927. Just think of this link — between the past and the
‘* present! Edith and Paul Vignos hosted such a lovely dinner, and
  we had over 75 friends present, including former staff member
i Winnie Jacobson Nelson and four former couriers: Bets Mather
McMillan (’30), who visited FNS in 1979; head of Laurel School,
Barbara Barnes (’45), who attended the Courier Conclave in 1978;
Nan Sersig (’69), who brought along a new baby, Kate (two
months old); and Betsy Frazier Youngman (’80), who is now
training for running in the Olympics. Naturally it stirs my

heartstrings and pride when Cleveland, my old home town, *
shows such support. _
Greenwich — Four days later, Ron Hallman and I were the  
guests of Claire and Harry Henriques in Greenwich. A wonderful  i
group came to their home on Sunday evening to hear of the more ,
recent activities of FNS and to learn about NEED (Nursing i
Education Enrichment Drive). It was such fun to see former  
couriers Hope Foote Gibbons (’30) and Lil Middleton Hampton  
(’46), who both attended the Courier Conclave in 1978, and to see (J
the parents of courier Jennie Sulger ("79). Since not all of our *
Greenwich friends were able to attend the lovely dinner and ~
presentation on Sunday, Ron and I had time on Monday and
Tuesday to see a few individuals. I lunched with trustee Sarah .
Bullard Steck (courier in 1971), while Ron went to NYC to see ·
former courier Lela Love (’69) concerning her family foundation’s J
magnificent generosity to NEED.
Boston — What a joy it was to have ‘fBrownie" back on the tour!
Whitney Robbins, mother of courier Katie (Spring ’82) and ‘
chairman ofthe Boston Committee, organized a lovely gathering A
at Pine Manor Junior College for the Boston Committee and °
friends on Wednesday, September 28. Brownie led off our presen- ,
tation with her concern for midwifery education and the impor- ·
tant and continuing role of the Frontier Nursing Service in .
delivering this education. As always, she interspersed her remarks l
with delightful anecdotes. Dean Ruth Beeman then presented her I
goals for the Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing, »
citing accomplishments of the past and her immediate plans for  
the expansion of clinical experience for our students. She an- ’
nounced the placement of one of our midwifery students in the
Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, and spoke of her most ,~
successful visit there earlier in the day with Nancy Curran. I had  
the pleasure of showing the highlights of the FNS activities  
through a slide presentation, and it was very exciting to look out ‘
into the audience and see fifteen former couriers and staff  `
members: Mardi Perry, Patsy Lawrence, Frannie MacAusland, I
Lois Cheston, Leigh Powell, Muffin O’Brien, Sally Steeves,  ,
Carlyle Carter, Debby King, Anne Rice, Dede Trefts, and Laura  
Ellis made up the former courier force. Former staff members I
were Mary Ann Hawkes, Mary Simmers Penton, and Mona I
Lydon Rochelle. Brownie had the opportunity, thanks to the

 ` QUARTERLY Burrmiw 7
E wonderful scheduling by Whitney, to see many of her dear friends
in Boston, but naturally there is never time to see everyone. The
  renewing of these friendships meant so much to her, but also, of
 ; course, they will prove to be most fruitful for FNS and, particu-
larly, for the Nursing Education Enrichment Drive. Ruth also
*’ had an opportunity to visit with Alice Westover, formerly con-
4 nected with Pine Mountain Settlement School and daughter-in-
Q? law of former Medical Director Huston Westover.
il) Chicago — What wonderful friends the Frontier Nursing Service
f has in the Chicago area! — Chairman Taowee Wilder; hostess
· Jean Smith; Lake Forest representative Katherine Arpee; the
Westminster organizer, Dorothy Andrews; and former good
_ friends and leaders. Ron Hallman stayed both with Taowee and
. Sandy Wilder and Katherine Arpee during his visit, and I had the
, pleasure of being with my former sister—in-law, Jean Smith, where
` about twenty friends joined us on October 4 for a lovely luncheon!
The question period went on for over half an hour, which always
. makes me feel that the group is very interested. Ron was pleased
r to have three men present: Sandy Wilder, Harris Wilder, and
» Larry Galloway. That afternoon, we had more than ten of our
friends together with their family nurse practitioner, Donna
'_ Rane, at the Westminster. To see Mrs. Kenneth Boyd, so long our
leader of Chicago, was inspirational, and it was a joy to meet her
I. daughter Peggy. Courier daughter Barbara is now living in
I Alaska. We had a chance to meet Mrs. Barrie and Mrs. Schwab,
_ who knitted so many good things for us, plus seeing many of our
; other long-term friends. The following day, Ron and I visited
  more friends in the city and felt inspired and pleased with their
reaction to our discussion of the FNS health care system, our
g Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing, and the
’ Milwaukee — Ron took the bus on up to Milwaukee on Thursday,
li < October 6, where he addressed the Wisconsin State Society of the
 · Daughters of Colonial Wars at the University Club. Ron reports
; that the FNS slide presentation was greeted with enthusiasm by
 I, the society members and that many, including the state FNS
 i chairman, Virginia Pierce, expressed a desire to come down to the
Q mountains for a first—hand look at the activities under way at the
Q Frontier Nursing Service.
All in all, it was a most eventful and exciting three weeks!

This year’s Mary Breckinridge Festival came to its expected climax on Saturday,
October 1, with the annual arade and numerous activities at the Nixon Recreation -
Center. Some ofthe key events are pictured in the following pages.
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General view of the parade. Here the Leslie County High School band plays to an
enthusiastic audience of Hyden citizens.
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The sorghum stir-off is a familiar part of the Mary Breckinridge Festival. While more `
modern techniques were used to make most of the sorghum, the traditional method
was also on display.

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_ The parade was once again led by Molly Lee, back in the saddle in her traditional FNS
uniform. She was accompanied by Peter Schult (at left), the volunteer who wrote the
` story that begins on page 25 of this issue, and Courier Alex Dykema. Here they pause
for a break near the end of the parade route.
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The FNS float was in the form of an elephant (the photographer couldn’t keep up with
his fast—moving trunk). This amiable beast reminded parade watchers, "Remember
_ Your Hea|th."

 10 FRONTIER Nuasmc. Smzvtcts _
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This concentration of youth and beauty was enough to fill the Nixon Center with a A
cheerful glow and delight the many who came to enjoy the spectacle and friendly
competition of the beauty pageant.
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FNS’ Home Health Agency contributed this colorful float, full of interesting reminders l
of life in Leslie County,  

 · QUARTERLY Bupumn in
`A  A woman of 60 sits comfortably in an arm chair in the living room
ofher home. She has just said good-bye to a nurse, and now she is
q reading to her granddaughter. She is fond of the little girl and
  delights in her childish commentary and good humor. Elsewhere
i in the house, other members of the family go about their chores
5; and accustomed activities. There is nothing immediately obvious
if in this scene that would suggest the sobering reality that this
woman has only a few months to live.
In a private room at the Mary Breckinridge Hospital, a
  younger man, more visibly ill, enjoys what he can eat of the
home-cooked dinner his wife has brought him. It has been a long
struggle for him to accept the fact that his illness is terminal, but
‘ with the support and loving care of his family, his minister, and
; the FNS staff, he has at last come to terms with his situation.
T Everyone has been honest and helped him "talk it through." He
· has not been left to bear it all alone. Just now, it would require too
much effort to carry on a lively conversation. It is enough that his
A wife and children can be with him in the same room, and for that
_ he is deeply grateful.
· On Hyden’s main street, a nurse from the FNS Home Health
‘ Agency is greeted affectionately by a young woman. After a few
pleasantries, she says, "I can never forget how much you did for
H us when Dad was sick." There are a few tears. It has been six
A months since the funeral, but both women are moved by their
memories. The nurse has become a close and trusted ally, and for
the rest of her life she will be loved as one of the family.
These are not scenes from a television serial, concocted to
,· draw willing tears from the sentimental. Scenes like these are
I constantly repeated, varying in detail of course, as patients,
  families, and FNS staff face, and deal with, the problems of
` ¤ terminal illness.
’ In recent years, the nation has gradually become aware of
`_ what is being called the "hospice" movement, which is an effort to
‘ find better ways ofdealing with incurable disease. Many questions
 . are raised as to what a hospice really is, what it is like to
 i participate in one, and what can be expected from hospice care in
F the future. ln an attempt to answer some of these questions, the
Quarterly Bulletin has prepared a series of three articles dealing

with various aspects ofthe subject. The first follows immediately, I
and the other two will appear later. A
FNS is not a hospice in any formal (i.e., licensable) sense, nor I
does it wish to be at this time. Yet, without ever thinking of itself
as a hospice, it has for years been providing care much like that fi
offered by "formal" hospices. This is to be expected. FNS has  
always been dedicated to caring, whatever that required. lt  
understood from the start that if it were to serve the health needs ,.,
of a rural community, it would have to reach into homes and  
provide "continuity" of care. These are essential elements in _
"hospice care," and they were in place long before the hospice .
movement reached this country.
As interest in hospices gathered force, FNS re-examined its V
own position. It concluded that it could strengthen its "hospice- ,
like" approach to terminal care in certain ways, but that it could l
be most effective in the long run by building on the structure that `
it had erected over half a century. i
The first article in the series deals with the basic concepts of ,
hospice care. The second discusses the ways in which FNS has '
approached this issue —— what FNS provides, the kinds of `
problems that patients and families can expect, and how they are `
helped to deal with them. The final article reviews current '
legislation, its practical effects on hospice care in general, and ..
how FNS is responding.
Even in a violent, nuclear, age, there is nothing that so chills the
soul as a diagnosis of cancer. It seems as though a sentence has (
been passed, not only on the victim but on his family and friends i
as well, dooming them to an ordeal of suffering and fear and  
threatening to press them beyond the limits of endurance. I ;
True, medical science is increasingly successful in curing, or at .
least arresting, many occurrences of cancer, if the disease is  1
caught early enough. Unhappily, there remain many cases in  
which treatment will fail. What then? Is the patient necessarily  ,
trapped, as so many fear, in ever—tightening bonds of suffering, 1
while those who care about him look on in helpless anguish?  I
It need not be that way.  ,

` In the last decade, the American public has become in-
i creasingly aware of a new approach to the care of terminal
illness, known as "hospice." The immediate appeal ofa hospice is
its promise to eliminate much ofthe physical pain and emotional
  distress that go with terminal illness. This effort goes far beyond
fl the relief of physical pain. It responds to religious and cultural
  needs. It deals with the family as well as the patient. It helps those
I, involved to come to terms with their feelings. Basically, it takes
Y its strength from a decent, caring, human concern for human
L beings in distress, and works to ensure that they can live to the
f end with dignity, self-respect, and as much peace of mind and
body as can be achieved. Unexpectedly, this approach has also
A been found to be less costly than traditional care.
One of the main objectives of most hospices is to treat the
patient in his home, as much as possible. The intent is to give him
t the comfort of being in a familiar setting, supported by his family.
I It allows him greater opportunity to live as active and normal a
. life as he can. Most patients wish strongly for this. A paper
Y presented by Dr. S.A. Lack at a Conference on Death and Dying
` in 1976 carried a title that expressed that feeling very well;] Want
T to Die While IAm Still Alive. And J. Craven and F.S. Wald, in a
1975 article in the American Journal of Nursing, commented:
. "We have, unfortunately, too often lost sight of the patient; a
I patient is not merely a collection ofsymptoms, but a human being
` and a member of a family." The effectiveness of the hospice
i concept lies in its recognition of these deeply felt needs and its
, success in finding ways to meet them.
Although the hospice movement is considered to have begun
V in Ireland about a hundred years ago, it is most commonly
associated with the work ofa British nurse and physician, Cicely
l Saunders, who founded St. Christopher’s Hospice in London in
A; 1968. (Dr. Saunders, incidentally, visited Hyden in 1978, and
 _ some of her impressions of the FNS approach to hospice care are
 3 discussed in the final article of this sequence, which gives
l attention to the history of the hospice movement and to the
I  prospects for its continued growth in America.)
‘ Formal hospices began to appear in the United States in the
 ‘ mid-70’s. The Frontier Nursing Serivce recently concluded a
 , study to determine what FNS should do to provide hospice care,

and it found that FNS has actually been providing hospice—type i
care for many years without ever calling it by the name "hospice."
Actually, the term "hospice" is not well defined, although
attempts are being made to give it a definition for legal and ,
administrative purposes. That may not be easy, since the word Q
has been in dictionaries for many years and is in the common E
domain. It is interesting to see how it was used before the "hospice {
_ movement" began to attract attention. In the 1944 edition of i,
Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, for example, "hospice" is defined [
as "an inn for travelers, especially one kept by a religious order."
The term is traced to two related Latin words, hospitium, S
meaning "hospitality," and hospes, meaning "guest." The latter
word, interestingly, also gives rise to our contemporary word "hospital."
Today, as the word "hospice" takes on new meaning, many find
comfort in its tradition