xt7w6m335533 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w6m335533/data/mets.xml Texas Texas State-wide Records Project University of Texas. Bureau of Research in the Social Sciences United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects 1942 vi, 67 p.: ill., map; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call number FW 4.14:T 312/2/no.20 books English San Antonio, Tex.: State-wide Records Indexing and Inventory Program This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Texas Works Progress Administration Publications Probate records -- Texas Brazoria County (Tex.) -- History Index to Probate Cases of Texas, no. 20, Brazoria County, Mar. 30, 1832 - Oct. 29, 1939 text Index to Probate Cases of Texas, no. 20, Brazoria County, Mar. 30, 1832 - Oct. 29, 1939 1942 1942 2019 true xt7w6m335533 section xt7w6m335533 * ~ 1111111111; 6% ii _ INDEX ‘ To ‘ . 9 PROBATE CASES T " FILED IN i I. E ST‘R ii: ' g_ 1‘. No.20 '1 BRAZQRIA COUNTY TEXAS STATEWIDE RECORDS PROJECT ‘1 ‘ d 1111411 ‘7 s i 1 i l t i _;- 1 , 1 ' i , i ' a 1721 i?! I :1 l\ e] f .w,r,l,..¢,«w~w " ' " W I r'er-‘fl—éii INDEX TO PROBATE CASES OF TEXAS No. 20. BRAZORIA COUNTY ' March 30, l832-October 29, 1939 ‘ Prepared by The State-wide Records Indexing and Inventory Program ' Division of Community Service Programs Work Projects Administration The University of Texas, Official Sponsor v Bureau of Research in the Social Sciences The University of Texas, State-wide Co-Sponsor , San Antonio, Texas The State-wide Records Indexing and Inventory Program February 1942 l . 1 / , 1' } ‘ K 5 I \ é ‘ 3 1 ‘ ‘ ' { . ' ‘ . 1 I » '1 W; LEM : 13711 4 \ is «n3 . M3 £31;- . . 1:. I if? ail . _. "1 ] ,;- ! 3 "'i .35; M iii .3?! as! . v . . g: M {:53! W1 ‘2‘] fig; ~ 3,1 5%} $.11 if.» i-‘F ‘9‘- ”3.3.? Si; or 1 ' 5:13 $3 $1 3 . ' em .._.__w .__._____._._..___ 7 m 7” 7-7 W , ___., . PREFACE H The publication herewith presented, an index to the probate cases filed in~Brazoria County,ITexas, is No. 20 of the Texas'series of coun- ' tiesJ. The publication is intended to meet the requirements of day-to- day usage by the'officials of the county, attorneys, businessmen, and other citiZens who hayc occasion to censult probate case records for the proper conduct»0f their affairs. The publication may be used by histori- ans and genealogists to obtain references to unpublished source material. The names of the deceased persons,'minors, and other principals are , arranged_alphabetically,.with reference to the filing date of the case and the case number. The following numbers were not used as case num- . bars! 50, 75, 78, 103, 118, 119, 121, 137, 160, 191-194, 259, 266, 267, ' 271, 280, 282, 284, 288-290, 302, 305, 310, 318-321, 356, 359, 365, 366, 378, 398, 402-405, 407, 415,'429f432, 441, 451, 461, 481, 482, 497~499, 509, 517, 537—539, 556, 576, 577, 607, 617, 619, 636, 637, 645, 647, 663, 668, 671, 691, 697, 698, 708, 726, 729, 744, 815, 817, 928, 933, 934, 941, ~965, 966,.971, 1004, 1005,.1013, 1024,‘1038, 1122, 1125, 1160, 1204, 1214, 1215, 1223,'l224, 1235, 1240, 1244;'1251, 1255, 1257, 1275, 1282, 1295, 1307, 1309, 1313, 1320, 1333, 1345, 1383, 1390, 14015'14119 1428, 1436, 1469,Il473, 1476, 1493, 1519, 1521, 1536, 1539,I1542, 1552, 1564, 1565,, 1577, 1738, 1858, 1875, 1929, 1953, 2053,“2114,'2116, 2117, 2147, 2149, 2496, 2594;12868. ;f .‘ “~ 1 :1 .la.v . I 4 In Brazoria County all probate records are in the custody of the county clerk? The probate case paper‘sarskepiuin stealing bexes in ,_ the county clerk's office. The papers of each case are in an individual fiile'jacket, and cases are arranged numerically according to ease.numbers. ., 'since the transfer bf territory from one cbunty to anbther has af- fected probate.jurisdietidh and has determined the County in whicthhe probate case should have been»filed,‘a map and tatfle'of-territorial;‘ changes are included=herein;‘ Notations-concerni g present'lOcati n and availability.of recprds;pertinent'to Brazoria County follow; infafh1 . iAustin County, Bellville, all recbrds'extant;-1 I: I: “»-IL HI 1 1 ~ 7 Fort Bend Connty, Richmond, all records extant.r ' '71'“"“w_ ' Galveston County, Galveston,.all records extant. I Harris County, Houston, all records extant. -' ; h I ' ' - iii - f EXPLANATION.OF THE MAP AREAS 3 '1 Note:, The areas north of the district line shown on.the map Were , ,1 ”' ” _ ”min the municipality of Austin from February_10, 1828 (l) '3' , 1 : " j" ”until the creation of the muniCipality of Brazoria; those_ 4= I ,r 1’“ 'south of the line were in the municipality of Austin from . a A ‘1 p“, , ”July 29, 1828 (2) until the creation of Brazpria..-3, ,./ .. I “§ {A} (H? in municipality and_county of ,, fl " §-,,_-ld« I {.c;-v;lv . 2 a 1, " T‘ 3" ' Brazcria from 4/28/1832 (3) to' date I i: (3) (E) in municipality of Brszoria'from, 4/28/1832 (3) to-13/;6/1834 e . , f1 1,, " "'& county of Matagorda. " -3/.6/1834,(4)ee"-~3 , date' ' I "L (O) (G) in municipality of BrazOria from 34/28/1832y(3) to 12/28/1835 . :5 it ‘ \' " " & county of Matagorda " 12/28/1835 (5) 0,;1 g ,date ,3 3_ if i) (Q) _, = in municipality of Brazoria from g4/28/1832 (3)_to 12/28/1835 ;.=« I ,1, , A _ _‘ {,",'" d;county of Matagorda: " 12/28/1835 (5), "g 3/30/1846-(12) ‘t 5g - '“, " Wharton County . , n 4/ 3/1846 (6) ‘7 > ; gdate 73" If »‘ ,1 .. ' , . v': . . '- , -9 a '.\ ; ~. A ’J (E) - in.municipality of Brazoria from 4/28/1832 (3)-to,,3/ 6/1834 =faf‘ E d " , "“ ",d'county of Matagorda fl”. 3/ 6/1834 (1) ." {3/30/1846 (12)- 1 g: ' 3 ‘1 " Wharton County , " 1/ 3/1846 (6) r . . “date - . t a: (1) ‘Feb. 10, 1828.is given as the date of the_establishment of the muni-. L Q cipality of Austin because on that day the aynntamiento_of Austin =. ' fl, 1 was installed (egg Eugene C. Barker, ed., "Minutes of the Ayuntami— ' d1 ento of San Felipe de Austin, 1828:1832," Southwestern Historical 1 Quarterly,'XXI (1917-18), 299).. It is assumed.that the municipality ' l § at this time included the territory of Austin‘s.Colony as legally - '* 1 defined Mar. 4,'1827f(§gg H. P. N. Gammel, Lays 9; Texas, I,_SO); ,, 9% that "municipality? and "jurisdiction" were used interchangeably. t, (2) These areas were included Within the limits of Stephen F. Austin's 31 fourth Colonial Contract, dated July 29,_1828 (see Translations of . is Empresario Contracts, p. 151, in General Land Office, Austin, Tex.). g} It is assumed that the.territory of.this grant came under the=juris~ 3; diction of the municipality of Austin, as the decree establishing ' it Brazoria created it from Vthe Southern portion of the Municipality . E of Austin" (see Gam. LaWS, I, 307).. , 1 (3) Gem. Isns, I, 307. , { . ._ .- . - a 1 (1) Gem. Laws, I, 352. ‘ ‘ ‘ d (5) Gem. Laws, I, 1018. l i (6) Gem; Laws, II, 1344. The interim is not taken into account because / i the dates are those of the approval of the acts, the dates effective / 2 not being given, and it is assumed that the acts became effective , 3 simultaneously. ,Z; a (12) Gem. Laws, II, 1310. g: d‘ ' F: r - iv - ' E 1 1 ,' f — _-— -—~1MGN%M M o N T, G o M E R Y 9)" rULLERToNO Ti ‘1: YK L 1 OPINENuRsT . _ '3; Guam!!!) ma! chine /; \ LIEERTY 1 r— . ‘ 5 f R l N e e“- _ «I 2 .0 l .\‘b \k-1' , w4 / m \‘ LI BER’Y 1 _ o 1 4 HEMPSTEAD \ / “awe , , , e o \ . ME 9/7,. 7; ’ "m": ““0 WALLEI; \JLxlnLE 5"}, c II E E K ‘ / /FOR K NVFFMAN 2 1 OKENNEV ‘_/‘>"SI w A L L E R \‘( (”MN “v.55 0 c4}, :1 1 \ / \ / ”\{Afif {5 ’1 1 \ G BELLVILLE ck» sums“ \ f I 0’3 \, o 1 ”AXE, ‘{ F 0 “RR osnsuun o - — _§7\:_ 1 1 —\ L ‘ sNELDONo a: o 4, ‘ 4‘ OPATTISON \ M" 0‘. 5.5” 1 1 1 [fl/6‘ m: ’ i < ' “ F F ’ L a HIUSTON fl’ ,//V/:~ ‘1 a; 05““ 05‘" 11> sRooKsN o /’// \\\ 0 u‘ o o .27), :61 ,' ,/, 1 4/ FELIPE ‘ ‘Avo" ' r 3' \ . V: ‘ , 1 0 ——__I—’ oeAsToN \ /\\\\ a / ‘ mfiw I/IH) ' 6e 1 ‘ ‘ a .. la 1- 3/5” 1 4/4,? 1 \ \ o :0qu "017001 111, / k [K T \\ oa/ENBA ‘. \ J" ‘x _ , a»! / I; 1 5% e * v 1 1/” // :29: “MW", oRI HMOND N D I I // \-\\\\ -:zss1:no a/ /,21K , e v < z.“ a 1 1 ’ 135;,“ F O R T B E l 1 // \ —..‘E“, ., :wy _— ~‘S'/ 1 ' ,/ .91 ” ‘A'l ‘3 1 / '\\‘»\\:§ £15154. /"K 1 I/ ,RE-umgon :5 1‘ ll 0/11 \\\A\;m \ jignk ///'/;’ \ 9 F1 1 ' 1 . é 47E“: \\ 93*» " ""érAz/M xsy'ro . N ‘ . 4 00 “VA/9R1” 3;]fi4” oussw-LL o ____/ (g m\R\\\T\\\\ofifif_l~—quaée°w71:11:11;‘1 V V, 1 4 o ”A D 0 we, 1 ,1 EDT—1‘- / \?$\\l\\\\ ‘Q,A:§\\:\ jggcegeé—uga/ , 6H 1! owHARTO/ I lb“ V§ersx€l j: , \§TVE"'OOL° \\\\ {0—1 5 j ’ l / ‘ 1 1 W H A R yo " a N / 2 ~ e, \\ »‘.-:\<%6 ,, 11/ MACKAYO //// €11 !!2\\\o‘ / // // IVER \QCNENANM \7\>\\’\ ‘\ \\=-k ‘ JAHJ /\ s ‘7 1 , //omm , a ////B // R ,\<\A§\ \z \0 fi\\l\ «N , 933,1;1“V/ , , / // // /\ E /' / //’/ _\ \\ \\\\\ u \\\_\\\\._ “’L‘Wl .- / 9‘ 10/" , I “44‘“ cmwo / / /6K\ 2. // //// \\\\\E§\\\ NG\E\T N :\ \_\1 I , [(34 >3. 1 <14»./// / / \§ // \\s,°\\°Q\\\\\ °A\\L\\:\\°=‘\\\ \ 51;?5919/ . ‘1» a? / / t _ s < < __ «21 .2»; 19:;7 yE/xvjiZ/f/ . 1H1 *1 \o\; \?/\\v§:\\§\\\\ 5," ' . / / 1/, // /,. , ( \ 1, \ __ \_ < \\ 1 <0, ‘ 4 ‘ ’4, ’5‘“, / ,« ffe‘j/ /; 1c 1 . \\\\<;\ \ \\\§ 31"- Q -~/ ///// , / *1” / / .1‘ < \ z\ < II” / ’ ‘,// / '////// BAY/CITY “1 I 1, \‘1 \\\ «Rx - \ 9:”ch I“, ' 1/ 34/ 49'74/11/9 '7” / ’~ :1 \ \\\‘\ ‘ -.<‘1<;».” 1111'” ' 1 Y anELDO 2%? éy/fl/fl / : sl n\\\\ \§\\\‘§\ “\sf’gg‘sk 1 ”77/7 , //» ,, \<‘< ' N 1 M A: T/ A 6 // ,//// / . aI . A; ‘ 1 12/ /////\7// 1, || ages I 1‘ 1 / 9 fl , 1/ . 1 / . . was? / 22;“, . . .. 1 1 / 14.9 515/19/32/ f I l C 0 41 "gnfidg ’ .g" ' [1,115 /,- ' lg " (JXM’JV ‘ , 4/177 @ / , 2:, a 3;- / 9 OF I 1\//—_1, O 1»;//"‘//'V 1 /. / // , BRAZORIA COUNTY 1 /' j/V/o j” ’ ® SHOWING THE SEVEggL PROBATE AREAS 1 I 17% ////- 1 b/ a. ('17. x ’ ‘ f —_ PRESENT BOUNDARIES 0F BRAZORIA COUNTY 1 17 ‘/ / / ' 1,. _ _ _ COUNTY LINES OTHER THAN BRAZORm COUNTY 1 . 1/ U (FOR EXPLANATION AND REFERENCES SEE THE ,///V G PRECEOINs PAGE) . '1 __ ___ ~ LINE DIVIDING AUSTTN‘s FIRST COLONY FROM THE FOURTH COLONY. (THE TEN COAST LEAGUES 1 RESERVE LINE.) 1 PREPARED BY WlPA O.P.265-|-66-6077719/_29_/fll= is,“ ..A __ _ _ _ 1 3 I * 1 '. ‘ 5 s 1 1 1 1 3' 1 1 .1 “ 1 1., . ,3 {.1 3 ."1 3.1 1 3., , .31 3 35.1 ‘ x 3 $1 '1”: ‘ 1% i '1 3‘ 1‘1 1 . 31‘; 31 E11 2» .1 , 1 1? ‘ 31 .511 1 311 71 ‘3' 1:1 ‘ e! “ ;11" ‘13-.- 13: '1 1. g: 13 ~ 21 1 1 f4 1 ‘11 3 3131 '2‘: L 3' 51. 1:11" 3 :1 ‘ ‘ 1% ‘ :1 “3‘ , '15 1,? . , ,1“. ,‘_V_,‘>;VM_&,¥.IM;,19", 3-31.31,“ .~-3.~«.». xx "'" — ' 4 .-"A‘ “’ J ‘ "N “ 'WW' 7 .- 7' Explanation of the Map Areas (1) in municipality and county of _ 4 . . *~ ' ’ . .Brazoria from- 4/28/1832 (3) to 12/29/1837 " Fort Bend County - " 12/29/1837 (7) " date (8) in municibality and.county of : . “‘ . ' ‘ Brazoria from 4/28/1832 (3) to 12/29/1837 ' " Fort Bend County " 12/29/1837 (7) " 3/24/1846 - " Brazoria County v » ~ " 3/24/1846 (8) " date 4 (Ed 'in municipality and county of ‘ . _ “‘ ‘ ~u ”‘Brazoria from 4/28/1832 (3) to 1/31/1837 ~ " Harris* County - " 1/31/1837.(9) " 12/29/1837 ‘ v" Fort Bend County ’ ' " 12/29/1837 (7) " date (L) in municipality and county of . 7_ .1 ; 1 , . ‘ . " Brazoria from' 4/28/1832 (3) to 1/31/1837 " Harris* County' " 1/31/1837 (9) " 12/29/1837 " Brazoria County " 12/29/1837 (7) " date (M) in municipality and county of " Brazoria from 4/28/1832 (3) to 1/20/1841 " Galveston County " 1/20/1841 do) 'r date (8) in municipality and county of m Brazoria from 4/28/1832 (3) to 5/15/1838 _ " Galveston County " 5/15/1838 (ID " date (0? in municipality and county of ' W Brazoria from 4/28/1832 (3) to 3/24/1846 (8) " Wharton County " 4/ 3/1846 (6) " date 7 *Created as Harrisburg, Dec. 30, 1835 (Cam. Laws, I, 1022); name Changed to Harris, Dec. 28, 1839 (Cam. laws, II, 396). ,3) Gan. Laws, I, 307. ,_ .u. v. .. ..n_ .M.n ,. n, h. 6) §g§ footnote 6, p. iv. ,-~, " ~ . ' ' 4 (7) Gem. Laws, 1, 1460.‘? ,.%i ,;;{ ,,,, .' ,g V; : 3 ' " 28) Gem. Laws, 11, 1321; see also Gam. Laws, 115 1324.; _, I x -' 9)”»DesCription of the limits of Harrisburg County, as furnished to the ‘ 3"'Secretary of State by A. Briscoe,-Chief-Justice, Jan. 31, 1837, in 1 Lost Book ovaarris County, in General Land Office, Austin, Tex. (10) Cam. laws, II, 509. , (11) Cam. laws, I, 1482. , i ‘oo v, u- Explanation of the Man Areas ’1 (§) tin municipality and-county of.» anilngfi“ , r” ’1"“"' '1 H ; " ‘3 f‘j “' 4&5"Brazoria from 4/28/1832,(3)~tog_3/24/1846 (8) ‘3 " Matagorda County " 3/30/1846 (12) " ' date 3 C9) “in Galveston County:] .zz ~,»_fron_35/l§/1é33 fii)'1712/1b/18392' ‘ . W . W Brazoria Gountyv=fl j‘ ‘ e " 12/16/1839_G§)143_ :4 s-Qate ¢1 (ED in Brazoria County':hwllz >- from 12/16/1839 CB) t¢"" A‘Idate I g - - - The area within present Wharton County, shown on the‘manL y short '3 ‘ ;dotted lines Was designated the "judicial" county of Ward-(not to ‘4 ' fbe confused with the present county of Ward,lin3West Texas), Jan. .9 _ 18, 1841 (Gem. laws, 11, 529), but acts attempting to create judi- 4 cial counties were held unconstitutional (Stockton.v, Montgomery. "(1842),Dallam'snaasRJLe rte -p..._-:47.3.>- ' ‘ ' , 2T1 , 11 .M.,.”” m” _H,. ,.,.m “1.. ..U”..” i (3) Gem. Laws, I, 307. _ '2 i. . 3,", “"13 ;I' 1 (8) Gem. Laws, 11,313215 gee also Gam.~LaWs, 11, 1324. '1‘ » 1'11 7 I , g (11) Gem. laws, I, 1482. . “ ffi*‘ -:' _.._7 ‘. ~.3 1 (12) Gem. Laws, II, 1340. The interim is not taken into acCount becauSe g , the dates are thosc of the approval of the acts, the dates effective , not being given, and it is assumed that the acts became efflective g simultaneously. ' ~’..:f (13) Gem. Laws, 11, 357. . , ' g ' - vi - j _., ”Luv,“ H.wm pwnLafv.INDEx T0 PROBATE“CASES“”” “*W'“'”"" BRAZORIA COUNTY COURTHOUSE, ANGLETON, TEXAS , Name of Deseased,Minor or Lunatic Filed ' , =5‘Case"No. . ’ 9 - A - . ‘. . ‘ '- -Abrahams, E. 0., deceased Oct.‘17,1894' 1276 Abbott, Lethe J., deceased Aug. f5,l925 ‘ 2120 Acton, Martha‘Ellen, deceased Nov.'19,1901: 1425 Adams, Francis,~deceased 'Mar.:21,1857 2 Adams, G. W., deceased Apii 20,1857 685 Adams, Jordan, deceased Jan. 21,1897 : 1515 Adams, Mary Elia Wadsworth, "” . . deceased ‘ " Apr. 14,1905 1449 Adams,Sarah Serubbs,deceased Oct. 28,1925 , 2154 Addison, Bessie May, minor ’Dec. 51,1925 2151 ‘Addison, Delia, Joseph, Mary _,‘ , fl.and Zelma, minors . Feb. 7,1920 1905 Addison, Lucy, NCM' Mar. 50,1956 _2760 Addison, Lucy Brackins, NCM May 25,1951 2445 Adriance,Catharine,deceased Apr. 8,1901 . 1412 . Adrianee,‘Duncan and j ‘ j Hannah, miners fl. , Apr, 25,1872 ' 929 Adriance, L. Ag, deceased “"'. May ‘20,1872’ .1002 Adriance, Sallie B., deceased * ' Mar. 21,1910}" ' 1608 , Adrinance, Duncan,vminor _ M . . Dec. 24,1878”'fl 1&1049 V Ahlbreeht, Genrad, deceased ' ' Feb. 11,1901‘I . ,1409 Ahlbrecht,_Conrad,'deeeased _ . Mar. ‘4,l901‘, _H.1410 dhlbrecht, Margaret, deceased f'nug.‘ 2,1927‘ ,.j 2257 - Ahlbrecht, wm;;deceased, ,:_ ,,f5 1 _,*j,1,51: 1'... 1"(no papers)t” 'ft“ . :f' 1 .*f;;,fl'i”‘ 0' 41142 i Ahrens, Augustus, deCeased,' ' H1.f“"$.'”.ir'f‘ fi Z“ 7 (no papersXv-,i' "1 1”"Mayi'29,1867.3 f .851 Ahrcns, Henry;:deccased , ,fsept. 6:187011::=1 908 ‘ Ahrens, W. 8., deceased, ' if I ‘7‘" .T ‘ ‘_.- , (now-peter .. --' : Jul‘y;-86,.~I95.a.s- 1.22.961... Aker, Mary M.,=dedeaSad “”"Mar. 20,1917, ,. lees Albaugh, Nich, deceased, ‘ ’ ' " 4 7,";- Z " “i (no papers)" “ 'q“" Feb. 15,1956,- 7,12749, Alden, Sarah E;,deseaSed ,00t.ll4,1929_' .;.2959 elder, Chesteryidedeased fleet. 14,rees,g 13g1298 , Aldridge, marywsesver and . . .‘ i 1- .f731,, ' , i pVWilliam,fminors*g*f, fiHL'fJundW‘5,1857,.w‘v;:689 Aldridge, William, deceased "“ 3' Dec. 10,1851 ,_ M ,;Q, Aldridge, Wm. s., deceased ““"Mar.,14,la4e, _,f,,662, Alison, Moses, deceased , May‘ 25,1846.3f . ~Unfi, Allbright, Fritz, deceased ;,jNov.;,2$lsesn- 1 Mass Allen, A. 0.,fiminor'f!= ;. Mar, 1131922 V '1‘3007 Allen, Andy, Charley,'5race, ; ,j11_1"l.3 I hf,f, ;: ,_ -‘iMaxey,Minniezand*Roy,minors§f“'.Aug.fi25,1914’,_,ffll7251 Allen, Mollie,3asM'~j;j '-‘ ”'JUlyf38,1922'r- 3,1995 Allen, Mollie,~NCM>.' , June 19,1953' ‘ ‘ 2564 , 8 ' , Eggs of_Deceased,Minor or Lunatic F112g____fl_fl_ggggingL 7% Allen, Will,’NCM “' “ v‘“"' ~* -Ju1y=2e;1ese» 1926 E Alsbury, Thos., deceased Apr. 14,1837 11 _. Alston, Foster, NCM .,1. 11.1,, 11.Jan-. 1,1986 1111181591 .3 - Alston, Millie, deceased »,; .,. g_Dec,“17,192818; _.2289 i1 Alston,'w1111s,~eecsased~-~- ~w~-~wJen;m;;,1elemvlll11.15. 3 _ Anderson, Antone, deceased , Jan. 19,1931 2424 i1 Anderson, Ephram, deceased" “ ” Apr. 23,1837 4 ' 7? Anderson, Grace,~minor3 ; May .24,19301 _ 2381 ; Anderson, Jesse:3., minor _._Jdn.f24;l863”.= '3’785“ 1, Anderson,Jonaneter,deceased ,_ “'Sept.18;l933 Q'.e"2584: ’1 Anderson, Junior A., minor , ‘ .Feb;j20,1931;' v «2429“ g Anderson, Milton, deceesed ‘Sept, 2,1839.‘ ' * f 3 A Anderson, Peter B.,‘deeeased Jan. 10,1920, ’ H1900” fi Andrews, Alfred, deéeeSed 1,,NMey, 17,186O_ ' = 73A fl Andrews,Isabella.M., deceased ‘ Feb} 14,1850} j""1519‘ 3. Angier, Permelia, deceased “ZOct. 18,1837 _,:f‘ .12 1 Anthony, D, 8,, deceased "'1Ifiugiii6,1833f"” =“j“8 ;1 Arboo, Henry, deceased' ..1]‘JunE“89,1909 . V"1579 31 ,Archer, Geo. Sr., NCM_; “N.” DCC.L19,1934jj } .2652 g, Archer, J. B,,:NCM j,,- June: 3,1932 *' 2501 *1 Archer, Powhattem den-eased : : ”11.111111017941856? ' "834‘ 11 Archibald, Eliza J. ,deceased lj_ Dec. 23,1935‘ V_ 8741 1 Armstead, Henry, mcfi ‘ "'May_*17,19222*2 «(2005; Q Armstrong, Mrs,_A. L,, deceased Jen. '8,l909‘ ’l,”1561 8 Armstrong, Alexender end H. :. , f, “"li';”"f . 1 fl - N., minors ,51’,J _‘ , . ff,QOt{ 1731575' :._fl1096 %‘ Armstrong,.Arthpr'Lee,‘deceased"N_Jnne’_3,1936‘,”'7”2773“ % Armstrong, Ellen,ngM., .J Apr. *5,1876 1. j,’994” 1 Armstrong, George, deceased '. ” may 31,1875 ”.3 .i978' 9; Armstrong, Lem, dcqeased , , ., July “3,1880 3,,'.1060‘ fl; Armstrong,Paul Leo,epi1eptic I'v.lQCfi3;1551936i. Q 2806 a} Arney, A.N,,dcceased,(no papers) ‘ Nov. 2fl937} “'flfZQOl 11 Arnold, Helen,'tubercular 11,8ept. 2,1920;. "]1937 f Arnold, Mary E,,.deeeased ‘ ' ’Nov. 19,1919'f * _1893 1: Arnold, SusiecE1,‘deceased Apr. 29,1926 "2175 1‘ Arnold, T. N.,'deceaSed Sept. 9,1952';'=132518 % Arnold, William, deceased ‘ Sept.28,1833" i . 13 3; Arrington, B. W., deceased, . l, ‘9 “_ 1‘ (no papers) ’ ' . July 20,1967 * 72874 g Arthur, James, NQM _ ' Apr. 8,1903 1 -’1461 1' Arthur, James, deceased Nov. 23,1909 ' 1589 ; Ashcom, J. 0., deceased Feb, 27;1ees-.v -.1079 1 Ashcom, Lavinié 8., deceased f‘Mar.'Z9;l902 ==1455 g Ashford,Florence et a1,minors Aug. 28,1917_=_ _ 1828 g Ashley, Robt.E.S,,deceased , May‘ 4,1921 " ,,1957 A Atkinson, A. E., NCM ' Jan. '4,1935 ? i8655 § Atwell, William, deceased Jan. 12,1837 '- ‘ lo 3‘ Atwood, William, deceased Apr. 6,1852 ._f. ' '6 i Auldridge, Mrs. Mary, NCM May’ 25,1929‘ , . 2312 § Austin, Captain John,deceased ,. Feb. 7,1833 " " '14 g Austin,David and Marmeinors ‘,;' Ju1y121,1896 '1 ' 1310 1 Austin, Foster,_Ncn , ' " Oct. 29,1925 :: ~‘eise . g, -" w 1 , . I . i ‘ ' , , ‘ ‘ . _ , 1 , . 1 , 1..“ 5 Name-of Deceased,Minor or Lunatic .H.Filed:1. XL. 10859 NO; Austin,JamesVE.B.,deceased - Feb. 27,18571~". 1 ~7 Austin, John P,, deceased _ __, t- :~- ” 9 Austin, Stephen F.,deceased Mar, 21,1857v- . t 110 Austin, T. D., deceased Feb. 24,1896 ?-- 15021 Aycock,N. M., deceased -‘ June 20,1864' - . w810u1 1 Aycock, Nat M., deceased, Oct, 15,1890 1 1181' ' Ayers, Tom, deceased -- Nov. 22,1911 - . 1648 Ayers,William”A;'et al,minors Nov. 7,1921 7 . l985fi Ayres, Adeline and Anderson, =v ~- :1 '- minors " 'Aug.a10,1865 4 798,799»‘ Ayres, Ezekiel, deceased July 29,1865 1~ .1797- , ll. ' I. E) _- I. V ‘V ' g. Back, Gertrude, use i eat, 27,1914 _l755 Badge, Wm., cheased Dec. 21,19121 1 L685 Badger, Samuel, deceased July 24,1950. : 2589 Bagley, Maggie, deceased 1Apr. 21,1905 ,« 1498 Bahlcr, Bertha, Martha and H Robert, minors -' ' Dec. 19,1929‘ "2556 Bailey, Alice, deceased, 'J ' --' y (no paperS)‘ ‘ * June 15,1958 ‘1 '2955 Bailey, Chas,, deceased. Nov. 15,1912. ~ 1678 - Bailey, Gaines, deceased Jan. 28,1855 : 1' 171 Bailey, James B., deoeaded Jan. 21,1855-- " =17 Bailey, Lucinda,-minor Feb. 17,1857 172 Bailey, Smith, deceased 11 July 25,1855 : L 75 . Baird,Mrs.Barthenia,decedsed Apr.'25,1854 7- 7'68 Baird, N. E., deceased July 9,1867 e-~- -859 - Baird, Thomas 5;, NCM ’ Apr. 26,1854 -~ :‘ r69~ ' Baker, Amanda, deceased :-=Apr, '8,1895 3- 9'1286 Baker, Charlott May,'minor Aug, 6,1954 - 2655 Baker, J. F.,'deeeuscd ‘- Dec. 6,1917 ~v £1855 » Baker, J. J. Sr., deceased '- '-June 10,1927- f-2227 Baker, Leo Francis,dcccascd, '»f'=- {~ -~i u _(no papers) . a 'Jan. 10,1958 " 2925 Ballén, Richard, minor Nov. 20,1917; 3 1 1851 Ballowe, Joanne, minor July-25,1855 3:H., <57 Ballowe, Mary Ann, deceased Mcr,v 6,1852w-‘1 r- 56- Bdllowe, S. L. 3., deceased May lO,1885j~- z 1109 - Bang, Jno., deceased ' Nov. 12,1900, » 11400 Banks, Joe E.,minor,(no papers) June 50,1950”; 152448 1 Banneyer, Wm., deceased ' June- 6,1955 - :~BSGO BansMan,Elizabeth Jane,minor ' Apr. 19,1956’ ‘-3;2764‘ . Benton, Glover, minor Feb. 9,1857V'- 678 Benton, Joab.H,,'deceased Jan. 19,1857 1 :1; 672 1 Barbee,May and Nellie,minors Feb. 1,1898 = 1_1557 Barber, Samuel, deceased Oct. 17,19211v1' 1979 Barnes, Clarence-and Willard, . ,.. «' a .'“ minors ** *v ' Nov. 5,1914- 1 1740 Barnes, Ethel Katherinne, Ned - . :4 . ~ 'and Stella, minors” June 15,19512' - 2447 . ~ 4 '3 Name of Deceased,Minor or Lunatig;;;;~Fi1edu"hd' ' case4yg, "1 Barnes, Fannie alias Johnson, ~. .. .9 - -.fi 8 ,3 'Fannie, minor.~ . . June ,3,1908 .1489. Barnes, H. A., deceased Dec. 17,1929 " ,2555“ 3 Barnes, William,.deceaSed Mar. 51,1895.‘ . ,1243_. 1 Barnhill, Jno. 8,, NQM Mar. 29,1919 Ix 11869 A i Barnsback, Roscoe, NCM, , - ' . , ..' s 3 (no papers) '. .-. Jen. 19,1928 , . 2253.1 } Barnum, Julie E., deceased . Oct,.12,1920: ,' 1925. g Barr,,D..A., debeased 1. ‘Apr. 2,1936 - ,2762 ,1 Barreguerss, Gerpmme,4NCM Aug. 14,1920 - . 1951;. '; Barrett, D. 0., deceased Apr. 14,1858 '580 (T Barrett, Wm., (no papers) - -. __, 76 ;§ Barrington,Thomas D.,deceased Nov. 25,1863 805 v! ' Barrs, Clarence,_Herman, ' i ;‘ , ~ :; Lillian and Robt., minors Feb. .5,l955 _ £5581 :2 Berry, T. W., deceased Sept,50,1925 2127 1 Bartleson, Jas., deceased ,Nov. 30,1914 .1755 21 Bass, Mrs. M. J.(Louise), l- ‘ , ‘T, .. ‘fi ' deoeased ~ , _, ' Sept,29,1952 . 2519 Q Bates,Alex and Winnie,minors Feb. 6,1914- . .1712 , }1 Bates, Mary L., deceased May 4,1880, - 1056 1 Baugh,John and Nelson,minors Nov.-lO,1925 . p2205_ .1 Baugh, Sallie, NQM Oct. 15,1952 . _ ., 2520 g Bays, Mary, deceased Oct, 50,1854 , . 594 fi Bays, William B.” deceased Aug. 31,1857 ' ‘ g 693 :1 Beal, John 3., deceased Oct. 10,1859 .9 52.; fl Beall, Geo, T., deceased , Sept. 1,1879 ‘. 1047 a Beall, Vernor, minor' ' Feb. 26,1885, , 1102 ;; Bear, Jno., NGMV: ; - Jan, 8,1915-;, ,1772 93 Beasley, D. H, E,, deceased Nov..85,1850 ; g.43 1% Beasley, Muetta end Bobert, ', z ', . : . %? minors ' .' , Aug. 16,1919. ,' 1882 E Becena, Kagdaleno, tubercular .Sept.10,1955, g _2712 ,1 Becerra, Bentura, Mary, Robert , - . ,.v, E: and Victor,-minons Feb. 19,1956, 2751 §‘ Beck, Frances and-Marshall, ' l . 4 . j: y' minors, (no papers) July 13,1958 ,.2963 1: Beck, Macon 8., deeeased .Aug. 2,1958” ‘»2971 ‘ {3 Beckem, John A., deceased V June 8701842, -= ~ 58 3 Beckham, Lineon Allen and ' ,. ‘ if ' Rosanah Jane, minors . Segfi. 7,1850 " , 571 3 Behymer, F.W.and;J.W,,minors Dec. 11,1911, 2; 1849 i; Bell, A. and E.,,minors, ' Jan. 50,1849 _ 59 f Bell,3hristopher 0., deceased may '6,1909 1572 § ~Bell, Josiah H., deqeased June 4,1838 ' , 26 3 Bell, Sophronia L., minor’ , Jan, 27,1874 957 g Bell, Thee. 8,, deceased Jan. 3,1844 1 84 ll Bell, Willis 0., NCM Aug. 28,1855 , 587 a Bollenger, C. A“, deceased June 20,1916 1785 g Bellingor, Gordon, minor Jan.. 4,1888 1097 3 Belsley, Frank,,Joseph.and ' , 3 Margaret, minors Jan. 9,1924 2069 a 5 nName.of Deceased,Minor or'Lunatic :; Filed *1 Case MQL Bennet, EliZa3Jg, deceased Nov, 24,1856.. , r 669 Bennet, L. T.;'deceaSed- vNov, 25,1886 . 1146 Bennett, C. 8,, deceaSed Sept,l7,1881 1076 Bennett, Chas; A.,‘minor ‘ Jan. 80,1843 . V 25' Bennett, Charles 8., deceased, Dee; .1,1865 ; 856 ‘ Bennett, Chas. 8;, deceased ' Oct. 11,1925 . 2068 Bennett, Charles 8.,Udeceased Oct. 25,1899 - 1680 Bennett, Chas; S. and ' ,: ._ - - - ' Theodore; minors' “‘ ' ' Sept, 7,1881 . -1075 Bennett, T. J;,-deoeased Oct. 20,1842 | - 22 Benson, W. S.,'deceased' Apr. 20,1921 .- 1.2220 Benton, Samuel 8,, deceased Apr. 14,1856 ' 2 689 Berger, O. J;, deceased Sept;22,1922 2024 Berisonhart, W.3E.,'deCeased Aug. 21,1929~ .. 2651 Berry, Isham, deceased' Dec. 28,1886 - 1148 Berryman, James N.,-deceased 'Feb. 14,1857 . u» 70 Bertram, August, deceased - Apr.'-9,1935 - 2674 Bertrand, Peter, deceased; ~~~ «. . Frederick, John and Pete, - I. ~‘.' V. minors ,' , w , Aug. 1,1841 :H_ 1820 Bethel, Sim, deceased - Jan. 9,1901. ' 1405 Bickham, Della, tuberoular ' Nov. 25,1921‘ 51976 Biddle, Martha,'minor 3 Dec. 27,1845.- 2 ., 62 Bierman, John,_deceased Oct. 14,1866 .V {-844- Bierwirth, Fannie A., deceased Oct. 7,1928.‘ "-2282. Biezenski, Louise, NCMf Apr. 28,1951 " ,»2438 Bilbrey, A. Q., minor ' ‘ June 16,1909' ‘ ,11878 ‘ Billman, Louis Henry, deceased 'Sept.26,1898‘- , 1558- - Bingham, Cordelia, Geo., Jno. - a . . t "and Josph, minors Apr; 1,1884 “'1120 ‘ Bingham, F., deceased, Aug. 6,1851 _ 24 Bingham, James T., deceased .‘ Apr. 8,1884 - ”1121- _ Bingham, James T., deceased , Apr.~25,18827-. ~"1085 Bingham, Joe 3., deceased, ' 1‘. ~. (no papers) : 1 May 28,1957 -‘ c2868 Bingham, Margaret 8;, deceased Feb. 7,1861 ’ : 759 Binion, B. B., deceased May 30,1855 , - 35 , Bird, George, deceased“ June 15,1857 2 48 Bird, Joseph L., deceased , Nov. 29,1852 ' 80 Bischoff, Mrs. Mary, NCM Aug. 16,1860 ' 742 Bishop, James 8., deceased Sept.26,1857 - , 51 Bittel, Mary, deceased Sept.29,1909 «1586 Bivens, Hannah, John, L. Q., ' ' “ rand Patsy, minors j Aug, 28,1925 2125 Bivens, Pattie, deceased Mar. 2,1955 ‘2540 Bivens, Richard, deceaSed : June 18,1955 -2695 Biyarriar, Dario, NGM . Julyv24,1929 2524 Black, Cary‘H., epileptic ~ Oct.‘ 7,1922. 2028 Black, Geraldine, Laura and ~ ‘ - - - . Maggie, minors, ‘ .’ Apr. 10,1893v‘ . 1241 Black, James‘E,, deceased Ayr. 12,1858 .695 Black, Joseph A,, minor Jan, ’6,1859 ~ .: -714 6 1 Name of Deceased Minor“or Lunatic '1”F116d ”“"“” -CaSe NO , W 3 Black, L. 0., deceased, Apr. 16,1590 3 , 1194 , * Black,Mrs.Sarah H,,deoeased June:10,18§§' . ,.811 Black, William, minor ',' Jan, _6,1859_. 3 ,‘715,. V}; Blackwell, Sally A., deceased . Oct, 29,1849q-,j ,_w54 g‘ Blackwell, Sterling, minor . ,May 512,1857,I; 1‘68? ', Blackwell, Sterling, deceased , I_»Apr, ,g,1871,,g~ ,:915, l Blackwell,.Thomae, deceased Mar.5}§,18511fl - ; ,53 71 Blair, Frances D.,, NCM74 July. 9,1936 ..,733784 3 Blake,,H., deceased,(no papers) Apr, 28,1957;"; ,2859_ 1; Slanchard, Henry,“miner,u Mar, 19,1883_” ,~"1lOQ , ,1 Blick, W. 3., deceased, _ _ Aug, 20,1921V3- . 1973, ;1 Bliss, Henry G., deoeesed Dec,‘ 1;1837, , ' 6o, ‘* Blow, Lizzie, deceased ,M May, 22,1912 V4,w11663, A . Boatner, E. G;,_deceased‘ Mar,_y2,1925vl_» .8101_ g Boatner, Louis, NQR. L ; ,_ June 10,1900;,, J‘1547 1 Bohannan, Mary_E., minor, _Jan, ~531§60a ‘1 , 725‘ 1 Bohannan, Mary E.,Robt. T. : .-2 ; ,.H-.. r ,V,=. 4 and S, 5., minors §Sepfi,22,1fifi9,.o724,725 fl Bohannan,Robert E,,deceased 1 Dec. 28,1858 -.7Q5 1 Bohannon,.w, B»4:a¢06§56d Dec. 31,1860 4,}; ,754.~I j Bold, John 0., deceased . . June 13,1857,Q V V[_66- fi Bolin, Christina, Harnaifi and y 'm ,- fl _ ;,-\, 4. y [3 Tim Jr., minorsr: r..v Apr, 20,1888 ,-. «1167_ 1 31 Bolin,,Emma, deceased‘, ; , ,_cct.,,s,1935-; Pgfie7ee., $9 BolinsJohn,deeeaS¢da ,, ; Auegjll.195© . .212593., 5 Bonham, J. B.,gdeceesed Jen._15,1858j ,1 ,_-65h. ; Bonner, Edger and?Ernest,minors,.,,July 19,1921; 1 I1967; Q Bonner, Mac Ellis; Hendricks, ‘ 5f ,. 1. I.j',., ; ;H,~ a Treyis, mincrs:_ . H may .2531935,-_ 12554 fl: Booker, Shields, deceased July 15,1851 a, ,:;49 g1 Boone, Josephine,'deccased : Nov. 99,1927 ,3 ,2248_' F1 Booth, Bulah B.,'$enry.E,, ,V . ; _ '1, .__.1._”_>_ , g; Jas, M., John P., Joseph _: ,;.,;; ,,v -”' I; 1 i f; E. and Price, minors ‘Feb. 27,1880,« ,‘1059% 5, Booth, J. A,,‘deceascd' 1 . ,,,Jan..$l,19$3 - - 32556 ; gfi Booth, Rosa E;, deceased Mar.5,9,193$, , '2542 ' 3‘ Borden, C. J., deceased : July 26,1675_- , f961 , :L Borden, Milam,_minor 3 Apr, 4,18Q2' ' 1054 3 ii ; Bork, Andy alias 5ndréwvi ; , .,.’ . l ;‘ Bjourklund, deceased Dec. 9,1902 1451,1452 g; Borskey,0urtis A.,tubercu1ar JUne »2,1953 , 3557 a Borum, Harry, NCM , Feb. 21,1902 1429 - j; Bosquez, Francisco, NCM ‘May‘t'1,1950 2576 ?M Boum, Harry, NCM f Aug._24,1928 $279 3 Bovee, Caroline, deceased Aug; 24,1938 2278 . g Bower, Sylvester, deceased Apr. 11,1837 42 §3 Bowie, Montford 0,, deceased Aug, 12,183? 55 _ a Bowls, Benjamine, deceased Feb, 15,1837 121 g Bowman, Abraham, deceased Mey' 85,1840 - . .57 1 Boy, Sonny, NCM , Feb, 25,1950 . 2§65~ ; Boyd, Herve, minor ~ ,~ Apr; 50,1936 2769' j ‘ BoyKin, W. 0,, deceased June 2,1874 - 959 J , 7_, _. , . 7 L ,,Name of Decease83Minor or LnnagigQm;figgg§§L;¥é¥m;?+§ggg;fig, ' Boyle, Edward 0,; deceased Apr. 50,1859 .s ,;155 Bradford, J. W.,_deceased @_hApngyl,1926i3 n ,2171 Bradford, James,W., minor July .6,L927 ,3; 2233 3 Bradley, EdwardpR,,,debeased ~.-~Dec,,27,1858213- ,r706 Bradley, J. 9139;5Vdeceased Mar, 50,1865,. ; . 816 Bradley, James, deceased 3_May ‘28,1856-yu, _,25 Bradley, James,,deeeased, 43,, . ‘,,, . i-(no papers).-z,fi 2'. .Ifiar. .'.C’>,l.837.. - ..---,4l‘f.3. B'Fa‘ley, Fred-.11.,deceased, _ .. » (no papers}, . ....A'13»r.' 91.;19157. .1 {28.55, Bramman, Henrij., deceased ~7_~gv pct,,25,1857,¢fl: ,. 29, Brannon, John;Jpseph and c;,,,_,, .4 ,1 . _ - Wm” min'o..3r-vsj,.j-. _.-.,Jla.3.n_,-19,1912;,3. ,1659 Brannon, Lida.9,;,N9M_g fl Jen,.l9,l9lQ;p , P1602 1 Brannon, Mrs, M, 2., deceased .8ept312,1896_3.: 71552 Brant, Charles,fltgbercular ' 5.9691 31,1957 1;. 12910 Brest, Albert, Leslie, Melvin, ,3g1‘, 51;; _, Lj;~- ~3Nona and301inda,,minors Apr. 2,1950” ; :2571 _ Bratton, W. R.,,deceased gJan,g_8,l9553:v, Q2656 Bray, Geo. 2;;Egoooasée ~3;,dMar5;29,1922g;;1 Q1911 Bray, Thomas,?deeeasedg Feh,w37,1840;,31 ; 340 Brazelton,.Rp 0,; deceased *Qcisn18,1983g;._ ,1812 Sreakfield,;Mildred,'minor Apr,-l6,1958 » 93471 Breeding (Breeden), John, ,Jmtpno . ,.;,1.,L. ,: - f'dOCOaSOd}Z:I,MH ‘92 ' Dec. 10,1855.Ug. :3 44 Breedlovc, A. W,,jdeceased Aug-~17,1847' 1 w, 47 Brennan, William, deceased , July 25,1844:; 5 ,4?585 Brent, John H, Pg, deceased . Nov, 6,1836w? 3-,w46 ' Brice, Eliza M.,deoeased flair-25,19,232 .1 ,201-1 Bridges, Balam;J,, deceased July l5,l855;_1;.3-591 . Bridges, JamesgPh, minor $.2;Dec. 17,18651fl?d ,2805 Bridges,Nancy=Elizabeth,minor Sept,29,1852,g*592,717 Briganio, Theresa, deceased . ng . 16,1872 1 ,xf.591% Brigham, Asa,-deceased3 Mar. 50,1852 ,u {-1374 Brinkley,Agnes,NCM,(no papers) ,i; 9 A*,, 3}, 5”,:11551 Brinkmann, Edward, Nelder and ,~=hul:u ,1 i" I ., '. ' Viola, minors 3’. ‘ Aug. 10,1926. .,' 2195 Breckman, J, 0. Sr,, deceased Apr. 50,1951 ,' _244O Brenner, Geo..H., deceased June 20,1927 "t , 2228 Brenner, Katie E., deceased -June.17,1955 . k2567 Brooks, Catherine,,NCM Apr; 50,1954 '2615 Brooks,Harriet E., deceased , Dec, .2,1908 1557 Brooks, Isom, deceased _ Nov, 2,1917 '1850 Brooks, John W., deceased Jan. 15,1872 , 910 Brooks, Laura, deceased Feb. 11,1922 .1960 Brooks, Lydia, minor, 1 Mar. 25,1915 1689 Brooks, Mimicia; deeeased . -Jan.‘l7,1910 .1599 Broussard, Irene, Joseph and ' f :3, a ‘ Velma, minors _3 . Oct._18,1921 .- @1980 Broussard, Mrs.0ra,;NCM Oct. 7,1955‘. , ,2725 B‘rowder, w. 35.531321: Aug. 26,1912 ., ,1274 Brewer, John H.,“deceased '13 July.24,1884 ,, .1124 ‘ -8 nName er Dcceascd,Mihor or Lunaticl‘ . Filed 1'“ H Case No. ‘ Brawn, A. 8., deceased " ,July 22,1872 V956 Brown, Ambrose, Emmett and 1 . -‘ ” ' 1 Virgie, minors July VS,1917 I 18251 Brown, CharlOtte‘EH-minor ~ch». 10,1849 1 < 51' i BroWn, Chas,, deceased Sept.20,l920 y'1w 1958 1* Brown, Chas. W. and Rosa ‘ ' = ' 4 E,, deceased zJune 1,1915 1755 1 Brown,Cordie and Julia,minors June 15,1952' 2502 1 Brown, D. E. V., deceased ' Aug. 15,1865 ' ‘ 796 4 Brown, Elizabeth; deceased Jan. 1,1844' 52 11 Brown, Emma and Lillie, minors May 631901 ' 1416" W Brown, Ford 6., deceased May 18,1956 ' 2771 1 Brown, Henrietta,'deceased Aug. 29,1956 «2796 ”1 Brown, Henry T., deceased Sept.27,1854 5 ' 41. '1 Brown, Jane E., deceased Nov, 14,1875 ' 949 11 BroWn, Jeremiah,'deceased i Oct; 18,1858 9' ‘ 59 1 Brown, Jessie and Mrs. " 1 - '”'.' ,1 E,, deceased ' Dec. 15,1864 814 ft Brown, John, (no papers) ‘ ‘ __, .~ ' ' 57 #1 Brown, Julia Eugenia, minor Feb. 8,1922 , 1 1988. ,1 Brown, Louisa, deceased June '4,l92l '1952 f1 Brown, Margret, deceased Dec; 11,1858 y 707‘ :1 Brown, Mary, minor -~ Feb.»l 4,1870-' ' 902’ E Brown, Pleiades, deceased, . »= ; ’ 1‘ (no papers) -. Jan. 50,1874 ”‘ 955 3 Brown, R. 8., deceased 1 ’Mar,