xt7w6m33568k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w6m33568k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1976-10-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 26, 1976 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 26, 1976 1976 1976-10-26 2020 true xt7w6m33568k section xt7w6m33568k Vol LXVIII, Number 53
Tuesday. October 26, I976

‘ 7 .-
——5hwan Bowman

Weather rapport

Clarence Frye. a .\ledical ('enter parking lot attendant
for five years now, shakes the rain off his hat yester-
day afternoon. The rain is expected to slow today, with
a 20 per cent chance forecast, but cloudiness is expect-
ed to persist. The high today should be around 50.


an independent student new

er 2] University of Kentucky

Lexington. Kentucky

CIA ‘cowboy’ mentality indicted

Kernel Reporter

K. Burton Osborn, former CIA
operative in Southeast Asia, told a
crowd of about 200 in the Student
Center Ballroom last night that
“there is a tremendous void of
information about the CIA in Ameri-
can society, and that void needs
desperately to be filled.”

Osborn appeared at UK with his
program “The CIA And You," a
film-and-lecture program sponsored
by the Fifth Estate and the Center
for National Security Studies.

The presentation was the last
event in a day-long visit by Osborn
that included an early afternoon
press conference and an informal
seminar on the intelligence com-
munity in the United States.

“At its inception, the CIA was
given carte blanche to carry out its
duties. Agents were told to do
whatever was necessary to get the
job done, and that the government
would back them up if they were
caught or compromised. This creat-
ed a dangerous mentality within the
organization," Osborn said in an
interview yesterday.

“CIA agents in the field are a

fairly cowboy bunch of guys. They
see themselves as cowboys, and they
dress and act like them wherever
they go. They can do what they want
and go where they want, and they
begin to develop the ‘agent mental-
ity’; they have false papers, and the
agency has its own private airline
which enables agents to go any—
where in the world."

Osborn recounted a particular
incident during the Vietnam conflict
which exemplified the “agent men-
tality" and which he claimed in the
seminar was responsible for the
massive amount of drug addiction
found in American servicemen dur-
ing that period.

The incident involved a North
Vietnamese tribe known as the Meo.
The tribe’s major source of income
was poppies that it cultivated and
harvested in the mountains.

They lived in a militarily strategic
location on the Ho Chi-Minh Trail,
and the CIA decided that the tribe
would be valuable in fighting the
Viet Cong. In order to get the Meo to
fight for them, the CIA agreed to buy
all of their poppy crop.

“The logical and honest thing to do
would have been to burn the crops,

By using graphoanalysis . . .

You can

Kernel Staff Writer
Most people do not enjoy reading
garbled handwriting—ask any
professor who grades papers. But
for Jane Underwood, reading and
analyzing handwriting is a way of
She is dedicated to the art—and
science—of Graphoanalysis.

Children receive free dental treatment

By Sl'ZANNE Ill Rll\.\l
('op) Editor

To most people, a trip to the
dentist is a trip to bedreaded But to
kids whose parents can‘t afford
annual dental checkups. a free trip
to the dentist is a blessing.

And a free trip to the dentist is
what children between ages 4 and 12
are getting from dental students in
a program called the Saturday
Morning Clinic for indigent

Describing the criterion for ad-
mission to the clinic, Lynn l'en-
nington, vice president of I'K‘s
chapter of the American Dental
Students Association i.-\l)S.-\t. said,
“It‘s how you look at the word ‘in-

“Most of the students and i look on
them as kids of parents who can‘t
afford dental care for their kids, '
said the third-year dental student.
ADSA sponsors the program.

The children come from rural
areas in eastern and northern
Kentucky as well as from Fayette
(‘ounty. 'l‘heir registration and
transportation to the clinic is
managed by church groups and
health organizations. Pennington

Held “ideally” twice a month. the
clinics begin at 8:30 a m. with a 30-
minutc orientation session. Pen-
nington said the children are each
given a home care dental kit, which
contains a toothbrush. toothpaste,
mirror, dental floss and disclosing
tablets. The kids are also shown
good dental care habits.

After orientation, first- and
second-year dental students clean
the children‘s teeth, take x-rays and
give them fluoride treatments.

Then “restorative needs“ are
treated by third- and fourth-year
students; for example, they fill
cavities. install crowns and perform

treatments “simple and complex,"
Pennington said.

The clinic tries to stress
preventive dentistry; Pennington
said he sees the importance of the
clinic as not only correcting the
indigent child’s current dental
problems but as a way to insure good
dental habits in the children in the
future. "When they gctolder, they‘ll
have good dentition,“ he said.

Pennington, who grew up in rural
Kentucky, said he can appreciate
the importance of having access to
dental care. When he graduates. he
said he plans to take his practice
hack to a rural area, feeling that his
skills are badly needed there.

Southern Africa

Pennington calls the clinic a
learning experience for the students
who participate, especially in terms
of “child management."

“it takes a number of years of
training and experience" to master
working on children, Pennington
said, because of their natural
restlessness and fear of the un-

Besides the free labor, equipment
is donated by the faculty and College
of Dentistry. And every year, UK’s
chapter of ADSA holds a “Monte
Carlo" auction. They solicit local
business people for merchandise to
sell in order to raise money for the
clinic, Pennington said.

Panel discussion convenes today at SC

Kernel Reporter

The Cosmopolitan Club is spon-
soring a panel discussion on
southern Africa todayatilrls pm. in
the President‘s Room of the Student

The southern Africa question is
one “we have heard about in the
press. but no local group has taken
the time to discuss the issues," said
Jim Oma tseye. presidentofthe club.
He went on to describe the various
issues that would be taken into
consideration by the panelists.

Dr. Raymond Betts of the UK
history department will give a brief
opening statement on recent
historical perspectives concerning
the region. Betts will give a general
historical review, but will not dwell
on colonialism.

Karen Mingst. a UK professor in
the political science department,
will discuss current economic
issues. She will also make comments

on the social development of the

Professor Maurice East of the
Patterson school of Diplomacy will
focus his opening remarks on the
diplomatic maneuvers of the major
powers in southern Africa.

Dr. Stephen Vasek, a UK law
professor, will discuss legal
questions in need of resolution in the
area of southern Africa. Vasek is a
specialist in international law.

Robert Kambarami, a graduate
student in political science and
public administration at Eastern
Kentucky University. will round out
the panel of experts. He will share
his impressions as a native
Rhodesian of the events trampiring
in southern Africa.

After the opening presentations, 8
panel of local journalists will
question the experts.

The general public will also have
an opportunity to question the panel
of experts.

see the handwriting on

Graphoanalysis is the scientific
system of identifying and assessing
character and personality of an
individual through the study of
handwriting. Companies as varied
as Southern Bell, IBM and Standard
Oil of California use handwriting
analysis—not to mention the CIA
and FBI.

Underwood refused to say what
companies in Lexington use her
services. “It's confidential," she
said with a smile. “But some good-
sized corporations do use it. I have
at least 150 clients a year.”

Is there any ethical dilemma in
using handwriting analysis?

“Studies have shown it to be 88 per
cent accurate,” she said. “That’s a
higher percentage than any other
behavioral science. This is the one
tool which can be used which does
not discriminate—I don’t know if
you're black or white, rich or poor
when i look at handwriting. I can’t
even tell your sex."

But, Underwood said, she can tell
whether one is liberal or con-
servative, extravagant or stingy,
and many other things.

“I use it every day (outside of
business)," she said.

What did she use it for today?

Underwood leaned back in her
chair and laughed. “I wouldn‘t want
to tell you," she said. “But I can tell
whether someone is honest or
whether they would doublecross

his performance.






Carter’s writing indicates that he is very responsive
to people. He has a great deal of pride in doing a good
job and he is certainly sensitive to what others think of

His writing slants to the right which shows his
ability to strike rapport with most people. He has deep
and long-lasting feelings which cause good or bad
experiences to remain with him for a long period of

Learning comes easy a nd without much effort on his
part. He is a thorough and direct planner who uses
analytical thinking in problem-301v ing. He makes
decisions only after his mind determines if is safe to do

The above analysis was based on the principles of

but what do you think they did? I
would say that at one time, the CIA
was responsible for more of the
world heroin traffic than anyone in
the world, save the French,” Osborn

Osborn worked during his term as
an operative with the Phoenix
project. Phoenix was a massive
operation carried out throughout
Southeast Asia during the war. It
involved the identification and “neu-
tralization" of enemy elements in

Osborn’s work included the re-
cruitment of agents to infiltrate and
identify groups and individuals as
being sympathetic to the commun-
ists. These suspected enemies were
then reported to the higher-ups in
the CIA organization and subse-
quently “neutralized."

Osborn discussed many other
covert operations and programs in
which the CIA has been involved.
The picture he paints of a govern-
ment which relies on secrecy and
underhanded operations both at
home and abroad is not a pretty one.
Furthermore, he stated categorical-
ly that it is “not possible" to bring
the CIA under control.

Underwood has studied the sub-
ject since 1969. She is a certified
graduate of the country’s major
school of Graphoa naIysis a nd ‘ ‘holds
the equivalent of a master’s degree
in it,” she said. She attends a
seminar in Chicago every summer
to learn more about the subject.

“We use ms for hiring personnel,
for seeing if a person is a credit risk,
for vocational guidance, and for
counseling," she said.

“The coming thing is for hand-
writing analysis to be used in jury
selection," she said. “It was used in
the Angela Davis trial”

Although she has analyzed many
people’s handwriting, not many
stand out in her memory. “John
Kennedy‘s handwriting was in-
teresting," she said. “It was
brilliant—he appeared in hand-
writing just as he did in person.”

“Napoleon’s handwriting was
fascinating, as was Hitler’s," she
said. “You can trace their emotions
after victories and defeats in their
signatures. Hitler’s handwriting
shows him to have been completely
removed from reality."

Underwood stressed the difficulty
of a good analysis. “We can‘t just
look at a few things and decide right
off," she said. “There are twenty
traits indicating dishonesty—I
would have to look through a good
bit d handwriting to see if four or
five of those showed up consistently
before i made my decision. This
must be done for every trait.

outlook on life.



. . . denounces (‘IA

He maintains, however, that some
things can be done to help prevent
CIA abuses.

“Keep informed,” Osborn sug-
gested. “The Congress, God love
’em, will only do what the American
people demand as far as any brave
acts go. Armed with facts, the
American people can keep on the
backs of the Congress to oversee the

“It comes down to the challenge of
1984: are we all going to be walking
around saying ‘whatever,’ or are
we going to be a responsible people
in command of our fate? "

the wall

A complete analysis would take
most of an afternoon and take a four
page typed report to explain," she

For instance, in a vocational
analysis, she searches for evidence
that the person would be happy in,
say, art. To see if the handwriting is.
“artistic,” she looks for five or six
traits like creativity, Showmanship,
and literary leanings. For evidence
of creativity, she looks for several
characteristics—fluidity, manual
dexterity, and whether the person is
a “cumulative thinker"—which can
be seen in the letters m, n, and r.

The quickest short guide to a
person, Underwood said, is the
signature, but it must to approached
with caution. “It is the trademark of
the individual," she said, “and it
may be completely different from
the body of the handwriting.”

Since the signature is a
“trademark," she said, occupations
are sometimes unconsciously
revealed in it. “I have a signature
from a bullfighter that clearly shows
a bull being impaled in the flourish,”
she said.

Sure enough, it did.

“JesseJa mes’ signature hasa gun
in it,” she said. “Many priests put
crosses in their names without
knowing abait it,"

Underwood, who teaches an adult
education class in “the basics," as
she put it, said “this is the way to
understand oneself ."

Ford‘s writing shows him to be friendly but quite
selective in his choice of friends. He doesn’t give up
easily. His persistence trait causes him to try and try
again. This trait of persistence is indicated in the
small extra loop in the bottom half of the“J." He has a
fight and never-say-die attitude.

He is a combined exploratory and analytical
thinker. He catches on quickly. He loves variety and a
changing routine. He has a great deal of physical
energy and likes a fast pace. He has an optimistic

The above analysis was based on the principles of








editorials 8: comments

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University

mm Aurora-l Ila-aging um I50:- W ‘

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Dick Gabriel “'W

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John Winn Miller Stave lalllnur Sta-art Inna-
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U.S., Vietnam must talk

Approximately 800 US. soldiers missing in
action linger as a nasty reminder of the war in
Southeast Asia. But so does the destruction
evident in Vietnam, united as one country more

than a year ago.

These facts now appear to be obstacles in the
path of the United States and Vietnam nor-

malizing their relations.

According to government sources, the US. and
Vietnam have agreed to open discussions aimed
at normalizing relations. No announcement has
been made concerning when and where the talks

will be conducted.

Secretary of State Henry Kissinger issued a

Ford, justifying his position on Vietnam’s
application, said Hanoi “has not been helpful” in
its responses to repeated U.S. requests for in-
formation. In addition, Ford termed Vietnam’s

release of the names of 12 MIA’s as “callous and


cruel,” and said a partial list was not satisfac-

In both cases— the US. announcing new plans

to normalize relations and the intention to veto
Vietnam’s U.N. application—political overtones
become an overriding theme. A negative U.S.
vote could have single-handedly blocked Viet-

nam’s request for membership. The US. is one

statement emphasizing that “an absolute

precondition of any normalization is a complete
accounting of all our missing in action.”

Vietnam, on the other hand, has linked sup-
plying full details about this country‘s MIA’s
with US. reconstruction aid, which the United
States pledged in the 1973 Paris agreement and
in a secret letter from then President Richard
Nixon. The United States has refused to provide
saying that no

reconstruction aid,
agreement was ever made.

US. MIA‘s also figured into President Ford’s
promise to veto Vietnam’s application for
membership into the United Nations in mid-
September. (The vote on Vietnam represen-
tation was eventually postponed.)


of five permanent members of the UN. Security
Council with this power.

And this week’s announcement on setting talks
with Vietnam also smacks of political overtones.
One week before the election Ford has managed
to bring up an issue which pulls on the heart
strings of many Americans.

The MIA’s remain a sad reminder of an era
everyone wants to forget. Instead of playing on
voters’ sympathies in a highly emotional issue,
the government should pursue an era of

cooperation with the Vietnamese. Reasonable

reconstruction aid for the country ravaged by
war in exchange for full disclosure of MIA’s
whereabouts would be an important first step,
but both countries must first come to the

negotiation table.




A different animal

Somthing should be done about
questionable journalists ravaging
the Kernel. They degrade service
organizations in a smear campaign
in order to make up for their own
lack of participation. 1 have
separated them, as any human
being can easily do. into basic group
categories. They are as follows:

Anti—Greek Allcn~usually writes
slurs against fraternities and
sororities. (.‘ommonly with a
destructive look in eyes: frequently
detected by a burned nose from
sticking it where it doesn‘t belong;
often found wearing tennis shoes and
blue jeans. Common quote: “So
what if it‘s not true, it's a story."
Mating season: Whenever they can
get it.

(‘hauvinistic (‘harliewfound
anywhere except where they
belongflin the gutter; Dress:a pious
mask with a cloak of selfrighteous-
ness; Common characteristics: flat
head and lack of functioning of
upper headquarters. Often seen
herding with the Anti—Greek Allen
strain. Quote: “Girls exhibit cease
less movement of the rear hind-

Communist Party deserves political rights, but


The Young Socialist Alliance in
representing the Socialist Workers
Presidential campaign has
contrasted our platform with others,
particularly (‘arter and Ford and to
an extent the McCarthy Campaign.
We are going to continue today with
the Communist Party (CP) cam-
paign of Gus Hall and Jarvis Tyner,
anaher campaign that claims to




offer an alternative to Ford and

We should say from the outset we
fully defend the right of the Com-
munist Party to be on the ballot and
to have an equal opportunity to
present its views. We condemn the
undemocratic elections laws they
and all campaigns in opposition to
the Democrats and Republicans
have to combat. We also condemn
the illegal harassment the Com-
munist Party and its members have
faced at the hands of the FBI and

quarters.“ Mating: If they can get

Jock Jealous Jack—most usually
seen observing athletes; rarely

observed without flocks of
Chauvinistic Charlie. Charac-
teristics: green eyes with short

sight. Quote: “What does an athlete
have thatl don't, except an enlarged
chest and head?“ Mating season: In
between passes.

The Poor Journalist—travels
alone in a swift headlong position.
Doesn't think before writing.
Travels alone because good jour-
nalists don‘t want to be associated
with this species. Thereafter found
in bathrooms getting information for
his next column from the writings in
the stalls. Characteristics: a big foot
stuck in an even bigger mouth.
Quote: excerpts from “Strange
Animals" by our prime example of
all categories, Hugh J. Findlay.
Mating season: debatable issue.

There they are, weird as hell.
Beware of their destructive ten-
dencies. Something should be done
about them. but the only thing I can
think of is to laugh and laugh and

Stella l). Goddard

Zeta Tau Alpha member

(‘IA and call for its immediate end.
But because we defend their
political rights doesn't mean we
agree with their campaign. In fact,
we have serious differences with it.
It should be stated that this article is
based on Communist campaign
literature distributed on campus and
we assume it contains information
considered important by them.

One of the most glaring dif-
ferences is that we defend
democratic rights of Russian
workers, peasants and intellectuals
and the rights of all nationalities
within the Soviet Union to self-
determination. We call for
democratic workers control of the
Soviet Union and the other workers‘
states rather than the bureaucratic
domination they now face. The
Communist Party, USA, is explicit
in the denial of democratic political
rights to Soviet citizens.

In the US. campaign, the Com-
munist Party campaigns for peace,
jobs, and an end to racism: points
which almost everyone would
verbally agree. These themes are a


Hugh J. Findlay made a slight
oversight in his “Strange Animals”
article of last Thursday. He failed to
tell us about the student who is an
aspiring young journalist who had
taken it upon himself to tell us all
about our faults. This “animal” is
called the junior cynic.

The junior cynic is a highly in-
dependent creature. He remains
aloof from all groups, maintaining
his struggle to forge his own way. He
thinks he sees different groups
(jocks, frats, sororities) in a more
objective manner, because, as an
outsider, he is not influenced by
loyalty, or other such trivialities. Of
course, the fact that all these
group's faults serve to increase his
own estimate of himself is a mere
matter of circumstance.

The best words I could find for
Junior were penned by Oscar Wilde,
who said the cycnic was “a man who
knows the price of everything, and
the value of nothing." Turn-about is
fair play, Mr. Findlay.

Henry (‘hristman
Accounting junior

major part of the Communist
Party’s platform, but on the con-
crete level of today‘s struggles they
have little to say. For example,
while calling for an end to racism,
the literature distributed on campus
said little about busing for school
desegregation. Major portions of the
Socialist Workers campaign calls
directly for a defense of the gains
made thmugh busing.

The major statement in the
material called for racism to be
outlawed with criminal penalties
imposed. On the surface this might
sound good but unfortunately, ex-
perience has shown that in a system
based on inequality, laws outlawing
political groups or ideas are turned
against the oppressed and not the
oppressors. We dm‘t need to ask this
racist govemment to pass laws
against racism, we need to move to
replace the racist system itself.

This is not to say that the program
called the “fighting program"
doesn‘t have good points such as the
call for a national health plan, more
jobs provided by a 30-hour week for



E .



a: "that: m

Majority rule defines legitimacy


As an adjunct to Dick Downey’s
recent column concerning the
legitimacy of governments, I would
like to propose another measure of
legitimacy—majority rule—which
perhaps defines legitimacy more




completely in both national and
international contexts. As a con-
venient example, let’s look at
Rhodesia, whose governmental
legitimacy Dick Downey quite
correctly qustions on a national
level. But the Rhodesian situation
has even greater implications on an
international level, which directly
concern the legitimacy of our own

In recent history, too many
democratic regimes-and prin-

'cipally our own—have either in-

stalled or supported repressive
dictatorships elsewhere in the
world. Thus we, as democratic
citizens, should be enthralled to
learn that finally our government,
representing the “world’s greatest
democracy," has actively sponsored
the establishment of majority rule,
the legitimate foundation of any and
all democraties, in Rhodesia.

And yet to many of us, the nagging
thought remains that perhaps this is
simply another example of doing
“too little and too late”—“too little"
because the many imposed con-
ditions severely restrict the
potential democratic impact in this
upcoming transitional phase; “too
late” because the repressive
government of Ian Smith has

40 hours pay,
Puerto Rico.

There is another point with which
we agree,calling for equal pay for
equal work and strong affirmative
action for women. It's interesting
that the Communist Party includes
this, because the Equal Rights
Amendment is opposed by the
Communist Party. The SWP not
only supports the ERA on paper, but
is helping build large coalitions to
fight for it. The SWP helped to
mobilize thousands of people in
street demonstrations for the rights
of 52 per cent of the population.

independence for

The rightof women to control their
own bodies and choose abortion is
under attack by the ruling parties.
There was not one mention of it in
the CP platform, nor was there
mention of the need for massive
funds for day care centers for
working women with children.

While the platform correctly
points out that America’s rulers use
racisn to divide working people by
pitting themselves against each
other to get measley wages, they fail

deprived the black population of the
wide-scale political formation
necessary to ensure their future
competence in administering the

Although this fragile accord
marks a decisive step forward in the
history of southem Africa, we
cannot understand its significance
solely in terms of the struggle of
Rhodesian blacks on a national
scale. This newly won right can only
be understood in the context of the
absurdities of white colonial
domination, the recently acquired
independence in Mozambique and
Angola, and finally, the racial riots

in South Africa.
The “domino theory” is once

again applicable to a geopolitical
situation, as it has been and will be
each time one people vainly at-
tempts to maintain its anachronistic
domination over another people, as
is also the case with white minority
rule in South Africa. Why Rhodesia
and not (yet) South Africa? The
reason is simple—the rapport of
forces is in South Africa’s favor,
both demographically and
economically. In this case, it is
certainly not so much a question of
“loss of legitimacy" as it is a
quation of “Realpolitik.”

Yet Africans are not the only
people who have seen their
legitimate right to majority rule
trampled on by democratic nations.
Mr. Henry Kissinger, who so
benevolently conferred majority
rule upon Rhodesians, not so long
ago said majority rule should not
bring the Communist Party to power
in Italy. And three years ago now, he
and the US. government imposed a

military junta upon the Chilean
people which has seen its base of
support rapidly dwindle. And nine
years before that, the State
Department installed the Brazilian

Among the other numerous
examples, let me just mention
Portugal, Spain, Greece, Indonesia
and the Philippines. At what point
does this infringement upon the
democratic rights of other nations
cease to be simply the exception and
become the rule?

The legitimacy of any
“democracy" which consistently
denies others their right to majority
rule is torbe questioned on far vaster
grounds than simply national
political ones, for the dilemma
transcends a particular political
conjuncture to become a structural
indictment of that society.

Imposing the right toa democratic
alternative upon Rhodesia is cer-
tainly a positive step, but it must be
immediately qualified as only a
meager one indeed, since this and
other democratic rights cannot be
ensured unless they are respected
everywhere by those who claim to
possess them at home.

And if this is the case, then
whether it is Jimmy Carter or Jerry
Ford who becomes President has
very little bearing on how legitimate
our claim to democracy actually is.
since neither candidate has offered
significant evidence of planning to
modify the major axes of our
foreign policy to coincide with other
nations’ right to majority rule.


Jim Leggett is a medical student.

not electorate support

to point out sexism does the same
thing. By paying national minorities
and women less, the ruling cor-
porations pay all workers less. The
working class will not be united by
giving in to sexist prejudes but by
suppa‘ting women in their fight for
full equality.

Finally, a major theme of the Hall-
Tyner campaign is that they are a
peace party and they explain that
this meals detente with the Soviet
Union. Unfortunately, this means
rather than organizing working
people to disarm one of the most
brutal ruling classes of all time, they
postpone building an independent
movement and tie their movement
to the liberal wing of the ruling class
and its military machine.

Long ago the leaders of the
movement for socialism realized
that, as long as imperialism existed,
it would use its armies to exploit the
world. The only way to end this
threat was to replace the capitalist
war-making system with one that
has no interest in policing the

In their entire program the
Communist Party does not call for
the movement that could carry out
the program for peace, jobs, and an
end to racism and sexism. Instead
they call for a hazy ‘peoples’
movement that would tie the labor,
Black, and Women’s movement to
“progressive” pro-detente, liberal
capitalists, responsible for the wars
and (ppmsion the American people

This our fundamental dif-
feraroe. The socialist campaign
calls for the independent political
power of working people to bring
worker’s democracy to the worker’s
states. We say a democratic
worker’s government will be
necessary to resolve our problems
as working people, women, and
natimal minorities, and we support
their independent movements now.
If you agree, vote Socialist Works-s
Nov. 2 and think about joining us to
help build a socialist society.



m. article was submitted by
Bronson Rotter on behalf of the
Young Socialst Allance.

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'I‘HE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday. Ht‘tnllt'l :l., limp. :5


news briefs




Ford blitzkriegs; Carter prepares drive

(AP) -— President Ford,
stressing economic themes in
his last pre-election visit to
California and other crucial
Western states, promised
Monday to hold down federal
spending because it contri-
butes to inflation that is “just
another high tax.”

He also declared, during a
visit to Seattle, a city troubled
by high unemployment, that
his recent proposal to require
aircraft noise reduction
would result in 250,000 new
jobs for the aircraft construc-
tion industry.

In Plains, Ga., Democrat
Jimmy Carter made prepara-
tions for his own coast-to
coast trip that will keep him
moving in search of votes
until the eve of the election
showdown with Ford on Nov.

Aides to Carter said the
Democratic nominee would
issue a statement on the
environment before his
scheduled departure for
South Carolina and Illinois
Tuesday morning.

He will visit eight states,
including six of the largest
where strategists for both
campaigns believe the elec-
tion may be decided. Polls
show Carter slightly ahead,

slightly behind or running
neck-and-neck with Ford in
these areas.

These include California,
New York, Illinois, Ohio,
Pennsylvania and Texas.
Ford is covering much of the
same ground on a campaign-
closing barnstorming tour
which — like Carter‘s ~~ is

accompanied by a media blitz
of radio and television ap-

Ford, touring California on
Sunday, appeared on state-
wide television in a campaign
sponsored “interview“ with
sports broadcaster