xt7w6m335c9x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w6m335c9x/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1953-05-11 minutes 2004ua061 English Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 11, 1953 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 11, 1953 1953 1953-05-11 2020 true xt7w6m335c9x section xt7w6m335c9x mnmwm.mrn.m 1013 The University Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall, Monday. May 11. 1953 at 3:00 p.m.. C.S.T. In the absence of President Donovan, Vice President Leo M. Chamberlain presided. Members absent were C. A. Anderson, H. W. Beers. H. H. Downing, Merton England, Carsie Hammonds. Fred Harris, Sarah B. Holmes‘. George Lawson. W. L. Matthews, Jr., L. E. Meece‘. D. Me Seath, A. E. Slesser, Lawrence Thompson, Kenneth Vanlandingham, Frank J. Welch. and ff H. E. wetzel". f | The minutes of April 6. 1953 were read and approved. Acting Associate Dean Steele presented for the College of Agriculture and . Home Economics a recommendation for a new course and certain course changes i which were approved by the Faculty as follows: New Course Agricultural Extension 1018 Principles 2:.Agricultural Extension (3) Philosophy. history and development of Agricultural Extension: eval- I . uation of instructional techniques; leadership training; and practice 1‘3 I in use of Extension methods. Three lectures per week. Open to juniors. seniors and graduate students. (Effective September, 1953) $ 1. I { Course 33.229DrOpped (Effective September, 1953) 1 r :‘gl Agricultural Extension 101, Methods in Agricultural Extension (1) ll” E ? (Note: Agricultural Extension 101, Principles of lmjl, Agricultural Extension. 3 credits is designed to fill F : a pressing professional need for those planning to engage_in Agricultural Extension. It will also be ‘;M useful to others interested in problems of rural ‘jh leadership.) ‘ ‘ Change 35 Credit i C [ Change Animal Industry 128. Technical Control of Dairy Products, ' from three credits to four credits by the addition of a lecture ‘IEI period. The catalog description will be changed only to that extent, as follows: ‘ An Ind 128. Technical Control of Dairy Products (4) Various chemical and bacteriological tests used in f the control of production or processing of dairy products. Offered! in 1954-55 and alternate years. _ Lecture, 1 hour; lab, six hours. Prerequisite: ’ An Ind 21. 123. 124. I Dean Slone presented for the College of Pharmacy 3 recommendation that the : requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy be modified so that the total credit required would be 133 semester hours exclusive of military . science and physical education. The University Faculty approved the recommenda- I tion from the College of Pharmacy. l . ‘I‘g‘ Dr. William 5. Ward read a report from the Committee on Planning and Policy ‘ as follows: The Committee on Policy and Planning has made a preliminary examination of academic practices in several state universities ‘Absence explained 1014 Minutes gilthe UniVBrsitv Facultg. May ll, lflfifi and is of the Opinion that the minimum requirements for academic success in the University of Kentucky are too low. not only ideally but in comparison with the majority of schools of comparable classification whose practices have been studied. The Committee moves. therefore, that the Chairman of this Faculty appoint a committee to study the whole matter of minimum requirements for academic success in the University of Kentucky. As a result of its inquiries into practices here and , elsewhere the Committee suggests that among other aSpects of the matter the special committee study the following: 1) The wisdom of requiring a minimum point standing in addition to the present requirement of merely making a passing grade in threecfourths of the normal load required by the various colleges. It is suggested that a graduated standing which ranges upward through the freshman, sophomore. and junior-senior years be considered. 2) The wisdom of modifying the present point system so that the grades of D and E are given different values, such as A equals 4, B equals 3. C equals 2. D equals l° E equals 0; or A equals 3, B equals 2. C equals l,'D equals 0, E equals «1. One advantage of suchexmodification would be that an E would cease to be a more attractive grade (under certain circumstances) than a D. 3) The wisdom of calculating standings for graduation on the basis of all work attempted instead of on that portion of the work offered for graduation. (The committee understands that at present one method of computing standings is employed when a student wishes to join an ‘ organization. a more lenient one when he wishes to graduate.) 4) The wisdom of having the probation and suspension regulations placed on an automatic basis (rather than on a permissive basis. as at present) with the Committee on Scholarship and Attendance empowered to set the rule aside in such cases as may be deemed wise. The Committee Harold P. Adams W. P. Garrigus Sarah B. Holmes Gladys Kammerer Lawrence S. Thompson William 3. Ward, Chairman The University Faculty voted approval of the recommendations of the Committee on Planning and Policy. Dr. Scherago introduced Brigadier General Elbert DeCoursey. a member of the class of 1924. He stated that General DeCoursey who is the Director of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Washington. D. C. would speak that evening on "Ionizing Radiation Injury to the Reticulo—endothelial System." A}?—«n_w w ‘ ”’s‘. " 3" "‘ ” "K a. -. K a; “a a“ ”—‘K .f—x; AE:7H\4’“T-_—_ vfi »_ —-—_ -_ _;_7 A g“..— ___—_ a.“ wing’ ~ \, ""‘u 1,—— Dr. Chamberlain reported that President Donovan was improving rapidly and hoped to be able to return to the campus in the near future. The Faculty adjourned. ,s? or.“ ' x V 7 , H" I v . I”) I . . h I ,1 H“ 1'» i 1 fix”. ‘ x s»..3*f, ; v ‘ any“ _;3 / BIL. Tuthill Secretary Minutes g£_the University Faculty, June g, lgfi} Minutes g§_the University Faculty, Max ll; 1353 1015 The University Faculty met in special session in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall, Monday, June 2. 1953 at 9:00 a.m., C.S.T. In the absence of President Donovan‘ and Vice President Chamberlain“, Dr. A. D. Kirwan, Dean of Students, presided. Members absent were 3. S. Allen, Merl Baker‘, Charles Barkenbus. W. E. Beals, A. J. Brown, W. R. Brown, Louis Clifton, H. H, Downing, J, M. Edney, W. P. Garrigus, C. W. Hackensmith, J. P. Hammond, Carsie Hammonds, Fred Harris, C. K. Hoffman, Sarah B. Holmes. J. 5. Horine, Margaret Hotchkiss. J. E. Klinker, John T. Masten, W. L. Matthews, Jr.. L. E. Meece'. J. W. Miles, V. A. Musselman, V. E. Nelson, Paul Obe H. B. Price, D. M. Seath, A. E. Slesser, E. P. t, W. H. Pell, Frank D. Peterson. Slone, Charles E. Snow, Elvis Stahr, Jr., M. R. Sullivant H. S. Summers, William G. Survant, Lee H. Townsend, J. H. Ubben, James A. Ward, Frank J. Welch, He E. Wetzel‘, and Helen Wilmore. The minutes of May 11, 1953 were read and apprOVed. The Registrar presented the names of students who had completed all requirements for their degrees and the Faculty voted to recommend the persons named below to the Board of Trustees for the degrees indicated. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts Eleanor Cook Addams Mildred JoyCe Ahmann Patsy Elizabeth Bach Doreen Marie Banninger Herman Anderson Bays Carol Louise Bell Julia Ann Blood Naomi Ruth Browning Betty Saunders Buckley George Hunter Bush Claire Catherine Carlberg Annabel Dixon Caudill Michael Nicholas Cavaluzzi Bonnie Blanche Compton Norval Ray Copeland Dorothy Louise Daugherty Joseph Donald Daugherty John Ransford Davis. Jr. Clara Elizabeth Deon Kenneth Miracle Dix Richard Monroe Dorsey . . Absence explained Eugene Lewis DuBow Bobby Keith Ducker Elizabeth Buchanan Erdman Alva Doris Ethington Phyllis Ann Faulkner Robert Gale Felton Ann Thomas Florence Jess Lewis Gardner Charles William Garrity William Graham Glasscock Penrith Brine Goff Ralph Leon Goff Richard Alan Haas Joan Elliott Haffler Bessie Neal Hagar Joann Elizabeth Hagar James William Hancock Carl Compton Hoffman Paul Douglas Holleman Alcie Ann Howard Jeanne Hubbard