xt7w9g5gbz6t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w9g5gbz6t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19300721 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1930-07-aug21. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1930-07-aug21. 1930 2011 true xt7w9g5gbz6t section xt7w9g5gbz6t Minutes of the meeting of a special co.n-mittee of the Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky, on Thursday, August 21, 1930. The University of Kentucky held its first gr.-Auation exercises for summer school students at the close of t'he summer session on Friday, August 22, 1930. The chairman of the Executive Committee, Judge Stoll, designated the following committee to pass on the candidates: James Prrk. Louis Rillenmeyer, E. B. Webb. The Committee was called to meet on Thursday, Aug-ast 21, 1930 in the President's office at the University at 11:00 o'clock. Mr. Webb reported, but the other two members were unable to attend the meeting. In their absence, the Registrar, B. L. Gillis, and W. S.Ta-:lor, Director of the Summer Session, met with the Committee and passed a resolution approving the recommendation of the University Senate in which certain candidates were recommended for degrees. The following is 2. list of the candidates recommended by the University Senate and approved by the special committee. It is understood that this action is subject to confirma- tion of the Board of Trustees at its meeting in September. The following letter from the Secretary of the University Senate with the list of graduates is recorded in the minutes as follows: University of Kentucky Lexington August 21, 1930 President Prank L. McVey University of Kentuckcy My dear President McVey: I am attaching a list of persons who have satisfied the requirements for the degrees indicated and are recom- mended by the University Senate to the Board of Trustees. Very truly yours, Ezra L. Gillis Secretary of the Senate -2- CATDIDATES FOR DEGREES COLLEGES OF ARTS AND SCIETCES paul Prentice Boyd, Dean Candida~ts for the Degree of 3ac'nelor of Arts _,Ime Edith Alicia Allison Mary Gordon Alverson William. Andrew Bacon Sallie Mae Banta Virginia Reed Brosheer Ethel Buckner Etta Potter 3urch-el) Herman Tow Combs Kary Bruce Dailey Julius Ethelbert Dunn Douglas M1yron Durh;am Lulu Marie Emmert Thomas Frederick Farley Jnmes Allen Grider, Jr. B:eulah Marie Hess Sue Boardman Hopkins Grace Roth Johnson Lyda Anderso-i Kanvanaugh Martha Louise Milliken Dorot'h- Jordan Monroe Jack Otway Watkins Rash Engl i sh Hi st ory political Science Engli sh Journ.li sm Engl i sh Latin Art s-Yedicine Hi story Arts-Medicine Journali sm English Art s-Medi c ine Zo o0logy Hi story Romance Languages Ancient Languages psychology Economics Mathematics Zoology Amelia Clay VanMeter Rogers Education Marion Sands History Mav.rie Taylor English Elizaboth Trivette French Charlos William Wheeler Arts-Medicine Alice Gardner Whittinghill Arts-Medicine Paris Lexington Hi ckman pa ri s M.Siddle sboro 7rlanger Ma.nche ster ma1malena Lexington Corinth Columbia Le x ingt orn Xolden-, W. Va. Gatum, Canal Zone Central City Paris Lcxingt on Berea Paducah ColumbX-s, Ohio Hender son Lexington Columbus, Marion Jcnancy Lexington Hn z trd Ohio Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science George Hanna Prewitt Eustace Jarman York Anatomy and physiology Lexington Zoology Albany, I. y. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Thom-.s Poe Cooper, Dean Candidates for the Degee of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Henry Owen Brooicshire Jesse Logan Collins Irvine Hagin Croslboy Jack Kelley Paducah Fleming sburg Simrapso0nville Mu i r ay CANDIDATES FOP THE DEGREE OF BACB- ELO OF SCIENCE IN HOME ECONOMICS Name Marie Evelyn Bosley Eda Anna Herman Louisa Shepperd Holton Dorotha Lois Parsons Martha Clay Riggins Louise pratt Rogers Lenore 3lanche Thompson Margaret Ann Wyant Address Bowling Green Danville Big Stone Gap, Va. Smithland Har: odsburg Shelbyville Versailles Lexington COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Frederick Paul Anderson, Dean Candidate for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Sngineerin Harry Gibney Craft Clarksdale, Mississip-pi Candidate for the Dtfree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Howard Mercer Fitch Richard Peyton Howard Robert 'Kay Lewis James Frank Pettus Lexington Lexington Danville Stanford COLLEGE OF LAW Alvin E. E1vans, Dean Candidate for th;ne Degree of Bachelor of Laws Eldred E. Adams Clarence Ernest Barnes William H.=ubert Buckles Daniel I4ioseley wriffith, Jr. William Rogers Hodgen Harry Vernon McChesney, Jr. Stanley Powell Pa*h Albert Stevens Adams Corbin Newnort Owensboro Lebanon Fran kfort Lex ingt on Huntington, W7. Va. -4- COLLEGE OF EDUCATION William Septumus Taylor, Dean Candidates for the Dejree of Bachelor of Arts in Education Name Carrie Bell Adams Margery nenry Alexander Ruth Elizabeth Allen Elbert Edwin Bell Laura Smith Bogie Nell Edith 3oggs Charles Slaughter Brown Myrtle McClure Brown Minnie Katherine Cassell Henry Stanley Catron Lucile Crowell Chanslor Lelia Blanche Chatfield Naomi Sigel Claypool Hubert Anderson Cocanougher Vera Mary Cullen Mary Ellen Dearen Mary Virginia DeLong Thomas Heber Dunigan Velma Calhoun Elkzins Peeda Fae Fish Willie Kathryn Graddy Elizabeth Howell Griffy Wiley Jackson Hale Ellis Fond Hartford Charles Dudley Hilliard Bessie Horine Tlora BrYce Inman Alice Welch Jones Alice Eastland Lander Gladys Hancoc'L- Lutes Ida Fannye Mac1-ey Mary Virginia Marrs Alice Virginia Moss Edith Evelyn O'Dell Oberia O'Hara Renick Lucille Rosenberg Alva Burgess Snyder Herbert Byron Steely Katie Alice Te'han Ad Ray Thomas William Robert Tudor Marguerite Waggoner Th'omas Bruce Waters Alice Elizabetl Watikins Sarhk Edith Wilds Chester :aarl Wilkey Address Maysville Derita, N . C. Tampa, Florida Eminence Lexington Olive Hill Morgan Ash land Lexingt on Junction City L exi ngton Ashland Mo reh e ad .Perryville Milwaukee, Wisconsin Camnbe llsville Lexington Annville Ashland Some r set wensboro Lothair Athens, W. Va. Fordsville Obion, Tennessee Lexi ngton Williamsburg Springf'ie ld Danville Falmouth '7illiamsbuirg Lawr enceburg Amory, Mississippi Fordsville Lexi ngton Lexington Louis a Wi 1 l i am sb urg Louisville Wi 11 iamst own Paint Lick Grayson St. Paul Louisville Burgin Clay -5- COLLEGE OF COMMIERCE Edward Wiest, Dean Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Commerce Name Address Ryder Henry McNeal Louisville Richard Mayfield Williamsport,Tenn. William Forest Price Lexington Curtis B. Tarter Liberty Burke Claybrooke Turner Lexington Walter Dudley Vest Walton GRADUATE SCHOOL William Delbert Funkhouser,Dean Candidates for the Degree of Master of Arts Education --Herbert Woodson Crick psychology----Edith Goodwin Ford Education--Lucy Blakemore Gardner Commerce - James Philip Glenn Education-----John Wesley Graybeal Iducation---Harry Eugene Hendrick ducation David Moss Hilliard Education Orlando Earhai'dt Huggle Sociology-----Mary Katherine Jasper Education ----Leslie Phillip Jones Commerce-- Armon Jay Lawrence Sociology-----uladys Raymere McTlhorter Latin---------Mabel Kerr Marshall Romance Languages- Robert Jefferson Phillips listory-------Elizabeth Woolfolk Pinkerton EducationE---Ellis Marion Reeves Education-- --Frank Dudley Scott Education---Oma Smith Soper Zoology----B-Barney Lorraine W7atson Education-----Robert Farrington Wiley Ce.ndidates for the Degree of Master of Science ___~ .__ __ -_ _ __ _ ______ physics -- Bertrand Pettus Ramsay Geology -------Bennett Toy Sandefur -6- Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science in Azriculture Animal Industry William Jefferson Harris Agronomy- ------ Clair Smith Waltman Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science in Home Economics MYrgaret Howard Faulconer Respectfully submitted Wellington Pa'.trick, Secretary Board of Trustees