xt7w9g5gc00c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w9g5gc00c/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1880068 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1880-06-jun8-ku. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1880-06-jun8-ku. 1880 2011 true xt7w9g5gc00c section xt7w9g5gc00c 416 Morrison College, Kentucky University, Lexington, Kentucky, June 8th, 1880. Meeting of June 8, 1880. The Board of Curators met in regular annual Session this day President Sweeney in the Chair, when the following curators answeredto their names: R. M. Bishop, D. S. Goodloe, W. T. Withers, Jno. Shackelford, Horace Miller, A. M. barnes, R. X. Gano, Samuel Coleman, Tas. M. Graves, T. A. Crenshaw, Jno. K. Viallace, Robt. McMichael, John L. Cassell. A quorum being present after Prayer by Elder Gano the Board pro ceeded to business when Curator Tibbs and Ricketts came in also Curator Munnell. Report of the President. Em l~i~al Report of Theasurer. Report of the Exec. Com. Motion to adopt. Modification of the same. President White now read his report and also the report of Professor Allen of the primary department. President White also presented the report of the Commercial College. Which reports were received and filed. President White in the absence of the Treasurer now read his report. Curator Withers now moved that the report be approved by the board of Curators which motion was adopted. Curator Zinnaird entered the room while these proceedings were took his seat. Curator Tibbs now read the report of the Executive Committee. Curator Bishop moved the adoption of the report. Curator Ricketts moved that the last meeting, of the Executive mittee be not accepted which was adopted and the report of the executive Committee including the election of President Loos and Professor lMyers was included. The ayes and noes being called for the election of President (417) and Professor resulted as follows. Those voting in the affirmative were: R. MI. Bishop D. S. Goodloe Horace Miller 'U. E. Rogers J. G. Kinnaird A. LM. Barnes R. M. Gano Sam'l Coleman W. T. Tibbs Tho. munnell Jno. S. Sweeney J. M. draves T. A. Urenshaw R. M. Mc Michael W. C. Ricketts G. 'i. Givens twenty-one in the affirmative Wlill Mitchell Jno. B. Willace. Ino. L. Cassell Jas. L. Neale W. T. W.Jithers Negative Jno. Shackelford. Salaries. Report called for on the finances. Issuing of Bonds &c. (418) Whether the endow- ment Fund can be borrowed for paying indebtness. On motion of the subject of the salaries be referred to the executive Committee. On motion of T. U-. Kaird the executive Committee be requested to make a report upon the whole financial condition of the Kentucky Uni- versity adopted. On motion of Curator Munnell that a Committee be appointed to this Board the propriety of issuing Bonds and funding the debt of the University at a lower rate of interest adopted. 'When D. S. Goodloe, Will Mitchell and Thomas Munnell were appointed Curator dithers offered the following Resolved that a Committee of three be appointed to examine the Charter and ascertain and report to the Board whether the Board of Curators can use or borrow the endowment fund or any part of it for the purpose of paying off the indebtness of the University to the Northern Bank secured by mortgage on the Ashland and Woodland estate. 'Which resolution was adopted andl Withers, Bishop and Kinnaird were adopted. Adjourned until tomorrow morning 9 o'clock. Wednesday Liorning, June 9th. Session of June 8th, 1880. Report Exec. Com. adopted in part. Leave of absence granted to Prof. milligan. Matriculation fee reduced. The Board met pursuant to adjournment after prayer by Elder Munnell Minutes read and corrected as follows that Curator Withers moved that the last meeting of the executive Committee be now adopted which motion was adopted. The Minutes were then approved. Curator Tibbs offered the following resolution Resolved that Professor A. R. Milligan be granted leave of absence during the early part of the next session of the University to complete his trip to Europe on condition that his place be supplied at his expense with the concurrence of the Executive Committee - adopted. On motion of Curator Munnell the matriculation fee be reduced to ten dollars. Which motion was adopted. 417. (Contd.)