xt7w9g5gc13p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w9g5gc13p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) Sports Exclusive Publishing Co. 1975 athletic publications English Sports Exclusive Publishing Co. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Tip-Off media guides University of Kentucky Men's Basketball (1974-1975) coaches Hall, Joe B. staff assistant Tip-Off: Featuring Kentucky Wildcats, 1974-1975 text Tip-Off: Featuring Kentucky Wildcats, 1974-1975 1975 2012 true xt7w9g5gc13p section xt7w9g5gc13p Untvmrw Awww
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Featuring »» 1974 -75
Presented by
First Security National Bank
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This book contains a preview of the 1974-75 i
University of Kentucky basketball team plus Q
other information and pictures pertaining to the -
athletic program at Kentucky. p'
Also included is the complete SEC basketball c - *
schedule, the WKYT, Channel 27, NCAA TV K ,
schedule, the 1974-75 SEC forecast and ,_,,,.,- i
TlP-OFF’s top five candidates for ALL-SEC and
All-Rookie team. AK ___° `
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Nov. 25 Athletes in Action Lexington 7:30 CDT
Nov. 30 Northwestern Lexington 7:30 CDT
Dec. 2 Miami (O.) Oxford 7:30 EDT
Dec. 7 Indiana Bloomington 4:05 CDT
Dec. 9 North Carolina Louisville 7:30 CDT
Dec. 20 UKIT: Villanova, Washington State, 7:30 and
Dec. 21 Oklahoma State Lexington 9:30 CDT
Dec. 23 Kansas Louisville 7:30 CDT
Dec. 28 Notre Dame Louisville 7:30 CDT
Jan. 4 Louisiana State Lexington 7:30 CDT
Jan. 6 Georgia Athens 8:00 EDT
Jan. 11 Auburn Aubum 2:00 CDT
Jan. 13 Tennessee Lexington 7:30 CDT `
Jan. 18 Mississippi (TV) Oxford 2:00 CDT .
Jan. 20 Alabama Lexington 7:30 CDT
Jan. 25 Florida Lexington 7:30 CDT _
Jan. 27 Vanderbilt Nashville 7:30 CDT ’
Feb. 1 Mississippi State Lexington 7:30 CDT A
Feb. 3 Louisiana State Baton Rouge 7:30 CDT
Feb. 8 Georgia Lexington 7:30 CDT
Feb. 10 Aubum Lexington 7:30 CDT
Feb. 15 Tennessee Knoxville 8:02 EDT
Feb. 17 Mississippi Lexinagton 7:30 CDT
Feb. 22 Alabama (TV) 'I‘usc oosa 2:00 CDT
Feb. 24 Florida Gainesville 7:30 EDT
Mar. 1 Vanderbilt (TV) Lexington 2:00 CDT
Mar. 8 Mississippi State Starkville 2:00 CDT
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606 S. Broadway S. Ashland at Euclid
For Pick Up Phone 255-5525
Basketball, horse racing, and tobacco are all
cornerstones in the cultural tradition of the
Commonwealth of Kentucky. It's difficult to say
which one is deemed the most significiant, but all '
are considered to be inexpendable. That is why
basketball at the University of Kentucky is not just
a game, it is a way of life. The sport is revered by
Kentuckians as something extra special.
The responsibility of perpetuating this
seemingly irreversible basketball trend at U.K.
belongs to Joe B. Hall. Joe was sworn in as the
head coach of the Wildcats in 1972, succeeding
the fabled Adolf Rupp and being surrounded by
Rupp’s ever-present legend. So often a coaching
transition of this type is not as silky smooth as it
was intended to be. Many a coach has met failure
when he could not reach the high standards set by
a high and mighty predecessor. This is not so for
Joe Hall.
As Hall began competing in the S.E.C., he
found a vastly improved league in which lower
division teams could not be taken lightly, as had
been the case in previous years. Joe’s first
Wildcat entry of 1972-73 carried the Big Blue
banner to the S.E.C. pinnacle. It was a season
with many trying moments and with a painfully
slow start, but Hall patiently rounded his team
into championship style. Hall was voted by his
fellow coaches in the league as the S.E.C. Coach
of the Year, the only rookie coach ever so
honored. Last year’s squad never realized
= contender status but the 1974-75 team is again
regarded as a threat for the S.E.C. flag.
Joe Hall is a gentleman on and off the court. He
personifies decency, and he has the respect of his
own men as well as his opponents. With his high
level of character, intelligence, and ability as a
coach, he will continue to achieve excellence for
Kentucky basketball.
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University of Kentucky
Bank of Williamsburg
· Member F.D.l.C.
Williamsburg, Kentucky 40769
Phone 549-3520
A quick look back at the performance of the
Kentucky Wildcats last year uncovers an at ical
year for the Big Blue, a season that could) be
described as mediocre at best. But that was last
year. This season the Cats are back on the prowl,
_ hungrier than ever, and heavily stocked with
tallented personnel.
All-American Kevin Grevey returns at forward
where he has been a pillar of strength for two
years. Bob Guyette, Merion Haskins, and
freshman Jack Givens are hammering for the
starting nod at the other forward none of which
has the job nailed down at this point. In the back
. court Jimmy Dan Conner will be a steadying force
at one guard while the race between Mike Flynn
· and Larry Johnson to see who starts opposite
Conner is so close that Joe Hall may have to toss
i the coin. The most encouraging news is at center
f where either Mike Phillips or Rick Robey will fill
the vacuum. Both these brawny lads are
? freshman, but Hall feels they represent immediate
§ advancement to title contention. Others who will
V likely play key roles as substitutes are G. J.
Smith, Jerry Hale, James Lee, Ernie VVhitus, and
; Joey Holland.
From the incoming freshman class the Cats will
; receive a more effective center, plus a ’
substantially bettered quality of the reserve
· platoon. Kentucky will be a stonger rebounding
team than last year’s squad and will have _
significantly more offensive fire power. Just how ,
well the Cats do may depend upon how rapidly the ·
key freshmen develop into S.E.C. quality players. _
g With the abundance of tallent at hand, the Cats
E could return to their familiar position atop the l
s.E.c. GO Bio BLUE! *
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