xt7w9g5gc148 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w9g5gc148/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1960 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 31, 1960 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 31, 1960 1960 2012 true xt7w9g5gc148 section xt7w9g5gc148 YEAH — M E AMB
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§ `“:;‘’ ’‘;‘` " p Q by rtw t~M~·
‘ Deans
. Professors
i :\ssoci;tlt· l’it
i Assistant l’rt
Q y i _ A `-` A lll\ll`llllUl\
_. REPORT TO THE ALUMNI 8.’r1rt· l’.\'l'lil
_ l)ll’l.()\l.\(
‘ J. (loininertc v
ii; t i . tember, 1958
A University is a dynamic institution 2.COI.DSTR1£.-\M lf .·\ R NI , Z1 l`iC11 ' otlering snr!
. and changes and innovations should Bluegrass farm of 1,067 acres, was ¤ , States,
F always be taking place. However, there purchased for an experimental farm 9 Tl y PR ) _
z ` seem to be certain periods when even for the College of Agriculture in E _ ('
Q, more activity than is normally true is 1957. The addition of this farm has _‘ iLi\_5l()
» underway, The period from Septem- enabled the College of .»\griculture lq“g*uH’°d
g· ber, 1956, to the present; seems to be to increase the allocations for the 4 ifilflj]" (°"‘_°
such a period of time. It is impossible various departments as follows; Misilglluinlu
E to list all of the changes which have .·\gronomy`s acreage has increased 7* glehlim UH"
_. occurred and the new programs under- in the l)2lS[ five years from 85 to ` * icmlh
r, way, but the following will serve as 190.2. Animal Pathology now has 10. The Rl·jSl·Q‘
if _ ~ examples 0f the manner 111 which th€ l40.9 \\'l1Cl`€IlS in 1952 it l`t2l(l Ullly :;_ cum l{l.;N·\·[t(;K\‘ IAIIXIE y{[~ the Vnirerci
y University of Kentucky has moved for- 7.5 acres. Beef cattle acreage has mh C_,,,r,li$],,.,] 2,, \\·,,\.,.r;,,,,; rate. ilihrrn
I ward in the past four years. increased from 120 to 820.8, while (hir wm. h,,m,._ l,,,,,,,.,r ,, search l·`r»nn
' • ` l)airy has increased from 105 to 699 Higrm. Mm R,mr_ '[hie H tlepartnrermr
y ` _ l."1`he MEDICAL CENTER, includ- acres. Entomology which had no api"., with thc mlm,. m,,_,,_ contracts ;n·
Q ing the Colleges of Medicine, Den- acreage in 1952 now has 25 acres, mc ?,u“Pm_ \`.ill ,.,mm,. ,r,. 500.000 for
A tistry, and Nursing, and the Uni- Forestry research land has increased \.,.,.`i,\. r),.m.,. U, [umu he ry l10\v in pro;
_ _; versity Teaching Hospital, has from 4.7 acres to 204.7, while Horti- M lhé l)1.mc(.,m. Ur \.,Il,,,,r,], _ y
i f i reached the stage in its develop- culture has moved from 23.7 to 64.7 or l,iSm,.i(.ul \,;,lUC_ H‘i1h° UDIY
, . ment where the first class of medical acres. In this hve year period Swine f““`° %""‘f`1¤
; students began their work in Sep- acreage has increased from 23 to ·l. ()l·`l·`-(i.·\Ml’US (1liN’l`lil{5 m (l“*l'“"l`
Z tember, 1960. This $28,000,000 118. Poultry has increased from berland, ,-\slrland, lIemlt·r~··t lm '“"""*‘
j `_ ’ structure, operating with a budget 18.5 acres in 1952 to 89 now, while Knox, and liliyalyetlrtown ltztl mms m_92U
' ii. of over $3,000,000 from state funds, Sheep acreage has jumped from authorized or est;rl»lisIrcl1,¤‘¢ttltj. .\ new Departntccnt of locker room building with handball
‘ `ic"]'()ll|]]L'l]l ts oyer lilllll- l‘l(llU‘-S'} RY i~ being established courts, therapv rooms, and offices,
. . . _ ·`; Will). I
ajfhg $']`lll)I·.Y\l l’»()l)\ ol tlte llnt- mh I IH (I V .) y ." I , T _ v_
versity ol liellillt ls}’ l\i¤* l¤¤<¥"*`i*“'*l lii. 'I`ltc· student news ia ier 'l`l·ll·` }{l·"¥— Ji Al (iixliui U'S ILAA pm-Icumg Cam.
rf RW] _] s(~)mHlm_ Um; m I _ V M V y y vly ] . . -. p us )u1lc11ng development for the
yonty .-.» `tt · I Q T- ·· ll (ilyl |yl·.RY\l·.l.. has been ex- next decade has been completed
t ]()_l3;l_ tn Sc·pteutb¤‘l. WJU- pandecl lrottt a onc·-per-week issue by Hare and Hare, Planners, with
6;ThC (;()Mm,,l_lN(; (;l_.N.l.|_;R' (_`_ to lotu issues pc·r week. the cooperation of the Campus
` lalilisltc-cl in NSS. bas grown in M.-l—|H_|h\N(;l,4\(;l4.I y\B()R'\,l_()RY l)l?*¥l¤111;; Committee of the Uni-
gmportttttte attcl use. lbis center II"` IMM (__l_||)li;l‘;(l `cmfinr ‘i"”'*}`·
, ._ _. V _ _ · . g our
(`“**l’l"* {hl) l lmcljmalhmulihl {hl owtt students attcl tlte community 22- SC"C"i*l (‘¤¥l|¥llU€€> which have pre-
tiseyctl tlte IBN-l ball (ttvlltlllllivlt ill lh “-(.||_ i yiously been administrative com-
Pty|·[m·ttt Alllllllllliyllll ll"?-Util lll -l - mittees have been Changed to FAC_
wttle y·artc·ty ol lteltlx ln. lil`l`|}§li£|lll\ lot thc· preparation ol ULTY COMMITTEES, thus giving
7·SMh»\RH·,S Ol: l4,·_\(,l,l'.l.\. mcmr l \(.lll·.l{S ()l·` l·.Xt1l·Ql"l`l()N.~\l. tlte laculty greater opportunity for
bers haw Yiwu ;lI)lm_(i:lI)h during clnlclren have been inaugurated. participation in University affairs.
this four yc·ar period. as inclicatecl lg-l·l](_ Ummm W. ,A, ry. _,_, _)_ ,_ I _ _ _ _
tt ttt · ·»tt· »——» ttm ~»··t·~·· at ··e¢ or .s..t,sist.'{?‘.I..Qil‘;IT”ltLE "‘ lfiit;?};§.t“f}E.‘..;Z?i‘3.$1§Z.l‘Z?pl1Zi
Xlmlll MW" ttnclc·r l(L.\ sponsorship. has been gills campaign with the goal of
liétliytflg lT;:»l(¤;Pl expanclecl to include agriculture as $25U.()|ll) almost realized. ln addi-
-*5**Y*t — ’ ·’ well as c-nginc·c·ring and related sci- tion. tlte Alumni Association has
Deatts Sll.000 Sl·l.$l00 t·ncc·s. .\ contract with (}uatemala contributed four S500 research
Prolessors $.2120 l0.—ll0 is also itt operation. awards to outstanding faculty mem-
Assot-i;ttc· l’rolessot~ liflllil $.230 \_ ll PH\_Sl(_ U l_\(_H l_1_u_S I bers for the past three years.
Assistant l’rol`essors 6.070 7.2.0 /· * ~ ·- - - . tic
lmtmttttt-c j_2lll ci,l20 l'¤¤l\<‘1`~il}· in aclclition to the tre- 2·l.'l`he ALUMNI SEMINAR, a djs.
ntendous Nleclical (Ienter >lant. has cussion session of two or three da *s
B.'l`lte l’.\"l`l`liRs()N S(Zll()()l. ()l·` constrttctecl Sltawneetc>wn.la $2.000.- duration. has been held for thrge
Dll’l.()\l.\(]\' attcl ltttc·rttational 000 housing unit lor 185 married years. with topics centered about
(Zonnnerce was c·st;tblisltecl itt Sep- tottples; lloltnes llall. a residence crucial issues of the day such as
tember. ISGS. one ol the live schools hall lor 300 women: tltc· 55llll.O()(l comtnunications. the U.S. Constitu-
ollering sttch work itt tltc· l'nitecl tlollege ttl l’ltartttacy liuilcling: anci tion. and our American heritage.
States. ten lraterttity and sorority houses. This seminar has brought real dis-
\l‘l`\lll*’ as clcr U i`-· i ‘ Y`? · - ` ` l `· ' · " -
mc ¤*¤<<><=¤<·~~¤ <>·-i <=¤·1¤¤·l¤<-¤- .t .... t,. ...{.l't`.'tE`,.`.T"tlIZZ,,§.L‘Z..$fII IIIZT?" mi °f "““
“I`¤N**<’N<·* ¤*M`··i*<··*~*¤>‘* ~‘=· t......t.`t».» t .... t—t»tt»tt attrtt-ttt ttsttstttg "
reorganizecl and tlte l·ixtendc·cl l’ro- l)mi(_(l will] 225 mms was (_(mi_ 25.GRADE STANDARDS for stu-
grants concept has been developecl. )l(_u_(l in [ho hu Oi- 1,),,6 dents have been raised to assure
strengtltening to a signilicant cle- I i " ` those interested in this institution
grce tlte oll-cantpns artn ol` tlte l'ni- tg tht. l,,tt,,“-mg ];|_'llAI)]N(;S in-C that students are working as nearly
versity. mm. Ciltwl- in lh, l,l,,m,mg Slug,. up to the level of their abilities as
10.Ttt¤ tu·;st·1.utc;n t·tc;t<.yxt ttl "‘i ""‘l"" “"""""‘“"“ is P°”ibl€‘
\[l`~ thc University has grown at a rapid (ihetnistry—physics builclittg Eli. (Z.-\RN;\l·lAN HOUSE, a self-sus—
nttl. rate. 'lhrough tlte lientucky Re- (Zollege ol (Zomtnerce taining faculty-alumni house and
xl tt Search l·`ounclation and tlte rc·gular l.ibrary adclitiott club. has been in operation on
sttxz dcpartmental research programs. Student l'nion Building aclclition (Ioldstream Fartn for three years.
Nt]- €0llIl‘:tc`ts and grants totaling llormitories (l\\`0l thus giying at nominal cost the
~tltt 500,(lllll lor tlte lSl5€l-00 year are l'ni\ersity 'l`eaching Hospital opportunity for club membership
;s ltr 110win progress. _ to faculty and alumni and their
uhh l$l. lhe l'Nl\'l{RSl`l`\` PRESS ltacl plmilicg
ll.The UNl\'l£l{Sl'l`\` l.ll5l{.\Rll·]S gained nationwide recognition lor _
h?iV€ gl`0\\’lt not only in cptality lntt its excellent pt1l>lic`:tliotl$. The Ctlil- 27· $l‘U\DLETOP EARAI has been
{gl; in qlliilllily its well. The holdings ing and publishing ol tlte tc?tt— lluliiilulxml as im mlicsuncnb bl, rhs
..,-.,,t· have iltcreasecl lrotn 690,000 vol- voltttne set ol llenry Clay papers l‘C"““`kYR€$€*‘Yf`l‘F9““$lim9“·a“Y
`hm. UIUCS l0 l'i2ll.ll(l(l clnring the periocl is ol great sigItillc`4\llc`¢‘. hmds to be Iicahzefl m_l[s dlsposal
ml. - from 1956 m 1960. V y y { to be used for University projects.
T hg 20. New .\`l`lll.l·]'l`l(Z l‘l{.\(lll(1l; I·.·\- .»\ portion of the farm is to be de-
Iwl2. Departments ol .·\GRl('1Ul.'l`UR.\l. (1ll.l`l`ll·ZS ltaye been completecl. yotecl to the development of the
it ttt ENGINPZERING and (Il-lliMl(].\l. giving aclecptate space for [our University of Kentucky Spindletop
htatti ENGINl·ZliRING have been estab- lootball lields. a ttew track. two Research Institute and Park.
.. ‘ :* 1="‘i$*i*1*¤ 1 ._; ·· ·- ; sw.; .;·. `"`T ;»_ ·-‘»4* .»·- 'I ` ‘ " " VZ
`·I I `I ` VQ-j·I';é_»'i3jI;7yi» I ., _ I · I ’ rg `_·’;>’j;jy.I.=. j · I · — 1 1 . ~» ng ·_1I;-.»· . - I
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Th K t lc Al "`““`
r r y Dr. .-*1.
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#·““ ‘*KK “·r‘#·#··ss·r as an Inge- A1 1111
~ In 11chi1·1·1·
» 11· 1·\1·1·11ti11· 1·11111111i1t1·1· 111 II IIIIIIIIIIII
I Contents xvisity I1l\.lI`tI 111 rI`I`ll>Il'<‘\ I1.1~ g1_ I A IIIII
I i I\'1I\l` 111 ilI\>('1IL't` I(‘1II1(`\I IU I\lI` receivugl
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I11‘11I1·>~111‘ .11 1111- 1`11i11·1sity 111 \\ U _-
> 1I111‘i11g tI11· 111111 >I}1`IIl1j t1·1·n1_ “I\_U§I
1 _ Un111·r>1
ri THE PRESIDENTS PAGE 2 the ~111 11: Iyizdlff
11 , \1`iI1 I11· .1t'1IIIQ II1‘.l(1 111 t111· 111; OI; IIKI
F ALUMNI CLUB NOTES 18 111 111*1**1} 1sT11~1c;u1s11 szizvicia AWARD 11111101 19 _ __
I I .\1111;1 N1e1Ie ll(11»115T)\. .1%t_ 1.
_ UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS I 20 tenth gI`2lll((‘(I il x11I§I(‘l` (III .\1'1~
LI 1111111 (i(‘t)l`g(‘ I’1·;1I111111‘ (`11I11;;
T SPORTS NEWS . . . 22 T(`Q\(`1lCl`S. Dick
3 _IiIIl1l‘S 1)l‘llI()lI 1)111ki11¤. `t1\\.E Ras TI
I t1·1 .11111 DWEJI
1 111 ;I1'l'I\IIt‘L'II1l`(‘ (1(‘1.(1`t'L'S I1`<11II I _r‘
;> I 1'111\`t'1`S1I}` nt \\`11s11in1;t1111, II1·i cmg
I q B4-tty Bm1*1·11 \ViI;1;s .,.,,..,.....,..,...... , Etlitur I I’11I11is111·11 1I1n1rt1·1·Iy hy the U11iv1—I·sity‘ 11i II (_ II __ I M_ I I . III-, ment
I Irlplcn G_ King __L___4____'__'_ XIIIIHIQIIII: E(li[(II· T\'I`I;1I)IK;I'(y"()II 121·‘e;III1II1r1s [hh [I|I|T'I·|;$I[yI_ I ‘\ ll ('( _—1 1.1 — ;·)·). il
. x1:1rg111·11t1· Me1,1111;;t1li11 .... Assnciaite 131111111- Q3IIIIYI`;]:I’I'I`I‘IIIjI,;II`II;IQIYIQTIIITI{’I'II’I"II:{ II<' $1*¤ 111111 I1I1" him]
I Kt-11 K111111 , ..,............................ SDDFKS 111£III1i1.il11. 1:\1·1·1111\1· (11*.111 ..1 4 n vi .1 V4 ‘____ i
IY _ the 1'111\1·1~11> 1‘;\1*`1**1*"1 1'1··¤·‘··¤·1~- “·** . 1111111; );1lTil1Ii...l.1~1 Pl;
` l AN 1c·c¢·1111>1 1*·"""‘1 1""""1 "1 l1"' l"1‘ .1 » ~i1..·.- IHS-1L1...;"1 -41 I. mum
V _ ,_ _ X., . . 11.11111 1.1 College 01
\’9l’S|1)' 11} ll"` 1 1* 11"·"‘1 "1 1""1""`» ' · \ 1’l111r111.11·) 1i1l`1l11}' .11 11.1- 1'r.iv<·rsitv of
1 Ag])ri1\11~i_ 1). .\1l»i11;li1 is 11. 11l...1u•· % > · 1S1‘1|1111`1<}. A 11i111\`(: of P1’.i1;1dr·lphi.._
IRE 0111K.* 11·~1¤·»11·11·—·1 1>1··¤1—·1·· ~\¤··<1··1···· » - y 1'··¤·1... 1·`.....k..· ..—.-......1 1.11 1%.5. .1.-gm.
SPRING .I.»....5 ...11 1.-.1.111 11|1*'\1l\ 1·· 111111 111 _ V 1T*11|lr1`¤'1l|I)11‘ 1-111\1‘I~11}'1I1 19-I§)_ After
i..-him.- 11.11.11 1111»111l11.111·1l1 .11111 111111* .1 )·‘L1I‘v~ ])1'Ll1 1111 111 1)(‘1r11r1\\-1\`L1[]`1LA_ lu; cn-
""‘ *1* ‘ 111111111··1*··1·· """"` I 1··»|11·<1 ..1 11.. 1'1.i1·1·rsity..>f \\’is4-....5...
` l°"` *' A Il.111\1' ··1 °l`1·111i··~~···: 111. \ll1r111l.1 ” \‘-1·1‘Y·· 111: f1·1·¤·i\‘1·d liis \1.S. degree ii.
`l l" 1" y._».;.·i.·.·.1 1.1s .·.111..111.»1..11 1l.lIIlII|L1 ..1 I).- 1 1*152. 111111 L1 1*1..1). degree i.. 1956 D;
`ll\° " Pauw 1`11i\1#1s111. \l11l1u.i11 (`1ill1·u1·. 11.· 1%.111111.* is .1 11·!1 s.·1‘\.·11 .1s 1|1II\lll1.11l1 1111 111. T11(s1111. .-\l`11. I
llllpwll i F\111(1111f1111· .\11\·1lIl¢'lll<'ll1 1>1 l`ll1ll1.\111l\I lh- \·1>- \11)Y1§11i =e= :‘=
1_l1‘m_`1l;] 1.I'0`£I.§“Il`.l...1 I‘IL.l..1;;.1..1pL»i:{tI111;.* llhiriiijpiii ·\\'illi;11nl P. Sziurliders. ’50. is now
· · · " ` Y ' · \111· )l`€S1(€I1[1lI`I( 8118111 111:111:1 Cf
° 1`1‘1‘“`·‘11‘"‘ 11"·*"1 MISS FAIR APPOINTED I§l111·l(Lr;1ss Sll]}lll\`.g1H(`.. Lexing§>n.0[
:1:A‘;n ·’;'l·I` AS VISITING PROFESSOR • • 1.
111. (’..11._ \1i~s 1£tl11·l `\1. 1T;11I‘. 10r1n.7r director 01 IS Awarded
_ Dick Rl(ll1II`(1\. `ill. is \\Ul`k1l1g Iur ll" 1i1>1—·1>‘ `*1""’1 "1 the NOW .1'~‘1”>“Z' _
.·\l'31)1l1l1-.·\Il1(‘I`11;I1I ()il (l0II\IlL\l]\' in ¢"11"!" fm \\"‘l11""- l` *1 **111113 PW- Fellowship To England
H"`- M) Ras ·I—;mm.“_ Um, U. [Inu, on mwns in lessiir ..1 11111..11 s.1i.·111·.· .11 tl1.~ 1`niversitv L} _ _ A ‘ _
..;.1. .1,. Saudi .·\1°¤¤1>1¤1. 111* luis r1*11·i\’€1l the "1 1"1‘l""k1 1"" l1"“ 1960411 ·1C*1d*`m1° _.1¥"*·.1"‘?"1 lllllllh llcllll Ol lllc
Lum I", Hclms .`\\`iIl`(1 {0I` his pari in prn- 1"*“i· rlllllrlillgllluillllg .l)_ClTil_l.ll“cnl` him
moting sporns in Il1L' \Ii.1.11.· lZ..s1, Ile .\ !1`·11111.11¢‘ 111 Vassar College. Miss Mill Yll\`ll(ll·(l_il `llllllll \l`,lll.llg fellow
° is Il111l”l'1(‘(1 Llllll 1.;.1 ;. (1QI\lg11I(‘l', I-I 1‘~.111' 1~.1~ .1\\.l1`111'1l 11 1·.—rti1i.~.1t.— from t1..~ illlllllihlll `alélllf glllllf) lEll;fl`$l;1 Ol
turns FrC·}€*m’S old. YM. Y1>rl1 1l\1l\111‘ 1.111l`11l'}` Sulinnl .11.111* ll `.m` \l_n°>f Lib U? :m(_" .
(i.1l11111l1i.. 1vI11\\'1`>11\'1§ :111 \1..\. 111=<*1‘1·e l` mu U -1 Smll i€llm`Shl1)S
‘ . # • • . ‘ _ . T. , *’l`i\1llL`11 111 1111* X;11i·»11;1l Science 1:.11111-
$IgnI`T1€1l 1f1lII1 1l1.~ (.1..1li1.111· Lilirary 50111..11, 1111- 3 . _ 1 B _ V . I . . _ _
M_ ...-11.. ..1 ci1...—..g... .....1 .... 1..».........— ;);‘ll'l`l"‘l.f‘:l (ZT“`gl‘)";‘;?i‘;I:"‘l_%"[‘1‘”`
>s11.g.1 _ _ _ -_ y__ . _ ‘. '1 11 1` .11~ C`; 1 . )1`lC
i·1s1i\ ..1 ~ ;€S(é;(;;HR2:El\/ES CANCER `lmllmll llllm lllllun lllmmtli will gn 111 Ll11§1L1l1(1 in 1r€1)l`ll1l1`1` [or :1
1..... ~... RANT • • • 11ll`€C·111OI1111 star.
......1. ·. · His >ur>0se will be 1w0—f0ld;
‘ I 11.: 1siillii.(.Ci>ri`1i`llii`..il.".l`r§l him .»..ll`.i;....l“?§.E’°1l c§6¤.11li;€r...1(Aiiii He `llll l1”"“‘T‘ “ l’“1’“ @11**% "`“l‘
i.11‘11l1\ .1 · to Dr E D ‘Tl4*_ R‘1°_‘°f {-1 1; ·€Y‘”'(`° recently `ulcgémcd the NGK Ggldé;1 the. planning 01 urban lnghways and
,..,.. ..1 ...~ of Kém· `k‘1"$—\—;i‘.i\`1U“Aél of the Cu;) {ue E, 111e11· iinpzicr on business and land use
hh \‘ pw. ._ Ceived rggexitlv. l(11;1 Coiiier was re- ch1“§c· (mlb in w(`O2;;hi:; lor hg; ;.1 ;...li..l1.—.·1.;11i.111:11 ¥\·111p{0¥111}{i11 .~\pril
..- ..1 \\.— ·· ‘ · ‘ — nn" '1`)i1115l1l`\'1\11 an rn ic." He
. .....~1.. ..·. DW§1‘ 11“' 11*'1l1 1*1 111<‘ l111`<‘¢‘·}'F1\l` grant. mllslllllllllzli llmllllllllllollstllgl 1*11 mlla will also assisr 1110 Civil Engineering
,»,... ..-,..,. . F- 01*. illl .1ss1s1....i ...·..1‘.—..... ..I ...€.1.- ‘“““' ‘· · "` “"‘* 1‘“`*"" " “ scm 11.· >;11`1I111‘1Il ..1 .1..~ 1v111\`€1`S1l\` ..1 Dur-
.,q....._ II. °1“€» will 111* 111\‘1·s1i1;a11i11.; 11..~ .1r~veI..p- llml ll “·°1)hY‘ 11L1\l1 in 11111 0rg;111iz:11i011 01. 111e prn-
Ig.334 111¤¤1 01 1>Y1‘11S1 1\1|I1l)1`S Llllll .·1..—...i.·~.I -1. 1. gr.1111l`.1r111is111ee1111g.
3;; MMI ...1. °1?*mg€$ 111 $111'l\ 1|lI1ll)l`S 1...1...-.-.1 ... ..1- 11is se.nn1l 11SSlQll1l1C‘1ll will be 111
._ .....1 1...s ‘ -llm0 mt“·_1)1· 11*1* 11111 $1111 111 l`\IIlL\1I\ _]:1n1es \\'. \`l1I1l‘. '-I0. has been head- I1l1l`111`lI)L111` in l`k`\\`lll`l`1l I1l`O_1C(IS cur
\I.,,,,,...,._. ;{:;i11<;1111<1¤11 1111`(11Q1Il1\1l\ w1.i.1. i...1....—1 ing .. (`;11|1l.;11g|1 l\l]i[ dealing wiih 111e 1`1’1l1l\ 111 I11`1¥g1`C>\ ill 111C 1l111\`Cl`S111` nl
._ Anotgrfjw ‘;*“‘l`*`1` 1** *111`\'1\<‘ 11*1111 i:r11w. I`(‘llgl()llS issne lor S(‘ll1\l()l` 1011.11 F. 11ll1`11L1111. _ l ·
I-LMI IU. .1 _ fl l1111IW><‘ 111 1111* 11...1.- is 1.1 ..1... K.-.....-.]1_ _-\ I.)1·.11er ;1{{u1‘11cy and iudge 111s 1;111111\ \\‘1ll L11`1`11\11I>ill1\` 111111 I0
[NNW,. _l_ _` *’1<1<==1111<>··.....11.... 1·1>11.·.·1·..i..g 11..- ...Il...·...—.- .[AL_|;_ .’.I;])_ \\'i...— 1.;.5 been 111. as- l`-llglillltl. '1`l11`\ 11111 l1`L1\1‘1 111 <111|> 111111
...4 I\..·1.is1.1i1~ of lllllllmlws 1111**11 111* Ll1‘1>\\`111 111 111is §()(`1llIl‘ Q;(‘l1('I`Ql1 ser1‘e1;11‘\‘ 1`()l` 1110 N11- 11111 .11 X1'\\`11lS1ll` \\‘l11`1`1‘ ll1l1`111111l 11111
l""“""1*“*1¤1¤<>f· 111111111 (l1)llI1(`1l 0I` (l11lll`(`11(‘S, wrsiix is si111;11e11,
.y,...;.1*THEKENTUCKvA1uMNu5 5
' -—,...——.---———....._i_, _
ASKS —— HOW DO Y1`l>t»1;t\lt11t. tlt·tlit.ttt·tl in lll(' lolltttt \t‘.tt ttt tltlttttttttt ltttltt tts _ ni Emi] iiiiiiiiiii
§ll(l(lCl1ly. Qllliltllllgli-_ ;lllL’l` lt>l1l·ls`t’l1 ing l¤ttl.i>t>st‘Z H 1t» ltttntttitp llii- lii.\l tttttlt ttl tht- lttttlt-sstt»1t.tl .tltt· mon mi_iiiiii_i_
years ol explanation, tnterpretatttitl lm;-yi-qt ttl tht- l`niyt·tsit\ ttl l\t·n ti" lttttl tt. _.ttitt_t..it tl,. Hitt
illld 1ll)l)C11l. lllltl lllttllslllltls lll)01l lltUl1~ [lll lu; li, lllllt _tttitt_qttt{ {lit- 1|tt·tt|ltt·1 l ttt\tt~1l\ itttht It » _t|ttl int _ (
sands of written and spoken words to _liii, iii ilii. \\_i,ii_iii|,ii iiiiii ilii, inn! ili_,i iliii iii_,\ iii iiiiiiy iiii, .l.hi_ iimiw
Stml 11l><>l1\ ilif iilliimll ol ill? l`*ll"<`l‘ tsess tttttl tit-t·tl~ ttl tht·tt \hn.t \l.ttt-it l ttttt-tstty ttt tht- pt-oltlt ttt · iiiimiwi iiiml
silt "li R“l““il*l- WC- lll? Im’l*`*$l"“-ll to assist in lI1Zt’llllt’ll1lQilll' l'ttitt·t~ity_ .tttt1 tw tht- .thttttttt hotly iiiidiiiit iiiiuii
ltllltmll W¢>\`l iitttl <>UY>¢`l\`¤'$ lll lll*`_ its yttnlt .ll1\l its st 1 t tt t·~ to tht- ~t.ttt· lht t xt-t uttyt- tttttttttttttt me iic_imii__il)ii
lll1lt‘mll>l¤’ and \|¤1l\\*llllill)l€ l)<>>lU*’U ttl zttttl tt.ttit>tt; .ttttl ttt tttt·»ttt.tgt- loyalty \ltttt¤ttt \~st»t t.tttt»tt ls t··tttl·~— liiiid,iiii_iiiLi_ il
not ltityitlg tllittle yt>lll` l1T0§I`i\m· Il1<' gtntl tlt>st·1 litvtttls ttl lt-lltrttsltilt .I1lI¤>|IiL lttttt ttllttttv tltt· ptvsttlt ttt pci-i·i,i,iii_ ililiiii
€Xl>€l1(llIl11`€ ol UNIT ¤1\<*¤W¥ imd TIW its tttt·tnl¤t·ts." tlt-ttt_ ttt.t~tttt1 .ttttl t\ttttttt~ publii i.i.l_iiiiiii
purpose of your Alutnni .—\ssot·i;ttit»tt iiili., limit {lit ...4tt _t1t.. .- me iimimiiii
perfettly ttlear to you. Internal Orgtttiizatioit Ul \liiiiiiii \ll_iii`,y ilii iii,,,,. iiciiiiiiiiiwy _iii
il`l\l$ ¢ll>¢`*>\'¢‘¤`\` 1* §<><>l>¢‘· ll?*$ WW lJ<‘¢'“ t l¤1·¤.ttlt‘tttttg its l>|t>g1;tttt tttt-tttlvttts ttt l>t t·ltttttl 1t·» l)ll(lgt*l t1t·nt.tt
iill·i€¤ ill? time iiml trouble W [NU 11* to ht tht- ttt-ttls ol .t gtttwtttg l'I1l\t‘1~lI\ ~··t t.tttt»tt .t~ .t ttholt-. tri lt ` the lintit;tti·»tt~
ltr ll1€ l€>·l. It is C1l>il§° T€$f>l\`€\` ;;.,,__ · `_e‘* ’i g
" thc |'c>p11|1~111i1i1\ 111 ]1111g1.1111 111:11111111;_;, _,’_ ' · » »·• .._ · · 1
1"" 1l1I'|¢l·fLl1~111g. (ll1`(’(l lllllll. 111.1g.i/1111· ~11· 1.; 1 1 . _\ ___ ¤,_4;l_j_) gf `
'· pcrvisimi. :111111111i 1111111111111i1.11i1111» 1IIl|1 ‘y‘ ;- ·_ v V- _, r g lng,
1" pub1i1 l`L*1:11111|1~. ~1*1\i11· 1111 .111111i111~11.1 lh"? { Liv F ` - 1 , f -»
**7 [ive (()111I1lllll‘l‘\. ¤llI)l‘l\l\1¤|I1 111 1·\ ,1%:11* ZL, • Jl! _ Q;) a n
‘1‘ |)ClI(lll1I1`1‘~. ~1:111 11i11‘11111|1 .llI(l 111g1·1111*1 (Qt 1/ ’j"'i1_1>f}; A 3: " ». `
1-*‘ with 1111· lI'(‘il\l1I(‘l .11111 .|ll(l1l¢>1. 111- »”\ ’_ . » { .» , :1 `
1l1‘ [ailing ll11· I)l'1\})1I\('(l 11111lg1·1 1111 11.1111 I ·‘ .•_,' . } E
1111 listal \('ill`, 1`iI1\l1]g 1111 lll1ll1\ 111 1111·1·1 ·· °' _ li
11·` hudgei (l(’111iil1(l\ .11111 ~1.11i11g \\11l111I 1 , {5 0 `l V ` 1
11 ’ 1hc1i111i1:1111111~ 111 IlI;|I 111111g1·1. iii __ 1 Hr ‘ A
1** Tlw l·`i1·111 M1 l(`(il1\ l1.l~ 1111 lL'\l)<>l1\1 1 `_·" fg & i 1 · »_
Il'1 llllity 111 flfgillllllllg .11111 1'(‘\11.lllIll11; { ‘ - ' ii
111 zilumni 111111 1)1`jLil11llQlll<1ll\. ~111111·111- i l 1*
*11* alumni l`('lilllll1l\ 1111 :11111 1111 (ill11|lll*. "’HOMECOMlNG1 REUNIONS""
the sp1·:1k1·r`¤ lllll`(’illl .11111 1111· 111:g:1ni1;1r
111111 111 ])11I`l‘l1ls 111 ~Ill(lL‘1ll~.
The O11i11· 5l1lIIAlgL‘I`.\ (lllll¢‘s 11111111 1~
handling 111 l`l'(()1`(l> 1111 \})(‘(lill 1111111
lfivcs, kecpiiig lll)-[0-(1;][(‘ 11|[i11— 1111·1 1I1.l1&‘l\ $0.111111 1111111111 .111111111i. l~L'('lll11Q 11·111;;11i/i11g111e i1111111r1:111ce 01 n smrong
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.Ol']S \l|(l\ gis ll111111·111||1i|]}_:_ l1;||| 1`l1lg 1111* 1I1l¢1l`1|l1lll1lll. lll \·|1¢'2*11i1<`\ 11* `*1(11/*1* 1111N l`(`(`0l`(l’k€`€})lng lll [ll€
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all Ull(l(`l` 111is 1:111·g11rx. :1~~i1;111111·111 ;11111 i~ 11111 :1 |lL‘l`111ll1ll`lll 11111111 i111111111· lll() beginning 111 il
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ds (T2ll`l`lCh 11111 11111· 111 1111· 11l1l11\' ¤11\ 111 l{L‘11lllL`li}` r\lll111ll1 ,·\SS()1`l1lllOl1.
A *1 Um! l`Ulll`ll()l1S 111 Qlllll 1·1·;1>11n$ 1111 1* T11? ·\1“'““l ·‘\‘*""li"l‘“l l“ll"“`“‘m Our :111111111i 1ll`t’ 1·x11i11i1ing :1 1n:1rvel011s
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