xt7w9g5gcd5x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w9g5gcd5x/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19540108 newspapers sn89058402 English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, January 8, 1954 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 8, 1954 1954 2013 true xt7w9g5gcd5x section xt7w9g5gcd5x Dt5i oupy wauauie -- 1HIE Ji 1 a - " " UtX. : yS (vM' bm4 NTUCKY ECERN EL 1'XIVKHSITY ()!' KIATlCkY. VOI.l'Ml- XI. V I - I.KXIXCTOV m mm Poll Hints Approval Of System KIAIlCkV. Nil DAY. JWl'AliV wmwin KWW F. I 1 Secrecy Policy Jul 3f wy'A&M Eft xStsfy w:'' FT-;-- " ii I i (;ri(;oi. m :j. Gels Criticism f&fr "A ii jf - hh ihIk is sc:i:i:-'riii- c- tiu- - cast f JVC- - of tin- - next ('.ni'uol riayirs' piudiictioii. "Tin- Lady's Not Tor Hurniii"." arc sliown at a ilros iclicarsal. Tlionias Moiulip. played by - I'IomI (iainm.uk. and Jennet Joiirdemayne. t'liacted 1' I.ois Cainmack. attempt to comfort Kieliard. an orplian clerk. plaed h Hen Ardery. over his unliappy love affair. The play will run Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Guignol Players Give Christopher Fry Play Christopher Fry 's "The LadyV Inthe Not For Huniiiis" will next production of the Languagc Exams Scheduled Jan. 15 - Guipiol Flayers next Thursday. Friday, and Saturday in the Cniiinol Theater. Fine Arts Buildim;. Curtain time is S:o) p.m. Students wishing to take basic achievement examinations in ancient languages and modern foreign languages must register in Dean M. M. White's office. Room 128, McVey Hall, before Jan. 15. The exams will be given at 4 p.m., Jan. 15, in Itoom 111 Dnocted by Don Allen Clayton, this lyrical comedy was one of the firM productions by Fry. a modern dramatist. This is the first time it has been produced in Kentucky. Pessimist Wants To Die A satire on contemporary life. "The Lady's Not For Burning" is set in a 15th century English mar- ket town. It is the story of Thoma. a pessimist who wants the towns- people to hang him because he is discouraged with lile, and Jennet, a convicted witch whom the people arc about to burn at the stake. The cast includes Jennet Jourde-mynLois Cammack; Thomas Mendip. Floyd Cammack; Richard, Ben Ardery; Margaret Devise, Page Vflhams; Alizon Elliot, Shelly Rum-b'tNicholas Devise, Jim Hollo-waHumphrey Devise, Jim Read; Mayor Hebble Tyson, Jim Hurt: The Chaplain. Tom Gover; Old Skipps. Don Allen Clayton: and Edward Toppercoom. William Omer. Staff Members Include The staff includes Lora:ne assistant manager; Sandy Ingram, stage manager; Jim Read and George Moore, lighting; Jim Read and Ben Ardery, sets: Mrs. Lolo Robinson, costumes; Jim makeup; and Clare Wood and Charles Petras, publicity, box office, and special effects. Tickets will go on sale Monday and will be available from 32 noon to 5 p.m. through Thursday at the Guignol box olfice. Extension 239S. Admission for reserved seats is 50 cents. of McVey Hall. Card Tournament C O fff S Off U1'(l (t y 7 Preliminary sessions of the National Intercollogiate bridge tournament will begin at 1:30 p.m. Saturday in the Card Room of the Student Union. Dr. N. B. Allison, associate professor of electrical engineering, will preside at these preliminary sessions and will be the director of the actual tournament on Feb. 20. Pat Wathngton. chairman of the Stu- dent Union Activities Committee, announced. The National Intercollegiate bridge tournament is an annual contest in duplicate contract bridge, which is open to men and women undergraduates of colleges and universities with membership in the Association of American Colleges or the e, d; y; Mc-Glo- Association Hol-lowa- y, of College Unions. Both national and campus championship titles and trophies are awarded to the winners by the National Intercollegiate Bridge Tournament Committee. Both the bridge preliminaries and tournament are sponsored by the Activities Committee. All students interested in entering the contest are requested to meet in the Card Room at 1:30 p.m., Saturday, Miss Wathngton said. Phvs Ed Major Vish Cardinal Hill Commerce Society In order to study physical therapy as possible "profession, the women's Initiates Memhers a orientation class in Professional Physical Education, visited Cardinal Hill Comalescnt Hospital recently. Mis Louise Sandford, administratrix of the hospital, lectured to the croup on the objectives of Cardinal Hill, after which the students took a conducted tour through the occupational and physical therapy new members of the Beta A! 'ha Psi, national accounting honorary were initiated at a banquet at the Campbell House on Dec. 14. New members are: Mildred M. Cronin, Jack J. Farris, Thomas M. Six Garrison, Gloria A. Henseler, John W Moffatt. and Henrietta M. Schneider. In order to quality lor men. !x slop the members must be accounting majors, maintain a 2.0 in accounting and a 1.5 overall. Jess C. Fans, CPA. president of the Kentucky Society of CPA. spoke on "Qualities Necessary for Professional Success". President Frank Slaton presided at the meeting. The purpose of the fraternity is to promote scholarship and better qualities in the accounting profes- - wards. the class who went to the hospital, were Barbara Arnett. Shirley Duncan, Mary Estes, Helen Vance Glib, Patricia Honshul, Velma Dorothy McPhuil. Myrr.a Milby, Ellen Murphy. Rhea Feacher. M.irvy Priestley, Jane Rior, and Sidney Stone. Thev were accompanied by Dr. Martha Carr, their instructor, and head of the Women's Physical Education Department. Members of sion. The Alpha Mu chapter was estabthe professional physical education class, which is a required course lor lished at UK in March, 1903. all majors, have heard several spcukers this semester on various occupational brandies. Aptitude tests i.re ulso given to help the instructor i.nii the students determine whether they are in the right field. Mrs. Joann Reccius Miller, 19. a lormer UK student, died Dec. 22 at in Inlirmary Memorial Norton l.oui. vihe. She had been ill for more than a year. The funeral was held at Schop- UK's Interfraternitv Council will meet at 7 p.m.. Tuesday ill Room 1J8 pelihorst's Funeral Home on Dec. of the Student Union. Jess Gardner, " and she was buried in Cave Hill IFC president, announced tills W(.,.k Cemetery. Survivors are her hus-Th- e purpose of the meeting. Card- - band, Malcolm Miller, also a former ner said, will be to discuss lraiernity UK student; her parents. Mr. and rusii. GreeK Week activities. :nid the ' Mrs. William E. Reccius; and in i ja.'.t animal IFC dame. Kcc'ciua. 4 sister, Miss Barbara Member:-- : of . 'University Cited Dies In Louisville II C Plans Talhs (hi Hush Dance 'i v : . ft fJ : I On Methods : i.j By KKX LITCHFIELD Privacy Necessary. i Should the Judiciary Committee of SC continue its present practice of keeping secret all disciplinary cases brought before the 'j;roup for punishment"' 1 Palmer Comments Student Covermnent Assticiation decides that udiciarv committee isn't represeiit.itiv e of the student ln)d re ortianiation of the committee mas be fust mi the new ear Ii is- lative program. Charles l'almer. Constitutionalist and member of the judiciary vc committee, told SCA's '4 session that "some h ople sa h of the student ImkIv. are not representative If the An informal .survey of University I, in Judiciary Botly tarts Debate C S-- l ? xinu:i; u S. j j j student opinion indicates practically unanimous approval for the current system Most students in the poll believe that any announcement or publication of disciplinary action would only lead to further embarrassment for the punished indi- ""Lf , 1 cntly lected members of SCA line up to take their oath of office SC.A SWKUIINC administered bv Charles I'alnnr. substituting for Deward Johnson, thainuaii ol the judiciary committee. Shown, left to l i'j;ht. are David Noses. Alan Stcilbcrn. Barbara Ashbrook. Ann Olloark, Hill billiter. im buell. bill Mood. and John Kue;el. Carter Class, president, and d 1'at Morrissev. secretary, are shown invtlie foreuround. Not shown are (Men Saudi ii IN-!- !ei vidual. One bad aspect, as mentioned in the survey, noted the tendency for rumors and to spread in the absence of any definite positive announcement or notice from the committee. Judiciary Committee In Charge Occupying the spotlight in this question of secrecy or public inforJudiciary mation is the Committee of SGA. All violations of established standards of conduct among students are referred to this group for recommended disciplinary punishment. It has long been the practice of this student disciplinary group to refuse to make known any circum- stances concerning the cases brought before it. In fact, so secret is this infoimation that not even the F.B.I. can secure any punishment data. As Dean A. D. Kirwan. faculty ad- viser of SGA. points out, committee members and University officials taken the stand that the pub- has no business knowing the dis- position of student infractions. The policy of refusing the F.B.I, and other governmental agencies has been adopted just recently. Dean Kirwan contends that a student s misdemeanor actions should not be used against him in later years by any governmental investigating j,K ... aw!..?,... " i ty .... ii iJ ! i ( ill Enter Annual Collegiate iSine Debate Tourney t & Nine UK students will take part in the annual Kentucky Inter-Colegiate Debate Tournament to be held Saturday at Centre College, Danville. Dr. Gilford Blyton. coach of the team, has announced, Two affirmative and two negative teams will debate the question. "Re- solved, we should adopt the policv of irve trade" against teams from Centre. Eastern State College. bury College and several other Ken-li- c tucky colleges. Three rounds of deb;,le ale scheduled during the day. Affirmative teams taking part in tlle debate tournament will be made UP of Charles English. James Dun- doWayne Carroll and Lester Wise, George Shadoan. William Douglass. Dale Nathan and Jacob Mayer will serve as negative team members. Ted Creedman will act as alternate. l- Palmer, referring to the vid'. iary committee's policy of handlir.s: st.i- (lent violations and problem cases behind closed doors, explained that the policy vv.is followed becau. e of "the personal nature" of tinny of the cases. He compared the committee's policy to courts vvhu h hancle domestic and juvenile cases. Alter asking assembly members to consider the matter. Palmer defended the committee, termini it.. actions "fair as possible" ai.d say'.ni; "we think we have a pretty geix.1 system." Some of the judiciary's functions are the handling til traffic violations and fines, infraction.- - of University rules and regulation.- - by students. nd cases involving student.-whfor any reason, make themselves eligible for suspension or expulsion from the University. In the absence of Deward chairman of the judiciary committee. Palmer swore m new assembly members elected Dec IS. They included David Nove.-- . Cor..-c-, Local Haul; Plans Tit Hold Contest Hawaii. Mill' C ... ii lM-v- On UK Examinations To Begin Jan. 25 j Will-Druttin- g A contest for Uni- versity law students will be soon- sored during the spring semester by the Security Trust Company of Lex- ingtoii, according to H. Leroy Austin. vice president of the bank. The Lexington firm will award three prizes, totaling $175. to the winners of the contest. The petition will be open to all UK law students enrolled in their final year of law study, and to any other dents who may be enrolled in the course in estate, inheritance and gft taxation during the spring semester. Judges of the contest will be three or more practicing attorneys, members of the Kentucky Bar. selected by the Fayette County Bar Association. The faculty of the College of Law will initially select the 12 best, entries and turn them over to the judges for their selections for prizes. It is expected that the contest w ill be an annual event. In any future year, a student who has competed will be ineligible to compete again. A set of hypothetical facts will be given from which each contestant will draft a will. These facts, as well as contest rules, are available in the office of Law College Dean Elvis Stahr. Final examinations for the first or Wednesday at 8 a.m.: 3:15 p.m. which meet first on Tuesday semester will begin Monday. Jan. 25 and continue through Friday, Jan. or Thursday at 3 p.m. Thursday: 7:30 a m. C a s s e s 29. The schedule, which follows, is meet first on Monday or effective for all colleges except the Wednesday at 2 p.m.; 9:45 a.m. Law School. Monday: 7:30 a.m. Classes which Classes 'which meet first on Tuesday meet first on Monday or Wednesday or Thursday at 9 a.m.: 1 p.m. at 11 a.m.: 9:45 a m. Classes which Clases which meet first on Monday meet first on Tuesday or Thursday or Wednesday at 9 a.m.: 3:15 p.m. at 12 noon; 1 p.m. Classes which Classes which meet first on Tues- nieet first on Monday or Wednesday day or Thursday at 2 p.m. which Friday: 7:30 at 12 noon; 3:15 p.m. Classes which meet first on Tuesday or Thursday meet first on Monday or Wednesday at 1 p.m.; 9 45 a.m. Classes which at 11 a.m. Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. Classes which meet first on Tuesday or Thursday meet first on Monday or Wednesday at 10 a.m.; 1 p.m. Classes which at 4 p.m.; 9:45 a.m. Classes which meet first on Monday or Wednesday meet first on Tuesday or Thursday at 10 a.m.: 3:15 p.m. Classes which at 5 p.m.: 1 p.m. Classes which meet first on Tuesday or Thursday body. The debate tour- meet first on Monday or Wednesday at 1 p.m. But what do the students them-- ; The examination in any evening selves think of this practice? Do nament, held at a different Ken at 5 p.m.; 3:15 p.m. Classes which tucky college each year, is attended meet first on Tuesday or Thursday class will be held on its regular even- they approve of the secrecy? by members of debate clubs and at 4 p.m. ing during the examination days. Student Survey Made groups from each college. No final examination shall be Wednesday: 7:30 am. Classes A random check of student opinAccompanying the debaters to which meet first on Monday or given before Monday. Jan. 25. ex- ion revealed these observations: cept on written approval from the Carol Demy, junior journalism Danville will be Joe Mainous and Dr. Wednesday at 3 p.m.; 9:45 a.m. flrt prize will be $100. second Classes which meet first on Tuesday Registrar. prize $50. and $25 will be awarded Secrecy in all Judiciary Blyton. - major will be resumed Classes or Thursday at 8 a.m.: 1 p.m. as third prize. Prizes will be preCommittee cases is the best policy. Classes which meet first on Monday Wednesday, Feb. 10. sented at Law Day next semester. Even though this practice might All completed instruments must have a tendency to start false ru- be submitted to the professor in mors and usually charge of the course in estate, inall rumors must have some basis for heritance, and gift taxation by starting, and there would be none April 1. "The Eisenhower Administration in this instance. Charlie Fitch, freshman from Faces Congress," a discussion of the Something must be President's state of the union adEvansville done to lower the amount of mis-- I dress, will be given by Dr. Jasper conduct and petty crimes among Shannon, professor of political Omicron Delta Kappa, senior work in the fields of scholarship, students. Perhaps the publishing of science, at the next meeting of the nine's leadership society, will initiate forensics, social service, and publi-eigstatistics and information of all new members on Jan. 17 cations. Judiciary Committee action would League of Women Voters at 4 p.m. First Presbyterian Church, at the George W. Shadoan. Wicklifi'e. Jess help. I wouldn't want to print any Wednesday in Room 128 of the Stu- Gardner, ODK president, has an- Shadoan is a junior in Commerce, Bill Evans. UK senior, has been names of the individuals concerned dent Union. has a 2 2 standing, and was selected appointed cadet colonel in the Uninounced. though. An open discussion will follow the fields of versity's Air Force ROTC program for achievements in the To be initiated are: Joyce Ann Kane I do not beDiogenes Allen. Lexington. Allen, scholarship, social services, and forand will serve this year as wing lieve that any of the Judiciary Com talk. Emma Belle Barnhill. presiensics. a senior in Arts and Sciences, commander of the local unit, it has mittee's action should be published deut of tne organization said. This a 2.7 standing and was selected has Bryant F. Thompson. Martinsville, been announced. for or made known to the student body. will be the last meeting of the seVa. Thompson, a junior in Arts and achievements in the fields of scholAnnouncement of Cadet Col. It is none of their business. How- mester. arship, social services, and publica- Sciences, has a 2 9 standing and was Evans' appointment was made by ever, I do believe that a responsible Mrs. John Kuiper has replaced Dr. tions. selected for achievements in the Col. Robert S. Larson, professor of University official should be able to Thomas P Lewis, Ashland. Lewis fields of scholarship and foren. ics. air science and tactics. Al.-- o re- Gladys Kammerer. associate profesfind out about student punishment. Capp E. Turner, Miami. Fla. Turwere the names of cadets sor of political science, as adviser to is a senior in Law, has a 2.5 standing, and was selected for achievener is a senior in Arts and Sciences, selected to make up the detach- Joe Covie. senior from New Orthe campus league. Miss Barnhill ments in the fields of scholarship, has a 2.2 standing, ami was selected I disagree with the present leans meiu's wing and group staffs and stated. foiensics. and publications. for achievements in the fields, of squadrons. system. I think that the details and Pictures for the 1954 Kentuckian Frank R. Myers. Louisville. Myers, scholarship, social services, and forCol. Larson said that Evans and circumstances of all disciplinary will be cadet- - were eho.-e-n taken at the meeting. Miss a senior in Engineering, has a 2.4 ensics. for top by a board of officers on "Continued to Page 6i Barnhill added. standing and was chosen for his Two members of the UK faculty the basis of scholastic stanchnii. who will be initiated are Dr. John leadership ability and attitude. Also '" .';: i Kuiper. head of the Department of considered were the comments sub- muted l.i- year bv individual cadets Philosophy and Prof Irwin T. Sanin rating each other. ders, distinguished professor of SoEvans was selected as the outciology. standing junior in the Air Force The purpo.-- e ot ODK is to recog- ROTC program last year. A gradnize men who attain high standards uate of Berea Foundation School, lie is active in basketball, baseball and of leadership and scholarship, Gardner said. Prospective members must tenni- at the University. Selected as wing executive for the have a 2. overall standing and must current school year v. as Caciet Lt be a junior or senior. Admission is Col. F. C. Maggard. Two other by invitation. cadet lieutenant colonels. H. R. Cox and W. E. Fluhr were puked as commanders of two group.- - within Y the detachment. This year's wing stall include- the following cadet officer.--: Mai. G. J. Wertheim. Capt H. T The YWCA will hold a call meet- McHenry. Maj D W. Swor. Capt Maj. W. W. Doug-la.ing to discuss plans for the V Whitney Dunlap. Capt. C. II. Jett III. M tj. R W Centennial Celebration at 4 p.m.. Hodge--, Capt. J. P Richardson, and Tuesday in the Y Lounge of the Maj. N R. Boggess. Executive olticers tor the twe Student Union, Barbara Hail, secre groups ol the detachment are Cadet tary, said this week. Man B. J. Yeiser. and Cadet Maj The problems of Mct'arlhv lsin ancT .Jim Yonkos. governnnnt will he c:ii:inunisls in Squad commanders for t lie twe discussed by Dr. Ja-p- i r Shannon, gioiuv- - follow: professor of politic al science at the Maj. J. M. Steinberg. Major C. E meeting at 7:30 Tui ner, Mj. F. K. Faulkner, and regular ' p.m.. Tue.-da- y in the Student Union M i J. B. Hall. Maj. W E. Mit. hel' i and Maj. J. D. Christian. Ballroom. Stait membeis of both groups A "rumor clinic" will be held at the Y meeting Jan. 19 in place ol are: j Capt. T. M Murphy. Capt. W. A the regular program. Mi. Hall said L..,m. " .. """" i...,ri.i.i.i The clinic will consist ot lihns and Garrard. Capt. R G. Rose. Capl ODK !M I I VI iJmicron l,eil.i K.inn, I. senior mens honoraiv. initialed seven new meni-taudience participation, and l's ob- R. L. HuUman. Capt. W. L. Rouse ( 'I icv are Iroi.t row '( hers reeeiillv. .f U ers ..id T r i !;'!,! Capt. F. T some ct the dipt. S'U'irt ject will be to f In Hiipsoii; I ack ow j;r. irw in i . unlets, Tom Lewis. Ceoie Sh.nlo. in. and Dick Allen. Slav ton, and Capt. R. T. Valentine. i reasons behind racial prejudice. corn-Class- es 1 o. stu-whi- As-ha- a.m.--Class- - inter-collegia- le - Commerce Bil-hte- Bill School repieseiit.itive-iit-larite- Moody. US. Aunculture bp:-- i classman, and John Kueyel. US. Auricui-tur- e lowerclassinan. Carter Glass. SGA pi urged new member- - in the a embly to carry out their platform-- , saving that "out of the 25 plank- - contained, m your platform-- , you should find new ideas and project-- .' Ann O'Roark. and John Y. Brown. United Student, were elected to attend tr.e Southern Students Conference at the Univer sity of Mississippi. Oxford. Miss., on Jan. 9 and 10. They w.ll i,:.e.ci:i:iy repre.-cSGA at the conference, ' "WfjH"1 nt dent government problems ;n Southeastern Conference college- - and universities. The next SGA u.eciu.g will be held at 7 p in. m Room 12S of the Student Union on Jan. 18. Trustees Accept University Gifts Tota1in$)JX . in-a- id , 'M -- e: ('pi- 0;!:"w J I i ;ilti&. .L Cki, ;l.,.iHx... o . i i L n. Inc.. $1,000 to be p port of the swine especially that part dean:, with swtne nutrition. Pan Hellenic A ociatlon the University. S500 to the K tu. rl y to Research Foundation as the Frances Jewell ,U Vey Scln t L- ship Fund: and Erilal. engineers. I.oui.-vih- e the Foundation to e Ush the H.it let and Erria! S, h hip: R. R. Dawson. Bloom:. eld. to the Found. I'lor. lor he It. R. Daw on Flint! ol tne Co Co. ; -. Expor.-IHjsition- stocker Steer-.- " American Dairy Aoci.itioi. ot Kentucky. Sl.1'35 to be usee. u. the agricultural ctcn.-.o- u con- - ,:vei e program, with he:i.u;:i.: leis Henry Fi Keel in Loiu.-vill- -t For Centennial" Gifts totalnm $9,135 were ..ccept-lease- d ed for the University ol Kentucky recently by the Board of Tru-tie- -. Donors and their mft- - uu luae Council Distillers Feed Inc.. Cincinnati. S5.0OO lor a unu.t-th- e .to th Agricultural of the ment Station tor A'tVrtm.j ri e I'r.l- umi.wt -- F latU.a'of Low Quality Roughage ot Re-ear- jjj Makes Plans discussion- - of stu- held to provide Evans Chosen Cadet Colonel ht n: lower-classma- n: Lcaue Of Volers DDK Sets Initiation For Eight Members Alan i: upptr-classma- i To Hear Shannon lovvercla.-.-in.n- Steilberg. Const.. Engineering Barbara Ashbrook. Const., Arts and Sciences lowercl.isswem..ii. Ann O'Roark. Const.. Art- - ai.d r. Sciences uppercla. woman. H.'.l US, Art.-- and Sciences Jim Buell. US. Graduate u-- H.i.-elc- j j Re-ear- Re-ear- -- 1 Engineering. Brinly-Hartl- y Col. l.oui.-- il'.i Morrill rake valuta at Si3S. lor v n it the Kentucky Acts p leet hi :ural Suu.-tatit f rte: Present nai'tiu of the BoaiM et T: ittie ti, Lawrence Wf herov Frank err Carl Den. .'two le. Hel.tier-ot- , Ml- -. P.l G. B.a .!. A '.. ,:..! J..;ii H irper Ciat C. Everett. MaV.-.ilWe-ter- "i 'V 1 a 'mi. Louisville. K. r. Hooson. hull-:.- : ; illc: Smith Brnaubi Co. jo: (i., M iguelet and Dr. Ralph An. I.exington: H L. l -mil Frank I. 'i Pre-uic- and trca-uitr- . nt * rr TMwarnTiiniiffTr Page THE J ' KENTUCKY KERNEL Frid.iv. Weeks. Couch Adtilph Hupp anil his Wildcats introduced haskcthall clink- which turned out to Ik' an enjoyable and profitable program lor both the intramural teams and spectators. Another "first" on the University campus was the Shakespearean Festival, sponsored by I'K and several other Kentucky colleges. The series of plays presented bv the colleges-dreappreciative audiences. Other educational and cultural events presented during the first few mouths of l)" include the Horace lleidt Talent Show, featuring I k's own Deltones and I 'at Herren: the boston Tops Orchestra: Madimir Horowitz, concert pianist; and a Gershwin Festival. In tin- fall the concert series presented Fred Waring and his l'ennsv lvanians; the Del'anr Chorus; and St. rani s Choir. In the way of lecturers, the University can boast of having several notable speakers, including Dr. Ralph Bunche. director of the UN" Trusteeship Counc il, who drew an overflow crowd of l.fXK) in Memorial Hall, and former N ice President Allx-Harkley. who spoke at the annual I.aw Dav ceremonies. Turner Catledge. managing editor of the New York Times, and Oran Hale, history professor at the University of Virginia, spoke on the campus in the Blazer lecture series in the fall. In the Community Concert and Series. "Town Meeting of the Air" was presented in Memorial Coliseum. UK itself provided a unmlxr of entertaining events, among them Cuigiiol's production of "Born Yesterday," "Ixne For Love." "An Inspector Calls," and "Come Back Little Sheba." a e Several controversial issues arose during the year. On the campus the University was charged with discrimination against foreign students, when a bulletin posted in the men's dorms drew criticism. The bulletin was removed and the matter finally dropped. Local newspapers published a story about the discovery of liquor in girls' purses at the Interl ratemity Council dance last spring, which resulted in a gxxl bit of bad publicity for the University. However, the accounts were proven to be distorted. The serving of oleo in the University cafeteria was the cause of heated disc ussion for a short while. As a result the cafeteria is now ollering both butter dollar gambling suit filed and oleo. A against Coach Bupp brought about nation-widpublicity. The charges were later dismissed. Another controversy arose when the UK barlcrshop was cited for posting its prices. The University removed the price list. I'K can be credited with several outstanding accomplishments during last year. Its building program is going along smoothly with six new residence halls and a dormitory being constructed for men. and a women's dorm to be built in the near future. Deserving special mention is the achievement of the UK fraternities which have been recognized as attaining the highest scholastic standing of any university in the country. s threatened. Since we can assume that our guardian senator legards Communists as b ing it is even more reasonable to assume that anything which strikes McCarthy as being against McCarthy becomes Communism, since McCarthy is so obviously In his milder moments, our faithful guardian of Americanism diagnoses the various, radical shades of pink which, he believes, threaten to break out into an ev il red rash on the fair skin of our nation. Occasionally, it must be admitted, the senator does flush out random covovs of Bolshevism. Then we receive full benefits of the sound and the fury, the TV investigations, the acrid, but vague statements which all go together to herald McCarthy's admonition of imminent doom to the public. Because of all these things, we came up with a few questions alxiut the man questions that the public finds 'itself asking more and more each day. These are the kinds of questions that would have lieljv'd us immensely had they been asked long ago. Who is this man who accuses men of being for using the Fifth Amendment to protect themselves agains self incrimination? And we answer, the same man who uses his senatorial immunity for the same general purjxise to avoid having to incriminate himself by being explicit instead of ague. ! ) is this man who. even when explaining that he is protecting our freedoms, denies, verbally, the right of a man to express a political belief if it clashes with McCarthys be!iel.J Who is this man who. even while bilterlv con- im-lov- al The Kentucky Kernel University of Kkmitkv Fnt-r-- d Pu!li Not Pffp Iiavf H as at th- - Post Offit p at I lav matter und-- r lltp A ! o( M.in li , S7(i. wmIIv Hnrir.2 si 'iool ( v . i'( liolnl.r.s and rxamt. 41 lil p.r SLHSCHIP1 IO PVIIS hr-- - Fd'tor vakfr... Managing At. Vine. .... Business C.iismis Akiiiiii Id. Xlr. Sports F.lUr Fsf I.n Kvihy Hn I. i s Ol'.fisnk Wwi Editor rw Fd. .... So iVty Editor r... Asst. ( Cir. Mirr. Ft HAhn knAP iMnu dm is riatiir- - Fditor I.ahhv MFYm 1is lm vi. Boli X(... J. .l.ii St,M!!. I),,llv Sullivrnt rVintozr.iphT5 IVI.hif Schwartz Fx hanirc Editor Carl May Jr. Jim Cartoonists l.rslie Moms r.onnir Botti-rColumnists MiV,-r- . in Fori! nan. At.nf Bi ,lrd. Editorial Start-ElaiDuckworth. Km Kn I.nVhfi'ld. Cathv IVsnnlds. OfOrcrn Allen, firth Mihln, Hums. Pnnna Vill. s.l.. Jnds l..-liopi-rs- . Aiidrf-v- . Ph His fif p Shinnirk. Boh Powpll, lwns John Walton. Nano r.ml. P..nl..ia Vloican. l).iid Co.ipnian, Willi.i-ii.ulrs i- nqna, and Jim Farn.nii. lains Andf-rson- , UVhh. oo Sports-DDiV TurV ins. lohn Pl ans, Bill Knicrit, Hani Crump, Luuia Mavo, Bill Built-soriCrorpr Kopr, l'rit. hrtt. C ,,. s t. ,.;,; ' 1n Oslo t.... ,i 'Baby '54' Finds World In Chaos. Wants To Leave By RONNIE BITLER "Get serious, will you?" "I am serious, AND I WANT TO CO BACK!" "Why? You know it's impossible. Just give me two gtxxl reasons why I should le t you go back." Ok, first we 11 take a lexk at the international scene." "What does that have to do -- w e the Wildcat football team gained national recognition and almost won a trip to a Bowl game after completing a progressively successful season. It would be impossible to list all of the highlights of the past year. Only a comparatively few have been mentioned above. But in looking to the future, we should bear in mind both the achievements and mistakes made in the past, in aiming for new and even higher goals in 1954. Publicity Seeker Sen. McCarthy Unconvincing In 'Protector' Role McCarthy's is a unique role. He is out to save us. to protect us from the malignant threat of radicalism, to preserve the inspired flame of lilx'rtv. He often says so himself. But we wonder, really, if Senator McCarthy is really protecting us from anything. His actions often remind us of a man running through a powder plant, screaming "fire" in liopt-of finding, at least, a trace of smoke to justify his action. First, it should be understood that Senator McCarthy is not adverse to publicity, good or bad, so long as it is publicity. Unfortunately, it is not hard for him to get this publicity. All he has to do is to tell us. repeatedly but ambiguously, that the things we have come to Ix lieve in. the ideals which we associate with the American way of life, and, indeed, the American way of life itself, are lx'ing ! FACULTY CLU8 hall-millio- n In the sports department, tending that no man has the right to loyally oppose his beliefs, accuses men of being disloyal when they express their own beliefs? Using the scientific methcxl, we have formulated what we believe to be the ultimate fate of this man of ambiguities, this crusader against intellectual freedom, the Cotton Mather of thought. Observation Fire and gunpowder do not mix with peaceful results; Recording Butting this fact into the public eve; Hypothesis Explosions occur when fire and powder mix; Qualitative experiment The occasional explosions of indignation from the public, the powder, and McCarthy, the fire; Theory A big explosion will occur some day; Quantitative experiment Seeing how much heat it takes to ignite the public. Therefore, we have what we hope is not a bit of optimism, but a valid theory, i.e., someday McCarthy will blow himself off the keg of public support by repeated friction between his ideas of freedoms and what we know our freedoms to be. K. B. Signature Forger Lacks Character When a person lowers his standards to the point signing another person's name to a document, the action amounts to forgery. Such was the case recently when a student took advantage of the Kernel's Letters to the Editor column to falsity a signature. During the week of Dec. 1 a letter criticing an editorial published on campus parking and signed, "Marvin Jones," was received by the editor. Assuming that the letter was written by Mr. Jones . . . and there wa