_¤ from selected masterpieces and reports will be required. Double  {
  course. §’ 
  Sub-Freshman Composition.—The course is for young stude11ts  
l. who want to prepare for college entrance or remove conditions in ,, 
Vi high school English. Themes and reading will be required to meet Q?
j their needs. Single course. 4 j· 
  Profcssor F·rc<·11mn. atsstismnt Professor Ilorinc, Mr. Dickcr, l 
· i- Mr. T]l’lLi`}ll.(L7L `V 
  la. Mechanical Drawing.—Required of all freshmen in Engineer-  
5; ing. Comprising: la) Freehand lettering: (b) Exercises in the use ;
)j` of instruments; (c) Projections from Pictorial Views and descriptions; I 
¤   (d) Exercises in tinting and shading; (e) Tracing; (f) Blue printing. »
  Double course. Professor Homxi-1. It
L 1b. Mechanical Drawing.—Continuation of Drawing 121. Double  
i course. Professor TIOKIXIC.  
' Sa and Sb. Descriptive Geometry.——Required of all freshmen in g
_ Engineering. This work includes, iirst, the discussion of descriptive  
J geometry as a branch of pure mathematics. Later comes a consider·  
  ation of the application of descriptive geometry principles as an aid  
  to engineering drawing. The lectures and recitations are supplemented .
1 A by work in the drawing room. Prerequisite, Mathematics 2. Double ,
course. Professor Hoiuxn. `
  4a. Advanced Drawing.—Required of all sophomores in Engineer-  
  ing. Comprising: (a) Working drawings of parts of machines and Y
` complete machines, both detail and assembly; (b) Teclmical sketching;  
(c) Plotting of surveys. Prerequisites, Drawing la and lb. Double l
` course. Professor Hoiuxn. l
, 4b. Advanced Drawing.—Continuation of Drawing fla. Double  
I course. Professor Honrxn. l
j Electrical Engineering  
. 2. Direct Current Dynamos.—Required of juniors in Mechanical  
, and Electrical Engineering. This course involves a more intensive  
i_ study of direct current generators and motors than is covered in Course  
’ · 1. Prerequisite, Electrical Engineering 1. Single course. Professor ?<
.. 3. Alternating Currents.—Required of all juniors in Engineering.  
` g, Elective for juniors or seniors in Industrial Chemistry. This wo1·k in- l
{ volves a study of the fundamental laws of alternating current measur-  
l ing instruments, generators, motors, transformers and converters. Pre-  
  requisite, Electrical Engineering 1. Mathematics 7b (Calculus, second i
Q part), must have been completed or be taken co-ordinately. Single  
  course. Professor FREEMAN.  
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