xt7w9g5gcz3k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w9g5gcz3k/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.  journals kaes_circulars_004_592 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 592 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 592  2014 true xt7w9g5gcz3k section xt7w9g5gcz3k   '~     ‘ _  >?é`3#
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_ __ T   ~? ·' ..     _¢   By john C, Robertson,
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I;) V I ;;I‘I,]_Y' I         , C. E. Barnhart,
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 in , Swine Feeding and Management from
Weanmg to Market
‘ This publication covers the steps in feeding and management of
swine from weaning to market. However, our information would be
incomplete if we did not mention briefly other factors which also
determine profits in the swine industry—(1) breeding, (2) housing
- and equipment, and (3) herd health.
Breeding, or genetics, is not only important from the standpoint of
quality and marketing, but it is also important in feed conversion.
Feed conversion, or the amount of feed required to produce a pound
. of pork, is about 30 percent heritable. So to get the most out of a
balanced feeding program, you must also select breeding stock that
has been tested for efficient feed conversion.
Good housing is also essential in getting the most out of balanced
nutrition. Pigs must be kept warm, dry, and draft-free in winter. A
fogger system should be provided to keep hogs cool in the hot summer
months. Feed equipment that keeps waste to a minimum is necessary
for keeping your feed cost down.
Good herd health is necessary to realize the most from your feed
investment. Producers must be able to recognize disease symptoms
and follow preventive methods. Swine erysipelas and atrophic rhinitis
are the two diseases which cause the greatest losses in feed efficiency
in growing-finishing swine. Erysipelas can be controlled by preventive
vaccination. To control rhinitis, buy only breeding stock from clean
herds. If the disease is on your farm, cull the breeding herd rigidly
and add 50 grams of a broad spectrum antibiotic per ton of complete
feed. Depopulation of the swine herd and replacement with clean
stock may be necessary if the disease is widespread.
Each of these areas—breeding, housing and equipment, herd
" health—is discussed in more detail in other publications available from
your county agricultural extension office.
1. The number of pigs per linear foot of self-feeder space or per
self-feeder hole should be:

 On, Drylot On Pasture
\/Veaning to Market ................................ 4 4-5
(A 10-foot self-feeder open to pigs on both sides provides 20 `
linear feet of feeding space.)
2. The percentage of self-feeder space given to protein supplement
should be: .
On Drylot On Pasture
Weaning to 75 lb .......................... 25% 20-25%
76 lb to 125 lb .............................. 20% 15-20%
126 lb to market ............................ 15% 10-15%
Figure 1 shows a good arrangement of feeder and waterer.
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Fig. I.- Note the platform which can be moved easily to keep feeder and waterer
out of mud.
3. For hand-feeding in troughs or for hand-watering, the length
of the trough per pig should bc:
Weaning to 75 lb ................................ 0.75 ft
76 to 125 lb ........................................ 1.00 ft
126 lb to market .................................. 1.25 ft
(A 10—foot trough is considered to provide 10 feet of feeder space
whether pigs cat from one or both sides.)

 4. One automatic watering cup should be provided for each 25
‘ pigs (Fig. 2). (An automatic waterer with two openings should be
· considered 2 cups.)
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Fig. 2.— This automatic waterer can provide fresh water for 50 pigs and is
equipped with a thermostatic heating device.
5. The minimum capacity for a waterer for 10 pigs per day
should be 25 gallons in the summer and 15 gallons in the winter.
6. Drinking water temperature should not fall below 35° to 40° F
during the winter. The best temperature is about 45° F.
7. When pigs are confined from weaning to market, 12 or more
square feet of feeding Hoor is recommended (Fig.  
8. The use of a fogger system is recommended. Each fogger
should provide 1 gallon of water per hour at 25 pounds pressure.
9. To control and prevent roundworm infestation, follow a strict
sanitation program. \Vhen such a program is not effectively carried
out, worm pigs soon after weaning and repeat the treatment later
if needed. Use piperazine to control roundworms.

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Fi . 3.—A well desi ned building for feeding hogs in confinement from weaning
9 9
to market. V
1(). Effective man re and lice treatment is recommended when
pigs are weaned and whenever needed thereafter. Lindane or »
methoxychlor is effective. D0 not treat hogs less than 30 days before
slaughter. _
11. If you have good legume or legume—grass pasture, allow 20
growing·finishing pigs per acre. _ A
12. Pigs of widely varying weights should not be kept together
in the same lot. It is recommended that the range in weight should
not exceed 20 percent above or below the average.
13. The suggested number of pigs per lot should not exceed 50.
14. Tail-biting is sometimes a problem. This can be nutritional,
but in most cases it is not. It is suggested that you follow the practices
listed above especially concerning feeder-hole space and floor space
per pig. Many times only one or two pigs are involved, and this can
be corrected by observing your pigs and removing these individuals
before the problem becomes widespread.
Feed costs today make up about 70-75 percent of the total cost of
producing pigs. liations that supply proper nutrition at the least cost
will increase your profits.
The cereal grains—corn, barley, wheat, oats, rye, and grain
sorghums—are the principal feeds for hogs. Farm grains alone do not
provide a balanced ration. Balanced rations provide in proper

 _ amounts (1) carbohydrate (in grain),   protein (in supplement
. containing the quality of protein in terms of essential amino acids),
~ ‘   minerals, and (4) vitamins.
Corn und Small Grains
Corn is the principal hog feed in this country, and it is an excellent
source of energy. Pigs will eat more shelled corn if you grind it.
. Thus, they gain faster on ground corn and are ready for market sooner.
Ground corn can be mixed with other feedstuffs to provide and insure
a balanced ration. \Vith a mixed ration, you can be sure that pigs are
not over-eating expensive protein supplements, and there are usually
. fewer "tail end" pigs when ground corn is fed. However, pigs fed
ground corn may require slightly more feed per 100 pounds of gain
than pigs fed shelled or ear corn. The trend is toward complete mixed
rations because (1) they are more suited to automatic feeding, (2)
palatable protein like soybean meal is too heavily consumed when fed
' free—choiee, and   medication of feeds is simpler and more efficient.
Pigs from 40 pounds to market weight should not eat over  
pound of 40 percent protein supplement per head daily in drylot or
~ 2/; pound when on pasture.
Table '|.—- Value of Grains per Pound Compared with
Shelled Corn as a Feed for Hogs
Use as Must be
Percent Rate Only Grain Ground for Fineness
Grain Value of of for Best of Grind
Corn Gain Finishing Results
Corn 100 --- Yes No Fine
Grain sorghum 90 Equal Yes Yes Fine
Barley 85 Slightly Yes Yes Fine
Wheat 105 Equal Yes Yes Medium
Oats 80 Slower 1/3 Yes Fine
Rye 70-90 Equal 1/2 Yes Medium
Bakery waste 100 Equal 1/2 ——— —--
Yellow corn and white corn have the same feeding value for hogs
except for the vitamin A content of yellow corn. Yellow corn may
lose most of its vitamin A value after 8 to 9 months storage.
Corn and Cob Meal (ground ear corn)—has 85 to 9() percent the
value of shelled corn and slows gain.

 Barley—Protein supplements should be either mixed with the barley
or hand—fed, since hogs will eat more supplement than is economical -- e
when self-fed separately. Do not feed scabby barley to hogs. .
Wheat—an excellent feed for hogs but usually is too expensive. A
For best results feed half wheat and half corn.
Oats—vary considerably in feed value, depending upon weight.
This grain is too bulky for maximum gain when fed as the only grain.
Oats are higher than corn in protein and minerals and make an
excellent feed for breeding stock. It may be fed up to 30 percent of
the ration without slowing gains.
Rye—is not to palatable and should be fed with other grains for
best results. Ergot-infected rye is harmful to growing and finishing
animals and should never be fed to breeding animals.
Protein ls Essential
High quality protein is essential for muscle, tissue, hair, hoof, and
tendon development. Research has shown that corn and other cereal
grains cannot provide sufficient protein in quantity or of quality to
meet the pig’s requirements.
The amount of protein needed in the ration decreases as the pig
increases in weight. Table 2 gives the recommended protein level for
swine rations.
Table 2.-— Protein Requirements of Swine in Drylot
36% Supplement 40% Supplement
Live Weight, Crude Protein, Corn— Protein Corn- Protein
lb Percent of Supplement Supplement Supplement Supplement
Ration Ratio Daily Ratio Daily
40-75 16 2.7:1 0.75 3.2:1 0.7
75-125 14 4.0:1 0.9 4.7:1 0.75
125-210 12 6.8:1 0.9 8.0:1 0.75
You may feed most protein supplements free choice or mix them
in the ration with good results. However, a straight soybean meal
supplement is too tasty to be fed free choice unless extra minerals are
added to reduce palatability.
Experiments have shown that soybean meal properly fortified is
equal in value to a mixture of protein from several sources. Soybean
meal is deficient in the B vitamins (riboflavin, pantothenic acid,
vitamin B12), vitamin A, vitamin D, calcium, and phosphorus. When

 these deiiciencies are corrected, it is an excellent supplement to corn
as a feed for hogs.
1 By using the following method, you can determine how much grain
and how much supplement to use to make a mixture with a certain
protein content.
Example I .— A mixture containing 16 percent protein is to be made
from corn containing 9 percent protein and supplement containing 40
percent protein.
Draw a square. In the center of the square, put the protein
content desired in the Hnal mixture.
At the upper left-hand corner of the square, write “corn” and its
protein content (9); at the lower left-hand corner, write “supplement”
and its protein content (40).
Subtract diagonally across the square (the smaller from the larger),
and enter the results at the corners on the right—hand side (16-9:7);
The number at the upper right-hand corner gives the parts of corn,
and the number at the lower right—hand corner gives the parts of
supplement needed to make a mixture with 16 percent protein.
Corn 9% 24 lb corn which is
\ / 9% protein
/ \ 7 lb supplement
Supplement 40% which is 40% protein
Thus, 24 pounds of corn mixed with 7 pounds of supplement gives
31 pounds of feed with 16 percent protein.
To convert this to a 100-pound basis, divide 31 pounds into 24
pounds. The result, 0.774, multiplied by 100 gives 77.4. This means
that 77.4 pounds of 9 percent corn mixed with 22.6 pounds (100-77.4
pounds) of 40 percent supplement will provide 100 pounds of 16 per-
cent feed.
Example: 24/31 x 100 : 77.4 lb of lower protein
material to be used
Blending 77.4 lb of corn with : 1,548 lb/ton
22.6 lb of 40% supplement gives : 452 lb/ton
@ lb of 16% feed  lb 16% feed
Example II.- Mix corn, soybean meal, and alfalfa meal so that the
mixture will contain 15 percent crude protein and exactly 10 percent
alfalfa meal. The corn contains 9 percent, soybean meal, 44 percent,

 and alfalfa meal, 16 percent crude protein. For convenience in fig-
uring, use 100 pounds (percent) of the mixture.
STEP 1. The 10 pounds of alfalfa meal will furnish 1.6 pounds of n K
protein (0.16 x 10 : 1.6). This leaves 13.4 pounds of protein to _ V
come from the remaining 90 pounds of corn and soybean meal.
STEP 2. Since 13.4 pounds of protein must come from 90 pounds
of corn and soybean meal, multiply the amount   of crude _
protein in both corn and soybean meal by 90 before setting up the
square for obtaining the amounts of corn and soybean meal needed.
For the square, put 13.4 (protein required after subtracting 1.6
furnished by the 10 pounds alfalfa meal) in the center of the square.
In the upper left corner place 8.1 (90 x 9% crude protein in corn
: 8.1). Place 39.6 in the lower left corner (90 x 44% crude protein —
in soybean meal).
Corn 8. 1 lb \ / 26.2 lb corn
13. 4 lb l
Soybean meal 39.6 lb / \   lb soybean .
31. 5 total lb 0
STEP 3. Repeat step 3 shown in Example I. _ -
13.4 — 8.1 : 5.3 lb soybean meal
39.6 — 13.4 : 26.2 lb corn
Total lb :: 5.3 —{— 26.2 : 31.5
26.2 + 31.5 : 83.2% corn : 83.2 lb corn
5.3 + 31.5 : 16.8% soybean : 16.8 lb soybean meal
However, recall that corn and soybean meal make up 90 percent of
the ration, not 100, thus:
83.2 x 0.90 : 74.88 lb corn
16.8 x 0.90 : 15.12 lb soybean meal
90.00 lb -
Therefore, the ration is: ‘
lb K
Corn 74.88
Soybean meal 15.12
Alfalfa meal 10.00

Minerals supply the materials needed for building the skeleton and
body fluids. The minerals essential for swine nutrition are calcium,
· phosphorus, sodium, chlorine, manganese, iron, copper, iodine, cobalt,
and zinc. Each of these is needed for a specific purpose, and for
optimum health they must be in the ration at the proper level.
The common source of calcium and phosphorus is limestone,
dicalcium phosphate, and steamed bone meal. Sodium and chlorine
are provided by salt. One-half pound of salt per 100 pounds of com-
plete feed is recommended for all ages of swine. The other minerals
can be provided in a trace mineral mixture.
Vitamins are required in very small amounts for growth, mainte-
nance, reproduction, and lactation. Vitamins differ from other nu-
trients in that they do not build body tissues but are essential for
specific biochemical reactions in the body. An example of this function
is vitamin D which is needed for the utilization of calcium and
To prevent deficiencies, vitamins must be provided regularly in
. the ration at adequate levels because the body does not store them in
significant quantity.
. The essential vitamins for swine are vitamins A, D, riboflavin,
pantothenic acid, niacin, choline, and Bm.
Table 5 (page 13) gives the suggested level of vitamin supplemen-
tation for both supplements and complete rations.
Water-An Essential Nutrient
Water is not generally considered as a nutrient in animal feeding,
but in reality it is more important than solid foods. An animal can
go without solid foods for some time without serious body damage,
but it must drink water regularly at short intervals.
The importance of fresh water cannot be overemphasized in both
good nutrition and disease prevention. Water is immediately absorbed
- into the body fluids through the walls of the stomach. If the water
‘ contains disease organisms, there is an immediate danger of those
S organisms infecting the animals.
An automatic waterer attached to a pressure system or a self-
watering device in a tank are dependable methods of providing water.
Swine require 2 to 3 gallons of water per head per day, depending
on age and size.

 Non-Nutritive Feed Additives
Feed additives are not nutrients, but they may, under certain . 4
circumstances, improve growth. This effect is probably due to the ‘
destruction of certain harmful micro-organisms or parasites which tend f
to inhibit growth.
The most common feed additives are antibiotics and anthelmintics.
Research work has shown the beneficial effects of feeding low levels of -
antibiotics continually to growing-finishing pigs. Under most systems
of management 10 grams per ton in complete mixed feed is optimum.
Most research work shows that very little is gained from feeding
arsenic compounds to growingqrinishing pigs.
Anthelmintics are compounds used in the ration to control worms
or internal parasites. Piperazine is one of the most effective chemicals T
to control and prevent worms in swine.
Supplements for Swine
Table 3 lists two protein supplements which may be self-fed free .
choice with corn or ground small grains.
Table 3.-- Protein Supplements for Swine
(2, 000-lb mix) _
Ingredients Supplement A Supplement B ‘
Percent protein 40. 45 36. 30
50% solvent soybean meal, lb 1, 050 —--——
44% solvent soybean meal, lb --——— 1, 650
50% meat and bone scraps, lb 500 --——-
17% dehydrated alfalfa meal, lb 200 —-——-
Steamed bone meal, lb 100 100
Ground limestone, lb 100 200
Iodizcd salt, lb 40 40
Trace minerals (see Table 4), lb 10 10
Vitamins (see Table 5) + +
Antibiotic, grams 80 80
Total 2,000 2,000

 Table 4.- Content of Suggested Trace Mineral Mixture, Percent of Each Mineral
Mineral Approximate
Manganese 12
Iron 10
Copper 0. 73
Zinc 5. 00
Cobalt 0, 26
Iodine 0. 38
~ Table 5.— Vitamin Additions to Swine Rations, Amount to Add per Toni
Supplements - Complete Rations
A-B—C—D (Table 7)
Riboflavin, gramsz 20 4
Panthenate acid, grams 40 10
Niacin, grams 80 30
Choline, grams 400 100
Vitamin A, I. U. 15 million 3 million
Vitamin D, I. U. 2 million 600,000
Vitamin B 12, milligrams S0 16
1 Many good vitamin premixes are on the market. It is only suggested that
you follow these recommendations as closely as possible.
21 gram Z 1,000 milligrams; 1 pound ; 454 grams.
The supplements listed in Table, 6 are recommended for mixing
\V1t11 gI‘O1l11(l COIT1 OI` $1113.11 gI'2`llI1S.
Table 6.—- Suggested Supplements for Grinding and Mixing
I l_ t Supplement C Supplement D
ngrec 1en s 38% 40%
A 44% soybean oil meal, lb 1,730 1, 470
_ 50% meat and bone scraps, lb --——- 300
Salt, 1b 50 50
Diealcium phosphate or
steamed bone meal. lb 110 110
Limestone, lb 100 G0
Trace minerals, lb (Table 4) 10 10
Vitamin premix, lb (Table 5) 1 .
Antibiotics, grams F%0__ H0
Total 2, 000 lb 2, 000 lb

 Mixing instructions for Supplement C: V
16% 14% 12% `
Corn, lb ........................ 1,520 1,650 1,750
Supplement C, lb ........ 480 350 250
Mixing instructions for Supplement D:
16% 14% 12%
Corn, lb ........................ 1,550 1,680 1,800
Supplement D, lb ........ 450 320 200
If you do not Want to mix your own supplements, many good
commercial supplements are available.
Many producers prefer to build complete rations rather than mix
a supplement and corn together at the proper ratio to get the desired
protein levels. This eliminates making a supplement and, of course,
requires less handling of feedstuffs. Table 7 gives suggested rations
for various weight ranges.
Table 7.- Complete Growing and Finishing Rations `
16% Crude Protein 14% Crude 12% Crude _ ·
Fed from Weaning Protein Protein
to 75 lb Fed from Fed from
75 lb to 125 lb to
Ingredients 125 lb 200 lb
Ground yellow corn, lb 1, 590 1,690 1,780
50 % soybean oil meal, lb 370 270 180
Steamed bone meal or di-
caleium phosphate, lb 10 10 10
Ground limestone, lb 14 14 14
Salt, lb 10 10 10
Trace minerals, lb
(see Table 4) 6 6 6
Vitamin premix, lb
(see Table 5) + + + ·
Antibiotics, grams 10 10 10 ‘
Total 2,000 2,000 2,000 I
1. At first sign of sickness, remove ailing animal from the herd.
Place in isolated quarters.
2. Place pigs on clean pasture not used by hogs for the past 2
years or on clean concrete pens. Old hog lots are usually a source of
infection for diseases such as necro and erysipelas.

 V 3. Keep manure piles removed from hog areas. Manure from
infected animals is a common source of internal parasite infection in
young pigs.
4. Keep pens and lots well drained; make sure there is no drainage
from lots with older pigs to lots with younger ones.
5. Maintain a closed herd as far as possible.
6. Isolate purchased stock for 1 month.
7. Keep visitors to a minimum.
8. Provide fresh water.
9. Avoid the 8-D’s—drafts, dust, and dampness.
Feed efficiency records are a valuable tool to aid the swine pro-
ducer in culling and selecting replacement breeding stock. The
efficiency with which hogs convert feed into pork is vital to your final
profit or loss. Producers are reminded that feed efficiency is about
30 percent heritable. To get the most out of a balanced feeding
program, you must select those individual pigs that are efficient in
· converting feed to pork.
Different methods are used to figure feed conversion. These are
· listed with some examples of typical results.
1. Total feed fed from about 50 pounds to market weight at about
200 pounds divided by the total weight gain for the same period.
Typical average figures may range from 300 to 370 pounds of feed
per 100 pounds of gain. The important use that can be made of these
figures is in assessing the value of breeding stock.
2. Total feed fed during shorter periods of the pig’s life divided
by the total weight gain for the same period. These figures are useful
in assessing the value of your breeding herd, but use caution in coin-
paring them with figures obtained on animals fed to 200 pounds.
Feed conversion becomes less efficient as pigs grow older and heavier.
A set of scales will give accurate information on market weights
. and rate of gain data (Fig. 4).

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Fig. 4.— A set of scales is a "must" for any swine operation.
This circular and Circular 591, "Swine Feeding and Management from Farrpwing to
Weaning," replace Circular 368, "Pigs—From Birth to Market in Six Months." . ‘
Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics: College of Agriculture
and Home Economics. University of Kentucky. Lexington, and the United States Depart-
ment of Agriculture, cooperating. William A. Seay. Director. lssued in furtherance of the
Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914.