xt7w9g5gff2r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w9g5gff2r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1976-10-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 12, 1976 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 12, 1976 1976 1976-10-12 2020 true xt7w9g5gff2r section xt7w9g5gff2r KENTUCKY I

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an independent student newspaper

University of Kentucky
Lexington. Kentucky

Vol. LXVIII, Number 43
Tuesday, October 12, 1976

KRS permits Trustees

Newtown Pike
project planned

to ignore union efforts

Editor‘snote:Thisisthesecondina collective bargaining rights

Copy Editor

A proposal to extend Newtown
Pike may soon be implemented by
the state Department of Transporta-
tion. However, construction and
other tasks will take several years,
and the highway’s c0mpletion is not
included in Lexington’s five-year
transportation improvement plan,
according to Frank Mattone, an
official with the planning and zoning

Often mentioned in past years, the
extension of Newtown Pike has
received new support since it is seen
as a way to ease traffic around the
Lexington Convention Center (LCC)
city officials say.

A complete extension will have
Newtown intersecting or overpas-
sing Main Street, Manchester Street
and Versailles Road before merging
with Euclid Avenue, according to
Russell Johnson, transportation de-
partment district engineer.

One benefit of the extension could
be to relieve traffic congestion
around UK. The Euclid-Newtown
road would be four lanes and would
lessen traffic now concentrated on
Rose and Limestone streets, said
Mattone. ‘

Business Affairs Vice President
Jack Blanton said, though, that the
highway might increase traffic on
those streets by bringing more cars
in UK's direction from downtown.
Despite that, Blanton said he ap-
proves of the highway because it
would ease traffic at the LCC.

When the highway is constructed,
a pedestrian viaduct will be built at
the corner of Euclid Avenue and
Harrison Street for students who
must walk across Euclid, Blanton
said. Construction plans for the new
Fine Arts building on Euclid allow
for a setback to accomodate the
widened road, he added.

Construction of the Newtown ex-
tension has been delayed because of
the large amount of paperwork
involved in such a project. said Don
Kelly, assistant engineer with the
transportation department in
Frankfort. Additional noise and air
pollution studies and environmental

impact reports must still be com-
pleted before work can begin, he

Because the extension is to be

done in a crowded, urban area, there '

will be many residents and busines-
ses to relocate. One proposed route
would mean resettlement of oc-
cupants of 82 homes and relocation
of 21 businesses, according to Mat-

Among the seven routes under
consideration by the department of
transportation, one calls for the
destruction of approximately 140
buildings. It is undecided whether
the extension will be a limited-
access highway or a boulevard with
intersections, said Johnson.

Before the plan is initiated, the
law says there must be a court
hearing to introduce the program to
the public. Following that, there is a
design hearing where a detailed
routing plan will be presented, said
Kelly. The new law concerning the
relocation of residents also man-
dates that everyone have a new
home before houses are torn down,
Mattone said.

Federal-state relocation funds
available to those being resettled
amount to as much as $10,000
moving expenses for businesses,
$15,000 for homeowners, and $4,000
for tenants.

Many officials, including Gov.
Julian Carroll, seem to feel that the
Pike should be extended to make the
LCC more convenient. Newtown
Pike has exits close to interstate
highways 64 and 75 and to New
Circle Road.

At the LCC opening last week,
Carroll surprised many with the
announced planning of an access
road between the LCC and Newtown

“It was a complete surprise to
us," said Larry Stapleton, LCC
business manager. He said he was
also pleased with Carroll’s promise
of 1,500 parking spaces the state
plans to provide from nearby rail-
road land.

The access road is also apparently
in the proposal stage, according to

Relates to discrimination

University Senate tables admissions policy proposal

Assistant Managing Editor
The University Senate voted again
yesterday to return to the Senate
Council a measure which would
clarify official UK policy regarding

Yesterday‘s sunshine made this outdoor work easy for
Russell Hill and Charles Morrow of the physical plant

dicrimination in admissions pol-

The resolution was first brought
before the body at the September
session when it was rejected. 0b-
jections by faculty members from




—-Bili Kig M

A concrete idea

A prefabricated concrete form receives close scrutiny by Obert
Pearson [top left]. Leyland Wright [bottom left] and Preston Loy.
The object of their construction is the new College of Nursing
building across from the Medical Center. They are employes of

Pennington Contractors.

the Dental school and Donovan
program said then that the wording
was not specific enough for their
admissions policies.

At yesterday‘s session, more ob-
jections were raised on the same

«Mike Mauser

exhaust fan cover they are preparing to put in place.
They're working at the flammable storage center

division. What made it hard was the bulkiness of the behind the l-‘unkhouser Biological Sciences building.

grounds, in reference to the word
“beliefs,“ which was included in a
phrase describing criteria which
could not be used for discrimination
in admissions under the revised
form of the resolution.

Several other Senators then voiced
similar objections, expressing a
desire for a list of positive criteria
which would be used to screen
admission applications instead of a
list of practices which are prohibi-

A motion to return the proposal to
the Senate Council was then passed.

In other action, a proposal to
change the eligibility requirements
for faculty members‘ election to the
Board of Trustees was passed. A
phrase which would have made all
persons above the rank of depart-
ment chairman ineligible was delet-
ed by amendment.

Sociology professor Thomas Ford,
who proposed the amendment, said
the phrase was “arbitrary in that
some persons above the rank of
department chairman have more
academic and research duties than
those below.“

Dr. Stan Smith, Chemistry, refut-
ed Ford's reasoning by pointing out
that as chairman of the Rules
Committee. he has seen a need for
some standard for elimination.

three-part series on the unionization
efforts of non-academic employes at

Assistant Managing Editor

Even if non-academic employes at
UK should be successful in their
efforts to unionize, there is nothing
in the Kentucky Revised Statutes
(KRS) which would require the
Boa rd of Trustees to recognize their
status or their demands.

Collective bargaining efforts in
the public sector have always had a
poor track recopd in Kentucky,
mainly because' there are no
provisions in KRS for such

In addition, numerous court cases
have ruled that National Labor
Relations Act (NLRA) regulations,
which govern labor-management
relations in the private sector, are
not appliaible to the public sector.

In Kentucky, the most recent
efforts at passage of some form of
collective bargaining legislation for
public employes met defeat in the
1976 sesion of the Kentucky General

House Bill 300, which would have
addressed the question of collective
bargaining, never made it out of the
Sub-Committee on Collective
Bargaining in the ’76 session.

Mike Moloney, (D-Lexington),
who chaired the subcommittee, said
the vote was not close and the bill
never had a chance because
leadership in both houses of the
legislature opposed it.

“We held hearings during 1975 and
recanmended against passing the
measure by a vote of 5-2," Moloney
said. “Public employe collective
bargaining never went anywhere. A
bill for elementary and secondary
teachers got a hearing, but that was
as far as the issue went."

Moloney was one of the two who
voted in favor of House Bill 300.

Governor Carroll's press
secretary, John Nichols, said the
governor’s position on the issue is
basically unchanged since the last
General Assembly.

“Governor Carroll has supported

“We've been eliminating the pres-
ident and vice-presidents for years,“
Smith said. “We ran into controver-
sy on deans and associate deans. By
the time we got to assistant deans we
really had problems. We need guid-
ance, some kind of direction."

Because the Ford amendment
deleting the phrase passed, the final
proposal only changed a minor
clause elsewhere in the rules.

The Senate also passed a proposal
which specifically sets the last day
to change a course from credit to
audit or from audit to credit.
Formerly, there had been arbitrary
dates for each procedure. Under the
new rules, either change must be
made by the last day to drop a class
without a grade.

in addition to the discrimination
phrasing proposal, a measure con.
cerning review of graduate pro-
grams was tabled until the Novem-
ber session.

Dr. Malcolm Jewell, President of
the Senate, announced several Sen-
ate Council actions which should
come before the body next month,
including proposals on appointment
and promotion regulations, prohibi-
tions on discrimination against the
handicapped and the creation of a
committee to study the summer
school program.

throughout his public life," Nichols
said. “But he will veto any
legislation which would permit
strikes or remove from local of-
ficials the responsibility for tax
rates or if demands for pay in-
creases would result in increased

Nichols added that Carroll un-
derstands the reasoning behind
efforts aimed at creating such

“There is no room in our statutes
for recognition of third parties in
public employe negotiations,_” he
said. “That's why there has been
such a clamor for a law.“

in February 1972, a representative
of Public Employes Council 51,
American Federation of State,
County and Municipal Employees
(Al-‘SCMEi, asked to be recognized
as the sole bargaining unit for non-
academic employes at UK.

The Board ofTrustees, in response
to the request entered a plea for a
declaratory judgment in the Fayette
Circuit Court, maintaining they did
not know whether they had the right
to deal with such an agent, or even
grant them recognition.

University legal counsel John
Darsie said then that no decision
concerning the group would be made
by the Trustees, pending the Court‘s

On Jan. 25, 1976, Fayette Circuit
Court Judge James Parks delivered
an opinion in which he stated the
Board did not have the right to enter
into collective bargaining
agreements with non-academic
employes at UK.

Parks also ruled, however, that
the Board was under no obligation to
do so since there are no provisions
mandating such agreements in KRS.

Vice President for Business Af‘
fairs Jack Blanton said last week
thatsince the General Assembly has
not acted on any legislation con-
cerning collective bargaining, the
Boa rd will not act until they see the
results of an appeal from the Parks
ruling to the Kentucky Supreme

“It’s premature to do anything
until we see that decision,“ Blanton
said. “Even if we did go ahead, we‘d
still have the problem of appropriate
bargaining units. We would be into a
bargaining situation without rules of
the game."

Margaret Roach, local organizer
for the AFSCME group, said she is
not sure when the union will present
its demands to the Board.

“It really depends on what kind of
strength we have in numbers,"
Roach said. “Right now wejust need
to get enough to be able to go to them
in force.”

Roach, who said about 500 non-
academic employes have signed
AFSCME pledge cards, listed
demands involving wages, inputg'nto
hiring and promotion policies, paid
health insurance and free parking.

Blanton acknowledged that better
relations are necessary, but said the
financial status of the University
would be determinative in the
Board‘s decisions.

“I agree that the University
should provide some form of health
insurance. The Employes Benefit
Committee is making a selected
sampling of employes on the matter
now in order to make a recom-
mendation to the President,"
Blanton said.

“i’d like to get those com-
munication channels open without a
union,” Blanton said. “If we fail in
that, we're going to have a union."


Indian summer
Sunny and pleasant today with
a high in the low 70‘s. Clear
tonight with a low in the upper
40's. Partly cloudy tomorrow
with a high in the mid-70‘s.













editorials 8: comments

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University

Ginny “wards

Walter Hlxson

Man-(lug Editor
John Wlnn Miller

Letters I“ comment! should be addressed to the M editor. leo- ill. launch- lull“
SDI"! I'll Ila-Md I “ll "Ame. like“ and telephone Huber. hum unneteueed 3“ was. and em are restricted to m


In" as [an
“V W
a“ 6“” m m m
Con like“ Hits Slum
Susanne Durban Prod-etu- lancer
Dick Downy alarm-nu» WOW-'5'
Steve lsllinur Stewart ”has

. ‘l'boy must be typed. triple-



Campaign polls shouldn’t

affect voter decisions

President Ford and Jimmy Carter spend about
$1 million each for their personal poll service.
The polls are designed to show the candidates’
strong and weak areas around the country.

Hundreds of new polling services have cropped
up in recent years. Some, like the nationally
known Harris and Gallup services, concentrate
on gauging outcomes, while others stress issues

and attitudes.

The various polls do have one thing in common

— they are all suspect.

Last week, the Gallup poll showed Carter
leading Ford 50 per cent to 42 per cent. At about
the same time, a Yankelovich poll commissioned
by Time magazine showed the presidential race

tied 43-43.

The margin of error in the polls is generally
considered to be about three per cent-for a
sample of 1,200 to 1,500, according to the law of
statistics. Therefore, if Gallup shows Carter
leading 50—42, the actual results could be 53-39 or


Reader sees SCB video editorial as

As a three-year veteran of the
University community and a reader
of the Kernel, I have finally become
annoyed enough to respond to the
Kernel editorial of Oct. 7 concerning
the “useless video-cassette unit"


commentary t' ‘ "-


recently purchased by the Student
Center Board (SCB). Why am I
annoyed? To paraphrase recent
history‘s most famous liar: “State-
ments made are at odds with the

It appears to this writer that the
editors of the illustrious Kernel
composed their essay with only such
information as was contained in the
()ct. 6 article by Marie Mitchell on
the same subject. I find it interesting
to note that in Ms. Mitchell's article,
I was able to find only one incorrect
statement, while the editorial con—
tained several (more about them

Do the editors know how to read?
Did they even know of Ms. Mitchell‘s
article? Did they attempt to confirm
the information through the requi-
site “second source"? Did they take,
or even pass JOU-204 and 503? I
submit that the answer is a resound-
ing NO!

Pack journalism


The current American political
campaign is attacked for its
“issuelessness.” Few will quarrel
with that judgment . sit in on a
political science class, talk to a
politician. or even hang around
reporters going through post-
election recriminations. They‘ll all
be complaining about the lack of in-
depth discusion of “the issues.“

I watched a KET show toward the
tail end of Kentucky‘s general
elections a year ago. The program
consisted mostly of various Ken-
tucky newspaper reporters dumping
on politicians for not talking about
the issues and on the voters for not
being interested in them. Never did
those reporters fault themselves for
the quality of campaign coverage.

Well, there’s a fairly impressive
body of research in mass com-
munication that places the blame
squarely on newspapers. The
research comes under the general
title of “agenda-setting." Almost all
of the score or so studies contain a
variant if this quote: ”Although the

Obviously, the difference is significant. Polls
are questionable for several reasons —the
wording and timing of the question, for example.
Poll takers also are suspect. It has been reported
that canvassers have been known to fill in
samples themselves.

While polls have been beneficial for many of
businesses, they are often the subject of con-

troversy in political campaigns. Sometimes the

polls are way off; the Truman-Dewey fiasco in
1948 comes to mind first.

The real concern about the growth and ac-
ceptance polls on political races is that they are
accepted as absolute truth by some voters. This
often feeds the natural inclination on the part of
voters to be a part of the winning ticket and,

therefore, influence individual decisions.

Because polls have been correct and have
proved instrumental in many areas, they have a
niche in society. But polls should be taken as an
indication rather than a true representation.
Otherwise, polls present the danger of affecting

the outcome, rather than guaging it.

Why do I publicly accuse the
editors of failing in their duty as
journalists? For a very simple
reason, I have a telephone, and a
campus directory which, combined
with an inquisitive mind and a
nimble index finger, allowed me
(with no journalistic experience,

~ mind you) to ascertain and confirm
the facts in one fell swoop. Please
allow me, dear editors, to set the
record straight concerning the “use-
less video-cassette unit".

First of all, the statement publish-
ed in both the news article and the
editorial establishing the price of a
Sony VP-2,000 videocassette ma-
chine as $3,000 is patently ridiculous.
In my capacity as Audio-Visual
Technician for the College of Social
Professions, I had the opportunity to
price a similar unit. The local
commercial television distributor
quoted a price of approximately

Also, during a telephone conversa-
tion with the SCB Program Director,
Mr. John Gerbst, I was informed
that the Sony was purchased at the
lowest price bid. A total cost for the
unit of $1,495. Three thousand dol~
lars indeed!

The editors seem to have difficulty
relating to both facts and to figures.
For example. “...four one-hour films




media may not be successful in
telling us what to think, they are
stunningly successful in telling us
what to think about."

The point of these studies «and
they‘ve been done in North Carolina,
in New York, in Kentucky, Indiana,
Oklahoma, Michigan, Wisconsin,
Minnesota, and Ohio —is that issues
people get personally concerned
about are those that get the most
play in newspapers.

People who go around counting
such things keep tallies on the
percentage of space U.S.
newspapers give to anything
remotely resembling an issue in
campaign coverage. It hovers
around 45 per cent in presidential
elections. The bulk of the coverage
concerns who's ahead at any given

Third party candidates, who
generally are trying to run the most
issueoriented campaigns anyway.
get the worst deal. Anytime they get

and one feature film the SCB spent
$425...in addition to the $200 mem-
bership fee...( paid to)...the Video
Tape Network.” Mr. Ilerbst, read-
ing from the DAV used to purchase
membership and rent the tapes,
quoted to me a membership cost of
$225 and rental of the programs at a
cost of $200; bringing the grand total
to the not exhorbitant sum of $425.

Yet the editors said the total cost
was $625! Even worse, the esteemed
editors failed to note that Ms.
Mitchell’s article (which certainly
must have crossed their desks)
quoted the correct total cost the day

Furthermore, although it is true
enough that the Sony VP-2000 cannot
record, the Editors are incorrect in
their assertion that the SCB has no
access to a machine that can. Have
they ever heard of UK-TV? The SCB
certainly has. SCB received the Paul
Winter Consort promo on one half
inch reel to reel video tape (a format
physically impossible to play on any
video-cassette machine) and UK-TV
graciously dubbed a cassette copy.
Therefore, dear editors, commer-
cials are not “out for the present“.
Any Telecommunications major
worth his vidicon could produce a
spot suitable for projection on the
Video Beam.

”giggle [from or


9‘43. #6- «A» can.
i“ Mat; flw;~.vmrarf

"l- C ,:





Contradictory column

In response to Mr. Harralson’s
statements of Oct. 11, I make a few
passing comments.

“Each person, within his income


can vote for and get what he wants in
the market." My, my, I thought,
by now we could understand the
inherent fallacies of a pure free
market system. Harralson
assumes that by merely shifting our
specific buying preogatives, shoddy

‘patently ridiculous ’

As to the statement that UK
football games are filmed, and thus
useless; BULL! UK-TV has a device
(quite common at most TV studios)
capable of transferring filmed pro-
grams to video tape. In almost two
years as an Audio-Visual Tech-
nician, I have found the staff of
UK-TV to be most 'helpful in resolv-
ing similar situations that I myself
have encountered. I believe that the
SCB will be treated in the same
courteous manner.

The editors also sneer at a
proposal for a campus TV station.
Do they not know that the Student
Center, Classroom Building, Office
Tower, Chemistry-Physics, and
Commons are wired for cable TV
origination from UK-TV’s control
room? A little inter-departmental
cooperation and utilization of exist-
ing hardware could make campus
television a reality! It might just
happen in spite of the Kernel’s

I suspect that perhaps the Kernel
is afraid of losing vital advertising
revenue to such a competitive
operation. Are they? I would like to
see if the Kernel could survive a
little competition, and see students
other than Journalism majors gain
invaluable experience on campus
rather than grubbing for rare,

unpaid internships off campus.

In conclusion, I suggest that in the
future, the Kernel editors spend
more time checking their facts
before shooting off their type—


Michael F. Scallen is a Telecom-

munications senior. ‘ ~ "‘ "

{Editor's Note: Theinformation in
the article and editorial Scallen
refers to was confirmed by three
sources on two occasions.

[The $3,000 reported cost of the
video was supplied to the Kernel by
Tom Gaston, SCB president. Joe
Mayer, SCB member-at-large. and
Mark Chellgren, who helped organ-
ize purchase of the video as SCB
Public Relations Director last year.
(‘Iietlgren is now Kernel Assistant
Sports Editor.

[The actual price paid for the
video was $1,495, as Scallen reports.
Gaston. Chellgren and Mayer. con-
tacted the day the article ran, Oct. 7,
did not dispute the price reported in
the Kernel. Therefore, the editors
had no reason to doubt the accuracy
of the information.

[The editorial, however. incor-
rectly stated that the total cost of the
SCB package was $625. The actual
cost was 8425.

products and misleading advertising
will become unprofitable to those
who purvey them.

I turn his attention to the em-
piricalevidence that surrounds each
individual on this point. All of us can
name at least a few businesses that
have ripped us off personally, and
yet these organizations continue,
with or without our business.

How can the wariness of a once-
bumtcorsumer, even aided by those
who have knowledge of his loss,
compete with multi-media ad-
vertising that constantly tells where
to buy. Remember also, that not
everyone has the tiime, means, or
knowledge to shop around for an
honest store.

I will grant that our tax laws are
unfa ir because of the rates. Tax laws
in America are unfair because they
effectively tax labor and not capital.
It is uncontroverted that the federal
and most state income taxes act as
regressive, not progressive tax
systems. The more you make, the
less you pay.

I suppose I should go on ex-
pounding on how the “con-
servatives” (as opposed to Mr.

Harralson’s “do-gooder . . .
liberals”) disrupt free enter-
prise for the nonwealthy, but I will
sum up by asking a question.

Mr. Ilarralson, if “maximum
noninterference is to be a guiding
principle of governments, why, back
in 1974 and 1975, when you andI were
student senators, did you raise such
hell about, and organize interfering
resistance to, the assembling of
homosexual persons on UK
property? Thank you for protecting
and restoring the morality of the
university community.

UK Law student

a e e Reporters should share blame for issueless campaign

coverage, the story‘s about what
effect their votes will have on the
two leading candidates.

And when you look around at what
reporters do come up with when they
try to deal in issues. it‘s no wonder
the American electorate flounders
around issueless. The reporters
themseles are floundering.

Saul Alinsky once said that people
try to make issues out of a lot of
irrational things. "When you have a
grievance about which you can do
nothing. he wrote, “then you do not
have an issue. All you have is a bad

And most American political
reporting deals with bad scenes.

A political scientist friend of mine
contended that the only interesting
question in the most recent
presidential debate was the one
asking about the trade—off between
the agonies and economics of war.
()f course that‘s one no American
statesman can possibly answer, so
it‘s really a bad scene question. But
at least it's more interesring than
Carter's lustful heart.

Yet reporters are still asking


about the lust. They even ask his
wife about it. At least she has the
good sense to tell them it‘s none of
their business.

A part of the problem is that
reporters, like the public in general,
believe in the idea that the major



issues are those covered in the
media. If Jimmy Carter’s lust or
Earl Butz‘ sense of humor is what’s
being covered, then it must be im-
portant. So they keep asking about

Rolling Stone’s Timothy Crouse
coined a term for this style of
reporting. He called it “pack
journalism.“ And the pack is still
very much with us this year. Jeff
Carter‘s UK “student press” con-
ference last month is a casein point.
Almost all the questions were drawn
directly from areas hashed over in
the most recent Newsweek. Not one
of the student reporters was willing
to break new ground.

Still, we do get at least some
semblance of coverage of
presidential politics —more than we
really want, I suspect. If you really
wantto view a dismal scene, look at
“agenda-setting" in local politics.

For public opinion to be
established, communication
theorists contend that first
some awareness of an issue must be
established, then information about
it disseminated. Only then do at-

titudes begin to take shape that may
later result in some public action
being taken.

In local politics, the newspapers
seldom give us even that first
minimum level of awareness. I
wonder how much Lexington voters
know about the school board or
district judge races that will be on
their ballot Nov. 2?

I really do doubt that they’re very
interested either. Certainly
Lexington reporters don’t think so.
At least that’s what they respond
when you ask them why nobody's
covering the local races this fall.

What we have is a nice little
“infinite don’t loop.” People don’t
get interested without media
coverage, and the media don‘t cover
because people aren’t interested.

Given the stupid issues reporters
like to jump on, maybe that’s just as


Dr. Leonard Tbton is a UK jour-
nallsm professor. His wife Judy.
lncldentaly, Is a school board
candidate. Perspective appears
every Tuesday.



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news briefs



Ford, Carter campaign on holiday

Candidates push for ethnic vote

[AP] — A major ethnic
holiday dominated the cam-
paign movements of Presi-
dent Ford and Jimmy Carter
Monday as they continued a
quest for votes among immi-
grant families and their de-
scendants. Ford, in a publish-
ed interview, accused his
Democratic opponent of
“pure demagoguery” in re-
cent campaign attacks.

Each candidate used a
special Columbus Day event
to attempt to gain favor
among predominantly Cath-
olic ethnic blocs of voters,
viewed by some observers as
a key to winning some pop-
ulous industrial states from
the Northeast to the Midwest.

At a wreath-laying cere-
mony at a statue of Christo-
pher Columbus outside Wash-
ington's Union Station, Ford
declared that “the people of
the Old World still look to the
New World as the champion
of human rights. America has
been their hope and their help
and we will never let them

He made no mention in his
brief speech of the Eastern
European nations which have
occupied a central place in
recent campaign oratory, fol-
lowing Ford’s remark in the
debate with Carter last week
that they were not dominated
by the Soviet Union.

Ford attacked Carter in the

San Francisco Examiner,
whose editor, Reg Murphy,
interviewed the President in
Texas over the weekend.
Ford accused the Democratic
nominee of impugning his
integrity by raising questions
about his past campaign fi‘
nances and relationship with

Carter has demanded that
Ford hold a formal news
conference to answer ques-
tions about a 1973 audit by the
Internal Revenue Service
which said that in 1972, Ford
used money from a home
town bank account in Michi-
gan which contained some
political contributions to pay
for some clothing and a

family ski vacation. The audit
report said Ford agreed to
count the clothing expendi-
tures as personal income and
pay tax on the amount. the
audit incidated Ford reim-
bursed the account for the

Carter went to a Columbus
Day Mass in Chicago with
Mayor Richard J. Daley and
various Italian-American pol-
itical leaders, and was a
feature attraction of the city‘s
Columbus Day parade.

Daley gave Carter another
ringing endorsement, prais-
ing him as a president who
would eliminate “leadership
without direction" and heard

Butterfield alleges Nixon-Ford pact

Former Federal Aviation
Administrator Alexander P.
Butterfield said yesterday
that President Ford took
office with a mandate to fire

Presidential Press Secre-
tary Ron Nessen disagreed,
however, terming as “just
ludicrous" suggestions that
there had been any agree-
ment by Ford to fire Butter-

Butterfield, who first re-
vealed the existence of the
White House taping system in
congressional testimony, said

that the decision that he
should be fired was made by
then President Richard M.
Nixon after Butterfield tes-
tified before the House
Judiciary Committee in July,
1974. The committee was
considering articles of im-
peachment against Nixon.

And he said that he be-
lieves, both from the way he
was fired and from indication
by his friends in the White
House, that when Nixon left
office there was an agree-
ment that Butterfield would
be dismissed.

Butterfield first comment-

ed on the possibility of such
an agreement Sunday on
CBS' “Sixty Minutes," and
repeated his remarks Mon-
day to The Associated Press.

“I have a lot of friends in
the White House," Butterfield
said, adding that one of them
had called him about a week
after his Judiciary Com-
mittee testimony to say there
had been a meeting about
him. He quoted the friend as
saying the decision was:
“You‘ve got to go."

“I don’t think it was such a
big deal that Nixon talked to
Ford about me,” Butterfield

said. But he added he believes
an agreement was worked out
by staffers serving as liaison
between the two men.

“It was like a mandate,“ he
said. Butterfield added that
he was convinced of this
agreement when he was
fired, because Ford refused
to see him, although they
know each other and at one
time had been on a first name

Also, he said, he was told
rather abruptly to leave,
without the courtesy of re-
maining in o