xt7wdb7vn613 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wdb7vn613/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 18700410 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1870-04-jun10. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1870-04-jun10. 1870 2011 true xt7wdb7vn613 section xt7wdb7vn613 187 Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., June 10, 1870 as may in the judgement of the Faculties be most expedient pro- vided no such Exhibition be aloud to take place during the week of exeminations. 4th ThFt the time of Examinations an Exibitions be announced to the public. Respectfully submitted, J. A. Williams Chm. On motion adjourned to meet tomorrow at B o'clock A. H.i Meeting of June 10, 187/0 Presi dent Perri n elected Prof. Strange and the chair of Ne tural Philos. Aplication of W1. C. Crumbaugh Revi sion of Laws Appeal of Curator Elley Sale of grounds Thanks to Prof. Burgiss Board met at 8a- A. M. Present Curators, Bishop, Gratz, Goodloe, Elley, Woolfolk, Wasson, Smith, 'White, Ricketts, J. B. Bowman, Sloan, and Wilkes. Prayer by Curator Wasson. /1883/ On motion of Regent Bowman Professor Perrin was elected Presiding officer of the Commercial College for the ensuing year. On motion of Curator Smith it was resolved the secretary in- form Prof. Strange that whereas it is found that the wants of the A. & M. College do not require at present all the time of a sep- arate Professor in Natural Philosophy and when as it also found that the funds of the University do not justify the employment of such a professor for his full time. Resolved that the Chair is declared vacant for the present. On motion of Regent Bowman the application of W. C. Crum baugh to have the title of A. M. conferred upon him. The sub- ject was defered until the next annual meeting of the board of Curators. Committee on revision of the laws Report that they are not prepared at present to report and on motion of Curator Wilkes that the charter be refered to them also for revision. Curator Elley having taken exception to the ruling of the Chairman in regard to the Election of Professor Errit appealed from the dedision of the Chair on motion the decision of the Chair was sustained. The Committee to whom was refered the disposal of a portion of the grounds belonging to Transylvania University made their report which was received and on motion of Curator Gratz laid on the table. On motion it wa.s resolved that the hearty thanks of this board be tandered to President Burgess for the able address de- livered by him to the undergraduates of the University. On motion the rule requiring the minutes of the session to be read before adjournment was dispensed with and the minutes of this meeting being read and appcoved on motion adjourned sine aie. R. M. Bishop Chb i rman Joseph Wasson, Sec.