xt7wdb7vp560 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wdb7vp560/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1983 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Basketball Programs (Women) 6th Annual Lady Kat Invitational Tournament, January 13-15, 1983 text 6th Annual Lady Kat Invitational Tournament, January 13-15, 1983 1983 2014 true xt7wdb7vp560 section xt7wdb7vp560  `j §.¥..$*.i··€*?    E"     if         ;.Q;,; '=>· .1 A`   1   . IQ:     ·   l`   I; A . A. sm., A. . ` I Q A . » . ·- A- ` ` ‘   · A - AA 3 . ·*
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 Administration K g     g;
‘·   _. .’  f ''  _ _V,.4Ai   -   
Dr. Otis A. Singletary, the eighth Great strides toward academic ex-    in f,  
. . . . gf  z `  ;»  ’     _  
president of the University of Ken- cellence have been made during Dr. » ¤—t    ._   . 
tucky, assumed that office in August Singletary's presidency at UK. Two     `“‘     i‘y _
of 1969. He had previously served as professional schools—dentistry and ’   ;;y_   ``i``  
chancellor of the University of North pharmacy—have been ranked among   t.V$ {    
Carolina at Greensboro, executive vice the best in NW9 nation. DGDHFTIFGHTS       ..
chancellor for academic affairs in the such as political science, history and      
University of Texas System and direc- mathematics have gained national at-
tor of the Job Corps for the Office of tention. The UK Library now ranks OSS? ’°‘· .?m|LGUf;A*iY
Economic Opportunity. among the best in the Southeast, and mvem Y ms. an
Dr. Singletary, a native of Gulfport, a large portion of the world-wide re-
Miss., holds degrees from Millsaps search related to tobacco and health is
College and Louisiana State Univer- now done at UK. UKAA Board ¤* Direcwrs
sity. Under Dr. Singletary’s guidance, E;;:lSa2?oSn'T&L](li;;Kenna
As president of the principal institu— strong efforts have been made to meet B[j§?'j‘f’,L{;£§§§’
tion of higher learning in the Common- the needs of minority groups including gjéggjrygiggifger
wealth, Dr. Singletary is greatly con- the establishment of an office of vice Prof-€harle5R¤l¤¤¤
cerned with the University’s role as a president for minority affairs. figsiiiteax;-;`,bTs
land-grant institution, a "people’s uni- Recognition of his service to the mgfelliflfflge
versity" accessible to all who can profit University was evidenced by the UK ;l*§_'££:a"d‘€'
from education. Alumni Association which presented E><·0tti¤¤¤M¤mb¤rs
. . . . Dr. Otis A. Singletary, Chairman
ln the 12 years he has been pres- to Dr. Srngletary its Alumni Service ¤r.¤.e.zumWr¤kre
ident, the University has grown to Award—an honor rarely bestowed #,$?`§E:$aTQ°§,a,p
where there are now more than 23,400 upon a non-alumnus of the University. Q;‘éVéll;h;’la"“€W$
students on the Lexington campus and He and Mrs. Singletary, the former Stevenpchmueiier
about 22,000 students in UK's 13 com- Gloria Walton, have three children: giilfrnaiaéwisgggzir
munity colleges, and the University has Bonnie, Scot and Kendall. ;lQj§`8“§,PMi$:bB,s
become one of the major research in- ‘(““aVg€’“¤“¤“'a"“
_ _ I Ynl'1 DOOI'lEl’TlOf€
stitutions in the country.
Athletics Director  .   r r tlt K  r, . , it‘s t   
Continued growth in practically all Conference basketball tournaments   ,/,‘    
phases of UK athletics has been a hall- last year and will host the NCAA Mid-      
mark of Cliff Hagan's seven—year reign east Regionals in 1984 and the NCAA at  ///»   , -   { 
as Wildcat athletics director, with fine Championship Finals in 1985. -      
attendance at football and basketball Hagan, who has seen and overseen    
games, increased attendance at Lady vast improvements in all phases of the    
Kat basketball and men’s baseball, and UK athletics program since returning   A   _
a steady up-grading of facilities. to his alma mater as assistant athletics  L      
Recent physical improvements director in 1972, has under his com- CUFFORD O- HAGAN i
include a new baseball grandstand be- mand a total of 20 sports ranging from __
hind home plate, a new athletic learn- football and men’s basketball in Level Memorial National Basketball Hall of
ing center for the academic advisory l, to women's basketball in Level ll, Famein Springfield, Mass.
staff, new locker rooms in the football and 17 sports in Level Ill. He is married to the former Martha
dressing rooms and construction of a On the personal side, Hagan re- Milton of Owensboro. They have four
new equipment shed fortrack. ceived one of his highest individual children: Mrs. Barry "Lisa" Thaxton of
On the institutional side of the led- honors in 1978 when he became the Lexington, Mrs. Jim "Laurie" Hill of
ger, the University was host to both first University of Kentucky basketball West Liberty, and Amy and Kip, both
_ the men’s and women's Southeastern player to be installed in the Naismith of Lexington.

   V‘’.’      ._-   VV V  } _`   
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ALTGV Two OULSLC}I`IdéfWQ SQOSOHB 01 Keen- C-? he? Lqtrécr ct ?V.L-rwtsgq-V`, V1~‘;r‘w; Va1`.·*r3:’T; ‘} =¢       _ _ V · . · _·   ¥` V`} "j .
tuck cmd Ossessinc 0 cmmcu wlmamu and Q? Esggi :;;V;>;;rV· =.·VV?VV»2.V V5; Liyi  Kean   .*—V .''·‘·   V V V .· · "YVSVVQ ‘ V ‘
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é QGVCGHTGQQ OL .63/ W1 €:>gr’13 yécrrs {Q1: Q1 démiiiéw {Cl`~’O!V%LI !Gr`»r’aai‘2;’:2; :;\.‘Vx·’¢ QJ LUCJV [ VVV. .,   V V _ V   V  
COLIQQICIYG COCJCI'1, Larry HCU as now regww mrc: the ?;yw?iw;·i1::&rm L~;rri;$&wt§»2 i©ms?Vm; on Hwr * *—·‘ [2 scvzsfm it .V£¤~;w;¤¤·;&V ‘.·VV:~»2 1% VV-L-¤ ¤.;,»; V—V..V.·~~   ¤. V ·»·, ’ ._ . ;
Lady Kms TO Then LIHESL semen evér, C1 244; _ V .V JV WV -V V V V V  QV if ,   V V V   ~
·_ . V VV V - V V ’V¤~c;m5 ‘¢2i‘;;:1:&C cz ’T-JA war   V   iwwiw 3   ·:;~V ·‘VV V, ’_’V‘ V- ‘     ‘ .
cmmpmngn than endec an the f—.·‘udw@sV Haag- V" W   , V VV ?V V V VV ;V,~;—; 1-- VV  .· ; _—
- — — V V , “ V&©¤.;·r ST     L ye c ¤n;©;i 23:; LQVMV V’,=;·:‘~i - $5.-““.  ¤VV   ~t   V
mmm! cimmpemnsfwnp, where |=;lV.:w=;z w;VE;~   ci ;     ‘ V. V
. _ 1 U V .· . . V
W WG UGG LJEQU IU Urwjy ONWGF refcgmn,   ;1$sngs‘mnVV2m% Q1 Qimgtcm VVV·EHV\€IV‘ *_./ LVM:   {V ~ V V: · f
wcmid have been in We Hmm? Fc»ur.VV —V~./?Vz&rVe the Luz; ·».` CV;i;»t‘ws;E2 i~‘C¤~i`Vs·it.Q ·; ·¤V~i V   ‘ V
V [ V - V V
shan :<&mi·.1dVpe;VngV·V;z; Ly; Vu Vhm =;.1VVVVV npc V _- _ V V _ —~
SEEOSOP WGS IVGCEU \*U¥}`¤ WTC TGSLL QV :'5L]tJ$LV.mz~p   ~`¤ ?V?1 V; VV V V ’ V
gmzVd—m Hm rssta. Bu? zcnweiwcw %:V&~./ww; year, !$V1L`LCHSiVC>OLii€] VV, V, V V V N V VVV V V VV  V VV V V
V V V,   V -V—V V _V_ V_ Vw, V _· VVVV, b©$:<@M1;‘U, n€»; |V¤C'·t@y =V;.rV¤—<   ;;·.~ ;;. nV~¤. ~= :VV. V ~V. .V ~ =· + V   V
SCUEOTW {ie rV.€:‘>TL5CV1 rVJ:<*r.‘·r2w:VgV   ;2~V~;~V V2 . W 2
winning ;>;rc2m?rV2¤2:V GswV~:w§·`i ;·Vi·1V¤;2Zmg zu 1V §V~VV~@V—i~:=;1V ¤n;VV.V V ~V
rfzccrd is X¤§ZE—7¤$ cwsr B   Nw; ?wg;}»iigH: §.;V~mV==··M`2.   Vw; !;¤VV¤x~w   ~;;   ;V;·» :1 Vi
  ’€   Ws V     GA, before attending Georgia Southern College, where she earned a Bachelor
‘  T--     4, I  V,g.i I ‘T     of Science in 1974. ln 1976, she earned a Master of Education from Georgia
        State University. Berry has extensive experience working summer basketball
    ‘'i`lii`)``   J    camps and has served on the staffs of such widely-recognized camps as B/C
   t Invitation Camps, Atlanta Superstars Basketball Camp and Hubie Brown’s
`    ·· Basketball Camp.
  - _ A t LYNN NORENBERG Graduate Assistant
,  `   j 4).,   Lynn joined the Lady Kats staff in August of 1981 after earning a Bachelor
  i V~‘`’ &     _   of Arts degree in Physical Education at William and Mary College. She started
__`_         \.T`   four consecutive seasons in basketball, and also competed in track and intra-
’  if     , V  _; mural softball. An excellent student, Lynn earned Academic All-American
  P  —. ,_   ='_     ..»_-     honors at William and Mary while earning a 3.97 grade point average over four
Mg  3   '`i*    ii    _ yV ' I     years. She was also a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society. A native
  `S t f     Q of St. Petersburg, FL, Lynn has spent several summers working basketball
` · I   camps, including the B/C All-Stars Basketball Camp, the Manatee Junior Col-
'   lege Basketball Camp, and the Lady Kat Basketball Camp. As a player at Wil-
Iiam and Mary, Lynn is ranked No. 1 on the schooI's all-time scoring list with
1,504 career points. She averaged 18.3 points over four seasons with a 56.2
field goal percentage.  
    JOAN FRY Secretary J
A A   »_., _ Joan joined the Lady Kats program in August of 1981. Her primary respon-
  —;~    sibility is handling all correspondence for the coaching staff and acting as a re-
3*       ii  ceptionist for the department. A native of Burnet, TX, she attended South-
``-, _   "  P   west Texas State University, where she majored in sociology. She is married
 {    V ‘_`. I to Jason Fry, also a native of Burnet who attends Asbury Theological Sem-
 i I V IJ`' ‘  inary.
. P {it ,72
_ `§ 5 il

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