xt7wdb7vqk64 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wdb7vqk64/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2000 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material: 2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, December 2000 Vol.71 No.12 text The Kentucky Press, December 2000 Vol.71 No.12 2000 2019 true xt7wdb7vqk64 section xt7wdb7vqk64 ‘ F F (UK) LEX 40? g
211 KING LIBRARY scum 2‘
) i I ‘ I \Cl 1L .
Volume 71, Number 12 - December 2000 Pres S
W' t ff 40 h f '
' circulation and management.
\ ' 1 fl
2001 conventlon The Galt House East is an all— 3 .
s ' . ht h' '. .' ~ ' ' ‘.’ t ' “
set for Jan-18, 19 suites oel t at oxerlooks the Dhio I 5. 5
River in downtown LoiiisVille. " . " '
By LISA CARNAHAN Rooms are available for $83 which is '- * "
KPA News Bureau. . well below the normal booking rate. , ~+ ;
JPSt how much information and The hotel has established a reserva- E .
learning experience can you pack tion deadline of Tuesday. Jan. 2 and .... “WM .
mm a mere two days? Attend the after that, our room allotment will ' ‘ .- . ' '
2001 K‘PA Winter Convention and be available to the general public. ' 13" ,5
Trade Show at the (Jalt House East Expanded sessions aren‘t the 5-1 .. i
m I’Ou‘svme next month and fmd only thing new to the 2001 conven— ' (A; .
OUt'w , t t d th tion. This year. in the back of the ‘ ,
eve res ruc ure e program Trade Show area. we'll have “The
to allow for an optimum amount of , .. .
. . . Coffee House, where you can relax. . * _ ‘
- training and at the same time. kept . , , _ . r».
costs at a minimum. The only com— enjoy refreshments and catch up _ . - _
plaint we hope you’ll have is ‘wish it With Old acgua‘ma’Ff’s or get. I” . - A , " WW . 1
could have been longer.” We hope know new friends. While there, Join ' ~._ . .
you’ll leave Louisville with great your friends in a game of Rook. ~ .
new ideas and saying to yourself, Spades of Hearts. . ~ ..‘
“That’s the best convention I’ve ever SQSSIODS get started egrlier ”‘33 Downtown Louisville awaits
'tt d d. An h _” usual - 10 a.m. on Thurs ay — an _
d as)"; theyziuig: of the meeting promise to get underway with a Downtown Louisvnlle and the Galt House East will be the site of the
nearly 40 hours ofinstruction will be ‘bang.’ Certified Adobe Expert 2001 KPA Winter Convention and-Trade Show. This year s convention
offered for all aspects of the newspa_ Russell Viers wowed a group of features a heavy emphasrs on training for newspaper staffs and man-
per business: editorial, advertising, See CONVENTION, page 12 agement and an expanded Trade Show and Vendor Showcase.
O |
M-I weeklies added 1 KPA Board Membérs “3-616“-
, i KPA/KPS Board Members John Pulaski Week for 10 years and editor
. 1 Nelson, David Thornberry. Jerry of the Citizen Voice & Times for two
. Pennington and Stephen Bowling years.
to a X tOl I e la rOl Ip l were re-elected to another three—year This marks Nelson‘s second term
| term on the board. beginning on the board of directors. He’s also
Paducah-based Paxton Media finalized by the end of the vear, I January 2001~ SCFVCd as Chairp“”°“ “T 1h“ KPA
Group Inc., has announced it will buy according to David Paxton, president I ‘ Nelson has been managing editor News Editorial Division. . .
the Owensboro Messenger-Inquirer and chief executive officer of Paxton of the Danvtlle Advocate-Messenger Pennington is a copy editor at
and the remaining Kentucky weekly Media Group. l Em. m": P‘fi‘tif‘t’ur wags. Prl(lr>rltmnis ll‘i t}l(
Ed Mastrean . " Advighry (‘ouncil‘ Kentucky C ' ' past and is a real believer iii their
hug. been him-“id «5:.» ' (‘ouncil on Economic Education at Grayson, OllVC Hlll "”lm’ 1“ ” “‘ilt‘hmfl 1001-
president (,1 the 1‘ Board, Kentucky High School Tim Kit!” has been ““li .
Kentucky Broadcasters Association Journalism ASSOCIHUUH I‘JXUCUUW‘ managing editor ”1‘11“. (”hymn 130111161 KPA plCSlant
iKBA). (Tominittee. Lexington Area Sports Journal Enquirer and ()live‘llill . d b . 0' , - )
Mastreaii. director ofcoiiiiiiiiiii» Authority Board, Friends of Times [310ante y Indcdlvlnh
.._.' .. "‘ ., . ' . .i I ‘ ‘ t, '. .,.' ,.i , i . .. . I,—-~—--—————-—-—-————
t}. Hltlttmh at BET. 5W at part of Mt( on‘ntll Springs and is pitsi— kltlt‘!‘ began his wurhhhgm .leri) l,I\les: "1‘
hls ”H‘dlll 921,14." In Iit'\\'>‘.[)£lp(-r:€. US dent ()1 tllt‘ \\’lnch(ist(ir I{(it”~(in](int career (It til“ JULH‘ntllrl‘lnqulrt‘l‘ lIl has l)tl(|[) lllln]('d 5 i
an advertising manager at the Place Board. 1991 after attendin,1' Morehead WC“ PIT-“d"nt ”til l
LeXington Herald—Leader and State l'niversitv. In 1992 he huhlighhr i‘ela—i (... _;
“$1.“!!!th (“H mm M H,“ S'ung [0 head C(ll‘blll‘S‘ became the tirst editor of the “”11”"!Alm‘llhml ’ "‘5"
\\ inchester bun. He was also chair— ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ , . ‘, , . , . . l’rotile 1 n-itjiin'il .3:
I, l 1,}, \ \ _ t . . Iii idelphia liibuiie. a small week . < « . .~ ...
i ' I i'.‘ ) ' i |.‘ \ s \ l ' 6 ' ” ‘ ‘ l" '- - 'V :-.
111,21? “1’1; 1111:; h], :H.\.f7:,:1':h‘l; LllLlllatlon department l_\' H) the southern coaltields ot mast/Am I \\ uh --
\ ( .\ . I ’5 i ' " ' ‘ 1 ' I ‘ j.
l l l’ t 8‘ 11 {lm r 1. tri t . “est \ irginia. Later that same “SW1“! “mmlill
; ‘(. a .m s. a o‘ e (is c cir- .. . . , . ._ ,_
)o ”l l . t .1. l t' t tl (‘ l . year. he became a stail writer at contint that “ l‘
i 2 ~ r ‘1 )osi IUD. cu a ion manager a ie ()r)lll . - ~. .~ . .
\I i H‘ (U r” l l' . T' T 'l ’1‘ b l t the daily newspaper iii Logan. b'dt” hmmtm‘” 1”"
i a: rean .‘ei‘ves as a iaison xs- ‘ - is ,. i . o . . . . i. . - i. ..) ... .. '
l t \ 11v} l 1} l l' ”mu. 1:):1.m‘ N “11.11111“? \\ .\ a. During his seven vears there 11.‘ li 5 hi“ 1“ drl.‘ ~0 .‘t (H 5 “f
)e ween \2 ant ie m ) ic. mar— 1‘ - - - ; wr» s _‘ . ' . ' ~ ' . ' i ' ., .7 .
l .t Llrtu a ion in Uldbt r posi ion he worked his way up to news 0dr publishing. markt ting. sales and
tor and worked for the first time advertising (‘XPWIPIICU_ l‘reviously,
e 6' Ituc y fess with ,lournal-l‘lnquirer I’ublisher 1“? ““5 American “Um" “ director
_ .lack McNeelIv. who at the time was ”f I)lellI”h“r relations. I
The kentuckx l’ress(IlSSN-tKJZK-(l3l4) is puh- District 13 managing the 11(‘\V“l)"l)t‘1“" editorial Before Joining American
. / N ‘ ‘ . u 2‘ h i ( . ( . .
lished litunlliltl3_\‘llit'kt'nlllt‘lxyl’l’cbs (ilenntiray, Manchester Enterprise department Profile, Lyles was publisher of the
.‘\.\>()Cldhtlllv’kk’lilllt‘l’i}. [H.155 St'l‘VlSUIIHC: ‘ Alzlrsllall (Nount) (‘Ul‘lnt‘CtlUll ix]
Periodical—class pttsmgelipalddi’l‘t‘ditkiUri, District 14 Benton K\' where he develole
Ky.40601,Subscription price H.338 per year. David Thk’rnberry, CommonwealthJournal L€dg€I‘-Indep€ndent and supervised the editorial and
l‘ostiiiaster'SendcliangeotaddresstoThe ‘ ‘ d‘ _ ‘ .. ’ 1 _‘ ‘
Kentuckvl‘ress,101ConsiunerLane, District IS-A Starts NIE pI‘OOI-an] pro ”“1““ “3.”. hand “d finances
t-‘mnkforttY 4tieol,iRo2)223—t4821. , - . .. C‘ and worked With clients to develop
Don \\ hite, Anderson New s , . . . . .
I‘he MaIvsville Ledger- their advertising and marketing
(”flirt-”ltd Dirt‘dl‘rb mm” 15-8 Independent implemented a strategies
/| . . i I. I, ._ . ' ’ ' v . . ‘
“mud“ lr‘-‘~“‘”“"“““““ MmNclshnImeiicAdvocatc-y\1cs.seiiger {\ewspapers in Education (NIE) He was also general manager
”8“de program in late October. The new and publisher of The Tribune
TERM Refit“, l\1cl,-eanCounty NW3 stateatlnrge . .. . program placed nearly 1,000 news- Courier in_Benton. _
Sharonluminski,\N'inchester Sun pawl” 1n the hands of school Chll- Lyles is past president of the
President Elect . I I . I dren in the area each day for three Kentucky Press Association 811d
Marty BRCAUb, Appi‘ilachian News Express T‘m Hurst, BONU“ Tribune-Courier weeks. was named the organization's most
. , . , —, A retired school teacher, Ginny valuable member. He is also a
Pastl‘rebldt’nt Tavlorllaves, kentmkv New lrra B B tl . . th ,‘ board member of Kentuck\
. e . ‘ ' i s w ) , I V ) . x v
lomLatidill, LexmgtonHerald-Leader ,‘ ‘u. (r. 1‘5 M rung as . L pap?” ‘
Aswan“; Division IVIE coordinator and Circulation Democracy, 1110. . . .
Vicel’rebiclei‘t ArnmndoArmstia, manager Marsha Fritz heads up He has 3 ngI‘PC 1“ ildVPFtlh‘mg
Dave Eldridge,Jessamine lournal Kentucky Department of Education the newspaper's effort from Murray State University and
. The timing 0f the program's attended the American Press
[lft’djlrg’r I} , .. Advertising Division startup was designed to coordinate Institute, a privately funded insti-
lii‘ijlktkiinir ht “mm“ ”inward, Flam"Mmtz‘m'om’mb‘m‘ with the November General tute dedicated t0 training general
tih‘Vl )") V)- r) - r ' ' .
“1‘55“?“ h‘q‘m” Election. ()ther NIE periods managers ”1 the newspaper mdUS'
. . i ' . i . u try.
, ”1?."ch News Editorial Division planned includt Black History .
All“ Rouse, Murray [“13” ‘31 Tlmi‘fi Chris Poore, Lexington Herald-Leader
District 2 Circulation Division 0
led Dillinghan‘i, Dan'son Springs Progress Kriss Johnson, Lexington Herald~Leader Hatfleld undergOe S surgery
District 3 New Media Division I
tid Riney, Ou ensboro Messenger Inquirer EricKyle,OWt’nSbOrUMesserigt’r-lnquirer KPA Past President Guy nicely from the surgery and was
,, . _ . Hatfield had emergency quintuple released from the hospital on the
3:”?th t t‘ “I t‘ ‘t {gmz‘dRh-‘m “mam“ bypass surgery on Nov. 22 at 28th,but was readmitted on Dec3.
flI‘lC or mann, ‘lel H] ‘JVOYI ‘ ’c ' ‘ ‘ ~ - -
L V”? 3.1" , Central Baptist Hospital in Anyone Wishing to send him a
Limwmt'VOfkentmky Ievington e'ird ni'iv do so by addressintr tht
District5 1‘ «s ~ ‘ a . .* ~ :~ ‘
David LireerflheKentuckyStandard, General Counsels Hattield had gone in for a card to Guy Hatfield, (‘itizen Voice
, . I‘ .... . ...., , ,, ',.)' . .‘,'
Bardstown ,th Fleischaker and Kimbreene (lit tkiip and dottois stht dultd the andTimt s. I O Box 660. Irxint. RY.
DinsmoreS:Shohl emergency surgery. He recovered 4033b.
) - v. . ‘ k r‘ , . , _______—__________—————-——
l, moth} Abcrn itl \, Oldhim Lri lxentucky Press Assocmtion
I .. Kentucky Press Service Staff
' Dbmd/ DWH T‘Thomv‘ in Ex’vutiv I Dir i‘t'tr D [h ‘
KellevWamickliallatin Countyl\ew_s ‘ t. ' W. ’ u L ' “k ea 5
‘ ' Bonnie Howard, Lontroller _____________________________________.____
lhsnictH-H ifsa£gmatancik‘me-r segue: Director E Martin JCSSOC heart problems and Alzheimer‘s
Ken \letf, Bath ('(untv News Outlook arry roo 5' ‘h (“T 15ml: .irec or x . .. ' ,.. ~ . . ' . disease lli‘ wo ' i ‘ll e( ev * '—
' Reba LUWIb, ResearchI;\1.irl:etin‘r', Loin'dinator l" M‘“ ll” '1‘ *M "' 1‘” met ”NW” l I i . ' 5 rk m M i i r)
... . . . 1 “.‘ ‘_ k.’, r' “inn-v -"i_
“Mm-i toil David bpencerfiVeu Maltai-\diiiinisttziti:i l‘l-‘llt’sl “PI“ 1 l‘” ll“ 1“ NAHUM} t “ll; from hm“ lf‘“ “ .md h‘l‘q‘”
leri'x Pennington, \shlandDailyli‘idependeiii Siie(_amm.ick, Atli‘itif‘il»-l:‘.':fi\t‘ .\-.~ Jr»: . lit t"il l and the l.l'>\'i!i:ft(\ii Herald l‘illl l'llltit‘s to crime scenes He
litit‘t'vs‘ains Benign-inn»; \«ww . Vv,:“l l. Ilirrl iii lite (atelier 11. retired il‘wni the Heraldslmarler in
l)1~’l'lt,ll: Rachel \tctartx \six' rmine: «squint ‘.\:is 7.7 lfwl alter working hr the papers
“"‘i‘ll' 5i l'mwling, lM'rW‘H “mt“ llt‘llV “91.1"“ lt-‘i't‘rl‘t‘t‘l C “will" 1‘ '1‘ .li ssee has be .; Ma; in ti lli: siiit e li-H‘J
all War I eti CH
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12e L ed Pted ls art ' A a hn c0 In p e ‘Pa
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ceb utSt er nnu ’- yth' d tte Y St-f ”i g‘ca “‘9 9“ __(:_:‘e and l'sm
80“ ya and"t1‘e all e eemr m-ama 00d con 11'e 1' Co Spa eco rshi t0 us“
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esta e ’ y mu .re 8 e rs W OW'I e g to e w y 1'01 ) r e i OCia . IX plac 9 SC Ci 0“
M by a ne n co A Ere e b - A m a e ev nJ tlo 0n 9., o [If
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th. Tem ed inrd w Paper Ser- llbn ack :st Soon t0 manstud e a 1'e .Toewsp howne OfOfAm ed‘ 3r
p 8 Le Pun me as per- 5”ho to moachlenti beco y 0f ent 0 1eVa remaper the thi eric e
r(es-"1n ’pr mo 01" . ' es ak w Sts- me h‘ n “t a' Si tr' S y a
p 1d gt 0m ry lg lS w e h In o ‘8 .th - ’ n 1n Se dd' . ea
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967 SO _]eCt erald dire wardy eco multlns 9185 a wlme mati and 8 Cal iaperpetiti g l a heis. Wh_
' cxat' 0ft 'Le Cto S Thmpa l'b' pl"at ofr aft‘l' par on xPa nf0 S m v9 re b er B 1P
hon It w 10n whhe Kader r 0f ry, 9 re my. ”hon Ion funni e nowtnerplatf nd tormat-ust band And .aCk “Segue .
o 0r as en en and St, don orw "g F b Shi olrm mu .‘on uild So JU‘ ' E Cl 15 b
w a r h tu . I as a h o 8c P9 8 It f u bt v yd a
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.t r.ee. ' "8)" Sa - m p-‘u m1 e
n0 hm m lnatln y- C pleoscm'rraxnoehe
mmm Thry m Mm
in an 1y y 8L to e iv e ar aI‘Id ' C “e lCd' 'cr on’ ’8 m! -a a S m '
a lis tof- ntu Wic Ser 810 ent" 15k- ya x'T es of P c 0V ’Sp 0d .Ve .Be ex 5h0 pSt'Go er ta _ad
nd D‘hed - Pre - cky ne Org - gans as take re Vi ~h8 who fortsell‘pherizo OrtS ell"e r12oe fopert uld t he nod!” 16 gl‘n
T 11.9% 1n thVIOUS 8WS 8. ri Wh ays. the Ars_ Thslon: are ree mou 0ne “5' w9nd wr 10c n n unds 0“ lake SewS ' year:
Ja he ' Cry 8 K rec' pa_ Sks at 1 pp] ey ” fie Scr. Int th ( cu lre] eat a] mat In ad_ tOCkpape I
p nu aw ‘ PA ‘pi now "r 00k e M Th' 5- ‘ber er NH sto 93% he ure W ‘S( 0f ri
re ary 3rd . Y ent _ V“. St CI' ed . ac Ink 3. net )H me‘ pa 1' C pr Ork‘)nA W ndu
C SS 23 w e S 1:51 a 32 . 11k Int c In w e r ge br 8m 0d l v ha S-
' 0nVe At the111 be arbool: Onal‘ind asy ldeae m0 03h austo 1998 bervi I.2‘lds' Thr "M(.)Ughpaignuctsnng wgnue t the
m LOulFltiOn SSOC’ 20()1prese thelm theS far testi S atnume bpparmizat‘ the CC tooffere mm!t ba witfiNOStlth thave
. ‘ _ ‘ r '
0 If SlsF The Gal,c w.uck new artgpap 80'S ‘1ng 0 th 9 {north be11in en Decam 0f .. ex Shouaps th' Gooer 1 ta enS.
ne You I'ld de H 1n y b- Spa 8,- a . 1‘09- 939 te 0f g e e m f Per 1d e dhv. 6 g]!
a for W' ay ad1' 0“5 t8 1g Pe ’ St 1 Vls‘ ‘1gh m rne Cuq milvll vi .353 ou ts tak ne '. ye ne
f0 Omi 1Sa t0 eC.1 for ast eWS ‘V i8 SA ted uSt ary- n0 (3m htvmlz ()ns mp Iy ma i Ma bto pape 5.
15 tand Ion f ’60 Inat - 3r t f0 eri tha DAYnati‘ Al esS'aper fbuPCCCg L5 0 0113 r W Ma pr()d°rk.’n A wh'ndus
He’r O: Tgnail firm ntact qugom mgund rWarnddustt ma ' It “(,ma] h T1: 8 d-S’ t0 Tlnes‘qs 10d V0,. ”:5 mhat disc UCtSL“g vj-enueat thé
Ave ald-Lm C efo, COm A e- Tony the t( ry] ny j as a as C Klfft‘re (wk 15,1 a m e t aY'k (Fan n A 'NO lth hav
_ nu e a re F iple f0 D of w ) 2 au n t p, be no "t _ at Del ass m etln W, Van Sta th e
e ad ud- r te r y Ayth0r10ogh h «1 zzu Xv- 11 th-ud' ’1 g L1 u 1m e
b . NO , Lex- er 111 IJlday the earq th e at d h 0 Ped (10 in m I). n d 1110 ght er blng Cur ’ re'i tren Car 0 k s 3 Se Se
Kelng aminat'lngté’ 10,0 exi, Dec h IL ago Sey l trib ave a ape‘t‘ Peg teckilots ("live .N‘w usi- "Forent (“ruddy-7 Hn fnnowg HS.
ent CCe 1ons n’KY M-ngt ' at hav. uc aughuteq .d‘) r5 - rst n01"“V r'": 5'30 Dr-dis and “C ”W )m t‘ it
AS UCk pted ar 4 1d] On p e r e t ces‘ 9d ‘ 1n pted (1nd () r0 ()gy (‘Sti g, C( ,nt. ()du C()V p() C a we he‘ .
KSOC‘ y b 931 050 and ers ela padbsel at U3 c ox lat th. ng-mtL Inel Ct; er" ten .nd Ca be
FentLatiOn Joni the US0 Cu 8 toget'hI l030%};mit Ils’ twer; A reatinpl‘mzd “mat “min baxnt to "(*wwu‘tand qth“ Ska] Chaven r9-
C i a 13 I“ n‘ n a m ‘1 e P e S “9‘ : o ‘3‘, g('*. n, Y"‘Su,
Sant cuals 11 0f F m Hto thl t' Oext‘to_(.ir9n Osphect 8V8 to pa- ug-wsp: be ur3nal;fald wspalcs ()f L()n d {10 markfiwor ”inCIUdts in
deleCtigntrigth h ame 8” 0‘} tifns :ttheémpoil‘“e rre 0f ary dauyt télc‘fg thper If“ t6"? “$2188 5°” ‘nugtdufibrat”131.15"ka hnwthe .
e n-u~av r ‘e t 8‘ Us n , e 0‘ r .~’u3 1n1<>."0"s't
nasease 1S frtlons e mascogn. ac? ha m troher hlble d h of "fws_ markvelo 'r dat"du:rt1fy s‘lrvi “(1 y(’Uth” “LN ant bndl ‘8 unshflr f’
1V8 d 0m to- e . 1Z 1V S a m ~ and ead- e n Gt' p 21 8b t __ the C08 ' “fro. 'N) p()w do L-
part So ’ Wh pe J0 Slgngs 1y eth ten 589- :m 11n et- CSS lng 1LI 359 t C( C To 58' m0 Cr 'rg(
K O I' h 0 rSO urn If 810 an d8 1n y f CS. . a Cra _ C h )re 9m att 1V0 r5 ' S} . )-
e fth av a ns a1' 1‘ ten W p “c ga ru . "d t1v apa 03" t 9% “a ' t “T0 “ft
nrtruckyeir j: spenie fili‘dnlgm andds tote egg-act? to b: indjtra StronNews 9-me: dirgbilitigo tlicu“ t:tiv(:;t 21 y( (-‘ch S.Yiold'
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S ay b, 200111ne f Car antia j I de pro g f0 Ong-td onratln boce‘ A, upqr Cap Still uSL pr()m)nhn ( Sit 19nt(rs mUleh
Te] 01 tai urth Omi 1“ fors alis elie ‘ Ort-t Vi -at ver rs a ll 7 ’ ed y to ma. th pr‘ n 3 Che arg int C‘m.‘
B 96 0f “ed er' “at w 8e m ' Ve er Slo m th ge 7 uc de- m es ‘nt nd .Pr “t. 0r
u' 0m b Inf 10 e‘ ab1 15 h tr m n 358 e n and m' :1th 11v th e 3 Pr 1| (’d (d 3c-
Le;1'dingmunicJ°Ury Wr'orman: is tecrrxe in t: fut ereatdition bot‘ have of Cone"t 3o e“telllion aude‘r tee ageo‘g EUCtERiHEC‘S» cprint
g(85’ rsit ’ 07 8 ill ‘1‘ Wk 3 of S 01' t pOr "no "‘0 Wil" th' me our ”lat- alnd id ‘ e 'ne
9)2y‘ 40 yof G and Cu 11: 9 nd- af 0 be .the ma tun' mi Usi 1C0 15 h nt . B fut 10n- 19 s b ‘Caufi
57 506 K reh rn aff 't Ca Info ar‘r 1‘e O rket ltie c tr mpa “ti uge ‘ng eca “re 1n 'th etW be
'17 '0 ent an Wil .ewVeCt n w Ile .eac -Ve Ur a St en ct ““9 i p0 use Cus U 81 99
30. 042, :Cky lngl It 3f; andthe we exé‘tlonhlng progprodge pleontap {is BOn Soc-t0 nng hanger, thOf thtolmerls‘ hiargesl:
r b); (I)? p,ect thlnforay W?” I?“ Eagesrimsct‘q, setlful ato thlilsinelfl 3:85 enits w-Tir t2?” h: StCry
' o e m o a rv~ S -. ‘ ’ 1 s ‘
HOWe S faducts futurationroeceivw nave arget'nd ad [cesnd g‘roagjnS bugtihe blronml Sha tes age Spe
1SS Vet. r t and e 0f - H 8 89d tO lng Ve ’ ma win g w I In? aby ent p0 3 nd '3‘ nd-
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Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, December 2000
O 0
Listen to readers’ gripes Paxton . -
“The Paxton Media Group is
one of the fastest growing news—
. paper companies in the country
about yOur new Spaper Continued from page 1 for good reason... they know how
Inquirer to Paxton. The sale is to publish‘great newspapers that
. . W,, as... Guess who gets the short end. subject to governmental regula- serve the" .communities to the
D3519". l5 ‘9 Poor typography: We use text tory approval and other custom- fullest,” 5a”; Benton Tribune-
Eve thin type faces that are difficultto read ary approvals. Neither Belo nor Courier Publisher Tim Hurst. “If
'y g ; $ (if not downright Illeglble at Paxton would reveal the sale we had the opportunity to hand'
———-—— r f times). We indulge our compulsion price. piCk the new owner Of our news-
By Edward F. for the creative by choosing display Belo bought the Messenger- papers we could not have chosen
Henninger ) 2"” fonts that are bizarre. We fail to Inquirer in January 1996 from a better company than Paxton
. ' . recognize when we’re torturing John Hager, whose family had Media.”
Many Of our readers dont 11k? type to make it fit a design that‘s owned the Inquirer since 1909 Paxton Media Group is a
“5- And we're the reason why. Th‘S too cute. We fail to see sloppiness and the Messenger-Inquirer fourth-generation, family-owned
has little t0.d0 .W1th the” percep- in some type configurations. And since 1929. Belo announced in company, founded in 1896. It
“ODS ofmedia' bias and much more some Of US don't even know the dif' June that it plannl d to sell the publishes eight daily papers in
to do “."th the” comm"? frustra- ference between serif and sans Messenger-Inquirer, The Indiana, five in North Carolina
tion With the way we fall to serve serif faces. Readers have the right (Henderson) Gleaner and Bryan- and four in Arkansas. In addi—
the1rmeeds as customers. to expect “5 to be more informed College Station (Texas) Eagle in tion to its recent purchases, it
\ ou‘ don t agree. ASk your about OUT. craft "‘ -and more an effort to boost the value of its owns NBC affiliate WPSD-TV in
{hadersbAnd when) yofu do,hask thoughtful 1“ applying lt- ' stock. Paducah, the Madisonville
em a “Ut somt 0 t ese . Weak headlines: They re pas- David Paxton said his com— Messenger and the Paducah
SpeafiCS? ' . . Sive and redundant and often don‘t pany made overtures to Hager Sun.
on.‘2:1?:;f::2§“iiz We ‘53:??? ‘9“ 3‘“ “games 33; about purchasing. the In a prepared aaaal,
another in a second section etc: a?) new? fr: 3:91:52???th Messenger—Inquirer prior to Its 1333“”? Chairman Fred Paxton
We fail to weave our look into one qav: “Pang/l bng bill ”a 8319 t0 B810 ind 18. Pleased to be 531d hls company has sought to
. _ . , ‘ ‘ ~ able to add it to its lineup the combine the best elements of
Pl9L8 (’1 “i101? C10“). Poor color use: Too many news- gecond time around 1 - , . ,.
Sm ller si e: In 0 r rece t 7‘ . . . ~ . . , . ocal, family ownership vnth the
a Z _ U n papers are still a carnival of colors. Paxton declined to predict advanta es and 0 eratin effi-
economy. W079 doing VOW well. No plan. No design. No approach. what changes may be made to . . gf 1 p . gt'
Yet we decide to give our readers If we have color, we‘ll use it. the Messenger—Inquirer “enf‘lss 0 a argerorganiza ion.
less of .1 odu t. Go h re. , Y “ . ' . e have a philosophy about
‘ pr . .C {In . Whereverwecan. ObVIOUSlV, we think the th) 1 ,. h 1d 1
DU“ WTltlngi We hire writers Poor sequencing: Our readers Messenger-Inquirer is a terrific . cro e a “9“???" S on E ay
who are willing to work on our can't find What they're looking for newspaper ,. he said. “We have m 1t5 community, he said, bUt
terms -— not those who will help us because there's no plan for place- tremendous respect for the we rely on 10931 managers to
offer readers a more readable ment ofpages and elements. Messenger-Inquirer and for Belo. adapt that philosophy to each
paper. . pm" phOtOS: They may be digi- Our goal is to continue that tra— community in Whl-Ch we operate.
Long stories: We take the ta], but that does not necessarily dition and build on that tradi- Publishers and editors make the
material from those dull writers imply better quality, better compo- tion." finial deCISlons about news and
and fail to edit it. We edit to satisfy sition. or better content. “Digital Belo purchased the weekly editorial content, and virtually
our writers and our sources — not photography" at too many newspa- newspapers being sold to Paxton every key busmess deCISlon Is
our readers. pers only implies an effort to cut in 1997 from Walt Dear as part made at the local level.” . .
Immaterial content: Never expenses by eliminating the dark- of the deal that included the In 1990, Paxton MBdla
before have so many written so room, Henderson Gleaner. The pur— Group owned only the Paducah
much that matters so little. Poor photo use: We haven't chase ended 42 years of owner- Sun, WhiCh it has owned for
Meetings stories: Even if taught those who assemble our ship by the Dear family more than century. But during
there's a meeting we know is going pages how to make the best use of “I am so encouraged that a the past decade, Paxton bought
to be dull and meaningless, we the good photos we do get. Lack of company with 60 other commu- 24 more dailies.
insist on covering it. Then we training is often the culprit here. nity weeklies has bought our The Sun's circulation in
insist on writing about it. Why? Few graphics: Lack of training newspaper n said McLean March was 28,970 daily and
Because we have to fill space. —- and software — also means County News General Manager 31,450 on Sunday. The
Jumps: Readers continue to we're giving our readers informa— and KPA President Teresa Messenger-Inquirer's circulation
tell us they don't like jumps. But tion in writing that is better carved Revlett. “I think this shows a was 31,917 daily and 34,824 on
we continue to Jump stories, some- out and presented in graphic form. commitment to the industry that Sunday.
times'even to another section. Weakdesign: For many, the might not have been found in When asked in June, Riney
Jumping satisfies the needs of term “deSign is an oxymoron. Our some of the other prospects. The said he expected more than five
writers and editors—not readers. papers may be paginated. They Paxtons are very community ori- bidders for the Messenger-
Small text type: Our customers may be filled. They may be laid ented. They have already Inquirer and a sale price some-
want to be able to read our content. out. They may still be pasted up. encouraged us to be the leaders where between $50 million and
It's a primary reason why they buy They may be assembled. They may . . . . . .
. , in our communities so that is $100 mllhon.
us. But if we make the type large be...whatever. But they sure arent promising.” (Messenger. Inquirer reporter
zineiigseffirh53£$rgorfff’lelsts ”3,5112: iirfiiallgiIefda it; wgrcinetdlibsdgna Other Kentucky publishers Steve Vied contributed to this
tighter and edit more. See READERS, page 11 were 818° pleased by the ””61“
Waugjngt 9.4534: lg ; GCt 0n the ARK! l
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The Kentucky Press, December 2000 - Page 5
‘ l ‘echnolo ‘ I ‘oda ‘7 5’
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‘1‘ '3.
‘ ‘ YOU ChCCk I10 1 CSINC
Acrobat users prayei s P 1 b 1 L b
' P ‘ ftW t W ‘ ‘ ‘
‘ a
answei ed WIth hotoshop 0f 50 are a ne spapet s
————————— o T h t Vii“irmi§“”gm
._ '9 B , tl l’|)l‘> t”| . 1‘. CC l , '- 0 me UH] €I‘S
. 3” ' " v Oberlin}: ie t ‘ I e In t .
B Kevin Slim ‘ , , ' ,5; .l I
(yr/I‘m 1mm”? l’hotoshop. at a high resolution HOtllne . .. I“ l 1.800484-1181 codez7076
’ ‘ ‘ l * -:'r.:~.<' . . 3°. ‘. ’ . -E-
o; Newspaper j a 3 it I, i (I recommend 800 or higher). ___.___ I ._ g,“ I
’i"""”"l“«‘“’ ; ~ m = 5 users can save the image as By Tim Jones l a. i l 859'314‘5146
—— ‘ ‘ t . .. . _ , . i
t ‘ i an lal’h file and print or place Part5 Plus ‘ ' . I 859 623 3880
Over the last two weeks I've m.“ page layfmt program The Business Software Alliance I
been tr'tvelin” uuite -l on to work “mm" “mm“ t" “MP" is ”Hill's: WW ‘“ “WW-W‘s i“ 859—624~3767
‘ h ‘ ' Q. \‘ ' " V '
with newspapers and groups in about font errors, the ( incinnati/ Northern l\entucky . ,-
Sew York and Florida. The ques— ——‘—"“- ”“Z” l li“‘:"“"_“ll ifh‘t’l'ViCi‘l‘l-T' l"‘;'l‘ I e,mafl: tjone39692@aol.com
trons I hear most often refer to fix- Km-in Slimp lnlit ”"“-‘I"l‘l’t‘" l “fl lifilllniu 1““! til I “
‘ u . i > ‘ " ig- .-l' ., 1‘ er am a er go a o ow-ttp e ~
Ing pioblttm IDP filt. mu m d ter I INK: 859-624-9893
rom at ver isers. —————"""——— - ,, , . , .. . , . .- .
“"hile newspapers have gener- 1““ llill‘ll'f‘ “l ””5 "f 5”“l’l." Alliance. BSA posts the following
ally mastered the creation of'quali- Enfocus' l’itstop ”HIM-g end UM“, that the organizuition is glvmil ii” statement on its Website, “Our
ty PDF files. ad agencies and to adjust PlWlU-‘l amphib- and u.“ lid.” for 5"” lf’ """ll‘l." l‘.\' purchas efforts include educatn' 1 computer
designers Still seem 1" have prob- elements from filres provided from the Simmm' ll 5")“ ”W‘l I” Th" l‘”l‘ users about software copyrights;
lems with generating files which other Mumps. “’1“ line l“ ”1*" ll “““l‘l h“ “l5" ll” advocating public policy that f'os»
will work as intended for all news- “hell 1 1pm.}, Acrobat (meg-(g1 "_"“"_V“”“ t‘_’ ”Wk" “”1" 3")” l““"' ters innovation and expands trade
papers. This seems like a good remind use“. that lllt‘fi' prohahly l'lt'eusc‘tl software‘tlhat is owned ltV opportunitie‘s; and fighting soft-
”l)l)“”””lt.\' l“ remind folks that already have a program available film}.l.‘llllll‘ltll*\" I ll".lm'i‘llhilll'l‘l “"‘W l’HiiW-‘i- _
creating good pDF mpg depends that will fix many olithe problems t‘:]tt'l_;ittllllIlll t'lnlllllll:l true a (little: . Ill'ITllll lill‘t‘tt'ltt‘t‘lit‘il and ltlllllllltl
on following a few im )ortant asctciate I with 1)])1€ m “ "“11"" H“ "" ”1' [W’s ‘4‘ 5 wit l i ega so tware. you t‘Htlt )e
guldvllnf‘s: I \\ l.\d()h((u I’hI)t()\'h()p ( ;)(‘”llllllll” SUCll ”5 \VllHlUVVS‘ mill'fil'tlh'fllil (Hit—“Ila charged \\'ltll lllltfl‘ l—llH‘S.
A ‘ ~ h h , . . . . , . ' , , . ' ‘ . ‘
1) Use good quality fonts when with version 30‘ allows UN.” to l’ilfltl‘rlfivlft‘is QUIt'ilM I)Il'](ltlll.\h'0l;i .( its lf Iyou “it!” I‘lllttlI‘ lllltlllllliltltlll
possible. A cost-effective way to open and adjust pp}: mpg. As long 1” ”it! 41 l t‘ ” 'f'U‘ll’ > ,H on t its c lt‘t" t ie we isite:
buy good fonts at a reasonable as t