xt7wdb7vqq8h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wdb7vqq8h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-09-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 08, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 08, 1999 1999 1999-09-08 2020 true xt7wdb7vqq8h section xt7wdb7vqq8h  

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War is no

Here are a list of
strategies and other
ideas regarding
combat in a lighter

You never know when
information like this
may come in handy.
So read and
memorize this just in
case you get in a war
with the giraffes that
stole your neck

lf the enemy is in range,
so are you.

Incoming fire has the
right of way.

Don't look conspicuous:
it draws fire.

The easy way is always

Try to look unimportant,
they may be low on

Professionals are
predictable; it's the
amateurs that are

The enemy invariably
attacks on one of
two occasions: a)
when you're ready
for them, or b) when
you're not ready for

Teamwork is essential; it
gives the enemy
someone else to
shoot at.

if your attack is going
well, you have
walked into an

Don't draw fire, it
irritates the people
around you.

The only thing more
accurate than
incoming enemy fire
is incoming friendly

When the pin is pulled,
Mr. Grenade is not
our friend.

If it's stupid but works,
it isn’t stupid.

When in doubt, empty
the magazine.

Never share a foxhole
with anyone braver
than you.

Anything you do can get
you shot, including
doing nothing.

Make it too tough for
the enemy to get in
and you can’t get

Mines are equal
opportunity weapons.

Five~second fuses only
last three seconds.

It is generally
inadvisable to eject
directly over the
area you just

Source: Michael Stillwell/

Compiled by: Samantha
Essid/ Ron Norton

”gt... .. .. .

ii ‘34'.

tithxfi ‘ 1.1 ‘

9.0 6.2

Better pack an
umbrella, looks like rain.


ii entuciw
Kt“ var};



VOL. tthS


N ewe; tips; ’
Call: 257-195 or write:







September a, 1999 ‘

SBBlIlg SOlllthIl ads hit the

By Dave Gorman

During the summer between sixth
and seventh grade. most boys chased the
ice cream truck or tried to grow a mus-

But UK business management fresh~
man Travis Freeman had a more serious
problem to deal with. That summer was
the year he lost his sight.

For a boy whose favorite sport was
football. it seemed that his world would
be vastly different than before.

“I had to learn how to live life all
over again. But I said to myself that I
didn‘t want to be treated different." Free-
man said.

In the remaining month before sev-
enth grade began. he had to learn how to
read braile, walk without sight and cope
with missing his favorite sport. football.

Freeman completed high school and
is now taking classes at UK.

He lets little stand in his way. In.
stead of having classmates take notes for
him. he has a talking computer that says
every thing he types.

"That thing talks so fast it sounds
like the Chipmunks." said Freeman‘s
roommate. undeclared sophomore Josh
Baker. Freeman wears headphones so he
can hear the computer. but not disturb
the classes.

“Computers have given me an as-
pect of life. I wouldn‘t have had." Free-
man said.

But he never views his handicap as
a detriment.

“I just sit back and look at what hap~
pened and give God all of the credit."
Freeman said. “I should have died six
years ago.“

It all happened in less than a month
in 1993. His pain went from a headache
and a severe state of a sinus infection to
a four~hour surgery. leaving doctors in
shock that he survived. They told him
that 70 percent ofthe people with his dis-
ease (an advanced sinus infection that
caused damage to his spinal fluidi die.
and the other 30 percent live the rest of
their lives as invalids.

Freeman is one of only two people to
recover from the disease with only a loss
of eyesight.

“I can say I‘m a walking miracle,“
said Freeman. now a business manage-
ment freshman. with a glow in his eyes.
“If it wasn't for God. I wouldn't be here. I
had to tell myself that God‘s got a reason
for doing this."

Freeman jumps at the chance to tell
anybody how God has used him to touch
people and not take anything in life for

Perhaps the best testament to Free»
man‘s determination is his continuing
involvement in the sport he loves.

The first day of high school football
practice was something Freeman never
forgot. He remembers they were running
sprints and he fell three times before he
crossed the finish line.

“It drained physically everything
out of me." Freeman said. “That‘s when I
realized the value of determination and
perseverance. God has used me to help
others find there’s always a way to over.
come adversity. I didn‘t want my team-
mates to take it easy on me. I didn‘t want
people to walk by and say. ‘There goes
that little blind boy.‘ "

So how did he play football blind?

See FREEMAN on 2





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UK students Travis Freeman and Josh Baker go for a stroll on campus. Freeman lost his sight in
1993 when he was struck with a life-threatening disease, but that doesn't slow him down.

Looking for a few good freshmen

UK offers interesting and unique ways for interested
freshmen to get involved with their campus

By Megan Confleld
coutmaurmc WRITE—R“.

Freshmen interested in representing
fellow first-year students in SGA have
two different opportunities offered to
them. The Freshman Representative
Council and the Freshman Senate. are
available on campus for freshman to get
involved and begin to take part in deci-
sion making on campus.

“I am glad UK has some sort of repre-
sentation for freshmen." said Jocelyn
Godwin. a voice performance freshman.

The Freshman Representative Coun-
cil is comprised of a possible 29 students
who will represent UK‘s 2.700 freshman.
The council puts on events for freshmen
and the student body as a whole.

Last year. the council set up tables on
campus and let students color and write
messages on pillowcases. Council mem-
bers then took the pillowcases to the UK
Children‘s Hospital and covered the IV

bags that the children had in their rooms
so their experiences in the hospital were
a little brighter.

The council also held a “freshman-
only" dance in the fall and provided food
and beverages. A Survival Guide for
freshman is also in the works. and this
year‘s council members will get the
chance to continue that project.

“I really like to see tny freshmen get
out of the dorms and have extra things to
do." said Erin Waggoner. an Elementary
Education Junior. who is an RA in Pat-
terson Hall.

Council members are interviewed by
a committee of members selected by SGA
President Jimmy Glenn and the council
administrative advisor. This year‘s ad-
ministrative advisor has not yet been

Freshman Senate is made up of four
students who serve on the full SGA Sen-
ate. They attend senate and committee
meetings. and they sit on the freshman
council. Students who are selected to be

The Student Newspaper at the University of Kentucky. Lexin


on council can also run for SGA Fresh-
man Senate. As senators. the four elected
freshmen represent the freshman student
body. take part in voting and writing
bills. and can haVe a part in allocating
funds to other students and organizations
on campus.

Past senators and representatives
have said they thought their experiences
were worthwhile.

“It was really positive." said Victoria
Russell. a Business Marketing and Man-
agement sophomore. who served on the
council and the Freshman Senate last

“I feel like the year was very success-
ful." she said.

Any freshman in good standing can
apply for both freshman council and SGA
Freshman Senate. Applications for coune
cil are due by September 8. There will
then be interviews set up by the selection
committee. who then select 25 members.
The other four members. who sit on both
SGA and freshman council. will be elect-
ed by the freshman student body on Octo-
ber 6 and 7. All application materials and
information can be found in the SGA of»
fice. Room 120 Student Center.







First UK


UK begins first part of
campaign to reach audience
and proclaim greatness

3V1?!“ "WW”

nrws EDITOR 7

Students turning to the bottom of the
back page of the Kernel yesterday saw the
beginning installment of I'K's campaign to
gain national recognition as "America‘s
Next (ireat l'niversity."

“We want to use our marketing cam-
paign to portray to the nation what is best
about the l'niversity of Kentucky and its
strengths [academicallny said Joe Burch.
\'l(‘t‘~pl‘(*sl(l0nt for university relations.

The advertising part of the marketing
campaign cost UK roughly $300. 000.
Michele Ripley. national marketing direc-
tor for UK. said that this cost includes two
"flights." or installments. of ads locally. re—
gionally. and nationwide. in print. radio.
and even television.

The first flight runs from now until the
middle of October and the second starts in
late January and runs through mid-march.
Ripley said.

For the time in between the two
flights. many of the companies that UK
bought ad space frotn offered "value-based
benefits." basically. ads that [K didn't have
to pay for. Ripley explained.

When labeling itself as "America‘s
Next Great l'niversity." the ads are refer»
ring to lIK‘s goal of becoming a top-20 re
search institution by 2020. Ripley said.

I'K already has is? nationally ranked
programs. said Lloyd AXelrod. director of
[K public relations. Now the big task is to
get the word out.

“Our position tends not to be as strong
academically outside the state as we should
be." he said.

Axelrod added that while it's not neces-
sarily negative. [K is tnore known outside

See AD on 2




This is only a test: Drills
aim to prepare students in
the event of the real thing

By Robin Petroze


The main entrance to the dorm was
blocked. The R.A.'s were headed for anoth-
er exit. but the smoke was so thick. they
could barely see where they Were going.

This was no ordinary fire.

In fact. it was just a drill.

This year's fire safety and prevention
training for llK's Resident Hall staff added
a number of improvements. including a fire
drill using a staged fire.

“It‘s a real eye opener when you're

confronted with how bad it is." said Tony
Ralph of Residence Life.

UK Fire Marshall Garry Beach thinks
these eye-openers are especially important
for the dorms. since students used to false
alarms and fire drills sometimes don't re~
spond as seriously as they should.

Beach and campus area coordinators
Steve Stauffer. Melanie Tyner~Wilson and
Marcia Shrout held fire safety training ac-
tivities last month for hall directors and as-
sistant hall directors. and the following
week for R.A.'s.

This year's program began with lecture
training where participants were told how
fast each dorm would burn. the roles of :
R.A.'s in a fire emergency. how to conduct 7
fire drills and how to educate people about 3. r








z_ | molest)", singing? a, 1999 | KENTUCKY «intact


The Low-down


I took
oath of
to u -

laws of
inclu -
mg the


George W. Bush
Jr., during whose

governorship 100
people have been

Sixth Sense Tops Box Office

HIS ANGELES The ghost thriller 'l'lie Sixth Sense set a
box office record for the Labor llay weekend by taking in $29.3
million. The movie has earned an estimated total ot'SITti2 mil-
lion so far.

12 Puerto Rico Nationalists 0K Deal

\\‘.\Slll.\'(i’|‘()l\' The White House said today that leailed
l’uerto Rican nationalists have indicated they will accept l’resi-
detit (.‘linton's oti'er ofclemency and two have rejected it. Most
are members of FALN. which made mei‘ l:-;tl lionib attacks in
the l'nited States in the l97lls and 1980s. “The president expects
all those v. ho accept the conditional clemency grant to abide ful.
ly by its terms." including refraining from violence. the White
House said.

Danforth Is Asked To Probe Waco

\N'ASHING’I‘UN Attorney (leneral Janet Reno has otiered
former Sen. John Danforth. R-Mo.. the job of heading an inde-
pendent inquiry into the Waco. Texas. furor. according to gov
ernment sources, l)anforth would probe the use ot‘deadly feder-
al force to end the Branch Davidiaii standoff. (‘ongress officials
said they understood l)anforth was willing to take the job but
the Justice Department was considering appointing a second
person ~ possibly a Democrat - to share the leadership I)anlorth.
tit. is a former attorney general of Missouri.

32 Killed by Ouake in Athens

ATHENS. tireece Rescuers (lug for those pinned under
wreckage from the strongest earthquake to hit Athens in nearly
a century - a 10st ‘cond tremor on 'l'uesday that killed at least 30
people and left close to too missing. The magnitude 5.9 quake bit
about 12 miles north ot Athens. Most of the damage and casual—
ties were in working-class and immigrant areas. There was no
damage to ancient sites. including the Acropolis.

Viacom Pays $36.75 Billion for CBS

NEW YORK In the richest media merger in history. \‘iav
com is buying (‘88 for $36.75 billion. Viacom is the owner of
MTV and Paramount studios. The combination creates a power»
house of TV. radio. and movies to rival Time Warner and His
ney. "We will be global leaders in every facet ofthe media and
entertainment industry.“ said \‘iaconi chairman Sumner Red;
stone. who will be chairman and chiefexecutive ol'the new (filllr

Gore Urges Health Care Reforms

1.08 ANGELICS \‘ice President Al (lore today proposed a
wide-ranging package of reforms aimed at bringing millions of
uninsured Americans into the health care system and improv
ing coverage for those already in it. His plan would be a guaran-
tee that hy 200:"). every child would have access to affordable
health care.




If there's two
things Woody
Allen loves in
life it's jazz and
Venice. It was
no accident
then that his
new film Sweet
and Lowdown
about a jazz
guitarist pre-
miered at the
Venice film tes-
tival. Revived
from an old
script from
Allen's early
days, the film
stars Sean


Getting older
means just one
thing in the
movies, in
Michael Caine's
experience: you
don't get the
girl any more.
"When you're
young, you get
the girl. When
you're old, you
get the part -
so it's got to be
good," the
British actor



Continued from page I

"It really wasn’t that diffi-
cult," Freeman said. “I played
the center position. My team-
mates would just walk me to
and from the huddle. I would
just snap the ball and then
block. ()nce I made contact it
was just like I could see them."

His teammates were in-
spired more than influenced to
take it easy.

“When I thought I couldn‘t
go on. I would look at Travis
and get excited.“ high-school
teammate Baker said. "I would
set all of my pity aside."

Freeman played all four
years of high school football. He
also turned heads in the class-
room at Corbin High School.
graduating ninth in his class
with a 4.876 grade point aver-
age. He was the first blind stu-
dent to graduate from the

On top of that. he is cur»
rently a student manager for
the UK football team and an
honors student taking 13 hours.

“We always complain about
little things." Freeman said.
“But no matter how bad off you
are, just know there‘s someone
else out there worse off than
you. When I was in the hospital
there was a baby next to me
who got hit by a truck and had
a bolt holding its skull togeth-

Freeman doesn‘t spend
time feeling sorry for himself.
Instead he aspires to become a
Christian counselor with a
PhD. in psychology. He will ad
dress the Fellowship of Christ—
ian Athletes today at 9 pm. at
the Christian Student Fellow-
ship building.

"I'm just letting God use me
for what he wants me to do,“ he
said. “I hope people can look at
my life and see what He has
done through me."

His roommate says Free-
man is the kind of guy every-
body should get to know.

“He broke the mold when
he came along," Baker said.
“When I look in his eyes, I don't
think he‘s blind. He‘s got a
great sense of humor. and even
has more (phone) numbers than
1 do. I think people can really
learn a lot from Travis."



Continued from page I

of the state for its athletic

Ironically enough, howev-
er. UK owes a debt of gratitude
to its athletic teams for one of
its biggest opportunities to
showcase its academic

The NCAA has an agree-
ment with broadcast stations
that they must provide free ad-
vertisement time to the teams
playing in a game, Ripley said.

So every nationally tele-
vised football or basketball
game that features UK offers
the chance to show millions of
viewers what UK has to offer.

The ads mainly feature
children, which can be seen as
a metaphor for the future,
Ripley said. The ads also at-
tempt to illustrate the diversi-
ty of UK, she said. with differ-
ent ads featuring children of
different races and ages.

The children are shown
discussing their goals. and the
ads then tell how UK can help
them reach those goals. Rip-
ley said.

While Ripley says “Amer—
ica‘s Next Great University“
is a good tagline for an ad
campaign, she would like to
see it change in the future.

“We‘re hoping that the
university can proceed at a
pace that allows our next cam-
paign to say America's Newest
Great University, said



Continued from page 1

fire safety. Videos of past dorm
fires as well as a video made
by the UK Fire Department
specifically for UK residence
halls were also shown.

A live fire extinguisher
demonstration showed partici
pants proper fire extinguisher

A new thermal imaging
camera was demonstrated at
the drills. The Lexington Fire
Department‘s recent purchase
uses body heat to locate people
in total darkness. This camera
was used during the drill to lo-
cate the participants in the
smoky hallway. and then
shown to them afterwards.

The purpose of the train-
ing was to create fire safety
awareness in the residence
hall staff that will hopefully be
communicated to the students
living in the dorms.

Patterson Hall resident ad-
viser Dan Arneman said he
had gained valuable knowl-

edge from the program.

“I will be able to think
faster and maybe help more
people because of my train
ing," he said.

Beach said that this year‘s
prevention and fire codes in
the halls are the same as they
have been in the past, and that
the improvements in the pro-
gram were not related to the
Murray State incident last
year in which a student died in
a dorm fire.

“Each year prevention in
the balls is the same,“ Beach
said, “but we're always look-
ing for ways to improve our






Fire safety information will be
available to students from 4
to 7 pm. in Commons
cafeteria on Sept. 21 and
from 4 to 7 pm. in Blazer
Hall on Sept. 22.

Fire drills will also begin this
month; students will know
about the first drill, but the
second will be unannounced.




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ucts and services including

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0 O _ . . .Jir”
I, I l’ioudl} I’icscnts
a I ,
i‘ ‘I I t' l N' ht - “
(a . ..
g ,. , /, By Hillary Cromer , . "tern a '9"? '9
3‘ .mm 7 . ‘ r .1 . '
If f“ '> ASSiSIANI ~iw3£oiiow \ III III I “II ‘II II ”I
if ”” 1‘ liiatlley llall( otii‘t_\.iid
; A little piece ot l‘ihet will come to l'l\ ’l‘hursday in the torm ot the \t‘lll‘l‘llliIt‘
j‘ Khandro Rinpoche, The Buddhist teaeher will speak about the teachmus ot"l‘i FIQQ entrance
‘ hetan Buddhism and reincarnation at 7:30 pm, in Memorial Hall.
II Rinpoche regularly visits meditation centers in North .»\merica>and l‘lurope Everyone wc| g
A Wynherg Allen. and St Mary‘s (‘onyent, all in India. She lived 3
in the Mindrolline monastery in l)ehra l)un for most other ;
life hut is now a resident at Samten 'l‘se Retreat (‘entre for 276- 'I II 5 .I I
'I Nuns in Mussoorie. North India. .»\t‘ter her teachings. Rinr I
_ plo‘chewillheadtoilloston. ' ‘ 15" W Zondole Drivel
:1 ”us is Rinpoehe s second year. so we are very lucky She (5 mmums from UK .« an,“ i
usually goes to homer cities." Brunner said, i
f The Shamhhala (‘enter ot~ Lexington will sponsor the Enroll NOW I
; speech. i
I “The (‘enter focuses on creating an environment where peo» for Oth
ple can practice mindfulness. meditation and contemporary . * 3
art.“ lirunner said. = 1‘ g
The center has three "gates.“ or sections. The iirst is t‘(‘Il;lloll.\ . j
and concentrates on 'l‘ihetan Buddhism. the second is Shamh errobics. Baskema: ‘
hala meditation and is open all denominations ot't'aith. and the oPrecor pr Machines I
third section ol‘ the center deals with fine arts like calligraphy -Raquetbalt I
r; and floral arrangements. .Cybemene, Me Cycies \.
' "Basically. the center iust focuses on pay me close attention to Climbers 8. Treadmriis
one's mind and heart hecaUse most people don‘t pay too much -2 Dry Saunas
attention to that aspect ol‘their lives.” Brunner said. oFree Personal Trainer
“I hope people will meditate a little from this speech." oFree Day Care
Rinpoche said. "I want them to gain a proper and right -E,.,,7,.,,,,,i,z;
understanding oi‘ what the dharma truly is."
r I
male, she IS one of
' t 99
relncarna GS.



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H’s teen Inferno/1mm! m claim 11“ it fine (hump/iv: rm [Usher and

. , Wfiufi5‘
l'l’llllllfl/ (in Ilnowiau, Student/vet lo, liciit‘ \eltcl Pl'tltt' I’i'm‘ zemnri 3'

r in Masher Desmond Tums lei/Hole address at the cmnmntimi to { gm -
mmniemmum' ‘iU hum of III“ rlfriimrminis-mim legacy of UK' . "MAIN-i ~ ;
This liislom even! is frec and open to the public. \ M can 0
ill y






row to

Cornhuskers plow Cats under
5-1 at home; UK set to play at
third-ranked Florida

By Shelly DiSalvo

tiJN'N‘H 'rN Mi '53

the l'ix' \iomen's soccer team chalked
tilt their t'ir'st \\ in ot' the young season l‘il
day night lll t‘incinnan against Xavrer try a
score til‘i, l

lint the street Lisle ol‘ \‘ictori titlli‘kl}'
Mitll‘i'il in the mouths oi‘ the Wildcats Sun
ila\ uhen l'lx' ii i 1) hosted the eiuhtlr
ranked Nebraska i‘or'nhuskers i l ii iii at the
[K Soccer Complex

Nebraska (.llllt‘ to l,e\inuton on a
three game \\ llllilll‘.’ streak with a stacked
roster. t‘tiiiltlll‘rlll‘; tour players \\lio played
tor the 1H9.” t'anadian Women’s World (‘ttii
soccer team. rnclurlm: uoalkeepei‘ Karina
lielilanc Lelilanc ll;l\1ti‘lilt‘\'i‘t to career
shutouts durinu her l‘.\ti \eai's hetu’een the
posts and has _\et to allots a goal in the iirst
three games of the season.

Nehraska dominated the inaioriti' ol.
the game. rising their line tuned. exiieri
enced :ll)lllllt‘\ to take the game out ol l'l\"\
hands lii'siiite :i :aine entangled in i'irnli'o
\‘ersial calls. the Cornhuskers "'iliit‘tl their
l'tlil‘lli \\ tit. ittl\illl‘.‘ the (‘ats 3|

.\'ehr.'i\k:r's l\'ell\ Rheem scored the
tint goal \‘.ll"ll she t'ottii'olli'tl .r question
.rlile handliall lll’lit‘t'ii'(i till a lellon team
matt- and »asil\ lofted it tt\i‘l llx'k coal
keeper. .lo I’leteher. at the "11:17 mark

l'he this quickly Zill.\\\t‘l't‘ii \\hen tle
lender Allison l’eririers shot the hall up the
middle ot' the held titer the tlel’ense. l’resh-
man lili/aheth Ramsey out it au'ai into the
upper left hand corner of the net. scoring
the t'rrst goal ol' her collegiate career and
the tirst one illlt'Mi‘tl h_\' Nebraska this year.

Less than too minutes later. Nehras
ka's .ienni Benson liroke the 1 l tie \then
she controlled a hall deflected oil lTl\'\
lieanna Station and out it past the char:
mu lr‘letcher. ’l'hat opened the floodgates.
and the Huskers never looked hack

(‘ornhusker Naiah Williams' t\\o goals
combined with l.inilsa_\ liddleirian's one
goal rounded out the resr oi their altar-k on
the cuts and shutout t'l\' tor the remainder
ul‘the came

“We cannot al‘ioi'd to make mistakes
'\\lllllll the iii (yard marker) and think


Cats off to
best start
since ‘95

Men's team on mission to secure berth in

NCAA tournament

By Travis Hubbard the i its
)qu ‘w «our. \t'ill\

lie l'l\' inerr-~ soccer team llit‘t‘i' kinii' di‘ouuht 'l‘he (‘ats
l- rem-r: lim‘ l'\l.\' in or sun triiisiwl the two mnmn: t':
41,; . iii in“, only”. lllJili‘li .tl 'il llit'll llltrti lit {Iliitlt'x lilll it‘ll

'lli‘l \ldxi l’I tit ii:i~\l"

an: wire

”in: urine. .irth 'he may “Wit"
..m gins Mingle ii.ii;t\' \Hrl Isliri‘r,’ wronrl said t'iilliti»
~iti-. oi t'tilllllli! uh
"i'he heat was li' nix (ilfllllillil. ~ll‘rtl “I" ltd'xt’ it"t‘ti kitttt'kittif

li‘; lli‘.lti 'li'iill l.‘iil Collins '\\7' .‘ii-

hut ihe'. alllt‘l‘. it out tll'l re it llii'ilooi liitt xte iieeii tohe

r1]\'|(11‘1riil(i‘flill' itiliitti more i'till‘i\l|‘lll than use have
l'ix' \ .\l:z hael ~\‘nekli-r titre the not three wiiwns '

was l|.'llli"tl torrraino-nt \l\'l'. \Wut. i’fiitlilliLI a \[t'il til the

”(Itiptl m.- r_f;nnr- unmet- ~til a tournament has heroine .t ill|\

[,4-4' iiii‘t‘i [iris-s it [fr] lei llii "

matt‘lis wire anal .rrrrl lil\ 'hrril Niel“ ill"
waded, said .r inoi' nndlieldei‘

score iii "no man li"\

\t'ilrlrat :orlle-ein-r ltr'rarr l.""l’ntk“t
(Heirs stopped sewn lx’who-i
shots to ;)ii\i his lll\l shut rill til t'litlh ftil‘
the season, ind i\ honorv d .r taker \Jild
the iiis‘xli K {mt IIi‘l"ii\l'\i'
l’later lieadded

With the \\i:' ll\' irirrrrmes
toZtithisv-asiii. tlrv this lit'\i to \tork


Adam Spaw
SportsDaiiy Editor




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Phone 251i9l5 | tmari dispawo ipop uky.edu



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lot the iiasl thi‘ee

.. i\iill “as itii\\iiii\
the most tlls.llilitilllllllt1 oi the

«hurt of an .\t‘.\.\ automatic
“or ,1- mug,” ”my llili liiii min .i 2m ond iilat'e linixli
iii-:l'W‘ "‘lliitif‘itlii‘4*\ or iii» in the \lrr:,\merr«:in t‘oni‘er

‘lt is \ei i. important. "\[N'
titlt' \i‘ilitll' clam '

"This is our last rhance.”

'l'het'a" next opporturiitx
innarrh that goal


Senior midfielder Brooke Heroesell and the rest of the women's soccer squad face a tough challenge
in Friday's match with the Florida Gators. last year’s NCAA champions.

\xe‘re not uoinu to set tarnished.” l'lxl s
roach Warren Lilika \tlltl ".\'eliraska
earned l\\it goals and three \‘ri’l'i‘ uni-r. to

them. You cannot make llll\l.‘tl\i'\ against a
top lti team and expert to \\ m "

'l‘he (‘ats‘ ne\t uame l\ :lfJJllils‘l the tit‘
lending .\'(‘.>\.-\ (‘llttlllliltili l~'|orrrla tiators on
Sept. lit in (izlllit‘\\ ille.

“in order to succeed this coming game.
\‘.e have to t‘iilili' ottl liai'il .iiid act like \\i'
are lust as good as lllt'\ illt and like thei
are any other team." Peppers \(tlti.

ll lor rtlai .0 to is currently ranked third
in the nation

Iriiika said his team needs to make
some atliustments hei‘ore heading; south,

“We can make some mistakes in the
lliltlllt'ltl. hut absolutely none in front oi‘the
goal like we (lid today." Lipka said.
"Auainst a high caliber team like Florida.
we iilWioiiSl)’ need to score more and they
iii't-(i to more less in order for us to come
out on tori,‘



fl RTC/l RVE D


Today thru Friday: 10 am - 3pm

— ,»



ilr'lli' lllt'tl till-ill

r .]I\ in] tliiiw
tournament ha~

start \lilt‘t‘ l‘i‘iir

The team \ lil llll.’tl‘\ L'rtrll
this season is to e rrri rheith in
the Nl‘.\,\ men's an r er tour'ria
merit a coal it u i. is i'illiii'li

comes illl\ Sunday as thex ri-
tltt'ti lo the [K Sorter t'omple\'
lor‘ the heme opener auinnst
l'Nt .v\she\rllt~ iiililt' time is
\I‘I lot 1‘. ii in




Poster Sale! Room 206 Student Center,


UK Football vs. U Conn, 1:30pm,
Commonwealth Stadium

Exhibit: Opening of ON THE BRINK, The
Millennium Nears, UK Art Museum, lZ—Spm

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high-caliber. quality people l’osrtrorrsl
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grants. contact: lir. IIatitl .I. IIctth.
I k ()I'Iicc oI' International \iiairs.
III Braille) Hall.
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c-mail: lIIH'llt'l u popaik) .ctiu




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We are looking for new &
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join us Thursday for our Pastries, Live Greek Musrc

rWTEUR CONTEST Greek Folk Dancing, Boutique

, \ Under Tents Come Rain or Shine

Sponsored by Panagra Pantovasrlissa
Greek Orthodox Church 266—1921


Great Greek Food, Greek

The Campus Calendar is produced weekly by the Office of Student Activities.

Postings in the calendar are free to all registered student organizations an