xt7wdb7vqq93 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wdb7vqq93/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-10-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 26, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 26, 2000 2000 2000-10-26 2020 true xt7wdb7vqq93 section xt7wdb7vqq93 Humor

For a laugh

Here are some jokes.
They are lame and
stupid. but that is
what makes them so
darn funny.

Two peanuts were
walking down a
spooky road at night.
One was assaulted.

What do you call a fly
with no wings? A

Two ropes walk into a
bar. The bartender
says to the rope.
"Hey! We don't serve
ropes in here," so
one of the ropes left.
The other rope
frayed up his hair
and tied himself in a
knot. The bartender
said to the rope,
"Are you a rope?"
and the rope said.
“I'm afraid not."

Why was the tomato
blushing? Because he
saw the salad

Three old men are at the
doctor for a memory
test. The doctor says
to the first old man,
"What is three times
three?" "274,” was
his reply. The doctor
says to the second
man, "It's your turn.
What is three times
three?" "Tuesday,"
replies the second
man. The doctor says
to the third man,
"OK, your turn.
What's three times
three?" “Nine," says
the third man.
”That's great," says
the doctor. "How did
you get that?"
“Simple," says the
third man. "I
subtracted 274 from


A termite walks into a
bar and asks, “Is the
bar tender here?"

What do John the Baptist
and Winnie the Pooh
have in common?
Their middle name.

What do you call a
person with leprosy
in a bathtub? Stew.

Did you hear about the
cannibal who passed
his brother in the
woods one day?


What’s brown and
sticky? A stick.

A horse walks into a bar.
The barman says,
“Why the long face?"

How do you catch a
unique rabbit? U
Neaq up on it. How
do you catch a tame
rabbit? Tame way,
you neaq up on it.

Why are proctoloqists so
gloomy? They always
have the end in sight.

-Ron Norton



’ as
7.6 5.2

There will be more
clouds than sun. But who
ever said clouds weren't
any fun?

Katie *5 l ”.2. y

VOL. “106 ISSUE 345

News tips?
Call: 257-1915 or write:


-.99t‘.’b9' 26- 22°2—



Sunday, Oct. 29
5K Run/ Walk 2 pm. at the UK

Early deadline-today at noon. Cost is
$10 if you catch the early deadline,
$13 day of race. Packet includes a T-
shirt, race number and race informa-
tion can be claimed beginning at 1
pm. on race day. Only preregistered
participants are guaranteed T-shirts
on the day of the race.

Awards will be given to the top 3
male/female participants. Top 3 in
each age division: l3 and under, l4-
l9, 20-29, 30-40, 41-65 and over 65.

Entry forms are available at the
Student Activities Board office, Room
203, Student Center. Make checks
payable to the "UK Alumni

Proceeds benefit Helping Hands of

Monday, Oct. 30

Paint the town blue judging at 4 pm.
This year SAB is very excited to
introduce a new tradition to the
Homecoming Festival. Paint the Town
Blue is a window painting competition
that will pair up local businesses with
student organizations to celebrate
Homecoming. Check out windows
along South Limestone and Euclid

Wednesday, Nov. 1

Bulldog Bash ll a.m.-2 pm. at the
Student Center Patio. Free lunch for
all students. Football players, cheer-
leaders and the porn squad will be on
hand to meet the public. Chances for
several giveaways.

Thursday, Nov. 2

Banner competition judging. Banner
judging will take place Thursday, Nov.
2. The judges will come to each loca-
tion to judge.

Five additional points will be awarded
to any organization with a house (i.e.
fraternity or sorority) for each addi-
tional banner placed on the house.
(For example, if a sorority places
banners of the Dairy Club, Baptist
Student Union and SGA on their
house they will receive an additional
IS points on the banner competition.)

Remember: the bigger and brighter,
the better!

Friday, Nov. 3

Parade 6 p.m.llineup 4:30 pm.
Commonwealth Stadium. For
Homecoming 2000, the Cats will take
center stage as the tradition of UK
Homecoming continues! National,
local and campus celebrities have all
been invited to participate in this
year's Homecoming Parade.

Pep-rally following the parade at 7:15
p.m., Stoll Field.

Saturday, Nov. 4

UK v. Mississippi State 1:30 pm. (sub-
ject to change) Commonwealth

Royalty Crowning and Wildcat Cup
Announced at halftime.

— _____ WWW .___ -_ he I-,-_g“4:.-.I._Ifif_;f_ ' _

ooucuonokkl KERNEL STAFT

Chad Wellman (left), a geography junior, and Sean Coffman, a history
sophomore, decorate the Alpha Tau Omega's float for the ‘99 parade.

Mardi Gras time: Annual Homecoming
parade mocks New Orleans tradition in 2000

By Anna Nolan

()ne of the biggest parts of the Homecoming celebration at UK
is the parade the night before the football game. Tradition will not
fail this year as approximately ($0 to To entries have been regisr

tered for the parade.

Leaving t‘ommonwealth Stadium at 6 pm. on Friday. Nov. :t.
the parade will travel down l‘niversity I‘rive toward the library
where the judging stand will be. The parade route then moves
onto Hilltop Avenue and turns onto Woodland Avenue before
making its final turn at Euclid Avenue. The parade is scheduled to
reach Stoll Field by the Student (‘enter at about 7:13 pm,

A pep rally will follow where the winner of the best float will
be announced. Floats have been designed and created by student
organizations and will reflect this year‘s .\Iardi (lras. “Wildcat
Style” theme. The Homecoming Committee. a branch of the Stu.
(lent Activities Board. decided upon the theme

“We wanted a theme that was real visible throughout campus
and one that would make people want to get involved.” said Home
coming co-chair and SAB member Katie Maytield.

In the tradition of Mardi (il‘LlS. people on the floats are to be
throwing beads to spectators along the parade route.

All entries must have paid the 823 entry fee in order to be
judged and the entries receive points towards the Wildcat chal-
lenge. a competition running the whole week of Homecoming. l)it~
ferent student organizations can get points by participating in
Homecoming events throughout the week. The winner of the Wild-
cat (‘up will be presented with the trophy during half time of the
Homecoming game against Mississippi State.


Talent show part of
Homecoming festivities

By Lamln Swarm


Laughing. maybe crying
(from laughing too hard) and

That‘s if you're ready to get
your laugh on and see some
pageantry in some of the tip-
coitiiiig homecoming events
starting tonight.

The Homecoming All-Star
(‘omedy .Iaiti will come to
Memorial Hall next Friday with
comedians (‘hris Thomas. Ray
Ray and Kevin Anthony. who
have [l’l‘fm'mt‘d on comedy shows
such has HET's "(‘omic View."

The event will be one of the
highlights of Summitt Newsparwr
( )tgani7ation's events of the year

”Besides the Summitt week
(last week). this will be a big
event for the organization."
said (‘hris Robinson. SNO pres-

The comedy show won‘t
just be for our pleasure and


laughter, but the less fortunate.

“Some. of the proceeds from
the event will benefit the home»
less." Robinson said.

Tickets are available and
Sit) with a [K student II). 31.3
without a student II) and $20 at
the door. Tickets can be pur-
chased at the King (‘ultural
(‘enter on the first floor of the
Student (‘enter

W All-Star
Comedy Jan
Featuring Comedians:
Chris Thomas, Ray Ray and Kevin
Friday, Nov. 3
Memorial Hall
Doors open at 8 pm.
Show begins at 9 pm.
Cost: $10 with student ID, 515
without ID, in advance,
$20 at the door.
Tickets on sale at King Cultural
Center in Student Center.





Find out the
scoop on the
costumes I 9

m... "m...

caller ID

Research: UK professor spurred by
murders to investigate harms of caller ID

By Leah Rowland

Although Donald 0. (‘ase
does not subscribe to caller ll)
services. his interest iii its
harmful uses surmounted after
reading about a murder case
involving caller II) in l’ineville.

“I began to think. ~(‘an
caller ll) really lead to mur
tlei".“" he said.

(tver the course of the next
two years. (‘ase who is a coin
munications and information
studies professor. began con
ducting periodic searches of
NEXIS to locate any newspaper
articles iwttaining to the use of
caller II) in murder.

(‘ase found four cases ‘le
which caller ll) lead to [lie inur
der of a current or former
spouse or lover. Among these
was the l’ineville. KY shooting.
where a wiong number picked
up In i“’.i.'l ll) resulted Ill .1
levers quarrel that ended in

What ensued is (‘ase‘s :irtr
cle. “Stalking. Monitoring and
Profiling: A 'l‘ypology and (use

Studies of Harmful l'ses of

(‘aller ID." The article ap-
peared in “New Media and So-
ciety." a ixierreviewed interna-
tional journal that focuses on
cultural. social and political as
pects of new media

[port the introduction of
caller II) to the public iii 1987.
much controversy was brought
about. Several hearings on both
the state and congressional lev»
els were held concerning the is»
sues of privacy The greatest
fear proposed was that of abu-
sive men rising caller II) data to
stalk their lovers.

"The interesting thing is. it

hasn‘t been like people feared."
(‘ase said, “()nly oneof the four
cases reflects this scenario "

In San Antonio. Tex.»
Kevin Robertson “Hill to ills e\
girlfriend‘s. Kerisha Harps.
apartment to find out her
whereabouts from her room

However. tragically. Harps
chose .ii that time to call i'wl‘
rooinitiate Ironically. then.
Harps own caller Ill box dis
played her location. which led
to her eventual murder by ex
boyfriend. Robertson

"We protect our worst fears
into new technology (‘ase

Much emphasis was also
put on the use of caller ll)
against women Hut. l‘ase
iiillllti Ill his studies that taller
Ill is inst as likely to be usitl in
\ iolencc against men

In half ofthe cases. \Uillli n
were reported to have used the
info displayed as motiye for
killing their boyfriends

(‘ase was also able to con
cluite. in his study. one of the
largest problems with caller ll)

its anibiguous nature.

"You don’t know what it
means all the time. (‘aller ll)
only does a certain thing. tell
you the number that called."
(‘ase said.

In two of the cases. murder
ensued after caller II) data was
misinterpreted and false con
clusions were drawn.

Approximately one-third of
all l'S. households subscribe to
caller II).

“It makes one wonder what
else is going on with caller ID."
(‘ase said. "I only dealt with the
most extreme cases. How many
fights and broken relationships
do we not know about?"

filmmhol policy
under scrutiny

By Tracy Kershaw
migrant W '

Students. who have
watched a stringent alcohol
policy snatch several athletes
from the rosters. have mixed
opinions about a new commit
fee that will review the ITK
Athletics Association student
athlete alcohol policy.

Some argue that the com»
mittee. which will be headed
by former athletics director
(TM. Newton. should not alter
the policy

The policy terminates an
athlete's scholarship after the
semester iii which he or she is
convicted of DH. The athlete
is indefinitely suspended with
little chance of returning to
the team in the future.

"If they treat these guys
like they're celebrities and
they're so big and they screw
tip. then they should have to
pay." said Jeff Kukulski. a
chemistry sophomore.

He thinks the notoler
ance policy shows young pet)»
ple who view I'K athletes as
role models that alcohol abuse
is not acceptable behavior.

(‘hanging the policy could
have a detrimental effect on
these young children. he said.

"Little kids want to grow


up and become I'K basketball
players." he said. “and then
they will see them screwing
up and it being tolerated,"

Hut others think the coin-
tiiittee should alter the policy.
calling it discriminatory

“I think it should be
changed because they are be-
ing held to a different stati-
dard than those on academic
scholarship are." said Lance
Rollins. a finance senior.

The final judge will be the
sevenmember committee.
founded by Larry Ivv. direc-
tor of athletics.

“We have said that this
policy. like all our policies. is
subject to review." Ivy said.
"Now that the policy has been
in place for two years. I want
this committee to study its ef
fects on our studeiifathletes."

I'K Women's Basketball
coach Bernadette Locke Mad»
dox. said while she hasn't had
a chance to stop and think
about the policy in depth. she
thinks it is an issue all young
people. not just basketball
players need to be aware of.

“I tell my young people.
you got to make smart choicr
es." she said. "not only as an
athlete but as an individual
and as a young person."



z | 1111111501111. ocrooen 26. 21199 | «£11111ch Kennel.



The Low-down

have four

--Cad Reiner, the
recipient of this
year's Mark
Twain prize for
American Humor
at Tuesday
night's ceremony
at the Kennedy
Center, yelling
from the balcony
where the sound
system. went out.

Israel, Palestinians hold talks

JERUSALEM Israeli and Palestinian
troop commanders met at US. insistence
Wednesday to try to pave the way for 11 truce. and
1elative talm pr”e\ 1111111 in the West B1nk and
Gaza Sti 1p. No 11111 was killed in 11ashes to1 the
tirst time in: 1 week despite spo1 adi1 11x1hanges oi
gunhi 11 Isi ael said that if 11111111111 11 no 111w out-
breaks of violence. it could withdraw troops from
friction points and then look into ways of resum-
ing peace talks. However. army officials were
skeptical a cease-fire would hold for long. Presi-
dent (‘linton has raised the possibility of holding
separate meetings in Washington with Israeli
Prime Minister [Chud Ilarak and Palestinian
leader Yasser Arafat.

Three bodies recovered from sub

MI'RMANSK. Russia Laboring 111 the
frigid murk of the llarents Sea on Wednesday.
divers found and removed the first bodies from
the wreckage of the sunken nuclear submarine
Kursk. Russian othcials said. The bodies of three
crew members were found several hours after
two Russian divers entered the submarine.
where 118 sailors died on Aug 12. The remains
were taken from the '11'1'111tkage and placed in a
special container. which would raise them to the

surface wnh the divers. Northern Fleet (.‘hief of

Statl‘Mikhail Motsak said .1\ team of Russian and
Norwegian divers worked for five days to enter
the submarine.

One Cole bomber Egyptian

AMEN. Yemen (11111 of the men belieted to
have bombed the destroyer 1188 Cole is an Egypt»
11111. and several senior members of a Muslim
militant group hate been detained 111 connection
with the blast. \"1111111111 President \li .\bdullah
Saleit s;11d\\'11d1ies1l.1_\. Saleh s 111i the d1 t' 1ine1 s
including Yemenis, Egyptians 1'111l ;\l).111'1ns - b11-
loneed to Islamic Jihad, H1 111st 11111-11 the 1.11oup
as 1ons1sting of Arabs \\ ho tou ht Sm iet tioops
111ktc1h1111sr111 i‘errorist susp11t (ham 1 bin
Laden was 111111111111 11tlv lll\()l\1 11 in the
Afghanistan resistance but 8:1111l1d11hned to say
whether the attackers or 11111111 1 1 s had '1111' con
nection to bin liaden's.»\11Q;11dagroup.

Scholars press Vatican on Holocaust

VATlt‘AN (.‘l'l‘Y Pressing the Vatican to
open up its wartime archiyes. Roman (‘atholic
and Jewish scholars raised explosive new titles
tions yesterday about Pope Pius Xll‘s silence
amid Holocatistera reports that Jews were being
deported and killed. lilexen wartime volumes



Seth Green,
who gained
playing Scott
Evil opposite
Mike Myers in
the Austin
Powers tran-
chise, has inked
a deal to Join
Billy Crystal in

Clinton gave his
wife an early
53rd birthday
present on
hosting a star-
studded bash in
the Big Apple
that will pump
$2 million into
her New Yorlt
Senate cam-
paign. A line-up
of Hollywood's
elite, including
actors Robert
De Niro, Whoopi
Cameron Diaz,
Ben Attleck and
music stars
Cher and the
Rev. Al Green
were billed to
entertain more
than 150 guests
at the party.

provided by the Vatican do not “put to rest sig-
nificant questions" about the Vatican‘s role dur-
ing the Holocaust. said a team of scholars ap
pointed by the Vatican and a Jewish group to ex-
amine Pius XII’s wartime actions.

Jews and Arabs cooperate on floods

JERUSALEM --~ Gratitude and acts of com-
passion are rare these days when Arabs and
Jews mostly approach each other with suspicion,
even hatred - but neighbors from both sides were
brought together in the Jaffa area of Tel Aviv
Wednesday when 3 inches of rain fell in six
hours. Trapped in her apartment. floodwater
quickly rising to her neck, Yehudit Hadad clung
desperately to her three young children as her
Arab neighbors frantically tried first the door
and then the window in hopes of saving them.
When the Daka family reached Hadad. her
youngest child had slipped from her grasp and
drowned. “If the Arabs hadn‘t come, we all would
have died.“ said a sobbing Hadad. who is Jewish.

Nasdag ends down 190; Dow falls 67

NEW YORK . - Stocks fell sharply yesterday.
pulling the Nasdaq down 190.20 points to 3,229.59,
as disappointing revenue figures from Nortel
Networks reawakened the market‘s worries
about earnings. The Dow Jones industrial aver-
age closed down 66.59 at 10,326.48, according to
preliminary figures.

The real Slim Shady

TORONTO Ontario politicians want The
Real Slim Shady to please go home.

The Canadian province’s attorney general.
Jim Flaherty, said Wednesday that government
lawyers are looking for ways to stop controver-
sial rapper Eminent, also known as Slim Shady,
from performing at SkyDome in Toronto on
Thursday night. Some officials here say the star's
lyrics promote. violence against women.

“Nobody wants to curb free speech in the
province of Ontario but some of this rapper's
songs go over the line.“ Member of Parliament
Michael Bryant said.

Flaherty said it‘s unlikely the government
can stop Eminem from taking the stage at the
60.000-seat indoor baseball stadium because hate
crime legislation in Canada does not include vio-
lence against women.

The rapper. a Michigan resident whose real
name is Marshall Mathers. has played Toronto with-
out controversy at least twice in the past two years.

Eminent refers to women using a variety of
derogatory terms in his songs. In the song
"Kim,“ he describes the final moments before
killing his wife and dumping her body in the
trunk ofa car.

In May. Eminent filed to divorce Kim Math.
ers. settled a SID-million lawsuit with her over
the song and agreed to give her custody of his
tive-year-old daughter.

Compiled from wire reports.


ca's Schoohouse" oatoamodelottrafltloul clown-Mu



The Kernel wants to do a poll to find out who is ahead ac-
cording to UK students. Email us at kernelvotemjyahoocom
to let us know who you want for the next president and why.
Type the candidate’s name in the subject area. Please don’t
forget to include your name, year, major and a way to contact

Al Gore

George Bush

Ralph Nader

Pat Buchanan

Harry Browne

John Hagelin

David McReynolds

Howard Phillips

(Natural Law)





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akinq holiday a treat for

students, underpr

Boo: Proceeds made
from Boyd-Patterson
house go to charity
By Allisoanerry


Chances are as you were
walking aroutid campus
\\'ednesday. you noticed chalk
drawings on the sidewalk out
\l(lt‘ ot' the dorms. classroom
buildings and the liltrary adyer
ttsing tlte 33rd annual itoydl’at-
terson Hauntml House.

Students began decorating
the liotise. which is sponsored in
part by the Residence Student
(‘ouncil at 1 pm. \l'ednesday
\‘arious props including cottiiis.
gravestones and heavy black
plastic were strewn throughottt
the halls and basement of the
dorms. The atmosphere was hec
tic as students worked to create
the spooky scenes inside the

"It's coming together really
well." said Emma Herrick. l'lx’



residence student cotntcil presi~
dent. shortly .tt‘tei' decorating


tiegan. Sandi Denqler (left), a psychology junior, and Jen Howland, a communications junior, decorate a room in prepa-
All together“ mum ;._ 1-.) 1:; (m: ration tor the 23rd annual Boyd-Patterson Haunted House.

t'erent rooms. each with a theme.

siieh as a mad scientist‘s tab. it known on campus but also
iohotoiity room and a “(‘htld's across liexntgtott.
"The Haunted House [i‘ittllr community. RSV sponsored the


This year‘s house has re
ceiy'ed a lot of support from the

”You always hear stories tron isn't just tor L'lx' students." house with a 8.300 donation. and

{pour Boyd and Patterson being Herrick said.

“Other people the BoydPatterson dorms coir

FNtuiitedf said Herrick with a from the community come as trihuted as well.

\nitlt- "So it really adds totlie at well. and lots ot‘childi‘eti com.» "
‘ .\lthough the house is creat discount on the plastic. and at-

itu tsphert»

.»\nterico\er gate them a

Volunteers haye- worked for ad iii the Boyd-Patterson dorms. tor the eyent. Volunteers get free
”\t‘t‘ :1 month to Set ready tor the many other dorms. clubs aiirl or t‘ood t'roni places sttclt as Pizza

went. The event is not just uani/ationsyolutiteertohelp.

\litgia and Fa/oli's




So what does Herrick think
is the best part of doing the
haunted house‘.’

”It‘s for a good cause." she
said. “Plus. this has really
brought the dorms (Boyd and
Patterson) closer together."

Last year‘s eyent raised

over $1000 and 230 pounds ot‘

food. which was donated to
(iod‘s‘ l’atttry.

UK males turn out for rape forum

Education: More than half in
attendance at forum were males

By gen Adkins

not w; in

.\'e.n'ly halt oi the people at Tut-silo nights
:tt‘rttla‘iittaiice rapt- t‘ortnti were males.

This is a L'Htttl sign considering that 98 per
cent of .tcrtuaintanre rapists are heterosexual
males. :icrot‘dnig to Jon Dickerson ot' the Blue»
grass Rapr t‘rists (‘entt-r
Dickerson. 'lfl lilil graduate and the only
time titalt edatvttoi‘ on sexual assault in the

etes a .tig part ot the problem is a lack

"it~ guys don’t know the rules. We make tip


our own.‘ l‘w said ‘l entox doing th~ se kind ot‘

discussions ltt‘t'ntlst' we get to tell t-‘W‘ltle the
rules "

t‘hris Sr'l‘rWJtt‘ll. an llllt‘l‘éll‘élli'fllt tonintunt
rations annor. lilt'mltv‘t‘ of Pi Kappa l’ht iraternity
and key organizer of the t'oruht. sytnpatht/es with
itickersoii‘s statements

"1 think a lot in are really t-ont'used
zrltrtttt what it is lter .lilsi‘ Tl‘ie‘t get that it‘. gtt‘esstrt‘t'
it’ttll‘t peers and sttr'ietj. he said.

liexnigtoii Detectiy‘e Lyn Borders also said
there is some uncertainty concerning the detini
tron ot rape out that educatior. is the key

”>-".»\’\ Lin! ‘o changi- awareness as tar as
what rape :ealEy she said.

Dickerson .ntd Borders. alone watt 1 .‘

Beat Mississippi State
from the Sisters of

’Defta Zeta

(iahriella Pessah ol'the [‘K counseling center and
registered nurse Anita (‘apillrt discussed the le-
gal aspects. physical and psychological alter-et-
tects. and preyetitatiy'e measures for acrtuain
lance rape from both male arid temale perspee
toes. The speakers also mentioned seyeral starts
tics concerning the issue.

l’at'tir ulai'ly. ('apillo warned students of the
dangers ot't‘tllil. a commonly used date-rape drug
that depresses the central iiei'yous system and
contains lye and engine degreaser.

(lHB's popularity and easy accessibility
make it an increasingly dangerous drug. she said.

“I think we're croingz to see an increase in the
use ot (illltf' she said. "The recipe l'or it can he
found on the lnteritet.”

Sarah Sahnt. an littgltsh senior. haunt the
discussion intorniatiye and was surprised by
w hat some ot the speakers had to say.

"Sonic et’ the stories were heart wrenching.
httt wry etttpowering and educating." she said.
"It‘s iniperaiiyt- to rer ogiiize the severity ot‘the is»
sue "

.lenntt‘er Mueller. a lorelgtt language and in
ternational economics tuntor. agreed with Salirii.
hut was disappointed in the attendance.

"It was wottdeitul, lilil l w ish there was itiore
ot a response t'roni campus.” she said.

Schwartz did not hurt the statistics to he
shocking arid thinks that society cart manipulate
tnrliyidttal ideas and priorities.

“The numbers don't really surprise the just
lit-cause ot‘ the \\:i\ society is atirl the dominant
role inert are taught to play .' he said. "There's too
much \alue put on sex at out age."

By the numbers

- The average age of sexual
assault victims is 18.5 years.

- One out of three women are
sexually assaulted in their lifetime.

0 One out of four women in
college are sexually assaulted.

- One out of six women are
sexually assaulted in their first
semester of college.

- 52 percent of all rapes
occur on dates.

- 75 percent of all perpetra-
tors are under the influence of
drugs or alcohol at the time of the

0 55 percent of victims are
under the influence of drugs or
alcohol at the time of the assault.

-Source: Jon Dickerson,
Bluegrass Rape Crisis Center

The 24-hour rape crisis line is







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Leadership taught
in class, stress free

No headaches: Class motivates students to
get involved with campus organizations

By Ashley York


Imagine a class where
stress isn't a factor.

Many assutne these types
of classes cease to exist. but
Nate Stein begs to differ.

He took Emerging Leader
Institute during his first year
of college and said the class
provided him with the oppor-
tunity to relax.

"The class was never
stressful." the political sci-
ence sophomore said.

Though unstressful, Stein
said EL] 2000 provided him
with an informative and re
laxing opportunity to learn
about leadership. Contrary to
what he initially thought
when enrolling for the

"I thought it would be a
boring seminar. but it was re-
ally interactive." he said.
“(Through leadership and
communication) they let us to
explore who we were and the
impact we could tnake on this

Elizabeth Bates. assistant
director for student activi-
ties. said Elil not only pro-
vides students with great op-
portunities. but with career
possibilities as well.

Bates said the class began
in 1989 to offer freshman and
sophomore students a chance
to take personal initiative to

promote chang