The Kentucky Kernel UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LEXINGTON, KY.. MAY 18, 1923 VOL XIII No. 31 WILDCAT TRACK TEAM TO UNIVERSITY COMPETE IN FIRST S.I.C. SINGS TO FULL HOUSE AT MEET AT MONTGOMEBY WOODLANDJOITORIUM Will Run Against Best Athletes of Southern Concert in Lexington Closes Successful Season After Tour CLUB GLEE Schools. Throughout State STATE MEET ON MAY 25 PROF. LAMPERT DIRECTOR Freshman State Meet Will Be Held at Same Quartet is Feature of Program; All Offerings Received Enthusiastically by Large Crowds Time. A squad of Wildcat trackmen ihcad-c- d by Coach Buchheit and Student Gregory, left Lexington Manager Thursday for Montgomery, Alabama, IF- where they will compete in the first annual S. I. C. track and field meet, Friday and Saturday. Those who were scheduled to make the trip were Nantz, Captain Davidson, Porter, Gorman, Dewhurst, Caldwell, Mays, Ogden and Wolfe. These men will run against the best athletes in the south, including representatives from Georgia Tech, Vanderbilt, Mississippi A. & M., University of Georgia and other S. I. C. schools. CAPT. CALHOUN TO LEAD Kentucky runners had an opportunity to watch many of these teams in CAMPAIGN FOR action at the Georgia Tech Relays and knowledge of the are going with the high class trackmen they will run UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY against the Kentucky men arc in the best of condition after a week of Outstanding Kentuckian En hard training. All of the men had to dorses Athletics and Student work hard to make the trip as the Loan Fund. competition :for places was keen. Brandon will pre Governor W. W. LEADER FORMER STUDENT sent the medals and trophies to win ners after the meet. As there is no Local and County Chairmen Ap college or university at Montgomery pointed for Drive Throughthe meet will be under the direction of nv $200,000 A. out State. (Continued on Page 4) EIGHT A; & S. STUDENTS REACH HIGH HOTCH OF A' Class of 1924 Shows High Standard of Scholarship Six juniors, a sophomore and a spe cial student have set a high standard in scholarship for the College of Arts and Sciences, having made an average 1922-2of "A" for the semester These students are: Lillian Gertrude Collins. Roscoe Cross, Virginia Rose Duff, George Fuller Taylor, Joeline Gray Webb and Frances Elizabeth Weller, juniors; Henry Elliott Neth- Scott. special. Gertrude Collins, Mayslick, Ky., is a member of the Lambda Phi frater nity, which is soon to receive a chapter of Delta Zeta. She is prominent on the campus, being a member of the Student Government Council and the Woman's Administrative Council. ' Roscoe iCross, Mayfield, Ky., has re cently been honored by the University of Kentucky with a fellowship in the He is Political Science Department. a pledge of Delta Chi, social frater nity, a member of Phi Sigma Alpha, Political Science honorary 'fraternity, and is pledged to Scabbard and Blade, holding at present a lieutenantship in the R. O. T. C. Virginia Duff, Mt. Sterling, Ky., is a member of Lambda Phi fraternity. George Taylor, Mayfield, Ky., re cently left the University on account of ill health. He not only stood high 3. (Continued on page 4.) In assigning a leader for her $200, 000 campaign for a stadium, basket ball auditorium, student loan fund and Patterson Memorial, the University o Kentucky has chosen Captain C. C, Calhoun, one of the most outstanding Kentuckians of all time. Kentucky will particularly remem ber Captain Calhoun in connection with the State Capitol at Frankfort Sent by Governor Beckham to Wash ington to collect a claim of about $1, (iOO growing out of the Spanish-Amc- r ican War, Captain Calhoun, by digging day and night into dusty, forgotten records, discovered that the Govern ment owed the State of Kentucky about $365,000 from the Spanish American war, and an interest claim of almost $1,000,000 originating from the Civil War. When Captain Calhoun finished his job he hopped aboard a train for bringing with him two I'rankfort, It was checks totaling $1,588,999.35. this money that made possible the erection of the present beautiful cap-itat Frankfort. Friends of the University are rejoicing that Captain Calhoun has accepted the General Chairmanship, behe has never cause, as a faikd. Last night Captain Calhoun issued this statement, showing why he has made the sacrifice to do his part in the campaign: "Although I have been absent a great deal from the state, I have watched with keen interest the work and development of its institutions. 1'icm my observations, I am confident thai through the work and influence if the University, the greatest bless- ," (Continued on pan I.) A large crowd greeted the Glee Club of the University of Kentucky, Tues- day night 1 i Local, and County Chairmen U. 01 K. Stadium Campaign; Name Palmorc, H. D. McCoy, E. M. Atkins, Presley T Browning, Iley B. . Spencer, Henry L. Studer, Mrs. Cora B. Routt, Grover C. Nunn, Hon. C. S Wilson, W. C. Wilson, Silas T Swope, J. W. Carter, J. C Moore, V. Y. McCarty, Harry Burgess, George R. Pendcrgras's, Geo. Menifee, John Proctor, E. T. Strode, W. Hall Babb, II . A. Ileavrin, Cecil Wilson, G. C. Rooberts, V. D Hatter, E. P. Clem, Miss Lena Barrows, W. D. Denhem, E. N. Address Glasgow Owingsvillc Pineville Ashland Jackson Cincinnati Carrollton Marion Lexington Frankfort Lancaster Mayfield Madisonv'ille Nicholasville Louisa Bcattyville Stanford Paducah Maysville Mt. Sterling L Hartford Hazard Stearns Franklin Bedford Providence Williamsburg DELTA ZETA FRATERNITY TO BE INSTALLED MAY 24-2- 6 Mrs. John M. Coleman, Grand to Have Charge of Alpha Theta chapter the chapter of which was was granted to Lambda Phi, local, last week, will begin May 24 and extend to May 27. Officers in charge of the installation will be Mrs. John M. Coleman, grand Loveland, Ohio; Miss Grace Mason, general secretary and historian, Muncie, Ind; Mrs. F. E. Kirkin, Columbus, Ohio, and Mrs. F. U. Ellis, Indianapolis, Ind., national inspectors. Visitors from various other chapters wil! also be present for installation. A banquet and dance will be given in the Lafayette Hotel, May 26. K Installation of Delta Zeta fraternity NOTICE! ' " County Barren - Bath Bell Boyd Breathitt Campbell Carroll Crittenden Fayette Franklin Garrad Graves Hopkins Jessamine Lawrence Lee Lincoln McCracken Mason Montgomery Ohio Perry Pulaski Simpson Trimble Webster Whitley MAY DAY EXERCISES TO BE HELD ON CAMPUS TUESDAY at Woodland auditorium closing a very successful season. The members of the luncheon clubs in Lexington were present as guests and all the university students were admitted free, the purpose of the management of the club being to give the public an exhibition of the musical talent contained in the university. Professor Lampert deserves much praise for the careful training and instruction of the members of the club, as each member drew much applause from an appreciative audience. The university quartet composed of Robert Clem, Earl Maxweli Hcavrin, Earlc Baughman and Elbert DeCour-scfeatured the program which included other specialties. The' members of the quartet have ibeen received favorably upon each appearance, and at the performance Tuesday night covered themselves with glory as encore after encore was demanded. The quartet was unusually liberal jn their responses and delighted the audience by their graciousness. The saxophone solo iby W. W. Dan- in its home concert, y, (Continued on Page eight) VE RECREATIONAL-DRI- BE LAUNCHEDON MAY 21 University Will Match Cash Contributions Raised on the Campus. Gym Classes to Give May At a meeting of the outdoor recrea tional athletic council of the University Pole Dances. held Tuesday afternoon, plans were The annual May Day exercises will made to launch a drive beginning May be held by the women's gymnasium 21 to raise funds amounting to $2,000 classes on the campus Tuesday after- for developing activities in the field of noon at 4:30 o'clock in front of the minor athletics on the campus. One mam building, with Miss Blanding in thousand dollars is to be raised among charge. the students and faculty and for every The queen, yet to be elected, will be dollar received the University will crowned, then the following dances match one, thus raising the quota to will be given: Valse Caprice and. Ap- the desired amount. With the of the Uni Dance ple Blossoms, May Pole versity and the students, it will be Wood Sprites and Pipes of Pan. possible to provide facilities for outThe following girls have been nom Gordon, door recreations such as: ten tennis inated for Queen: Amanda courts, basketball courts, volley ball Helen James, Elizabeth Williams, and croquet yards. Frances Smith, Sarah Cole, Ida K. courts The minor athletics will do a great Risque, Betty Carol, Mary Dunn, deal, in that they will bring to light Rachelle Shacklette, Annelle Kelley, qualities which are in the Betty Barbour, Elizabeth Galloway the athletic the student body. It will serve the and Frances Ashbrook. The maid of intercollegiate sports by interesting-morhonor will be the girl having the secin the various games as well as ond highest number of votes and she encouraging for the major will crown the Queen. activities. K The offer of the University does not With the acquisition of Winslow apply to promises as it agrees only to Quite a church, negro church on the campus, match cash contributions. and conversion of the property into a number will not be able to give the deseems .like a novel sired amount, $1.25 per person, but Little Theatre will be appreciated. any donations movement. But the least that can be Some have already expressed their in- said is that it is an example of the sur (Continued on page 5.) vival of the fittest. Womens try-ou- All Seniors wishing to take Day" expart in the "Take-of- f ercises please meet in the Freshman journalism room the 5th hour, Monday, May 21st. This is your last chance as the program must be arranged in the next two or three days. TO *