. .' wammmwwwwwwswaw.....'...c........ .. . . . . x. . . , - ,. . ' i - . WWWWWMWWWCWWWWMWMW .--, m. , , ‘5’ :5 \‘s‘s “(V ~ " F N“ Lapwcs . _ . 959909 in CF \ei. OUT“ , ._, le \QNG N KY - ‘3 Volume 70, Number 12 - December, 1999 Pres S J 1 , PUBLISHED AS A MEMBER SERVICE OF THE KENTUCKY PRESS ASSOCIATION AND KENTUCKY PRESS SERVICE " By LISA CARNAHAN was a finalist in the competition last year. how happy I was,” said Kernel adviser Mike * ' ‘ KPA News Bureau This year’s award marked the second consecu- Agin. ‘ 1 ' College publications in Kentucky captured tive win for the Herald and the seventh time In the daily division, 12 finalists are cho- i, . three national Pacemaker awards this year, the paper has received the honor. sen and then six are awarded Pacemakers. ln :-_ the honor considered to be college journalism’s It was also the second straight year for the the non-daily division. 25 finalists are picked . Pulitzer Prize. Murray State News which has been a finalist and then 12 Pacemakers are awarded. The l. The Kentucky Kernel, the University of five ofthe past nine years. newspapers judged were from the 199899 ' Kentucky’s student paper, won a Pacemaker in College newspapers across the country SChOOl year. i ' the daily competition while Western’s College entered the contest sponsored by the “Three SChOOlS walked away With national Heights Herald and Murray’s The Murray Associated Collegiate Press Association and Pacemakers in Kentucky...I .luSt think that State News won in the non-daily division. the Newspaper Association of America shows the quality ofjournalis‘m education / It was the first time since 1985 that the Foundation. here," 531d Agin. “I also think 1‘ shows how - Kernel has won the coveted honor. The paper “It’s a tough competition, I can’t tell you See PACEMAKERS, page 12 . . ”$3" “ ‘ ”716% aw i: 9% x Punt ourn st at j --.- ,s g, i - o , , ~ of the Year " 1. " "” u /—-\~ Fred Paxton, pres- ,5“ t. ‘5 ‘ e * tifi‘rw W"M-~sw " ident of Paducah- , i m i a ; VIE» 24%! k5; ”Wig? - ' based Paxton Media ,.~ , 1 ‘3 inflow" f‘ MW; '” Group, was named i {it I; % “'"“’"" . :3- ," ., ’ :1 the Western Kentucky 3' Qt g “ fl ‘ . Z University Print “- is ~ «i ,- . , t D ' ' , Journalist of the Year. 5 ., . . — The WKU Print g :t 06W . :5 i . Journalist of the Year is an indi- " . SS J g ? vidual who made a significant con- A SS ,- .j‘* I f tribution to journalism in .‘ lBB 4 ' 3' 3'2 Kentucky or a neighboring state ‘ ‘ i. . ,n- > A durin the ear endin June 30, V . l I 1999.gAwar)ds also areg given for Successful J°b Fa" practitioners in advertising, broad- The recent job fair at the UK School of Journalism and Telecommunications drew a large crowd of col- , casting, public relations and Visual Iege students interested in pursuing a career in the media. Ahoy/er Kentucky AP Bureau Chief Ed Staats . . _ See P AXTON, page 3 and news editor Ann Gibson talk to two students about a career in journalism. ‘ ‘ iject WIll bring N IE tools to interested papers Wk ~- " ., By LISA CARNAHAN designed for newspapers to solicit Jessamine Journal. “We felt strong- 'Mm=mmm "‘- ‘ KPA News Bureau sponsors to bring newspapers into 1y enough about this project to com— W “W . There‘s no longer a reason not the schools. mit $5,000 to it which will pay for Inside ' to have a NIE program. The Circulation Division has customizing the materials and the '7 j: ‘ The KPA Circulation Division partnered with KNNIE (Kentucky illiti%l}1pr935 run." l l d d 0P92MMhhm . ' ' i will distribute a free manual to Network of Newspaper In 9 16-page U” 0i '5”? floadlimhllrlch 3, Kentucky newspapers that will Education representativest in the guide. With COlOt‘ on th“ “‘0'“ “ltd kmmhmdugum “ ‘. allow them to establish an NIE pro- project. center. “mu-““3 '0“ language arts . gram in local schools. “This was a major commitment and mathematics and “Ct'V'tFH 0&0: mm*'“ ‘ .. The manual, “Ready. Set, Go” for KPA,“ said Dave Eldridge. usmg the "PWSPHPW- Th9 mild“ bw‘wm i is customized to meet the educa- chairman of the Circulation 1‘3“ for the team” What KP‘RA 'nkmmbm ‘ tional standards of KERA and is Division and publisher of the See NIE, page 12 MM 4 “ Z . . . ..ud'tflm‘WWW’mw‘merwwm‘4‘“.’""‘""""‘“§”‘” .' .. - ‘ ' ' I- ~ t ' ~ ‘ , v" " " x no” “ff“, -. ""if““' ant-.1 ~91" A . I. . , _. . ’ \ 2 ' ' . J l. . t - Z "3 . _ I ' A '_i l. V A, ' "’1: ..,I‘..AI7“‘ "- ' I '