xt7wh7080w2f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wh7080w2f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-01-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 29, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 29, 1980 1980 1980-01-29 2020 true xt7wh7080w2f section xt7wh7080w2f V l LXXH N 94 Ker e] lnlycrsity of Kentucky
0 - . 0- . ntucks
Tuesday. Jmuuy 29' 1980 In lndependent student newspaper I "ANNA“ M ' ,
' ' ' ’ F b 10
N ew tic ket lottery experim ant to sta rt e .
By JOHN CLAY their dissatisfaction lot a changed distribution stout; ”W accompany “1’“ l“ ””L' “I ll” \Wltm‘ “U“C‘t‘t- “U h‘” I‘M” 'W' ”l“ ‘I‘I'UI‘I l‘s‘l’th/Vllts' ’tidri‘Y-V “its ~. 'i
SpAorts t-‘drrut lhe new system will be h) lottery Doors to Memorial ”WV ”“1” N“ can “If“ ”1 ‘IUb‘ together ”K ""“"'”.‘
and STEVEN W. LOWTHER Coliseum will open at noon. and students. upon presenting " l he basic idea tor the system canre lroni lotteries used iii l)eati ot students l'rank Hart is said that h. ‘et is a 2-2.:
Stall Wrttcr a yalidated |l)»actiyity card. “I” receiie hall ota numbered dN'A'hlllmtl “CAN“ I” \(A \ \and 5‘ (AIUUHIAHHL‘HINAA‘illsl ”I "I students ””in 1“ ”W P-‘CW-‘H “"1de " \'\‘sIA Didi .
stub. lhe other ball will he pttt into a bowl \tl45 the “A'H'U'IW‘” “h‘” “S “9 “ll”? 1“ tind ““l W“ A h: \h‘sl . .
lt anyone wanted to start a nice intellectual discussion doors will close and e\er_\one entering alter that time will ”I hear ps'ttple constantly saying there has it» be a hcltci \‘ IIIMHNHY said ”Mt ltC hs‘itt‘ii'stha! t'te Iiist ..‘ ‘. ,
(ie. argument) on campus these days. he has a sane!) ol not be allowed to Participate iii the lottery. “3);“ VI '“mmw” “”‘l' ”I “l““-\‘ “"' AMI“ ‘h‘m ”“AA “A” mm 1‘ ‘I “my “A” 1”” “‘A‘W‘ H“ ""“‘ ‘A' A‘A"
subjects to pick trom. At 1:45 the stubs will beeounted and the best seatswill be A?“ “ht not ”I “"“Wlhlm; ”N J'Ml \‘s't' II It “Ml“ hd‘ ”"5“?“ If 1” ht“ “"‘L‘ ”W It‘lts‘lt'“ ”l‘i'lll‘” “'1 ?‘~‘i'i‘ki‘
How about Iran. Afghanistan or inllation‘.’ But it he set aside lor the drawing. Remaining tickets will be put on ter. he said. Howeter. sortie students ice] that the new way tslttl‘ I think there is «the totiipiot t 'rittt:.i.t Est kit,
- really wants to start some t'lack. he might mentionthc new the lelt and right concourses lor distribution on a tirst» “ not ‘A but” ““M I“! “' ““‘WI‘ ”1*” “W ”ls ““31 “HM” 4W 5 w ~=~ ' i’
experimental ticket policy that was announced Sunday. come. trrst-sene basis alter 3 pm. WWI?) low 41 graduate student. has started a petition ”‘9 “N ”I llts‘ ‘0‘th and students .itio do :zm it, t no
It too don't belicye it ask l1 lynn Williamson When the actual (“quth begin. numbers will be called mi” “L" Plimm‘d 0“ Clrk‘lllilllllt‘ i“ ”W l b" M Ellms‘ id“ is“ 11”!”“dec‘d”WNW “his“ I than '\ .:.;t.i A
' Williamson. an associate dean ot students. isin charge ot‘ oter the l’.'\ system Students with those stubs will hate mill“ 1” RUPP “A‘Wlhl- “ 'lllilm‘m‘ t‘dmllml “M" ”‘1‘ “this "We" I 4 ~3= ti
basketball ticket distribution. Sunday. during distribution the option or choosing seats iii sections SI. .12. H and 3-1. AA“? IL'k‘l lhl‘ ”I" ”V“ \“lk'm' “III GNU!“ tl‘s‘ Imus“ “I""A*““P““l ‘” ”Um ”I “”1““iitI‘Ai'I“\‘\1'H'~‘ : 3 “iv "2 \'
‘ tor the Alenncssee and Mississippi games. he announced a etc. Your stations (labeled with a particular section WU“ adsantagc '0" Ks‘llllls’k.‘ lls‘s‘li it a system works_\oti lts‘l’s‘t‘l‘s. had an L'llk'tl on the decision Io .L'i‘s. a lo s v-.. a 1
. new policy that will be implemented on a trial basis Feb. 10 number) will he set tip iii the t‘oliscurn tor stutients to turn mt!) “Ck” lrom lhs‘ Ps‘t’l‘l‘s' “h” dtt‘ unhappy “Ilh It ltliluk “ "l‘ 'V“” ‘
- tor the Florida and Mississippi State games at RuppArena. in their stubs tor tickets that “e are in the minority "VI ith the lottery. there wont ht :1: to: It .t ..
A And the feedback he rccelyed t'romthe students who had It a student wishcsrositwrih a trientlduiingthe gumcdtc “I know thatonutii giietida; that ricketsaredistributed. who it? sls‘a‘i‘tni.‘ out iii snow and Btu/iii. mam-z 1» . . .
A waited all night was a little less than complimentary. ln may do so only it two stubs are turned in. lnothcrwords. ll Iht‘ft' IN always someone who cillllllll get down to [I‘M 0|!» “CM“ 4”“ ”W“ INN”; tlts’ “Ulstilr it? first vets: aiii mat ~.
other words. the students yehemently‘ booed and hissed a student‘s number is called, a triend (who also has a stub) WU!“ 1“ B“ “CRIN-AA ht" Wd- "I sit“ ‘\ ”It‘illhl/s‘ “tilt them. (ontiriiied on page X
. . tr New BSU reSIdent
. a; I, . v.1 . . I l
. 7 3o .. . '. '. t I ’
.3 . .3/2 wan S a I U 6 C a n 98 A '
; ,3 ,
’ v» , ; 5,1. .2 " ”,. a . 3 4 W ,. / “44.5" M", W, BUB ( ()( llR.~\\l. address tot thtt e . .. .f, . s
W ' .’.'A7A'A"’/A‘- A’ a ” him "a" . y A‘ ' A. “3;.“ “*3: > I "A“ ”A“ “MC“
'A ) .fl‘A jA - ,"" 'W A” l. ”A IAE‘A" “mm" “A \‘ A“ AA ‘
AT. ‘A AA “”43. ’4" A ”'1 " “c ' , A _; A. ,A .. “l’togrcssitc actiiisrr" wiii be the is it..si.b;' nft . ’ _; . its.
k‘ / «Ail-”4;“ «,w- a 'A . ..i-r A N. A A ~' A s. A . tht-mc ot l as Black Student I nion our goals will 1 . 93 .t:- ‘ . .-
, .. ”AAA” 1”” AA . W4. ' A u EVA” ti trvtdcritsiiew president. RcannSatrttd— won‘t be .rafittttted ‘r. '; t ‘
m > ., . W. AA’ A" m, A 5;. . u ers. a business and econt‘itnics tunic: \litioiit\ Student \‘I..tis i. km. 1
. . "it “w ‘_ _ - ' .. . .‘ . $~ :rom l extrigtoii meat or \lltlt'l Hair. is on: . 7e .ttlllill‘i' .
..‘,“ A . A A' A: ' . A WWW”, , . ”’ “' “\\e wattt the administration to istiation should he .rsiiaieeo er so:
“A” c . . " AAA’AAA‘A A ' know we are here."Sauriders said. not said . ‘
A ”a t ., V . e ing that the ltSl had lapsed into A
I - t! Lipathi alter seyeral years ot aetiiisni . ,
‘ ’lt‘s hard lt‘l our tours to be heard I . . . .
. I ». lt‘s t‘rtitthatwc don‘t care lt‘siusthard ‘ A .- ,
. I to tee: a sense of unity with the _ ' ..._ : . ' _ -
I I ”A ’9 ,- AAAAAIA‘AEAAA AA . _ .rmAAAAA“; :AA g :J:§,1
. l 1 '0: li. a recent intctttcw. Saunders _ . .
. . . . I .. , - ’ g" m .7 stressed that the new llSl actii ism s
A . I ,r( - W33 will steer away tt'otri diiisite 1.1CllLs .15: 1
. AAA?!» and anti at what she calls “positise ”w A
A . 3) \llkt lll\\l(. Mm” “a" I issues" whith intohe cooperation __ .
I I I l be t w c c it t h e B S t a ti d the Q" ' f . .. .
. _ lCampus work is piling up for PPD ground crewr
, “We are looking lot a ch ati ge in atti- . . , fig;
. I tttde. Students, and the ltdmmlstt'slrtt- Rl. \\\ g \l \l)l- RS _
. 8} MICHAEL REGENOLD trig the grounds. grass cutting. and beercans, l‘aelicrew picksup an mg garbage trucks pick up the tioii must think positiyely in their
‘ Rt'Pttrts't planting. snow remoial and other aycrage ot about ten bags ot paper a ditntpstotu. :tntl twoorthree hundred attitudes toward us I don‘t think the Saunders satd tici range 1‘. i-
A , portions olthe general upkeep ot the day, tndittduai small trash containers are . problem is prciudice as much aslack ol pose “ill be to :iteieast- the :IliI‘Itte'. ..i
' , . User the past school year. the 750-21ch 1 mington campus. Headed by ground crew sttperyi» located throughout the campus I awareness." she said. the llSl on earriptts ‘iitiis "Int '
A - work of the Physical Plant Division (iround crews titt' a part til ”10 sors. these crews are assigned a spe-- "“e Il’l’D‘r hatrl any where from I Saunders ellt‘d the controiersy sur- BSl is not it social club | r» in outlet
ground crew has been piling up. PPD.thediyisiorionthecarnpusthat eitrc work area. lhe areas include; 7th) to ‘Jtttl Ltll‘tlt yards t-t trasheicry roundingthechoosingola Homeconi» tor students who Icel is". om 1' rite . .
. lt‘s notthat thecrew hasashortagc is responsible tor the maintenance south ot the dorm complcs. arotind working day to the loca! landlill run I trig queen as an example ot itntu‘rsttt
. . ol help or an merabundance ol and operation ol the physical tacih- the medical center and central and by layette (‘ounty gnu-trinicnt." I administration inditlerence. lhe BSI' “lt is much hardy! no IIII".\'I(_(_-\.I\.
. ‘ work. but it‘s because the crews Iob ties in the l'niycrsity north campUscs \\'essels said I was not notified ol the deadline tor leel a part ot l l\i lt is I'Itl‘iiilol‘ti :ot .
. ' it to pile up work. lts work‘PAl rash Seyeral members ot the ground In addition to the ground crews. When asked about destruction in entering a candidate. she said. lhe those people who decide t it tannins
. 4 collection and disposal. crews said students hate no respect l25 dumpstcrs collect the bulk or the terms ol grattiti. trash. and property olticial explanation was that an out— actitittes to direct. sonr: .tiIt‘.’ti,tit‘ to
. The ground crew. a small but for the l'K campus interms ollitter— garbage which accumulates trom damages \k'essels said he belieyed til—date mailing list was Used and th bringing in hiatks who :v..~_“t Itti‘ tit-3'
essential part of the yast PPD. cons ing. A ground crew picks uptiiiything catetcrias. classrooms dornnlornlics that. o\ erall. there wasn't a gieatdeal notification went to the wrong place. are not wanted. A‘
' ' sists of 73 workers in charge ot clean- lrom branches and leases to bottles and apartments; two lront-cnd loud- (‘ontinued on page 5 I "But we had been at the same (ontinued on page 5
JOday—h—m Hall takes blame for loss to LSU
state I ,
. ‘ ‘ By BRIAN RICKERD .1 ‘ ” 'r' .g " '
l'NlTl‘l) Tl-I('llN()l.0(£ll-.S announced yesterday it will btiild a turd “mm" \P‘m“ "Am” A - A ' A
. tittiillioti dollar tacility at Hebren. Kentucky to produce a tire] iniection : "91‘; - i' A v . A A
' A system by the lord Motor ('o A ‘4“ . AA ’ y 4‘s
- ldward Rapettt. \ice president ol the company‘s autoniotiiegrotip~ With the Wildcats down 4744 [list night at Riipp . # A“ it A ' ‘ . ' .
. ' said the plant will iiltrrnately employ morethan UNI) people who will be Arena. the [K guards brought the ball upthe lloorwith a ‘f'. ' 9% .. ' ., I . .. it '3 ~ .
“filmed “”d ”mm“ m the (A'mmn‘lI' “mi chance to get within one point closer than they had ‘ .m' '
. .. rIvhe plant will niansitacture a Incl-metering detice designed‘to reduce been since [he lirst mlnutc ”I the contest. ’3’ b , ‘3 A 3A”) A A '5 a,
itieiAliiniArliiArAlymsAiAildAAirirAiAiAtirAiiiiiiiAtilAtIiikiriciimmm AmAAAAmAAAAAAA AAIPAAAAAAm When Wildcat guard Ky'le Macy droye into the lane. ,, . . .- 4‘; 3 , AA ' AAA ‘ a.» '
howcycr. an l.Sli player reached around and caused 7 ‘ . , A A - ) a fig : ,
. Macy toglosc control otthe ball momentarily. enough to .9? A‘ A_ AM ‘ a;
natlon throw oil his shot. lhe ligers proceeded to rebound the . .> L m: ‘M . . 1.5% . k"
miss and pulled away to a 65-60 victory oyer the A”? Aging A . u . t. . A?”
PRESIDENT ('ARTl-ZR SAID yesterday thc lnited States mast Wilma“- y . r 3% ‘7' ..‘ ’ A s;
spend a record $142 7 billion new year on strengthening its detenses “to A“ a WWII “I ”WI 5k triumph. ”W ['11ch Puma “”031 AA A AA, ' ‘ 4'» - ”(A AAA AA"
contain Soyiet aggression"and assurel .S security in the lace ol growing lour-way‘ “9 m the SHA “llh lht‘ Wildcats. Alabama and - A “ A 3.} A At: AA...' A 72;
Russian military power lcnnessee. All tour schools hayc 7-3 conference marks. A A. AA A A , 3;?“ A' .I'A ‘ ’ kw , A .
(‘arier‘s budget message to (‘ongress had the ring ot the (‘old War “lhe turning point was when we got within threc."l'K m ‘A ..‘ ‘A “5.; § 9.x «\ I ' AAA . \— “A: All
2::ln3ttfirrhAw:hiArAioiAtlfA‘b:rA(Aj:-rAIAAAAI around the concept ol "containing“ (‘o‘ac'h Joe H. Hall admitted alter the game, “We didn‘t 9 ‘1 An . . A “A. a I! . .A _ Ami? , I
lhe president told Congress he could not ignore “the implications or :::L0A::_AACAATCA AA‘IAACEAAd mehc pressure on ‘hcmf‘ndcf‘lff '3 éfl . n .A 4 A? . tA ‘ A; A (.1 IA *4 k5
terrorism in Iran or Soytet aggression in KlAghanistan' gm“ A A" mtg A ha“ been me dillcrcnce ' AA ’ '- k9 . .A . “A” Ac. A A 1A " A
Both coaches. howeyer. Hall and Dale Brown ol l.Sl . 5 /Al ‘ ’= .‘ V y "'. . .
indicated that the contest was probably oyer hctorc I, N a. . L; “I“! . . G‘ 1‘ .. . . . _‘.<.<‘~‘ I
. WOl‘ld intermission. \ ‘ . $41K n g . «1g " ‘ A ,_ _
lhe ligcrs captured the lead two minutes into the .. A , l‘ s A ‘4' . AI) ‘ A
truss PRiLsint1sr-izi.i:cr, attni Sadr. called on the i mttti 31,12: :AanricAAIAd-AA hAA\AA,AnA.AAAi,AnIAA§AInd AT,,AAAAAA'\,AA\A.A“A‘ .1)“ . i. ' ‘ 1'" ‘ .
States yesterday to acknowledge its crimes in Iran as a prelude to the .. . A. (A lump tn ”Am AA” \ “ HA) “HA [ht “ ”‘1' tr . 'fi’ I \m ‘-
rtstcasc ol American hostages in lehran and retected an otterot l' S mil Ad“ (“d not help mattersam h" opening AAAAAA AAAAAAAA‘A‘A‘A‘A ' k A‘ A A A
rum and economic aid atterthet are freed. a l-rcnch newspaper reported shooting “N N percent In the “r“ l‘u‘ll lhi" opened ”W V g “ «I 5
door tor Brown‘s team to go into a slowdown some» : ' t \ b .
thing 1 SI' has used extensiyely in its prcyious tour Sl-( . . . .A' ’ . °’ '-
weathef games all wins. a, may tssiiiits kernel st."
l’lay‘in attently. the li ers ‘o e‘ ~ 73 . . . . .
(‘ONTINI'ED norm and cold today and tomorrow \ ma shotsi57AApt-prcenriinthcitmftttn/Att annndiiitiit :23AAItAAhAdi-t ""p'" H" "mm '"m'p' by ("mm K” “""n "k" ' '"pmg ’l'mp.‘h"' ""A' I'M
chance of light snow deyeloping late tonight and tomorrow High today time margin into the locker room. Most of the ligers‘ tucky (altered. Inslng 65.60 MAO" . "(Md 0' opponents [')urlnd Macklin. (.us Rudolph and
m Ah: upper 205 A“ I” 10‘ production came lrom Itiniors: [)eWay'rie Scales and 23'4“ A" Rupp Arenn. ('"l ( 00" "l the fir“ hilloflnyt night s game.
E Continued on page 6

KENTUCKY l)ebbi¢ Mclhnid
Ii/i/or Ill ( hie! er| Green kim Mm") ”mm” ( I.“ John ( In) (in!) Linden
le Foam Bob ('ochnne Illlt'lfil‘HNi'l’Hl limo, Vin/Ii ltIr/or lhh'ttor ol Photograph! 3
( Iry Willis 4iiotiule ktlrion Plul Mann '
Managing ltli/or ('indy McGee 5.“ [urban Briiin Rickerd David Maynard
Jncki Rudd {WWW ‘hutldlll .Spiiro Ltluur Photo Manager
0 0 Stew Massey H“ Doussnrd (”In I‘ll/”n lrrn ”WWW,” [ill “I
l__.————————————————_—~__—____—__——-W_W__— 3
| I I. ' bl
leet ottery may create, not e iminate pro ems .
--\\ llll the lottery. there \tori‘t bethe hours and days cart obtain tickets on a l‘irst-come~t'irst—scr\e basis on Boos and catcalls tilled N‘lertiorial (‘olisettm Stin- tainers. empty beer and soft drink cans , why not
and ritg'ti's oi sleeping out in snoyy arid tree/trig the left and right concourses. day when Williamson announced the “temporary" consider another option. Letthealumniand publicsit .
, . “who, to get tickets and then leasing the outside ot l ower—leyel “my especially tor the last [“0 “mm. end ot a tradition tor many I K students sleeping in the ralters; give all lower-arena seats to the
' y the museum looking like a hurricane had hit it."states games.arc always indentand. llow many students “I“ utider the stars or clouds Saturday nights to obtain students.
‘. \ssociate limit or \tudeiits l. lynn Williamson. appearduringthe45—minutelimittoclaimthese seats‘,’ louer-lmel seats lor basketball gaittes. 'l'his would solye the camping out problems. but
lhe litttt‘tfi 1‘ 4* titttttt 1d“ ”mt “"“hatr—‘~b“t“t“ It And \that it more students appear than there at't‘ Since l‘)7(i. when RuppArenaopetied.ticketdistrh ““Utd ”‘3‘“ b9 accepted b." the administration or
. ' “t‘tts' tt‘tl‘ttt“ tt‘“ ‘tCtC'm‘n‘ltm't ”t student “in” seats'.’ buttontorbasketballgamesltaslollowedalirst-come~ Rupp.»\renaoll’icials.Alumni‘pocketbooksare worth
.~ to ti. r r t'r ‘yetiin'and *. -. . . .
V [“331 3::_:31‘313‘3';3‘::3U 33:11:: [trillilillglli 3:3);16 in liite tor \early l.()()(l people were in line at 7 am. Sunday. WWW“ lttlttU- 3 3 moth than student “mt” lees. unfortunately.
IMWHUCE mm” Another l.()0() JOIHCd the crowd betore tickets were While it is true that art increasing number of stu- licket distribution may run smoothly under the =
.- [Mum “1 Wm, It“. ,1“biombnrwscnL. basis. distributed at 2 pm. Allstudent tickets were gone by dents are opting lor an all-night party and great seats new system. or it may'33be3a disaster. btudents who
3 ' ‘ lowinmuA basketball “(MIN tor the Honda and ()le noon yesterday. lhere is an increasing demand lot instead ot staying at home tintil noon and sitting iii attend thc3Peb. I0 distribution should givetheiropin~ .
\1.c. mum wt} m. distributed leb. 10 through a lot- ‘mdcm “CM“- Rupp Arena s ratters. no one cart change human ton and comments to the Dean of Students office.
, terx l he tolisetittt‘s doors \sill open at noon to stu- lhe lottery idea could deyelopintoadisastet'resen‘i- ””1””: “ illiamson l‘ right when he “b“ students “I” ”163:: [83?) Sid". to all“) eyeryone. and there are
- " . dents \yllt‘i talidaied ll)~‘\t.‘ll\ll_\ cards. bling the "Who" concert. ’l here is a litiiit on lower» “n“ up early n” matter “ hen tickets 3“”: dl‘tnbuwd' pro ems an H any system.
lllc'y \yn! it-eezte one—halt ot a numbered stub; the leiel seats. and students know this. Hoyt many 5mm students ”I”? mum and l K S basketball lhe question of crowd control is involved in both
i , ’ , ' other halt ss.l'i be placed iii a bowl r\t [45. the doors stttdents vyill be in line at noon Feb ll). and “hul “ill games more than thc” health. systems. However. the size 0fthe crowd camping out
, \tlli close lll; stubs \Hll be counted. and that number their reaction be to an announcement that although liistead ol complaining about the blanket of trash and theone which will line up at noon may give Willi-
o: st .its the loyter lcycl scl aside tor the drawing. At they hate followed the new rules. all seats in sections coyt‘rirtg Memorial (‘oliseum‘s concrete entrance anison the answer he necdstoehooseaticketdistribu»
. . I p :i: . the doors yy;ll open again and other students .10. 3|. 32 and 34 are lilled'.’ the debris truth the garbage-can tires. fast lood con- tion system. -
, . H,.W~___—WW______—____
. , 7 I / 3
Letters to the Editor \ \ \
- WW s- s . / i7,
, . Lost values st~ic'lth[e;tL‘hL‘rs declarethatsac-arethc to adtancc~ under international cii~ @fi Q 3 ///
. 3 - . meaningless by-product ol a meaning» cumstances cottducnc to l titted \ / =§3
. ll.:-- :. .1‘ "twin. so cheap less untierse. and the government lol- States retaliation. one step closer to 7/0 3
3 f ' ' I '..i' t‘,.iL'\'li \fitl.tl’ltt'yktlllttsttl lottstlirough by sayingttisokaytokill the Persian (iult. / r/ 3'
‘3 g. , I , or o ,3: . txoing to"sa\e those unborn he don‘t “need"or want, lhis thinking reseals the \yatollah g // / 4/ '
z ‘ '.lc " \ou say this is because ot otir “eon- Khomicni asa ttaiye pautiilikely llllltt~ 7" " / 3/,“ 2
' 3_ . . lett' » thins. ytito no not struggle in sttttittottal right topriyacy."and that it cent) in thc conttntting struggle 3 // / / x /
' 3 . cousceztct "ltt tontplts issues or does not insolte morality. especially between communist erict'oaehrttent V // ”31/. 3 t /
y .ihort‘ lt :' .s .t problem. that polar- since the clitirch and state are so and a lree third world // , 1 \_ ~ i"\ 1/1: 3A3 ,’
i ., ‘ ./;s l'll'lsls .; ,s also .t matttct ot "separated “ \our reasoning scares While President ('arter's support ol 0 J —* ‘;,/ f/- H ‘-:- ’1 13?}?!
' = .3 .Zl's'ltse -t:."=.i the l mean it really scares me. Since S=\l.l ll. his emphasis on liberal \\ ,3 3 %'1// g 3 , \ fillet
= .= . _ I'm .s-s.c .s -::: o‘ ‘lli-lrtiiH. among \then does a right to prisacy mean 1 world trade. and his respect and trust \‘gg \wv-m ”2% / /’ ,~' ‘ t3:
. ' . -' tvnw {totes tin-3. .a: one dcsttoy can kill a baby" ('an I then treat my lot all nations atcadtttttxible ttlttloso~ \ r, 3\:,‘:;; flkfl // /"/‘ " ’1 t .‘ \..‘ /"\
3 3 . flaw t. .u :o' tzcitgltl/t’ the child lioueyei I want" (an I treatyou phtes. liis toieign poltcy and rtiteitia- , ii / .I’ / 2/? ' _._. W \ K i
. ' i l -' l3: may be no lio\\e\er l want'.’\o.lsuspecttliat ttl tiottal dtPlttméts: tttttt' .L'J'Ltt'tt ttlt' 1 i .9- b ,. ' cw / "”4i’/ a-¥“\ h 3 ’ '. R;
w ‘ tlta' _. t . h it sot:.lt-sscells. but it started to harm you. you would try to l'nited States again to second place / >\; -. 4 ., i ' an I “ ’0 '3 3, s
‘ , '3 ts 'llitt‘ct't'ot‘i» hunt I ’c llas iepio~ torce your morality on me by telling ("arter‘s chessplaying skills appear ‘: "'/ fig ’ 6T "M’/ ¢ ,3 .,
i 3 ' ' (liltlli'lL .l~ ~ “glut. tittpciatiye ot rite it was \ti‘ong. ll \H.‘ can't say it‘s to beimproyingtheisadyocatingtein- \ V _ 3. / I /‘ i '. l/ V ’7 “ , ,
‘ 3‘ species “t-torttt so tioithless and \srong to kill babies. how cart we say stiltlttg ths‘df‘dtt. boycotttttgthc()lym» .. , v ’ 1: . , , -.3 (5 ”(AVA/363$ fcflA ' '
.' 3 V. t.lltllj.‘ll.‘ e! illots one in three it‘s \srong to kill the elderly. or the WC tittmt's. and economic sanctions). , 7‘ - / = V (a '. ‘Q‘? " ~45. ll , ._/ _ ‘
- » ' .1: pitettancies 2 - be -'eimtna'.ctl‘y retarded. or the unusetttl. or e\eryone but littlt‘. \httrt 0t it tltttd war. can ht" . w Y 95$ 1%- y S Q'A'AT \ \
. i 3 ’ 3 t {tang tie: \y.;‘l not slripnhttn \tith a (il’s‘t below 30" like so many done to liberate =\lglianistan In addi— \"it ‘1' «t' ' '3‘». v 30' f i I " 't. I
5 " . ‘ or. \\ omen hat.- ratieti doisn stairs. otlters. you seerntothink that"separa- tttttt- t” itmttt scaring tttt‘ ".‘itt‘tltittt I 62 s'YQffivgJ/i’" V
. .i‘ . -‘ "2 .tt-stt . and sitalloaed tiori ot church and state" means the ”it“ RUWU.‘ arms. ”W t ”ttt‘d SW1“ ‘ . S? it“ - - ‘9; ‘3‘ I
.' ' .i pozsovts .it2t2t.:. ts \Nltat ls goyernmentcan‘t base its lausonany mtbt ”0“ tdtk thl} to Iran. thus \3 i “ doc ' I 'Lrlfis :
3 1.;‘L‘ilctiitottq‘to i7;ts s.ir..ilternan\c notion ot right and wrong I literally hopt‘ tor the American hostages tests .2; 'C’ V ' -
. , i t to the ll'»pttclllrcrl morality tiliicli thank (rod that you are wrong. on Iran‘s good graces. common sense \3 ‘50 b - ~ I m“
. > ‘( . c-it‘itk‘ft,'ts \\irlt.1:lt ithocltoosetoearr-y You talk abotita \toman“toreed"to (which Khomeini appears not to pits» ‘4“
‘ " W3... :ttctittu,”tx':tt distressed prtg hate an abortion \\ ho lorced her" scss). and skill in dealtrtg \Mtll the / I
' "[1 non 1.3 -- or. If l1.til the money Didn‘t it Her occur to you that the embassy militants l ntortuttately the M
-_ spent on :u was put toisaids right to hate intercourse might carry a current International scramble is not a
V ' - _~ . 3,. trout, ironies support settices. responsibility or two'.’ He glad your Chs‘“ gums. With” It t‘ttts‘tlts‘ttttnttt 9' ‘Sle OF “E m: Yd} SAlD.-.rCAN,T WAIT To TRANSFGR PM
' ’3,_ and x. t .tatoin many more unborn parents accepted the responsibility ol tht‘ paradox which has plagued human CUBA 9 ’60 8410....39
’ tots ‘tttgl?’ n. asserted raisingyouasytellastheirrighttobear cwnts since the dawn ot history. lhis ’
'=' 3, Mummy hm ”mu. hm.” \UWCW ytiu \nd stop leeding m nonsense is. mankind is not mature enough to
3,. t . tutly tc-g.s‘.iu.~l l :tdcr om konctmi. about l5—yeai-oldsthat"ha\eto”ha\e grow and prosper in anatmosphere til
i - ' I , non no”; p .1}, om. 3 right m Limo“. an abortion. too. l'yeri it the girl “as mutual respect. trust. and cooperation . I
. ' ' titeti it’y\lt moral standards or lack ol Iitl‘L'tt [“0 ““"tgh don‘t make it “ght “’ long “5 those “h” tab" the t'r‘t step 8 I ctlve 8 mice on, allows
. 3 3 x . ’t‘ctt: [3 pets Mr tlttst’tl“ arid tcspect \ou say pro-life groups gi\ethcse peo- are Wt’lt‘Ct t0 'JXPtt‘ltdtItttt and tttltlr) e e e y
. 1 V, , fr: hunted»: grunt. Unit dnmimiw plc scars ot hatred. shame or tear. h) ”the” ““0 malinger and
-. 3' . -' .1“: who“, Um. when.“ “at 33.333333 Don‘t kid yourselll lhescars left when manipulate. . .
., man to kill hrs brother for state -
‘:,:3 ‘ 3 lasting my any pcygmairlct who has endeators which are rigltt and rust btit
‘. ' . - (arol(arstens counseled these women. do so only with a strong ntilitary. 3 3
,_ _ -' l k staff member |t scares me to hear you talk about actiyc and capable intelligence agen. By MARK KOOPMAN t" socialist state. '4” hate mCtCttt‘hht.“ ““9““? in order to at“! military
i3 _ . . “sale abortion Cth-s I can hear cies. and strong. unhesitating loretgn sacrificed their population to wars. action. For instance. while it is rela-
3.' I: i ‘ Altruistic efforts llttlernoss “ Makethose gas chambers policy; and pursue these goals only to Selectiye seruee: a policy instituted (Whether at the end 9t a 59“” or an “while?” ‘9 guess wheretheVeterans
'- 2 .' t . right. boys; we don't want to ha\e the extent that bona lide reciprocity in this country by an organi/ation ot M'H‘ makes little dillcretice to the Administration or the Ku Klux Klan
3; ' ‘ " rt": V: ’ Pl" “"1" tl'l‘H‘t‘H“ anyone hurt." ()1 course it that hap- exist. In the absence ot genuine recep~ graying. richlawseisonthe l'astCoast man whose MC ’5 being taken h-‘V h” m” stand on SUCh an issue.who would
, 3, ‘ ‘ ’ i ' - ' “'ttt's'tt t’.‘ pcned here. we'd all tust to back and mm to sttchoyerturcs. one nitist begin whereby the healthiest \oung men brother.) expect someone from the {”0me
i .‘ , ' ,i it“) I ‘ “" '““’““" It “ "“l watch Separationolehurchand state. to take strong actions. military it (and “hymn". are chosen-to possibly —_——_—__ movement to support registration for
' , ;. ‘, -_i ‘ l "“3 ‘ “u“t “'3“ “CH“ you know necessary.toexetciseourleadershtpin participate iii a tancorotis surge ol _ the draft'.’ These individuals exist. as
i I 3 3 i i. ' “ U “’ ““tl ltt‘t'C‘t It you think I‘m getting emotional. tht‘ tree “Mid and restore respect In mass murder lhis policy is nothing :DaSSIVE attaC/(I do larger 30rganilat3t0ns3w1th more
331‘ ‘ 3 \‘3 3 ‘3 3 :3'“3‘3 ‘l3‘3‘3‘3'333'3l= 3‘3l‘3t'U‘3t3‘33 you re \ery tight. |3don‘t want to be the PHHCIPI“ 0t IlNIs‘s‘ and treedom new l‘toyycycr. lhose \y ho are go‘. erned graye C():fllcts3of3be;lelf1.Sughagrtmp
.. . 3 3 33 . 3 . .3,.3.33 3 3.333323 3 .3. 3.3333336 p333“ terminated when I m old and unusc~ 3 3 haw mod tor the when or those who IShO ter3i3t eorg3a3nire 3C3 mg“ ow e
. '3 3-.3' .3 r 3‘ 33 "33 ‘33' ‘ ‘ ’3'33 ‘3 ' ttil or hate to kill my baby because it‘s Stimuel I.. Waddell goyern since the beginningol recorded __—_”——'—— C urc reso t“ 3‘ e ' érences
' . 3-, -- i ‘ ‘ l“ ‘ "'m” "“” ml“ “t unwanted by society (as they already hr“ 3“" law time Monarchy. oligarchy. reptiblic. h isdistrcssingthat the goyernmcnt between ”PPOSttCS '5 always interest-
3 3, 33 3;, ,3 3, y y.“ : 33,33 (”“31““WWW“. 3133 ”3 (33333333 And l'm ‘33“ trying 333 R. which took almost one hundred years ing. Whyany bible scholarcantellyou
, i 3 3- . 3 ' u. ., , . 3 tintt “hum“ swiped mm m} WP) 03 to tree its peoplclrom slayery seldom that whenthe Lord said.“Thou shalt
, 3 3,‘ = \ "‘.‘.r ' ---a l my! rt tricttligtllt‘ttl that ”k. (‘onstttution the part that says I‘m [he Rennie/tr kernel welcomes all contributions from the l'K com- Wk“ more than a number at hours to Mt kill." It was Ottt)’ the tOUStt draft.
t ..- 3 3 « .t t . > . .: t err-urn to liberate t'tlt- supposed to pay {“6 to kill unborn munity' for publication on the editorial and opinion pages. initiate the first steps toward war. and no doubt if Moses had stuck
. 3 '3 ' I' 3333113" =3i3»=33tts3\uiv oe \\|1llDL’ to babies lor which people won‘t accept lhc Itiemel may condense or rctcct contributions. and lreqtient writers 3Whilc '1 If ml]? that the “imCd forces aroundha few m3orednt0menth33the [firld
'_ . 'v 3,, t N “L" 'U‘Ptm‘tt’lttt‘ may he llmllt‘d. f‘dllm’s reserye the right to edit [or Ctyrrcetspclling. gram. d“ m“ };[:112gl{m: ml lldr} ":ns “DUE” aVCIFCVIS: It ‘0 03U3S 3]:
, ' [33333333 333333“ 3 mar and clarity. and may delete libelous statements 3 3 3 3 rdtittutird treetstrriittiorhnailt 3‘33 06:: iimht ' ~ un 955 t e state “)5 tt '5 a
3 -3 r .3 33333333133333" freshman Jay littlen (ontributions should be deliycred to Room ll4.lournalism.l niversity " 3 ‘ gt; 3 3 ' 3 _. 3 g . . s . .
, , ~. Music senior of Kentucky, [.9Ungl0n. Ky. 40506. purpost preparation for selective 3 My intent is not to dende( hrtstian-
. ,. _- . l-or legal ream“ contributors mm present a [K II) belorethe Mm”. seryice. 3()ne must wonderwhat kind of ity. but to show what hypocrisy we
. ' . - Term'nated Chessboard will be able m accept the material innoyatiyc alternatnes could be pro- each mustcradlein orderto resolve the
‘ ' . ' posedil’onlyalraction of our military differences between moral behaVior
3 ' ,3 In: :r .v i . “here he ~plc Is it a coincidence that the Soyiet Letters: expenditurctwhich some l‘eelisgrossly and the acceptance ofthe dictates ofa
. .
' y i ' \\“..' it no 'v .shett the People l nited State: was scyc's f’tt3t tat the cern particular ”we‘- Concerns or C\t‘ttis relc\ant to the l k community . P P3» - L ., f‘ = l i ' i
. . . rely engrossed gmcrnment is a senant 0 its peop e. behind.
, 3 .. ‘ tn. rrtwv h,:l\..;'\ land make the with the hostage situation in Iran‘.’ Opinions; not \icc term It is time the people Whether or not the readers‘ views
1 d ' t '31.:313‘133333'332tu33“213:“:33‘3‘3tt3t313'333lg3t3t33133: 33333\31ttr3c-33Lllltdely'33thc3rntiye3was a care- 3 Should be90 lines orless and should giycand explaina position pertain- started d'Ctat'W policy. By showmg are 35 5tt03tt8 35th: author‘s. the 93““
» ~ . actual mariuey er to ing to topical issues of interest to the l k community tht goycrnment that there '5 a ”Ck 0t 'SJUSt- lfyou arerntercstedinjotninga
l"‘3=3‘Ptt' \Ht'tt ' have .i tteccotintry but improye the huge Bear‘s long-range ' support for selective seryice. a more student effort against the draft, watch
, “i ' , V "m “t "" i‘ W'- “llmt “MUN” Pttt\pccts tor domination ol the Mid- Commentaries cnilired and well-dewloped solution the lt’emel Memos for information
2 rotation or rights \yelconit- to =\mer~ dle l-astern chessboard Instead ottor- ShOUId be 90 ““35 0' t9“ “'ttt‘ ”0 mt‘tl‘ than 300 “‘0de- thCSC articles will be armed at. about an organizational meeting.
3' ita tantl ot the l't‘c and home ot those tuitous oppportunity. an only slightly are reserved ft“ authors “h” ”t the “mm" ”P'tt'tm hit“ spectal creden- t’ttlltlcat "is“ have ““3.“ pro-
M“ “w. {I ”Hm“. mmmh m" m paranoic ”c“ may be taken that thc tials. experience. training or other qualittcatrons to address a partiCtilar dticed tree which are philosophically Mark Koopmnn is. paduntestudent
may been "terminated“ belore thcy embassy takcoyer was instigated by SUt’lCCt- bizarre to say the least.and thesetics nt l'K. His column appears every
“we born I his is the place where \o\ict Marxists to allow the Russians are one ”t the barriers WhiCh must be Tuesday.

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