xt7wh7080w9j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wh7080w9j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-11-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November 11, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 11, 1986 1986 1986-11-11 2020 true xt7wh7080w9j section xt7wh7080w9j ' t I 0 f
0v Vol. XCl, No. 55 Eotobllshod m4 55.19% , University olKomuckymW. Kontudiy Indopondontsinco W7! W Toudoy,uovombor It. was ,
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"5 M “(K 5‘ ”“ FR“ 3 9?? N. I } ‘ .f‘ = ' ‘ I, " By BRA” (.‘OOPER [v 5- history and world civilization. ified by the senates rules and «we .
( iintribiitine \\i':tcl' 5‘ 4' t? E i " g ASSistant News Editor Students who are eligible to be ad- tions coniniitte belore n ixtt'tilllt’5 . I . . ~'.
it “a? ‘ . mitted to [4K bl“ are deficient in part oi the senate rules and 1‘ ~ei.t ‘ .' ‘- - - '5
, - Lexingtoi. may stittll be getting an ; *‘fi ‘ If‘; High school students who are ap- their course loads can make it up by to Presldenl 0m A siiiuletary u, in. ~ ' . fl. .
. :ii i iiiiitil i ineruency phonesystem. ’ {:14 ‘2' plying to t'K and are concerned scoring 21 or better on the American Signed. . ‘ I: . ..
\, I, H...“ (“Hiwvnw yesterday. g 5;- A” aboutInot being admitted because (‘ollege Test in the corresponding The new policy “111 be m eltect - . . . .
5 tillllt‘liliidl. Holt Babbage said the 9‘: fig é .5 . '. they lall short 0’ the UniverSity's area \Vht‘l‘t'lht‘} are short until the L'nii'ersity reyieus and re- " -. .
, l.t\ll1;flttlt isatette t'i-han County 5",; ”f" t; 5 5.5 precollege requirements need not Studentg “hi, are short in more “595 ”5 admissions pom.) m 1988 . , .
- t ttlllt’i .i.i. lie considering im~ it? , . ’ , ' . I worry. than two ol the tour areas \\'lll auto- said [Joys Mather. chairman iii the '. . g 5- ~ .' 5 .
3 iiiiwenivix'~ iii the ttll emergency E 5’” .33" .. The l‘nii'ersity Senate yesterday tttitllt'itll} ht‘ t‘tfllt‘clt‘d 10" admission admisSions and academic standards .‘ ~‘ '. . ' .
. 5 nuiiilier s\steiii .llill the lorniation of § g4 ii. ‘25 passed 1' proposal gl“”lt-’5 prospective l'ttth‘t‘ lht' l'Ut‘t’t‘hl POIW}- “Udehlb‘ committee. 5‘ ‘ ' f 4. 1 .f '5
. a I, Hm”.14“,“.Hihm(~.,”,,,1.mm” {e I ’ .53 :v i , I L'K students a hay ol' automatically \\ ho are lacking the required According to .i “tennirdnrium . 'I; .
i 5H“ W“ emergency number 53-5. [in ( entering the L'niyersity it they are courses but otheriiise meet the se- given to senate minim} trom Ken- . . _ .'
i tell; kiioitii .is “linlianced 911.“ Q»? r’. ‘3‘; “’3 defictent in no more than two leclne admissions requirement are dell Rice. director iii .iilirnittiiins‘ Ii . . '~.'u
. ' .tiiiilti make the address and tele- 1’; 1'“ é‘ . *2'“ courses .1" the four subject areas 0f Pldk't‘d”W”9144M“«tdhllS-‘l‘tm PW] there are 314 applit-aii:s who meet ' .-
3 phone number ol tlii caller available f ‘\ f’ i If . the requtred precollegecurriculum. 'l‘hci‘e .sltl(lt‘lll> are ranked with as automatic admission rewiienn-nts mi . . .~
, -,,i H R . _. 5 .433 * Senate rules r uire an a licant iiiatlieniatic loreiiila and are ad- t t m“ be laced in me tin-nit: .id- ' '5 . 5
I ii i. ltilltlttl . g.\ 5 eq pp )u p . .
5 Him, II”. WI” kt.) Mnemh [0 5 :3 I to successfully complete two years milled lli accordance mm the mini» missions p001 because iii .i iieieen. , . .- .
' hazini; l'Itiliaiii-etl \tll.” Babbage ‘ o f: " . $ 'I' I 5 . of science. four years of English, bci'olslotsletlopen gym precollegecurriculutt ' I' . . I
, satii ”l‘lie lll‘s' is that ememencies ’4', , , I \ $51“ three years of math and one year of The policy 's \\ltl‘dll1L‘. must lie elar~ “I ~l\All. l).l.".'(\ .- . 'I
' air lie lulllltitfl better becatlsc we . I 5‘5 i; 555' ; 5,5 - . , E '- ' t ' ~'
' 2“ ‘ U K cheerleader thinks of no re rets - .. ‘ - ~
’ 'eicplioiii- llillllllt'l ii: the-callers ,5 ’ ,. t . mvwmtazmws ~ . I! .
: \i-i ttlttti‘. 'lii-t‘t' iit‘t‘ lalsl' .tlill‘mb " A " _ . . .IA >
‘ 'lliex re easily. they're disrup- . ‘ fl Ble'ln'lll'tillrlS iust glad that that s been the way "i think .; Attrit'hl tit» lust ‘ ‘I , .
'W' «t-‘kllht‘ 3“ "Lilltihh'll‘ ”U! they .% MM ‘ - Q "Ag I Assmiatedl’ress l \e thought throughout the past live that l been -~i. 'll‘ .’. . 'rimpo- .‘ 5 , ‘ . .
i it in» tait‘eb eltiiiinated il callers 5:2: ' v "t >i\ .WihV‘ throughout t“tllt't~‘,£‘ and hht‘ 1"" (““1" d 1"“ 3W” 31‘: l “1‘5 ~ .~ . I z
E l" i" l‘""‘“ “th“ m“) "r" and ’ .I ( 5 I 3‘: ‘ LOL‘ISVILLE ~ l'K cheerleader liiahscliool ' at a point where in lee :t-ai eonfr . ’_ .’
. tit-It ttit". i'ei‘alliiiult‘ttttr 1,5 ' . W ., 5 Dale Baldwin. pariilyled lrom the Halduin captain ol the L'K dent on the "‘1' H" unturne llul it . . _ 'I .
it: ‘t"-‘ “:1 “""ht “”“M ”"t i‘f‘ . ‘ . «'45 ‘ * neck down \iliile lX'I'IHl‘llllllL‘. a stunt cheerleadiii; squat' tor two years. has just on -»~ things he '. ‘ -' ~ . i
~ rm «my .- . . ' - ,
. :.-r' I 'r. 5 .5ii_t-ici~iii~i number sys- '2; . . it. WE“ last \ieclx. said yesterday he has no has been a cheerleader loi' six years said. - . .‘ . I -
-. ii: l‘...li’».|,;i‘ silltl t‘ailers could ' ’ ' ' ' ' ' '“ “nonmuimm y.,.,,i5.°ii regrets about cheerleadini; and con- and is described by his sponsor. '1‘ His neuri ‘A'U‘Ul. l)l' \lltll‘l('\s J i . . ‘ ' I
‘ \ttfllltlm‘ 7” UM‘ lht’ WHIPU‘ P‘mW . _ . siders his spinal lfljul‘)’ iust an acc1— Lynn Williamson. .is one ol the most Dzenitis as told the pat.eiil and his . ' " " _
”,3. t‘ITit'l‘Jt‘llt'I‘» number or they could Urban County (Ouncilmon Bob Babbage suggests changes 'h the dent. highly skilled gymnasts in the na- lamiig. that it is unlikely that he thll ' .‘ i. l ' - ‘
tl\t an l-.t.li.ini-evl ‘tll number it it is 9": emergenty system during a news conference yesterday "_‘.l_\' “hole beliet throughout lite lion eier ualk dL‘JJlll .ilt‘lioual. he may ‘ . ' , . ‘ 'I
ttliiit"'rl't!‘l“f has aluays been that \thei. you hate :loweier Haidiiin daniaued his >..- able to use iD arms “in; hands _ . "a .
. rumpus pine.» dispatchers are hanccd 911 is now being planned at about the caller could be added. a chance it, do something. :22,“ in, 1i~ ‘i’ m. Mm ht- landed on his neck inertually lm-nttis mil ltpt‘tatc on .‘ I . : .
i-uirivii'i'. 'll'i.it'i§t' to know uho is L'K Babbage said. . because .VUU may not have a second alter a liip lrom a mini~trampoline lialdiiin Frltlu) to lust the spine be- ‘ 2 , -
. «All ta! Willi 7h" Utht‘t‘o ldt‘hhf." The new system COUld be imple- Babbage 95“”‘9‘0‘1 a first-year chance later on in life.“ the 2:;Vear- «luring.y a Blue-While scrimmage last tween the injured \erlenixie -- a 5 ‘ ‘ , . ‘ ‘
tlieiiise'i’tes campus police officials mented by 1987 and. within several cost of 340.000 to implement the sys- old 531d m a bedside new mmer— 'l‘uesday. and doctors have told him procedure “high ;% expected [0 ;. .I .
\Jl-l \ii \I'ysit‘lll similar to En- years. specific medical information \ci-QIIIPagL-fi ence at .Jewish Hospital, "And I‘m lit-probably ‘.\illbeaquadripleLit‘ strengthei the spinal column ' . . - . - ‘
_—______—_—_—_________—____ .
I .2} 2 so" i 3‘ v I. I . ‘ i " ‘V
a e esc arge . , ‘
0t 0 o " . ‘ 5,. to ‘3va, i :_ V . ,5
WI h drunk drivmg ' «» ' . .
\lnlli'; -l|s . i 3. ,. . . I ', i
,. 2t . 55-: 6.3 .. ~ -
j». «. 5 2. .lliilti \t’tlll l‘.l1tll‘l\ \ias t 55». " 5N, ‘ 5% . - g
”E ‘ '.-‘ 2 '31:! iI Yet". ”it”: lllt‘ liml- ’ .. t 53.25., it? . . 5 '.
.I , .i I” -l .I \‘5'.lt'll .lt'l'r}' I '9' .2 l '5‘ .5{II\IIII5IIII II II.%,».-a . I
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'i ;. 'l'i' ' :et‘ at l l\ \ Liittttt‘> ”115 - ‘ i 1 . A is .»~ « . -‘ E f
. _,. first”: .i'_ 1‘.‘ 4:; .i m. , my) . .5- Q . 4 I‘ M - M . . .. . .
. \ “if ‘. ‘ef In”? ti '.\‘Il‘i drunk II } i II ”8 A ‘I f .5. II 55. .I $5 of." . III , f .. Wffl “m . _
1: _ z. : it‘ts‘.i.; ittlii'ei lloug F ‘ .5 fie. 5* m. L- -. . ‘ I All? 2 \ '2." , . , , - *_
1., :. l .ixeftc t hunt} ilisti :i'l t‘tturt .3 ’ M. . 'I I . _ ‘ 2 5% _ in I; II_.;' E ‘1 \I . .. ~ I. ,
' ~ ‘3 ~- ””1"" l" _. ”is 5 .. ‘2 " ~ " 4;. ..: 5% :~ ’ ' ' . "‘ ',. ...
i i.. :‘itt' 1:. 5.. if the \iispi-iis.iiii \ias ' ‘2‘» . ‘. "" . . I“ 3“,; ~ '5 5 ‘ 5. . 2% -. .II .
. i; . _._ i‘Vi-L‘V 3-5'.istt[l.\ '2 ‘L.'."?\.“‘-.«. 5. III 5». ‘5' Y E $.32 5... .iit:‘§' . ' II . I ' I .~ I, , - .'
' . l" :- - ruse-t 'u ciiliiiiieiit on the 5 8‘ ‘ e”; t v i 4:” $34K H V i a ‘ I. l I L ‘ A ' ‘
. . . -‘ l‘ ,fj’ - *5» 5. . 5 . i . .
I:;.i".t: .‘.l;.t l‘. .-..i.\ llls ltlsl litllt' he ..’ 5 - ' If” "‘23: . . . “ - . I, : " .
. '- t‘l ‘ll.li:‘_t’-i ul'll tiiiiiik di‘ly- 2‘ .2 ‘ This... “5 us... ‘1' t . ‘ ' ' ' ‘
.' . i k 5.3%“ ' .5 . 55:5 . ‘ ,' " ‘ “v?” .m— «am. no.» I .._4 33 34%; ' ‘ . , ‘ ’ I . I. . I . . 'I..
. s. ~ 't-iI.:.:sI pl.IiI\er .\ll(ll'(‘\\' SCOTT ENDRIS ‘ I' . .. . 2 “I, t .‘s w% 5; II . a. .5 5 . 5 .I I .
5.: -~.i .it1- ms Let ie illit\i '.\lll.\ 5” .- i I" 5:2: ~ ; . . I; Q ‘ I I ' .~
«r 'ln ‘i l\ ‘mii It‘!‘ the past tuo setr \iil‘utl. “ho was represented by ‘ i , y ~51! % 333' ~. “144' ~' 5 M3: _ 2 “ i- ‘ ‘I ' 5 ' '
A“. \.:,..ei...i}.‘, “(WM w llr YlTUl’ Cllpy uigélctls WedneSday: ULTRA FLASH
_‘ <7 1 ..;;’;:L_7}- 5 .i~ 3 “mm. 3991 Stroganofl Broccoli and Choose 141259-3610
; -.‘.':35.i"i'~ ._::“‘“‘““"'“"“" Hot Vegetable Pasta 5039mm W'm Meat Sauce m v.5“ :Jter
:7; .. '53:”; / ‘ ”""‘"" OW
‘15:, l -| 2 I ' ‘. A 3" ‘ l
3...? ‘I-I-‘Iiégiggggig, . I“ NOW Serving Chill. ; 1 ”12.11/15 2 SORRY! 2 for 1
.231; ,-".=._0._:","7.-"~\-"‘ ”91.1. "£5? .3;‘;.;;: :~ _————-——_!_———————————__ z - 2
so. r m I Z W : I ”ran” I" ”in“; mixed
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'-‘7.' (I. ,_ ;\g‘9 \ f SANDWICH I ; 8 P m . k ‘VN ' . \ A" ngh‘f
nl-f'l'j‘f-‘i' 5-1:: ‘- ‘Vy Egr/ : Baked : . I z ’t i \ \
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KENTUCK YKERNEL 700m” Novunbor 11, 1986' .2 ‘
5 PO RTS Andy Dum‘mfl . I l
L)“ ,.. E I v
i".'I~-:.iI-;5E$‘-€:'<':.E:3E;‘:"”"'=:'15:'=53"E~5E‘:I{.;:'?55I.5'<525--:-1%15"":E’EFIE‘fiI‘I'l'tVT'I'fiE'fE‘.“Hf???E3335=EIIE:E':§E=£:E5;IE"“51'.1“:23§'l-":‘=Ef§.35“firth.7‘lfli—Qfl2353753£332.;EEI'::'~5$3:3“?35‘1",1;-,:_.{I§3§;Et’<€::-~::“‘:-I;‘<‘.j5"." "5’3"“-3E;:2;.g::;;2;e;..;::=;-:.2..-.:.5:5:2.‘»:;'. " ; 1 > v "j ' ” ' ' " 1+ *" ' :;' F ’ " ‘ I . V 4 '
“8,4,9«& wwfi _.7§‘“W: . "Eff“ ‘ ‘ ' .g . .
Ede a] ab] 'm tf W‘ld t W’W
"3 (3‘; ”1'le W’MFER could make somethmg out of my seconds. He t‘tntshed 16 seconds When Ede graduates from l'K. he 5'3” and AP “'pm'l‘ ' .I I ' (V
Staff Writer running “ ahead ot‘Jaeger would ltke to tr} to earn a tum); at ' ’ .1"
Last season as a treshman. Ede “We thought he \wuld he a can whatheenjmsmmt runmng ' '
"hm Iwurs ago. lttchard Ede came run second to Auhurn‘s Brtan tender tn the rut-c.” Weber satd I . . . . . . L
1“ AHM’I'IN In >00 It ltt‘ (‘OUl‘l cont Ahshtre tn the Southeastern Confer» "We “ere prett} pleased that he "I fl lmv tn run tnr .1 lIHHL‘, tn Hahn‘ Takdgl dominate Sl‘( tournamt "l f; ' I 'I l;-
Pt'te mm the calmer 0t lht‘ (T055 ('ttt't‘ cm» country Chumplonshlp. \\U”.t‘5p9('lilll.\‘h.\ lltt‘nlitrfillll Mild “Tlli‘l ‘ mt llHHL‘ l “an! to Ill) 4"; I .-" «
countr} "UHW‘I'N 1“ llk" l'm‘l‘d But he ts determtned to he second to I Wht'nlflt'ltltt? lhe l K tcmm turn; had two ;’l.t-Q’ : " r. . .1 V ' . '. ’3 ‘.
Staten nonetnthe “Tl” the '86 season hde 5 “cm” marked the wwmh nulx ot the ( outshex' \l ( lndtm: lL‘I :.t- t ' .' ' . .,' l '1
\> a ltaxmn‘uld. title estnhhshed 3“} math goal ‘gomg mm the tithe a \thdcat runner hm “on the -\n(l 1t lllttl‘x IIII II III IIIII , I II lav \\ IIII '[lt . H" II I H I I t II . .", 3 -. 'II .
hmm-lt «’h ”It" ”1 England > l"ll $011th was to utn the conference ' 5“ champtunshtp H“ was mt “ml [the to ttlte qurt l'lth- thirty-“fill l “M, L m l ”A I l l “L h ‘1 l H It. i I" '
wunL’, hut't‘IHN’ “m.“ m. “mmm m tn- and "1 Mint want 1”“th WC. stnct-Dent-Benm-ma (lltlll lll 1380 merlelrn IIIIt‘IIIII‘II’INW ‘ «- ~ “I“ \nr‘huntutc \unta Huh: “inst ' . .3 ,: II. {3 ',I:_;III.I
[hrlttp11l:'utlllt-t\1ttht>ttkl<‘;;lt)ll[l “mt.” tttmt that mmnt nnthtntz' Hm dettmtle um- III the NM ' l " ’ ‘ ttun 01c: tumor lCdlllllldlk’ lanwnm lam-5167.2, h ‘ I .' ' .~ ;‘ I~
Hut attpr hlS htgh \‘('ht)l)l _\,‘(-;1{\ “Hum ttllt) lht‘ cnntvrvnt'e meet runners l'H’ (‘ttttt'l‘tt‘tl ht'l't‘ 'll [-Kf“ BU! tor no“ ht‘ lhh 3t: (‘ttt‘A'emrutt Hahn ‘.ttttl TING!!! ‘.\t”:‘ ‘ltxtt‘tl ("WY 'l"‘ '3 ‘ 2" ' " ‘ . 1": I' .l‘,". ’
”1" ”WWW H‘Hlfil’d- “41m“ >lttltl>“'l lm! .\xlttt‘ll'lt.l meet lllt> mturdag. .tt ftttntt tt. 'llL' thud mnntt. 1. I. ‘ ‘ ’t 4 .' ".1. 'li ’1' '-.' s"
l‘tlltlttllL! tut .t \\lttlt‘ a» \wt'ktnL’ full titlv \ \u t mntpetttmn mme tmm Furmun ltltH‘l‘xll} tn (rrt‘t'll\tllt' ~‘.: "1:“:
l‘-’“‘ began l” Uh" W W“ ”H ll“ .mnlltt‘t Auhurn runner. Brmn Jdt‘tl \Vhen title llt’\l mnu- m lK. one 8 (‘ Bet-atm- ht~ tum. ‘\\lll pmhahh “1,5" :'."i’t.;f .
‘- leltnt-l «‘1‘ ut the hugged t'lhttlL‘t‘h he enmun- not qunln). tnr the \t'.\.\ "f, V,
W” l/t‘lm’ 1“ “‘1' “(Wk “WW “l" ‘1 tered was tttlupttng tn llls new champtomhtt» tn :Xrtmna. Ede null . I I,.'tI"’ . ; -'IT
mtzttlt- «>9 I\t‘.~.l 7 ht- xttts t'unttu'tetl h) [fittr thought the key to hlS \‘UL'CPSS couch :\Ilt‘l‘ l‘unntng tor one man haVe tn he uttflltL’ the top llH- mtg, Hunter I'CCCHQS ")p SUlllht'aSH‘l'" lHHltH ~ ".'I I",I‘.- “1.5; E:
H m» t'ULrtlll 7 Hunt] 1)th \M-het‘ H; the UN. “Lb helm; .thlt- tn pull for 31: 30813. learnmg to trust a new \‘ltluul I‘Unnetx ll"tllt Utlt' III the TH IIII.II.I '73,? II.IIII4 II,
\Vt-twt haw llt ‘ttl wt l‘Itlt' lllt'ttllgl‘ ~IWUI~ ””1“ hl‘ “11"" opponent m" man and hts ("ondlttoning philosophy teams entered tn tht-meet '\ ll »\\I \ 7 L k ,I.,-._: ~ . , I ’.r"; if: ’ -_
\()X.tt' Halal] runnerx ltt' hml mg lllt‘ tttltltllt‘ purtmn ut the 8000- was a ltttl'e dlt‘ftcult at first for the “I n III , m. \ULl'll‘ ,, ‘v‘ 3:1 i'. .“-‘.-‘.‘.‘
. L‘ ,t Ht.“ 11L tr KUCH 't k'l\-\ ' i .-.- ‘ ., I .’
(lynched 'Klllll' .‘t'l \l“l‘ltllll at ‘.tm‘ {Itt‘lt’t rut-t- Engltshman Act-atrium tn Ht. ltl‘ 1\ Hint ‘I‘ ' ' ". ,7 ‘1':-
-t 1. ,.. ,-. . . ~.t ~ v,. ,., g, ,. . lt‘lgtttta‘fihtt‘w'd httILt-‘tltt. ‘.2",'.‘."2':_'. ”52'
t.t.\t..e l ...\tt~,t . . I I \\htlt ht .tttnm .1 at Lam; 1. mm, . .f .1: _:, ,“ 53¢;
NH“ ”WM” haw “ “1"" llm] "l "I've learned to trust him what \(‘tlnlpt‘ltlmzt ll;.n':: '.LxllL‘d tw 3‘“ .12: t l .. ff-vr-It: '.I.";‘.:',‘.I‘"..'I~
“ll” ”1" "“""“"‘l ““1“ “""ll ‘l‘m‘ll “l m" "”d ”l ”l“ ”W“ “M“. lWeber» more 511108 coming over" toughtlmx: .t‘. Kcntttt‘nrfl 14722 .' -. ,1 ' . V " ‘-.h".‘t"7.':,"..'
\M-ln-r he xx.» :mm- 'lt.:t1 mat-r tn \..ttl|tl litlt- Ede said. "I agree with the type hf “31} tmtl} tt-(-l~ ‘trnnue: e>pet't;tl- ,Wlf'.‘ '3’“: :F.’ t
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H" H \l‘llw 'ht- law nurrters run t‘utt‘l) close In gwen. me has ,worKEd out great 50 m. the (will, m MM, I lhlhk I m t ;- . .. 4 "2‘:I'll-t."I‘ilfitiitl"1
ll 7 thv thtttt.‘ (u tln \ttu-n Iwu t‘t' g-iher lint tn lllt' LN tun nnlw. far ”“5 season pull“ ”Hm '1' hm" I 7ltnnltlt-v 9:72;; 7‘\.\.‘g_;7/’ ' “ ’ I ‘ fr": '31“:
an ttlltlvtv In Europe . ‘ tide mttt l-Idt- pulled mm) trnm h1> ttt‘t' ll 1 and ltl‘nkt' [ht' [Apt at :3 Intnutw .t Fishy-'71; gfli . .;. ."" I F T, ’ 5." ',.I" {1'12 1:} Kg",
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269‘7354 Stilt-Thurs. ‘ ll _“~rI« I 'l‘”,. l l "' :' § I..I ,.;‘ ‘f
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