xt7wm32n6m8b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wm32n6m8b/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1906015 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1906-01-jun5. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1906-01-jun5. 1906 2011 true xt7wm32n6m8b section xt7wm32n6m8b 

MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 13, 1905 Page 69 (contId)

     A communication from Dr. Palmer was presented to the Board
which, upon motion duly seconded and carried, was refered to the
Executive Committee with power to act.

                                                       Page 70
     It was moved by Mr. Ferguson that the President be directed
to formulatethat portion of his report which applies to the
needed legislation, and have It printed and placed in the hands
of members of the Legislature; and that the Executive Committee
be authorized to make Provision for its publication. The motion
was duly seconded put upon its passage, and carried.

     Col. Nelson offered the following resolution:
     Resolved that it is the earnest sense of this Board that
the intervening property between the present college grounds
and Patterson Hall should be ourchase and become the property
of the College; and that the same is an absolute necessity for
the properti future development of this institution; and that
the first available fund at the disposition of the College be
exoended for that purpose; and that the President be empowered
to confer with the proper parties for the purpose of securing
an option upon the property.  The ,notion was duly seconded and

     Upon motion, duly seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned
sine die.
                                      D. C. Frazee

                                                       Page 71
     Meeting of Board of Trustees of State A. & M. College, of
Kentucky, held in the President's room, Gymnasium Building,
Lexington, Ky., on June 5th, 1906 at 2:30 P. M.

     Present:- Messrs. D. F. Frazee, C. B. Terrell, Jas. K. Patter-
son, C. W. Metcalfe, C. B. Nicholas, Tibbis Oarpenter, B. * Brooks,


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 5, 1906 Page 71 (Conttd)

John McChord, F. A. Hopkins, Geo. B. Kinkead, C. M. Clay,
D. P. Smith.

     Absent:- Messrs. H. S. Barker, Judge Lafferty, W. C. Bell,
R. S. Stout.

     The Chairman therefore announced that a quorumn was present;
that the meeting was open for business, and. that the first
business in order was the election of a Chairman, and the Chair-
man placed in nomination, Judge Geo. B. Kimkead.

     Judge Kinkead moved that the present Chairman, Mr. D. F.
Frazee be elected as Chairman, and that his election be made
unanimous, and put the vote to the Board, which was carried
unanimously, Mr. Frazee not voting.

     At this point Ju~dge Kinkead administered the oath of office
to Messrs. D. P. Smith and C. B. Terrell, as Trustee of this

     It being the next in order of business, the Secretary read
the minutes of the last meeting of the Board.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the minutes
stood approved as read.

     Thereunon President Patterson stated to the Board that in-
vestigation had shown that the Cost of orinting the reports of
the business affairs of the College, showing receipts and expen-
ditures, as directed in resolution sassed at last December        P.72
meeting would be between $300.00 and. $400.00; that this was
thought by the~ Oommittee in charge thereof to be more than was
contemplated by the Board, and that it was thought best to
await further action of the Board thereon.

     Judge Kinkead moved the following resolution:-
     Resolved that 500 copies of the Business Agent's report in-
cluding the Report of receipts and disbursements of the Experi-
ment Station, be annually published.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Jun-5, 1906 Page 72 (cont ad)

     Said resolution was seconded by Mr. Clay, and upon roll
call the vote stood as follows:-

     Ayes:- Messrs. Frazee, Patterson, Metcalfe, Nicholas,
Carpenter, Brooks, Hopkins, Kinkead, Clay, Smith.   10
     Noes:- Mr. McChord.  The resolution was carried.

     It being next in order of business, the Secretary read the
minutes of the Executive Committee, since last meeting of the
Board, which, without objection, stood approved as read.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried all absentees
were excused.

     Upon motion of Judge Kinkead, seconded by Mr. Smith, and
carried, the Onairman was directed to appoint a committee to
nominate an Executive Committee for the ensuing six months. The
Chairman appointed as such Committee Messrs. Smith, Kinkeadl
and Caroenter.

     Said Committee retired to consider its report, and returned
into the Board and made the following reporti Your Committee
recommend to the Board the following named gentlemen to consti-
tute the Executive Committee for the ensuing six months:-
Messrs. Frazee, Lafferty, Stout, Nicholas, and Clay.

     Upon motion of Mr. Brooks duly seconded and carried said P. 73
report was received and adopted, and Messrs. Frazee, Lafferty,
Stout, Nicholls, and Clay, declared to be the Executive Committee.

     At this point President Patterson read his report to the
Board, which is as follows:-


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Jun-5, 1906 Page 73 (contid)

                                    Lexington Ky. May 23rd 1906
Board of Trustees
        State College of Kentucky
     In making my annual report to you, I congratulate you and the
College upon the large matriculation and the generally successful
operations of the period now closed. The College is growing
steadily in public estimation. A better prepared class of pupils
enter. The ratio of preparatory students to those who matriculate
in the college proper is constantly diminishing, and the average
attendance is better maintained. There have entered since Septem-
ber last 679. These with the pupils who received instruction in
the Summer School last June, July, and August, will bring the
actual enrollment of the Catalogue up to 800 or over. We-have
no adventitious connections with Commercial schools or medical
schools, one hundred miles distant, to swell our list by loose
aggregations which have no organic relationship to us. The fact
is that exclusive of the preparatory and Normal Departments, we
have more students in our College Classes than any three colleges
or universities in Kentucky. Twenty years ago the preparatory
and normal elements formed fully SO per cent of the total atten-
dance. These proportions are now completely reversed.

                                                         Page 74
     I regret to report officially what is known to all unofficially,
that our efforts to secure by legislation appropriations from the
General Assembly to erect and equip buildings for the Agricultural
and Normal Departments utterly failed. We believed at the beginning
of the Legislative term that we had a very fair prospect of success,
but adverse conditions developed. The House Committee was unfor-
tunate in its Chairman. It soon became apparent that he was in-
different, if not hostile.  Delays occured in getting a report,
which when made was unanimous, but it was found to be a hopeless
task to get the Chairman to report the action of the Committee to
the House, until it was too late. When it passed into the hands
of the Committee on Appropriation, was suppressed, and fared no
better with the Committee on Rules.   In marked contrast with this
was the treatment of the bills in the Senate. That for an Agri-
cultural Building passed by a vote of 33 to 3, and that of a
Normal School Building by a vote of 25 to 9.

     The promoters of the measure for establishing two Normal
Schools were thoroughly organized.   It suited their purpose to re-
present the State College as hostile to it, though the allegation
was utterly unfounded. This somehow seemed to promote their
measure and to discredit ours. Representatives had been thoroughly


MINUTES OF TXE BOA.-RD OF TRUSTEES, Jun-.,1906 Page 74 (conttd)

drilled into the conviction that the State College was inimical
to the plan for establishing independent Normal School and
during the brief session of the General Assembly it was im-
possible to disabuse them of this imoression.

     Another obstacle which we encountered was the alleged de-
ficiency of Revenue and the slow progress of the Revenue Bill
through the General  Assembly.  Other measures, however, in-
volving the expenditures of money passed the Lower House and we
could not quite see why our application should not have had      P. 75
equal consideration. I feel sure if our bills could have been
gotten out of the hands of the Committees on Appropriations
and Rules, that for Agriculture would certainly have passed the
lower House and that for a Normal School Building would in all
probability have gone through.

     It is gratifying to learn from the Report of the Dean of
the Normal Department that there has been a marked increase
in attendance in that course of study during the last year.
Many persons feared that the resignation of the former head of
the Department would materially diminish its matriculation and
impair its prestige. The result has been quite the contrary.
Instead of a loss we have gotten rid of an incubus which re-
tarded its development and hindered its growth.

     It is, however, a serious drawback that we failed to get
an appropriation for a building for its use. The best element
in the State which seeks Normal School instruction will, from
the Consideration of the sunerior advantages offered by the
State College, come to us in preference to either Bowling Green
or Richmond. In neither of these can they have the manifest
benefit accruing from the intimate relationship of the Normal
School to the Collateral Courses of Classics4 Modern Languages,
English Literature, Philosophy, History and. Science provided
in the State College. The broading and humanizing influences
of these associations will be altogether wanting in the organi-
zation of the self contained Normal Schools.

     What is true of the circumscribed limits of the Normal
Department is true of the Agricultural Department. It is more
popular now than it ever has been in the history of the college.
Men are more anxious to obtain the scientific training which
will fit them for conuiucting intelligently the operation of
husbandry. Wider fields of activity and of renumerative occu-
pation in Ahriculture and Horticulture are opening up and in-
viting the trained scientific investigators than ever before.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD 07 TRUSTEES, Jun--, 1906 Page 76(conttd)

     Men are realizing that keen intelligence, trained obser-
vation, careful exoeriment based upon the principles of science
related to Agriculture, Chemistry, Solid Physics, and laws of
plant life and the laws of animal life are imperatively needed
in order to keen production up to the economic level which will
enable it to comnete with other industries.

     The relation of Athletics to College life and work has been
a matter of profound concern to the Faculty during the last year.
Immediately after7.the beginning of the September term the atten-
tion of the students is largely occupied by the organization
and work of the foot-ball teams.  It is found to be exceedingly
difficult to prevent undue attention and. time being given to these
sports, legitimate and wholesome though they be, when kept within
proper bounds,. but destructive of habits of study when indulged
in to excess. Practice for match games, makes a heavy draft upon
the time of the students and the match games, when played at a
distance and in rapid succession by itinerant teams make deep
inroads upon class room work and proficiency. I think that it
is not to much to say that foot-ball consumes half the time of
the players between September 1st and December 1st, or nearly
one third of the year, a-n;; that in the spring baseball makes
equally heavy inroads upon time which should be given to study.
Satisfactory college work is utterly impossible under these    P.77
conditions. Whether the parents and guardians consent or not,
it becomes a serious question, whether the governing Board, and
the Faculty have a right to allow such a dissipation of energy.
There are some compensations, it is true. Physical training
develops many physical excellencies, and a. sound mind in a sound
body is a good maxim. But it is the end of physical culture best
attained by violent spasmodic and abnormal exertions? And should
it be attained at the sacrifice of the declared purpose for which
parents and guardians send their sons to college? Do the
achievements of the physical athlete, which in nine cases out of
ten are but of transitory value, conmensate for the lost oppor-
tunities of scholarship anCd mental and moral and physical train-
ing for the professors, for industrial leadership, for states-
manship, and for all the higher and nobler ends of human exis-
tence? These questions are causing thoughtful men engaged in
education and invested with responsibility of education much
concern. The difficulty is how to retain and subordinate what
is confessedly good in physical culture and how to coordinate
it with the College and university training which forms the warp
and the woof of a liberal and Dractical education.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Jun-5, 1906 Page 77(cont'd)

     A careful estimate of income and expenditures has been
prepared and will be submitted as the budget of 1906-7. The
debt which so long weighed as an incubus upon the College had
been lifted and liquidated as orovided for in the Act of 1904,
appropriating $15,000.00 annually for that purpose and for
the increase of Revenue. But the proceeds of that appropriatim
so far have been absorbed by the payment of the debt and the
fee paid counsel for defending the constitutionality of the  P. 79
Act. I may observe in passing that the action of the Board
in payment of the fee charged by the Counsel in the case sub-
jeoted the college to frequent and bitter criticism by members
in the Legislature in both Houses and contributed to form
public opinion against us in the General Assembly.

    We were accused of wantonly and recklessly sacrificing
money given to us by the State. These sweeping charges were
not confined to that item of expenditure , but extended to
other alledged instances of waste and extravagance in the
general administration our funds. Indeed at one time I appre-
hended that this feeling might extend to an effort to repeal toe
appropriation made by the proceeding General Assembly.

     The idea was freely expressed that we are not careful in
managing the public funds as the State has a right to expect
effective supervision was required.  In the light of this un-
complimentary comment, I can only counsel prudence and caution
and wise economy in the adjustment of means to ends.

    Our necessities in consequence of the parsimony of the last
General Assembly, are great. The existing professional staff
must be strengthened. Many of the departments need additional
assistance. English, Civil Engineering, Chemistry and Physics
require more than the aid provided by teaching Fellowships. All
the departments are clamoring for more money and for more modern
equipment and for current expenditures. Whether when these
indispensable needs are provided for, anything will remain to
furnish additional space for Engineering and other courses of
instruction is questionable. If there be any available surplus,
I am ready to recommend that it be so applied.

    Existing buildings urgently need repairs. The grounds need
improvement. Our water rates cost enormous sums, also our
lighting rates. Whether retrenchment be possible among these



lines, I cannot say, but the burden is heavy and growing from year
to year. The home in which I live should be enlarged by another
room or two for the accomidation of my library which is now
scattered through four build ings. I have felt this want and in-
convenience for years, but have foreborne to ask relief hitherto,
feeling that other necessities were more urgent than mine.

     I respectfully recommend that all male students exempt from
military duties in the College, either by action of the Board
of Trustees or by the War Department, be formed into companies,
answer roll-call and march to chapel under the command of an offi-
cer of the Cadet Corps. While formed in companies for chapel,
they should be subject to the rules and maintain the discipline
required from those subject to military service.

     The question was repeatedly asked, while the legislation in*4
troduced by the College was fending before the last General
Assembly, why the State College did not take the name and discharge
the function of a University. The Assembly was evidently ready
and willing to consider favorably the change and by legislation
give effect to the transformation. I believe steps should be
taken looking in this direction a d that when the next General
Assembly convenes, the College should ask for the change.

     There are several reasons why this should be done.
     1st. All the States in the Union, with one or two exceptions,
have Universities, most of them liberally provided for by their
respective States.

     2nd. The State College of Kentucky is the only institution
in the State doing anything like University work.

     3rd.  It is owned and admi nistered exclusively by the State.

     4th.  The title and functions of a University would carry with
them a dignity and prestige which do not attach to a college.


MIN1UTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Jun-5, 1906 Page SO (contid)

     5th. The State would feel more pride in an institution
bearing the name of University than it does in a college.

     6th. With more pride felt and a greater interest attaching
to a University, it would be less difficult to obtain the
necessary appropriation for buildings and Revenue.

     7th. The development and growth of the College during the
period of forty years now completed.


     The growth of the College from year to year is shown as

     1862. To establish and endow a college, chiefly in instruc-
tion in Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, an Act of Congress appor-
tioned to each State, for each of its Senators and Representa-
tives in Congress, 30,000 acres of the public land.

     1565. The General Assembly of Kentucky having accepted the
State's portion under the conditions prescribed, established the
Agricultural and Mechanical College, making it one of the Col-
leges of the Kentucky University, then recently united with
Transylvania University and located at Lelington, Citizens of
Lexington and Vicinity donating $110,000 to the Curators of the
University to buy a site for the College. The General Assembly
having authorized the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund to
sell the 330,000 acres apportioned to Kentucky, by the mismanage-
ment of the Commissioner's Agent, the State realized for its
land only $165,000.

                                                          Page 51
     1566. The College opened with a President, four Professors
and a Commandant.

     1878. Dissatisfied with ie management of the College by the
Curators, who were engaged in a long factional strife the General
Assembly severed the connection with the University, and appoint-
ed a Commission to re-locate the College, to provide for its
continuance in operation till re-located, and to prepare "a plan



for a first-class University." Kentucky University claiming
and retaining the foricer site of the College, the sole property
of the latter, after the severance was an incomne of $9,900
derived from the land grant.

     1850. The City of Lexington offered the City Park of
fifty-two acres, as a new site for the College, and also $30,000
in bonds, and the County of' Fayette offering $20,000 besides,
the General Assembly ratified the selection of the site made by
a majority of the Commission, and located the College permantly
in Lexington.

     1850. To provide teachers for common Schools of the State
and for other Schools, the General Assembly added to the College
a Normal Department, which should admit, besides other students,
one from each representative district every year free of tuition.

     1850. Further to endow the College and to enable it to
purchase apparatus, Machinery, implements, and a library; to
maintain the Normal Department, and to defray other necessary
expenses, the General Assembly imposed a tax of one-half cent
on each hundred dollars of the assessed value of all property
in the State liable to taxation for State revenue and belonging
to its white inhabitants.

     1550. The Classical and Normal Departments, and the
Academy added.

                                                          Page 82
    1882. The College Building, the First Dormitory, and the
President's house comnleted.

     1555. The Commandant's house reconstructed.

     1S57. To enlarge by experiments and to diffuse the knowledge
of Agriculture, and act of Congress established, under the
direction of the Agricultute and. Mechanical College in each State
an Agricultural Experiment Station, appropriating for its support
$15,000.00 per annum.

     1S87. The Department of Civil Engineering established an
Exnerimental farm of forty-eight acres purchased, and the College
greenhouse built.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Jun-5,1906 Page 82(cont'd)

     lg9. The Experiment Station Building completed.

     l90. The Second Dormitory completed.

     1890. For the more complete endowment of Agricultural and
Mechanical Colleges, an Act of Congress appropriated to each
State $15,000.00 for the year ending June 30, 1S90, and the
same sun with an increase of $1,000.00 per annum for ten years,
after which the maximum of $25,000 should continue without change.
Of the amount thus annually appropriated, the College receives
95 per cent, and the school of the colored people at Frankfort
15-per cent.

     l191. The Department of Mechanical Engineering established.

     1891.  The Department of Anatomy and Physiology established.

     1992. The Mechanical Building and Workshop completed.

     1894.  Greenhouses for the Experiment Station built.

     l194.  The Department of Physics established.

     1S95. The Annex to the Mechanical Building and the In- P. 83
sectarium for the Station built.

     1S97. The Department of Electrical Engineering established.
Additions made to the Greenhouses and Insectarium.

     199. The building for Natural Science completed.

     198. Sixty-four and a half acres added to the Experimental
Farm, making 113 in all.

     1900. Sixty thousand dollars appropriated by the General
Assembly for a Collegiate Home for Young Women, for a Gymnasium
and Drill Room, and a Hall for the Y. M. C. A.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Jun-5, 1906 Page S3 (contid)

     1901. Ninety acres added to the Experiment Farm, making
203 in all. The building erected contained the Gymnasium, the
Drill Room~the Halls for the Societies and the Y. M. 0. A.

     1901. The Department of Mining Engineering added.

     1902. Thirty thousand dollars additional appropriated by
the General Assembly for the Young Woman's College Home, making
$60,000 in all.

    1904. Patterson Hall, the Young Woman's College Home, completed.

    1904. Fifteen thousand dollars per annum appropriated by
the General Assembly to defray the exDended of the College.

    1905.  The New Experiment Station completed.

    Increase of Property:- The property of the College is esti-
mated to be worth $800,000 more than it was 180.

     Increase in Courses:- Before 180 the college offered a sin-
gle course of study leading to a degree; it now"has nine.

     Increase of Teachers:- Before lS0 the College had six
Professors; it now has seventeen Professors and thirty-two

                                                     Page g4
     Increase of Students:- The number enrolled during the
session of l198-99 was about 4So, considerably the largest till
then in the history of the College; for 1899-1900 the number
was 563; for 1900-1901 it was 614; for 1901-1902 it was 594;
for 1903-1904 it was 732.

     Increase of Graduates:- No fact more distinctly marks the
growth of the college than the increase in the number 6f its
graduates. More students have been graduated during the last
three years than were graduated during the first thirty.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Jun-5, 1906 Page 84(cont'd)

     It should be borne in mind that this growth and development
begun in l19O and continued till the present time has been
achieved, especially during the first part of the period under
the most adverse circumstances. The imposition of the tax was
vehemently opposed in l19O. A determined effort was made in
l1S2 to repeal the tax. This attempt was defeated but was re-
sumed again and again in every Legislature which convened until
1892. The constitutionality of the tax was contested in the
Legislature and carried into the Courts, where it remained un-
determined for eight years. When the Constitutional Convention
met in 1890, the enemies of the College mustered in strong force
and endeavored to constructively cut off State aid by refusing
constitutional recognition under the article on education. Later
when the appropriation was made by the Legislature of 1904, the
Auditor refused to pay until the constitutionality of the act was
settled by the Court of Appeals. These assaults and enmities
and embarrassments it has triumphed over and survived. It is
now stronger than ever; secure in constitutional recognition;
secure in the estimation of the general public, it has come to P.-5
stay. The youngest of all institutions for higher education, its
leadership is recognized.

     During the "winter of its discontent", it bore itself with
patience and dignity and courage, giving back blow for blow.
During the era of its prosperity, it has been considerate and
conciliatory to such a degree that nearly all the institutions
once arranged against it are now its friends.

     All the indications therefore clearly suggest the expediency
of takibg the necessary steps to procure from the next Legislature
a change of name from State College to State University.

     In conclusion, while we are naturally disappointed that the
parsimony of the Legislature failed to make the much needed
appropriations required by the College we may congratulate our-
selves that the institution is growing in public estimation, in-
creasing in numbers, strengthening its stakes and lengthening its
cords, that it is doing better work than any collegiate or univer-
sity establishment in Kentucky and more of it, that its alumni
are in constant demand and stand in the front, the peers of those
of any institution East, West, North or South and that with more
means, we could extend our area of usefulness.

     I beg to thank the Board for its continued confidence and
                                I am
                                  With much respect,
                                       Your obedient servant.



     UpJon motion of Judge Kinkead, seconded by Mr. Carpenter
and carried said Report was referred to the Committee on Presi-
dent's Report.

     Therefore the Chairman appointed as the Committee on Presi-
dent's Report, Messrs. Clay, Metcalfe, and Hopkins.

     At this point the Secretary read the minutes of the General
Faculty, which were referred to the Committee on Minutes of the

     Judge Kinkead offered the following resolution:
     Be it resolved that this Board confer the degree of Mechani-
cal Engineer upon Mr. Carl L. Deitrich and direct the President
of the College to deliver to him his diploma.

     Said motion was seconded by Col. Clay, put upon its passage
and carried.

     Mr. Metcalf moved that the present Board of Control, consist-
ing of Messrs. Patterson, Kinkead, Frazee, Nicholas, and Scovell,
to which shall be added Col. Clay, be appointed. the Board of Con-
trol for the ensuing six months.

     Said motion was seconded by Mr. McChord, nut upon its passage
and carried.

     Thereupon the Chairman announced his standing Committee as
     Committee on Experiment Station:- Messrs. Nicholas, MoChord,
and Carpenter.
     Committee on President's Report:- Messrs. Clay, Metcalfe,
and Hopkins.
     Committee on Appropriations:- Mtessrs. Brooks, Kinkead and
     Committee on Buildings and Grounds:- Messrs. Smith, Hopkins
and McOhord.
      Committee on Salaries:- Messrs. Carpenter, Nicholas and Clay.
      Committee on Internal Expansion:- Messrs. Terrell, Clay and
      Committee on Military Instruction:- Messrs. McOhord, Brooks,
and Hopkins.


MINUTES OF TEE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Jurn-5, 1906 Page 87(cont'd)

     Committee on Minutes of Executive Com.:- Messrs. Metcalfe,
Smith, and Terrell.
     Committee on Minutes of Faculty:- Messrs. McChord, Clay,and
     Committee on Finances:- Messrs. Nichol.s, Clay and Kinkead.

     Thereupon, upon motion made by Mr. Metcalfe, duly seconded
and carried, the Board adjourned until tomorrow morning, Wednes-
day June 6th 1906, at nine-thirty otclock A. M.

     Met pursuant to adjournment at 9:30 A. M. Wednesday June 6,
1906, at the same place.

     Present:- Messrs. Frazee, Terrell, Patterson, Metcalfe,
Nicholas, Carpenter, Brooks, McOhord, Hop-Kins, Kinkead, Clay, and
Smith.-   12.

     Absent:- Barker, Lafferty, Bell and Stout,    4

     There being a quorui present, business was proceeded with.

     The Secretary read. report of the Director of the Experiment
Station, which was referred to the Committee on Experiment Station.

     Upon motion of Mr. Metcalfe, duly seconded and carried it was
resolved that the action of the Faculty in prescribing and adopting
a general schedule of class work as shown by the Minutes of the
Faculty, be concurred in.

     Thereupon Mr. McChord submitted the Report of the Committee
on Military Instruction which was read to the Board by the ecre-
tary, and is as follows:-

     The undersigned committee on Military instruction hereby ap-
prove of the  Deoort of the Commandant, and recommend that his