xt7wm32n7c32 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wm32n7c32/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19731207 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean Bulletin, December 7, 1973, no. 28 text Bulletin, December 7, 1973, no. 28 1973 2014 true xt7wm32n7c32 section xt7wm32n7c32 , "i___—\fI
` LLN%7éL
PAY CH§Q§S: Pay checks for everyone (bi-
weekly and monthly) will be available in UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY
the Director's Office from 10-12 a.m. · LIBRARIES
December 28, 1973. That's the last pay {
check fgy 1973, I December 7, 1973 No. 28
* * * * * * *i;_______________________,..,...
EXTRA HOLIDAY: Dr. gingletary stated in a memo dated December 4, 1973
that: “Monday, December 31, will be a holiday for University of Ken-
tucky employees". That means that everyone receives a 5-day Christmas
holiday this year instead of the 4-day periods of the past.
* * * * * * * *
§§§§QNNEL CHANGES: Appointments: Judith Bishop, classified, Circula-
tion;C5py Service; Nancy Prewitt, classified, Cataloging. Transfers:
Nancy Whitmire, classified, from CSR to Acquisitions—Monographs. Pro-
motions: Mary Ada Sullivan, Head of the Newspaper/Microtext Department,
from unclassified to professional.
* * * * * * * *
POSITION OPENINGS: Circulation, classified VI, open 12/14: Law, class-
ified VI, open 12/7.
* * * * * * * * V
THINK ABOUT IT; "The Council on Library Resources said this week it
has granted $103,000 to the Graduate Library School of the University
of Chicago to support postdoctoral fellowships to be offered over a
two-year period beginning in June 1974. The fellowships will be award-
ed to persons with Ph.D.'s in fields other than librarianship for work
toward the M.A. degree in librarianship at Chicago. Fellows will
receive full tuition and stipends up to $7,800, depending on need and
number of dependents.
The program seeks to enlist candidates who have demonstrated high
intellectual achievement in other fields and, if given the opportunity,
would find a career in librarianship challenging and rewarding.
· Applications for 1974-75 will be received up to Feb. 1, 1974.
Awards will be announced April l, 1974. Interested candidates should
apply to the Dean of Students, Graduate Library School, University of
Chicago, 1100 East 57th Street, chicago, Ill. 60637." (Higher Educa-
tion and National Affairs, 22;5, Nov. 16, 1973) »
It may be worthwhile to give this matter some thought. The Univer-
sity of Chicago should be able to produce at least 7 "librarians" by
the summer of 1976 with the support money from CLR. It seems reason-
able to expect these 7 will be in prime positions to accept top jobs
in the academic libraries of this country by 1978-79. An argument
could be made that 7 isn't such a large number so what harm can there
be? The number 7 represents the people that could go through the pro-
gram supported by the CLR grant. There are evidently no restrictions
on the number that could go through the program supported by some other
means. Maybe this is a trend. California and the University of Tenn.
are only hiring librarians that have a minimum of two masters degrees.
When this information is processed (with other items that have not yet
been published), the conclusion that there are rough days ahead for the
single masters librarian seems quite plausible. (TPM)
. * * * e * * * *
CANDIDATE: Dr. Donald Hendricks will be with us Dec. 6-7. .He is a
candidate for the position of Director of Libraries. A reception will
be given on the 7th in the Rare Book Room of MIK at 3:00. The entire
staff is invited., _ .
* * * * * * * w
CORRECTIONS: "There were a few mistakes made in the salary listings of
library employees released last week. Anyone wanting the corrections A
should contact Mark Neil Paster (205 Lyndhurst, Apt. 1, 252—7l32)."
···w—w·* * * * * * .

 Page 2 December 7, 1973
of the Serials Department and Mrs. Betty Schindler of the Library Office
have volunteered as representatives for the Library to the Non-Academic/ ~
Non-Administrative Staff Association. This Association is a University-
wide body established within the last several months to represent all
staff of the University in matters related to staff development and wel-
fare. The Association is currently acting upon the staff response to
the cessation of the 4:00 P.M. 'summer hours’ policy. The Library Staff
Association offers its support to the representatives and will make
every effort to assist them in notifying the library staff of the meet-
ings and concerns of the Non-Academic/Non—Administrative Staff Associa-
ti0n." (University of Cincinnati Newsletter, No. 9, Nov. 29, 1973)
MAIL: The University Station Post Office has indicated it will not
deliver campus mail that isn't completely addressed. A complete address
includes the following: Receiving Department, Room number and Building.
There are four receiving trays in the window of the Mail Room MIK.
The trays and their functions are as follows:
CAMPUS MAIL - for those items to be delivered on campus, but out-
side of MIK. These items do not require postage.
METER MAIL - for those items of official library business that
require postage, but do not have postage stamps on
STAMPED MAIL — for those items that have postage stamps on them.
KING LIBRARY - for those items that do not require postage and to
be delivered only within MIK.
Delays in delivery will occur if the item is placed in the improper tray
w * * * * * * *
MEETING: Wed., Dec. 12, 1973 in the Rare Book Room of MIK. The Per-
sonnel Office of the university will be presenting a program on the
classification and reclassification process. Mr. Miller, Director of thr
Personnel Office will be conducting the meeting. All classified staff
members are invited to attend on the following schedule: those with
surnames beginning with letters A - M meet at 1:30; those with surnames
beginning with letters N — Z meet at 3:00. This is a good opportunity
to have some more questions answered.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Three notes were addressed to the editor con-
cerning the "UNOFFICIAL" item in the last ‘Green Bean'. All three notes
objected to the inclusion of that item. Letters to the editor should
be addressed to T.P. Marcum, 310A King Library. Letters of all kinds
will be received gladly.
* * * * * * * *
CLOSE THE CATALOG: “A statement was distributed which was prepared by
Richard Dougherty suggesting the need for ARL to investigate consider-
ations relating to the advisability of ARL libraries closing their card
catalogs at a specified point in time, and beginning new card catalogs.
The statement was discussed at some length. It was felt that the Lib-
rary of Congress would have to take leadership in this area, and that
while the proposal was of considerable interest to ARL members the A
matter should be referred to the Commission on Organization of Resources
for further consideration." (Minutes of the Fortieth Meeting of the
Board of Directors of the Association of Research Libraries, Washington,
D.C., Oct. 4,5, 1973) Could this be a new lease on life? (TPM)

 ·age 3 December 7, 1973
UKLA: The University of Kentucky Librarians' Association is sponsoring
a program Dec. ll, 1973 3:00 p.m. in the Rare Book Room of King Lib-
rary. The program will feature Dr. Irvine Lunger and the topic of the
old Medical Library at Transylvania.
* * * * * * * *
QOOO B.C.: Under the catagory of Social Inventions, hell has its place.
Supposedly, it was invented in Egypt by the upper class in 2000 B.C.
"Immortality was open to everyone. Osiris became the judge who deter-
mined whether or not an individual might proceed to the celestial
regions. Those whom he refused to pass apparently stayed in the old
world, in a place full of serpents and fire." (Psychology Today, 7:136,
December 1973) ‘
* * * * * * * *
· X days to the BIG MOVE —— your guess is as good as any
* * * * * * * *
356 days since the TRUCK was due for delivery

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