xt7wm32n7c6t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wm32n7c6t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19810821 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen. Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, August 21, 1981, no. 362 text The Green Bean, August 21, 1981, no. 362 1981 2014 true xt7wm32n7c6t section xt7wm32n7c6t CO{;2i;/ iii- T I HE GREEN BEAN 8-21-81 No. 362 I I I UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARIES' NEWSLETTER CALENDAR y l September 9 ACTS Special Business meeting 8:A5 a.m. in the Solarium, King North. September li Library of Congress Subject Cataloging Workshop, October I2 Deadline for Council on Library Resources Academic Library _ Management Intern Program. October i6—l8 {Kentucky Association for Communication and Technology Media Workshop. e I ` THE TORCH IS PASSED I have assumed editorial responsibility for the Green Bean from Nancy Baker., My job is going to be somewhat complicated because of my physical distance from most of you. For this reason I have changed the Green Bean deadlines. I will guarantee any article received by me at Agriculture Library by Tuesday afternoon at 2 p.m. to be in the Friday issue of the Green Bean. I will accept material up to wednesday afternoon at 3 p.m. but I cannot gaurentee it will be in the issue. Every effort will be made to include dated announcements. lf you want the material picked up it must be to Pam Fields in the Director's Office by I0:30 a.m. Tuesday morning. This arrangement should give me enough C time to put the newsletter together and get it back to King for . production. Toni Powell 1 Contributors: Toni Powell (editor), Paul Willis, Faith Harders, Jim T Shaeffer. PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT THE MARGARET I. KING LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, LEXINGTON, KY. 40506 l ‘2‘ I I I l LC SUBJECT CATALOGING WORKSHOP l The University of Kentucky College of Library Science is sponsoring a I workshop on Library of Congress Subject Cataloging on Friday, September I 11, 1981 at the Lexington Hyatt Regency. The $25.00 cost includes [ lunch. For more information contact: Director, Office of Continuing I Education I College of Library Science '_ has Patterson Office Tower i (606) 258-8877 I I Q KENTUCKY ASSOCIATION FOR COMMUNICATION AND TECHNOLOGY MEDIA WORKSHOP I The Kentucky Association for Communication and Technology will be ; conducting a media workshop at Kenlake State Resort Park, Hardin, E Kentucky. The workshop will be held October l6¤18 1981 and will offer I participants the opportunity to learn about new communication ! technologies. For registration information contact Mrs. Mattie E. Clay, f 923 S. Western Parkway, Louisville, Kentucky, #0202. _ Q ACTS ANNUAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETING I i Wednesday 9 September 1981 I King North Solarium i 8:30 Complimentary Coffee 6 Donuts lg? I, I I 8:hS SPECIAL BUSINESS MEETING ' i I! This year the ACTS Nominating Committee ngéi Ai.- sae} Tunable I to meet the constitutional requirement to place at least five names on I the first ballot (VII.A) for the positions of Chairperson and First ` I O Respresentative. As a result, the election process cannot be completed I and the new Executive Committee has not been elected. Please be { prepared to discuss and resolve this issue at our annual meeting. I! I i 9:30 Guest speaker: Mr. Victor P. Gaines, I Employee Counselor at the i University of Kentucky I DECOMPRESSION WEEKEND I AND II I Take some time for yourself at Grailville ~ get away from the everyday frustrations of family, work responsibilities, commitments. Relax with I a walk through the woods, sit quietly and enjoy a good book, play cards, [ make new friends. the group is small, the pace unhurried. Interested? I _ Contact Dawn Ramsey, Community Education, 103 Frazee Hall for more § information. Registration fee is $50 for each weekend. Q CONGRATULATIONS i To Gail Kennedy on her recent appointment as editor of LIBRARY I ACQUISITIONS: PRACTICE AND THEORY — a quarterly journal published by Pergamon Press. Gail is interested in reviewing any manuscripts the I staff might wish to submit. -3- OPPORTUNITIES FOR PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT ‘ Librarian I, Technical Services Department, Lexington Public Main Library. Deadline: August 21. Salary $12,10H-$15,hh9. Executive Director, CAPCON. Deadline: October 1. Salary $28,000 minmum. Collection Development Librarian for the sciences, Georgia State University. Deadline: October 1. Salary $13,500-$16,000. Music Cataloger, University of Cincinnati. Deadline: October 31. Salary $12,200 minumum. Head of Central Technical Services, State University of New York at Buffalo. Deadline: none listed. Salary $19,800 — $32,000. History of Medicine Librarian, State University of New York at Buffalo. Deadline: none listed. Salary $13,500 minimum. Head, Bibliographic Control Department, University of New Mexico General Library. Deadline: November 1. Salary $23,000 - $27,000. Head, Reference Department, University of New Mexico General. Library. Deadline: November 1. Salary $23,000 ~ $27,000. Assistant Director for Public Services, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Deadline: September 30. Salary not listed. Catalog Librarian, Duke University. Deadline: September 15. Salary $13,500 ~ $17,000 er $15,500 ¤ $23,000 depending on qualifications. Assistant NESTFORNET Librarian, University of Washington Libraries. Deadline: October 1. Salary $16,008 - $17,250. Assistant Director and Head of Public Services, Indiana University at South Bend. Deadline: September 30. Salary $18,500 — $20,000. Processing Archivist, Yale University Library. Deadline: September 15. Salary $15,000 minimum. Monographic Cataloger, D.H. Hill Library, North Carolina State University Library. Deadline: September 15. Salary $16,000 — , $19,000. Head of Cataloging, Law Library, State University of New York at Buffalo. Deadline: none listed. Salary commensurate with qualifications. Reference Librarian! Bibliographer in History, Central University Library University of California, San Diego. Deadline: October 15. Salary $17,h12 · $22,28H. Serials Cataloger, University of Georgia. Deadline: August 31. Salary 13,800 minimum. -q- S`. \; Reference Librarian, University of Georgla. Deadline: August 31. Salary $13,800. Instructor—Intern Cataloger, American Archives of the Factual Film, Iowa I State University Library. Deadline: September N. Salary $13,800. Instructor-Film Archivist, American Archives of the Factual Film, Iowa State University Library. Deadline: $15,000 minimum. Assistant/Associate University Librarian for Public Services, University of California, Davis. Deadline: October I6, Salary $29,hOO - $h8,100 dependent upon qualifications and experience. If Interested see Faith Harders. /Z¢i.§¥;'— x n¤i'*¤ - V ,g ..‘. ‘ §.••uQ& F*·.:; §§=%!:: II : **1 I _T_____,1y/ ei', C20