xt7wm32n812g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wm32n812g/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky 1993 athletic publications English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Media Guides University of Kentucky Football Media Guide, 1993 image University of Kentucky Football Media Guide, 1993 1993 2015 true xt7wm32n812g section xt7wm32n812g W°Id 1 F fb ·
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[ 1'EDPRES EY T h ‘ V 2
May 1, 1970 -Apr|`I 23, 1992 - ’ V ‘-_;
Ted Presley will always remain a member of the Kentucky Wildcats Football family. He was a walk- . “
on cornerback from Hopkinsville who maintained a 3.0 GPA in electrical engineering. Ted is the son _ ' ‘ __
of the Rev. Robert and Mae Presley. Ted’s teammates will carry his memory into each practice and t Ie _ " _. * V
game this season by wearing his initials "T.P." on their helmets. This 1993 Wildcats Football Media P ` [ t
Guide is dedicated to the memory of Ted Presley. . __t‘ V
"Ted instructed all of us by the way he lived. V ·
His family instructed all of us by the way they handled his death. - ` p · , p
I will personally see that Ted and his great attributes are remembered in the _ _
University ofKentucky Community. " » if _— _' I _.
UK Coach Bill Curry . ’ __
V (H/0/; l U I . i.
~1( . —
S°"’· 4 KENT Sem 3 LO S""’· 5 cm i L"' 9 9 `Y ‘·
p Sfpr. 1] HO 7 Sept [0 UISVILLE 6`cpt 12 WF CHIGAN W _
Sept I8 at RIDA OOET Sem 17 mplvrida sem [9 IN lorida 21.;4 A f __
Oct [6 LSU M1s_g(HC) 7 ·005T Oct, H Mlubum A Oct. U at lczmgs L 13. 9 » P t
Oct 30 GWA ZOO ET Oct. 2Q GEORGIA Oct. 3, EORGM W 2*25 P .·
[VOR 6 a;13ihsSh9g]bpiS[at€ NOV 5 NOV 7 L `
. . 2: i A ' A · L
N°‘*’—* EAS;"d“b"' 7. MET N°”· tg NVANDERBJLT TE NOV- I4 at CNDERBILT L 36*7 A
1%*30 TE ClROLb\rq `IOOET NOV- [9 ELOUISIAN NOV. vg m°i””¤!i 7`20 ‘
A I ZH Tennessee A at Ténnessee L [_]_ , -_ i,
IIOOET L l3—34 9 ..
3 media info
Qt . · 1
sj 1993 Wildcats Guide Table ef Cenfenls
,1 . . -
, 1 Mgpm |"pqRMA·|·|°" Athletics Director C.M. Newton ................A....,...... 13J , _ _ y A .1 . . _
— M d_ P 1 _ 9 UKAA Aomloaslmllvo sion ................A........,........ 136 1
1.11 e la o 1Cl0S ........................................................ - UKAA Head Coaches/Year in Review-Ammmww137 — P . _ _ 1 .
11 Primary Media Llst ..................................................... 4 UKAA Su On Staff 138 Athletics Association.
1 UK Radio/Television Networks ................................. 6 pp `'''''``'''''`‘`''''```'''```'''`'''````'``''` C·M· N€“‘¥0¤, Athletics Dlffcmr-
1 · Lexington-Map ............................. 1 ............................. 8 ul mlmmou 1
..131 Hotel/Alrllne/Rental Car lnfonnatlon ....................... 9 _ Edlmr ······· J0€)' H0“'¤"d
. UK Campus Mop ______________________________________________________ 10 History of Kentucky Football ................................. 140 Editorial Assistants ______ Gail [)ont_ Butch 1
UK Football Glossary ............................................. 143 Cope. Keven Zeigler, Joyce Baxter, ‘
, UK Retired Jerseys ...........r..................................... 146 Sandy Boyken
'ifl All-Americans ....1................................................... 148 Photography ....... David Coyle. Amy
iaoipwlgs '''''''‘''''''''''''‘''''''''''''''''''''''’''''''''''''''' All-Southeastern Conference ............................1.... 149 Boyanowski, Action Sports of America
N P tl _°"1; $$*9 ··················-······························· 70 UK Football Honor Roll ......................................... 149 (Jody NlCKO\\`l1, David lol111oo111,cl1rls
. Olilgncllga D OS E2'] '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''`'''''''''''''''''''''' ;7 Wildcats in the Pros ................................................ 152 Jones, C.W. Pack Sports, Chuck Perry ¥
D 1f’"§'_‘ D°l"h C1;*‘" ·············································· 55 Wildcats inthe nrt/Art orons ........................... 153 Typesetting/Graphics ...... ily Design
‘.`.1 R6 GMES I lfdpt Sm? ''''' '''‘'' ''''''`'''''‘'''''‘‘''''‘'' 54 UK in the Polls ....................................................... 154 Printing ....... Post Printing Company 1
Cgisfgn SSICSOWN prmg “ ar 5 '‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 75 UK vs. Teams in the Polls ...................................... 155
‘ ‘'‘‘‘'‘'‘'‘'''‘'‘‘''‘'‘'''‘'‘'''''''''‘‘'‘''‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘ “ Bowl Games ........................................................... 156 ABOUT 'I'I·IE COVER ’
xiii This 1993 Wildcats football s uad boasts
+-1 me comics ‘ ‘* l
et DE REUORDS one of its larvest senior classes (27) in 1
Blll Curly- ......... I ........ · ................................................. 28 Individual recent·yearsEThirteen ofthose seniors.
Q Conversation with Blll Curry ................................... 32 Team Rccordg 164 including All-American candidate Marty 1
éssgstant ioaches..é...'...11 ..._ . ..................................... g Q NCAA/SEC ¥1l00re,arefeaturet1 on thefoutsideii c0ve1]s.
. ra uate ssistant oac es ..................................... Career 1 eremalning seniors are eature ont e
~ lg Football Suppon Staff .............................................. 39 S , L d 171 lnslde hack cover. ,
1,1, Why Nm Leasonllgp ers ....................................................... no 1
10J01?\€;rd 1il1;iié}§]]][]]f]][[[Z]][jj]i]]jZ[I[[K[jZX[X ni "“"““°“ 9
or 'IIIE PLAYERS ,)oo_Ymd passers/1oo_Yafd Receivers 174 This 1993 Wildcats Football Guide is 1
Player Prohles ........................................................... 44 300-Tackle ont, _,,_______,______,,____,_____,____,__,,____,,,,__,_,_ 115 Qgsjiyetjd *0 ·h¢1¤¤·gg>_1¤1;“t·>1mér 1
Wildcats Squadmen .................................................. 90 Opponent Game Highs __,,____,,_____,____,,,____,,___,,,,__,,__, 176 I ca S corner ac e ms el`
.t_ it Year—by—Year Statistics .......................................... 177 1
so 11 mu cnonnns _ _ 1993 PRESEASON SCHEDULE
1 Year by Year Record ...............................,............. 178 August 6, Friday
1 Kent ........................................................................... 94 All-Tm C°”°h°$ Rmfds ····—·····~·····t-···-·-·-~--·-··—·· 119 t.—,€S,,m€n ,1.1,,,,,, to Campus 1
1 rlorloo ...............................,......................,.,...........,.. 95 UK rs A1l_OPl>0¤€¤¤S -···---······»·-··»»··--»»·»---—·------·---- 180 Angus, 7_ Samda,. Y
· Iildiillla .............................................._..,....,,___,,,____,_,_ 96 UK vs Mawr Confererlces ··-·····--····.--···-·-·---·-·---·--- 181 mo Freshman ‘Pmo1C€ ‘
F1 South Carolina .......................................................... 97 Allfrlmc Sifncs Scores ··········································· 18* August IL Wednesday
·¤_ Ol M 98 Fomler Assistant Coaches ...................................... 184 , . _ ‘ , 1
V ._,1 e lss .................................................................... _ _ \ arm) Reports to Campus
eso ........................................................................... 99 All-Um U=¤¤¤¤9¤ -—-—·--··~·-····---···--·~--—·····-····--»-·--·- 18¤ » . .
’ 9.1 . August 1... Thursday 1
.1 · Georgia All—T1me Results ......................,...............,,............ 188 1993 MEDIA DAY ;
l:OOl1)2111 1..1SIS . ......,....................... . ................... August 13, Friday
·* V21l'ld€TbllI ............................................................... 102 First Varsity Practice
East Carolina ........................................................... 103 uxromunu Au¤ust 15. Sunday 1
Li? Tennessee ................................................................ 104 CATS .................,.......,............................................ 195 T993 FANS PICTURE DAY 1
Q1: Other SEC Opponents ......................................1..... 105 Academic Achievement Award ............................. 197 August 17. Tuesday
_ eg, Composite Opponent Schedule .............................. 106 UK lndoor Fieldhouse .................................,.......... 198 First Day in Pads E
Nutter Training Facility .....................,............,....... 201 August 20. Friday 1
. Commonwealth Stadium ........................................ 203 1993 Klcltorr Lcncnnon Q
A Look Back at 1992 ___1________________________________>_________ 108 Commonwealth Stadium Records .......................... 205 August 25. Wednesday 1
Gamo_by_Gomo Recaps 1_________________ g _______________________ 1 I0 UK Strength Program ............................................. 206 First Day of Classes
\`”F·· 1:11m1 Smislics _________________________________________________________ 1 16 UK Health and Equipment ..,..........,.................,..... 207 Sept. 4. Saturday
9;.-ig SL1p€[`iZl[iV€$ ___________________ _ _________________________'_ _ _____________ 1 Lexington/I<€n[uCk}7 ProEle ..··...... . .....4. . ................ VS. K€[l[ State
1 Game—by—Game Team Statistics ............................ 1 19 _ _ _ _ _ _ _
oomo-oy-oomo ll1(llVi(1Ll£11 Statistics ............,........ 120 tmpgmgmpgqyg py I 1. M<*·*·<>¤¤* ¤¤¤·¤S 0* the ¤¤P*r¤¤*y¤¤ ml ~
é 6141.1491 LCli€1`lT1€l1 Profiles ................................ 121 be ¤¤··¤*·=¤S¤¤ for $9 ·==¤¤*l- ll *··¤*· ···¤*··¤<¢S 1
`1 l99’) Honors 1¤s1 ATM Code (606) postage and handling. Write to: 1
rm s¤un·us1¤zu mamma UK Athletics ooponmom ........,.................. 257-8000 $_P°"$ ?°"‘“‘E'"l°““°“$
-t. — H {S h C { 176 F b H Om K7 6]] Memorial Coliseum ·
i\_`i 1Sl0I'y O Out e21Slet’n on efellcc ...................... - oot 21 ce .,...............,...... . .................. ..- -3 Lexington Ky 4050641019
1,1% 199; SEC Composite Schedule ............................. 137 JO€yHOmUd_F0O1ba11SID1H0m€1·.·····.v1271_1_11-12
; _~ 1 SIZHISIICS ................................... .. .... . ...... 1..8 ’ The tyildcafs Football Guide was
4, All—Time SEC Standings ....................................... .130 Press BOX ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'''‘‘‘‘‘''‘‘`'‘''‘‘‘‘''' ‘ '‘‘‘‘ 238-2888 judged "Se;·gnd in the Na(ion" by the 1
Q rz Sports Communications ..,,.....,.....,.....,....... 25 7-3838 College Sports Information Directors of 1
o i‘·’ s WE Wwasm gpm Commummm FAX ,i8_411o America rcoszoa 1. n marked the
University of Kentucky Prohle .............................. 132 _ _ V fourth consecutiveycar this publication ?
I President Charles Wethington .....,.......................... 134 Tlckel Ofllce ··············································· $7-1818 has been judged in the "T0p Seven" in s
.,_`jY' the nation. 1
t ·; _
. • •
y A modno mfo
• • » _ _
Covonng Kentucky Football rn 1993 1
r GENERAL INF°RMA“°N THE EDNTON of the University of Kentucky Football Media Guide is a source of infomation for
r Location: Lexington, Ky. . . . . . . . . . . .
1 Founded: 1865 the media covering the Wildcats during the upcoming season. Additional infomation ts available upon request- ~
Enmrlmem; 24_()0() releases, photographs, film clips, and slides. Contact the UK Sports Communications Office at (606) 257-3838 for ’
President: Charles Wethington various needs. Please take a moment to review pages two and three of this publication to help answer any
r Mh1¢¢i¤Sl>ir¢¢t··r= CM- Newioh questions regarding media services and policies.
Faculty Representative: Virginia Atwood y
Cohrerehcei Souiheasierh All SEC head football coaches are available each
Nlclihaihei Wildcats Wednesday via a teleconference. Each coach is given a 4
lilge ahu Whlieith period of five—to-10 minutes every Wednesday to address
· a lumi ohhhohwea TUESDAY PRESS CONFERENCE media questions about the upcoming football game. The r
Capacity: 57300 University of Kentucky Coach Bill Curry will starting date and telephone number will be available to the 1
$¤rt1¤¤¢= Grass (Berlhuuai conduct a weekly press conference each Tuesday during the media by contacting the SEC Communications Ofhce. .l
course of the 1993 football season. The press conferences Video highlights by satellite are offered on a weekly 1
F°°imAu STAFF will be conducted in the Wildcat Den at Commonwealth basis through the SEC Communications Ofhce. A 30- Y
Head Coach: hill Curry Stadium. Media members please enter the UK Football minute satellite feed, which includes player interviews and
(Georgia Tech, igosi Office complex to access the Wildcat Den at Gate Three of highlights, is available to television stations each
EK Reciglglgg (3 y¢;¤rS> Commonwealth Stadium. Any member of the media is Wednesday moming. For further infomation, contact the (
areeri ' ' years invited to attend. SEC Communications Staff. 1
Orhce phone? 1606) 257*3oiI The opposing coach will be available via a telephone
Asslsiahi Coaches: Mike Archer v hook-up in most cases. Generally, five to seven Wildcats WILDCATS PLAYER INTERVIEWS ·
Daryl Dickey ~ Ray Dvrr football players are in attendance at the press conference All player interviews must be coordinated through I
Bill Glaser, Tummy Limbaugh, and are available for interviews. If you would like to the UK Sports Communications Office. Players are · »·
·Iol'ier Phillips, Doh Riley, request a particular player to be present at the Tuesday available to the media during gameweek. Monday through
Rleli Smiths David Turher press conferences, media members must contact the UK Wednesday. The best times to conduct interviews with the ·‘
1993 °un°°K Spons Communications Office no later than 3 p.m. ET on players are during the lunch hour or following practice.
Monday. Interviews will be conducted at the Nutter Football Training *
iooz Record: 4-7-0 The weekly press conferences will begin on Tuesday. Center or by telephone. On gamedays, interviews will only
SEC Record: 2*6*0 ft5th EZISII Aug. 31. Press conferences are scheduled each Tuesday be granted after the conclusion of the Contest. ‘
rrrense Stack-I. Multiple throughout the season, concluding on Nov. 16. No press Telephone interviews are available to the media on a .·
20Ii€II$€Zl;I·3 17 6 ff 6 conference is scheduled for Oct, 5, which is UK’s open "call-back" basis only. Individual player telephone numbers
·`iiII`I€|'$ Eiiimiilgi ·· ( 0 €II5€» date. WILL NOT be given to members of the media. Players are .
ileiieusel The press conference schedule is as follows — lunch instructed NOT to conduct interviews when contacted ·‘ t
y SI21|'i€¥'$ LOSIZ 10 (5 0II`€¤$€r 5 (I€I`€¤S€) is set from 1 1:30 a.m. to Noon; Curry press conference directly by telephone. The UK Spons Communications
Letterman Returning: 44 from Noon to 12:30 p.m.; and UK player interviews from Office will arrange for telephone interviews at a time most "
i Lettermen Lost: 29 12:30 p.m. to 1 p.m. convenient for the student-athlete. Generally, the UK Sports l
, 1993 SCHEDULE Communications Office has found the most popular time '
SUNDAY TELECONFERENCE for call backs on telephone interviews is between 6 and 7 ·
i S€DI· 4 KENT UK Coach Bill Curry will again conduct a weekly p.m. ET. ` i
{ SQPI- 11 FLORIDA Sunday teleconference following Wildcats football games. The Kirwan I domitory, the Donovan Hall dining N
y Sept. 18 Hi Indiana The teleconferences are 20 minutes in length and originate area, team locker rooms and team training rooms are
i S€PI· 23 Ht SOUIII C3|'0II|121 from the Wildcat Den at Commonwealth Stadium. considered private team areas. These areas are OFF- `1
i O€1· Z OLE MISS (HC) Teleconferences begin at 3 p.m. ET. LIMITS to the media unless accompanied by UK Sports il
Oct. I6 LSU Media members can participate in the teleconference Communications Office personnel. _'
Oct. 23 at Georgia by dialing a MEDIA ONLY telephone number which is
` ()ct. 30 at Miss. State given out by the UK Spons Communications Office. The FOOTBALL PRACTICE v_
Nov. 6 at Vanderbilt Sunday teleconferences will begin on Sept. 5 and run Kentucky football practices will be open to the media
Nov. I3 EAST CAROLINA through Nov. 21. No teleconference is planned for Oct. 10, during the 1993 season. {
Nov. 20 TENNESSEE the week of UK`s opcn date. Media members should contact the UK Sports iii
; Radio sponscasters should note the teleconference is Communications Office for specifics of each respective I
~ 1992 RESULTS (4-7-Ol broadcast quality. Media members wishing to participate in practice. Please dial (606) 257-3838 for time, place and if
21 CENTRAL MICHIGAN ........... I4 person are welcome. Please contact the UK Sports other pertinent practice infomation.
Ii) at Florida ..................................... 35 Comtnunications Office (606) 257-3838 for further i
37 INDIANA ..................................... 25 infonnation. l
I3 SOUTH CAR()LINA ................... 9 I `
I4 at ()Ie Miss ................................... 24 SOUTHEASTERN CONFERENCE SERVICES _
27 at LSU ............................. . ............ 25 The Southeastem Conference Communications PRESS BOX {
7 GEORGIA ................................... 40 Office. headed by publicity director Mark Whitworth, offers Credentials for working media and photographers for _ -`
36 MISSISSIPPI STATE ................ 37 at variety of services to the media throughout the academic Kentucky`s home football games against Kent. Florida, Ole
7 VANIIERBILT ........................... 20 calendar year. Miss. LSU. East Carolina and Tennessee will be handled by · ·-
I3 at Cincinnatti ............................... I7 Statistics and league standings are available to the Joey Howard. Associate Spons Infortnation Director!
13 at Tennessee ................................. 34 media on it 2-1- hour bulletin board. Media members can Football. '
access the bulletin board via computer by a telephone hook- Requests for tnedia credentials — season or single-
up. a similar process which a newspaper reporter transmits game — should be submitted in writing by sports editors or ‘
infonntrtion over the telephone by computer. For sports directors of accredited media outlets on company
patrarneters and further infomation. contact the SEC letterhead. Requests for season passes should be submitted '
Communications Office at (205) -158- 3010. to Joey Howard no later than August 21. Requests for
2 l
• •
> mecha unto
._ I V r I `
( Covonng Kentucky Football rn 1993 ;
. single games should arrive at the UK Sports TELEPHONES . . ` . . . . ·
~ Communications Office at least one week in advance. The Commonwealth Stadium press box is equipped ‘ . , .
· The University of Kentucky follows guidelines set with eight courtesy telephones with long-distance ’ ’ ° - `
t forth by the NCAA and the Southeastem Conference in capabilities for use by the media on a lirst—come. first- J
, goveming the issuance of working credentials. The UK served basis. The UK Sports Communications Office i
{· Sports Communications Office attempts to fill each strongly suggests each media outlet with deadline ?
j accredited media request, however. space in the restrictions should order their individual telephone line. Q l
{ Commonwealth Stadium press box or on the sidelines does Members of the media wishing to order phone lines can do “ ` RENA WCW! l
p become a problem occasionally. ln those cases, the NCAA so by contacting — John Fuller of the UK Phone Services ·* ··*$$'$Tl**"T»*"( _
{ and SEC guidelines will be used to determine the issuance Department. His telephone number is (606) 257-7727. , C”*"*"’J'N"`·*f"*"·‘
¥ of credentials. Please order phone lines at least one week in advance. V j
i Season credentials will ONLY be granted to daily _ E _ ga. Y ey; 3. - ` I
l newspapers, radio stations, and television stations which DARKROOM FACILITIES O I ll'l_ if 4 [JA i
·` cover the UK Football Program on a regular basis — Limited darkroom facilities are available in the l lg ,
weekly press conferences and all home games. Due to Commonwealth Stadium press box. Photographers wishing ,
F limited space, season credentials to radio stations will be to use the darkroom facilities should make arrangements ° ”l`r ' `"°'` ;
Q limited to one per station (sports director). Otherwise. with Joey Howard of the UK Sports Communications ( '_
Q newspapers (daily and weekly), radio and television stations Offices at (606) 257-3838. JOEY HOWARD ' ~· _‘_- ‘
will be accommodated on a single-game basis. ASSOCM TF MRFCTOM ` -»·c ·=~¥ l’‘» t V
l All credential requests should be sent to: Joey VISITING RADIO 0FFl£g(f';,L;:g;7_3838 · —
j Howard, Associate Sports Communications Director, UK The official visiting radio broadcast network should H0ME:`(606) 277 I _1 482 ‘*‘°f# Q
` Sports Communications Office, Memorial Coliseum. be designated in writing by the visiting team’s sports J g
Lexington, KY 40506. information director or athletics director. Four phone lines l
l " will be made available, including two in the locker room
PHOTO CREDENTIALS area. at a cost to be detemiined by Mike Dodson of Host i
" Photo credentials will be issued only to accredited Communications (606) 253-3230.
media outlets — daily newspapers. specialized publications Those networks wishing to install additional
` ,` and television stations. Three types of photo passes will be telephone lines. either in the press box booth or locker GA"! DENT
issued in 1992 — l.) PHOTO COMBO — allows access to room, can do so by contacting John Fuller of the UK Phone fri , ASS]STA)VT DIRECTOR ’
i` the sideline and photo deck; 2.) PHOTO DECK — allows Services Department at (606) 257-7727. gl * OFFICE: (606) 257-3838
access to the photo deck only; and 3.) PHOTO SIDELINE " H O/WE f (606) 2 72-5 703
U ’ — allows access to the sideline only. Please list the type of POSTGAME IN'I'ERVIEWS ·_' Q
. photo pass needed when requesting credentials. UK Coach Bill Curry will conduct his postgame press I
" ` Admission tothe Commonwealth Stadium sidelines conference in the Wildcat Den. located under the East 2
is by a combination of photo pass and wristband. grandstand in the UK Football Office complex. Curry t E
" Photographers must si gn-in and present their own credential generally begins his postgame press conference _ E
l at the UK Press Will Call table. located inside Gate Seven approximately 15 minutes following the conclusion of the l g
l of Commonwealth Stadium, to obtain an amiband. contest, The media entrance to the Wildcat Den is located Joycl.: BAXTER V j “"· T
_ 1 in the northeast comer (nearest liagpole) of Commonwealth ,(pM[N]g1RA NVE _ ,___ _ 3
MEDIA PARKING Stadium. rtssrsmrvr ’°2 =
_( Media parking at Commonwealth Stadium is The Kentucky locker room is CLOSED to all OFFICE! (606) 2573838 _ - ` ’
jl available on a limited basis. Requests for parking should be members of the media. UK players requested for interviews HOME (606) 734*326] ~
.,l made when submitting press and/or photo credentials. The are brought to the Wildcat Den following the conclusion of ‘ j
l media parking area is located in the Blue Lot just behind the Curry’s press conference. Interview cards are distributed in
.| West side (Alumni Drive) of Commonwealth Stadium. The the press box during the second half of the contest in order
Blue Lot is accessible via Alumni Drive. for members of the media to request Wildcats players. __ _
.. The visitors locker room is located at the northwest
j , PRESS BOX comer of Commonwealth Stadium. A press conference area ·
The Commonwealth Stadium press box is for is located just outside the visitor locker room entrance. The I "¢ *` SANDY BOYKEN
j working media members ONLY. It is located on the West visiting coach and players generally conduct their ‘ 0 2j·;;i ;38
__, side (Alumni Drive) of Commonwealth Stadium between respective post-game comments from that area. _ ` _ . HOMETM06) 2%3_2374 E
the upper and lower grandstands. The media entrance to { [
_ Commonwealth Stadium is Gate Seven. Two press box PRESS SERVICES 5 T
` elevators are located just to the left ofthe Gate Seven The UK Sports Communications Office will provide li ` V A
, l entrance. a complete pregame packet (including fact sheets. iiip card.
j The photo deck. radio booths, television booths. and game program) approximately 30 minutes prior to 3
. , coaches booths, and VIP booths are located on the press kickoff. A complete running play·by-play. drive charts and l
l box level of Commonwealth Stadium. All can be accessed team and individual statistics are made available at the Q
· via the press box elevator. conclusion of the contest. Quotes from coaches and players ’
of both teams are also available.
` " MEDIA WILL CALL A FAX service is also available. FAX request forms j
Media or photo credentials which have not been will be issued during the second half to media members
1 mailed can be obtained at the Media Will Call table. located wishing them.
just inside Gate Seven of Commonwealth Stadium. Media `
I Will Call opens two hours prior to kickoff and closes l5
. minutes following kickoff.
l o
I I I ‘ d' ° I I
, · IIIE I¢I III 0
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I , ( Kentucky Football Mocha Ou ets
; I ` I PRlN'I'MEDlA
‘ I
100 Midland Ave.. Lexington, KY 405011 ..........,.4...,...4..4,..,..,.4...........,........,.....,.4........ ........,.4,4......,.4,.,,............,....,........,..,.... (606)254-2070 .v
E LDIE DERJI C1 Cl kC| C \hl1
I LEXINGTON H RA - . A · ( o III ay. tue u pepper. Iene .» e 1 I
` Main and Midland, Lexington. KY 40507 ...,..,4,....4,.4,..,.,...........,..4..,..,.4,.4,..,..........,........,..,..,.......,...........................,..,....,.......,,. (606)231-3225 9
I (Sept. LOUISVILLE COURIER-JOURNAL (Mark Coonies. Pat Forde, Rick Bozieh, Harry Bryant) I
525 West Broadway. Louisville. KY 40202 ,..,.....,....,................ . ..., .i,.............,.....,..,....i..,.............,....,i..,..........,..,..,....,.......,,...4 (502)5112-401 I I
Four Winds Resorts & Marina ASIILAND DAILY INI>EI>ENI>ENI` (MIIIII Nitiyiilmii Z
_ P.O. Box 31 1. Ashland. KY 41105 ..,i,..i........,.i..............,.i...,..,..,....i,.......,..............,..,..,.......,....4........,.......,.....,..,.......,..,.,,........... (6061329-1717 (
. P.O. Box 90012. Bowling Green. KY 42102·90 I 2 , .i...,..,.i,.............,. , ........i.....,..,.i,.i,..,..........i.............,.....,....,..,..,.,,...4........,.,..,. (502)781-1700
***¤¤m·¤g*¤¤· IN *7402 COR.4Im.E$.TRIBUNE..1....
· ·· · ~ ’ ,,,,,,,,_,,.,_,4_,,__,,4,__,_,,,,__,,___,___,,,l4_,4__,_,,l4,. 606 [28-2464
4 (8[2) 824.9904 201 N. Kemunlv) A~e.. Corbin. KY 40701. . ..............,.,......................,........,.......,,l..l..l.... ( )w
KENTUCKY POST( I-UIII Gamble. Mark Tomasik) ,4
` 125 East Court St., Cincinnati. OH 45202 .... , ..,..,.i..........,........i..i,i.,...i...,..,....i..........,............,.,.....,.......,....,.....I........,....,..,..,....,.. (SI3)352-2767 I
312 Elnt St,. Cincinnati, OH 45202 ., ......,....,..I..........,.............I,.I,..,............,.................,..,..,....,.....,..,.,.4,....,..,..............,.......,..,..... (5131721-2700 ,»
(Sept 73) . » 4--
* ' " 3305011111 Fourth $1.. Danville, KY 40422 ..............,....I,.I,.......,..,..,....,.......I..I,.....,.,,I...,.......,,.,..I..........,.,...........,..,.......,.....,......., (606)-36--551 4;
Ramada Inn 408 W. Dixie. Elizabcthtoivn. KY 42701 ...,..,.I,.I,..,..,.I,.....,.I..,........,.I......,.I,.I.....,..............................,.....,.,,.,.......,.......,........,....,. (502)769-2312 ' l
TWO Notch Road EVANSVILLE COURIER (David Johnson. Jay Siockman) ‘_ I
P.O. Box 261·l.Evansvi11e.IN 47702 ,...,..,..,..,..,..,..,....,. . ...............,...........,..,....,................,..,..........,..,..,............. .. ,............ . ......,.... (S12)424—7711
Columbia, SC 29223 ERIxNI.o. Box S59.S01IIC1”SCI.KY 42502 ....,..,..,..,..,..,..,.....,..,....,..,.................,..,....,,.,,....,..,..,...........................,..,..,..,....