xt7wm32n9485 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wm32n9485/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-09-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 24, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 24, 1992 1992 1992-09-24 2020 true xt7wm32n9485 section xt7wm32n9485 EP





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Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCV No.21 .

Established 1894

University-of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1971

Thursday. September 24, 1992

SGA senators to have more influence in judicial selection


By Joe Braun

Editorial Editor

and Nicole Heumphreus
Contributing Writer

Selection for the next justice for
the Student Government Associa-
tion Judicial Board was the main or-
der of business at last night's SGA
Senate meeting.

laws good

By Steve Olshewsky
Contributing Writer

Laws prohibiting homosexual be-
havior are good for society. state
Sen. Tim Philpot said yesterday.

“AIDS did not start from hetero-
sexual activity. AIDS started from
homosexual activity," Philpot said.
“Any law that discourages homo-
sexual activity is good for Ken-
tucky families."

Philpot described homosexuality
as “compulsive. addictive behav-

The Lexington Republican made
the comments during a question-
and-answer session following his
speech to the Federalist Society at
the College of Law.

At least two people in attendance
challenged Philpot's position, but
he argued that anti—sodomy laws
help preserve the traditional family

Three abortion bills and a lawsuit
against the state Senate were the
chief subjects of Philpot’s speech.

The Federalist Society is a self-
styled “conservative" group of UK
law students who embrace former
President James Madison’s philoso-
phy of judicial restraint.

Philpot recently filed a lawsuit in
Franklin Circuit Court against the
state Senate, claiming the senate
regulations that allow bills to be
held in committee without a vote
are unconstitutional.

Although Philpot and his co-
plaintiff lost the trial and an appeal
to the state Court of Appeals, they
have appealed the case to the Ken-
tucky Supreme Court.

He said the state constitution pro-
vides that every bill must be re-
ferred to committee and that the
committee must refer it to the floor
of the senate. But the system is
flawed, Philpot said.

“Bills come out of the commit-
tees with an expression of support
or they don’t come out at all."

Philpot also said he sponsored
three abortion-related bills, which
he characterized as “pro-life bills."
These bills were referred to the
nine-member Judicial Committee.
of which Philpot is a member.

He said the bills were kept off
the floor of the Senate by the chair-
man of this committee, leading
Philpot to file the lawsuit.

“A Republican has never gotten a
substantial bill passed in the history
of the Kentucky legislature,” he

Philpot said that Kentucky is a
conservative state, for the most
part; but people who are conserva-
tive are more quiet on issues.

“If you care about what's going
on, be (at Congressional sessions),”
he said. “The way the system
works, the majority gets what they



Senator at Large Jeremy Bates
presented the senate with a propo-
sal, designed by him and SGA
President Pete November. to select
a replacement for Christy Bradford
who graduated this year.

The proposal creates a committee
of five senators who will submit a
list of potential candidates, who
have been screened, from which

November will choose a nominee.
He will take his choice back to the
senate for final approval.

November said he wanted to
keep peace between the senate and
the executive branch and, therefore,
alleviate any possible confronta-
tions when the nominee is present-
ed to the full senate.

“I’m doing it, not only to keep
debate away, but to make sure I get
the most qualified candidate." he

“I would hate to show up at a sen-
ate meeting and have the senator
with one (candidate) and me with
one and put them up against each
other and cause strife between the
two (branches)."

Last year. the SGA Senate was
accused by then-president Scott
Crosbie of not accomplishing its
goals, which he said caused strife in


Despite November’s desire to
have less debate. the newly agreed-
upon process wrll not preclude de-
bate when the nominee is presented
to the senate.

Graduate School Senator Steve
Olshcwsky questioned November's
call for a judicial nominating com-

See SGA, Back Page



By Steve Olshewsky
Contributing Writer


Students now catch a ride to
downtown Lexington for the
cost of a phone call.

LexTran’s new UK Loop trol-
ley service circles UK’s main
campus and runs to the Transit
Center on Vine Street. The cost



is 25 cents per trip.
Riders can get transfers to travel

on other LexTran routes connecting
at the Transit Center for 80 cents.

Brian Tingley, LexTran‘s general
manager, said this was the first co-
ordinated attempt to tie UK to
downtown Lexington and the transit

The trolley service started in July
but went only to Euclid Avenue. On




Sept. 8, the trolley was rerouted to
include Rose Street, Limestone
Street and the front gate of campus.

When LexTran was revising its
system to open the Transit Center,
officials became aware of a short-
fall in federal funding that caused a
cutback in the number of operating
buses, Tingley said.

The UK Loop was added as part
of the overall attempt to be more


LexTran ls otferlng a new trolley route that takes people from campus to downtown for a quarter. The trolley servlce, which started ln July, previously only
went to Euclid Avenue. But thls month, LexTran expanded the route to Include Rose and Limestone streets.

New LeXTran loop services University campus

effective. he said.

Implementation of a campus
route occurred in response to per-
ceived parking and travel needs
around campus. Tingley said.

Pam Gerton, a Lexington (.‘om-
munity College sophomore. said she
uses her bus pass every day, but she
said campus bus service is incon»

”The UK buses are too crowded.


but this (trolley) isn‘t,“ she said.

Taylor Fralcy, an English and
Spanish sophomore. said he al-
ways rides the trolley in the
morning to the door of his first
class in the Thomas Hunt Mor-
gan Biological Sciences Build-

The trolley heats walking. es-
pecrally when it‘s raining, he



Store reopens
only 2 weeks
after blaze


Staff reports

Court Spons reopened Friday af-
ter being closed for 12 days because
of fire damage sustained during La-
bor Day Weekend.

The fire began because flamma-
ble material was left near a light at
the sporting goods store, 385 S.
Limestone St.

“Our guess is that a customer
must have thrown some clothes
near one of the store spotlights that
are in the front of the store,” said
Kyle Foster, a journalism senior
who works at the store.

Although most of the damage in
the store was caused by smoke and
water, renovations and merchandise
replacement amounted to Si 18,000.

“We were able to reopen after
only 12 days because we have had a
lot of help," Court Sports owner
Tom Behr said.

Foster said many people do not
realize that Court Spons has reo-

“Our biggest problem has been
letting people know we’re reo-
pened. Our awning is not back up,"
Foster said





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Court Sports opened Frlday, less than two weeks alter a
llre caused more than $100,000 in damages.





Louisville mayor says no to presidential debate


Assoclated Press


Jerry Abramson expressed his frus-
tration yesterday over the failure of
the presidential candidates to agree
to debate in his city next week.

“To say that we are disappointed
is to put it mildly," Abramson said
at a news conference in the Com-
monwealth Convention Center, site
of the proposed debate next Tues-
day between President Bush and



Bill Clinton.

Abramson said he failed to get a
positive response from the biparti—
san Commission on Presidential
Debates by yesterday’s noon dead-
line for finalizing preparations. The
city. where Ronald Reagan and

Walter Mondale squared off during
the 1984 campaign, has already
spent eight weeks working on Io-
gistics for the event.

“Unfortunately, we have come to
the end of our rope and cannot pro-
vide the kind of product our nation
deserves,” he said, his voice echo-
ing over a microphone in the empty
exhibit hall where the debate was to
be held.

Abramson said the Clinton-Gore
campaign reaffirmed its willingness
to debate. but the Bush-Quayle

campaign could not agree by the
deadline set for the Louisville de-

The Bush campaign has objected
to the commission‘s single-
moderator format and said it would
deal with the Clinton campaign
rather than the commission in
pressing for a multiple-questioner

Cameron Lawrence, Kentucky
press secretary for the Clinton-

See DEBATE, Back Page

Financial aid, housing
still available from UK


By Ami Hald Wllllams
Contributing Writer


It's not too late for students to get
financial aid or oncampus housing
for the 1992-93 school year.

Bobby Halsey, director of the Of-
fice of Student Aid. said the amount
of financial aid still available reach-
es “the end of the rainbow.“ Be-
cause the financial aid money
comes from the private sector, there
is no limit to the amount available.

There are several types of need-
based financial aid for which stu—
dents can apply.

Pell Grants range from $200 to
$2,400, depending on the student's
need, and the student does not re-
pay the money receivcd from the


UK men's tennis coach Dennis Eme sa 3 his team's oal' t
Southeastern Conference. Story, Page 2y 9 m 0 win the
Volleyball team defeats No. 14 Ohio State. ending the Buckeyes two—
year home wrnning streak. Story, Page 2.


Page 3.
Page 4.
Column, Page 4.


Vifllpoint .....


Derek Jarman destroys ‘Edward W with poor directing. Review, Pg. 3.
Bluegrass music finds a home in Owensboro, Ky . IhlS weekend. Story

Supermarket tabloids provide comic relief for columnist, Column,

They hate family values. puppies, white picket fences and apple pie.

Mostly sunny today; high in the lower 70s Partly cloudy and breezy b-
nlght; low around 55. Partly sunny tomorrow; high around 75.


. .- nu..uu...“......-..u..........--.u............... .. .


Another form of need-based aid
I\ a Stafford Loan. which ranges
from $2,625 for a freshman to
54.000 for a senior.

The interest on Stafford Loans is
paid by the govcmment, and pay-
ments an: dctcned until six months
after the student graduates or
changes from full-time to pan-time

The US Congress recently ap
proved an unsubsidi/ed federal
Stafford Loan.

Because these loans are not need-
based, anyone can apply. There are
some drawbacks. however.

Unlike the original Stafford
Loans, the student pays the interest







By Scott Reynolds
Contributing Writer


Dennis Emery doesn't hesitate to
answer the obvious questions.

“Our goal every year is to win
the (Southeastern Conference)," the
UK men's tennis coach said.

That's a lofty goal, to say the
least. But. before you dismiss the
statement as being the normal pre-
season hype, take a look at what the
tennis team has accomplished late-

Last season. the Wildcats were
the SEC regular season co-
champions, tied with Georgia and
Louisiana State. Then the Cats won
the SEC tournament in Nashville,

Tenn., by beating LSU. The Cats
lost in the NCAA semi-finals to
Southern Cal but still finished sixth
in the national poll. On top of that.
Emery earned SEC Coach of the
Year honors.

But to get the full picture of the
tennis team's recent history, consid-
er the following two accomplish-
ments. For the fourth time in the
past five years, the Cats finished
with a ranking in the Top 10. And
last. but cenainly not least, the Cats
have been ranked in the Top 25 for
nine consecutive years.

The Wildcats have reason to be
optimistic (the Cats are ranked mm
in the preseason), although the road
to the SEC title will be nojoyride.

“This is the deepest year in the

Kentucky Kernel




Drew Alvarez
Jane Ann Bardin
Michael Bass
Monica Beny
Matt Bowdy
Jason Brown
Kate Campbell
Carlee Craynon
Darin Gray
Meredith Herr
Melanie House
Jerry Hurford
Rob Kelly

Congratulations to
1992-1993 Freshman Representative Council

Patrick Lake
John Lynch
LeAnn Norton
Amelia Perkins
Evan Reynolds
Carrie Rezabek
Adele Rhodes
Nicole Santini
Denise Schermer
Amy Schrecker
Karin Sturgeon
Stephen Wang
Lance Williams



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Emery hasn’t set new goals for UK men’s tennis team

conference I've
ever seen,” Em-
ery said. “On
paper. Georgia
is clearly the fa-
vorite.” The
' fi- people behind
the polls seem
to agree with
Emery. Georgia
is ranked third

EMERY in the preseason
behind only USC and Stanford

While the Bulldogs may seem to
be a formidable obstacle to the
crown. the rest of the conference is
looking up also.

“Ten teams will be (ranked) be-
tween four and 25," Emery said.
“Mississippi State is seventh with



Florida and LSU right on UK’s
heels at 11th and 12th, respective-

This year's edition will be quite
different from the championship
team of last season. The Cats lost
three All-Americans, including
two-time All-American John Yan-

The Cats are hoping some of last
season's players come to the fore-
front. Mahyar Goodm, a Mel-
bourne, Australia, native. who
played No. 2 singles last year, has
the inside track to become UK's
No. 1 singles player this time
around. Emery also is hoping for
productive play out of Mike Hop-
kinson and Jason Yeager.

“(Hopkinson and Yeager) are re-

turning off of a SEC championship
team.” Emery said. “We're really
counting on them a lot. We are
looking for some leadership out of
both of them."

Emery said he also is looking for
some first year players to contrib-
ute. Tad Berkowitz, a freshman
from Wesley Chapel, Fla. recently
lost in the US. Open Junior Nation-

Also new this year are Bryan
Sackman from Lexington's Henry
Clay High School and Scott Treibly
from Louisville's St. Xavier High

The Cats have no glaring weak-
nesses, so Emery said his main con-
cern right now is to improve the
overall “level of play."

Cats end Buckeyes home winning


By Mark Sonka
Statt Writer


COLUMBUS, Ohio — In a dra-
matic, gut-wrenching match Tues-
day night, the UK volleyball team
handed 14th-ranked Ohio State its
first home defeat in two years, win-
ning15-13,12-15,15-8, 13-15 and
15-10 before a crowd of about 350
people at St. John Arena.

The victory, UK‘s first against
the Buckeyes since Sept.14, 1988.
snapped OSU‘s 23-game home

8. WRFL Present


winning streak.

UK’s Krista Robinson led all
scorers with 23 kills. Senior Angela
Salvatore added 16, and junior set-
ter Jane Belanger contributed a
game-high 54 assists.

“It says a lot about our team that
we can come in and play a tough.
nationally-ranked team and beat
‘em on their home court,” Salvatore

With the match deadlocked at two
games apiece, UK (8-2) poured it
on 080 (7-2) in the final, rally-
scoring game.

Sunday, October 4

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Robinson, Salvatore and sopho-
more Melody Sobczak combined
for eight cntcial kills in the finale.
After OSU trimmed the lead to 14-
10, Robinson. who set a personal
record with 72 attack attempts,
banged home the match winner.

UK had to come from behind in
all but one of its games.

Down 13-9 in the opener, the
Wildcats rallied for five straight
points to win.

Salvatore scored a big kill to tie it
at 13. A net violation on OSU‘s Jen-
ny Jackson followed, and that set
the stage for Sobczak’s decisive
dump shot over an unsuspecting
OSU defense.

The Buckeyes responded in the
second game, jumping out to a
quick 6-0 lead behind sophomore


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The Cats will need to come to-
gether rather quickly because of the
season’s demanding schedule.

“We face one of the nation's
toughest schedules because of the
conference," Emery said. “We have
a really good non-conference sched-

Emery doesn't mind the sched-
ule. Besides being able to test the
team against the best, the schedule
has another good attribute.

“It is a good recruiting selling
point," he said.

The Cats have Tennessee and No-
tre Dame at home early in the sea-
son. And a fast start would go a
long way to helping the Cats obtain
their annual goal of winning the
SEC men's tennis crown.

streak 3-2

Gabriele Jobst's three kills.

After stretching the lead to seven,
the Buckeyes committed a slew of
unforced errors to let the Cats back
in the game.

Clinging to a narrow 13-11 lead,
OSU blocked a couple of Robinson
spikes at the net to win it 15-12.

The Cats answered in the third
game with a tremendous scoring

Tied 8-8, the Cats scored the last
seven points of the game. Freshman
Kathy Lindgren's service ace broke
the ice. and successive kills by Rob-
inson and junior Eunice Thomas
sparked the UK rout.

In the fourth game, UK overcame
deficits of 11-2 and 14-5 but lost
when OSU sophomore Sara Daniel
served up a winner that Salvatore
couldn’t handle.

The Cats erupted in the fifth

Two back-to-back Sobczak
spikes, a Belanger tip and a kill by
Salvatore helped turn a 4-4 tie into a
quick 13-6 UK lead.

OSU battled back to win four
consecutive points, but then made
its 3lst error of the night Robin-
son’s right-handed slam ended the






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Kentucky Komotfl’hurodly, September 24. 1992 - 3


Director destroys picture
with undignified rendering


By 80 Llst
Contributing Critic


In 15M, there were born to Eng-
land two great poets and play-

One would pen literary monu-
merits like “Romeo and Juliet“ and
“Hamlet.“ The other. fated to an
early death at age 29, would write
“Tamburlaine the Great" and “Ed-
ward II.“

The first. of course. was William
Shakespeare. The other was the
lesser known Christopher Marlowe.
Marlowe ts considered to be Eng-
land‘s first great dramatist and, at
the time of his death. England's

Marlowe‘s “Edward II" is the
story of England’s only acknowl—
edged homosexual monarch. At the
film's beginning, we are shown Ed-
ward (Steven Waddington). obses-
sively in low wrth the boorish Piers
Gaveston (Andrew Tieman). His
love for Gaveston ovcrshadows
everything for him. including the
duties of state. which he wholly ig-

Edward showers his favorite with
gifts and titles ol nobility, even as
his country grows poor and his wife
Isabella (Tilda Swinton‘i grows jealv
ous. Embittcred by her futile love
for the king, Isabella is drawn to
Mortimer (Nigel Tom of "Excali—
ber"). a powerful nobleman.

Moruiner is an outspoken critic
of Edward and, most especially, of
his apparent preference for Gaves-
ton over his country. Mortimer is
not alone in his sentiment; all of
England seems to hate him, as well,
because he is a partial cause for
their misery.

Mortimer acts to see Gaveston
exiled and succeeds. and Edward is
left distraught. Isabella. in an at-
tempt to regain Edward’s love, bar~
gains for Gaveston‘s return. He is
returned. but Isabella and Mortimer
have plotted against him and have
planned his murder.

Read the



0 o o o o o o 0

Edward finds out about the plot,
and the country is plunged into civ-
il war —. with even Edward‘s once-
onal brother Kent (Jerome Flynn)
siding with Mortimcr‘s army.
Gaveston is soon killed. and Ed-
ward is defeated.


By the end, we see Edward pin-
ing away iii a dungeon. recalling
these tragic events to the cell guard
ordered to kill him. He waits in fear
of the fate Isabella has planned for

Derek Jannan. whose works in-
clude “Caravaggio" and “The Gar-
den." directed “Edward II." but in
many ways he misdirected Mar-
lowe‘s work. The original dialogue
is preserved. but Jannan has set it
across a strange and fiercely politi-
cal stage. He has filled the film
with props from both the past and
the present —— crowns and thrones.
toy robots and high heel shoes. Ed-
ward and Kent are shown hot and
sweaty after a tennis match. proper-
ly attired and with rackets. speak-
ing in Elizabethan words. Mortimer
wears not armor, but an army uni-
form, complete with a green beret.

Most notably though, the civil
war is between Mortimer's army
and 20th century gay-rights acti-
vists. who carry signs. not swords;
and wear Outrage T-shirts.

Jarman‘s modernized reworking
of “Edward II" clearly is an attempt
to make it more timely and accessi-
ble to a contemporary audience. In
that respect. it fails horribly.

Marlowe's “Edward II" is finely





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written and contains beautiful dia-
logue and well-crafted characters.
but Jannan has elected. instead. to
present a twisted and highly undig-
nified version. It would have stood
well on its own. but when littered
with Jannan's incoherent props and
toys. and saturated with his overly
political agenda, it is reduced to
gross misinterpretation and ulti-
mately doomed to obscurity.

Jannan shows little regard for the
actors in this film. a sad fact be-
cause they are very good.

Instead of being allowed to await
an exciting plot twist or character
development. the audience is left
only to wonder what wacky stunt
will be pulled next, each one an ir-
ritating distraction.

Underneath the gimmicks are
some very strong performances.
Waddington projects an injured
sensitivity as Edward. one that
makes him both earnest and believ-
able. Tieman evokes both sympa-
thy and contempt for his Gaveston.
Swinton provides an especially en-
gaging Isabella, projecting both
hurt and malice.

What has been done here to “Ed-
ward II" is truly a shame. Under the
skill of another director. it could
have been rendered a masterpiece
~— or anything better than this.

It could have reintroduced Chris-
topher Marlowe to the hearts and
minds of the public. Instead, it is
unflattering. and. indeed, Marlowe
must be turning in his grave.

“Edward the II," rated R. is
showing at the Kentucky Theatre.



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Owensboro gives bluegrass a home


By Dave Lavender
Arts Editor


Everyone needs a home.
Country music singer Mike Reid
said. “Home is a place where
they have to take you in."

Since I939. when a young
tenor singer named Bill Monroe
from Rosine. Ky.. stepped on
the stage at the Ryman Auditori-
um in Nashville. Tenn. to intro-
duce the world to his high lone-
some sound —bluegrass music
has been without a home.

Surrounded by two of influen-
tial musicians, Lester Flatt and
Earl Scruggs. Monroe became a
mainstay on the Grand Ole Opry
in the ’40s But in the ‘50s
Nashville‘s ear turned towards
rock and roll. Acoustic music
was left on the side of the road.

In I965. the first outdoor festi-
val was held in Virginia as a
farewell to bluegrass. However.
it soon became the only outlet
for which this Appalachian mu-
sic could survive. Today. there
are more than 400 summer festi-

vals. However. up until two weeks
ago. there was no one place blue-
grass could call home.

Home now is in Owensboro in
Daviess County. About 30 miles
from Monroe‘s Ohio County roots.
it is a fitting place to house the
headquaners of bluegrass. The
Western Kentucky city is playing
host to the third annual Intemation-
al Bluegrass Music Awards show
tonight in the new $17 million Riv-
erPark complex — which houses a
bluegrass museum. cafe, Hall of
Fame and a 1.500 seat theater.

The show. which hm been twice
been named the Best Awards Show
by Billboard magazine. gives away
20 major awards. including. Hall of
Fame inductions. Kentucky natives,
Bobby and Sonny Osborne are two
of the select few up for Hall of
Fame honors.

“I guess the great thing about the
awards, if I had to choose one
thing. is that the IBMA exists and
the fact that there is an awards
show and that people are more
aware that there is a large bluegrass
market out there."

“It (the IBMA Awards) takes it

out to places through either ra-
dio broadcasts or publicrty that
bluegrass may not get on its
own," said Stuart Duncan. fiddle
player for Nashville Bluegrass
Band. who is nominated for Fid-
dle Player of the Year and
whose band ts up for nine

‘There‘s starting to be more
people that are aware of where
country came from now. rather
than just like it‘s something
new." said Duncan, who is also
one of Nashvrlle‘s hottest ses-
sion players. “There seems to be
a greater appreciation for acous-
tic traditional-flavored music."

Tim O‘Brien, Alison Krauss
and Olive Hill, Ky. native Tom
T. Hall will be Cit-hosts 0f the

“What I most like about the
awards show is just that every-
one ts there. It‘s kind of a great

“The touring season is just
about wrapped by now, and we
get to see each other one more
time before we hibernate for the
winter," O‘Brien said.





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Kentucky Kernel
Established in 1894
Indepmdent since 1971




Editorial Board
Gregory A. Hall, Editor in Chief
Joe Bram, Editorial Editor
Jerry Voigt, Editorial Cartoonist
Mary Madden. Managing Editor
Kelley Popham, Executive Editor
D.G. Pike, Design Editor
Tyrone Benson. Senior Staff Write
[Aura Gum






Student appointee
to education council
should remember roots




The Council on Higher Education, the coordinating body for the
eight state universities in Kentucky. makes many decisions that di-

rectly affect UK students.

Besides being the organization that decides when tuition is raised
it approves academic programs, sets minority enrollment goals and

guides curriculum.

There is a student representative on the council, appointed by a
govemor from a list of three names submitted by the student gov-

ernment presidents across the state.

UK Student Government Association President Pete November
nominated Clay Edwards, a UK graduate who now attends law
school at the University of Louisville. Recently, Gov. Brereton
Jones appointed Edwards to the council.

He was involved at UK most visibly in his social fraternity, Alpha
Tau Omega. as well as in November's campaign for SGA president.

He will sit on the finance committee, whichis involved in matters
like tuition increases. Edwards should use his position to represent
the needs of university students. Tuition must remain at a minimum.
and Edwards should fight to keep it low.

Students cannot continually afford to pay more for higher educa-
tion. The CHE should liste