CAPITAL, 250,000.
at S5.00 each.
King & Baird, Printers, 607 .an!om Street, Pihilaa.
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This page in the original text is blank.
Capital 250,000. 50,000 Shares. 5 each.
It is intended to apply to the Legislature of Kentucky,
as early as practicable, after the beginning of its next Session,
(January 1, 1865,) for an Act of Incorporation, which shall
concede to the company to be incorporated under the above
name all privileges for mining oil upon a tract of fine oil pro-
ducing land, containing 8ixty acres more or less, located in
Meade county, Kentucky, on Dry Run, near the Ohio river,
and about thirty miles below Louisville.
For the purpose, however, of securing, without delay, the
development of the property, and of placing it in such posi-
tion that parties desiring to secure the stock may join and
become interested with the proprietors in the immediate
operations, a plan has been determined upon, the particulars
of which being fully disclosed and explained by the pro-
visions of the following Trust Deed, require no further men-
tion or reference here.
THE LOCATION of the property referred to secures it
unusual advantages. While it will, by means of direct rail-
road transportation from Louisville, be enabled to compete
with the older regions, in the Eastern market, it will possess
facilities greatly superior for reaching the great and increas-
ing demand of the West; and by shipment down the Mis-
sissippi to the city of New Orleans and intermediate points,
a new and unfailing market may be readily reached.
IN OPERATION on the property of the Company there is
one well, only forty feet deep, producing oil, but which, by
reason of the quantity of gas it gives, cannot be made to
yield any thing like its capacity, with the ordinary pump
now in use. A very efficient apparatus, fully tested in the
Oil Creek region, will very shortly be applied to it, and
competent persons who have seen the well in operation, agree
in the opinion that it will then yield fully one hundred bar-
rels per day.
SITES FOR NEW WELLS, as might be expected on so large
a tract already tested, are very numerous and promising.
The character of the surface, and the number of springs
carrying oil, indicate extensive deposits of oil near the
TIHE WORKING CAPITAL, with which it is intended forth-
with to bore new wells and introduce the necessary machinery,
&c., will be supplied by the sale of two thousand of the re-
ceipts for shares under the plan effected by the Trust Deed.
It being intended that the number of shares named shall be
reserved for the Company's benefit.
In giving the above brief and incomplete statement of
facts, it has not been intended to do more than lay before
those interested, some general suggestions to guide their
inquiries as to the property in question.
Tnis INDNTTURE made this twenty-second day of Sep-
tember, A. D. 1864, between George F. Tyler, and Louisa
R., his wife, John Donaldson and Emma P., his wife, and
Charles F. Sitoener, and Mary J., his wife, of the City of
Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania, of the FIRST part,
and Eugene Borda, of the same City and State, of the SECOND
part. Whereas, It is proposed to apply to the Legislature
of the State of Kentucky, at its next session, for an Act to
create and establish a corporation under the name, style and
title of "TITE DRY RUN OIL COMPANY," for the purpose of
mining for Petroleum or Coal Oil in and upon the property
hereinafter described and conveyed; [the capital stock
whereof shall be Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand dollars,
divided into Fifty Thousand Shares of the par value of
Five Dollars each ;] and with that object to constitute the
parties of the first part, and such other persons, being the
then holders of the instruments of writing, hereinafter
mentioned, as may be joined with them in such appli-
cation and act of incorporation, a body politic and corporate
to have and maintain by and under the name aforesaid
perpetual succession, and enjoy all the necessary or ap-
propriate privileges, incidents, and franchises usually per-
taining to a corporation. And whereas, The parties of the
first part have made, executed, and, at the time of the exe-
cution and delivery hereof, have delivered certain instru-
ments of writing under their hands and seals, and do purpose
from time to time hereafter, to make, execute and deliver
other like instruments of writing, each of the effect following,
that is to say:
50,000 Shares. No. 5 each.
In consideration of dollars, the
undersigned shall and will, in exchange for this receipt,
deliver to , his heirs, executors,
administrators and assigns, shares
of the capital stock of " THE DRY RUN OIL COMPANY,"
when the said Company shall have been incorporated. In
the meantime, the said X his heirs,
executors, administrators and assigns, is entitled to, and is
hereby appointed to have and receive (to the extent of the
number of shares above designated,) all the rights and pro-
perty reserved and secured for the benefit of the holders of
these receipts by and under a certain deed of trust, dated
the twenty-second day of September, A. D. 1864, between
the undersigned of the first part, and Eugene Borda, of the
second part. This receipt being given and accepted, subject
to the terms, conditions and covenants of the said Trust Deed,
and upon the express agreement and understanding that the
party accepting it acquires hereby no other or further rights
or property than such as are thereby reserved and secured
for his benefit, and that the undersigned and the said trustee
arc liable only to the extent of their several and respective
covenants therein contained.
Witness our hands and seals this day
of A. D. 186
WITNESSETH, That the said parties of the first part,
for and in consideration of the premises and of the sum of
one dollar, unto them well and truly paid by the said
Eugene Borda, trustee, at and before the sealing and delivery
of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknow-
ledged, have granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enfeoffed,
released and confirmed, and by these presents do grant, bar-
gain, sell, alien, enfeoff, release and confirm unto the said
Eugene Borda, his heirs and assigns, all that parcel or tract
of land in Meade county, Kentucky, described and bounded
as follows: Beginning at a stone in the branch in a line of
Griffin's thirty acres, thence up the branch, following its
meanderings, to a post-oak in Bronton's survey; thence with
the Powell line to a post-oak (Powell's corner), and with
Powell's line to a walnut corner to the oil spring tract, and
with the oil spring tract to a white oak; thence with William
Powell's forty acres to a sassafras; thence north sixty-four,
west sixty-three poles to two Spanish Oaks; thence with
John Bryant's line to the beginning. Containing sixty
acres, more or less. (Being the same parcel or tract of land
one full equal undivided moiety or half part whereof Nelson
Yocum and Georgiana, his wife, by indenture bearing date
the sixteenth day of August, A. D. 1864, and recorded in
the office for recording deeds in the said county, in Deed
Book K, page 174, granted and conveyed unto the said
George F. Tyler, John Donaldson and Charles F. Shoener in
fee; and the one other remaining full equal undivided
moiety or half part whereof the said Nelson Yocum and
Georgiana, his wife, by indenture bearing date the thir-
teenth day of September, A. D. 1864, and intended to be
forthwith recorded in said county, granted and conveyed
unto the said George F. Tyler in fee. Together with all and
singular the woods, roads, streams, improvements, ways,
waters, water-courses, rights, liberties, privileges, heredita-
ments and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging,
or in any wise appertaining, and the reversions, remainders,
rents, income, issue and profits to accrue from the same, and
all oil wells now bored and mined, or in course of boring
or mining, oil engines, machinery, tools, fixtures, property,
real, personal or mixed, now in and upon the said de-
scribed property; and all the estate, right, title, interest,
property, claim and demand whatsoever of them, the said
parties of the first part, or any or either of them, in law,
equity, or otherwise howsoever of, in and to the same and
every part thereof. To have and to hold the same with
the appurtenances unto the said Eugene Borda, and to his
heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, for his and
their only use and behoof, but in trust nevertheless for the
several purposes, uses and powers hereinafter mentioned,
created, or reserved, that is to say:
I. Upon this trust: To enter upon and take possession
of the property or premises herein described and conveyed,
or intended so to be, with the appurtenances; and in and
upon the same, whenever and wherever at the discretion of
the said trustee it may seem best, and as sufficient funds for
that purpose shall accrue from the produce of the lands, to
mine or bore for Petroleum or coal oil, and the said oil, when
produced, whether from mines or wells already in operation
or which may be hereafter mined, bored or completed, as
well as that which may be already on hand, to sell and dis-
pose of for such price, and on such terms as to him shall
seem best; and for said purposes to contract for, purchase
and erect all necessary or proper engines, machinery, tanks,
barrels, tools and implements, and to employ the necessary
superintendents, mechanics, experts and laborers, for the
purposes aforesaid. The said business to be carried on and
conducted and the said trust to be dischar