xt7wpz51gt6c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wpz51gt6c/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19180219 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1918-02-feb19-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1918-02-feb19-ec. 1918 2011 true xt7wpz51gt6c section xt7wpz51gt6c 



                      FEBRUARY 19, 1918.

       The Executive Committee of the University of Kentucky

met in regular session on the above mentioned date with the

.ollowing members present;  Chairman C.B.Nichols, Messrs. R.C.Stoll,

C.B.Terrell, Frank McKee, P.P.Johnston Jr., and Dr. S.B.Marks.

       The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was

c'ispensed wxith. The report of the Business Agent was taken up,

discussed in detail and accepted by the Board. The Business

Agent's report was as follows:

To President F.L.McVey,
The Executive Committee:


D iled herewith, Exhibit No. 1. is the financial report of the
University for January 1918.


Capt. Royden, $79.55 filed Exhibit 2.
e,..:iss Bean's request for raise in salary, Exhibit No. 3.
I file the bill of W. & L.E.Gurley Instruments for $145.50

The requisition for this was duly presented to the Business Office
but order was not made by Business Office, owing to a misunder-
standing that Professor Miller had regarding amount of funds. He
was expecting to pay part of the amount out of last year's budget
and part out of this year's budget. He had some correspondence
with the Gurley Company and on that the goods were shipped. The
bill has been approved by department, and I think it should be
paid, but the funds in the budget of Geology are only $88.90 and
.it will be necessary that an appropriation be made in order that
i.t may be paid.


General   The extreme cold weather caused some loss, but we have
managed it with comparatively small expense.   Some in-convenience



re3ulted.j but this could not well be avoided especially withowt
oiwrgely increased expenditures.

Mulligan Property - Bill for premium of the additional
-'45,000.00 insurance has been rendered and referred to Dean
Cooper for approval for payment out of Experiment Station Funds.

M iling Building - Adjustment has been made of the loss by the
recent fire by Representatives of Combs Lumber Company and
.,oore-Young Company. The amount of loss was fixed at $901.35.
E1xhibit 5. W.Veather conditions made it impossible to have the
adjustment made sooner. The fire Marshall is investigating as
to cause of fire.

Patterson Hall - It is my intention to have the old cistern on
Patterson Hall C- rounds, to which I referred in a former report,
filled with ashes. I ask your approval.


                            D .H.Peak

                            BttSINESS AGENT

                  S U 11U A R Y


           January 31, 1918.

. md  Sche-  Estimated   Receipts
      dule     Income

Expenses   Balance
           on Hand

Tun. Fe. 1  220,427.03 151,224.47   114,363.08
                                 D-1 67,786.75
..Sta.F.2  255,497.87 153,694.45  130,965.36

i"t.F.  3   101,490.o9  64,126.47    64,655.39

(30,925.36) 38,277.20

22,729.09 124,532.51

   (528.92) 36,834.70

21,548.20  14,974.40    11 324.3.8  a,65o.22  10 224.02
59b,963-19 3b4,fn19-79    359,094.76 -97 209.56,.43

In this statement Parentheses enclose overdrafts.

-.2'wst F. 4




      With reference Do Exhibit No. 2, an account for trav&eling

ex-penses submitted by Commandant C.N.Royden for $79.55. Mr.

Stoll moved, Mr. Terrell seconding, that this bill be referred

to President McVey with power to act.  This motion was adopted

oy Lara i:'.r ou.3 vote.

      Exhibit No. 3, a request by Miss Carrie Bean for an

increase in salary was not acted upon by the Board but submitted

to the President for further consideration.

      With reference to a bill of W. & L.E.Gurley for certain

geological instruments that amounted to $145.50 Mr. Johnston

made a motion which was duly seconded that this account be paid.

This motion was adopted. In this connection the Business Agent

explained that there was only $88.90 in the budget of Geology

funds to which this bill properly should be charged.

       President MIcVey made a report to the Board orally.  The

President reported that the Smith-Hughes payment received this

year by the University amounted to $3310.  The President gave

in detail the statistics of certain legislation affecting the

'University now in process of enactment by the General Assembly

of the State.

       The President reported that the case of Crum against

Barker had come up again on brief filed by Judge Carroll acting

in behalf of the plaintiff and asking for rehearing of the case.

The President explained that he merely desired to report this

matter to the Board and that no action was necessary at this time.

       The President reported that progress on the Mulligan

house now being put into condition for residence of his family,



had necessarily been slow on account of the severe weather but

That he had been assured by the architect that the building

would be ready for occupancy probably in May.

       President McVey submitted the following recommendations

for appointments, increase in salaries, resignations and

miscellaneous matters, action upon which is indicated at the

close of each paragraph:

                  I. Appointments.

(1)  Professor McNeil James, at a salary of $2,500 with $150
       allowance for moving expenses. (Approved)

(2) William Brusse, county agent, Sirdpson County, at a salary
       of $1600 to be paid. Departmerit of Agriculture, $300;
       Extension Division, $500; Simpson County $800. (Approved)

(3) F.G.Sorrells, county agent, Hopkins County, $1800, includ-
       ing expenses, to be paid, Department of Agriculture
       $300; University of Kentucky, through Smith-Lever funds,
       $600; Hopkins County $900. (Approved)

(4)  Miss Lelah Gault, $10 per month, to act as assistant in
       Department of Home Economics, beginning February 4, and
       extending until the close of the present semester, pay-
       ment to be made from budget of the Department of Home
       Economi cs.

(5)  James A. McKenzie, county agent, Christian County, effective
       October 23, 1917 and extending to December 31, 1917, at a
       salary of $166 2/3 per month. (Approved)

(6) 0.F.Floyd, county agent, Clay County, effective January 1,
       1918, at a salary of $2,000 a year, to be paid,
       Department of Agricultui'e, $300; Extension Division,$700;
       Harrison County, $1000i

(7) L.D.Sandlin, emergency county agent, Clay County; effective
       February 1, 1918, at a salary of $100 per month, to be
       paid Department of Agriculture $291.66, Clay County,
       208.34, for five months. (Approved)



3' Reappointment of Artie Ashbrook, emergency home demonstra-
        tD-on agent, Craves County, five months, beginning
        Februar 1, 1918; salary $100 per month, $250 to be paid
        xroin emergency appropriation, Department of Agriculture,
        and $2-50 from Graves County. (Approved)

(9) Continuation of Mrs. Anna B. Goddard, county home demonstra-
        ,icn agent, Lercer County, two months, at a salary of
        $1C0 per month, effective January 1, 1918, to be paid
        Department of Agriculture, $20; Division of Extension,
        $80; iercer County, $100. (Approved)

(10) Continuation of Fleety Lynn, county home demonstration
        agent, Lyon County, ten months, beginning March 1, 1918;
        salary $100 per month, to be paid, Department of
        Agriculture, $100; Extension Division, $400; Lyon County,
        $500. (Approved)

(11) Appointment of Frances Coakley, urban home demonstration
        emergency agent, City of Paducah, five months, beginning
        February 1, 1918; salary $50 per month, to be paid entire-
        ly from emergency funds from the Department of Agricul-
        ture. (Approved)

                  II. Increases in Salaries.

(1) Salary of Dr. Peter to be increased from $3,000 to $3,300.
        ($3,400? ).  (Referred to the President for further
        consideration and recommendation)

 (2) Salary of Professor Roberts to be increased from $3,0n0.to
       $3,300  ($3 400? ). (Referred to President for further
       consideration and recommendation)

(3) Salary of Professor D.V.Terrell to be increased from $1,900
        to $2 000, effective March 1. (Recent action by
        Executive Commit tee increasing it $100 was based on the
        recommendation of President McVey who understood the
        salary to be $180G)   (Approved).

(4) Salary of Assistant Professor P.E-Karraker, assistant
       professor in agronomy, to be increased from $1,500 to
       $1, 8 00.  .Approved)

k'5) Salary of Albert J. Olney, assistant in horticulture, to
       be increased from $1, 200 to $1,500 per annum. (Approved)

(6) Salary of Miss Ethel Jelly, stenographer in the Steno-
        graphic Bureau, to be increased from $50 to $55 per
        month, effective March 1, 1918. (Approved)



(7)  Salary of Miss Louise Crumbaugh, stenographer, Exper*.r.ment
      Station, to be increased from $50 to $65 per mcnth..

                    III. Resignations.

(1) Resignation of D.C.iWorley, instructor in assgying; and
      metallurgy, effective February 1, 1918. (Accepted)

(2) Resignation of Miss Sarah Chorn, instructor in French.
       (She telegraphed her resignation from New York, February
       4, 1918)    (Accepted)

(3) Resignation of Mr. George B. Wurtz, consulting meteorolo-
       gist of the Experiment Station, effective December 31,
       1917.  (Accepted)

                     IV. Miscellaneous Matters.

(.) Security Trust Company has transferred the accounts of the
       Crum bequest and the Bennett bequest from Dr. Patterson
       to the University of Kentucky, (Submitted as information)

(2) Repairing of 1913 fountain.   (The members of the class
       refuse to pay the $80 still due because the fountain does
       not work, and it is suggested that the University should
       make repairs so that the payment may be completed before
       the students are out of reach.) (Referred to President
       for further consideration and recommendation).

                     V. Supplementary.

Appointment of Luther Hatton, emergency county agent, Bell
       Countr, fo- fire and one-half months, $100 per month,
       effective January 16, 1918, an allowance of $50 per
       month tc bs marde for traveling expenses. The salary to
       be paid from emergency fund, Department of Agriculture.

Appointment of Charles Aubrey, to succeed Mr. Watkins,
       Mechanical Engineering Department, salary $50 per month.

Appointment of T.E.Peak, and R.M.Davis, in the College of
       Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, at salaries of
       $15.00 a month each, effective January 1, 1918, to take
       up the work formerly carried on by Mr. J. Ray Duncan.



i._;ease in salary for Miss Graddy and Miss Owen of     o a
       m-nth each.  (Miss Graddy now receives $75'.0  a month
       ard Miss Owen $60.00), effective February 1, 1918.

:.ease in salary of Mrs. Bella Withers Carrick, effective
       January 1, 1918, from $45.00 to wiP60.00 a month. (Approved)

Anpo- :;it'tnt of '4T.J.Harris, county agent, Carlisle County,
       effective February 11, 1918, at a salary of $1600 a year,
       to inf:.uQde travel except to meetings authorized by the
       Extension Division, to be paid Department of Agriculture,
       .$300; Federal Smith-Lever, $,500; Carlisle County, $8oo.

Increase in salary for Miss Minnie Pherigo, from $5o to $60 a
       month, effective March 1, 1918. (Approved)

Appointment of Miss Nanette Wallingford, stenographer in
       Stenographic Bureau, at $40 a month, effective February
       18, 1918. (Approved)

Appointment of Miss Castro at a salary of $75 per month to
       succeed Miss Chorn, instructor in French, effective
       February 1, and extending to June 6. (Approved)

liss Pollitt to have ";6/5 per month for teaching from February 1,
       1918 to July 1, 1918.  (Approved)

Appointment as lecturers Mr. Ryan and Mr. N.H.Townsend at $100
       and 120 respectively for tv.ro semesters in the Law School.
       (Note -: In the matter of appointment of Messrs. Ryan
       and Townsend, Mr. Stoll asked to be noted in the minutes
       as not voting.

       On motion duly seconded a resolution was adopted giving

the Business Agsent authority to sell for $85 a dilapidated stable

oil the Mulligan proper^-,y.

       On recommendation of the Board of Control of Patterson

H-{,13. the Executive Conmni.ttee, on motion duly seconded and adopted,

c~ave the said Board of Control authority to fix the price of

board in Patterson Hall for the forthcoming semesters of 1918

anla 1919 not to exceed $iA4.50 a week.



      'President McVey reported to the Board that in aw.CiJ:l.

v-th authority previously delegated to him, he had procnir-ed the

sevc.-ices of McNeil James as professor of Agricultural Educatior

an-d A.O.-Vhipple as Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, thbe

.cmcrc ';o enter upon active discharge of his duties February 25,

1918 and the latter April 1, 1918.

      President McVey reported that representatives of the

Christian Science organization had asked permission to place

certain literature of that organization on the premises and asked

for an expression of the Board's pleasure in the matter. Presi-

dent McVey was authorized to say to the promoters of the move-

ment that it was the sense of this Board that it should adhere

to a ruling of the Board of Trustees of the institution that the

University of Kentucky is not a sectarian institution and that

it~w~1s.ciesirblo~that.nuparticular form of religion should be

coumt.enaiirled on its grounds.

       Motion was made by Mr. Stoll and seconded by Mr. Johnston,

that the President of the University be authorized to purchase

such apparatus out of Smith-Hughes funds as will be necessary for

instruction in radio signaling. This motion was adopted, on

call of the roll, by unanimous vote.

       The Secretary of the Committee having been instructed at

a former meeting of the Executive Committee to prepare the

record of action taken by these bodies concerning the

salary of Dr. James K. Patterson, President Emeritus of the

University, this report was submitted and ordered filed,



:n addition the secretary was instructed to make copied or'

this record and send a copy each to the members of the Execuivi

Committee in order that they might give the matter careful stud.7

and be able to take action at a subsequent meeting on a certain

account filed by Dr. Patterson for salary for salary alleged

to be due him on a. former contract with the University.

:AeAting adjourned.

                         Respectfully submitted,

                               Enoch Grehan
