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i   t 20 Bulletin N 0. 231
the trees when these were cut open. No pupae or adults were,
however, found in the burrows, and but few young grubs of V
the size generally to be taken from trees at this season of the .
year. Nor has a careful search of walnut trees* in the vicin— .
ity revealed other adults. There are no hickory in the im-  A
mediate vicinity. pl
For some time the author has been disposed to accept the T
t views of B. D. Walsli and Dr. Horn as to the distinctness of
the spring and fall forms known under the names Oyllcne rob- 2
‘ iniac and C. picta, tho he formerly had doubts as to the re- l
liability of the characters used by them. The facts given above
( suggest several alternatives as possible explanations of the re- »
lations of the spring form with those so common on goldenrod
and locust trees in the fall: '
(1) Either there are two distinct species, as has long been `
assumed, one living on hickory and walnut and appearing in the
spring of the year as adults, the other living on locust and ap- Q
pearing as an adult in the fall. .
(2) Or, there are two forms of one species, one form ap- `
‘ - _ pearing in spring as adults on locust, hickory and walnut, the
other appearing only on locust in the fall.
(3) Or, there are two forms of the Locust Borer, one .
maturing in the fall, the other in the spring, the latter brood
~  diifering in no essential feature from the species appearing as Y
‘ adults on hickory in spring. V
E At present the writer is disposed to accept the second of
  these hypotheses, and to hold that a spring brood, the males »
Y with stronger, longer antennae and both sexes with a tendency  i
_ to grayness in the markings, appears on several different trees, .
` the locust among them, while a second form of the same species  (
‘ appears in fall only on the locust. The facts here given at Q
least reopen the question as to the distinctness of the borers, and °
add a fact of some economic importance to our knowledge of  .
the habits and life-histories of these insects.  »,
  of the early writers on the Hickory Borcr claimed that it at-  Y
tacks black walnut, and l·`itcl1 (Fifth Ann. Heir ii. Sl) assertcrl that this  .
tree produces larger beetles with gray instead of yellow bands, »