xt7wpz51k523 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wpz51k523/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 19150401 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 27, April 1, 1915 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 27, April 1, 1915 1915 2015 true xt7wpz51k523 section xt7wpz51k523 L,.
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L,II‘1IV€l‘Slty O €I1 UC y
* —. VOL, VII, LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY, APRIL l, 1915. N0, 27_
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h Men in Good Trim f0l‘ FIFSII Class to Take Combined · To T3k€ UP Naw {Shines Meets L. P. Jones, Union
, . _ . . . ·· 1 · -
G9-me SaturdeY> Prob ` Thesis fol· Their Thlrd . -. Ngxr Ye2_rAW_rr:; t e ' Literary Society Repro-
' OT S O SSIS all S ' ‘
able Lineup. Terms Work é E. l P sentatlve ln Chapel.
——— Q A t tl l t lt . ,
The addltlon or games with the I . .- t- ""eu“°e"‘e“ wee me e “ we .l..l...s w on won the inter-society
Unlversltles of Cumberland, Southernl A central plant t0 Iuftllbll h€¤t.llKllI. that (much Alpha Bmmage had tem E debating contest which was held ln
I’\‘€SbYt9l'l¤ll. I‘I¤W¤ll 8lld DePauw Ul power and refrigeration to the llnlver—l I.- der"` his resignation as director Oflchapel yesterday morning at chapel
the \V"dc&t schedule completes [hg Shy buildings be designed by thel 8tlll0{lCH to [8.kG GHBCY. at. [hB (End of hour. Having won this contest he
list for this Y€8-l' Bild 8lV€¤ the Wlld‘ Senior Mechanlcals as a comblnedl __ tue preeeur beeeueu Beeson- ll-dprdsdnt the lrniversity in the Ken.
, cats 8 total of SlX¢€€¤ K8m9¤ for the thesis this spring. The idea of such Dr' V" I" Audersrm will b°c°m° dt` ! mdk)- {me,-collegiate Contest, which
l0Q¤0¤. Wblch ¤·l`0 B0 ¤l‘l'9·¤86d that a design originated last year when the rector ctr athletics next your to ml the 5 will be held at Berg; somgtlmo dm-.
tlléy Ollllht to EM by With B sood l>°¥`· class of `l4 designed ll central power vacamu and he wm have active Super- im-: the month of April.
centage of them. plant of 15,000 kllowatts capacity andl vision Over the track aud tennis team; l Mp wolf had previously won on last,
The flrst game will be staged (-,,1,,,;,;.. dg furnishing light and power ;nd wml control alglgymnaslum woir Friday night the annual Ommrical com
Wednesday on Stoll Flold Wlth 0lll¤ to all or Eastern and <‘ent.·al Ken- KARL zmumss misrio h:’•"';i;u e e e°rI’e er eee et' wm of me pamgrson Society md was
IIDIVGTSIU Rlld the fam wlll have eu luckl'- l D ' given the "Patterson" medal, which ls
opportunity to soo tba ’15 Wlldrata The immense design was c¤mplotoo'——·————·*·-· The r°°tr’“u· t’“"""""" eud °““°.glve.. a......ally by President 1-:....e.-lt..s
in a real game. Nothing is known of ln et-ery dgtgll and was favorably com. ball teams Wlll be under the charge ot James K. Patterson. The subject of
the strength of the Ohloans, but they gngntgd on by the engineer-mg pubudl Ul'- J- ·I· 'I`l8€l'I Bild the ¤€W¤ will bo his Speech was ..EdiS0n’.. and he wld
8¥`€ UO! expected to Drove easy Fuck' SFVBTRI of lll€ l€¤hlll€BI ¤l88¤Zl¤€¤l Ziceivag with gnuih interest tg:] mt; the life story ofthe great inventor and
lng. printed articles on the subject and: BUY 9·¤¤’W 0 HOW 801116 IIS 0 kgxplamed how the wizard achieved
The Wildcats have boon W0¤‘I¢lll8 Uullcommented on such an improved edu-' Dr‘ Trgerre uturettc pruwees aud Such acc0mpuShm€ms_
ln une sl...pe and with a week or pm- W (.8..0,.,,. m.,.h.,d_ ' ... coaoblbs ability- Dr- Tlsort la a Van-l The other contestant wu Mr L P
1 uee eu rue mw gr°u°u WHL "° d°"bt’l Nearly all of tue Seruers have ra Karl P- Z4->¤‘f¤¤¤. ol' Ashland. was lderbm gr°‘du°t°’ Whew he established llones. ot Sedalla, Ky. Mr. Jones won
be in their best form for the battle. :y_urngd from their inspection trip and glgctgd cgpmjn of the 1916 basketball lim \l¤€qll8II€d l’6€0!'d 88 811 ¤JI·8¤`0l1¤d the annual Union Orawrical contest,
The recruit pitchers are showing to ‘ work was started on the thesis this quintet at u meeting of the 1915 Squad [:11:eto in rogbagfaseball. lgslxtbljg which was held in chapel on last sab
such advantage that the lon oi Jim •...0.·y.1¤g_ The regular working-buns-: hgjd lu; week truck e eeptetu e d,-day ni ·
I · gut. The subject of his
Par.: from the hurlers may not be B0 I are from 8:00 a. m. to 12:00 m. and zertoss ls taking an A. B. course ln I football tm which w°° the Seutueru Speech was, ..Amedca in the Lim8_
serious as it at first seemed. "BIS‘trom 1:30 p. m. to 4:30 p. rn. Each the Arts and Science Department and Cuampmusutp aud wu ptrtked as Au' llgmy and he received the gold medal
Jlm" Server and Ad Thomas, a right I ...nn‘s time will be recorded by 8 mod-· is ln his Junlor year. I-le has made a Smnhem mm back wld °apt'°'m' He given annually by President H. S. Bal-.
hander and 3 ¤0¤l-IIDIW. l’6¤D6¢tIVGly. ern time clock loaned for the purpose; good record ln athletics, having won was one year captain or me famous ker, known as the "Barker" medal,
S600 to INWQ @116 WSG °¤ the rest ot }b>' the (-alvblagfaph C0¤lD¤·¤Y of New his "K' in three branches of the Vanderbilt baskotbau team that was The judges in yesterd¤.y°s contest
the squad or pitchers. at vr¤¤<—>¤t- ami - York- ,s.....t, football, basketball and l»a..e,"°re‘*teu but °“°° tu three yeerr AS were oem. Anna J. rlamlnm., Dean
Wlll have iI1'§¥· call for tho Same next 'l`\\‘0 Dliwts Will be déalglled. l0€¤l6d_ ball, and was the logical man for thela Rhodes Scholar at Oxford' he was Latferty, Doctor Maxson and Profes-
(Cotltimled 0¤ P¤8e Three.) lat different points on the campus and l.m.lg_l0n_ Oue ur tu° ruwrug crew uuu prayed Sd,-S Duntzler and Bakelt
""*—’"—”“‘“"“i “ 1......-...... ... ...-...... ... ...-...,.... ·.·..e. , , S<>¤¤¤¤<>¤¤l ball at ¤r¤t baaa with the
, v
. GIRLS ISSUE WILL l.·....s ..·... ...- ....»...t-.. ... ......-et, .....e..l ..N0 BRE AKS»· FOR '¤l¤¤¤¤¤l<>¤¤bll> ¤l¤¤ <>f ¤¤¤l¤¤¤`¤ .4-...-.., .-.—...... ...........-, ...~..-.». .....·.e..,
_. Wm. l·‘. Sllll1lllCk, u. Sophomore Jour- _ _]_ ’l4, was colllposed of George H. Hill, of but has not wt declded wlww he wil`] Ul, F ,.mnh x Fm U H ur U
~ · ·- ·. . o . c v uncan
, h h b h dll tl· B tl , .V.; .C.l·` , - M ` '
1`2}I$Z..l,°...ZZ ..E’§’ “.Z`.....“.fi ... 'L MRE FOR Y- M- C- A- ..§““`...I’.l".—.YX... “. .... JIT SS KES. ._- -.,. ··*· *· ··‘·‘·······r· ·t*t·~·· ·* · ’—·*
l . , . ` , ° ` ' ‘ N ’ N. |'.·ltk. Karl I' Zol·t'oss, Marcus Hed-
lll0S[ eftlclent way, has secured a posi- \\. .l. Sumllofll. Jr. ll. at srntluate olusvllle. The distances were titty Mm md HUH U D I I
l _ _ _ 'R i‘t . tlltl lllr.
ll()Il as reporter on 'l`he Herald staff , ol lllc lollcsr ol Low. ls llcrc Ill‘[II€ feet standlng and seventy-tive feet BEFORE ••A(]” FM {Mk M Slmw mv nlm Ur chair-
to tlll a vacancy caused by the resilt- A llltt~l·cst ol thc ( Olllllllllllty \. 1\l. t. A. prgn•g_ ———— lllt ll is llot it ll
llntlutl of Sherman H. Silvers. , \\0¢I. MISS- llc ls (`Ulll- '[`llcse were prellllllllary ('()ll[(*B[B| l’l‘of¢·ssol‘ A. Nl. Miller, Dean of thc
"HllIy" comes by llls newspaper. |llUllIl)' lloya S¢*¢‘l`<‘l¤l‘>‘. Wllltll work and ll tlnul (‘llillll\|l0llSlll|) lIll\[('ll w‘tlli<`o|l<·s¤· of Arts uml Sciences, Illl:l.Llt‘1lll 'I‘h.· l·.·sl.;ll;llloll of Il. l\iel·
(.,1.,..; naturally, his father, (jot. Ed.lll<' look llll lust >‘<·lu‘ ul`l··l‘ llls l-:l‘adua· be held probably lll May, about tlleiatddrcss bcforc thc :\l·2I`I\`lll(\ll`L1l Socio- <·ll•·l‘ as p.·t·sl.l.-... ..r lh,. Mxiugwu
[)_ Shluulck, ()Wll6l‘ lllld 6dl[()I'I Illlll SlIll\IfU|'\I WKIS ll|`' d°“* 5**** k“*‘“ ‘ "“*‘** >""· 107 W M i St
graduates, alumni and faculty of the Instltutlon. Thm my hom., hpms just f,,· yo"; • a n •
` V K *A` M V K ’ C K ' ` I umm luv nn nuwr nlggvr ll". ·°¤A FOUNTMN m TH.
'1`HE IDEA is the oftlcinl newspaper of the University. It In Issued with _ _ l °'TY· FW! CANDUIU
the view of furnishing to its subscribers All the college news of Kc¤t\|cky,' H"' mY (Wh I *h° (VV W _____ _ _V_Y_A ____»_ __________
Lwgenher with • digest of Items of Interest concerning the u¤|v•r•Iti•• •f‘ “` °`
2 "*U***r *****9* Um U*n*d‘· '(`huly you u-nn stop your mnslnln 1
Y susscmnruou, one ¤0n.n.An Pan ven. rave carers rn con w""" """‘f"‘ '"`“ ““· ‘“’"" ’"" ”""? I Un iv r •t
8 · · · • 3 I Bnwred nn Lexington Post 0f¤c• u second cl••• mau m•tt•r. ·‘“' *"‘“" H"' “Cm J“"“ "" ““"“m"*` { e y
1 , ,_ -— .·\Il your wnrk will be for me. ¤
4 EDITORIAL |TAFF, 1•14.1•1s.
·‘¤,\'UE P. TAYLOR ................. 4 ........... . ......... Edlwr-in-Chief ` ° ° ° d
I m·;xx|·;’r|¢ moms ................. O ................... Msnnging Editor “°"'“f" "*“"· g'“`““· g" °‘"‘*'· .
. ;O mugs nmvxows ............... . .................... A••I•u¤t Editor Amt *"‘" ""‘"k*“ j““° for "‘°? log · ·
A I ‘ Ed ‘ Hurry up with that there was•h|n' ers free tuition in an dep·rt·'
an . • i °,•_
,P ‘ I' tlr d a l .a.n be.
umm mmny mw m»•q•m•»e _J|·JANl·J'I"|`B m~;1.1. .... Patterson mu .1. nc. nom.mu ...... umu. me sm; ° °° ° °` ° ment! to the EPB d U 8 te s
`A, H, LEIBOVITZ ........... AUIIGUCI G. C. ROGERS ............·.· Ml¤l¤|` |[`g4 bout time {hgt you wgg w()]•k]n' of Kentucky who
- E ~-» 7 · —· ~·~—— ‘l=. \\°. RUTH ............. Agriculture FLORENCE HUGHES ..... Exchange (‘“uHp rye worked myse][ plum out-
’ ar -
O -—--—-—- lm you want to be an arn‘ment, Q prepared to enter the Ftuh
O 1 ¤.!·.S1`Lli \\. GRADY ................................... Bu•i¤••• Manger Mum. mmm and takin. gout! man Ch". V
LJ. T. GELDER ...................... . .............. Subscription Manager _M PISGAH
' ' Each county in the State is ‘
I ———-•-¢·•—·—-—;-— .
K, ~ I .
i _ O "* ** _ C REGISTRARS @0 MEET; entntlod to me FREE or wa-
34gNs gp gpm~g_ ____ {71011, m8tl‘l¢I1]8ti0!l, laboratory O •
en The annual meeting of the American | d th f ·
` all 0 Gt 668 0118 0I' m0l‘| I •
lmring tho last 1`vw days, though the mercury has been rather depressed, Association of ('ouegmte Registrars ’ P I
>¤·\· ml sigm of Spring huw uppeured on the campus. Spring would come "Hl be hem at the I`mv°m“y °f Mmm DOIINCGI. .
. O
uimuuv SlH'll mnenns, yer pmgnosth performances pcrvade the atmosphere be- gn"' Ann Arbor" Ml°mg°n’ on April "0‘ N u Od `
n *1 . 0 · ,
Arc Hllw mp u·m·> or tlmwrs bloom forth in their regal glory. "I dud 2“‘ The wmions of tm threel 8 ry 8 uns m cr·tc‘ A
1 up r4·u·r known as laziness may attack some with great force and can days wm be devoted largely to Open For full information l'0Q|,1‘d· i
only tw me~r<-mm· hy the de-termin¢»·d effort of its victim. Others are amazed mnfm-Em.? and round table "Ork on in · . te f
_;» ’____h_ |;m¢i (mon mystilivd hy some fair mw who causes him to forget the existence th? problems of the registrars 0m°8' R ppmn es' course. 0 ·tudy'
», '€ji;___}‘_" _ nl mum things that _ _ __ H N sa¢·lu1se·tts lnstlune of Technology;
~•" “ “ "`“”`
~$. .·;· 4- 4- + 1- + 1- ·•· ·•· + ·• ·• + wma item m me mormu Anugamr. S‘“"°“‘* V*°‘“ P'°“*d""‘· ""“"k A·I FOR PENS AND PENc"·S•
' . · ‘ ‘ V .. ,_
le- Hum or rua GADFLY + um- um pu; the ne-m m me ··mm ]”‘k‘**· "' (°'“‘“b"‘ l‘“"°"”“’· S"‘ TABLETS AND FINE
· ·‘ + + + + + + + + + + + + Lm_P.. (mum"? r<·tary-Treasurer, Ezra L. Gillis, of the STAT! N
' I., _i,t.K k_ OERY
\ ___ , ___ nnwm ty 0 entuc 5.
’ { 2 .—......——
\_ 1 THE NEWS IN RIME. "'I`up<=" Allison tried to "outgo" Dr Bradford Knapp of the Deparbg J0HNST0N’s CANDY
Q gg - ——— e-wrv one else at the Ada Meade last { I- A i H \;, H |
(ox , ._ ¤¤ 1..- Swumr mm uf(‘o1oram» mdk hm ..Hm.. www and ..w_ ;“*;‘ ‘; t‘"°:i‘"° k”;“‘ "“f°“ “:l‘|
·. ‘ ‘ ‘ n lex n on ns wee 0 con er w
C) . |:· xiws uu om tradition; mm ·ym.l0r wpm t“.i(.(, in Om, day The Dr I Hg Kamp director of the F;] m• E.
Mo ""'*’*"" ¤"”"‘ *‘ ""“*‘ "" A"""" *"‘*'· sinqinn and ¤=¤¤ir•¤ ¤<=¢• W<*¤”*’ ¤>¤”€‘¤>' ])(*;’l|]]'(*|\t· Station' l)rV Fred \1un·n1vrI me W"` Mlm str"`
. . . .\ ·‘l ·1 ll ` .·'t' . . ' ` I A * I ·
TO 1nSp€Ct I le new Spring ,_ U} nm U_ Tmr POT um wm" und others of the- I~}xwnslon lmpurz-
lh¤· lxuppu (his ul (.]lH[KL\Il0()).§1l, ` 7 ,____ 1 V
St Jes in H I k H l I Hm! mwm und I’r•·shle~11t H. S. Harker, r•·· , _
} uw u UH an hu g rs I xg; I' \l Ymxhuus easily wuu Un L•uy's · ·
_ ‘ _ ` * · - · · · * L,1H'\Hll).{ •·x(•·nsinu work plums lor the
H ” '‘‘` ······ ···¤ ··········»¤ ·»·· ~··¤·· ·»·· ····· ·-¤·»-. ..·. »—.... ¤»...,L..-l ....... [ .,.~ .. .,...., M ,.., C
ats; .-\r·· your clothes Iwrv l I ___ _ _ _ _ _ . _ , _ _ _ · HAVE YOUR .
Q Y ll ( ul (lu `UHN} ndikhlkun Plll [lil!. \\dh IIU (hdlllff [UI hill} lll [|()|uu·5 guyp u |u|](5||(¤0u ju [hu leldu.
. 11 U ·; .` * ’ . . .
` UW <‘0¤i€$i with the girls <‘h¤¤¤1l>i0¤1 cation Building to Doctor Knapp and
’ s
Shirts lwnmlu MHS H haw bun game, mr iw ('O\1l(ill’Y show as good form--in gh.- Um members of the Oymqay Stan? FOR THE KENTUCKIAN
Ig | ll _ f l S\\i¥\1lllilH-Z. who u<·<·un1punl0d him. · MADE AT
hl ' ¤<· Hrs! mw 0 tw SQBSOIIQ 4 *7*WhW M*_ x
ec wear."l;;¤r1·¤·11 fans? .—\llen`s out! > . _ · » louisville l'uiver¤itv has been ml-, ’ °
Q _ 2 |h•· aludvms ut Louisiana snug ob, · · · · · ·· , S
D ,t N‘11l.· nim ‘um¤1 low thenr reason. jwt to mv mir Mx weurmg me ..L.. of mitre (1 no me K. I. A. A. and u Thanks-;
on Y `zffwn NTIS “ M_ pla) base MHM rlwir uth|•~ti¢· friends. \\'¢· <·uu't blumv gmug game with T*=···¤y*~’¤··*¤ is um" W. IIN SL NDI! 1635-1
· ll` """°` "H mmmmon; mlm fellow who smrwd the m0v¢·rm=nt· " l“’”H“’l‘° ““"““l 1`*"““""· I
` Tl‘i"'*» apply° \\ 1* \\‘()\|](I ()h_jg~(~[ (9 her \\‘pu[‘i[)g [l|(¤lT;T-r*“_~r_"_" nur"- A E _ii" -7 " wi """"`" ' ""` I ·
'I`n lnuw u trv .
; " mlwr gu) s swvutvr, too.
Pglm Bgach Suns Ami ull ur‘•· fillwl \~ill¤ e·luli "Ui¤‘lS haw ¢·n—ui1 will ln- given HH! >'€¤¥` for HW
;.». ll M]., mr; m kiss mom rand fail." ,.,u5,_ U, ,(,u,.,W wm,. wm pass out A _
· `uilln erase whiI•· others will pass uu; _ __ _ C
& ( O \ ·4»ll·;;· 1¤·;ul1··rur \\'uslningt_ `
, .... .... .. .,., A .... Cv WELSH & Ml IRRAY E
The (..Ou€g€ I··cll0ws’ P l · -4 r '|`\\<• \', .\|. I, uudms have joinwql (he 1
_ ___: .\v zh.- lnix¤·r»it5 of t‘ulm·udu, the- .•lli•-¤i urnuiw. Now if they had only `
` ·~l[m;m <·lu>> ¢lu•·> zu‘•· to bv collect- lwrn thuuy,hu'ul enough to lmvv joined N I ( Q ’ Q
Lexington Cigar C0.’f‘_ "" ''‘‘‘‘'’ " `‘’` ’ "" "4"‘ ‘Q"‘f” '4"f’""T" """""".“ '`'' ""“"‘ .““"' ¤..¤.»..»..m..
uwrwuwd WH. |~ ul.- ummq »¤» mm m ».•·¤ .¤> vwrlnug abou; their xneeting nn an
Manuhcwnn of `ri».¤¤" ,:l`·ul light, ¤m·uking off tu suuw uvur- ·t ·
—v*r*— i II). |»lu<·•· and •·nduWh||.i lI|t*ll|B€I\'t+B • • 1, `
·\\ \,. ,,,,,, _\,,,, lh,. (N,-1,- Hsu,. Mh Mill: ·|¤•· ·»r<>Il H"m°· `
' V `|»¤:r ¤4Il1||1|•'llIii|H_\_ >h-In-h we-·'|‘<· giving °'°° ··1jJ`L `
DR_ `|_ I). rl ~m m¤»|‘e· tum- in vu! (Zl’up•· Nun ulld AI M ||l•‘•'[lllg nl [hu S0|sh0Iuul'•· vluss _ 1
EYE. EAR ~%sEJ§$ THROAT .. M .·..>...... udv ·¤·.··»m.>v. ¤·u..» ·;..m.g.·. ur <»»-.·..»¤o.·.», COLLEGE WORK A SPECIALTY _ '
SPE l amd Him .Iun•· Irickev ul l.exhn.:ton L
`Mr- H|‘1»\\[1 Hill] 5|f1•|\[ \h•*rT\k•· nn
A |1»·~ annum! ¤|un<·¢· on elw Alpha Zvtnl ,\,,,,,,.,,,,.,.,,,,.m ,,;· ;|,,, ,.,,K,,w.,,,,.m ,,;· F¤v`¤¤<|··r uv —·h·»rr nm! *0:1 ..-usr |;.`..q __,__H '_.i‘_m
"`*‘=•'•‘*'¤¤¥*> U" K*‘"'"*‘kY S'*"" "“*‘|\li•*llUX` H'¥U‘| ! ||;4- wwlrllng will takv p|a<·•· in thv; mu" ‘ \g~v·i! Jill! \Ii:•mi |`piw·rsity sm
Univcrslty students for llw rnvrulwhs nl t|1•‘ S¢‘¢>\•‘|| (hHI>U‘¥‘...;;r|y pmmmen { \\"'k '*'¤ WW Y¤•·‘* ·*’··|| |·`i··¥<| h:n~ amp mpg.]
Dances and Parties !_\Iv•~e·¤srs,'.I. \\. N|riU¢¤l’H\|<|. H. V UYWHYIY-I _\||H5 Ithurvr is il m•·mI»•·r nt the- ltnv- ' *" ' " ]"""¥"""i"** "·*I*i‘H' i’•·| U UU |>*· \;·r| .L•· \I;¤; 1 I`y.|x•·rsiry ur Tm;.
L, W, GRADY, `\\· |’· Y*¤*N•‘· \\- **4 (I""`· "°"*‘*h"l'¤1Iry of the- London. Ky., <·|t> s<·|10nIs,!""""" '*"‘¥` "· °T··· ··¢F~!’·•i~ ··r·¤·¤r·»ir*·~ , ... .... gm]; ;.·g,.m
K. S. U. Representative i*·"*"- W- T— |’*"'***· W"Yl""'i m"’**'l*‘· and I’r·»1`¢·ss<>r Adams, now asslstmntg ‘*‘= ?’*’·‘ ¥*»i¢ ¤\~·k ‘ll¤~ ·\;•¤»r 1.,.;, \|.,\ · I _ {-,1, MH, { I· l, .
V `· \\' H¢·•~nrr·v I' F Rlvh-I * · ' ’ I l l H, (lm nun-Bin
7 -~ » -—— A ("rm""· R· · · · ‘· i|lFlll("|IHI UI II14-· Ixmdon high >44·lmn|_i‘*"Y• MY f·‘· »•¤.r1u¥¥|¤. N wm; Ql hmm-m at smtp msn yvnr and W ’·"" |’T`i""*" "i·**’··** ¤¤r~·| vh·· |·.•.¤·· wm ·;_ T_ ~ s·.m|.»m |·r¤·gpyr4·p|m]
· • • X- I "`"""· DVI ("m¥’h"H· I'- ‘\»W**‘|·Wlu,;.~; many t'rh~mls who uisln him w•·Il. |’*'}' ‘|'*"""'¤‘| ?¤¢•`·*‘ ¤·»·’ ¥···*~r1 ·l··*·~r· · ;,,~,·»;—~j1\ Hy 1‘|;;y·kqy|||;· Tpnn
( sql) srll, f'. S. Adams. l.. R. Nvlnntt, M. I, I (hl. IL m { Mi · y. 2 `n=i;;»·(|_ _ _ ` _' '
DQRGTHY Bonn SHGES \....·r....k..,, W,. ,,,,. ,,,,_,,,_ mmd. "" _ """* ff ""’"· *>-- ·, A ,, , ,,,,,m,,y U, muvau on
* · · - stmlout m thu "Ag. xlespurtxrwnt twu~ UI" *‘*>¤¤1|r!·`¥¢· |¤:•<·· Xml? ¤· p 4} ;|.· ;., ;~,,H Iiipld
FOR WOMEN .- . V . I N,
"‘ H" '“‘"lU m‘mb°”· vvurs 1;:0 will bs- married 0 A ril ‘ ~¤ ·· ~·n<·¤n ·s< ·• »»·· »| 1· ·¤ ·~
to I M I |— · ' · · n V ‘ ` ' 'II " ' " '~' ·*"* "* |:¤~ ill liv Pauw Vnlvprgiyv nn
‘ ° Ilw no xx III|'II_ M<·&·\Sr‘S. }*`l‘uIik SH‘4‘<·l. Ht _\;ur;(,"_ tu Mimi (jam |;_ ||u_mmu(-k_I ·¤=rmi!|•·•·, follows; · ·; |,~·,_I| A
RALSTON HEALTH SHOES . . . , . · 4 " ' ‘·
F M "· I'· H"}‘* ·*"‘| ·I"*“`l’h M‘M""U`?· (]Z\|lLLIlU»‘f° nt H. I·`. Hummuvk, of that
A |stm:¢I in Hm- unrlvr the light nf the fm- |,|u,.,,_ Inxon is wen ,·,,m,,mh,,,·,.d bv
• ‘ to ° inrnltv vmhlmu and had their badges · Y ’ * ‘
4 · · !lH\Il)'<>!`[I1f‘ studvnts. S b rrn ]
· QS
. pinned on. ; _ ,,,_ _ p g y
Th,. grand "mr(»h was {pd by M,-_' The Te»nnc>ssv<> Sulphur, (Topper and
i.I¢»lm W. Mclmnald and Miss V|r¤|n1n`h`**" (`0mD¤¤Y· of |¤¤b<‘U&. '¥`€¤¤-. h8¤
W · _ » 'a.kc·'=+ 880
t QMETT PEABODYG®.TROYN! l¥]f`2\f·¥lI¥`P by his many friends. Way- that thv Vuiversity will have head-
Y I ··ml is the sons of McHenry Rhoads, ¢|\lM‘i<‘l`H all Louisville during the Hl9(}¥· l' A
B — — _ ’t:¤¤¤· Superintendent of High Sehools, im: of the Kentucky Educational Ag- qv, [Hart SChG'{7leT v Marx
1,.,; has made 8 splendid mma \vl1ll¢·:>¥0<‘iBU0U· which will be held in that M Spring Suin and Top Coat;
i ut tho Fnlversity, being OM of th*‘l"“*' ANH 2l`24‘ A,. A d '
an I T honor men and u member of the Alphax 'I`l1<‘ lwadquurtérs will be ut the » n other Hlgh'grad€ Clothes
° • • xpm fru[ernity_ jHenry Watterson Hotel and visiting $12.50 to $35,00
A Cheapgide Mr. Rl10ads` Iwadquartews are at In-Ii¢’8<‘\\€|‘S BHG SIUGGHIS are ilwited to
. Hours 8 a_m_ to 8 um. Pham! 864_X lclependemce and he has been in u<·tlvel·1¤8k*‘ NHS their #*\0DDi¤8 l>|F*<'<° “'hH*‘ New Shirts, New N8CkW€9.I‘, NEW Collars and all the
; aluty for the past two weeks. iu! Nw ¤1<*€ti¤g. h . .
——— --s—-———s——»———-———————--— __ N vt €Y` NBW Thlllgs for young men,
· 1
Q g I BEN ALI APRIIJ 7th] TsAcH AT mcr-•o1.Asv¤u.a K _
* ' . ~ ~·~~ ss-·~ aufman , othmg CO.
ER S " . Mrs. Putrivk Luwromre, the famous Flnlv P. Taylor, u Senior in the (`ol-
I ` §\\'oman’s Suffrage lecturer, will spvuk Ivxv nf Arts ut State University, has
,._··'¢·lo<-k. Har subgevt, "\\omen hrhnnl at Nwholasville, the appomt- *;’ *·~···—~· »»—————r;.. .-
’ st ~\— ~
Y-- w {*7; -7r*- unt \\'ur," will be of interest to every mrnt to take effect the first of next P
mtr `unw in the- community. lt is l10pedlS<·1>t•:mbcr. Mr. Taylor, whose home- I-I 0 E N I X I-I 0 U E L
/ . · that every college student will attend. is ut \\'hiles\‘ille. Daviess County, is ‘ s · , H .—
except sATuROAvs. l _ _ _ W "‘
'I`|u· lecture will be frac. Mlitor or The IDEA, the Universnty C
T m,·mq uggnsm sr Lzxmgrcnkv ii. |Az¤wr•·nv•·. both through the magazines f ·*UUil‘|l[S in the l’niversny.—Lexi¤g- I`0Ond8Y Ll,||1(jhQ()|1 4Qc to 55c
”` ""”"”` "`M V W {uml newspapers, that it will not be- lun Herald. ¤ ’ - . ,---_V_r_V __m
` m·<·e·snry to call to mind the muuy in-` A .....7 W- The [nw Grill i. the mo . .
» » —» ·- —r ——---» ———-—--———-—- ’ It beauhful room ,
' ’ twestlnng vvvuts in the lir'•· of this’W|LDCATS’ BASE BALL t lucky decorated with R k d P In Central Ken
B•nk•rt L Fotsch, Pr0pr|•\•r• weaker I SCHEDULE COMPLETE l ’ °° woo 0tt¢¥'Y·
E I Barber Sho i "*‘" h t w * * Q MW W t t h h ‘
ag c p ` ` N N , ` , ` A, · 1t‘uutiuued from Page Une.)
my South •.»m.•»¤· sum bhmhb 0}* ADDREBSLB s ~ s s A A-, ._ W ___ _
Opp¤•It• tha Pho•n|x Hot•I Block “EC" · I ‘ _ _ ’_ " ‘· h 7 -7 —»~--—~·-·4
|_•xm¤'°”_ Ky_ I _ ilmw rlnrve pnvlwrs nn readiness for ’ I
t I
W FIRSTCLASS WORK GUARANTEEDI MISS Lamm Nmyi Ur [his Nm,. ad_v»v<·r·5 p.·:znm·, and tlw tlnrd regular S Il
——_—___*_mNW______—_—_Y_-—|4lx·ess4—¢l the Home }':('()ll()ll]i(‘S(`ll1‘)Lilld uwlmwr UI mp Stan will he S°l°x°.t°d , W Q
MQQI MQ A“GI° the 0.1. ·' {faculty of the Home Emlumnics lk`. i`r()m ;u];4;|)g (hp utlwr {lingers; (`()ru_
Ilmrmwm Monday m_tAr"0(m‘ M W3"' nrubbs, klynu, Iwlmul. (asm and Xlc- AT WHOLESALE PRICES { ¥
. . . (`lvllund.
m thu le·<*tur•¤ room ot the Educattonal ` I Su S U ‘ , A , _ { I
Wb•r• •|| i• W•|| wd G00D· |u..u.¤.m, tm uw »u¤»j·»(-{ -~xv¤m»¤» mm """‘ *"""‘· " “"""“" "‘W ‘*‘“‘ "'“"· ;·h,,,,P M Urpfwf A { r Pamw Bmw Mui Bic- - - i E
· INN wma,. will do rhv muzzle- tucetl stunt behind W I " >)‘ ' “H {UV *<’h€U0' 7
. Hot chocohten c·¤dY md Ice': (NNW mldwsses haw bpm mudv bvgnlw plum·r, with ··senuwp‘* Crum us ;_;;_*_______ ‘ _ ANAAAM _Mr___> }
_* d G d l>¤·.lu·udt‘•u·d I