xt7wpz51kd3j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wpz51kd3j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2004-08-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 26, 2004 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 26, 2004 2004 2004-08-26 2020 true xt7wpz51kd3j section xt7wpz51kd3j  


August 26, 2004

newsroom: 257-1915

By Crystal Little
mt KENIUCKV kmti

Muth's blue~gray eyes were
red-rimmed and tired. and
his smile was clearly

Since his son's death ear-
ly Tuesday. Muth said he‘s
mostly been numb.

“There’s all kinds of pro
paganda about how
bad drinking is.“ he
said. “but it's mostly
about drinking and
driving. This proves
it doesn't have to be

UK sophomore
and Louisville na-
tive Brian Anthony
Muth. 19. was struck
and killed by a trac-
tor-trailer on the outer
loop of New Circle Road just
after 2 am. Tuesday. He had
just been released from jail
after being charged with al‘
cohol intoxication.

Muth’s father said he and
his family feel only sympathy



Celebrating 33 years of independence

‘We pray for everybody this has touched’

Father grieves but hopes
son's death saves others

for Ann C. Slone, the driver
of the tractor-trailer. who
was not charged.

“We pray for everybody
this has touched." he said.
“But we'd love to have one
more chance. We wish that
call had come to us -—A we
would've picked him up."

Brian Muth would have
begun his first day of classes
at UK yesterday He trans

ferred to UK after one
year at St. Louis Uni-
versity, and was listed
as a sophomore in the
Gatton School of
Business. He was to
pursue a bachelor of
science degree in ac-
counting. said UK
spokesman Chuck

Michael Muth Jr.
Brian‘s older brother.
said Brian was a great stu-
dent with a strong sense of
responsibility By seventh
grade he had his first job and
worked hard each summer to

See Muth on page 2




mum PM.” I STA"

Grieving with his family at his Louisville home yesterday, Michael Muth
Sr. said he felt sympathy for the semi-truck driver who hit his son.

top 20
Pace 6



Death of UK student
prompts change
in jail release policy

Fayette County District Court will now require
identification for those signing to release anyone
charged with alcohol intoxication from the Lexington-
Fayette County Detention Center

The major policy change came Wednesday follow-
ing the death of incoming UK sophomore Brian Muth.

Lexington Police were unable to read the signature
of Muth‘s friend and UK student Aaron McNulty. who
signed as a third party for Muth‘s release from the de
tention center early Tuesday.

McNulty could not be reached for comment.

Signing for the release requires the third party —
in this case McNulty , to take responsibility for the
intoxicated person until he or she sobers up. said
Deputy District Court Clerk Amber Robey

But Robey said no identification or legible signa-
ture has been required to sign as a third party

That policy changed Wednesday

See Jail on page 2








' . MANIA! man | sun
Parking attendant Michael Cooley tells a student how to use parking meters. He says the parking department provides many services people don't

know about, such as driving buses, jumping dead batteries and giving abandoned used bicycles to foster care children.

It’s more than checking meters

Parking employees say attendants
don't deserve their bad reputation

By Troy Lyle
nit kiufiickv item

Even though staff and
students alike constantly
ridicule him. UK parking at»
tendant Michael (‘ooley said
he spends more time helping
motorists than ticketing

“None of us enjoys writ
ing tickets. and we hate tow-
ing someone even more." he
said. “But people forget
we‘re just doing our jobs. l‘m
just an ordinary guy living
my life like everyone else.
People forget we are people
too with families and dreams
just like the next person."

His job begins at 7 am.
with staff meetings. Then he
begins patrolling around 8
am. he said.

Cooley one of more than
40 parking officers. said he
didn‘t plan to become an at»
tendant. He has a bachelor's
degree in chemistry from
Eastern Kentucky Universi
ty. but working in a lab did


n't pay enough. A change of
careers brought him to UK
and the parking department.

”The pay is solid. atid it
comes with great benefits."
he said. “Plus i get to take
six hours a semester of free
classes. which allows me to
work on getting my comput
er science degree here at

it didn‘t take (‘ooley long
to find someone illegally
parked in the Virginia Av
enue lot last week. He said a
lot of people parking illegal-
ly will park iii the last row of
{i litt.

“They‘re assuming we‘re
too lazy to get out of our ve~
hicles and walk." he said
"What they don't know is we
walk every lot."

And it's not just the stu
dents being cited faculty.
staff. coaches aitd athletes
are all subject to the univer
sity‘s rules

"When we cite or tow
someone. were really pro-
tN‘ting the people who paid


for their permits." said Ed
die Wesley the parking en»
forcement supervisor. ”They
deserve a parking spot. They
paid for it; not those people
parking illegally or those
without a permit."

However. attendants
don't issue as many parking
citations as some may think.

“The majority of people
who park on campus never
receive a ticket it's just a
small per-
centage of
faculty. staff
and students
receivmg ci
tations. and
nine times
out of it) it's
the same re
peat offend»
ers being cit
ed over and
over again. "
(‘ooley said.


attendants may be some of
the least popular people on
campus Cooley said they
are commonly referred to as
“parking Nazis." it‘s an un-
fair characterization. he

Attendants say
they don't issue as
many parking
citations as some
may think.

if the job involved noth
ing but writing tickets. (‘oo-
ley said he'd find another
line of work. it‘s the other
things attendants do that
make it all worthwhile.

“We act as mediators.
solving problems. directing
people and helping out
whenever and wherever We
can." said Wade (lroves.
parking assistant supervisor
and bike cmrdinator. “This
is the kind
of job that
you can
never make

said people
don't think
about the
good things
parking of-
ficials do.
such as
j u m p i n g
dead batter-
ies. giving directions or pro
viding rides.

Parking employees also
drive the CATS buses at
night when they are offduty.

See Porting on page 3


Web site aims
to enlighten

new students

By Chris Crumrine
mi kimono kERNfL

Trying to learn the ins and outs of both UK and Lex-
ington can be overwhelming. but one UK student has
condensed all that information onto one Web site.

Cole Pence. creator of justiukstudentscom. said he
stalled progress toward graduation to start the Web site.

"The information on the Web site is there to help the
students. and I get to have fun doing it." the accounting
senior said.

This is Pence's first attempt at a Web site like this.
and so far. he likes what he sees.

“This is something new that l hadn't seen before." he
said. “l'm an entrepreneur. and i enjoy doing my own

The Web site. which took about 1in days to get up and
running. works in affiliation with ecampuscom. a Web
side that provides information for college students
across the nation .lust iukstudentscom has links on
everything from local businesses and restaurants to en-
tertainment. joh optmrtunities and even tanning salons.

()ne of the more interesting links on the Web site is
the “marketplace." This feature works much like
eBaycom. Pence said. Students are able to buy and sell
textbooks and other items so long as they are registered
on the Web site.

were so expen-
sive when l was
buying them."
he said. "This is
a cheaper wav
for the students
to get the mate
rials they

One outof
state l'K stu-
dent who e.\'-
plored the Web
site said she
found it useful

“It is extremely helpful for me. especially because I
am from Florida.” said psychology freshman Monica
Morgan "1 am not aware of the activities and restau-
rants offered for students in Lexington."

Those who purchased advertising on Pence's Web
page said they believe it will he a hit among UK students.

"it is a valuable resource to UK students. and 1 am ex-
cited to be a part of it." said Jim Davis. owner of Com-
mon Grounds Cafe. “i think it's going to be a big suc-

Common Grounds Cafe is one of about 40 businesses
that purchased advertising on the Web page.

The Web page also has a weekly cash giveaway Pence
sets aside some of his advertising revenue to fund the
giveaways. and the prize money increases in relation to
how many people sign up for each drawing.

Four UK students are among a team of seven staff
that help Pence add travel and tutoring sections to the
Web site by spring semester.

Pence has a real estate license and said he could be
making more money in that field. but he enjoys running
his Web service.

“This concept just interests me a lot more." Pence
said. “i like that it helps bring UK students closer to Lex-
ington businesses it just makes it easier."

Just4ukstudents.com has
links on everything from local
businesses and restaurants to

entertainment and job

E-mail newstarkykernelmm


 ‘ ”wasting. “WQet-masgaags-w
”’5 “a 3:. 33121:“

‘P t“ ‘.‘.t

must: I sun

Lexington Sqt. Paul Simms discusses the death of
Brian Muth at a yesterday's press conference


Continued from paqei

pay for his car

“It really can happen to anybody." his
brother said.

Brian Muth was a dedicated. (‘Ulist‘lt’ll‘
tious student. his father said. He graduated
third in his class from Trinity High School
in Louisville. was a Beta t‘liib member and
a 2002 Governor’s Scholar

Michael Muth Sr said he's struggling to
think in positive terms. and hopes that his
son‘s death won‘t be portrayed as just an
other reckless. drunken teenage accident

“Brian was deeper than that." he said
"We hope the kids that knew him Will take a
good message from all this if it happens
to Brian. it could happen to anyone ”

Muth also said he hopes his son's deaili
will be seen as a wake~up call to eVel‘Volit‘.
not just college students

“As long as people w ill sell drinks (TU mi»
norst. it's like offering candy to a dog.
they’ll take ll. As good as (Briani was. his
life won't be wasted if people it bar own
ers and police will take this and see this
is not the thing to do

“Brian had so much to offer." he said.
“This could be the thing he was meant to of

E-mai/ elm/e a kykerne/roni

' ~.- '"fi‘fl‘tut-


Continued from page 1

Now. anyone signing as a third party for
a person charged with alcohol intoxication
must produce an ID including Social Secu-
rity number. legible signature and current
address. Robey said.

The process still requires that the third
party first go to Fayette County District
(‘ourt and request to sign for the person's
release from jail. Robey said. The process
does not require a judge. and the third part
ty must pay a $4 fee.

Before Wednesday: a third party was re-
quired to sign and show identification for
all charges but alcohol intoxication.

After signing for the release at district
coun. the third party must still take the pa-
perwork to the jail and the jailers will
process the paperwork and release the per‘
son into custody.

Robey was unsure if the third party
would be held responsible for actions of
those released into their custody.

Muth was brought to the jail at 1:31 am.
Tuesday after police said he tried to start a
fight at 4132 Gibson Ave. A police report said
Muth was "visibly intoxicated" and his
blood alcohol was .103. The legal limit for
intoxication in Kentucky is .08.

lexington Police Sgt. Paul Simms at a
news conference yesterday said that while
McNulty and an unknown woman spoke to
Jailers. Miitli “disappeared."

Simms said while McNulty and the
woman searched for Muth. Muth made his
way about a quarter of a mile to New (‘ir-
cle Road where he ”"darted into the path of
a tractor-trailer Fayette County Deputy
(‘oroner Steve McCown pronounced Muth
dead at the scene at 3:20 am.

Simms said no charges would be filed
against the driver of the semi. Ann C.
Slone. of Stamping Ground. Ky.

.lail stxrkeswoman Lt. Edye Dabney said
McNulty and the woman returned to the
jail at 2:33 am. to see if Muth had returned.

Simms said he could not comment on
the investigation. but he did say it would be
ixissihle the person hosting the party at the
(iibst in Avenue house could face charges ne-
lat mg to underage drinking.

"lt's one of those (investigations) that
the more you look at it. the more it extends
out." Simms said. “The ramifications kind
of reach out and touch people that never
would have expected it. It's pretty rough."

The owner of the property. Phil Henry
declined comment last night.

L'nderage drinking is not a new prob-
lem to l'K. Simms said.

"It‘s not unusual." he said. “It‘s been
this way for 36 years that I‘ve been here."

Email dSthb.~4¢o z.)




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Aug. 26, 2004

iditom: Board

Emily Hagedorn, Editor in chief
Andrew Martin. Opinions editor
Ben Roberts, Asst. Opinions editor
Rebecca Neal. Asst. managing editor for news



UK shouldn’t park development

As the early semester crunch for
parking reaches its peak. many frus-
trated commuters take out their
anger on the UK Parking and Trans-
portation Services Department.

No solutions present them-
selves to appease these wayward mo
torists: limit who can park on campus
or create more parking spaces.

While the first Option seems the
least drastic when it comes to funding
and construction. it may not be the
best approach.

Don Thornton. the director of
transportation and parking services.
has considered restricting some resi-
dents from parking on campus. but
this has drawbacks. he said.

We agree.

First of all. prohibiting resident
parking would only affect parking at
Commonwealth Stadium‘s K lot.

It also puts a higher emphasis on
public transportation the UK CATS
and Lexington's LexTran bus sys-
tems. to be specific.

Considering funding for the UK
bus system comes from permit fees.
the need to upgrade the system would
present a challenge
since fewer people " "
would be buying

Also the Lex-
Tran system has
received fewer
grants due to the
uncertain econo
my. further mak-
ing public transit a

Limiting resi-
dents fmm parking
on campus might
also give other uni
versities that allow such parking a