xt7wpz51kd7w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wpz51kd7w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-02-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 27, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 27, 2007 2007 2007-02-27 2020 true xt7wpz51kd7w section xt7wpz51kd7w Men's tennis team loses to Furman after
leading early in the match SEE PAGE 5





College Dems push for restoration of felon voting rights

By Jill Laster

itsfié' low" Q‘ __

FEBRL' ARN " Jill)



the) eoittplete their sentenee, the issue lt‘L'lL' setseti Io \te'ttl\ m piisoii ioi

Right nou. Kentuek) is one oi oitl)

ttekittg.‘ .llltl ioi'ger)
“I felt like it people s.ii\ tlits tuid "\Ne h.i\e people \slio lt.i\e httl
three sttites thztt do not itllo“ relettsed heurd this stor_\ . the} \soiild under their lite s.i\titgs lttkt‘ll tl'\\.l\ h_\ eititii h.ihit \itei hettte teieitsed loge \ilil
leloiis to \ote iitiitiedtittel} tlllL‘l‘ lemmg stitiid oh) this “its siieh .tit important tittls." "VK lt.it Jill I supposed
prison \\ tthoui tin exeeiittie ptirilon goitl." (ittllenstetn stud. to Mt) to tlte \tettins oi these et'ittttit.tls' \ .ttetl
iroitt tlte gm et‘iior. tieeording to Ken— 'l'he isstte is rele\.iiit to [K students "It‘s not eds}. htti ihett ttgillll. ll “lt ‘s\tl\ .1 \ti\.
iiiekitiits tor the (‘ommoitue;ilth. because oi' the man) people it ho kiton ire-storing \oiiitg rightst should he ditti i‘iikt‘s\ ” l oele s.itd
"I don‘t think \\e should dl‘sL‘ltlrttl‘l' lelons or \Hll kno“ ielons iii the ttiture. eiiltf‘ lie \tlltl tho: i one l ieztheii dexemped is so
ehtse soittehod) iiist heeuuse the) ittitke (inllenstein stud l.ee .idded then he \soitld he siii llllltlll ”
ti itttstiike." \‘Jltl .loe (itilleiistetn. seere— "If the} don‘t kno“ pes‘l‘le. the) l‘l'N'd ll ll‘k' l‘lll PJ‘W‘ \Iiei l leteitei look oitrt e the pio
itu') oll'K ('ollege Deittoeritts \\tll k'nt'm someone? (iiillettstein stud l‘ttl'lttL‘l’ l K \xouteii‘s txtskethtiil testottittr win it: ighis
(ittllettsteiii lohhied tor the Hunt; “These iire re;t| lllllllttll hetngs." pl.t_\ er ltlll'Ml l-ogle _L‘.t\ e .i \I‘t‘t‘tll .thottt
rights ol' iele;tsed i'elotts liist _\e;ir hiit Rep. Stun l.ee. R»l.e\itigton. div hei lite .is it i’eleitsed teloit iii the \\ l
ll pissed ilie issue \\t|llltl he pttt to the issue “its ttot talked about \e r_\ tigrees \\'llll MB 70 diltl stud he doesn't toting l.ihr;u'_\ .-\itditoriititt on \loitdd}.
it \oie iii -Hi|\ on uh llki to eh nice the ittiielt on e;iittptis. he stud lhts )etir. think it is "it good pieee of legislation" leh. l". iti .ut e\etti spottsoied h_\ sexeii
l\eitttiik_\ t otisiiiitttott to .dltm ieloits (hilleitsteiii tried to i‘.itse .t\\.tt‘t‘itC\\ h_\ heetiuse it restores rights to ol'l'enders l'lx’ orgtiiit/dtioiis illltl oiydtii/ed h}
oi iiott \ tolent eiiittes to tote .is soon its oi‘gnni/itig e\ettts .tt l'K eetttered oii eomieted oi ei'iities sueh its drug triti? (ittllettstein

‘A'ittit; hid tlietks to \tli‘.‘vti' tzei din;
l K sittdeitts ‘Alll he lttl‘l\}lll:_' toil.t_\ [-Ck' “ml
itt l‘l'dlthliill .is put ol the R'\'\l\‘ltlll0ll
ot \otitte Rights 1 ohhi l).t}

Students lioitt ot‘ettn/nttoits like the
l‘K (Ullk‘fe'k' l)L'lllt‘\l.ll\ .tllil lllL‘ l'K
elLtptet ot \iitttest} llllt'lllitllttlltll \Hll
lohh} heettittiii; til ‘i .t iii in support ol
House lhll PH. \ihteh \Millltl .tllo\\ e'lli'
xeits to \ote oii tshethei ot ttoi to lL"
stoie soitte lelotts‘ \otiiie tights

iestottii: het \otztts i‘L'l|l\ t\i;s toitzplt

\e:\ tii'tztiif'

' l he pith, ess llltll

\ediit‘e lot
thutteetl so ih.ii liiele .llli. d lezoiis
\seie tettiiiiett to ho e tliiee tll.lltl\l\"
teleietttes ipeisoiit \\llll.'ll st tiettteitt
ind .i tti e\\ h\ the pioseetiiots tit hoili

Voting . :tv 3

l’i'i'i‘ixo llt«;\i<'i‘s ox Sitiiinas



of thefts

By Sean Rose

'. _*,s empty“!

.\ siiitie oi tutu thetts li.t\e otiitt'ied iii the (‘olr
leee oi l',llL‘|l|L\'liii‘.‘ l‘lliltllilst met the ptist eoitple
\\eeks. titeittdtite too \estetdio iiioi'tttne. .tttoi'dttie

V ‘ill"

out l .is

s' lll
\li 'lie .is wet titted iii the middle oi the d l_\ ind
ohieti s'o,ei ..‘. _.' t: Itott i'ioite\ to it i tptop
to .i itittit litii ttoin one oi the l.l\\'
iooitts. shit: i \nt' lfilex .itt :ntot’ntdtton teehttolog}
tittiititeei to: the liiettieei'ttt}; (‘oittpiitei ('etttet‘
.\l l‘ loe \lt‘tiil“k‘. tn'etint l'lx' [VttllkL‘ L'l'ilt'le s.iid
l-e polite tilk' lil\t’\ll_L‘tll!l‘i}‘ the itietdeitis tutd tltiit
he thought the s.iitie petsoit peipett'.tted .tll tlte

out pimeeioi

s :tohtthlx ittot'e tlt.ttt
\lt lit K stiltl
.tjt' .t Yel\ll til lllL‘ll\

ttpiosee tilllk'tl l K
pol'ee \esteidto iitoi‘tttit; .thoiit it st.sptt ioits person
tlt‘se'il‘et‘. i\ t ‘ «, tittiae \"ll‘. it led lltl‘ttfl‘.‘ til lL‘tl
slit" il.l‘. punts t‘tli'. \inw iitke’ .litt«

liis no t, \lrll‘ii‘k‘
\liiiliitt \tzisl l'lt sli‘1i't7".t\
skl\ tit l hilt 'Etti " l\l'lt s it

e idetils li‘ 'ii’ Hf fl ; .i .".l\l illi\'\l\ to sedit‘li


.ittt‘too on E7, ‘flA’“>sE‘i‘i”
ittottli'i}; i-

:otte “hen oiti
uikitt: toei ptist tit

UK included

in national anti-violence project

By Katie Saltz stud "lt _ttiet!s nottteti .liltl Ziletl
.ttid people I knots .tttd lo\e. .tl‘iti

l‘ksl ll’tl.“ .\lottt’oe
stuti ' .‘. 's f w its? .t hoe ilL‘l'tl Him '
llile ~ ‘1 .‘ it i t the in lllL R.tlph(
\ittietsoi. titi litllltilitKlltl ptotettot
Wis sio'ie'i iiot‘. \tttletsoii loitet eltiss

it‘iiii‘, l;l.e\ s.iitl lo ’ lt‘l Wits

msa'tzslstkw'te nix"
. itte stid ”
tilst it‘s’tt\s‘t‘t‘\l When he ittiitle his shirt, he sit d

iii it liitsitiess and l ,,s lliiftlzv‘: httllttoottt

\Vhen \\ lll l‘llllCl ‘»\t.t\ it resident .id\ tsei itt

toititeeiioit iii in ' tie

lille\ setttl in =~ .iptt «if h\ 'he itittitt‘e ot the
t lll‘lt'\ spew We 3." ' _ 'l e\ \ietn tltilillllllt'sl diit
lll:' itiid tzio .ii 3‘ ... as

\tt 9 'tt.ii', li:it"\ s. iii oit' “ illll'tL‘ liettlt\ \l.lll

.itnl slittietits it"t‘lll tltt '1‘

"is \lltl t‘llk titti‘ltntt
httd iitotttt ~ . l'i oi! t the lilillHtl'
lltll litiii t.“ i, iH iett douti the hill itito
the it“. " 2‘. 2,: J t .tsk.

ll‘n finite-ll“ liti‘l-ei , t‘lltti'l lo \lt'itl ll “its

tittesttott H
lilt‘illl'\il \it ”ht e iliiu'. stitl

'lh\\ l: pit-'ix de' iiitiitet; it the\’i‘e the \tll‘ilt'
Elitll‘ tittioi' lili’t't L i. t- tiitties

\lottioe .ind lillm tli;‘t'il e'xei‘sotte iii the ('ol
to keep iiteii \ttllltll‘lt‘N setiti‘e
int Ath‘lt not oteiipted \tt).
itpoitt-tl iittittedi.ttel_\

lore of l viyttit 'n:
.ttltl it't; I" t‘s ttti
s'ioti t.’

liil l\l’ll \ltit’tl-i-‘ "ltkl

\llsiiit {inn ttt'

Panel examines

By Azra DilieVIc


llllt'lltlk |.tl ie|.itiotishtps tii‘e itioie pi'e\.tlettt in
tod.t} 's t lllllllt‘ ili.tii the p.ist illltl tlt.it is oh} the)
need to he \li\\ tissed. .titoidiiie to \ltittt.theeit Rdll
tiddtn diiettoi oi \lllilt‘lll litieistii l iietigeiitent

lht: siihieit \\ill he i \illlllllL‘tl tit .t p.tne| dist its
stoit titled “Hit-tiling lietueett tlte l ilk s” tonight tit
‘ Kit in tooiii jolt tit tltv‘ \ttideut ( etttei

"\\e h.t\e iseeit ill Illlt'l'lJt i.il ielttttottslttps ittore
thitn pit-\ioits :‘t‘ilt'ltilli'llN ’l<.tltitddiii s.ttd

lhe ill\t itssioit is thin oi .i ititttllltl) dt\ersit§ dt
.iiogtie sei'ies th.ii “its stttited this semester to pro
mote distusstoiis on eitit.ilit\ .iitd di\i.-rsit_\ issues

"\li emit is to detelop .i more eoittpi‘ehenstse
\te\\ oi “hut di\erstt\ is." Ritliiiddiii stud "It‘s ti
klltlllt'llflc tot otti iini\eisit\ hetttiise our unnersit}

Diversity '* man 3

First issue tron. Subsequent issues 25 cents,

l’dllt‘l'fllll Hitll. he didn't tenth/e lio\\ high one
\lillhlli. ill‘t‘lll l'l\\ etttttpits \\.is

“lht dit'et tor oi \\oitten‘s l’l.tte e.it‘te to
titil. to its .tttd l utis surprised to disemei llll\\
tetllllilitll \toleitee .t-_!.ttttst \xoitieit is ” lttllet

\hile tit l‘K. \(u pe. t.eitt oi isttidents ‘.\ill
he \t'\lltlll_\ .iss.tiilted .tt some ttitte. .tteotdttt}:
lt‘ lllk' \\t>lllk‘ll>\ Plelk C

lltiit third oi the student liod\ is one i't‘d'
soii litllet‘ .t histoi‘\ setttor. is .t ptit‘tittpdnt in
the (‘loihesliite l’roteet. ti llLllIt‘lltll illii‘xe‘li‘iclll
th.it .iddi‘esses the issue ol‘ \tolettte tigdtttst

l'he Rttsdtill (hille‘l‘) iii the Student ('eittei'
\\ill he tll\Pl;t}ill:_' the pi'oteet llillll \ltti’eli ‘)
llte displd} ts tittide tip oi shirts det oi.iteil h}
stii’\i\ors tuid the litititlies .ittd ltietttls oi \it
tiitts oi \ltllL'llkk'

l'iillet siud he hopes the displdt \\lll ttt.ike
people .t\\.trc Hi the cllt‘tts lli.il \ltilt‘llkC lids
oit hoth genders

"Violetite is .i itt.itor sot tet.il tsstte." l'iillei'

people to ttttike tlie
insptied il

'l'hese neople .iie ie.il -illil s.
ties." llilitl stitd "\\e \l.iill ptopn'
shitts .tllil thtttk .thotit the 1‘: ~~

\.,\l (iroenuoldt ie it spoics'ist- it w
the (‘lotheslttie l’i'otett .titd \totks
\\oiitett s l’lttt e llte pioteet hermit
hitd it displ.t} .it l K l.tst teat she s.tu:

"\\e .ll‘t' no“ .i it.ttiott.ill\ eei'ih
oi the ('lotheslttte l’i‘oiettf'
"I'itt \et} proud to he iitiolted iii :ltts "

\\htle the protect is .t lltlllttlldl otentii/t
lion. (iioeiinoldt s.iid thitt lltstll gv.iittt.pi'i‘s
titttde till oi the shirts on displ.o

‘\l! ot the shiits toitte tiott‘ "eopi_
[K‘s hittii‘us.” she sttid 'lhi se ttiett ofi
uoitteit are sum |\(tl's. the\ tie \tetittis tend 'htx
die the i.titttl\ .iiid li'ieitds oi soiite \sho lint:
died heedttse oi the \iolente "

l'lte ('lotltesliite l‘roteet ts utttttut hetdiist
oi its tipprouth to the issue (ii‘oettuorilt s.ti.l

‘i two

(iliik‘llVi‘l'l' \ if

State’s largest 11 Let tail starts t()(l‘.1\ on CLllltleS

By Erica Mitchell

News dkyknr'w t' Irv tittit‘t‘tm

eiteoiiinued to tittettd hoth dios. s.iid
l'.\lllCl li\iit;_'stoii.
oi Limes \\ \iutkeit ( .tieer (‘eittei ”lilkk to shut ioi
the third .itttiititl l K .\pl‘lltg (ilrk‘k'l' “llte

Students littiklll}; lot .i ioh edit get
it tttittp st.trt todti} .utd toittorro“ .ll

.iitd Internship l:\po

l‘he own is l-s'eiittitkt's largest
e.ireei' l.iti‘ .tttd \iill he held in the mitt
(iitittd Biilliooitt ot the Student (‘eit
tei' trottt lll .titt to 3 p itt

Students “1” h.t\e the oppoitunt them
l_\ ll‘ ttk‘t‘l “illl t'itlpltt}t‘t\ lrtitti it‘st‘t
Ht) eoinpnntes \slto are looking ioi
tiidt\tduitls to till iiill and part-time
positions. intemshtps iind engineering

The l‘tiir is l'oetistng on engineei
tug. highteeh ilntl health titre organt
Izitioiis toda) and business. gowrir

ittettt .titd non piottt oreuiti/iittons to
\ll iiintots .u'e \seltottte tuid 'i‘ e.

.Itl\.lllltlf_'\' oi it large eiteti

ti’ttitei \\ll(l ittiuht poteiiti.tll\ lilit'

.\he pointed out the mteer i.itt ot
lers .i hettei opportuntt} to meet \‘llll
einploiers th.trt o\er the phone oi on '\ \tlittiiiisti.ition .iitd \'.t:e ‘.lt‘i
.in onliite ioh search l.t\iit_t_'ston s.iitl
itt.iii\ students get inter\ie\ts its .i re
stilt oi .tttendtng; the \tITCCl l.ur

Some students also itizreed oit the
\.tliie oi .ittending the l.ur.

'lhe toh 'l‘itlll'se"
\itltl l\.tll:‘ l’xlitti
settto: l.tktti

.tsstst.tttt tltteeloi titties sitth .is tltt

l i\ iitestoii

i.tii tot sttidtttts is theie .ii'e so lllttll\ "these e'll'l‘ltl‘si"
L'lttltlii}cl\ in one pl.iee.”
‘\t the t.tit. students t.tll spe.ik ' llli t.tiet-i till!
to .iitd .tttii.ill\ itteet tit peisoit .t ie

li'slllL'\lttll stiideit's illlkl gt i-lttiitt s

tit.titte ‘oi sttitlt ' 's tint
totittett \s 'h e it lt othti
()V‘Jtll‘ii/illll‘lh .llli‘liti 't'
tittlttde the HM lit": l
(iitn (’oitstiuttton lllk

.titetidtni; still he found

lllL' Him 2.“ 2‘10

Newsroom: 2“ '

V». 1 ti \et itti
\ltltllhk' ('o \ lull l'st o! stl'ill‘ttllis‘\

\\\\ \\ tilt) edit titteet'u‘n'ei t out \lot'e
intoiitt.itioit .s itlso .l‘ tittiihle h\ t.:E‘.



 PAGE 21 Tuesday, February 27,2007

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4puz corn


a Horoscopes?

By Linda C Black

70 get the advantage chart the Jar 5
rating it] (5 the easiest I”? I”?
most I rial/ranging

Aries (March 21 April 19l- t‘s
is a 5 You re doir Ira the urenir at
’itiW iw "or to Iittrart
You‘ll get B'liiuii’l Lit that tLIriL-rrLIII
and the "ext day

Taurus (April 20 May 20) - 'IL ‘IilIiV s
an 8 Yr II "Lave the objective new? tr
at t‘, atrial ski ‘2!" "IIi ‘2":r'ii
iiig rL lid"
is It Berti"
Gemini (May 21 June 21) -

is IN 8 Y Li ii! iait! T17 i'lt‘ l‘Ii’t’I.
0 "H. 3 Li l'I Iii! 'id'iti l Ii'I T'lt‘ii‘ \ l! .2
Whitley I'i‘yfiivthi "It”t". s“. SHIV. ‘i
”are sortie : ‘ass P it . I"

Iii’Ie'iTI "

You CI!"


(iiii T‘L {itti'w' i": Ir'.i' '

4. Mild, fi‘


.. ”T 11.7.}
Venn syn
;)JL.W....1s . .sJi
Cancer (June 22 July 22) — Today Is
rut? Mam? It Ii ’iI’irIIt to on (K iii!
your work Utiiilit‘. yrii. se it! it out It s
.I'sI1IiriiiiiLIi rim to always thins no
iILIrI> you speak Apologize immediate
'L. W'IIw ".Iiressiir‘. Iir‘ILIi yi‘III
‘v‘viil‘i be slowed down for toriri
Leo (July Z! Aug. 22) - imiay Is i :3
it doesnt seem; ilKL‘ you re Iie'ItIriii
It" I! :IIt ’inI.I’i‘lI . Ii'I‘ 't i;

3I1 trip {Iiilii'ii‘i ('in :Er‘wipe K j .j,’ 'i(‘


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0 UK Students for Life
Meeting, 8:00 PM, 115
Student Center

- YMCA Center For
Achievement Tutoring,
5:00 PM, YMCA Center
For Achievement

0 Young at Heart
Meeting, 5:00 PM, 228
Student Center

0 Martin School Open
House, 4:30 PM, 18th
Floor Lobby POT

0 Diversity Dialogue:
Interracial Relationships
& Bi