xt7wpz51kk14 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wpz51kk14/data/mets.xml  Thomas Merton 1966-10-08 This letter is from collection 75m28 Thomas Merton papers. archival material 75m28 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Thomas Merton correspondence Letter from Thomas Merton to Carolyn Hammer, October 8, 1966 text Letter from Thomas Merton to Carolyn Hammer, October 8, 1966 1966 1966-10-08 2023 true xt7wpz51kk14 section xt7wpz51kk14  


Oct. 8,1966

Dear Carolyn:

Many thanks for your note of the 3rd telling me of the
exhibit of Stanbrook books there at the library. I would very much like
to get to see it, but as matters stand I think it is impossible for
he to plan on it. If I were going to see a Doctor in Lexington it might
come under Consideration: but I an still seeing the man in Louisville,
and it would not be nossible for me to get permission to go to
Lexington just to see the exhibit. I really wish I could. I gresume it
is not going to Louisville...?? If it is, then perhaps I might catch it

Can you hell me with the following books?
Any volume of verse by Laurie Ens Lee
B. Rajan— Paradise Lost and the 17th Century Reade

London 1947

e,n.w Tillyard Studies in Milton London l951

I don't know if these are badly needed for courses, but if they are there
and are available I would much appreciate having them for a while.

Good, let's plan on some Saturday in November then. I think that
October is now a bit crowded for he anyhow, and November would be better.
do far all the Saturdays in Nov. are clear as far as I am concerned.

If any hitch comes up I will let you know, but write me first which day
you prefer when the timex cones to prefer it.

All best wishes to you and Victor, and wlessings,


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