xt7wst7ds21n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wst7ds21n/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19840519 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1984-05-jun19. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1984-05-jun19. 1984 2011 true xt7wst7ds21n section xt7wst7ds21n 

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky, Tuesday, June 19, 1984.

    The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 2 p.m.
(Eastern Daylight Time) on Tuesday, June 19, 1984 in the Board Room on
the 18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower on the Lexington Campus.

    A.   Meeting Opened and Oath of Office Administered

    Mr. George W. Griffin, Secretary of the Board, in the absence of
Chairman William B. Sturgill and Vice Chairman Albert G. Clay, called
the meeting to order at 2:22 p.m., and the invocation was pronounced
by Governor Albert Benjamin Chandler. Mr. Griffin welcomed the new
members of the Board of Trustees and requested Mr. John C. Darsie,
General Counsel, to administer the oath of office to the following:

         Mr. Henry E. Hershey, appointed by Governor
         Martha Layne Collins to replace Mr. William B.
         Sturgill, for a term expiring May J., 1990.

         Mr. James L. Rose, appointed by Governor Collins
         to replace Mr. A. Stevens Miles, for a term
         expiring May 1, 1990.

         Mrs. Edythe Jones Hayes, reappointed by Governor
         Collins, for a term expiring May 1, 1990.

    B.   Roll Call

    The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call
of the roll: Mr. Thomas P. Bell, Mr. William R. Black, Mr. David T
Bradford, Professor Timothy A. Cantrell, Governor Albert Benjamin
Chandler (Honorary Trustee), Mr. Tracy Farmer, Mr. Ronald G. Geary,
Mr. George W. Griffin, Jr., Mrs. Edythe Jones Hayes, Mr. Henry E.
Hershey, Mr. Brereton C. Jones, Mr. R. Larry Jones, Mr. T. A.
Lassetter, Mr. W. Bruce Lunsford, Mr. Robert T. McCowan, Mr. Frank
Ramsey, Jr., Mr. James L. Rose, Mr. Bobby Watson, and Professor
Constance P. Wilson. Absent from the meeting were Mr. Albert G. Clay
and Professor James D. Kemp. The University administration was
represented by President Otis A. Singletary; Mr. James 0. King, Vice
President for Administration; Chancellors Art Gallaher and Charles T.
Wethington; Dr. Raymond R. Hornback, Vice President for University
Relations; Mr. Edward A. Carter, Associate Vice President for Planning
and Budget; Mr. John C. Darsie, General Counsel; Mr. Henry Clay Owen,
Controller and Treasurer; Dr. Paul G. Sears, Special Assistant for
Academic Affairs; Dr. Jack C. Blanton, Vice Chancellor for
Administration, Lexington Campus; and Dr. Leonard E. Heller, Vice
Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Medical Center, representing
Chancellor Peter P. Bosomworth.

    Members of the various news media were also in attendance. Mr.
Darsie, Assistant Secretary, reported a quorum present, and Mr.
Griffin declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of
business at 2:26 p.m.



    C.   Chairman of the Board of Trustees Elected

    After noting that the term of office of Mr. William B. Sturgill,
Chairman of the Board, had expired, Mr. Griffin stated that an
election needed to be held. He then asked for nominations from the
floor for a Chairman to serve until September, at which time, under
the Governing Regulations, officers of the Board and the Executive
Committee are elected.

    Mr. Farmer placed in nomination the name of Mr. Robert T. McCowan
for Chairman of the Board and moved acceptance of the nomination. Mr.
Bell moved that nominations cease. Mr. Black seconded Mr. Farmer's
motion which passed without dissent. Mr. McCowan was given a round of

    Mr. Griffin congratulated Mr. McCowan, following which Mr. McCowan
assumed the Chair.

    D.   Minutes Approved

    On motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the Minutes of the May
1, 1984 meeting of the Board of Trustees were approved as written.

    E.   President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

    President Singletary called attention to his monthly report to
the Trustees, copies of which were distributed earlier, and
recommended that the report be accepted. Without objection, it was
so ordered.

    F.   Mr. Timothy B. Freudenberg Recognized

    Mr. Bradford introduced Mr. Timothy Freudenberg, President-elect
of the Student Government Association, who will serve as the Student
Trustee during 1984-85.   He stated that Mr. Freudenberg had served
very ably and capably as Vice President of the Student Government
Association prior to his election by the student body as president
for the coming year, and he expressed confidence in Mr.
Freudenberg's ability to serve as an effective member of the Board.

    G.   Personnel Actions (PR 2)

    In recommending that the appointments and staff changes in PR 2
be approved, President Singletary called attention to the
appointment of Mr. Robert A. Babbage, Jr. as Assistant to the
President, effective June 4, 1984. He explained that Mr. Babbage
will work on special projects which will include the coordinating of
activities surrounding the Maxwell H. Gluck Equine Research Center.
President Singletary then indicated his pleasure in presenting to
the Board Mr. Babbage and in recommending that he be appointed
Assistant to the President.



    The Chair recognized Governor Chandler, who pointed out that Mr.
Babbage is a grandson of Mr. Keen Johnson. Mr. Johnson served as
Lieutenant Governor during Governor Chandler's first Administration
and later was elected Governor of the Commonwealth.

    On motion made by Mr. Bell, seconded by Mr. Lunsford, and passed
unanimously, the appointments and staff changes recommended in PR 2
were approved. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

    H.   Personnel Nomination (PR 3A)

    President Singletary recommended that the Board formally approve
the nomination of Dr. Louis Diamond, a pharmacologist at the
University of Kentucky, to the Kentucky Equine Drug Research Council
established by HB 684 at the General Assembly Regular Session 1984.
Mr. Griffin so moved. His motion was seconded by Mr. Farmer and
passed without dissent. (See PR 3A at the end of the Minutes.)

    I.   1983-84 Budget Revisions (PR 3B)

    After noting that the proposed revisions in the 1983-84 budget
were routine, President Singletary recommended approval. On motion
duly made, seconded, and carried, the proposed budget revisions were
authorized and approved. (See PR 3B at the end of the Minutes.)

    J.   Acceptance of Gift from the Estate of Nannie A. Duncan (PR

    President Singletary recommended that the Board accept the gift
of $115,694.76 from the Estate of Nannie A. Duncan and establish a
quasi-endowment under the terms of the Will of Nannie A. Duncan.
Mr. Rose so moved. His motion was seconded by Mr. Bell and carried
unanimously. (See PR 3C-1 at the end of the Minutes.)

    K.   Acceptance of Gift from International Business Machines (PR

    President Singletary recommended that the Board accept the gift
of an IBM FASTDRAFT System, valued at $100,000, and a $60,000 grant
to the Lexington Technical Institute.

    Mr. Lassetter explained that IBM has established a program
across the country to support two-year colleges in pursuit of
enhanced curricula to prepare graduates to work in an automated
manufacturing environment. He added that the FASTDRAFT System will
provide hands-on learning for students and that the $60,000 grant
will be used to support faculty familiarization with the system.

    On motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the Board accepted
the gift from International Business Machines as recommended in PR
3C-2. (See PR 3C-2 at the end of the Minutes.)



    L.   Acceptance of Gift from Mr. Albert Stewart (PR 3C-3)

    On motion made by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr. Rose, and carried,
the Board accepted the gift of a farm, appraised at $315,000, from
Mr. Albert Stewart. (See PR 3C-3 at the end of the Minutes.)

    M.   Acceptance of Gift from Storage Technology (PR 3C-4)

    In recommending that the Board accept the gift from Storage
Technology Corporation, President Singletary pointed out that these
four significant gifts which the Board is formally accepting today
reflect a continuing interest that has been generated in one of the
primary areas of help for the University. He added that computing
is an area which has high priority as reflected in the budget and by
these gifts.

    Mr. Bradford then moved that the Board accept the gift of
$648,510 in computer hardware and software from Storage Technology
Corporation. His motion was seconded by Professor Wilson and
carried unanimously. (See PR 3C-4 at the end of the Minutes.)

    N.   Appointments to the Board of Directors of the University of
Kentucky Research Foundation (PR 3D)

    President Singletary recommended that approval be given to (1)
the appointment of Mr. T. A. Lassetter (Board of Trustees member)
and Mr. Norman Ogden (citizen member), and (2) the reappointment of
Dr. James Lafferty (faculty member) to the Board of Directors of the
University of Kentucky Research Foundation for three-year terms
ending in 1987. Mr. Griffin so moved. His motion was seconded by
Mr. Black and passed without dissent. (See PR 3D at the end of the

    0.   Approval of Agreement Between University of Kentucky and
University of Kentucky Student Agencies, Incorporated (PR 3E)

    On motion made by Mr. Larry Jones, seconded by Mr. Bradford, and
carried, the Board approved the agreement between the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky and the University of
Kentucky Student Agencies, Incorporated as recommended in PR 3E.
(See PR 3E at the end of the Minutes.)

    P.   Ashland--Second Supplemental Agreement "PR 4A)

    President Singletary called on Chancellor Wethington who said he
was pleased to recommend the agreement to the Board which represents
the Second Supplemental Agreement between the Board of Trustees of
the University of Kentucky, the Board of Education of Ashland
Independent School District, and the Public School Corporation of
Ashland Independent School District. Chancellor Wethington
explained that the agreement provides for the expenditure of
$1,360,000 in accumulated tax funds and for the expenditure of
approximately $236,000 in recurring revenues for junior college
purposes. He pointed out that this is a wonderful opportunity to
continue a fine relationship with the Ashland Board of Education.



    On motion made by Mr. Lassetter, seconded by Professor Wilson,
and carried, the Board authorized the Chancellor of the Community
College System to execute, on behalf of the University the contract
between the University, the Board of Education of Ashland
Independent School District, and the Public School Corporation of
Ashland Independent School District as recommended in PR 4A. (See
PR 4A at the end of the Minutes.)

    Q.   Appointment of Director, Lexington Community College (PR 4B)

    Chancellor Wethington said he was pleased to recommend that Dr.
Sharon B. Jaggard be named Director of Lexington Community College,
effective July 1, 1984. Dr. Jaggard served as Associate Director of
the Lexington Technical Institute for two years and, since August,
1983, she has capably performed the role of Acting Director of the
Institute. Chancellor Wethington added that Dr. Jaggard has an
excellent understanding of the role of the Lexington Community
College and the Community College System of the University of
Kentucky. Mr. Lassetter moved, and Mr. Ramsey seconded, that Dr.
Sharon B. Jaggard be named Director of the Lexington Community
College, effective July 1, 1984. The motion carried unanimously.
(See PR 4B at the end of the Minutes.)

    R.   Appointment of Director, Somerset Community College (PR 4C)

    Chancellor Wethington stated he was pleased to support the
recommendation that Dr. Richard G. Carpenter be named Director of
Somerset Community College, effective July 1, 1984. He further
stated that Dr. Carpenter, who has served ably as Associate Director
of the Somerset Community College, was a first choice of the Search
Committee which was composed of faculty representatives, a student
representative, and the Chairman of the Advisory Board.

    On motion made by Mrs. Hayes, seconded by Mr. Ramsey, and passed
unanimously, Dr. Richard G. Carpenter was named Director of Somerset
Community College, effective July 1, 1984. (See PR 4C at the end of
the Minutes.)

    S.   The duPont Endowed Chair in Banking and Financial Services

    President Singletary indicated his pleasure in recommending that
the Board establish in the College of Business and Economics THE
$1,000,000. He reported that it was through a very generous pledge
of $250,000 by Mr. William duPont III which fulfilled the College of
Business and Economics' commitment to raise $900,000 under the terms
of First National Bank of Louisville's initial challenge pledge. He
explained that the chair has the unanimous support of the Executive
Committee of the Board of Directors of the University of Kentucky
Business Partnership Foundation as well as the members of the Board
of the Foundation from the banking community.



   Mr. Hershey moved approval of the establishment of THE DUPONT
Business and Economics as recommended in PR 5A. His motion was
seconded by Professor Wilson and carried unanimously.

    Mr. duPont was asked to stand and be recognized following which
he was given a round of applause. (See PR 5A at the end of the

    T.   Patent Assignments (PR 5B)

    Without discussion, on motion made by Professor Cantrell,
seconded by Mr. Larry Jones, and carried, the patent assignments
recommended in PR 5B were approved. (See PR 5B at the end of the

    U.   Health Sciences Student Professional Behavior Code (PR 6A)

    With President Singletary so recommending, Mr. Bell moved
approval of the Health Sciences Student Professional Behavior Code.
His motion was seconded by Mr. Hershey and passed without dissent.
(See PR 6A at the end of the Minutes.)

    V.   Appointment of Dean, College of Allied Health Professions
(PR 6B)

    President Singletary recommended that Thomas C. Robinson, Ph.D.,
presently Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, be named Dean of the
College of Allied Health Professions, effective July 1, 1984. Dr.
Robinson was present at the meeting and introduced.

    On motion made by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr. Griffin, and
carried, Dr. Thomas C. Robinson was named Dean of the College of
Allied Health Professions, effective July 1, 1984. (See PR 6B at
the end of the Minutes.)

    W.   Amendment of Bylaws of the Medical Staff, University
Hospital (PR 6C)

    With President Singletary so recommending, Mr. Farmer moved
approval of the proposed amendments to the Bylaws of the Medical
Staff, University Hospital, as presented in PR 6C. Mr. Farmer's
motion was seconded by Mr. Rose and passed unanimously. (See PR 6C
at the end of the Minutes.)

    X.   Amendment of Medical Practice Plan of the College of
Medicine (PR 6D)

    President Singletary explained that the proposed amendment to
the Medical Practice Plan contained in PR 6D will permit some
flexibility in dealing with the clinical income of part-time faculty
members whose practices are carried out primarily in locations not
associated with University Hospital. He then recommended that the
Board approve the proposed amendment. The motion, which was made by
Mr. Ramsey and seconded by Mr. Larry Jones, was voted on and
carried, (See PR 6D at the end of the Minutes.)



    Y.   Agreement Between University of Kentucky and Kentucky
Medical Services Foundation (PR 6E)

    President Singletary recommended approval of the agreement
between the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky and
Kentucky Medical Services Foundation, Incorporated as presented in
PR 6E. Mr. Black so moved. His motion was seconded by Mr. Watson
and carried.

    Professor Wilson asked that the following letter from the
University Senate Council regarding this matter be included in the
Minutes of the meeting:

                                              June 18, 1984

    Professor Constance P. Wilson
    Professor James D. Kemp
    Faculty Members of the Board of Trustees
    University of Kentucky

    Dear Professors Wilson and Kemp:

         The Senate Council received a request (dated 31 May 1984)
    from Professor William Cotter, Chairman of the Faculty Council
    of the College of Medicine, asking the Senate Council to
    support Section 6, A and B, of the Agreement between the Board
    of Trustees and the Kentucky Medical Services Foundation
    (KMSF) set forth in documents dated 30 June 1978 and 28 June
    1979. Section 6 of this Agreement requires that KMSF pay 10%
    of the clinical collections by KMSF to the Fund for the
    Advancement of Education and Research in the University of
    Kentucky Medical Center in "an account maintained for the
    purpose of providing an academic enrichment fund to be used by
    the Dean of the College of Medicine" in support of college
    programs and for the enrichment of these programs (and related

         At its 17 April 1984 meeting the KMSF Board voted to
    change the payment of previously agreed 10% to 9% for the
    fiscal year starting 1 July 1984. The impetus for this
    decreased payment apparently derives from a combination of
    projected decreases in clinical collections secondary to
    changes in third party policies and increased overhead
    expenses secondary to the use of the new Medical Plaza
    Building in which the clinic faculty now renders outpatient

          The College of Medicine Faculty Council feels that the
    academic enrichment funds provide critical support for
    academic programs, that the KMSF Board acted unilaterally, and
    that a decrease in contributions for academic enrichment would
    constitute a breach of faith with the college faculty.



        The Senate Council supports this statement and asks that
   you communicate this position to the members of the Board of


                                /s/Robert N. Bostrom

                                Robert N. Bostrom

    (See PR 6E at the end of the Minutes.)

    Z.   Appointment of Dean, College of Nursing (PR 6F)

    President Singletary indicated his pleasure in recommending that
Carolyn A. Williams, Ph.D. be named Dean and Professor, with tenure,
College of Nursing, effective July 1, 1984. Explaining that the
search for a dean to replace Dean Marion McKenna had been conducted in
accordance with the University's Governing Regulations, President
Singletary said he was very pleased to recommend Dr. Carolyn A.
Williams to fill this position.

    On motion made by Mr. Ramsey, seconded by Mr. Bradford, and
passed, Carolyn A. Williams, Ph.D. was named Dean and Professor, with
tenure, College of Nursing, effective July 1, 1984. (See PR 6F at the
end of the Minutes.)

    AA. Appointment of Chairman, Department of Prosthodontics,
College of Dentistry (PR 6G)

    President Singletary said he was also pleased to recommend that
Hubert Fields, Jr., D.M.D. be named Chairperson and Professor, without
tenure, Department of Prosthodontics, College of Dentistry. He
pointed out that this is one of the first appointments to a shared
chairmanship for the dental schools of the University of Kentucky and
University of Louisville that resulted from negotiations conducted
between the two presidents of the schools. Dr. Fields is currently
Chairperson and Professor, with tenure, in the Department of
Prosthodontics at the University of Louisville School of Dentistry.

    On motion duly made, seconded, and carried, approval was given to
the appointment of Hubert Fields, D.M.D. as Chairperson and Professor,
without tenure, Department of Prosthodontics, College of Dentistry,
retroactive to May 1, 1984. (See PR 6G at the end of the Minutes.)

    BB. Interim Financial Report (FCR 1)

    Mr. Farmer reported that the Finance Committee had met on the
morning of June 19, 1984. There being disagreement between the
members of the Finance Committee concerning a recommendation on one of
the items, Lease of University Bookstore (FCR 9), it was decided that
FCR 9 should be presented to the Board for action.



   There were eight additional items which the Finance Committee did
act upon. Mr. Farmer then recommended and so moved that the Board
accept the University of Kentucky financial report for the ten months
ended April 30, 1984. His motion was seconded by Mr. Rose and passed
without dissent. (See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

    CC. Designation of a Depository Bank (FCR 2)

    With the Finance Committee so recommending, Mr. Farmer then moved
that the Board of Trustees designate the Citizens National Bank in
Somerset, Kentucky to serve as a depository bank for the University of
Kentucky and/or its affiliated corporations. Mr. Farmer's motion was
seconded by Mr. Black and passed without dissent. (See FCR 2 at the
end of the Minutes.)

    DD. Disposal of Personal Property (FCR 3)

    With the concurrence of the Finance Committee, Mr. Farmer
recommended that the Board approve the disposal of personal property
in FCR 3. On motion duly made, seconded, and carried, it was so
ordered. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

    EE. Transfer of Matching Funds to Ephraim McDowell Cancer
Research Foundation (FCR 4)

    On motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the Board (1) accepted
the gift of $122,224.00 received by the University from the Trustees
of the Lucille P. Markey Charitable Trust, and (2) authorized the
Treasurer of the University to transfer the aforesaid sum together
with accrued interest thereon to the Ephraim McDowell Cancer Research
Foundation to be used for construction of Phase II of the Lucilie
Parker Markey Cancer Center. (See FCR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

    FF. Disposal of Surplus Property (FCR 5)

    Mr. Farmer then moved that the University declare as surplus Lot
431, Unit 4, and Lot 337, Unit 3, Perry Park Resort, Owen County,
Kentucky and that the Vice Chancellor for Administration be authorized
to dispose of these lots as recommended in FCR 5. Mr. Hershey
seconded Mr. Farmer's motion which passed without dissent.

    President Singletary noted that these two lots were given to the
University by Ellwood Hammaker, a retired University professor, and
his wife Evelyn and that the proceeds from the sale of the lots will
be used for the benefit of handicapped student services. (See FCR 5
at the end of the Minutes,)

    GG. Report on Leases (FCR 6)

    With the concurrence of the Finance Committee, Mr. Farmer moved
 that the report of the President on the execution of a lease between
 the University of Kentucky Agronomy Department and Homer Mitchell and
 the execution of a lease between the Tobacco and Health Research
 Institute and Industrial Warehousing Company be accepted and made a
 matter of record. Mr. Brereton C. Jones seconded Mr. Farmer's motion,
 and it was so ordered. (See FCR 6 at the end of the Minutes.)



    HH. Little Kentucky Derby Scolarship Fund (FCR 7)

    On motion made by Mr. Farmer, seconded by Mr. Bell, and carried,
the Board of Trustees authorized the establishment of a
quasi-endowment for the Little Kentucky Derby Scholarship Fund.

    Chairman McCowan commended the student body on working together to
raise money for deserving fellow students. (See FCR 7 at the end of
the Minutes.)

    II. Estate of Mildred Rhoads (FCR 8)

    Mr. Farmer moved that the Board of Trustees authorize the
establishment of a quasi-endowment under the terms of the Will of
Mildred Rhoads. The money is to be used for scholarships, loans, and
grants to Agriculture majors in Animal Husbandry. Mr. Farmer's motion
was seconded by Mr. Lassetter and passed unanimously. (See FCR 8 at
the end of the Minutes.)

    JJ. Lease of University Bookstore (FCR 9)

    Mr. Farmer called on Vice Chancellor Blanton, who reviewed the
procedure followed in arriving at the recommendation in the attached
FCR 9. Concern was expressed about the policy on "tie bids" with an
expression that in such instances the award should be given to
Kentucky firms. Mr. Larry Jones stated that he felt a
pre-qualification system for bids should be considered.

    Following discussion, Mr. Griffin moved that the Vice Chancellor
for Administration of the Lexington Campus be authorized to enter into
a three-year agreement on behalf of the University with the Follett
College Stores Corporation as recommended in FCR 9. Mr. Griffin's
motion was seconded by Mr. Bell and carried, with two dissenting votes
by Mr. Lunsford and Mr. Geary. (See FCR 9 at the end of the Minutes.)

    KK. Operating Budget for 1984-85 (PR 3F)

    In opening his budget presentation, President Singletary stated
that the proposed expenditure level of $381.4 million represents an
increase of $9.8 million (2.6 percent) over the 1983-84 Operating
Budget. Using a series of charts, he reviewed the major sources of
income, expenditures by program, and a history of faculty salaries in
relation to the University's benchmark institutions. He pointed out
that salaries for 1983-84 for the Lexington Campus and Medical Center
were about $636 lower than the median of U.K.'s benchmark institutions
and that salaries for the Community College faculty exceeded the
benchmark median by $350. President Singletary stressed that the
problem this budget creates is reflected in a projection that by
1985-86 the average faculty salary for the Lexington Campus and
Medical Center is estimated to be $2,300 below the benchmark median,
and in a similar comparison, it is estimated that the average
Community College faculty salary will be $700 below the benchmark
median. He pointed out that the University is being put in a
noncompetitive position as it not only inhibits the ability to attract
faculty but makes it extremely difficult to keep faculty that are in
demand elsewhere.


-1 1-

    President Singletary concluded his presentation by saying it is
his belief that this is the best budget that could be put together
under the circumstances. He then recommended approval.

    Mr. Griffin moved that the 1984-85 Operating Budget be approved,
and that the Chairman of the Board be authorized to execute contracts
with the administrative officers providing for the terms and
conditions of their employment for 1984-85. Mr. Griffin's motion was
seconded by Mr. Black and passed with all present voting "aye".

    Governor Chandler complimented President Singletary on his
outstanding efforts to obtain funding for the University, and thanked
him for his dedication to the University of Kentucky and to the people
of the Commonwealth.

    Mr. Black, on behalf of the Board, expressed thanks and
appreciation to President Singletary and his senior administrative
staff for their leadership and commended them for their position
relative to their individual salaries for 1984-85. (See PR 3F at the
end of the Minutes.)

    LL. Mr. David Bradford Recognized

    Governor Chandler recognized Mr. Bradford, who was attending his
last meeting as a member of the Board. He complimented Mr. Bradford
on his distinguished service to the University during his tenure as
Student Trustee and extended best wishes on behalf of the Board.

    MM. President Singletary Commended

    The Chair recognized Mr. Bell who voiced his concern over a recent
editorial in the local newspaper criticizing the lack of academic
achievement under the administration of President Singletary. Mr.
Bell recalled some of the achievements and academic progress that he
attributed directly to President Singletary, which included the naming
of seven Alumni Professors, the establishment of two endowed chairs, a
banner-year giving by alumni and friends of the University, the gift
from John R. and Joan B. Gaines to endow the Gaines Fellowships in the
Humanities, the adoption of Selective Admissions, and the creation
last month by the Board of the Otis A. Singletary Fund for Excellence.

     Mr. Bell indicated that the Board of Trustees recognizes the
academic excellence which has been achieved under President
Singletary's leadership and added that the Board needs to make the
public aware of these accomplishments. Speaking on behalf of the
Alumni, Mr. Bell stated that under President Singletary's guidance not
only the University but the State is a much better place "because he
passed our way." Mr. Bell requested that these statements be a part
of the Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees, following
which Mr. Bell was given a round of applause.


-1 2-

   NN. Mr. William B. Sturgill Recognized

   Mr. Lunsford, in recalling the four years that he spent working
closely with Mr. Sturgill during the Administration of former Governor
John Y. Brown, Jr., praised Mr. Sturgill for his leadership, his
devotion, and his dedication to education in Kentucky and to the
University of Kentucky in particular. He spoke of Mr. Sturgill's
loyalty to the University which, Mr. Lunsford pointed out, was
demonstrated on numerous occasions while serving as Chairman of the
Board of Trustees. In his closing comments, Mr. Lunsford expressed
appreciation and thanks to Mr. Sturgill for the years of service he
gave so willingly to the University.

    Mr. McCowan expressed his appreciation to Mr. Lunsford for his
comments which he said conveyed sentiments shared by him and the other
members of the Board.

    00. Nominating Committee Appointed

    Mr. McCowan appointed Mr. Frank Ramsey, Mr. Larry Jones, Mr. T. A.
Lassetter, Mr. William Black, and Professor James Kemp to serve as the
Nominating Committee to recommend officers of the Board and members of
the Executive Committee of the Board for 1984-85. Mr. Ramsey will
chair the committee, and the report will be presented to the Board at
the meeting on September 18, 1984.

    PP. Meeting Adjourned

    Mr. McCowan expressed his appreciation to the members of the Board
for the honor bestowed upon him in electing him to serve as Chairman
of the Board. There being no further business, the meeting was
adjourned at 4 p.m.

                                Respectfully submitted,

                                John C. Darsie
                                Assistant Secretary
                                Board of Trustees

(PR's 2, 3A, 3B, 3C-1, 3C-2, 3C-3, 3C-4, 3D, 3E, 3F, 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A,
5B, 6A, 6B, 6C, 6D, 6E, 6F, and 6G; and FCR's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
and 9 which follow are official parts of the Minutes of the meeting.)


Office of the President
June 19, 1984

PR 2

Members, Board of Trustees:

                            Personnel Actions

Recommendation: (1) that approval be given to the attached appointments
and/or other staff changes which require Board action; and (2) that
the report relative to appointments and/or changes already approved by
the administration be accepted.
Background: The attached recommended appointments and/or other staff
changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance with
Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University. These
recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate
chancellor through the President and have his concurrence.
Under the Governing Regulations, the authority to make certain
appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President
or other administrators who are required to report their actions to
the Board. This report follows the recommendations requiring Board

Action taken: Approved

Date:            June 19

x      Disapproved
      , 1984



- 1 -

                          CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION



         President's Office

         Babbage, Robert A., Jr., Assistant to the President, effective
           June 4, 1984.